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Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Chapter 3 (2)

Chapter 3 (2)

"Well, good-bye," he said; and though he tried to speak steadily, there was a little tremble in his voice and he winked his big brown eyes. "And I hope trade'll be good. I'm sorry I'm going away to leave you, but perhaps I shall come back again when I'm an earl. And I wish you'd write to me, because we were always good friends. And if you write to me, here's where you must send your letter." And he gave him a slip of paper. "And my name isn't Cedric Errol any more; it's Lord Fauntleroy and--and good-bye, Dick." Dick winked his eyes also, and yet they looked rather moist about the lashes. He was not an educated boot-black, and he would have found it difficult to tell what he felt just then if he had tried; perhaps that was why he didn't try, and only winked his eyes and swallowed a lump in his throat. "I wish ye wasn't goin' away," he said in a husky voice. Then he winked his eyes again. Then he looked at Mr. Havisham, and touched his cap. "Thanky, sir, fur bringin' him down here an' fur wot ye've done, He's--he's a queer little feller," he added. "I've allers thort a heap of him. He's such a game little feller, an'--an' such a queer little un." And when they turned away he stood and looked after them in a dazed kind of way, and there was still a mist in his eyes, and a lump in his throat, as he watched the gallant little figure marching gayly along by the side of its tall, rigid escort.

Until the day of his departure, his lordship spent as much time as possible with Mr. Hobbs in the store. Gloom had settled upon Mr. Hobbs; he was much depressed in spirits. When his young friend brought to him in triumph the parting gift of a gold watch and chain, Mr. Hobbs found it difficult to acknowledge it properly. He laid the case on his stout knee, and blew his nose violently several times.

"There's something written on it," said Cedric,--"inside the case. I told the man myself what to say. 'From his oldest friend, Lord Fauntleroy, to Mr. Hobbs. When this you see, remember me.' I don't want you to forget me." Mr. Hobbs blew his nose very loudly again.

"I sha'n't forget you," he said, speaking a trifle huskily, as Dick had spoken; "nor don't you go and forget me when you get among the British arrystocracy." "I shouldn't forget you, whoever I was among," answered his lordship. "I've spent my happiest hours with you; at least, some of my happiest hours. I hope you'll come to see me sometime. I'm sure my grandpapa would be very much pleased. Perhaps he'll write and ask you, when I tell him about you. You--you wouldn't mind his being an earl, would you, I mean you wouldn't stay away just because he was one, if he invited you to come?" "I'd come to see you," replied Mr. Hobbs, graciously. So it seemed to be agreed that if he received a pressing invitation from the earl to come and spend a few months at Dorincourt Castle, he was to lay aside his republican prejudices and pack his valise at once.

At last all the preparations were complete; the day came when the trunks were taken to the steamer, and the hour arrived when the carriage stood at the door. Then a curious feeling of loneliness came upon the little boy. His mamma had been shut up in her room for some time; when she came down the stairs, her eyes looked large and wet, and her sweet mouth was trembling. Cedric went to her, and she bent down to him, and he put his arms around her, and they kissed each other. He knew something made them both sorry, though he scarcely knew what it was; but one tender little thought rose to his lips.

"We liked this little house, Dearest, didn't we?" he said. "We always will like it, won't we?"

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Chapter 3 (2) Kapitel 3 (2) Capítulo 3 (2) Capítulo 3 (2) Розділ 3 (2)

"Well, good-bye," he said; and though he tried to speak steadily, there was a little tremble in his voice and he winked his big brown eyes. ||||||||||||||||||||||윙크했다|||| "Bene, arrivederci", disse; e sebbene cercasse di parlare con fermezza, c'era un piccolo tremito nella sua voce e strizzò gli occhi grandi e marroni. "And I hope trade'll be good. |||거래가|| "E spero che il commercio sia buono. I'm sorry I'm going away to leave you, but perhaps I shall come back again when I'm an earl. Mi dispiace lasciarvi, ma forse tornerò quando sarò un conte. And I wish you'd write to me, because we were always good friends. |||너가||||||||| And if you write to me, here's where you must send your letter." E se mi scrivi, ecco dove devi spedire la tua lettera". And he gave him a slip of paper. |||||조각|| "And my name isn't Cedric Errol any more; it's Lord Fauntleroy and--and good-bye, Dick." Dick winked his eyes also, and yet they looked rather moist about the lashes. |||||||||||||속눈썹 Anche Dick strizzò gli occhi, ma sembravano piuttosto umidi sulle ciglia. He was not an educated boot-black, and he would have found it difficult to tell what he felt just then if he had tried; perhaps that was why he didn't try, and only winked his eyes and swallowed a lump in his throat. |||||신발 광택사|신발 광택사||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||삼키다||덩어리||| Non era un nero da stivale istruito e, se ci avesse provato, avrebbe avuto difficoltà a dire ciò che provava in quel momento; forse per questo non ci provò, limitandosi a strizzare gli occhi e a inghiottire un groppo in gola. "I wish ye wasn't goin' away," he said in a husky voice. ||||가는||||||거친| "Vorrei che non partissi", disse con voce roca. Then he winked his eyes again. Poi strizzò di nuovo gli occhi. Then he looked at Mr. Havisham, and touched his cap. "Thanky, sir, fur bringin' him down here an' fur wot ye've done, He's--he's a queer little feller," he added. 감사합니다|선생님||데려온||||||무엇을|you have|||||||놈|| "Grazie, signore, per averlo portato qui e per quello che avete fatto, è... è un ometto strano", aggiunse. "I've allers thort a heap of him. |항상|생각해왔다||많이|| "Ho pensato a un sacco di cose su di lui. He's such a game little feller, an'--an' such a queer little un." |||활발한||||||||| È un tipo così giocoso, e... un tipo così strano". And when they turned away he stood and looked after them in a dazed kind of way, and there was still a mist in his eyes, and a lump in his throat, as he watched the gallant little figure marching gayly along by the side of its tall, rigid escort. |||||||||||||멍한 듯한|||||||||안개||||||||||||||용감한|||행진하는|명랑하게|||||||||호위대 E quando si allontanarono, rimase a guardarli stordito, con gli occhi ancora appannati e un groppo in gola, mentre osservava la piccola figura galante che marciava allegramente al fianco della sua alta e rigida scorta.

Until the day of his departure, his lordship spent as much time as possible with Mr. Hobbs in the store. |||||출발|||||||||||||| Gloom had settled upon Mr. Hobbs; he was much depressed in spirits. 우울|||||||||우울한|| La tristezza si era posata su Mr. Hobbs, che era molto depresso di spirito. When his young friend brought to him in triumph the parting gift of a gold watch and chain, Mr. Hobbs found it difficult to acknowledge it properly. ||||||||의기양양하게||작별 선물||||||||||||||인정하다||적절하게 Quando il suo giovane amico gli portò in trionfo il dono d'addio di un orologio e di una catena d'oro, Mr. Hobbs ebbe difficoltà a riconoscerlo adeguatamente. He laid the case on his stout knee, and blew his nose violently several times. |||||||||코를 풀었다||코|격하게|| Appoggiò la valigia sul ginocchio robusto e si soffiò violentemente il naso più volte.

"There's something written on it," said Cedric,--"inside the case. I told the man myself what to say. Ho detto io stesso a quell'uomo cosa dire. 'From his oldest friend, Lord Fauntleroy, to Mr. Hobbs. ||가장 오래된|||||| When this you see, remember me.' I don't want you to forget me." Mr. Hobbs blew his nose very loudly again. ||||||아주 크게|

"I sha'n't forget you," he said, speaking a trifle huskily, as Dick had spoken; "nor don't you go and forget me when you get among the British arrystocracy." |하지 않을 것이다|||||||조금|거칠게||||||||||||||||||귀족 사회 "Non mi dimenticherò di te", disse, parlando un po' sottovoce, come aveva fatto Dick; "e non dimenticarti di me quando entrerai a far parte dell'aristocrazia britannica". "I shouldn't forget you, whoever I was among," answered his lordship. ||||누구든지|||||| "Non mi dimenticherei di voi, chiunque sia", rispose Sua Signoria. "I've spent my happiest hours with you; at least, some of my happiest hours. |||가장 행복한|||||||||| I hope you'll come to see me sometime. |||||||언젠가 I'm sure my grandpapa would be very much pleased. Perhaps he'll write and ask you, when I tell him about you. Forse ti scriverà e ti chiederà, quando gli parlerò di te. You--you wouldn't mind his being an earl, would you, I mean you wouldn't stay away just because he was one, if he invited you to come?" Non ti dispiacerebbe che fosse un conte, vero? Cioè, non staresti lontana solo perché lo è, se ti invitasse a venire?". "I'd come to see you," replied Mr. Hobbs, graciously. ||||||||정중하게 So it seemed to be agreed that if he received a pressing invitation from the earl to come and spend a few months at Dorincourt Castle, he was to lay aside his republican prejudices and pack his valise at once. |||||||||||긴급한|초대장|||||||||||||||||버려야 했다||||||짐을 싸다||여행가방|| Sembrava quindi che fosse stato deciso che, se avesse ricevuto un invito pressante da parte del conte a venire a trascorrere qualche mese al castello di Dorincourt, avrebbe dovuto mettere da parte i suoi pregiudizi repubblicani e fare subito i bagagli.

At last all the preparations were complete; the day came when the trunks were taken to the steamer, and the hour arrived when the carriage stood at the door. ||||준비||완료되었다||||||짐가방|||||||||||||||| Alla fine tutti i preparativi furono completati; venne il giorno in cui i bauli furono portati sul piroscafo e arrivò l'ora in cui la carrozza si fermò alla porta. Then a curious feeling of loneliness came upon the little boy. |||||외로움||||| His mamma had been shut up in her room for some time; when she came down the stairs, her eyes looked large and wet, and her sweet mouth was trembling. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||떨고 있었다 La mamma era rimasta chiusa nella sua stanza per un po' di tempo; quando scese le scale, i suoi occhi sembravano grandi e umidi e la sua dolce bocca tremava. Cedric went to her, and she bent down to him, and he put his arms around her, and they kissed each other. ||||||몸을 굽||||||||||||||| He knew something made them both sorry, though he scarcely knew what it was; but one tender little thought rose to his lips. ||||||||||||||||||||||입술 Sapeva che qualcosa li rendeva entrambi dispiaciuti, anche se non sapeva bene cosa; ma un piccolo e tenero pensiero gli salì alle labbra.

"We liked this little house, Dearest, didn't we?" "Ci piaceva questa casetta, carissima, non è vero?". he said. "We always will like it, won't we?"