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WORD LISTS, NGSL 2nd 1000 others (1)

NGSL 2nd 1000 others (1)

Hello, thank you for watching this lesson. So, this lesson is not designed as a study lesson, but it is more designed as a checking lesson for how far have you come in the basic word lists and in the basic usage of English language.

shoots shooting shootings announces announced announcing independents recommends recommended recommending surveys surveyed surveying majorities sticks stuck sticking requests requested requesting richer richest winds winded winding exchanges exchanged exchanging budgets budgeted budgeting bloods blooded blooding appropriates appropriated appropriating blocks blocked blocking warms warmed warming warmer warmest counts counted counting scenes writers contents contented contenting prevents prevented preventing safer safest invites invited inviting mixes mixed mixing elements corrects corrected correcting medicals admits admitting admitted beats beating beaten beatings telephones telephoned telephoning copies copied copying committees advices handles handled handling glasses glassed glassing trials trialed trialing trialled trialling stresses stressed radios radioed administrations complexes texts contexts rides rode riding ridden heavies heavier heaviest removes removed removing conducts conducted conducting equipments titles titled titling extras executives chairs chaired chairing samples sampled sampling samplings sexes delivers delivered delivering videos videoed connections connexion connexions primaries weathers weathered weathering collects collected collecting informs informed informing principles principled straighter straightest appeals appealed appealing trusts trusted trusting flats flatted flatting flows flowed flowing fairs faired fairing fairer fairest farms farmed farming collections hangs hung hanging hanged hangings negatives bands banded relatives tours toured touring alternatives pairs paired pairing pairings ships shipped shipping attitudes cheaper cheapest doubles doubled doubling legs legged legging leggings observes observed observing sentences sentenced sentencing prints printed printing printings progresses progressed progressing truths nobodies examines examined examining lays laid laying speeds sped speeded speeding replies replied replying displays displayed displaying transfers transferred transferring transfering perfects perfected perfecting intends intended intending users responds responded responding dinners slows slowed slowing slower slowest regulars physicals suits suited suiting federals reveals revealed revealing revealled revealling percentages peaces crimes declines declined declining decades launches launched launching warns warned warning warnings consumers favors favored favoring favour favours favoured favouring dries dried drying drier driest partners partnered partnering institutions spots spotted spotting horses horsed horsing heats heated heating excites excited exciting readers distances distanced distancing guides guided guiding grants granted granting taxis taxiing taxies feeds fed feeding feedings pains pained paining sectors mistakes mistook mistaking ensures ensured ensuring satisfies satisfied satisfying chiefs cools cooled cooling coolest experts waves waved waving labors labored laboring labour labours laboured labouring surfaces surfaced surfacing libraries edges edged edging camps camped camping audiences lifts lifted lifting procedures emails emailed emailing struggles struggled struggling advertises advertised advertising advertize advertizes advertized advertizing selects selected selecting surrounds surrounded surrounding surroundings extents rivers annuals contrasts contrasted contrasting rolls rolled rolling realities photographs photographed photographing artists conflicts conflicted conflicting presences crowds crowded crowding corners cornered cornering gases gassed gassing gasses shifts shifted shifting nets netted netting categories secretaries defenses defence defences quicker quickest cooks cooked cooking spreads spreading scales scaled scaling drivers balls balled balling cries cried crying introductions requirements confirms confirmed confirming seniors photos refuses refused refusing transports transported transporting emerges emerged emerging maps mapped mapping mappings concepts islands islanded islanding reforms reformed reforming footballs survives survived surviving flights lefts solves solved solving neighbors neighbored neighboring neighbour neighbours neighboured neighbouring backgrounds techniques traffics trafficked trafficking traffick trafficks improvements tools tooled tooling consequences circumstances smokes smoked smoking reactions rains rained raining busies busied busying busier busiest lessons brains brained braining masses massed massing funnier funniest contributes contributed contributing failures schedules scheduled scheduling speakers bottoms bottomed bottoming adopts adopted adopting combines combined combining mountains wastes wasted wasting hides hid hiding hidden marriages tickets ticketed ticketing meals colleagues bags bagged bagging repeats repeated repeating equals equaled equaling equalled equalling expressions pluses owners planes planed commercials ladies duties strengths connects connected connecting arranges arranged arranging schemes schemed scheming payments briefs briefed briefing briefer briefest briefings birds birded birding demonstrates demonstrated demonstrating contributions appreciates appreciated appreciating chapters secrets novels unions burns burned burning burnt trends trended trending initials initialed initialing initialled initialling pleasures pleasured pleasuring suggestions gathers gathered gathering gatherings earths earthed pops popped popping essentials desires desired desiring promotes promoted promoting employs employed employing paths topics beaches beached beaching attracts attracted attracting engages engaged engaging flowers flowered flowering crises settles settled settling boats boated boating aids aided aiding fans fanned fanning kitchens fresher freshest delays delayed delaying safeties engineers engineered engineering quiets quieted quieting quieter quietest insurances nurses nursed nursing divides divided dividing lengths investigations packages packaged packaging expands expanded expanding commits committing committed jumps jumped jumping weapons hosts hosted hosting winters wintered wintering districts broader broadest tires tired tiring springs sprang sprung springing spirits spirited spiriting lunches lunched lunching pools pooled pooling battles battled battling traditions cashes cashed cashing awards awarded awarding coaches coached coaching experiments experimented experimenting considerations strangest codes coded coding threats accidents revenues enables enabled enabling actives concludes concluded concluding cancers convinces convinced convincing varies varied varying suns sunned sunning healthier healthiest blows blew blowing blown volumes locations invests invested investing proceeds proceeded proceeding proceedings washes washed washing actors gladder gladdest tapes taped taping opposites stones stoned stoning sums summed summing murders murdered murdering monitors monitored monitoring soldiers soldiered soldiering finances financed financing financings hates hated hating eggs egged egging concerts concerted shocks shocked shocking packs packed packing recalls recalled wines wining cameras swims swam swimming swum manufactures manufactured manufacturing theaters theatre theatres cycles cycled cycling coffees museums visitors freedoms constructions dears dearer dearest objectives opposes opposed opposing branches branched branching vehicles scientists routes binds binding belongs belonged belonging belongings tastes tasted tasting tastings fashions fashioned fashioning dangers bombs bombed bombing bombings armies decreases decreased decreasing hurts hurting councils editors sights sighted sighting sightings generates generated generating gifts gifted gifting deliveries denies denied denying guests bedrooms quotes quoted quoting climbs climbed climbing ministers ministered ministering mouths mouthed mouthing noises manners mannered guns gunned gunning squares squared squaring squarer squarest occasions occasioned occasioning familiars ignores ignored ignoring destroys destroyed destroying affairs locates located locating citizens temperatures domestics loads loaded loading beliefs troops reminds reminded reminding arrangements skins skinned skinning prisons switches switched switching acquires acquired acquiring woods wooded participates participated participating tougher toughest tears tore tearing representatives capacities borders bordered bordering shakes shook shaking shaken assessments shoes shoed shod oughtn oughta outta ads fees halls regulations escapes escaped escaping studios relaxes relaxed relaxing tourists components affords afforded affording lawyers suspects suspected suspecting cups cupped cupping descriptions confidences industrials complains complained complaining perspectives errors arrests arrested arresting assesses assessed assessing registers registered registering assets signals signaled signaling signalled signalling fingers fingered fingering explores explored exploring leaderships commitments wakes woke waking woken waked brighter brightest frames framed framing bonds bonded bonding hires hired hiring holes holed holing ties tied tying internals chains chained chaining literatures victims threatens threatened threatening divisions secures secured securing amazes amazed amazing devices births birthed birthing forests forested foresting labels labeled labeling labelled labelling roots rooted rooting factories expenses expensed expensing channels channeled channelled channelling channeling investigates investigated investigating recommendations ranks ranked ranking rankings friendlier friendliest residents provisions provisioned provisioning concentrates concentrated concentrating exports exported exporting bridges bridged bridging consists consisted consisting graduates graduated graduating brands branded branding morals insists insisted insisting combinations abuses abused abusing ices iced principals masters mastered mastering sessions grades graded grading predicts predicted predicting protections weds wedded wedding weddings rents rented renting shots appearances guarantees guaranteed guaranteeing guaranty guaranties tills tilled tilling themes themed judgments odder oddest approves approved approving loans loaned loaning definitions elects elected electing atmospheres farmers comparisons characteristics licenses licensed licensing licence licences licenced licencing relies relied relying narrows narrowed narrowing narrower narrowest succeeds succeeded succeeding identities desks permits permitted permitting wilder wildest wilds empties emptied emptying emptier emptiest commissions commissioned commissioning associations instruments instrumented investors teas lovelier loveliest softer softest rows rowed rowing youths locks locked locking fuels fueled fueling expectations employments celebrates celebrated celebrating shoulders shouldered breaths imports imported importing bottles bottled bottling sheets sheeted sheeting engines casts casted casting castings notions conservatives journeys journeyed journeying oppositions reliefs debts honors honored honoring honour honours honoured honouring outcomes blames blamed blaming explanations arises arose arising arisen musicals recovers recovered recovering dads daddy daddies stretches stretched stretching declares declared declaring retires retired retiring tinier tiniest natives fruits fruited fruiting analyzes analyzed analyzing analyse analysed analysing witnesses witnessed witnessing mails mailed mailing mailings researchers selections participants visions personalities fats fatter fattest entries fellows chemicals captures captured capturing tips tipped tipping discounts discounted discounting peaks peaked peaking chairmen proportions proportioned proportioning ears eared disappears disappeared disappearing shouts shouted shouting yards constants hills hilled hilling instructions intelligences ideals folks guards guarded guarding cats kisses kissed kissing presentations joints jointed jointing competes competed competing polls polled polling weaker weakest faiths reductions reserves reserved reserving complaints bores bored boring missions tones toned toning neighborhoods neighbourhood neighbourhoods passengers justices phases phased phasing thins thinned thinning thinner thinnest rushes rushed rushing formals religions employers rejects rejected rejecting plates plated plating bans banned banning steals stole stealing stolen protests protested protesting indexes indexed indexing indices sadder saddest circles circled circling commands commanded commanding sicker sickest impressions jokes joked joking skies columns columned electronics imposes imposed imposing criminals ancients coasts coasted coasting ills kicks kicked kicking multiples yields yielded yielding legislations counties mobiles assistants implements implemented implementing charts charted charting attaches attached attaching hells advises advised advising households acknowledges acknowledged acknowledging rewards rewarded rewarding hats hatted academics voters accuses accused accusing wages waged waging absences constructs constructed constructing remarks remarked remarking medicines professors prof rarer rarest intentions dozens settlements gaps gapped gapping minima minimums estates exposes exposed exposing shuts victories resolves resolved resolving critics variables sweets sweeter sweetest emotions pursues pursued pursuing taller tallest urges urged urging urgings enemies appoints appointed appointing milks milked milking talents talented smells smelled smelling priors priorities phrases phrased phrasing pilots piloted piloting stables stabled stabling resolutions communicates communicated communicating injuries vaster vastest exhibitions producers regionals incidents childhoods drafts drafted drafting draught draughts slips slipped slipping accompanies accompanied accompanying politicians angrier angriest knocks knocked knocking seeds seeded seeding salaries salaried illustrates illustrated illustrating implies implied implying breakfasts breakfasted breakfasting liberals lakes qualifies qualified qualifying yellows yellowed yellowing habits habited disks disc discs cores cored coring aircrafts selves metals existences bones boned boning panels paneled paneling panelled panelling primes primed priming appointments emphasizes emphasized emphasizing emphasise emphasises emphasised emphasising bothers bothered bothering initiatives sharper sharpest diets dieted dieting motions motioned motioning grays grayed graying grayer grayest grey greys greyed greying greyer greyest plastics complicates complicated complicating disciplines disciplined disciplining disappoints disappointed disappointing bosses bossed bossing assumptions freezes froze freezing frozen extremes passages reputations negotiations mechanisms coats coated coating coatings democracies pockets pocketed pocketing luckier luckiest crashes crashed crashing observations meats concentrations implications deserves deserved deserving defends defended defending classics kings interactions repairs repaired repairing collapses collapsed collapsing borrows borrowed borrowing borrowings fundamentals dishes dished dishing souls defeats defeated defeating enhances enhanced enhancing prouder proudest emergencies distinguishes distinguished distinguishing manufacturers slides slid sliding valuables breasts breasted breasting copes coped coping accommodations highlights highlighted highlighting reporters climates shirts shirted shirting exceptions corporations chips chipped chipping winners encounters encountered encountering browns browned browning browner brownest breathes breathed breathing excuses excused excusing confuses confused confusing outputs outputted outputting beauties installs installed installing calculates calculated calculating mouses mice mathematic math maths uppers creations occupies occupied occupying outlines outlined outlining updates updated updating lucks lucked lucking preserves preserved preserving splits splitting swings swung swinging illnesses journalists advertisements advertisment advertisments asides comforts comforted comforting severer severest genes prospects prospected prospecting snows snowed snowing plots plotted plotting necks necked necking criterions integrates integrated integrating criticisms conventions bets betted betting retains retained retaining sequences sequenced sequencing sequencings plains plainer plainest volunteers volunteered volunteering calms calmed calming calmer calmest abandons abandoned abandoning examinations silences silenced silencing revolutions delights delighted delighting spells spelled spelling spelt spellings premises premised premising leans leaned leaning leanings leant leaner leanest dramatics differs differed differing proteins bikes biked biking distributes distributed distributing intellectuals derives derived deriving wheels wheeled wheeling crops cropped cropping minorities origins interpretations gentlemen dramas landscapes landscaped landscaping educates educated educating toys toyed toying faults faulted faulting exhibits exhibited exhibiting minors hunts hunted hunting storms stormed storming thicker thickest achievements negotiates negotiated negotiating

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NGSL 2nd 1000 others (1) NGSL 2. 1000 andere (1) NGSL 2nd 1000 その他 (1) NGSL 2 1000 других (1)

Hello, thank you for watching this lesson. So, this lesson is not designed as a study lesson, but it is more designed as a checking lesson for how far have you come in the basic word lists and in the basic usage of English language.

shoots shooting shootings announces announced announcing independents recommends recommended recommending surveys surveyed surveying majorities sticks stuck sticking requests requested requesting richer richest winds winded winding exchanges exchanged exchanging budgets budgeted budgeting bloods blooded blooding appropriates appropriated appropriating blocks blocked blocking warms warmed warming warmer warmest counts counted counting scenes writers contents contented contenting prevents prevented preventing safer safest invites invited inviting mixes mixed mixing elements corrects corrected correcting medicals admits admitting admitted beats beating beaten beatings telephones telephoned telephoning copies copied copying committees advices handles handled handling glasses glassed glassing trials trialed trialing trialled trialling stresses stressed radios radioed administrations complexes texts contexts rides rode riding ridden heavies heavier heaviest removes removed removing conducts conducted conducting equipments titles titled titling extras executives chairs chaired chairing samples sampled sampling samplings sexes delivers delivered delivering videos videoed connections connexion connexions primaries weathers weathered weathering collects collected collecting informs informed informing principles principled straighter straightest appeals appealed appealing trusts trusted trusting flats flatted flatting flows flowed flowing fairs faired fairing fairer fairest farms farmed farming collections hangs hung hanging hanged hangings negatives bands banded relatives tours toured touring alternatives pairs paired pairing pairings ships shipped shipping attitudes cheaper cheapest doubles doubled doubling legs legged legging leggings observes observed observing sentences sentenced sentencing prints printed printing printings progresses progressed progressing truths nobodies examines examined examining lays laid laying speeds sped speeded speeding replies replied replying displays displayed displaying transfers transferred transferring transfering perfects perfected perfecting intends intended intending users responds responded responding dinners slows slowed slowing slower slowest regulars physicals suits suited suiting federals reveals revealed revealing revealled revealling percentages peaces crimes declines declined declining decades launches launched launching warns warned warning warnings consumers favors favored favoring favour favours favoured favouring dries dried drying drier driest partners partnered partnering institutions spots spotted spotting horses horsed horsing heats heated heating excites excited exciting readers distances distanced distancing guides guided guiding grants granted granting taxis taxiing taxies feeds fed feeding feedings pains pained paining sectors mistakes mistook mistaking ensures ensured ensuring satisfies satisfied satisfying chiefs cools cooled cooling coolest experts waves waved waving labors labored laboring labour labours laboured labouring surfaces surfaced surfacing libraries edges edged edging camps camped camping audiences lifts lifted lifting procedures emails emailed emailing struggles struggled struggling advertises advertised advertising advertize advertizes advertized advertizing selects selected selecting surrounds surrounded surrounding surroundings extents rivers annuals contrasts contrasted contrasting rolls rolled rolling realities photographs photographed photographing artists conflicts conflicted conflicting presences crowds crowded crowding corners cornered cornering gases gassed gassing gasses shifts shifted shifting nets netted netting categories secretaries defenses defence defences quicker quickest cooks cooked cooking spreads spreading scales scaled scaling drivers balls balled balling cries cried crying introductions requirements confirms confirmed confirming seniors photos refuses refused refusing transports transported transporting emerges emerged emerging maps mapped mapping mappings concepts islands islanded islanding reforms reformed reforming footballs survives survived surviving flights lefts solves solved solving neighbors neighbored neighboring neighbour neighbours neighboured neighbouring backgrounds techniques traffics trafficked trafficking traffick trafficks improvements tools tooled tooling consequences circumstances smokes smoked smoking reactions rains rained raining busies busied busying busier busiest lessons brains brained braining masses massed massing funnier funniest contributes contributed contributing failures schedules scheduled scheduling speakers bottoms bottomed bottoming adopts adopted adopting combines combined combining mountains wastes wasted wasting hides hid hiding hidden marriages tickets ticketed ticketing meals colleagues bags bagged bagging repeats repeated repeating equals equaled equaling equalled equalling expressions pluses owners planes planed commercials ladies duties strengths connects connected connecting arranges arranged arranging schemes schemed scheming payments briefs briefed briefing briefer briefest briefings birds birded birding demonstrates demonstrated demonstrating contributions appreciates appreciated appreciating chapters secrets novels unions burns burned burning burnt trends trended trending initials initialed initialing initialled initialling pleasures pleasured pleasuring suggestions gathers gathered gathering gatherings earths earthed pops popped popping essentials desires desired desiring promotes promoted promoting employs employed employing paths topics beaches beached beaching attracts attracted attracting engages engaged engaging flowers flowered flowering crises settles settled settling boats boated boating aids aided aiding fans fanned fanning kitchens fresher freshest delays delayed delaying safeties engineers engineered engineering quiets quieted quieting quieter quietest insurances nurses nursed nursing divides divided dividing lengths investigations packages packaged packaging expands expanded expanding commits committing committed jumps jumped jumping weapons hosts hosted hosting winters wintered wintering districts broader broadest tires tired tiring springs sprang sprung springing spirits spirited spiriting lunches lunched lunching pools pooled pooling battles battled battling traditions cashes cashed cashing awards awarded awarding coaches coached coaching experiments experimented experimenting considerations strangest codes coded coding threats accidents revenues enables enabled enabling actives concludes concluded concluding cancers convinces convinced convincing varies varied varying suns sunned sunning healthier healthiest blows blew blowing blown volumes locations invests invested investing proceeds proceeded proceeding proceedings washes washed washing actors gladder gladdest tapes taped taping opposites stones stoned stoning sums summed summing murders murdered murdering monitors monitored monitoring soldiers soldiered soldiering finances financed financing financings hates hated hating eggs egged egging concerts concerted shocks shocked shocking packs packed packing recalls recalled wines wining cameras swims swam swimming swum manufactures manufactured manufacturing theaters theatre theatres cycles cycled cycling coffees museums visitors freedoms constructions dears dearer dearest objectives opposes opposed opposing branches branched branching vehicles scientists routes binds binding belongs belonged belonging belongings tastes tasted tasting tastings fashions fashioned fashioning dangers bombs bombed bombing bombings armies decreases decreased decreasing hurts hurting councils editors sights sighted sighting sightings generates generated generating gifts gifted gifting deliveries denies denied denying guests bedrooms quotes quoted quoting climbs climbed climbing ministers ministered ministering mouths mouthed mouthing noises manners mannered guns gunned gunning squares squared squaring squarer squarest occasions occasioned occasioning familiars ignores ignored ignoring destroys destroyed destroying affairs locates located locating citizens temperatures domestics loads loaded loading beliefs troops reminds reminded reminding arrangements skins skinned skinning prisons switches switched switching acquires acquired acquiring woods wooded participates participated participating tougher toughest tears tore tearing representatives capacities borders bordered bordering shakes shook shaking shaken assessments shoes shoed shod oughtn oughta outta ads fees halls regulations escapes escaped escaping studios relaxes relaxed relaxing tourists components affords afforded affording lawyers suspects suspected suspecting cups cupped cupping descriptions confidences industrials complains complained complaining perspectives errors arrests arrested arresting assesses assessed assessing registers registered registering assets signals signaled signaling signalled signalling fingers fingered fingering explores explored exploring leaderships commitments wakes woke waking woken waked brighter brightest frames framed framing bonds bonded bonding hires hired hiring holes holed holing ties tied tying internals chains chained chaining literatures victims threatens threatened threatening divisions secures secured securing amazes amazed amazing devices births birthed birthing forests forested foresting labels labeled labeling labelled labelling roots rooted rooting factories expenses expensed expensing channels channeled channelled channelling channeling investigates investigated investigating recommendations ranks ranked ranking rankings friendlier friendliest residents provisions provisioned provisioning concentrates concentrated concentrating exports exported exporting bridges bridged bridging consists consisted consisting graduates graduated graduating brands branded branding morals insists insisted insisting combinations abuses abused abusing ices iced principals masters mastered mastering sessions grades graded grading predicts predicted predicting protections weds wedded wedding weddings rents rented renting shots appearances guarantees guaranteed guaranteeing guaranty guaranties tills tilled tilling themes themed judgments odder oddest approves approved approving loans loaned loaning definitions elects elected electing atmospheres farmers comparisons characteristics licenses licensed licensing licence licences licenced licencing relies relied relying narrows narrowed narrowing narrower narrowest succeeds succeeded succeeding identities desks permits permitted permitting wilder wildest wilds empties emptied emptying emptier emptiest commissions commissioned commissioning associations instruments instrumented investors teas lovelier loveliest softer softest rows rowed rowing youths locks locked locking fuels fueled fueling expectations employments celebrates celebrated celebrating shoulders shouldered breaths imports imported importing bottles bottled bottling sheets sheeted sheeting engines casts casted casting castings notions conservatives journeys journeyed journeying oppositions reliefs debts honors honored honoring honour honours honoured honouring outcomes blames blamed blaming explanations arises arose arising arisen musicals recovers recovered recovering dads daddy daddies stretches stretched stretching declares declared declaring retires retired retiring tinier tiniest natives fruits fruited fruiting analyzes analyzed analyzing analyse analysed analysing witnesses witnessed witnessing mails mailed mailing mailings researchers selections participants visions personalities fats fatter fattest entries fellows chemicals captures captured capturing tips tipped tipping discounts discounted discounting peaks peaked peaking chairmen proportions proportioned proportioning ears eared disappears disappeared disappearing shouts shouted shouting yards constants hills hilled hilling instructions intelligences ideals folks guards guarded guarding cats kisses kissed kissing presentations joints jointed jointing competes competed competing polls polled polling weaker weakest faiths reductions reserves reserved reserving complaints bores bored boring missions tones toned toning neighborhoods neighbourhood neighbourhoods passengers justices phases phased phasing thins thinned thinning thinner thinnest rushes rushed rushing formals religions employers rejects rejected rejecting plates plated plating bans banned banning steals stole stealing stolen protests protested protesting indexes indexed indexing indices sadder saddest circles circled circling commands commanded commanding sicker sickest impressions jokes joked joking skies columns columned electronics imposes imposed imposing criminals ancients coasts coasted coasting ills kicks kicked kicking multiples yields yielded yielding legislations counties mobiles assistants implements implemented implementing charts charted charting attaches attached attaching hells advises advised advising households acknowledges acknowledged acknowledging rewards rewarded rewarding hats hatted academics voters accuses accused accusing wages waged waging absences constructs constructed constructing remarks remarked remarking medicines professors prof rarer rarest intentions dozens settlements gaps gapped gapping minima minimums estates exposes exposed exposing shuts victories resolves resolved resolving critics variables sweets sweeter sweetest emotions pursues pursued pursuing taller tallest urges urged urging urgings enemies appoints appointed appointing milks milked milking talents talented smells smelled smelling priors priorities phrases phrased phrasing pilots piloted piloting stables stabled stabling resolutions communicates communicated communicating injuries vaster vastest exhibitions producers regionals incidents childhoods drafts drafted drafting draught draughts slips slipped slipping accompanies accompanied accompanying politicians angrier angriest knocks knocked knocking seeds seeded seeding salaries salaried illustrates illustrated illustrating implies implied implying breakfasts breakfasted breakfasting liberals lakes qualifies qualified qualifying yellows yellowed yellowing habits habited disks disc discs cores cored coring aircrafts selves metals existences bones boned boning panels paneled paneling panelled panelling primes primed priming appointments emphasizes emphasized emphasizing emphasise emphasises emphasised emphasising bothers bothered bothering initiatives sharper sharpest diets dieted dieting motions motioned motioning grays grayed graying grayer grayest grey greys greyed greying greyer greyest plastics complicates complicated complicating disciplines disciplined disciplining disappoints disappointed disappointing bosses bossed bossing assumptions freezes froze freezing frozen extremes passages reputations negotiations mechanisms coats coated coating coatings democracies pockets pocketed pocketing luckier luckiest crashes crashed crashing observations meats concentrations implications deserves deserved deserving defends defended defending classics kings interactions repairs repaired repairing collapses collapsed collapsing borrows borrowed borrowing borrowings fundamentals dishes dished dishing souls defeats defeated defeating enhances enhanced enhancing prouder proudest emergencies distinguishes distinguished distinguishing manufacturers slides slid sliding valuables breasts breasted breasting copes coped coping accommodations highlights highlighted highlighting reporters climates shirts shirted shirting exceptions corporations chips chipped chipping winners encounters encountered encountering browns browned browning browner brownest breathes breathed breathing excuses excused excusing confuses confused confusing outputs outputted outputting beauties installs installed installing calculates calculated calculating mouses mice mathematic math maths uppers creations occupies occupied occupying outlines outlined outlining updates updated updating lucks lucked lucking preserves preserved preserving splits splitting swings swung swinging illnesses journalists advertisements advertisment advertisments asides comforts comforted comforting severer severest genes prospects prospected prospecting snows snowed snowing plots plotted plotting necks necked necking criterions integrates integrated integrating criticisms conventions bets betted betting retains retained retaining sequences sequenced sequencing sequencings plains plainer plainest volunteers volunteered volunteering calms calmed calming calmer calmest abandons abandoned abandoning examinations silences silenced silencing revolutions delights delighted delighting spells spelled spelling spelt spellings premises premised premising leans leaned leaning leanings leant leaner leanest dramatics differs differed differing proteins bikes biked biking distributes distributed distributing intellectuals derives derived deriving wheels wheeled wheeling crops cropped cropping minorities origins interpretations gentlemen dramas landscapes landscaped landscaping educates educated educating toys toyed toying faults faulted faulting exhibits exhibited exhibiting minors hunts hunted hunting storms stormed storming thicker thickest achievements negotiates negotiated negotiating