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Pulp_Fiction, #7. Home Intensive Care

#7. Home Intensive Care

VINCENT: Fuck you, Lance! Answer!

JODY: Lance! The goddamn phone is ringing!

LANCE: I can hear it!

JODY: I thought you told those fuckin' assholes never to call here this late!

LANCE: I told 'em. And that's exactly what I'm gonna tell this fuckin' asshole right now! Hello!

VINCENT: Lance! Vincent! I'min big fuckin' trouble, man. I'm coming to your house.

LANCE: Whoa, hold you horses man. What's the problem?

VINCENT: I got this chick, she's fuckin' O.D.in' on me!

LANCE: Well, don't bring her here! I'm not even joking with you, don't you be bringing some fucked up pooh-butt to my house!

VINCENT: No choice.

LANCE: She's ODin'?

VINCENT: She's fuckin' dyin' on me, man!

LANCE: Ok, then you bite fuckin' bullet, take 'er to a hospital and call a lawyer!

VINCENT: Negative.

LANCE: This is not my fuckin' problem, man! You fucked her up, you fuckin' deal with this! Are you talkin' to me on a cellular phone?


LANCE: I don't know you, who is this, don't come here, I'm hangin' up the phone. Prank caller!

Prank caller!

JODY: What the hell was that?

LANCE: Have you lost your fucking mind?! You talk about drug shit on a cellular fuckin' phone.

VINCENT: Lance, help!

LANCE: You crash you car into my fucking house!

VINCENT: Grab her feet.

LANCE: Are you deaf? You're not bringin' that fucked up bitch in my house!

VINCENT: This fucked up bitch is Marsellus Wallace's wife. Do you know who Marsellu Wallace is?

LANCE: Yeah.

VINCENT: Now if she fuckin' croaks on me, I'm a grease spot. I will be forced to tell 'im that you did not help and let her die on your lawn. Now, come on. Help me, help me. Pick her up.

LANCE: Shit.

JODY: Lance! It's 1:30 in the goddamn morning. What the fuck is going on out here? Who's she?

LANCE: Go to the frodge and get the thing with the adrenaline shot.

JODY: What's wrong with her?

VINCENT: She's ODing.

JODY: Get her outta here!

LANCE AND VINCENT: Get the fuckin' shot!

JODY: Fuck you! Fuck you too!

LANCE: What a fucking bitch!

LANCE: You just keep talkin' to her, right? While she's gettin' the shot, I'm going to get my little black medical book.

VINCENT: What the fuck do you need a medical book for?

LANCE: To tell me how to do it. I've never had to give an adrenaline shot before.

VINCENT: You've had that thing for six years and you never used it?

LANCE: I never had to use it. I don't go joypoppin' with bubble-gummers, all of my friends can handle their highs!

VINCENT: Get the shot!

LANCE: I am, if you'll let me.

VINCENT: I'm not fuckin' stoppin' you.

LANCE: Stop talkin' to me! Start talking to her!

VINCENT: Get the shot!

LANCE: All right!

VINCENT: Hurry up man! We're losin' her!

LANCE: I'm looking as fast as I can!

JODY: What's he lookin' for?

VINCENT: I dunno, some book.

JODY: What are you lookin' for?

LANCE: A little black medical book!

JODY: What are you looking for?

LANCE: My black fuckin' medical book. It's like a textbook they give to nurses.

JODY: I never saw no medical book.

LANCE: Trust me, I have one.

JODY: Well. if it's that important, why didn't you keep it with the shot?

LANCE: I don't know! Stop bothering me!

JODY: While you're lookin' for it, that girl's gonna die on our carpet. You're never gonna find anything in this mess! For six months now, I've been telling you to clean this room.

LANCE: I'm gonna fucking kill you, if you don't shut up!

VINCENT: Lance. get in here!

LANCE: Right? Get the fuck out outta my way.

JODY: Pig.

VINCENT: Quit fuckin' around man and give her the shot!

LANCE: While I'm doing this, take her shirt off and find her heart.

VINCENT: Does it have to be exact?

LANCE: Yeah, it has to be exact! We're giving her shot in her heart, so I guess has to be fuckin' exact.

VINCENT: Well, I don't know exactly where her heart is. I think it's here. LANCE: That's it.

VINCENT: All right, what I need is a big fat magic marker. You got it?

JODY: What?

VINCENT: A magic marker. A felt pen!

JODY: A fucking black magic marker! Christ.

VINCENT: Hurry up, man!

LANCE: Fuck! Okay, okay. Okay, Ithink it's ready.

VINCENT: Hurry up, man!

LANCE: I'll tell you what to do.

VINCENT: You're gonna give her the shot..

LANCE: No, you're gonna give her the shot.

VINCENT: I ain't giving her the shot. I've never does this before.

LANCE: I've never done this before either, and I ain't starting now. You brought 'er here, that means you give her the shot. The day I bring an ODing bitch to your place, then I gotta give her the shot.

VINCENT: Give it to me. Give me that.

VINCENT: All right, tell me what do I do?

LANCE: Well, you're giving her an injection of adrenaline straight to her heart. But she's got a breast plate, so you gotta pierce through that. So what you gotta bring the needle down in a stabbing motion.

VINCENT: I gotta stab her three times?

LANCE: No, just stab her once! If you want the needle to pierce through to her heart, you gotta stab her hard. Then once you do, push down on the plunger.

VINCENT: Okay. Then what happens?

LANCE: I'm curious about that myself.

VINCENT: This ain't a fuckin' joke man!

LANCE: She's supposed to come out of it like that.

VINCENT: Count to three.

VINCE: Ok, ready?

LANCE: One...

LANCE: ...two...

LANCE: ...three...

LANCE: If you're all right, then say something.

MIA: Something.

JODY: It was fuckin' trippy.

#7. Home Intensive Care #7. Heim-Intensivpflege #7. Εντατική φροντίδα στο σπίτι #7. Cuidados intensivos a domicilio #7. Soins intensifs à domicile #7. Terapia intensiva domiciliare #7.在宅集中ケア #7. Cuidados intensivos ao domicílio #7. Интенсивная терапия на дому #7. Evde Yoğun Bakım #7.家庭重症监护 #7.家庭重症監護

VINCENT: Fuck you, Lance! Answer!

JODY: Lance! The goddamn phone is ringing! Le putain de téléphone sonne !

LANCE: I can hear it!

JODY: I thought you told those fuckin' assholes never to call here this late!

LANCE: I told 'em. And that's exactly what I'm gonna tell this fuckin' asshole right now! Hello!

VINCENT: Lance! Vincent! I'min big fuckin' trouble, man. J'ai un gros problème, mec. I'm coming to your house.

LANCE: Whoa, hold you horses man. What's the problem?

VINCENT: I got this chick, she's fuckin' O.D.in' on me! VINCENT : J'ai cette nana, elle me fout en l'air !

LANCE: Well, don't bring her here! I'm not even joking with you, don't you be bringing some fucked up pooh-butt to my house! Je ne plaisante même pas avec vous, n'apportez-vous pas des fesses de merde chez moi !

VINCENT: No choice.

LANCE: She's ODin'? ||überdosiert

VINCENT: She's fuckin' dyin' on me, man! VINCENT : Elle est en train de mourir sur moi, mec !

LANCE: Ok, then you bite fuckin' bullet, take 'er to a hospital and call a lawyer! LANCE : Ok, alors tu mords une putain de balle, emmène-le à l'hôpital et appelle un avocat !

VINCENT: Negative.

LANCE: This is not my fuckin' problem, man! You fucked her up, you fuckin' deal with this! Tu l'as foutue en l'air, tu te débrouilles avec ça ! Are you talkin' to me on a cellular phone?


LANCE: I don't know you, who is this, don't come here, I'm hangin' up the phone. Prank caller! Streichanrufer!| Appel de farce !

Prank caller!

JODY: What the hell was that?

LANCE: Have you lost your fucking mind?! LANCE : Vous avez perdu la tête, putain ?! You talk about drug shit on a cellular fuckin' phone. Tu parles de drogue sur un putain de téléphone portable.

VINCENT: Lance, help!

LANCE: You crash you car into my fucking house!

VINCENT: Grab her feet. |Fass||

LANCE: Are you deaf? |||taub You're not bringin' that fucked up bitch in my house!

VINCENT: This fucked up bitch is Marsellus Wallace's wife. Do you know who Marsellu Wallace is?

LANCE: Yeah.

VINCENT: Now if she fuckin' croaks on me, I'm a grease spot. |||||abkratzt|||||Ölfleck| VINCENT : Maintenant, si elle croasse avec moi, je suis une tache de graisse. I will be forced to tell 'im that you did not help and let her die on your lawn. ||||||||||||||||||Rasen Now, come on. Help me, help me. Pick her up.

LANCE: Shit.

JODY: Lance! It's 1:30 in the goddamn morning. What the fuck is going on out here? Who's she?

LANCE: Go to the frodge and get the thing with the adrenaline shot. ||||Kühlschrank|||||||| LANCE : Allez à la grenouille et obtenez la chose avec le coup d'adrénaline.

JODY: What's wrong with her?

VINCENT: She's ODing.

JODY: Get her outta here!

LANCE AND VINCENT: Get the fuckin' shot! LANCE ET VINCENT : Obtenez le putain de coup !

JODY: Fuck you! Fuck you too!

LANCE: What a fucking bitch!

LANCE: You just keep talkin' to her, right? While she's gettin' the shot, I'm going to get my little black medical book. Pendant qu'elle se fait vacciner, je vais chercher mon petit livre médical noir.

VINCENT: What the fuck do you need a medical book for?

LANCE: To tell me how to do it. I've never had to give an adrenaline shot before.

VINCENT: You've had that thing for six years and you never used it?

LANCE: I never had to use it. I don't go joypoppin' with bubble-gummers, all of my friends can handle their highs! |||Freudensprünge machen||||||||||| Je ne fais pas de joie avec les bubble-gummers, tous mes amis peuvent gérer leurs hauts !

VINCENT: Get the shot!

LANCE: I am, if you'll let me.

VINCENT: I'm not fuckin' stoppin' you.

LANCE: Stop talkin' to me! Start talking to her!

VINCENT: Get the shot!

LANCE: All right!

VINCENT: Hurry up man! We're losin' her!

LANCE: I'm looking as fast as I can!

JODY: What's he lookin' for?

VINCENT: I dunno, some book. ||VINCENT: Keine Ahnung, irgendein Buch.||

JODY: What are you lookin' for?

LANCE: A little black medical book!

JODY: What are you looking for?

LANCE: My black fuckin' medical book. It's like a textbook they give to nurses.

JODY: I never saw no medical book.

LANCE: Trust me, I have one.

JODY: Well. if it's that important, why didn't you keep it with the shot?

LANCE: I don't know! Stop bothering me! |Hör auf, mich zu nerven!|

JODY: While you're lookin' for it, that girl's gonna die on our carpet. You're never gonna find anything in this mess! For six months now, I've been telling you to clean this room.

LANCE: I'm gonna fucking kill you, if you don't shut up!

VINCENT: Lance. get in here!

LANCE: Right? Get the fuck out outta my way.

JODY: Pig.

VINCENT: Quit fuckin' around man and give her the shot!

LANCE: While I'm doing this, take her shirt off and find her heart.

VINCENT: Does it have to be exact?

LANCE: Yeah, it has to be exact! We're giving her shot in her heart, so I guess has to be fuckin' exact.

VINCENT: Well, I don't know exactly where her heart is. I think it's here. LANCE: That's it.

VINCENT: All right, what I need is a big fat magic marker. You got it?

JODY: What?

VINCENT: A magic marker. A felt pen! |Ein Filzstift!|

JODY: A fucking black magic marker! Christ.

VINCENT: Hurry up, man!

LANCE: Fuck! Okay, okay. Okay, Ithink it's ready.

VINCENT: Hurry up, man!

LANCE: I'll tell you what to do.

VINCENT: You're gonna give her the shot..

LANCE: No, you're gonna give her the shot.

VINCENT: I ain't giving her the shot. I've never does this before.

LANCE: I've never done this before either, and I ain't starting now. You brought 'er here, that means you give her the shot. The day I bring an ODing bitch to your place, then I gotta give her the shot.

VINCENT: Give it to me. Give me that.

VINCENT: All right, tell me what do I do?

LANCE: Well, you're giving her an injection of adrenaline straight to her heart. But she's got a breast plate, so you gotta pierce through that. So what you gotta bring the needle down in a stabbing motion. ||||||||||stechende Bewegung|

VINCENT: I gotta stab her three times? |||erstechen|||

LANCE: No, just stab her once! If you want the needle to pierce through to her heart, you gotta stab her hard. Then once you do, push down on the plunger. ||||||||Kolben herunterdrücken

VINCENT: Okay. Then what happens?

LANCE: I'm curious about that myself. ||neugierig|||

VINCENT: This ain't a fuckin' joke man!

LANCE: She's supposed to come out of it like that. ||sollte|||||||

VINCENT: Count to three.

VINCE: Ok, ready?

LANCE: One...

LANCE: ...two...

LANCE: ...three...

LANCE: If you're all right, then say something.

MIA: Something.

JODY: It was fuckin' trippy.