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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Chapter 10. The King's Closet at the Tuileries (2)

Chapter 10. The King's Closet at the Tuileries (2)

"Has your majesty perused yesterday's report?" "Yes, yes; but tell the duke himself, who cannot find anything, what the report contains--give him the particulars of what the usurper is doing in his islet." "Monsieur," said the baron to the duke, "all the servants of his majesty must approve of the latest intelligence which we have from the Island of Elba. Bonaparte"--M. Dandre looked at Louis XVIII., who, employed in writing a note, did not even raise his head. "Bonaparte," continued the baron, "is mortally wearied, and passes whole days in watching his miners at work at Porto-Longone." "And scratches himself for amusement," added the king. "Scratches himself?" inquired the duke, "what does your majesty mean?" "Yes, indeed, my dear duke. Did you forget that this great man, this hero, this demigod, is attacked with a malady of the skin which worries him to death, prurigo?" "And, moreover, my dear duke," continued the minister of police, "we are almost assured that, in a very short time, the usurper will be insane." "Insane?" "Raving mad; his head becomes weaker. Sometimes he weeps bitterly, sometimes laughs boisterously, at other time he passes hours on the seashore, flinging stones in the water and when the flint makes 'duck-and-drake' five or six times, he appears as delighted as if he had gained another Marengo or Austerlitz. Now, you must agree that these are indubitable symptoms of insanity." "Or of wisdom, my dear baron--or of wisdom," said Louis XVIII., laughing; "the greatest captains of antiquity amused themselves by casting pebbles into the ocean--see Plutarch's life of Scipio Africanus." M. de Blacas pondered deeply between the confident monarch and the truthful minister. Villefort, who did not choose to reveal the whole secret, lest another should reap all the benefit of the disclosure, had yet communicated enough to cause him the greatest uneasiness.

"Well, well, Dandre," said Louis XVIII., "Blacas is not yet convinced; let us proceed, therefore, to the usurper's conversion." The minister of police bowed.

"The usurper's conversion!" murmured the duke, looking at the king and Dandre, who spoke alternately, like Virgil's shepherds. "The usurper converted!" "Decidedly, my dear duke." "In what way converted?" "To good principles. Tell him all about it, baron." "Why, this is the way of it," said the minister, with the gravest air in the world: "Napoleon lately had a review, and as two or three of his old veterans expressed a desire to return to France, he gave them their dismissal, and exhorted them to 'serve the good king.' These were his own words, of that I am certain." "Well, Blacas, what think you of this?" inquired the king triumphantly, and pausing for a moment from the voluminous scholiast before him.

"I say, sire, that the minister of police is greatly deceived or I am; and as it is impossible it can be the minister of police as he has the guardianship of the safety and honor of your majesty, it is probable that I am in error. However, sire, if I might advise, your majesty will interrogate the person of whom I spoke to you, and I will urge your majesty to do him this honor." "Most willingly, duke; under your auspices I will receive any person you please, but you must not expect me to be too confiding. Baron, have you any report more recent than this dated the 20th February.--this is the 4th of March?" "No, sire, but I am hourly expecting one; it may have arrived since I left my office." "Go thither, and if there be none--well, well," continued Louis XVIII., "make one; that is the usual way, is it not?" and the king laughed facetiously.

"Oh, sire," replied the minister, "we have no occasion to invent any; every day our desks are loaded with most circumstantial denunciations, coming from hosts of people who hope for some return for services which they seek to render, but cannot; they trust to fortune, and rely upon some unexpected event in some way to justify their predictions." "Well, sir, go"; said Louis XVIII., "and remember that I am waiting for you." "I will but go and return, sire; I shall be back in ten minutes." "And I, sire," said M. de Blacas, "will go and find my messenger." "Wait, sir, wait," said Louis XVIII. "Really, M. de Blacas, I must change your armorial bearings; I will give you an eagle with outstretched wings, holding in its claws a prey which tries in vain to escape, and bearing this device--Tenax." "Sire, I listen," said De Blacas, biting his nails with impatience. "I wish to consult you on this passage, 'Molli fugiens anhelitu,' you know it refers to a stag flying from a wolf. Are you not a sportsman and a great wolf-hunter? Well, then, what do you think of the molli anhelitu?" "Admirable, sire; but my messenger is like the stag you refer to, for he has posted two hundred and twenty leagues in scarcely three days." "Which is undergoing great fatigue and anxiety, my dear duke, when we have a telegraph which transmits messages in three or four hours, and that without getting in the least out of breath." "Ah, sire, you recompense but badly this poor young man, who has come so far, and with so much ardor, to give your majesty useful information. If only for the sake of M. de Salvieux, who recommends him to me, I entreat your majesty to receive him graciously." "M. de Salvieux, my brother's chamberlain?" "Yes, sire." "He is at Marseilles." "And writes me thence." "Does he speak to you of this conspiracy?" "No; but strongly recommends M. de Villefort, and begs me to present him to your majesty." "M. de Villefort!" cried the king, "is the messenger's name M. de Villefort?" "Yes, sire." "And he comes from Marseilles?" "In person." "Why did you not mention his name at once?" replied the king, betraying some uneasiness.

"Sire, I thought his name was unknown to your majesty." "No, no, Blacas; he is a man of strong and elevated understanding, ambitious, too, and, pardieu, you know his father's name!"

Chapter 10. The King's Closet at the Tuileries (2) Capítulo 10. El armario del rey en las Tullerías (2) Chapitre 10. Le placard du roi aux Tuileries (2)

"Has your majesty perused yesterday's report?" |||read carefully|| "Yes, yes; but tell the duke himself, who cannot find anything, what the report contains--give him the particulars of what the usurper is doing in his islet." ||||||||||||||içerir||||||||||||| "Evet, evet; ama düklere, hiçbir şey bulamayan, raporun ne içerdiğini söyle--baskıncının kendi adasındaki yaptıklarının ayrıntılarını ver." "Monsieur," said the baron to the duke, "all the servants of his majesty must approve of the latest intelligence which we have from the Island of Elba. |||||||||hizmetkarlar||||||||||||||||| "Monsieur," dedi baron düke, "majestelerinin tüm hizmetkarları, Elba Adası'ndan aldığımız son bilgileri onaylamak zorundadır." Bonaparte"--M. Dandre looked at Louis XVIII., who, employed in writing a note, did not even raise his head. ||||||||||||||||kaldırmak|| "Bonaparte"--M. Dandre, not yazmakla meşgul olan Louis XVIII.'e bakarak, başını bile kaldırmadı. "Bonaparte," continued the baron, "is mortally wearied, and passes whole days in watching his miners at work at Porto-Longone." ||||||fatigued|||||||||||||Porto-Longone |||||ölümcül şekilde|||||||||madenciler||||| "And scratches himself for amusement," added the king. |kaşınır|||||| — Et se gratte pour s'amuser, ajouta le roi. "Scratches himself?" kaşınmak| inquired the duke, "what does your majesty mean?" "Yes, indeed, my dear duke. Did you forget that this great man, this hero, this demigod, is attacked with a malady of the skin which worries him to death, prurigo?" ||||||||||half-god||||||||||||||itchy skin condition ||||||||||||||||||||endişelendirir|||| "And, moreover, my dear duke," continued the minister of police, "we are almost assured that, in a very short time, the usurper will be insane." ||||||||||||||||||||||||deli "Insane?" deli mi "Raving mad; his head becomes weaker. çıldırmış||||| « Folle folle, sa tête s'affaiblit. Sometimes he weeps bitterly, sometimes laughs boisterously, at other time he passes hours on the seashore, flinging stones in the water and when the flint makes 'duck-and-drake' five or six times, he appears as delighted as if he had gained another Marengo or Austerlitz. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||battle||historic battle ||||||şamata ile||||||||||fırlatarak||||||||||||kayık gibi atlamak|||||||||||||||Marengo||Austerlitz Tantôt il pleure amèrement, tantôt rit bruyamment, tantôt il passe des heures au bord de la mer, jetant des cailloux dans l'eau et quand le silex fait cinq ou six fois canard et canard, il paraît aussi ravi que s'il avait gagné un autre Marengo ou Austerlitz. Bazen acı acı ağlar, bazen gürültülü bir şekilde güler, diğer zamanlarda sahilde saatler geçirir, suya taş fırlatır ve çakmak taşı beş veya altı kez 'ördek ve kayık' yaptığında, başka bir Marengo veya Austerlitz kazanmış gibi sevinçli görünür. Now, you must agree that these are indubitable symptoms of insanity." |||||||undeniable||| |||||||şüphesiz||| Şimdi, bu durumların akıl hastalığının tartışılmaz belirtileri olduğunu kabul etmelisiniz. "Or of wisdom, my dear baron--or of wisdom," said Louis XVIII., laughing; "the greatest captains of antiquity amused themselves by casting pebbles into the ocean--see Plutarch's life of Scipio Africanus." |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Plutarch's|||Scipio|African |||||||||||||||||antiklik||||||||||||||Afrikanus Ya da bilgelik, sevgili baronum - ya da bilgelik, dedi XVIII. Louis, gülerek; "eski çağların en büyük komutanları okyanusa çakıl taşları atarak eğlenirlerdi - bkz. Plutarkhos'un Scipio Africanus hayatı." M. de Blacas pondered deeply between the confident monarch and the truthful minister. |||||||||||doğru| M. de Blacas, kendine güvenen monark ile doğruyu söyleyen bakan arasında derin derin düşündü. Villefort, who did not choose to reveal the whole secret, lest another should reap all the benefit of the disclosure, had yet communicated enough to cause him the greatest uneasiness. |||||||||||||||||||revelation|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||fayda|||açıklama|||||||||| Bütün sırrı açıklamayı seçmeyen Villefort, başkalarının açıklamanın tüm faydasını elde etmemesi için, yine de ona en büyük huzursuzluğu verecek kadar bilgi paylaşmıştı.

"Well, well, Dandre," said Louis XVIII., "Blacas is not yet convinced; let us proceed, therefore, to the usurper's conversion." ||||||||||||||||||conversion to belief — Eh bien, eh bien, Dandre, dit Louis XVIII, Blacas n'est pas encore convaincu ; procédons donc à la conversion de l'usurpateur. "Şey, şey, Dandre," dedi Louis XVIII., "Blacas henüz ikna olmamış; bu yüzden, usurpatoru dönüştürmeye geçelim." The minister of police bowed. ||||eğildi

"The usurper's conversion!" murmured the duke, looking at the king and Dandre, who spoke alternately, like Virgil's shepherds. |||||||||||sırasıyla|||çobanlar duke, bakarak fısıldadı kral ve sırayla konuşan Dandre'ye, tıpkı Virgilio'nun çobanları gibi. "The usurper converted!" "Gaspet ilhak edildi!" "Decidedly, my dear duke." kesinlikle||| "Kesinlikle, sevgili düküm." "In what way converted?" "To good principles. Tell him all about it, baron." "Why, this is the way of it," said the minister, with the gravest air in the world: "Napoleon lately had a review, and as two or three of his old veterans expressed a desire to return to France, he gave them their dismissal, and exhorted them to 'serve the good king.' ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||encouraged them to|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||gaziler||||||||||||işten çıkarma|||||||| « Voilà ainsi, dit le ministre de l'air le plus grave du monde : Napoléon a eu dernièrement une revue, et comme deux ou trois de ses anciens combattants ont exprimé le désir de rentrer en France, il leur a donné leur renvoi, et les a exhortés à « servir le bon roi ». These were his own words, of that I am certain." "Well, Blacas, what think you of this?" inquired the king triumphantly, and pausing for a moment from the voluminous scholiast before him. ||||||||||||scholar|| |||zaferle||||||||||| Kral, zaferle sordu ve önündeki hacimli şkolastikten bir an için duraksadı.

"I say, sire, that the minister of police is greatly deceived or I am; and as it is impossible it can be the minister of police as he has the guardianship of the safety and honor of your majesty, it is probable that I am in error. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||guardianship|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||hata « Je dis, Sire, que le ministre de la police s'est beaucoup trompé ou je le suis ; et comme il est impossible que ce soit le ministre de la police puisqu'il a la garde du salut et de l'honneur de Votre majesté, il est probable que je suis par erreur. "Derim ki, efendim, polis bakanı ya büyük bir yanıltma yaşıyor ya da ben; ve eğer bu imkansızsa, polis bakanı olamaz çünkü sizin majestelerinizin güvenliği ve onurunun korunmasından sorumludur, muhtemelen ben yanlış düşünüyorum." However, sire, if I might advise, your majesty will interrogate the person of whom I spoke to you, and I will urge your majesty to do him this honor." Ancak, efendim, eğer tavsiye edebilirsem, majesteleriniz konuştuğum kişiyi sorgulayacak ve ona bu onuru vermeniz konusunda sizi zorlayacağım." "Most willingly, duke; under your auspices I will receive any person you please, but you must not expect me to be too confiding. |||||patronage|||||||||||||||||trusting ||||||||||||||||||||||güvenilir « Bien volontiers, duc ; sous vos auspices, je recevrai toute personne qu'il vous plaira, mais vous ne devez pas vous attendre à ce que je sois trop confiant. Baron, have you any report more recent than this dated the 20th February.--this is the 4th of March?" Baron, 20 Şubat tarihli olan bu rapordan daha yeni bir rapor var mı? -- bu 4 Mart mı?" "No, sire, but I am hourly expecting one; it may have arrived since I left my office." |||||saatlik||||||||||| — Non, Sire, mais j'en attends un d'heure en heure ; il est peut-être arrivé depuis que j'ai quitté mon bureau. "Hayır efendim, ama her saat bir tane bekliyorum; ofisimi terk ettiğimden beri gelmiş olabilir." "Go thither, and if there be none--well, well," continued Louis XVIII., "make one; that is the usual way, is it not?" |there|||||||||||||||||||| – Allez-y, et s'il n'y en a pas, eh bien, eh bien, reprit Louis XVIII, faites-en un ; c'est le chemin ordinaire, n'est-ce pas ? "Oraya git ve eğer yoksa - iyi, iyi," diye devam etti Louis XVIII., "bir tane yap; bu alışılmış bir yol değil mi?" and the king laughed facetiously. ||||sarcastically humorously ||||şaka yollu

"Oh, sire," replied the minister, "we have no occasion to invent any; every day our desks are loaded with most circumstantial denunciations, coming from hosts of people who hope for some return for services which they seek to render, but cannot; they trust to fortune, and rely upon some unexpected event in some way to justify their predictions." |||||||||||||||||||||accusations|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||durumsal|ihbarlar||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||haklı çıkarmak|| — Oh, Sire, répondit le ministre, nous n'avons aucune occasion d'en inventer ; chaque jour nos pupitres sont chargés des dénonciations les plus circonstanciées, venant d'une foule de gens qui espèrent quelque retour pour les services qu'ils cherchent à rendre, mais ne peuvent ; ils se fient à la fortune et s'appuient sur un événement inattendu pour justifier d'une manière ou d'une autre leurs prédictions." "Ah, efendim," diye yanıtladı bakan, "hiçbir şey icat etmeye ihtiyacımız yok; her gün masalarımız, yaptığı hizmetler için bir karşılık uman birçok insanın en ayrıntılı suçlamalarıyla dolup taşıyor, ancak bunu yapamıyorlar; şansa güveniyorlar ve tahminlerini haklı çıkaracak beklenmedik bir olayın olmasını bekliyorlar." "Well, sir, go"; said Louis XVIII., "and remember that I am waiting for you." "Pekala, efendim, git"; dedi Louis XVIII., "ve seni beklediğimi unutma." "I will but go and return, sire; I shall be back in ten minutes." "Sadece gidip döneceğim, efendim; on dakikaya geri döneceğim." "And I, sire," said M. de Blacas, "will go and find my messenger." — Et moi, Sire, dit M. de Blacas, j'irai chercher mon messager. "Wait, sir, wait," said Louis XVIII. "Really, M. de Blacas, I must change your armorial bearings; I will give you an eagle with outstretched wings, holding in its claws a prey which tries in vain to escape, and bearing this device--Tenax." ||||||||heraldic|||||||||||||||||||||||||||tenacious |||||||||||||||kartal|||||||pençeleri||||||||||||| — Vraiment, monsieur de Blacas, il faut que je change vos armoiries ; je vous donnerai un aigle aux ailes déployées, tenant dans ses griffes une proie qui cherche en vain à s'échapper, et portant cet artifice : Tenax. "Gerçekten, M. de Blacas, armalarınızı değiştirmeliyim; size kanatlarını açmış bir kartal vereceğim, pençelerinde boşuna kaçmaya çalışan bir av tutacak ve bu cihazı taşıyacak--Tenax." "Sire, I listen," said De Blacas, biting his nails with impatience. ||||||||tırnaklar|| "Majesteleri, dinliyorum," dedi De Blacas, sabırsızlıkla tırnaklarını ısırarak. "I wish to consult you on this passage, 'Molli fugiens anhelitu,' you know it refers to a stag flying from a wolf. ||||||||Molli|fleeing|panting|||||||stag|||| ||||||||||||||atıf yapar||||uçan|||kurt "Je souhaite vous consulter sur ce passage, 'Molli fugiens anhelitu', vous savez qu'il fait référence à un cerf volant devant un loup. "Bu pasaj hakkında sizinle danışmak istiyorum, 'Molli fugiens anhelitu,' bunun bir geyiğin bir kurt'tan uçtuğunu ifade ettiğini biliyorsunuz." Are you not a sportsman and a great wolf-hunter? ||||||||kurt| Well, then, what do you think of the molli anhelitu?" Peki o zaman, molli anhelitu hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz? "Admirable, sire; but my messenger is like the stag you refer to, for he has posted two hundred and twenty leagues in scarcely three days." Hayranlık verici|||||||||||||||||||||||| — Admirable, Sire ; mais mon messager est comme le cerf dont vous parlez, car il a fait deux cent vingt lieues en trois jours à peine. Takdire şayan, efendim; ama haberciğiniz sizin bahsettiğiniz geyik gibi, çünkü neredeyse üç günde iki yüz yirmi mil yol aldı. "Which is undergoing great fatigue and anxiety, my dear duke, when we have a telegraph which transmits messages in three or four hours, and that without getting in the least out of breath." |||||||||||||||||mesajlar||||||||||||||| — Qui subit une grande fatigue et une grande anxiété, mon cher duc, quand nous avons un télégraphe qui transmet des messages en trois ou quatre heures, et cela sans s'essouffler le moins du monde. Üç veya dört saat içinde mesajları ileten bir telgrafımız varken, sevgili dukam, büyük bir yorgunluk ve kaygı içinde oluyor. "Ah, sire, you recompense but badly this poor young man, who has come so far, and with so much ardor, to give your majesty useful information. |||reward|||||||||||||||||||||| |||ödüllendiriyorsunuz|||||||||||||||||||||| If only for the sake of M. de Salvieux, who recommends him to me, I entreat your majesty to receive him graciously." ||||||||||tavsiye eder||||||||||| Ne serait-ce que pour l'amour de M. de Salvieux, qui me le recommande, je prie Votre Majesté de le recevoir gracieusement." Sadece bana onu tavsiye eden M. de Salvieux için, majeste'nizden onu lütufkar bir şekilde kabul etmenizi rica ediyorum. "M. de Salvieux, my brother's chamberlain?" M. de Salvieux, kardeşimin kacağı mı? "Yes, sire." Evet, efendim. "He is at Marseilles." "And writes me thence." "Does he speak to you of this conspiracy?" "No; but strongly recommends M. de Villefort, and begs me to present him to your majesty." "M. de Villefort!" cried the king, "is the messenger's name M. de Villefort?" |||||haberciye|||| "Yes, sire." "And he comes from Marseilles?" "In person." "Why did you not mention his name at once?" replied the king, betraying some uneasiness. |||ihanet ederek||

"Sire, I thought his name was unknown to your majesty." "No, no, Blacas; he is a man of strong and elevated understanding, ambitious, too, and, pardieu, you know his father's name!" "Hayır, hayır, Blacas; o güçlü ve yüksek bir anlayışa sahip bir adam, hırslı, ayrıca, pardon, babasının adını biliyorsun!"