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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 9 - Letter, Mina Harker To Lucy Westenra, part 3

CHAPTER 9 - Letter, Mina Harker To Lucy Westenra, part 3

"The dear sisters were so kind. Please, God, I shall never, never forget them, nor the grave and sweet responsibilities I have taken upon me. I must tell you of my wedding present. When the chaplain and the sisters had left me alone with my husband--oh, Lucy, it is the first time I have written the words 'my husband'--left me alone with my husband, I took the book from under his pillow, and wrapped it up in white paper, and tied it with a little bit of pale blue ribbon which was round my neck, and sealed it over the knot with sealing wax, and for my seal I used my wedding ring. Then I kissed it and showed it to my husband, and told him that I would keep it so, and then it would be an outward and visible sign for us all our lives that we trusted each other, that I would never open it unless it were for his own dear sake or for the sake of some stern duty. Then he took my hand in his, and oh, Lucy, it was the first time he took his wife's hand, and said that it was the dearest thing in all the wide world, and that he would go through all the past again to win it, if need be. The poor dear meant to have said a part of the past, but he cannot think of time yet, and I shall not wonder if at first he mixes up not only the month, but the year. "Well, my dear, what could I say? I could only tell him that I was the happiest woman in all the wide world, and that I had nothing to give him except myself, my life, and my trust, and that with these went my love and duty for all the days of my life. And, my dear, when he kissed me, and drew me to him with his poor weak hands, it was like a solemn pledge between us. "Lucy dear, do you know why I tell you all this? It is not only because it is all sweet to me, but because you have been, and are, very dear to me. It was my privilege to be your friend and guide when you came from the schoolroom to prepare for the world of life. I want you to see now, and with the eyes of a very happy wife, whither duty has led me, so that in your own married life you too may be all happy, as I am. My dear, please Almighty God, your life may be all it promises, a long day of sunshine, with no harsh wind, no forgetting duty, no distrust. I must not wish you no pain, for that can never be, but I do hope you will be always as happy as I am now. Goodbye, my dear. I shall post this at once, and perhaps, write you very soon again. I must stop, for Jonathan is waking. I must attend my husband! "Your ever-loving Mina Harker."

CHAPTER 9 - Letter, Mina Harker To Lucy Westenra, part 3 KAPITEL 9 - Brief, Mina Harker an Lucy Westenra, Teil 3 ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 9 - Επιστολή της Μίνας Χάρκερ προς τη Λούσι Γουέστενρα, μέρος 3 CAPITULO 9 - Carta, Mina Harker A Lucy Westenra, parte 3 CAPITOLO 9 - Lettera di Mina Harker a Lucy Westenra, parte 3 第9章 ミナ・ハーカーからルーシー・ウェステンラへの手紙 その3 CAPÍTULO 9 - Carta de Mina Harker a Lucy Westenra, parte 3 ГЛАВА 9 - Письмо Мины Харкер к Люси Вестенра, часть 3

"The dear sisters were so kind. ||hermanas queridas||| Please, God, I shall never, never forget them, nor the grave and sweet responsibilities I have taken upon me. |||||||||||||responsabilidades graves||||| Proszę, Boże, nigdy, przenigdy ich nie zapomnę, ani poważnych i słodkich obowiązków, które wziąłem na siebie. Por favor, Deus, nunca, nunca os esquecerei, nem as graves e doces responsabilidades que tomei sobre mim. I must tell you of my wedding present. When the chaplain and the sisters had left me alone with my husband--oh, Lucy, it is the first time I have written the words 'my husband'--left me alone with my husband, I took the book from under his pillow, and wrapped it up in white paper, and tied it with a little bit of pale blue ribbon which was round my neck, and sealed it over the knot with sealing wax, and for my seal I used my wedding ring. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Band, Schleife, Bandmaß||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sigillare|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||cinta|||||||sellado||||nudo||cera de sellar|cera de sellar||||sello de cera||||| Quando o capelão e as irmãs me deixaram a sós com o meu marido - oh, Lucy, é a primeira vez que escrevo as palavras "o meu marido" - deixaram-me a sós com o meu marido, tirei o livro de debaixo da almofada dele, embrulhei-o em papel branco, atei-o com um pouco de fita azul-clara que tinha ao pescoço e selei-o sobre o nó com lacre, e como selo usei a minha aliança de casamento. Then I kissed it and showed it to my husband, and told him that I would keep it so, and then it would be an outward and visible sign for us all our lives that we trusted each other, that I would never open it unless it were for his own dear sake or for the sake of some stern duty. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||strenge Pflicht| |||||||||||||||||||||||||externo y visible|||||||||||confiábamos el uno en el otro|||||||||||||||||||||||severa obligación| Depois beijei-a e mostrei-a ao meu marido, dizendo-lhe que a guardaria assim, e que seria um sinal exterior e visível para toda a vida de que confiávamos um no outro, que eu nunca a abriria a não ser para o seu próprio bem ou para o cumprimento de um dever severo. Then he took my hand in his, and oh, Lucy, it was the first time he took his wife's hand, and said that it was the dearest thing in all the wide world, and that he would go through all the past again to win it, if need be. ||||||||||||||||||esposa de él|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Depois pegou na minha mão e, oh, Lucy, foi a primeira vez que pegou na mão da mulher e disse que era a coisa mais querida de todo o mundo e que, se fosse preciso, voltaria a passar por todo o passado para a ganhar. The poor dear meant to have said a part of the past, but he cannot think of time yet, and I shall not wonder if at first he mixes up not only the month, but the year. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||se confunde|||||||| O pobre coitado queria ter dito uma parte do passado, mas ainda não consegue pensar no tempo, e não me admiro que, no início, confunda não só o mês, mas também o ano. "Well, my dear, what could I say? I could only tell him that I was the happiest woman in all the wide world, and that I had nothing to give him except myself, my life, and my trust, and that with these went my love and duty for all the days of my life. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||fiducia|||||||||||||||| |||||||||más feliz||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Só lhe podia dizer que era a mulher mais feliz de todo o mundo e que não tinha nada para lhe dar a não ser eu própria, a minha vida e a minha confiança, e que com elas vinha o meu amor e o meu dever para todos os dias da minha vida. And, my dear, when he kissed me, and drew me to him with his poor weak hands, it was like a solemn pledge between us. ||||||||||||||||||||||promesa solemne|| E, minha querida, quando ele me beijou, e me puxou para si com as suas pobres mãos fracas, foi como um juramento solene entre nós. "Lucy dear, do you know why I tell you all this? It is not only because it is all sweet to me, but because you have been, and are, very dear to me. It was my privilege to be your friend and guide when you came from the schoolroom to prepare for the world of life. |||privilegio||||||||||||aula escolar||preparar||||| I want you to see now, and with the eyes of a very happy wife, whither duty has led me, so that in your own married life you too may be all happy, as I am. |||||||||||||||to where|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||a dónde|||||||||||||||||||| My dear, please Almighty God, your life may be all it promises, a long day of sunshine, with no harsh wind, no forgetting duty, no distrust. |||Allmächtiger Gott|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||a||||||||||||| |||||||||||promete|||||luz del sol|||viento fuerte|||olvidar|||desconfianza Minha querida, por favor, Deus Todo-Poderoso, a tua vida pode ser tudo o que promete, um longo dia de sol, sem vento forte, sem esquecimento do dever, sem desconfiança. I must not wish you no pain, for that can never be, but I do hope you will be always as happy as I am now. Não desejo que não sofras, porque isso nunca poderá acontecer, mas espero que sejas sempre tão feliz como eu sou agora. Goodbye, my dear. I shall post this at once, and perhaps,  write you very soon again. Vou já pôr isto no correio e talvez volte a escrever-lhe muito em breve. I must stop, for Jonathan is waking. Tenho de parar, pois o Jonathan está a acordar. I must attend my husband! ||cuidar de|| "Your ever-loving Mina Harker." ||amorosa|| "A vossa sempre amada Mina Harker."