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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 40. I GET HOLD OF A SAVAGE


FOR a year and a half I kept close watch upon the farther shore of the island as well as upon that nearest to my castle. But not a single savage came near.

One morning in June, however, I had a great surprise.

I was just starting out from my castle when I saw five canoes lying high and dry on the beach not a mile away. There was not man near them. The people who had come in them were perhaps asleep among the trees.

The number of canoes was greater than I had ever counted upon seeing. For there were always four or six savages in each canoe, and there must now be between twenty and thirty men somewhere on the shore.

I did not know what to think of it. I did not feel brave enough to attack so many.

So I stayed in my castle and made ready to defend myself.

"There is little hope of getting a savage this time," I thought to myself. I waited a long while, but heard no unusual sound. I grew tired of waiting, and made up my mind to see what was going on.

So, with the help of my ladder, I climbed up to my lookout on the top of the rock. I put my spyglass to my eyes and looked down upon the beach.

Surely enough! there they were. I saw no fewer than thirty naked savages dancing around a fire. I saw that they were broiling meat upon the coals, but I could not tell what kind of meat it was.

As I watched I saw some of the dancers run to a boat and drag two miserable prisoners from it. They must have been in the boat all the time, but as they were lying down I did not see them.

All the dancers now crowded around the poor prisoners. They knocked one of them down with a club, and then fell upon him with their knives. I supposed they were going to cut him up for their horrid feast.

For a few moments they seemed to forget the other prisoner, for they left him standing alone at one side.

All at once he made a break for liberty. You never saw a hound run so fast. He ran along the sandy beach, right toward my castle. I was dreadfully frightened. I thought that now my dream was coming true, and that he would surely hide in my grove.

But would the other part of the dream come true? Would the other savages lose sight of him, and running another way, not come near the castle? I feared not.

However, I stayed in my lookout and watched to see what would happen.

I saw, to my joy, that only three of the savage followed him. He ran so fast that he gained ground on them. If he could hold out for ten or fifteen minutes, he would get away from them all.

Between the savages and my castle there was the little river where I had first landed with my raft. If the poor fellow could not swim across this stream, he would surely be taken. I watched to see what he would do.

To my surprise the river did not hinder him at all. The tide was up, but he plunged in and with twenty or thirty strokes was across. I had never seen a finer swimmer.

When his pursuers reached the stream, he was already far away. Two of them jumped in and swam across. The other one stood still a minute and then turned softly back. It was lucky for him that he could not swim.

"Now," thought I to myself, "now is the time to get me a savage!" In another moment I was down in my castle. I picked up my two guns. I was over the wall in less time than it takes me to tell about it. Never once did I think of fear.

I ran swiftly down the hill toward the sea. In another minute I was between the poor captive and his pursuers.

"Hello, there! Come back! I will help you," I cried. Of course he did not understand a word. But he heard me and looked back. I beckoned to him with my hand, and this he understood better.

There was no time for waiting, however. The two savages that followed were close upon me.

I rushed upon the foremost one and knocked him down with my gun. I did not want to shoot, lest the other savages would hear the noise and come to his rescue.

The second pursuer came, running and panting, only a little way behind. When he saw me, he stopped as if he were frightened. I ran toward him, with my gun to my shoulder.

As I came nearer, I saw that he had a bow and arrow and was taking aim at me. What could I do but shoot? He fell to the ground and never moved again.

I now looked around to see what had become of the poor captive. I saw him standing still and gazing at me. The noise of my gun had frightened him so that he did not know what to do.

I called to him: "Come here, my good fellow I will not hurt you." But of course he did not understand. Then I motioned to him with signs. He came a little way and then stopped. He came a little farther and stopped again. He was trembling like a leaf.

No doubt he was afraid that he would be killed as his two pursuers had been.

I spoke kindly to him and made signs that I would not hurt him. He came nearer and nearer, trembling, and kneeling down at almost every step.

I smiled; I looked as pleasant as I could; I made still other signs.

He came quite close to me. He laid his head upon the ground. He took hold of my foot and set it on his neck. This was his way of saying that he would be my slave forever.

I took hold of his hand and lifted him up. I spoke kindly to him.

Thus I at last got hold of a savage, as I had so long desired.

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FOR a year and a half I kept close watch upon the farther shore of the island as well as upon that nearest to my castle. ||||||||||||дальнего|берег|||||||на, за, над||ближайший к||| ||||||||||||||||||||||nächstgelegenen||| Durante um ano e meio, vigiei de perto a costa mais distante da ilha, bem como a mais próxima do meu castelo. В течение полутора лет я внимательно следил как за дальним берегом острова, так и за ближайшим к моему замку. Півтора року я пильно стежив за дальнім берегом острова, а також за найближчим до мого замку. 一年半的时间里,我密切关注着岛的远处岸边,也关注着靠近我的城堡的岸边。 But not a single savage came near. |||||подошёл| Mas nem um único selvagem se aproximou. Но ни один дикарь не приблизился. 但没有一个野蛮人靠近。

One morning in June, however, I had a great surprise. |||Июнь|однако||||| No entanto, numa manhã de junho, tive uma grande surpresa. Однако однажды утром в июне меня ждал большой сюрприз. 然而,在六月的一个早晨,我却大吃一惊。

I was just starting out from my castle when I saw five canoes lying high and dry on the beach not a mile away. ||||||||||||||высоко||||||||| Estava a sair do meu castelo quando vi cinco canoas na praia, a menos de um quilómetro de distância. Я как раз выходил из своего замка, когда увидел в миле от него пять каноэ, лежащих на берегу сухими и здоровыми. 当我刚离开我的城堡时,我看到有五只独木舟高高地搁在海滩上,离我不到一英里远。 There was not man near them. Não havia nenhum homem perto deles. 附近没有人。 The people who had come in them were perhaps asleep among the trees. ||||||||||среди|| As pessoas que tinham vindo nelas talvez estivessem a dormir entre as árvores. Люди, приехавшие на них, возможно, спали среди деревьев. 乘坐这些独木舟来的人也许就在树林中睡着了。

The number of canoes was greater than I had ever counted upon seeing. |||||больше||||когда-либо||на что я|увидеть |||||||||||指望| O número de canoas era maior do que alguma vez imaginei ver. Количество каноэ было больше, чем я рассчитывал увидеть. Кількість каное була більшою, ніж я коли-небудь розраховував побачити. 独木舟的数量比我所料到的要多。 For there were always four or six savages in each canoe, and there must now be between twenty and thirty men somewhere on the shore. Так как|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||vinte||||||| |||||||||||和||||||||||||| 因为每只独木舟上总是有四到六个野蛮人,现在沿岸可能有二十到三十名男子。

I did not know what to think of it. Não sabia o que pensar do assunto. 我不知道该怎么想。 I did not feel brave enough to attack so many. ||||достаточно смелым|||атаковать|| Não me sentia suficientemente corajoso para atacar tantos. Я не чувствовал себя достаточно храбрым, чтобы напасть на стольких. 我觉得自己还不够勇敢去攻击这么多人。

So I stayed in my castle and made ready to defend myself. ||||||||||защищать себя| Por isso, fiquei no meu castelo e preparei-me para me defender. 所以我留在我的城堡里,准备好自卫。

"There is little hope of getting a savage this time," I thought to myself. |||надежда||получить|||||||| "Desta vez, há pouca esperança de apanhar um selvagem", pensei para mim próprio. “这次很少可能捕获一个野兽,”我心里想道。 I waited a long while, but heard no unusual sound. ||||долгое время||||необычный| ||||um tempo||||| Esperei muito tempo, mas não ouvi nenhum som invulgar. Я долго ждал, но не услышал никаких необычных звуков. 我等了很长时间,但没有听到任何异常的声音。 I grew tired of waiting, and made up my mind to see what was going on. |устал|||||||||||||| Fartei-me de esperar e decidi ir ver o que se passava. Мне надоело ждать, и я решил посмотреть, что происходит. 我等待厌倦了,决定看看发生了什么。

So, with the help of my ladder, I climbed up to my lookout on the top of the rock. Então, com a ajuda da minha escada, subi até ao meu miradouro no topo da rocha. За допомогою драбини я піднявся на свій оглядовий майданчик на вершині скелі. 所以,借助梯子,我爬上岩石顶上的瞭望台。 I put my spyglass to my eyes and looked down upon the beach. ||||||||||на|| Coloquei o meu óculo nos olhos e olhei para a praia.

Surely enough! Конечно же!| Sicherlich!| Com certeza! Конечно, достаточно! Звісно, досить! 真的够了! there they were. ||были lá estavam eles. Ось вони. 他们就在那里。 I saw no fewer than thirty naked savages dancing around a fire. |||не менее||тридцать|обнажённых||||| Vi nada menos do que trinta selvagens nus a dançar à volta de uma fogueira. Я увидел не менее тридцати голых дикарей, танцующих вокруг костра. Я бачив не менше тридцяти голих дикунів, які танцювали навколо багаття. 我看到不少于三十个赤裸的荒野土著围着火跳舞。 I saw that they were broiling meat upon the coals, but I could not tell what kind of meat it was. |||||жарили на углях||||угли||||||||||| |||||grillen||||||||||||||| |||||cooking over heat||||||||||||||| Vi que estavam a grelhar carne nas brasas, mas não consegui perceber que tipo de carne era. Я увидел, что на углях жарится мясо, но не смог определить, что это за мясо. 我看见他们在炭火上烤肉,但我无法确定是什么肉。

As I watched I saw some of the dancers run to a boat and drag two miserable prisoners from it. |||||некоторые|||||||лодка||тащить||жалких пленников|узников|| ||||||||||||||schleifen||elenden||| ||||||||||||||pull out||unfortunate|prisoners|| Enquanto observava, vi alguns dos dançarinos correrem para um barco e arrastarem para fora dele dois prisioneiros miseráveis. Наблюдая за происходящим, я увидел, как несколько танцоров подбежали к лодке и вытащили из нее двух несчастных пленников. 当我观看时,看到一些舞者跑向一艘船,从中拖出两名可怜的囚犯。 They must have been in the boat all the time, but as they were lying down I did not see them. |||||||||||da||||||||| Devem ter estado sempre no barco, mas como estavam deitados não os vi. 他们一定一直在船上,但因为他们躺着,我没有看见他们。

All the dancers now crowded around the poor prisoners. ||||столпились вокруг|||бедные| ||||drängten sich|||| Todos os dançarinos se aglomeraram à volta dos pobres prisioneiros. Теперь все танцоры столпились вокруг несчастных пленников. 现在所有的舞者都围在可怜的囚犯周围。 They knocked one of them down with a club, and then fell upon him with their knives. |сбили с ног|||||||дубинка|||набросились на него|||||ножи ||||||||Keule|||||||| |गिरा दिया||||||||||||||| |打倒|||||||bludgeon|||attacked|attacked|||| Deitaram um deles ao chão com uma clava e depois atacaram-no com as suas facas. Они сбили одного из них с ног дубиной, а затем набросились на него с ножами. Вони збили одного з них з ніг кийком, а потім накинулися на нього з ножами. 他们用棍子击倒其中一名囚犯,然后拿着刀子扑向他。 I supposed they were going to cut him up for their horrid feast. |предполагал||||||||||ужасный|пиршество |||||||||||schreckliches| |||||||||||terrible|banquet eu|||||||||||| Supus que o iam cortar para o seu horrível banquete. Я полагал, что они собираются разделать его для своего ужасного пиршества. 我想他们要把他剁碎来当作他们可怕的盛宴。

For a few moments they seemed to forget the other prisoner, for they left him standing alone at one side. на протяжении|||||казалось||забыть о|||заключённый||||||||| |||||||||||||||||an|| Durante alguns instantes, parece que se esqueceram do outro prisioneiro, pois deixaram-no sozinho a um lado. На несколько мгновений они словно забыли о другом пленнике, оставив его стоять в одиночестве поодаль. 有些时候他们似乎忘记了另一个囚犯,因为他们把他一个人留在一边。

All at once he made a break for liberty. ||внезапно||||рывок к свободе||свобода ||||||||Freiheit ||||||dash||freedom ||||||||liberdade ||||||||自由 Mit einem Mal machte er sich auf den Weg in die Freiheit. De repente, fugiu para a liberdade. Он сразу же рванул к свободе. В один момент він вирвався на волю. 突然间,他冲出去逃向自由。 You never saw a hound run so fast. ||||猎犬||| ||||Hund||| ||||hound||| ||||гончая собака||| Du hast noch nie einen Hund so schnell rennen sehen. Nunca se viu um cão de caça correr tão depressa. Вы никогда не видели, чтобы гончая бегала так быстро. Ви ніколи не бачили, щоб гончак бігав так швидко. 您从未见过猎犬跑得那么快。 He ran along the sandy beach, right toward my castle. ||||песчаному||прямо к||| Correu ao longo da praia, em direção ao meu castelo. Он бежал по песчаному пляжу прямо к моему замку. 它沿着沙滩跑,直奔我的城堡而去。 I was dreadfully frightened. ||ужасно|Я был ужасно напуган. ||furchtbar| ||very|terribly scared Estava terrivelmente assustado. Я была ужасно напугана. Я був страшенно наляканий. 我非常害怕。 I thought that now my dream was coming true, and that he would surely hide in my grove. |||||||||||||непременно|спрячется|||роща ||||||||||||||conceal|||grove Pensei que agora o meu sonho estava a tornar-se realidade e que ele se esconderia certamente no meu bosque. Я подумал, что сейчас сбудется моя мечта и он обязательно спрячется в моей роще. 我以为我的梦想现在正在实现,他一定会藏在我的树林里。

But would the other part of the dream come true? ||||часть||||| Mas será que a outra parte do sonho se tornaria realidade? 但是梦中的另一部分会实现吗? Would the other savages lose sight of him, and running another way, not come near the castle? ||||потерять из виду|потерять из виду||||||||||| |||||sight of||||||||||| Será que os outros selvagens o perderiam de vista e, correndo por outro caminho, não se aproximariam do castelo? Не потеряют ли его из виду другие дикари и не побегут ли они другой дорогой, не приближаясь к замку? 其他野蛮人会不会失去他的踪迹,选择另一条路跑,不靠近城堡? I feared not. |не боялся| |did not fear| Não tive medo. Я не боялся. Я боявся, що ні. 我并不害怕。

However, I stayed in my lookout and watched to see what would happen. Однако|||||||||||| No entanto, permaneci no meu posto de vigia e fiquei a ver o que aconteceria. Однако я оставался на своем наблюдательном пункте и смотрел, что будет дальше. 然而,我留在我的岗哨上观察,看看会发生什么。

I saw, to my joy, that only three of the savage followed him. Vi, para minha alegria, que apenas três dos selvagens o seguiam. 我高兴地看到,只有三个野蛮人跟着他。 He ran so fast that he gained ground on them. ||||||наверстал расстояние|позиции|| ||||||aufholte||| ||||||made progress||| Correu tão depressa que ganhou terreno sobre eles. Он бежал так быстро, что обогнал их. Він біг так швидко, що наздогнав їх. 他跑得如此之快,以至于他赶上了他们。 If he could hold out for ten or fifteen minutes, he would get away from them all. Если|||выдержать||||||||||||| Se conseguisse aguentar dez ou quinze minutos, conseguiria fugir de todos eles. Если бы он смог продержаться десять или пятнадцать минут, то смог бы оторваться от них всех. 如果他能坚持十到十五分钟,他就能摆脱他们。

Between the savages and my castle there was the little river where I had first landed with my raft. ||||||||||||||||||बेड़ा ||||||||||der Fluss|||||||| |||||fortress||||||||||arrived|||a floating platform Entre os selvagens e o meu castelo havia o pequeno rio onde eu tinha desembarcado pela primeira vez com a minha jangada. 在野蛮人和我的城堡之间有一条小河,那是我第一次用筏子登陆的地方。 If the poor fellow could not swim across this stream, he would surely be taken. |||бедняга|||||||||непременно|| |||arme Kerl|||||||||||gefangen genommen |||poor fellow||||||river||||| ||||||||||||肯定会||被抓住 Se o pobre coitado não conseguisse atravessar o rio a nado, seria de certeza apanhado. 如果这可怜的家伙过不了这条河流,他肯定会被捉走。 I watched to see what he would do. Fiquei a ver o que ele faria. Я наблюдал за тем, что он будет делать. Я спостерігав за ним, щоб побачити, що він буде робити. 我看着看他会做什么。

To my surprise the river did not hinder him at all. |||||||препятствовать||| |||||||obstruct||| Para minha surpresa, o rio não o atrapalhou em nada. К моему удивлению, река ничуть не помешала ему. На мій подив, річка зовсім не заважала йому. 令我惊讶的是,这条河对他毫无阻碍。 The tide was up, but he plunged in and with twenty or thirty strokes was across. |прилив|||||нырнул|||||||гребков|была|на другом берегу |Die Flut|||||tauchte ein|||||||Züge|| |tide|||||dove|||||||swimming movements|| |||||||||||||划水|| A maré estava alta, mas ele mergulhou e, com vinte ou trinta braçadas, conseguiu atravessar. Прилив усилился, но он погрузился в воду и за двадцать или тридцать взмахов переплыл ее. Приплив піднявся, але він занурився і за двадцять-тридцять гребків опинився на іншому березі. 涨潮了,但他还是跳了进去,用二三十个划动就游过了。 I had never seen a finer swimmer. |||||более искусного|пловец |||||melhor| Nunca tinha visto um nadador tão bom. Я никогда не видел более прекрасного пловца. 我从未见过比他更优秀的游泳者。

When his pursuers reached the stream, he was already far away. ||преследователи|достигли||||||| ||Verfolger|||Bach||||| ||chasing them|||||||| Quando os seus perseguidores chegaram ao ribeiro, ele já estava longe. Когда его преследователи достигли ручья, он был уже далеко. 当追捕者们到达河流时,他早已远去。 Two of them jumped in and swam across. Dois deles saltaram e atravessaram a nado. 其中两个人跳进水里游过去。 The other one stood still a minute and then turned softly back. |||стоял|||||||тихо| O outro ficou parado um minuto e depois virou-se suavemente para trás. Другой с минуту стоял неподвижно, а потом тихонько обернулся. Інший стояв на місці хвилину, а потім м'яко повернувся назад. 另外一个人静静地站了一会,然后轻轻转身。 It was lucky for him that he could not swim. Foi uma sorte para ele o facto de não saber nadar. Ему повезло, что он не умел плавать. 幸好他不会游泳。

"Now," thought I to myself, "now is the time to get me a savage!" "Agora", pensei para mim mesmo, "agora é a altura de me arranjar um selvagem!" "Вот теперь, - подумал я про себя, - самое время завести себе дикаря!" “现在,”我心里想,“现在是时候找一个野蛮人了!” In another moment I was down in my castle. Num instante, estava no meu castelo. 转眼间,我就在我的城堡里。 I picked up my two guns. |поднял|||| 我拿起我的两支枪。 I was over the wall in less time than it takes me to tell about it. ||||||меньше||||||||| Em menos tempo do que levo a contar o que se passou, já estava em cima do muro. 我跨过围墙的速度比我讲述这件事还要快。 Never once did I think of fear. ||||думать||страх Niemals|ein einziges Mal||||| ||||||medo Nunca pensei em medo. Я ни разу не подумал о страхе. Я жодного разу не думала про страх. 我从未想过恐惧。

I ran swiftly down the hill toward the sea. ||быстро|||||| ||तेजी से|||||| ||schnell|||||| ||quickly|||||| Desci a colina a correr em direção ao mar. Я быстро побежал вниз по холму к морю. 我迅速地沿着山坡跑向大海。 In another minute I was between the poor captive and his pursuers. ||||||||пленник|||преследователи ||||||||Gefangenen|||Verfolgern ||||||||captive|||chasing group Num minuto estava entre o pobre prisioneiro e os seus perseguidores. Еще через минуту я оказался между несчастным пленником и его преследователями. 转眼间,我站在可怜的俘虏和他的追捕者之间。

"Hello, there! “喂,那里! Come back! 回来!” I will help you," I cried. Of course he did not understand a word. |конечно|||||| Конечно, он не понял ни слова. But he heard me and looked back. 但他听到了我,回过头来看了看。 I beckoned to him with my hand, and this he understood better. |помахал рукой|||||||||| |winkte|||||||||| |gestured|||||||||| Acenei-lhe com a mão, e ele compreendeu melhor. Я поманила его рукой, и он понял это лучше. 我用手向他招手,这样他更明白了。

There was no time for waiting, however. Однако ждать было некогда. 然而,没有时间等待。 The two savages that followed were close upon me. ||||преследовали|||| Os dois selvagens que se seguiram estavam perto de mim. Двое дикарей, которые шли следом, приблизились ко мне. 紧随其后的两个野蛮人紧跟在我后面。

I rushed upon the foremost one and knocked him down with my gun. |бросился на|||передовой|||||||| |stürzte mich|||vordersten|||||||| |ran|||front|||||||| Apanhei o primeiro e derrubei-o com a minha arma. Я бросился на самого старшего и сбил его с ног выстрелом из пистолета. Я кинувся на переднього і збив його з ніг своїм пістолетом. 我冲向领先的一个人,用枪把他击倒。 I did not want to shoot, lest the other savages would hear the noise and come to his rescue. |||||стрелять|чтобы не||||||||||||на помощь ||||||for fear that||||||||||||rescue him Não queria disparar, para que os outros selvagens não ouvissem o barulho e viessem em seu socorro. Я не хотел стрелять, чтобы другие дикари не услышали шума и не пришли ему на помощь. 我不想开枪,以免其他野蛮人听到声音而前来营救。

The second pursuer came, running and panting, only a little way behind. ||преследователь||||запыхавшись|||||позади ||||||keuchend||||| ||person chasing||||breathing heavily||||| ||||correndo e ofeg||||||| O segundo perseguidor veio, correndo e ofegante, apenas um pouco atrás. Второй преследователь бежал, запыхавшись, совсем немного позади. Другий переслідувач, біжучи і задихаючись, трохи відстав. 第二名追求者跑来时,喘着气,只落后一点点。 When he saw me, he stopped as if he were frightened. ||||||||||испуганный Quando me viu, parou como se estivesse assustado. Увидев меня, он остановился, словно испугавшись. 当他看到我时,停在原地,看起来好像吓到了。 I ran toward him, with my gun to my shoulder. ||in the direction of||||||| Corri na sua direção, com a arma ao ombro. 我朝他跑去,枪顶在肩上。

As I came nearer, I saw that he had a bow and arrow and was taking aim at me. |||ближе|||||||лук||стрела||||целиться в меня|| ||||||||||Bogen||Pfeil und Bogen||||Ziel nehmen|| ||||||||||弓||arrow||||aim|| Quando me aproximei, vi que tinha um arco e uma flecha e que estava a apontar para mim. Подойдя ближе, я увидел, что он держит лук и стрелы и целится в меня. Підійшовши ближче, я побачив, що у нього є лук і стріли, і він цілиться в мене. 当我走近时,我看到他手持弓箭,正瞄准我。 What could I do but shoot? |||||стрелять O que é que eu podia fazer senão disparar? Что мне оставалось делать, кроме как стрелять? 除了开枪,我还能做什么呢? He fell to the ground and never moved again. ||||||больше не|| Caiu no chão e não voltou a mexer-se. 他倒在地上,再也没有动过。

I now looked around to see what had become of the poor captive. ||||||||стало с||||пленник ||||||||||||Gefangener Olhei agora em redor para ver o que tinha acontecido ao pobre cativo. Я оглянулся, чтобы посмотреть, что стало с бедным пленником. 我现在四处看看究竟发生了什么,那个可怜的囚犯去哪了。 I saw him standing still and gazing at me. |||стоящим|||смотрящего|| ||||||starrte|| ||||||staring|| Vi-o parado e a olhar para mim. Я увидела, что он стоит неподвижно и смотрит на меня. Я побачила, що він стоїть нерухомо і дивиться на мене. 我看到他站在那里静静地看着我。 The noise of my gun had frightened him so that he did not know what to do. |шум выстрела||||||||||||||| 枪声吓坏了他,以至于他不知道该怎么做。

I called to him: "Come here, my good fellow I will not hurt you." ||||||||приятель||||обижу| Я позвал его: "Иди сюда, мой добрый друг, я не причиню тебе вреда". 我对他喊道:“过来,我的好伙计,我不会伤害你。” But of course he did not understand. 但他当然不明白。 Then I motioned to him with signs. ||示意|||| ||deutete|||| ||gestured|||| ||показал жестами||||жесты Depois fiz-lhe sinal com sinais. Затем я указал ему знаками. 然后我用手势向他示意。 He came a little way and then stopped. Ele aproximou-se um pouco e depois parou. 他走了一小段路然后停下来。 He came a little farther and stopped again. Avançou um pouco mais e parou de novo. 他走了一小段路再走了一点距离就停下来。 He was trembling like a leaf. ||дрожал||| ||zitternd|||Er zitterte wie ein Blatt. Ele estava a tremer como uma folha. 他像叶子一样颤抖。

No doubt he was afraid that he would be killed as his two pursuers had been. |||||||||||||Verfolger|| Sem dúvida que temia ser morto como os seus dois perseguidores tinham sido. 毫无疑问,他害怕自己会像他的两名追捕者一样被杀。

I spoke kindly to him and made signs that I would not hurt him. Falei-lhe com bondade e fiz-lhe sinais de que não lhe faria mal. 我对他说话很和善,并用手势表示我不会伤害他。 He came nearer and nearer, trembling, and kneeling down at almost every step. |||||||преклоняя колени||||| |||||||niederknien||||| |||||||kneeling down||||| Aproximava-se cada vez mais, tremendo e ajoelhando-se a cada passo. 他越来越靠近,颤抖着,几乎每走一步都会跪下。

I smiled; I looked as pleasant as I could; I made still other signs. |||||friendly|||||||| Sorri; fiz um ar tão agradável quanto possível; fiz ainda outros sinais. 我微笑了;我尽可能看起来愉快;我做了其他手势。

He came quite close to me. Он подошел ко мне довольно близко. 他走得很近。 He laid his head upon the ground. Deitou a cabeça no chão. 他把头放在地上。 He took hold of my foot and set it on his neck. |||||||||||Nacken |||||||||||neck Pegou no meu pé e colocou-o no seu pescoço. 他抓住我的脚放在自己的脖子上。 This was his way of saying that he would be my slave forever. Esta era a sua maneira de dizer que seria meu escravo para sempre. 这是他表示他会永远做我的奴隶的方式。

I took hold of his hand and lifted him up. Peguei na sua mão e levantei-o. 我抓住他的手把他扶起来。 I spoke kindly to him. Falei-lhe amavelmente.

Thus I at last got hold of a savage, as I had so long desired. |||||||||正如||||| So|||||||||||||| ||||||||wild person|||||| ||||||||||||||желаемого Assim, consegui finalmente apanhar um selvagem, como há tanto tempo desejava. Так я нарешті отримав дикуна, про якого так довго мріяв. 最终,我终于得到了一个野蛮人,正如我长久以来所渴望的那样。