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Thomas Frank Study Tips, How to Break Your Procrastination Habit (For Good)

How to Break Your Procrastination Habit (For Good)

- Hey, what is up guys?

And welcome to the final video

in our procrastination miniseries.

Over the course of the past couple of videos,

we have dug into the science behind procrastination,

talked about what you can do step-by-step

to stop procrastinating when you find yourself doing it

in the moment and that leaves us with one final question

which is, if you are a chronic procrastinator,

if you find yourself putting things off again and again,

how do you stop that process,

how do you stop that cycle,

and this was really the question

that led me to do this series in the first place,

because as I alluded to in the previous video,

I have been a chronic procrastinator for quite some time.

In fact, every video I put out

on this YouTube channel over the past three

or four years has always been done kind of last minute,

and this honestly goes back even further

than my YouTube career.

It goes back into high school and middle school.

I was the kid who'd come to school at 6 a.m.

the day homework was due

and I would do it in the cafeteria before school started,

and I was always proud of this

and I think that's sort

of built the foundation for my chronic procrastination later

in life, so I went, I dug into the reasons

for my own procrastination

and I ended up finding some common themes

that I think a lot of you are going to identify with

which is gonna form kind of the meat of most of this video,

and then we're gonna get into one final tip

that I think everyone needs

to implement no matter what the specific causes

are that they are dealing with,

but the first thing that I want to mention here

is that I think self awareness

is a hugely important aspect in becoming less

of a procrastinator, because everyone

has particular reasons for why they tend to put things off.

Yes, in the science video,

we talked about some of the most common causes

and I think those are gonna be

kind of universal across the board,

but everyone has their own specific demons,

everyone has something that causes them to put things off

and that's gonna affect them more

than it might affect someone else.

So before digging into my reasons for procrastination,

which I do think a lot of you are going to identify with,

I just wanna put this out there.

Observe your own behavior,

observe the decisions you make and why you make them,

both emotional short-term decisions

but also long-term decisions as well.

Once you get into the habit of doing this,

you can start to identify some

of the underlying causes for why you do things

that you don't want to do,

such as procrastinating on your work.

So as I mentioned, I'm gonna go over four

big causes for my own procrastination in this video,

starting with the first one which

is that I am often overwhelmed with everything

that I have to do, and this causes me

to basically become paralyzed.

I have this analysis paralysis

because I'm aware of the huge amount

of things on my plate, all the projects

that are currently going on,

and it makes it very difficult

to focus in on the one task I need to do,

but of course to get over procrastination,

that is exactly what I need to do,

I need to basically put everything out

of my mind except for the one thing

that needs to be focused on at this moment,

and to drive that point home,

I wanna share one of my favorite quotes

from the book Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

"Do not let the panorama of your life oppress you.

"Do not dwell on all the various troubles

"which may have occurred in the past

"or may occur in the future.

"Just ask yourself in each instance of the present,

"what is there in this work

"which I cannot endure or support?

"You'll be ashamed to make any such confession.

"Then remind yourself that it

"is neither the future nor the past which weighs on you,

"but always the present,

"and the present burden reduces if only you can isolate it

"and accuse your mind of weakness

"if it cannot hold against something thus stripped bare."

And we let the sum total of everything

that we need to do occupy our attention,

then the weight of it all can become unbearable

and that's how we get paralyzed,

that's how we put things off,

so by sitting down and getting clear on exactly what needs

to be done in the present moment,

maybe by writing it down on a piece of paper

and putting everything out of our attention except

that one thing, we can easily move forward

because in almost all instances,

if you get clear enough,

if you make it actionable enough,

it's easy to do, or at least the path is clear.

Secondly, I need to let go of the belief

that procrastination is actually a good thing,

and I think this is something that is not unique to me.

In fact, in the book A Mind for Numbers

by Barbara Oakley she talks about how this

is something that can become a pattern of behavior.

You can start to almost brag about how you're

able to get things done even though you procrastinated.

And in my case, I start

to attribute positive aspects to the act

of procrastination itself,

such as that I work better under pressure,

the time pressure of a deadline

actually makes me more creative,

but what I believe is actually happening

is that I have set lower standards

for myself than I actually have the potential to achieve.

I have been procrastinating for so long

that what I set out to achieve every single time

is something that is achievable by a procrastinator,

by somebody doing things at the absolute last moment,

and if I can get over that belief,

I would be able to achieve so much more,

so if you're like me, if you tend

to make these justifications,

and you tend to brag about how your procrastination

is actually a good thing,

quote unquote, then every time you

have to put something off a little bit,

every time you have to compromise on your vision

because of a deadline, realize

that that is a product of you procrastinating

and far from procrastination being an asset in this case,

it was actually a hindrance,

it caused you to compromise on your original vision,

or what you wanted to achieve.

All right, big issue number three from you which is the fact

that some aspects of my work just aren't fulfilling

and they aren't fun, and that also causes procrastination,

and I think this may be

one of the biggest problems for a lot

of you guys out there as well.

Some of your work just is not fun.

You don't want to do it.

Now, as I mentioned in the first video in the series,

a lot of people are gonna say,

well, if that's the case,

you need to drop your work and go follow your passion man,

find work that you want to do

that gets you out of bed in the morning,

and the fact of the matter

is that no matter what you're doing,

there's always going to be aspects

of your work that aren't fun.

There is always gonna be little tasks

that you don't really want to do,

so instead of focusing on those tasks

and the fact that they aren't that fulfilling,

I think that you need to focus on your identity.

This is something that I think about a lot.

Instead of telling myself

that I really don't wanna do this task and fixating on that,

I fixate instead on the fact

that I want be known as a hard-working person,

and like the author James Clear talks about

in his excellent book Atomic Habits,

every action you take is essentially a vote

for your identity, so when you fixate on your identity,

it actually influences the actions you're going to take.

It's kind of a two-way street.

That leaves us with our fourth

and final problem which for me I think is the biggest one

and it's the problem of perfectionism.

One of the biggest reasons

that I find it difficult to start my work

is that I have this overarching believe

that it has to be absolutely perfect from the start,

and even though in past videos

I have recommended getting in making a mess,

going with that terrible first draft idea,

I have trouble actually doing this.

Now, there are a lot of different reasons for perfectionism

and in fact, I've even done an entire video on perfectionism

which you may want to watch after this one,

but for me, I think the biggest influence is the fact

that my previous body of work has set certain expectations

or at least I believe that it has.

The fact that for the past four years

I've been putting out videos

that I've done well that people

have found useful makes me feel

like everything I put out in the future essentially has

to be the be-all end-all resource on that topic.

It has to be supremely helpful,

and this is honestly a pretty egocentric view, right?

I'm just one person among billions on

a speck floating through space,

so every piece of work I put out can't be

the most perfect thing ever,

but there is this internal belief that it has to be,

and you might have this problem as well.

If you've gotten good grades in the past,

or you've gotten a lot of great feedback from your boss,

maybe you feel like everything you do going forward has

to be absolutely perfect,

and I want to stress that this perspective

isn't completely useless,

but it's an editor's perspective

and it's a terrible perspective

to have when you go into the creation process at the start.

When you're thinking like an editor,

you can't create very well.

When you're fixated on what other people are going to think

and how your work is going to be judged,

you can't be creative.

You can't make that mess

that's important for just getting things started.

And at least for me, this relates very heavily

back to my second problem

which was sort of bragging about procrastination,

feeling like it was almost a superpower of mine,

because it would cause me to delay the start

of my work until right before the deadline,

at which point of course there is no time to first make

that mess and then go back and refine it later,

so for me at least, the solution here is twofold.

Number one, let go of that perfectionist mindset

at least in the beginning

of the process so I can actually make that mess

and get those thoughts out on that piece of paper

and number two, start work well in advance.

Maybe even use mini deadlines to facilitate this.

That way, there actually is time for refinements.

All right, so those are the four big issues that

at least for me cause chronic procrastination

and hopefully you've identified with

at least one of those along with my suggestions for

how to start improving upon it.

But in addition to those,

I do wanna give you one final suggestion

which I think is going to be universally helpful

for anybody watching this video

and struggling with procrastination

and it's to set up your environment

in accordance with the 20 second rule.

This is a concept from

Shawn Achor's book The Happiness Advantage

and the gist of this concept

is that you want to take anything

that you want to do less often

and increase the friction required to start doing it,

so that it takes more than 20 seconds to start doing,

and of course this 20 second figure

is more illustrative than anything.

It's not based some scientific principle,

so if something takes less than 20 seconds

or more than 20 seconds,

that's fine, but the basic idea here is you

want to set up your environment

so that it's more inconvenient to go play video games,

just go check stats, like I have a problem with doing,

and so it's less inconvenient to start doing your work,

and I think this is very important for anyone

to keep in mind, but it's especially important

for chronic procrastinators

is because you can aspire to embody the identity

of a hard-working person.

You can aspire to be less of a perfectionist,

but that doesn't happen overnight.

No big change does.

And when you are in the process

of making a big change in your life,

you need to set up systems that keep you on track,

almost like training wheels,

so install a website blocker on your computer

or disconnect the Internet when you need to do your work

or make an entirely separate user account

that has nothing but your work programs

and websites available on it.

Put your video games in inconvenient places.

Basically do whatever it takes

to make procrastination

as inconvenient as possible

so you can start working on becoming less

of a chronic procrastinator.

Do that and then start working in earnest on

at least one of the issues we've talked about in this video

and you will be well on your way to becoming

the kind of person who does not put things off.

Now, one thing that a lot

of people tend to procrastinate on

to their detriment is securing their online lives.

Too many people I know use

the same passwords across multiple accounts,

they don't use two factor authentication,

and they do all kinds of other things

that could open them up to potentially getting hacked

or having their online accounts compromised.

And as more and more of

our livelihoods become dependent on online systems,

you can't afford to be one of those procrastinators.

Fortunately, one of the most important steps

to becoming secure which

is having a strong unique password on every site

that you log into is also

one of the easiest if you use a tool like Dashlane.

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As always, I wanna give a big thanks

to Dashlane for sponsoring this video

and being a big supporter of my channel

and thank you as well for watching.

If you enjoyed this video,

definitely give it a thumbs up

and get subscribed right there

so you don't miss out on new videos

when they come out every single week.

You can also click like there to get a free copy

of my book on how to earn better grades

which may be useful to use since finals

are definitely right around the corner.

You can also follow me on Instagram

at tomfrankly or get one more video on this channel

by clicking right there.

Thanks for watching and I will see you

in the next one, goodbye!

How to Break Your Procrastination Habit (For Good) Wie Sie Ihre Prokrastinationsgewohnheit (für immer) überwinden Comment rompre avec la procrastination (pour de bon) 미루는 습관을 깨는 방법(영원히) Como quebrar o seu hábito de procrastinação (para sempre) 如何改掉拖延习惯(永远) 如何改掉拖延習慣(永遠)

- Hey, what is up guys?

And welcome to the final video

in our procrastination miniseries.

Over the course of the past couple of videos,

we have dug into the science behind procrastination, ||cavado sobre||||| nós investigamos a ciência por trás da procrastinação,

talked about what you can do step-by-step falou sobre o que você pode fazer passo a passo

to stop procrastinating when you find yourself doing it parar de procrastinar quando você se encontra fazendo isso

in the moment and that leaves us with one final question no momento e isso nos deixa com uma pergunta final

which is, if you are a chronic procrastinator, ou seja, se você é um procrastinador crônico,

if you find yourself putting things off again and again, se você se adiar de novo e de novo,

how do you stop that process, como você para esse processo,

how do you stop that cycle, como você para esse ciclo

and this was really the question e essa foi realmente a questão

that led me to do this series in the first place, que me levou a fazer essa série em primeiro lugar,

because as I alluded to in the previous video, |||aludi||||| porque como eu aludi no vídeo anterior,

I have been a chronic procrastinator for quite some time. Sou procrastinador crônico há algum tempo.

In fact, every video I put out De fato, todo vídeo que eu publico

on this YouTube channel over the past three neste canal do YouTube nos últimos três

or four years has always been done kind of last minute, ou quatro anos sempre foram feitos no último minuto,

and this honestly goes back even further ||||||ainda mais e isso honestamente remonta ainda mais

than my YouTube career. do que minha carreira no YouTube.

It goes back into high school and middle school. Ele volta ao ensino médio e ensino médio.

I was the kid who'd come to school at 6 a.m. ||||quem tinha|||||| Eu era o garoto que chegara à escola às 6 da manhã.

the day homework was due ||dever de casa|| o dia da lição de casa era devido

and I would do it in the cafeteria before school started, e eu fazia na cafeteria antes do início das aulas,

and I was always proud of this e sempre tive orgulho disso

and I think that's sort e eu acho que é meio que

of built the foundation for my chronic procrastination later de construir as bases para a minha procrastinação crônica mais tarde

in life, so I went, I dug into the reasons na vida, então eu fui, procurei nas razões

for my own procrastination para minha própria procrastinação

and I ended up finding some common themes e acabei encontrando alguns temas comuns

that I think a lot of you are going to identify with que eu acho que muitos de vocês vão se identificar

which is gonna form kind of the meat of most of this video, que vai formar a carne da maior parte deste vídeo,

and then we're gonna get into one final tip e então vamos entrar em uma dica final

that I think everyone needs que eu acho que todo mundo precisa

to implement no matter what the specific causes implementar, não importa quais sejam as causas específicas

are that they are dealing with, são com quem estão lidando,

but the first thing that I want to mention here mas a primeira coisa que eu quero mencionar aqui

is that I think self awareness é que eu acho que autoconsciência

is a hugely important aspect in becoming less é um aspecto extremamente importante para se tornar menos

of a procrastinator, because everyone ||um procrastinador|| de um procrastinador, porque todo mundo

has particular reasons for why they tend to put things off. tem razões particulares para explicar porque eles tendem a adiar as coisas.

Yes, in the science video, Sim, no vídeo da ciência,

we talked about some of the most common causes nós conversamos sobre algumas das causas mais comuns

and I think those are gonna be e acho que esses serão

kind of universal across the board, meio universal,

but everyone has their own specific demons, ||||||demônios mas todo mundo tem seus próprios demônios específicos,

everyone has something that causes them to put things off todo mundo tem algo que os leva a adiar

and that's gonna affect them more e isso vai afetá-los mais

than it might affect someone else. do que pode afetar outra pessoa.

So before digging into my reasons for procrastination, ||cavar||||| Então, antes de explorar minhas razões para a procrastinação,

which I do think a lot of you are going to identify with, que eu acho que muitos de vocês vão se identificar,

I just wanna put this out there. Eu só quero colocar isso lá fora.

Observe your own behavior, Observe seu próprio comportamento,

observe the decisions you make and why you make them, observe as decisões que você toma e por que você as toma,

both emotional short-term decisions ambas as decisões emocionais de curto prazo

but also long-term decisions as well. mas também decisões de longo prazo.

Once you get into the habit of doing this, Depois de adquirir o hábito de fazer isso,

you can start to identify some você pode começar a identificar alguns

of the underlying causes for why you do things ||subjacentes|||||| das causas subjacentes pelas quais você faz as coisas

that you don't want to do, que você não quer fazer

such as procrastinating on your work. como procrastinar no seu trabalho.

So as I mentioned, I'm gonna go over four Então, como eu mencionei, vou passar por mais de quatro

big causes for my own procrastination in this video, grandes causas da minha procrastinação neste vídeo,

starting with the first one which começando com o primeiro que

is that I am often overwhelmed with everything |||||sobrecarregado|| é que muitas vezes estou sobrecarregado com tudo

that I have to do, and this causes me que eu tenho que fazer, e isso me causa

to basically become paralyzed. |||paralisado basicamente ficar paralisado.

I have this analysis paralysis ||||paralisia de análise Eu tenho essa paralisia de análise

because I'm aware of the huge amount porque eu estou ciente da enorme quantidade

of things on my plate, all the projects ||||tarefa||| de coisas no meu prato, todos os projetos

that are currently going on, que estão acontecendo atualmente,

and it makes it very difficult e isso torna muito difícil

to focus in on the one task I need to do, para focar na única tarefa que preciso fazer,

but of course to get over procrastination, mas é claro para superar a procrastinação,

that is exactly what I need to do, é exatamente isso que preciso fazer,

I need to basically put everything out Eu preciso basicamente colocar tudo para fora

of my mind except for the one thing da minha mente, exceto por uma coisa

that needs to be focused on at this moment, que precisa ser focado neste momento,

and to drive that point home, e para levar esse ponto para casa,

I wanna share one of my favorite quotes |||||||citações Quero compartilhar uma das minhas citações favoritas

from the book Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. do livro Meditações de Marco Aurélio.

"Do not let the panorama of your life oppress you. ||||panorama||||oprima| "Não deixe que o panorama da sua vida o oprima.

"Do not dwell on all the various troubles ||refletir sobre||||| "Não mencione todos os vários problemas

"which may have occurred in the past "que pode ter ocorrido no passado

"or may occur in the future. "ou pode ocorrer no futuro.

"Just ask yourself in each instance of the present, "Apenas pergunte a si mesmo em cada instância do presente,

"what is there in this work "o que há neste trabalho

"which I cannot endure or support? |||suportar|| "que eu não posso suportar ou apoiar?

"You'll be ashamed to make any such confession. ||envergonhado||||| "그러한 자백을하는 것은 부끄러운 일입니다. "Você terá vergonha de fazer tal confissão.

"Then remind yourself that it "Então lembre-se de que

"is neither the future nor the past which weighs on you, ||||||||pesa sobre|| "não é o futuro nem o passado que pesa sobre você,

"but always the present, "mas sempre o presente,

"and the present burden reduces if only you can isolate it ||presente fardo|carga||||||| "e a carga atual reduz se você puder isolá-la

"and accuse your mind of weakness |acusar||||fraqueza "e acuse sua mente de fraqueza

"if it cannot hold against something thus stripped bare." |||||||despojado|despojado "만약 벗겨진 물건을 붙잡을 수 없다면" "se não puder se segurar contra algo assim despido."

And we let the sum total of everything ||||soma||| 그리고 우리는 모든 것을 합산했습니다 E deixamos a soma total de tudo

that we need to do occupy our attention, |||||ocupar|| que precisamos ocupar nossa atenção,

then the weight of it all can become unbearable ||||||||insuportável então o peso de tudo isso pode se tornar insuportável

and that's how we get paralyzed, e é assim que ficamos paralisados,

that's how we put things off, é assim que adiamos as coisas,

so by sitting down and getting clear on exactly what needs então, sentando-se e esclarecendo exatamente o que precisa

to be done in the present moment, a ser feito no momento presente,

maybe by writing it down on a piece of paper talvez anotando em um pedaço de papel

and putting everything out of our attention except e colocando tudo fora de nossa atenção, exceto

that one thing, we can easily move forward que uma coisa, podemos facilmente avançar

because in almost all instances, ||||casos porque em quase todos os casos,

if you get clear enough, se você ficar claro o suficiente,

if you make it actionable enough, se você torná-lo acionável o suficiente,

it's easy to do, or at least the path is clear. é fácil de fazer, ou pelo menos o caminho é claro.

Secondly, I need to let go of the belief Em segundo lugar, preciso abandonar a crença

that procrastination is actually a good thing, que a procrastinação é realmente uma coisa boa,

and I think this is something that is not unique to me. e acho que isso é algo que não é exclusivo para mim.

In fact, in the book A Mind for Numbers De fato, no livro A Mind for Numbers

by Barbara Oakley she talks about how this por Barbara Oakley, ela fala sobre como isso

is something that can become a pattern of behavior. ||||||padrão|| é algo que pode se tornar um padrão de comportamento.

You can start to almost brag about how you're |||||vangloriar-se||| Você pode começar a se gabar de como está

able to get things done even though you procrastinated. ||||||||procrastinou capaz de fazer as coisas mesmo que você tenha procrastinado.

And in my case, I start E no meu caso, eu começo

to attribute positive aspects to the act atribuir aspectos positivos ao ato

of procrastination itself, de procrastinação em si,

such as that I work better under pressure, como eu trabalho melhor sob pressão,

the time pressure of a deadline a pressão do tempo de um prazo

actually makes me more creative, ||||criativo realmente me deixa mais criativo,

but what I believe is actually happening mas o que eu acredito que está realmente acontecendo

is that I have set lower standards é que eu estabeleci padrões mais baixos

for myself than I actually have the potential to achieve. para mim do que realmente tenho potencial para alcançar.

I have been procrastinating for so long Estou procrastinando há tanto tempo

that what I set out to achieve every single time que o que me propus a alcançar todas as vezes

is something that is achievable by a procrastinator, ||||alcançável||| é algo que é alcançável por um procrastinador,

by somebody doing things at the absolute last moment, por alguém fazendo as coisas no último momento absoluto,

and if I can get over that belief, e se eu conseguir superar essa crença,

I would be able to achieve so much more, Eu seria capaz de conseguir muito mais,

so if you're like me, if you tend então se você é como eu, se você tende

to make these justifications, para fazer essas justificativas,

and you tend to brag about how your procrastination ||||se gabar|||| e você costuma se gabar de como sua procrastinação

is actually a good thing, é realmente uma coisa boa,

quote unquote, then every time you citação|fecha aspas|||| entre aspas, sempre que você

have to put something off a little bit, tem que adiar um pouco,

every time you have to compromise on your vision toda vez que você precisa comprometer sua visão

because of a deadline, realize por causa de um prazo, perceba

that that is a product of you procrastinating que isso é um produto de você procrastinar

and far from procrastination being an asset in this case, e longe de a procrastinação ser um ativo nesse caso,

it was actually a hindrance, ||||um obstáculo foi realmente um obstáculo,

it caused you to compromise on your original vision, 원래의 비전을 타협하게했고 isso fez você comprometer sua visão original,

or what you wanted to achieve. ou o que você queria alcançar.

All right, big issue number three from you which is the fact Tudo bem, grande questão número três de você, que é o fato

that some aspects of my work just aren't fulfilling ||||||||satisfatórias que alguns aspectos do meu trabalho simplesmente não estão cumprindo

and they aren't fun, and that also causes procrastination, e eles não são divertidos, e isso também causa procrastinação,

and I think this may be e acho que isso pode ser

one of the biggest problems for a lot um dos maiores problemas por muito tempo

of you guys out there as well. de vocês por aí também.

Some of your work just is not fun. Parte do seu trabalho simplesmente não é divertido.

You don't want to do it. Você não quer fazer isso.

Now, as I mentioned in the first video in the series, Agora, como mencionei no primeiro vídeo da série,

a lot of people are gonna say, muita gente vai dizer,

well, if that's the case, bem, se for esse o caso,

you need to drop your work and go follow your passion man, você precisa abandonar seu trabalho e seguir sua paixão,

find work that you want to do encontre o trabalho que você quer fazer

that gets you out of bed in the morning, que te tira da cama de manhã,

and the fact of the matter e o fato da questão

is that no matter what you're doing, é que não importa o que você esteja fazendo,

there's always going to be aspects sempre haverá aspectos

of your work that aren't fun. do seu trabalho que não é divertido.

There is always gonna be little tasks Sempre haverá pequenas tarefas

that you don't really want to do, que você realmente não quer fazer,

so instead of focusing on those tasks então, ao invés de focar nessas tarefas

and the fact that they aren't that fulfilling, e o fato de não serem tão gratificantes,

I think that you need to focus on your identity. Eu acho que você precisa se concentrar em sua identidade.

This is something that I think about a lot. Isso é algo que eu penso muito.

Instead of telling myself Em vez de me dizer

that I really don't wanna do this task and fixating on that, |||||||||focando nisso|| que eu realmente não quero fazer essa tarefa e me fixar nisso,

I fixate instead on the fact |fixo-me|||| Eu me fixo no fato

that I want be known as a hard-working person, que eu quero ser conhecida como uma pessoa trabalhadora,

and like the author James Clear talks about e como o autor James Clear fala sobre

in his excellent book Atomic Habits, em seu excelente livro Atomic Habits,

every action you take is essentially a vote toda ação que você toma é essencialmente um voto

for your identity, so when you fixate on your identity, para sua identidade; portanto, quando você se fixa em sua identidade,

it actually influences the actions you're going to take. na verdade, influencia as ações que você tomará.

It's kind of a two-way street. É como uma rua de mão dupla.

That leaves us with our fourth |||||quarto Isso nos deixa com o nosso quarto

and final problem which for me I think is the biggest one ||||||||||a maior| e problema final que para mim eu acho que é o maior

and it's the problem of perfectionism. |||||o perfeccionismo e é o problema do perfeccionismo.

One of the biggest reasons Uma das maiores razões

that I find it difficult to start my work que acho difícil começar meu trabalho

is that I have this overarching believe |||||abrangente crença| é que eu tenho essa crença abrangente

that it has to be absolutely perfect from the start, que tem que ser absolutamente perfeito desde o início,

and even though in past videos e mesmo nos vídeos anteriores

I have recommended getting in making a mess, Eu recomendei fazer uma bagunça,

going with that terrible first draft idea, indo com aquela terrível primeira ideia preliminar,

I have trouble actually doing this. Eu tenho problemas para fazer isso.

Now, there are a lot of different reasons for perfectionism Agora, existem muitas razões diferentes para o perfeccionismo

and in fact, I've even done an entire video on perfectionism e, de fato, eu até fiz um vídeo inteiro sobre perfeccionismo

which you may want to watch after this one, que você pode assistir depois deste,

but for me, I think the biggest influence is the fact mas para mim, acho que a maior influência é o fato

that my previous body of work has set certain expectations |||corpo de trabalho|||||| que meu corpo de trabalho anterior estabeleceu certas expectativas

or at least I believe that it has. ou pelo menos acredito que sim.

The fact that for the past four years O fato de que nos últimos quatro anos

I've been putting out videos ||publicando|| Venho colocando vídeos

that I've done well that people que eu fiz bem que as pessoas

have found useful makes me feel acham útil me faz sentir

like everything I put out in the future essentially has como tudo o que coloco no futuro essencialmente

to be the be-all end-all resource on that topic. para ser o recurso de ponta a ponta nesse tópico.

It has to be supremely helpful, ||||supremamente| Tem que ser extremamente útil,

and this is honestly a pretty egocentric view, right? ||||||egocêntrica|| e esta é honestamente uma visão bastante egocêntrica, certo?

I'm just one person among billions on Eu sou apenas uma pessoa entre bilhões em

a speck floating through space, |pólo||| um pontinho flutuando no espaço,

so every piece of work I put out can't be então todo trabalho que desenvolvi não pode ser

the most perfect thing ever, a coisa mais perfeita de todas,

but there is this internal belief that it has to be, mas existe essa crença interna de que deve ser,

and you might have this problem as well. e você também pode ter esse problema.

If you've gotten good grades in the past, ||obtido||||| Se você obteve boas notas no passado,

or you've gotten a lot of great feedback from your boss, ou você recebeu ótimos comentários do seu chefe,

maybe you feel like everything you do going forward has talvez você sinta que tudo o que você faz daqui para frente tem

to be absolutely perfect, ser absolutamente perfeito,

and I want to stress that this perspective e quero enfatizar que essa perspectiva

isn't completely useless, ||não é completamente inútil não é completamente inútil,

but it's an editor's perspective |||do editor| mas é a perspectiva de um editor

and it's a terrible perspective e é uma perspectiva terrível

to have when you go into the creation process at the start. ter quando você entra no processo de criação no início.

When you're thinking like an editor, Quando você pensa como um editor,

you can't create very well. você não pode criar muito bem.

When you're fixated on what other people are going to think Quando você está fixo no que as outras pessoas vão pensar

and how your work is going to be judged, e como seu trabalho será julgado,

you can't be creative. você não pode ser criativo.

You can't make that mess Você não pode fazer essa bagunça

that's important for just getting things started. isso é importante apenas para começar.

And at least for me, this relates very heavily E pelo menos para mim, isso se relaciona fortemente

back to my second problem de volta ao meu segundo problema

which was sort of bragging about procrastination, ||||vangloriando-se|| que se gabava de procrastinação,

feeling like it was almost a superpower of mine, sentindo que era quase uma superpotência minha,

because it would cause me to delay the start porque me faria atrasar o início

of my work until right before the deadline, do meu trabalho até pouco antes do prazo,

at which point of course there is no time to first make nesse ponto, é claro, não há tempo para fazer primeiro

that mess and then go back and refine it later, |||||||aperfeiçoar|| essa bagunça e depois volte e refine mais tarde,

so for me at least, the solution here is twofold. |||||||||dupla pelo menos para mim, a solução aqui é dupla.

Number one, let go of that perfectionist mindset Número um, largue essa mentalidade perfeccionista

at least in the beginning Pelo menos no começo

of the process so I can actually make that mess do processo para que eu possa realmente fazer essa bagunça

and get those thoughts out on that piece of paper e colocar esses pensamentos naquele pedaço de papel

and number two, start work well in advance. e número dois, comece a trabalhar com antecedência.

Maybe even use mini deadlines to facilitate this. ||||||facilitar isso| Talvez até use mini prazos para facilitar isso.

That way, there actually is time for refinements. |||||||aperfeiçoamentos Dessa forma, na verdade há tempo para aprimoramentos.

All right, so those are the four big issues that Tudo bem, então esses são os quatro grandes problemas que

at least for me cause chronic procrastination pelo menos para mim causar procrastinação crônica

and hopefully you've identified with e espero que você tenha se identificado com

at least one of those along with my suggestions for pelo menos um desses, juntamente com minhas sugestões para

how to start improving upon it. como começar a melhorar.

But in addition to those, Mas além desses,

I do wanna give you one final suggestion Eu quero te dar uma sugestão final

which I think is going to be universally helpful que eu acho que vai ser universalmente útil

for anybody watching this video para quem assiste esse vídeo

and struggling with procrastination e lutando com a procrastinação

and it's to set up your environment e é para configurar seu ambiente

in accordance with the 20 second rule. de acordo com a regra dos 20 segundos.

This is a concept from Este é um conceito de

Shawn Achor's book The Happiness Advantage O livro de Shawn Achor The Advantage Happiness

and the gist of this concept ||a essência||| e a essência desse conceito

is that you want to take anything é que você quer pegar qualquer coisa

that you want to do less often que você quer fazer com menos frequência

and increase the friction required to start doing it, |||atrito||||| e aumentar o atrito necessário para começar a fazê-lo,

so that it takes more than 20 seconds to start doing, para que demore mais de 20 segundos para começar a fazer,

and of course this 20 second figure e, claro, esta figura de 20 segundos

is more illustrative than anything. ||mais ilustrativa|| é mais ilustrativo do que qualquer coisa.

It's not based some scientific principle, Não é baseado em algum princípio científico,

so if something takes less than 20 seconds então, se algo demorar menos de 20 segundos

or more than 20 seconds, ou mais de 20 segundos,

that's fine, but the basic idea here is you tudo bem, mas a idéia básica aqui é você

want to set up your environment deseja configurar seu ambiente

so that it's more inconvenient to go play video games, para que seja mais inconveniente jogar videogame,

just go check stats, like I have a problem with doing, |||estatísticas||||||| basta verificar as estatísticas, como se eu tivesse um problema em fazer,

and so it's less inconvenient to start doing your work, e, portanto, é menos inconveniente começar a trabalhar,

and I think this is very important for anyone e acho isso muito importante para qualquer um

to keep in mind, but it's especially important ter em mente, mas é especialmente importante

for chronic procrastinators para procrastinadores crônicos

is because you can aspire to embody the identity ||||aspirar a||encarnar|| é porque você pode aspirar a incorporar a identidade

of a hard-working person. de uma pessoa trabalhadora.

You can aspire to be less of a perfectionist, ||||||||perfeccionista Você pode aspirar a ser menos perfeccionista,

but that doesn't happen overnight. mas isso não acontece da noite para o dia.

No big change does. Nenhuma grande mudança faz.

And when you are in the process E quando você está no processo

of making a big change in your life, de fazer uma grande mudança em sua vida,

you need to set up systems that keep you on track, você precisa configurar sistemas que o mantenham no caminho certo,

almost like training wheels, quase como rodinhas,

so install a website blocker on your computer ||||bloqueador de sites||| então instale um bloqueador de site no seu computador

or disconnect the Internet when you need to do your work |desconectar||||||||| ou desconecte a Internet quando precisar fazer seu trabalho

or make an entirely separate user account ou crie uma conta de usuário totalmente separada

that has nothing but your work programs que não tem nada além de seus programas de trabalho

and websites available on it. e sites disponíveis nele.

Put your video games in inconvenient places. Coloque seus jogos em lugares inconvenientes.

Basically do whatever it takes Basicamente, faça o que for preciso

to make procrastination fazer procrastinação

as inconvenient as possible o mais inconveniente possível

so you can start working on becoming less para começar a trabalhar para se tornar menos

of a chronic procrastinator. de um procrastinador crônico.

Do that and then start working in earnest on |||||||sério| Faça isso e comece a trabalhar seriamente em

at least one of the issues we've talked about in this video pelo menos um dos problemas que falamos neste vídeo

and you will be well on your way to becoming e você estará bem no seu caminho para se tornar

the kind of person who does not put things off. o tipo de pessoa que não adia as coisas.

Now, one thing that a lot Agora, uma coisa que muito

of people tend to procrastinate on das pessoas tendem a procrastinar em

to their detriment is securing their online lives. ||em detrimento||protegendo|||vidas online 그들의 손해에 그들의 온라인 생활을 확보하고 있습니다. em detrimento deles é garantir a vida online.

Too many people I know use Muitas pessoas que conheço usam

the same passwords across multiple accounts, ||as senhas||| as mesmas senhas em várias contas,

they don't use two factor authentication, eles não usam autenticação de dois fatores,

and they do all kinds of other things e eles fazem todo tipo de outras coisas

that could open them up to potentially getting hacked ||||||||invadidos que poderia abri-los a serem potencialmente hackeados

or having their online accounts compromised. |||||comprometidas ou ter suas contas online comprometidas.

And as more and more of E como mais e mais

our livelihoods become dependent on online systems, |meios de subsistência||||| nossos meios de subsistência se tornam dependentes de sistemas on-line,

you can't afford to be one of those procrastinators. ||pode permitir-se|||||| 당신은 그 미루는 사람 중 하나가 될 여유가 없습니다. você não pode se dar ao luxo de ser um desses procrastinadores.

Fortunately, one of the most important steps Felizmente, um dos passos mais importantes

to becoming secure which para se tornar seguro que

is having a strong unique password on every site está tendo uma senha exclusiva forte em todos os sites

that you log into is also ||registro||| em que você se conecta também

one of the easiest if you use a tool like Dashlane. um dos mais fáceis se você usar uma ferramenta como o Dashlane.

Dashlane is an incredibly well-designed password manager Dashlane é um gerenciador de senhas incrivelmente bem projetado

that gives you a streamlined way to secure your online life ||||simplificada|||||| que oferece uma maneira simplificada de proteger sua vida on-line

and make sure it's hardened against hackers, ||||fortalecido contra|| e verifique se está protegido contra hackers,

corporate data breaches, and online phishing scams. ||violações|||phishing|fraudes violações de dados corporativos e golpes de phishing online.

Their app, which you could use across O aplicativo deles, que você pode usar

all major platforms including Windows, todas as principais plataformas, incluindo Windows,

Mac OS, Android, and iOS, Mac OS, Android e iOS,

automatically generates strong gera automaticamente forte

and unique passwords for all of your online accounts. e senhas exclusivas para todas as suas contas online.

All this data is then stored in a secure user account Todos esses dados são armazenados em uma conta de usuário segura

that is protected by a patented security architecture, |||||patenteada|| protegido por uma arquitetura de segurança patenteada,

which encrypts all your data |criptografa||| que criptografa todos os seus dados

and make sure that you are e verifique se você está

the only person that can access it. a única pessoa que pode acessá-lo.

And aside from offering you better security, |além de||||| Além de oferecer melhor segurança,

Dashlane can also save you a ton of time as well, O Dashlane também pode economizar muito tempo,

because once you have your user data in their account, porque depois que você tiver seus dados de usuário na conta deles,

it can automatically fill in login forms |||preencher||| ele pode preencher automaticamente os formulários de login

and even log you into most sites e até logar na maioria dos sites

on the Internet automatically, na Internet automaticamente,

so if you want to start improving your online security today então, se você deseja começar a melhorar sua segurança online hoje

and start saving time as well, e comece a economizar tempo também,

then head over to Dashlane.com/collegeinfogeek então vá para Dashlane.com/collegeinfogeek

which you will find in the description que você encontrará na descrição

down below and sign up. abaixo e inscreva-se.

And if you'd like to save a bit E se você quiser economizar um pouco

of money on their premium subscription de dinheiro em sua assinatura premium

which gets you extra features que oferece recursos extras

like a VPN and secure file storage, como uma VPN e armazenamento seguro de arquivos,

then use the code collegeinfogeek então use o código collegeinfogeek

at checkout to get 10% off of that subscription. no checkout para obter 10% de desconto nessa assinatura.

As always, I wanna give a big thanks Como sempre, quero agradecer muito

to Dashlane for sponsoring this video a Dashlane por patrocinar este vídeo

and being a big supporter of my channel e ser um grande apoiador do meu canal

and thank you as well for watching. e obrigado também por assistir.

If you enjoyed this video, Se você gostou deste vídeo,

definitely give it a thumbs up definitivamente dê um joinha

and get subscribed right there e se inscrever ali

so you don't miss out on new videos para que você não perca novos vídeos

when they come out every single week. quando eles saem toda semana.

You can also click like there to get a free copy Você também pode clicar aqui para obter uma cópia gratuita

of my book on how to earn better grades do meu livro sobre como obter melhores notas

which may be useful to use since finals que pode ser útil para usar desde as finais

are definitely right around the corner. definitivamente estão ao virar da esquina.

You can also follow me on Instagram Você também pode me seguir no Instagram

at tomfrankly or get one more video on this channel em tomfrankly ou obter mais um vídeo neste canal

by clicking right there. clicando ali.

Thanks for watching and I will see you Obrigado por assistir e eu vou te ver

in the next one, goodbye! no próximo, adeus!