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WORD LISTS, TOP-WORDS NGSL 2800 By bands - Part 2

TOP-WORDS NGSL 2800 By bands - Part 2

Hello, thank you for watching this lesson. So, this lesson is not designed as a study lesson, but it is more designed as a checking lesson for how far have you come in the basic word lists and in the basic usage of English language.

#TOP-WORDS 16-20 finger relevant explore leadership commitment wake necessarily bright frame slowly bond hire hole tie internal chain literature victim threaten division secure amaze device birth forest label root factory expense channel investigate recommendation rank typical west friendly resident provision concentrate plenty export entirely strongly bridge consist graduate brand moral insist combination abuse ice principal master definitely session grade nevertheless predict previously protection largely wed rent shot appearance reasonable guarantee till theme judgment odd approve loan definition elect atmosphere farmer comparison characteristic license rely narrow succeed identity desk permit seriously wild empty commission unique association instrument investor practical tea lovely soft row youth lock fuel expectation employment celebrate sexual shoulder breath increasingly import bottle ourselves sheet engine cast notion conservative journey opposition relief debt honor outcome blame explanation arise musical recover dad stretch declare retire tiny careful suitable native fruit analyze witness mail terrible researcher ordinary selection anywhere mental participant vision personality specifically fat entry fellow chemical capture tip discount peak chairman proportion ear disappear shout yard constant significantly hill considerable instruction intelligence ideal folk surely guard cat somewhat kiss presentation joint compete poll weak faith reduction reserve complaint bore mission somehow tone neighborhood passenger justice phase thin rush formal religion employer reject latter plate ban steal protest index sad frequently circle helpful command attractive sick impression unable joke sky column electronic impose criminal besides properly ancient coast ill kick closely multiple yield via legislation county unlike mobile assistant implement chart attach hell everywhere advise household acknowledge reward east hat academic voter meanwhile furthermore accuse scientific wage absence construct remark medicine professor rare intention dozen settlement gap widely minimum northern estate equally expose alive shut victory resolve critic variable enormous sweet permanent emotion pursue tall urge enemy appoint milk talent smell prior priority online phrase pilot stable merely resolution communicate injury vast exhibition producer regional immediate incident childhood draft slip accompany politician angry knock seed salary illustrate imply breakfast temporary liberal lake qualify competitive truly hi yellow habit disk core emotional aircraft self metal existence bone panel prime appointment emphasize maximum effectively elsewhere bother initiative sharp diet motion gray plastic complicate discipline disappoint boss assumption freeze extreme passage reputation forth negotiation mechanism coat democracy pocket lucky crash observation meat concentration implication deserve unusual defend classic king interaction repair collapse borrow fundamental dish abroad soul capable defeat presidential perfectly enhance proud emergency educational distinguish substantial nearby manufacturer slide valuable personally breast cope approximately accommodation highlight reporter climate shirt exception corporation chip winner encounter brown breathe excuse partly tennis urban confuse southern output beauty massive install calculate mouse mathematics upper creation occupy outline sufficient update luck preserve split swing illness journalist sudden advertisement consistent originally aside comfort secondly severe gene prospect snow plot neck criterion primarily integrate criticism convention bet retain sequence plain volunteer rural calm abandon examination silence rapidly efficient revolution delight spell premise lean dramatic differ grateful protein bike distribute intellectual derive crucial unemployment wheel crop minority origin interpretation gentleman drama landscape educate toy fault exhibit minor hunt storm thick achievement negotiate

#TOP-WORDS 21-25 dominate supplier prize typically peer pension wing acquisition laughter deeply recognition electricity assistance roof retirement respectively variation ultimately proof soil smart layer upset tooth representation preparation dispute agenda emphasis edition silver entertainment honest undertake retail wire unlikely gay publication slight unknown framework zone restrict trace inch equivalent solid enterprise elderly owe governor uniform port pitch arrival contemporary gate ease beer specialist assure profile mood episode crack numerous submit symptom virtually era coverage tension cable sensitive nervous input isolate prisoner eliminate tight wet secondary welfare recruit exclude string cloud persuade inspire grand hence crew phenomenon pupil false assist restore formula alter perceive routine sink stare anymore hero supporter convert steady meter truck nose beside sail disaster pace heavily devote terrorist justify vital fascinate external spare whenever depression guilty underlie mom distinction satisfaction incorporate pour sweep obligation sir evaluate anger pub perception naturally currency database initially territory stream rarely height apparent western expansion constantly muscle scare badly everyday boundary ratio essay scream withdraw pollution disorder furniture symbol apartment demonstration analyst platform steel cake transform wound restriction foundation designer strain innovation album singer trail trap loose extension wealth gradually tank evil remarkable tune grass invitation transition frighten bid breed extraordinary brilliant adviser stem reverse mode mirror awful pose adjust creative nowadays poem agricultural competitor alcohol festival vegetable van confident planet curve knee overcome web depth entrance log giant god portion substance extensive interpret independence sugar inner harm consult pink shadow strip smooth intervention impress exam vice radical similarly behave loud dimension subsequent infection jacket efficiency dirty statistic regularly resort iron broadcast membership bread blind pure bloody ally quantity bend mature briefly alarm disturb sustain flood poverty crazy cite newly parallel gender sponsor boot accurate dealer button burden desert mate occasionally shareholder bowl discovery resistance bath frequency criticize tap philosophy lip attribute apologize approval grab entitle lend involvement exposure conventional digital translate edit formation deposit pleasant overseas advocate establishment summary rough pen recovery seal tube tower characterize specify exact spin operator infant dig drag mount wrap anticipate dependent specialize angle chicken anxiety virus precisely rival offense detect teenager admire moderate surgery musician significance shower illegal charity universal cigarette constitute adequate consultant historian cousin visual stupid keen ethnic twin clinical eastern forecast segment custom adapt sand cap prompt charm react lecture venture compound rescue mess preference comprehensive incentive league dialog cream rapid cancel regret dismiss margin beneath opponent resist capability absolute correspond stroke dare barrier rid divorce ruin bury counsel tendency frequent motor survival counter possess permission valley float mad greatly visible electric impressive evolution awareness violent slave wealthy architecture acceptable journal coal measurement random successfully depress illustration burst privilege buyer mutual rail motivate laboratory mortgage promotion passion champion fulfill dust dedicate roughly skirt province march evaluation compromise accomplish weakness announcement salt glance opera contest brush embarrass gallery genetic aggressive chest format literary govern embrace praise silent pump publisher celebration golf compensation classical weigh versus deficit modify flash friendship profession literally equation gesture entertain fantastic assign inflation historic injure remote therapy orange twist personnel imagination

#TOP-WORDS 26-28 disagree throat insight tackle forever exceed expenditure joy pregnant reliable gear poet fortune ceremony pile pig mixture automatically scholar psychological dramatically stake creature partnership participation clause penalty chamber fancy poetry chat clothing evolve sake shelf boost tail possession abortion curious wooden boom tale democratic maintenance consequently pot cow strengthen whilst constraint fold bin undergo potentially scope pretend diversity allege pride intense inquiry resign craft strict concrete shell damn distinct humor limitation indication stability wise neglect compose jail shelter mere carbon regulate cheese trigger pipe destruction guitar flag piano magic mystery ski whisper rear menu species moon presumably bless airline amendment grandmother jury cooperation civilian composition coin regardless scan bunch racial greet hopefully sanction trick paragraph maker chocolate stimulate belt potato narrative tissue barely invent tourism pro stair hesitate shine motivation romantic firmly interior stomach nowhere pray championship servant immigrant excess complexity liability surprisingly extract implementation bias differently catalog continuous golden stamp guideline envelope knife biological consume luxury weekly wherever bite printer firstly anxious adventure fence exhaust attraction ocean quietly castle veteran reflection nerve determination altogether fiction carpet cluster confusion hurry logic controversial raw grammar revise hint hook bell liquid panic uncle rice slope happiness genuine vessel verb reckon silly transportation harbor comedy chase storage universe horrible sheep lover rat portrait innocent substitute supplement adjustment reasonably filter flexible abstract tent precise distant stranger shade grain situate summarize leap snap probability leather uncertainty swear refugee shore monthly comprise stir excitement sigh pregnancy experimental institutional slice wander empire subsequently gentle attendance ownership qualification suspend functional voluntary pale stain athlete organic tongue server structural fool alongside unite gently compute wipe weird gaze fade cough hypothesis royal theoretical curtain mayor darkness aunt tournament registration fragment listener tender density ugly module faithfully autumn cheek attachment holder grin noun fortunate alright lazy hello hunger insure ashamed found thirst

#TOP-WORDS-SUP 1 two three four five million six hundred ten thousand seven eight nine billion twenty thirty fifty twelve fifteen nineteen forty zero eighteen eleven sixteen sixty fourteen eighty seventy seventeen thirteen ninety trillion august july monday october february january june friday saturday sunday wednesday thursday april december november

TOP-WORDS NGSL 2800 By bands - Part 2 TOP-WORDS NGSL 2800 nach Bändern - Teil 2

Hello, thank you for watching this lesson. So, this lesson is not designed as a study lesson, but it is more designed as a checking lesson for how far have you come in the basic word lists and in the basic usage of English language. したがって、このレッスンは学習レッスンとしては設計されていませんが、基本的な単語リストと英語の基本的な使い方でどれだけ進んでいるかの確認レッスンとして設計されています。

#TOP-WORDS 16-20  finger relevant explore leadership commitment wake necessarily bright frame slowly bond hire hole tie internal chain literature victim threaten division secure amaze device birth forest label root factory expense channel investigate recommendation rank typical west friendly resident provision concentrate plenty export entirely strongly bridge consist graduate brand moral insist combination abuse ice principal master definitely session grade nevertheless predict previously protection largely wed rent shot appearance reasonable guarantee till theme judgment odd approve loan definition elect atmosphere farmer comparison characteristic license rely narrow succeed identity desk permit seriously wild empty commission unique association instrument investor practical tea lovely soft row youth lock fuel expectation employment celebrate sexual shoulder breath increasingly import bottle ourselves sheet engine cast notion conservative journey opposition relief debt honor outcome blame explanation arise musical recover dad stretch declare retire tiny careful suitable native fruit analyze witness mail terrible researcher ordinary selection anywhere mental participant vision personality specifically fat entry fellow chemical capture tip discount peak chairman proportion ear disappear shout yard constant significantly hill considerable instruction intelligence ideal folk surely guard cat somewhat kiss presentation joint compete poll weak faith reduction reserve complaint bore mission somehow tone neighborhood passenger justice phase thin rush formal religion employer reject latter plate ban steal protest index sad frequently circle helpful command attractive sick impression unable joke sky column electronic impose criminal besides properly ancient coast ill kick closely multiple yield via legislation county unlike mobile assistant implement chart attach hell everywhere advise household acknowledge reward east hat academic voter meanwhile furthermore accuse scientific wage absence construct remark medicine professor rare intention dozen settlement gap widely minimum northern estate equally expose alive shut victory resolve critic variable enormous sweet permanent emotion pursue tall urge enemy appoint milk talent smell prior priority online phrase pilot stable merely resolution communicate injury vast exhibition producer regional immediate incident childhood draft slip accompany politician angry knock seed salary illustrate imply breakfast temporary liberal lake qualify competitive truly hi yellow habit disk core emotional aircraft self metal existence bone panel prime appointment emphasize maximum effectively elsewhere bother initiative sharp diet motion gray plastic complicate discipline disappoint boss assumption freeze extreme passage reputation forth negotiation mechanism coat democracy pocket lucky crash observation meat concentration implication deserve unusual defend classic king interaction repair collapse borrow fundamental dish abroad soul capable defeat presidential perfectly enhance proud emergency educational distinguish substantial nearby manufacturer slide valuable personally breast cope approximately accommodation highlight reporter climate shirt exception corporation chip winner encounter brown breathe excuse partly tennis urban confuse southern output beauty massive install calculate mouse mathematics upper creation occupy outline sufficient update luck preserve split swing illness journalist sudden advertisement consistent originally aside comfort secondly severe gene prospect snow plot neck criterion primarily integrate criticism convention bet retain sequence plain volunteer rural calm abandon examination silence rapidly efficient revolution delight spell premise lean dramatic differ grateful protein bike distribute intellectual derive crucial unemployment wheel crop minority origin interpretation gentleman drama landscape educate toy fault exhibit minor hunt storm thick achievement negotiate ||||||||||||||||nội bộ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kéo giãn||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||buộc tội||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tiêu chí|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||xuất phát|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||contrast|||||||||||||||||||||||||| リーグ

#TOP-WORDS 21-25  dominate supplier prize typically peer pension wing acquisition laughter deeply recognition electricity assistance roof retirement respectively variation ultimately proof soil smart layer upset tooth representation preparation dispute agenda emphasis edition silver entertainment honest undertake retail wire unlikely gay publication slight unknown framework zone restrict trace inch equivalent solid enterprise elderly owe governor uniform port pitch arrival contemporary gate ease beer specialist assure profile mood episode crack numerous submit symptom virtually era coverage tension cable sensitive nervous input isolate prisoner eliminate tight wet secondary welfare recruit exclude string cloud persuade inspire grand hence crew phenomenon pupil false assist restore formula alter perceive routine sink stare anymore hero supporter convert steady meter truck nose beside sail disaster pace heavily devote terrorist justify vital fascinate external spare whenever depression guilty underlie mom distinction satisfaction incorporate pour sweep obligation sir evaluate anger pub perception naturally currency database initially territory stream rarely height apparent western expansion constantly muscle scare badly everyday boundary ratio essay scream withdraw pollution disorder furniture symbol apartment demonstration analyst platform steel cake transform wound restriction foundation designer strain innovation album singer trail trap loose extension wealth gradually tank evil remarkable tune grass invitation transition frighten bid breed extraordinary brilliant adviser stem reverse mode mirror awful pose adjust creative nowadays poem agricultural competitor alcohol festival vegetable van confident planet curve knee overcome web depth entrance log giant god portion substance extensive interpret independence sugar inner harm consult pink shadow strip smooth intervention impress exam vice radical similarly behave loud dimension subsequent infection jacket efficiency dirty statistic regularly resort iron broadcast membership bread blind pure bloody ally quantity bend mature briefly alarm disturb sustain flood poverty crazy cite newly parallel gender sponsor boot accurate dealer button burden desert mate occasionally shareholder bowl discovery resistance bath frequency criticize tap philosophy lip attribute apologize approval grab entitle lend involvement exposure conventional digital translate edit formation deposit pleasant overseas advocate establishment summary rough pen recovery seal tube tower characterize specify exact spin operator infant dig drag mount wrap anticipate dependent specialize angle chicken anxiety virus precisely rival offense detect teenager admire moderate surgery musician significance shower illegal charity universal cigarette constitute adequate consultant historian cousin visual stupid keen ethnic twin clinical eastern forecast segment custom adapt sand cap prompt charm react lecture venture compound rescue mess preference comprehensive incentive league dialog cream rapid cancel regret dismiss margin beneath opponent resist capability absolute correspond stroke dare barrier rid divorce ruin bury counsel tendency frequent motor survival counter possess permission valley float mad greatly visible electric impressive evolution awareness violent slave wealthy architecture acceptable journal coal measurement random successfully depress illustration burst privilege buyer mutual rail motivate laboratory mortgage promotion passion champion fulfill dust dedicate roughly skirt province march evaluation compromise accomplish weakness announcement salt glance opera contest brush embarrass gallery genetic aggressive chest format literary govern embrace praise silent pump publisher celebration golf compensation classical weigh versus deficit modify flash friendship profession literally equation gesture entertain fantastic assign inflation historic injure remote therapy orange twist personnel imagination |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||baby||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||train||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

#TOP-WORDS 26-28 disagree throat insight tackle forever exceed expenditure joy pregnant reliable gear poet fortune ceremony pile pig mixture automatically scholar psychological dramatically stake creature partnership participation clause penalty chamber fancy poetry chat clothing evolve sake shelf boost tail possession abortion curious wooden boom tale democratic maintenance consequently pot cow strengthen whilst constraint fold bin undergo potentially scope pretend diversity allege pride intense inquiry resign craft strict concrete shell damn distinct humor limitation indication stability wise neglect compose jail shelter mere carbon regulate cheese trigger pipe destruction guitar flag piano magic mystery ski whisper rear menu species moon presumably bless airline amendment grandmother jury cooperation civilian composition coin regardless scan bunch racial greet hopefully sanction trick paragraph maker chocolate stimulate belt potato narrative tissue barely invent tourism pro stair hesitate shine motivation romantic firmly interior stomach nowhere pray championship servant immigrant excess complexity liability surprisingly extract implementation bias differently catalog continuous golden stamp guideline envelope knife biological consume luxury weekly wherever bite printer firstly anxious adventure fence exhaust attraction ocean quietly castle veteran reflection nerve determination altogether fiction carpet cluster confusion hurry logic controversial raw grammar revise hint hook bell liquid panic uncle rice slope happiness genuine vessel verb reckon silly transportation harbor comedy chase storage universe horrible sheep lover rat portrait innocent substitute supplement adjustment reasonably filter flexible abstract tent precise distant stranger shade grain situate summarize leap snap probability leather uncertainty swear refugee shore monthly comprise stir excitement sigh pregnancy experimental institutional slice wander empire subsequently gentle attendance ownership qualification suspend functional voluntary pale stain athlete organic tongue server structural fool alongside unite gently compute wipe weird gaze fade cough hypothesis royal theoretical curtain mayor darkness aunt tournament registration fragment listener tender density ugly module faithfully autumn cheek attachment holder grin noun fortunate alright lazy hello hunger insure ashamed found thirst |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sửa đổi||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||danh mục|||||||||||||||||||||||cựu chiến binh|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||container|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||smile||||||||||

#TOP-WORDS-SUP 1  two three four five million six hundred ten thousand seven eight nine billion twenty thirty fifty twelve fifteen nineteen forty zero eighteen eleven sixteen sixty fourteen eighty seventy seventeen thirteen ninety trillion august july monday october february january june friday saturday sunday wednesday thursday april december november ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nghìn||||||||||||||| ||superior||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 学ぶ