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Deathworld by Harry Harrison, Chapter - XIII

Chapter - XIII

XIII. "Just like old times," Jason said when Brucco came into the room with a tray of food.

Without a word Brucco served Jason and the wounded men in the other beds, then left. "Thanks," Jason called after his retreating back. A joke, a twist of a grin, like it always was.

Sure. But even as he grinned and his lips shaped a joke, Jason felt them like a veneer on the outside. Something plastered on with a life of its own. Inside he was numb and immovable. His body was stiff as his eyes still watched that arch of alien flesh descend and smother the one-armed Pyrran with its million burning fingers. He could feel himself under the arch.

After all, hadn't the wounded man taken his place? He finished the meal without realizing that he ate. Ever since that morning, when he had recovered consciousness, it had been like this.

He knew that he should have died out there in that battle-torn street. His life should have been snuffed out, for making the mistake of thinking that he could actually help the battling Pyrrans. Instead of being underfoot and in the way. If it hadn't been for Jason, the man with the wounded arm would have been brought here to the safety of the reorientation buildings. He knew he was lying in the bed that belonged to that man. The man who had given his life for Jason's.

The man whose name he didn't even know.

There were drugs in the food and they made him sleep.

The medicated pads soaked the pain and rawness out of the burns where the tentacles had seared his face. When he awoke the second time, his touch with reality had been restored. A man had died so he could live.

Jason faced the fact. He couldn't restore that life, no matter how much he wanted to. What he could do was make the man's death worth while. If it can be said that any death was worth while ... He forced his thoughts from that track. Jason knew what he had to do.

His work was even more important now. If he could solve the riddle of this deadly world, he could repay in part the debt he owed. Sitting up made his head spin and he held to the edge of the bed until it slowed down.

The others in the room ignored him as he slowly and painfully dragged on his clothes. Brucco came in, saw what he was doing, and left again without a word. Dressing took a long time, but it was finally done.

When Jason finally left the room he found Kerk waiting for him. "Kerk ... I want to tell you ..."

"Tell me nothing ! The thunder of Kerk's voice bounced back from the ceiling and walls. "I'm telling you . I'll tell you once and that will be the end of it. You're not wanted on Pyrrus, Jason dinAlt, neither you nor your precious off-world schemes are wanted here. I let you convince me once with your twisted tongue. Helped you at the expense of more important work. I should have known what the result of your 'logic' would be. Now I've seen. Welf died so you could live. He was twice the man you will ever be. "Welf?

Was that his name?" Jason asked stumblingly. "I didn't know—" "You didn't even know.

Kerk's lips pulled back from his teeth in a grimace of disgust. "You didn't even know his name—yet he died that you might continue your miserable existence." Kerk spat, as if the words gave a vile flavor to his speech, and stamped towards the exit lock. Almost as an afterthought he turned back to Jason. "You'll stay here in the sealed buildings until the ship returns in two weeks.

Then you will leave this planet and never come back. If you do, I'll kill you instantly. With pleasure." He started through the lock. "Wait," Jason shouted.

"You can't decide like that. You haven't even seen the evidence I've uncovered. Ask Meta—" The lock thumped shut and Kerk was gone. The whole thing was just too stupid.

Anger began to replace the futile despair of a moment before. He was being treated like an irresponsible child, the importance of his discovery of the log completely ignored. Jason turned and saw for the first time that Brucco was standing there.

"Did you hear that?" Jason asked him. "Yes.

And I quite agree. You can consider yourself lucky. "Lucky!

Jason was the angry one now. "Lucky to be treated like a moronic child, with contempt for everything I do—" "I said lucky," Brucco snapped.

"Welf was Kerk's only surviving son. Kerk had high hopes for him, was training him to take his place eventually." He turned to leave but Jason called after him. "Wait.

I'm sorry about Welf. I can't be any sorrier knowing that he was Kerk's son. But at least it explains why Kerk is so quick to throw me out—as well as the evidence I have uncovered. The log of the ship—" "I know, I've seen it," Brucco said.

"Meta brought it in. Very interesting historical document. "That's all you can see it as—an historical document?

The significance of the planetary change escapes you? "It doesn't escape me," Brucco answered briefly, "but I cannot see that it has any relevancy today.

The past is unchangeable and we must fight in the present. That is enough to occupy all our energies. Jason felt too exhausted to argue the point any more.

He ran into the same stone wall with all the Pyrrans. Theirs was a logic of the moment. The past and the future unchangeable, unknowable—and uninteresting. "How is the perimeter battle going?" he asked, wanting to change the subject. "Finished.

Or in the last stages at least," Brucco was almost enthusiastic as he showed Jason some stereos of the attackers. He did not notice Jason's repressed shudder. "This was one of the most serious breakthroughs in years, but we caught it in time.

I hate to think what would have happened if they hadn't been detected for a few weeks more. "What are those things?

Jason asked. "Giant snakes of some kind? "Don't be absurd," Brucco snorted.

He tapped the stereo with his thumbnail. "Roots. That's all. Greatly modified, but still roots. They came in under the perimeter barrier, much deeper than anything we've had before. Not a real threat in themselves as they have very little mobility. Die soon after being cut. The danger came from their being used as access tunnels. They're bored through and through with animal runs, and two or three species of beasts live in a sort of symbiosis inside. "Now we know what they are we can watch for them.

The danger was they could have completely undermined the perimeter and come in from all sides at once. Not much we could have done then. The edge of destruction.

Living on the lip of a volcano. The Pyrrans took satisfaction from any day that passed without total annihilation. There seemed no way to change their attitude. Jason let the conversation die there. He picked up the log of the Pollux Victory from Brucco's quarters and carried it back to his room. The wounded Pyrrans there ignored him as he dropped onto the bed and opened the book to the first page. For two days he did not leave his quarters.

The wounded men were soon gone and he had the room to himself. Page by page he went through the log, until he knew every detail of the settlement of Pyrrus. His notes and cross-references piled up. He made an accurate map of the original settlement, superimposed over a modern one. They didn't match at all. It was a dead end.

With one map held over the other, what he had suspected was painfully clear. The descriptions of terrain and physical features in the log were accurate enough. The city had obviously been moved since the first landing. Whatever records had been kept would be in the library—and he had exhausted that source. Anything else would have been left behind and long since destroyed. Rain lashed against the thick window above his head, lit suddenly by a flare of lightning.

The unseen volcanoes were active again, vibrating the floor with their rumblings deep in the earth. The shadow of defeat pressed heavily down on Jason.

Rounding his shoulders and darkening, even more, the overcast day.

Chapter - XIII Kapitel - XIII Capítulo - XIII Rozdział - XIII Capítulo - XIII Глава - XIII Bölüm - XIII 第十三章

XIII. "Just like old times," Jason said when Brucco came into the room with a tray of food.

Without a word Brucco served Jason and the wounded men in the other beds, then left. "Thanks," Jason called after his retreating back. |||||віддаляючись| A joke, a twist of a grin, like it always was. Шутка, легкая ухмылка, как всегда.

Sure. But even as he grinned and his lips shaped a joke, Jason felt them like a veneer on the outside. ||||||||||||||||facade||| ||||посміхався||||||||||||шпон||| Но даже когда он ухмылялся, а его губы сложились в шутку, Джейсон чувствовал их снаружи как фанеру. Something plastered on with a life of its own. Что-то, намазанное собственной жизнью. Inside he was numb and immovable. |||||нерухомий Внутри он был оцепенел и неподвижен. His body was stiff as his eyes still watched that arch of alien flesh descend and smother the one-armed Pyrran with its million burning fingers. ||||||||||||||спадати||задушити||||||||| Его тело напряглось, а глаза все еще смотрели, как эта арка чужой плоти опускается и душит однорукого пирранца миллионами горящих пальцев. He could feel himself under the arch. ||||||арці

After all, hadn’t the wounded man taken his place? В конце концов, разве раненый не занял его место? He finished the meal without realizing that he ate. Ever since that morning, when he had recovered consciousness, it had been like this. С того самого утра, когда он пришел в сознание, все было так.

He knew that he should have died out there in that battle-torn street. Он знал, что должен был умереть там, на этой раздираемой боями улице. His life should have been snuffed out, for making the mistake of thinking that he could actually help the battling Pyrrans. |||||загублено||||||||||||||| Его жизнь должна была быть уничтожена за то, что он ошибся, думая, что действительно может помочь сражающимся пиррянам. Instead of being underfoot and in the way. Вместо того, чтобы быть под ногами и в пути. If it hadn’t been for Jason, the man with the wounded arm would have been brought here to the safety of the reorientation buildings. Если бы не Джейсон, человека с раненой рукой доставили бы сюда, в безопасные здания переориентации. He knew he was lying in the bed that belonged to that man. Он знал, что лежит на кровати, принадлежавшей этому человеку. The man who had given his life for Jason’s.

The man whose name he didn’t even know.

There were drugs in the food and they made him sleep.

The medicated pads soaked the pain and rawness out of the burns where the tentacles had seared his face. |treated with medicine|medicated pads|||||rawness||||||||||| Лекарственные подушечки смачивали боль и раздражение от ожогов в тех местах, где щупальца обожгли его лицо. When he awoke the second time, his touch with reality had been restored. Когда он проснулся во второй раз, его связь с реальностью была восстановлена. A man had died so he could live. Человек умер, чтобы жить.

Jason faced the fact. He couldn’t restore that life, no matter how much he wanted to. What he could do was make the man’s death worth while. Что он мог сделать, так это оправдать смерть этого человека. If it can be said that any death was worth while ... He forced his thoughts from that track. Если можно сказать, что любая смерть того стоила... Он заставил себя оторваться от этого следа. Jason knew what he had to do.

His work was even more important now. If he could solve the riddle of this deadly world, he could repay in part the debt he owed. |||||загадка||||||||||||| Если бы он смог разгадать загадку этого смертоносного мира, он смог бы частично погасить свой долг. Sitting up made his head spin and he held to the edge of the bed until it slowed down. Когда он сел, у него закружилась голова, и он держался за край кровати, пока скорость не замедлилась.

The others in the room ignored him as he slowly and painfully dragged on his clothes. Brucco came in, saw what he was doing, and left again without a word. Dressing took a long time, but it was finally done.

When Jason finally left the room he found Kerk waiting for him. Когда Джейсон наконец вышел из комнаты, он обнаружил, что его ждет Керк. "Kerk ... I want to tell you ..." "Керк... Я хочу тебе сказать..."

"Tell me nothing ! «Ничего не говори! The thunder of Kerk’s voice bounced back from the ceiling and walls. |грім|||||||||| Гром голоса Керка отразился от потолка и стен. "I’m telling you . "Я говорю вам . I’ll tell you once and that will be the end of it. Я скажу тебе один раз, и на этом все закончится. You’re not wanted on Pyrrus, Jason dinAlt, neither you nor your precious off-world schemes are wanted here. Ты не нужен на Пиррусе, Джейсон дин Альт, здесь не нужны ни ты, ни твои драгоценные внеземные планы. I let you convince me once with your twisted tongue. Однажды я позволил тебе убедить меня своим кривым языком. Helped you at the expense of more important work. Помогал вам за счет более важной работы. I should have known what the result of your 'logic' would be. Я должен был знать, каким будет результат твоей «логики». Now I’ve seen. Теперь я видел. Welf died so you could live. Вельф||||| Вельф умер, чтобы ты мог жить. He was twice the man you will ever be. Он был вдвое лучше, чем ты когда-либо будешь. "Welf?

Was that his name?" Jason asked stumblingly. ||awkwardly ||з запинкою — спотыкаясь, спросил Джейсон. "I didn’t know—" "You didn’t even know.

Kerk’s lips pulled back from his teeth in a grimace of disgust. Губы Керка оторвались от зубов в гримасе отвращения. "You didn’t even know his name—yet he died that you might continue your miserable existence." ||||||||||||||нещасливий жалюгідний| — Ты даже не знал его имени, а он умер, чтобы ты мог продолжать свое жалкое существование. Kerk spat, as if the words gave a vile flavor to his speech, and stamped towards the exit lock. |сплюнув||||||||||||||||| Керк сплюнул, словно слова придали его речи мерзкий оттенок, и затопал к выходному шлюзу. Almost as an afterthought he turned back to Jason. |||додаткова думка||||| Почти задним числом он повернулся к Джейсону. "You’ll stay here in the sealed buildings until the ship returns in two weeks.

Then you will leave this planet and never come back. If you do, I’ll kill you instantly. ||||||миттєво With pleasure." He started through the lock. "Wait," Jason shouted.

"You can’t decide like that. "Нельзя так решать. You haven’t even seen the evidence I’ve uncovered. Ask Meta—" The lock thumped shut and Kerk was gone. Спроси Мету… Замок захлопнулся, и Керк исчез. The whole thing was just too stupid. Все это было слишком глупо.

Anger began to replace the futile despair of a moment before. Злость начала заменять тщетное отчаяние мгновение назад. He was being treated like an irresponsible child, the importance of his discovery of the log completely ignored. С ним обращались как с безответственным ребенком, полностью игнорируя важность обнаружения им бревна. Jason turned and saw for the first time that Brucco was standing there.

"Did you hear that?" Jason asked him. "Yes.

And I quite agree. You can consider yourself lucky. Можете считать себя счастливчиком. "Lucky!

Jason was the angry one now. Джейсон был злым сейчас. "Lucky to be treated like a moronic child, with contempt for everything I do—" ||||||ідіотський||||||| «Повезло, что со мной обращаются как с идиотским ребенком, с презрением ко всему, что я делаю…» "I said lucky," Brucco snapped.

"Welf was Kerk’s only surviving son. ||||живий| Kerk had high hopes for him, was training him to take his place eventually." He turned to leave but Jason called after him. "Wait.

I’m sorry about Welf. I can’t be any sorrier knowing that he was Kerk’s son. Я не могу сожалеть, зная, что он был сыном Керка. But at least it explains why Kerk is so quick to throw me out—as well as the evidence I have uncovered. Но, по крайней мере, это объясняет, почему Керк так быстро вышвырнул меня, а также доказательства, которые я обнаружил. The log of the ship—" "I know, I’ve seen it," Brucco said.

"Meta brought it in. Very interesting historical document. "That’s all you can see it as—an historical document?

The significance of the planetary change escapes you? Значение планетарных изменений ускользает от вас? "It doesn’t escape me," Brucco answered briefly, "but I cannot see that it has any relevancy today. «Это не ускользает от меня, — кратко ответил Брукко, — но я не вижу, чтобы это имело какое-либо значение сегодня.

The past is unchangeable and we must fight in the present. That is enough to occupy all our energies. Jason felt too exhausted to argue the point any more. |||виснажений|||||| Джейсон чувствовал себя слишком измотанным, чтобы продолжать спорить.

He ran into the same stone wall with all the Pyrrans. Theirs was a logic of the moment. Это была логика момента. The past and the future unchangeable, unknowable—and uninteresting. Прошлое и будущее неизменны, непознаваемы — и неинтересны. "How is the perimeter battle going?" — Как продвигается битва за периметр? he asked, wanting to change the subject. "Finished.

Or in the last stages at least," Brucco was almost enthusiastic as he showed Jason some stereos of the attackers. ||||||||||||||||stereotypes||| Или, по крайней мере, на последних этапах, — почти с энтузиазмом отозвался Брукко, показывая Джейсону несколько стереосистем атакующих. He did not notice Jason’s repressed shudder. Он не заметил сдерживаемой дрожи Джейсона. "This was one of the most serious breakthroughs in years, but we caught it in time. «Это был один из самых серьезных прорывов за последние годы, но мы вовремя его поймали.

I hate to think what would have happened if they hadn’t been detected for a few weeks more. ||||||||||||виявлені||||| Страшно подумать, что бы случилось, если бы их не обнаружили еще несколько недель. "What are those things?

Jason asked. "Giant snakes of some kind? "Don’t be absurd," Brucco snorted. ||нелепий||пхикнув — Не будь абсурдом, — фыркнул Брукко.

He tapped the stereo with his thumbnail. ||||||нігтьова частина Он постучал по стереосистеме ногтем большого пальца. "Roots. Коріння "Корнеплоды. That’s all. Greatly modified, but still roots. They came in under the perimeter barrier, much deeper than anything we’ve had before. Not a real threat in themselves as they have very little mobility. Сами по себе они не представляют реальной угрозы, так как очень маломобильны. Die soon after being cut. Умереть вскоре после пореза. The danger came from their being used as access tunnels. Опасность исходила от их использования в качестве туннелей доступа. They’re bored through and through with animal runs, and two or three species of beasts live in a sort of symbiosis inside. Им надоели насквозь звериные бега, а два-три вида зверей живут внутри своего рода симбиозом. "Now we know what they are we can watch for them. «Теперь мы знаем, что они из себя представляют, мы можем следить за ними.

The danger was they could have completely undermined the perimeter and come in from all sides at once. Опасность заключалась в том, что они могли полностью подорвать периметр и зайти сразу со всех сторон. Not much we could have done then. Тогда мы мало что могли сделать. The edge of destruction. Край разрушения.

Living on the lip of a volcano. Жизнь на краю вулкана. The Pyrrans took satisfaction from any day that passed without total annihilation. |||задоволення||||||||ангіляція Пирряне получали удовольствие от любого дня, прошедшего без полного уничтожения. There seemed no way to change their attitude. Jason let the conversation die there. Джейсон позволил разговору умереть на этом. He picked up the log of the Pollux Victory from Brucco’s quarters and carried it back to his room. The wounded Pyrrans there ignored him as he dropped onto the bed and opened the book to the first page. Раненые пирряне проигнорировали его, когда он упал на кровать и открыл книгу на первой странице. For two days he did not leave his quarters.

The wounded men were soon gone and he had the room to himself. Page by page he went through the log, until he knew every detail of the settlement of Pyrrus. His notes and cross-references piled up. Его заметки и перекрестные ссылки накапливались. He made an accurate map of the original settlement, superimposed over a modern one. |||||||||накладений|||| Он составил точную карту первоначального поселения, наложенную на современную. They didn’t match at all. It was a dead end. Это был тупик.

With one map held over the other, what he had suspected was painfully clear. ||||||||||підозрюваний||| Когда одна карта была наложена на другую, то, что он подозревал, было до боли ясно. The descriptions of terrain and physical features in the log were accurate enough. |||рельєф місцевості||||||||| Описания местности и физических особенностей в журнале были достаточно точными. The city had obviously been moved since the first landing. Whatever records had been kept would be in the library—and he had exhausted that source. Какие бы записи ни хранились, они останутся в библиотеке, а он исчерпал этот источник. Anything else would have been left behind and long since destroyed. Все остальное было бы оставлено позади и давно уничтожено. Rain lashed against the thick window above his head, lit suddenly by a flare of lightning. |било|||||||||||||| Дождь хлестал по толстому окну над его головой, внезапно освещенному вспышкой молнии.

The unseen volcanoes were active again, vibrating the floor with their rumblings deep in the earth. |||||||||||гудіння|||| Невидимые вулканы снова заработали, сотрясая пол своим грохотом глубоко в земле. The shadow of defeat pressed heavily down on Jason. Тень поражения тяжело давила на Джейсона.

Rounding his shoulders and darkening, even more, the overcast day. ||||||||cloudy| ||||||||похмурий| Округляя плечи и темнея, тем более, пасмурный день.