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Supreme Personality by Delmer Eugene Croft, CHAPTER 4. THE SUPREME LAW OF SUCCESS


SELLING POWER : Study out plans. Approach your customer or the public, with a definite plan. Here is one of simple power: Attract the attention, secure the interest, carry the conviction, demand the decision, then in any line of business you will have your order book full. Selling power is confidence backed up by the will. Success is ambition and desire driven by the will. Do you desire success? How much? When you desire it as a starving man has hunger for food, you will win. Want to attain your ambition? How much? When your ambition becomes a thirst, a burning consuming thirst, such as the lost traveler has in the blistering sands of the desert, then you will achieve. What you want is not opportunity, the world is flooded with golden opportunities. What you want is not a fair chance, chances gleam in your future sky fairer than the endless myriads of stars that encrust with glittering splendor the evening heavens. What you do want is concentration, confidence, self-reliance, desire, ambition, PERSONAL POWER.

POWER OF ATTRACTION : Make your purpose brilliant. Keep it clear. Seek to energize it with positives. Do not lumber up your plan. Centralize it. Modify it. Create it as a necessity. Form into it the indispensable. Then embody yourself into it. See that nothing about you defeats, or neutralizes attraction. Have a burning interest in your proposition. Look for fulfillment. Anticipate success. Make the world feel that you know you are right. Stop asking folks if they think you will succeed. Of course they do not, because they have not. Hold your mind relaxed in Silence. Make your desire active. Set your wishes in motion. Confidence attracts confidence. Positives attract positives. Bring out your latent forces, they only need arousing. THINK AND ACT.

YOUR MENTAL ATTITUDE: Have faith in yourself. Arouse faith in others. Think in the affirmative. Assert your hope and confidence. Root out every doubt. Help someone out of their slough of doubt and despondency. Believe in the world, in life, in growth, in possibilities. Let your faith be as big and bright as the sun. "Cast not away your confidence which hath great recompense of reward." "Dwell in confidence." "Hold fast your confidence and hope unto the end." Keep your mental attitude independent. Keep it brave. Think of money as a means, not as an end. Seek wealth for the power of service it gives. Have a generous mental attitude. Help others succeed. Banish fear, worry, indecision, timidity, irresolution, anxiety from your mental attitude, they paralyze effort. Trust yourself. Trust others. Have a mental attitude that is supreme, divine, and absolute. Spend your last dollar like a king. Gird the loins of your mind with "I WILL." "I CAN." All the mountains of difficulty will melt before your presence.

AMBITION AND DESIRE: Ambition is idealism. Desire is faith. You cannot have either without the possibility of their fulfillment. Desires come from Supreme Intelligence in the Universe, and they are divine. Therefore, they are real, possible of positive realization. Keep them sacred. Let them become the ideals of your life. Make them glow with the fires of your energies. They spell success and victory. They will crown your life, if you will breathe your life into them. Let your ambition make you irrepressible. Avoid reactionary influences. Keep away from dull, stupid, inactive people.

CREATIVE FORCE AND HARMONY: Be original. Think original thoughts, put them into form. Invent and produce. Create ideas. Feel complete in yourself. Do not stand in wonder at what others have done, right at your feet lies a secret that will enrich the world and make you famous. A thinker discovered a substitute for the artist camel's hair brush by taking the hair from inside a cow's ear. If you work in an office think up some out-door vocation. Grow something, raise something, get interested in animals. Study the market near you, create, produce, or raise something to sell. If not for money, for the forces of life the work gives. It will keep you from habits, from speculating, from gambling, from politics and other evils. Build something, raise chickens, pets, sheep, cattle, or grow flowers, fruits, berries. WORK WITH NATURE. This is the very harmony of success. In it you will be in touch with Universal Intelligence, will get the inflow of Infinite Life, and thru it will keep growing.

YOUR LATENT POWERS : Take account of your personal abilities. Your gifts, talents, forces, equipment. What per cent are you using? Most people are not using over 20 per cent of their capital of personal power. The 80 per cent lies dormant. Why have only 20 per cent of your share of Life, Success, Harmony and Happiness, when you should have 100 per cent. There are big prizes awaiting your latent powers. At every turn of the way, you can read the sign: "Wanted. Men with Power." There is an unexplored continent in your Being. Go into it, bring out its riches, for yourself and for the world.

PERSISTENCE AND PLANNING : A plan is a mighty source of power. Do not work and live "hit-or-miss" in your activities day by day. Have a plan. Sit in Silence a few moments each morning and create a plan. You can double your efficiency. Think out a plan, open a way. Get an effectual insight. Keep your plan under your cap, and work it out. Persist in your plan. Stick to it. Never grow sour or negative in your manner. Keep sweet. If your plan is blocked, dig in another direction. Build a new foundation. Shake off doubts and start new. Unless your success makes you happy it is not success. Deep at the heart of the Universe lies happiness. Live closely to that heart, in persistent power of service.

IMPERSONATE YOUR DESIRES: Impersonate greatness and you will become great. Impersonate loveliness and you will become lovely. Why do actors become matinee idols? They could readily marry a hundred times a month. It is quite impossible for an actor to remain unmarried. What is the secret? Can a person get it? Certainly; here it is. Actors impersonate heroes, villains, model husbands, daring lovers, in a real way. They think, plan, and train themselves to impersonate the character, they make it so real that people think it must be a part of their nature. You can do it, young man, bachelor, widower. If you are only half a man, half a lover, impersonate a whole one. If you are so bashful that it makes you blush to walk with your best girl, in the garden where the flowers are in bed, impersonate a dashing, dare-devil, scamp of fascination, and your sweetheart will faint from adorable bliss and fall into your arms. If you are a coward impersonate a hero, until you are one. Do not stand on one foot, or bite your fingernails, or tear the rim off your hat, trying to tell a beautiful, healthy twentieth century young woman you love her. You'll be all to the mustard. Do something brave. Go hire a kid that is a good swimmer, to fall into the lake as you and your sweetheart are walking past, then throw back your shoulders and tear off your coat and leap in, the kid will get you to shore, but you'll be a hero in her eyes. Impersonate the hero, and you will win the heroine.

Young woman, if you would marry a hero, impersonate beauty. Maiden lady of quite impossible age, if you would marry the best man in the world, impersonate youth and beauty. Dear languishing widow, if you would marry a real man, impersonate youth, beauty and wealth. You will win. The odds are much against you here in the East, where in every state there are thousands and thousands of more women than there are men, but you will win. Men follow actresses around the world because they impersonate love, passion, beauty, virtue and nobleness. The men really think actresses must possess what they portray. You see, it is all a matter of thinking. It does not matter how many times a man has lost on the races, if he is a good sport he will bet on the next horse that looks good to him. Women need to impersonate looking good, better, best. Not on occasions only, but all the time. Men like women who are good pals. So ladies impersonate sympathy, kindness, patience, good fellowship, enthusiasm, in the things that interest men. If you belong to the Citrus family, impersonate the Peach. If you belong to the Nettle family, impersonate the Violet. You may be so homely that your face pains you, but think of the impersonations of beauty you can buy at the drug store. Impersonate silence. A young lady in Philadelphia lost her voice and she had nineteen proposals that year. Impersonate form. You may be as angular as the streets in Boston, yet almost any department store will shape you up. You may be so fat that you haven't seen your feet in years, still you can impersonate so much good nature that men will be attracted to you as flowers to the sun. Have confidence in everything you do, even when you eat sausages at a quick lunch next door to the dog-catcher.

Hell is not paved with good intentions. Hell is paved with sanctimonious pretensions.

When you get up, where does your lap go? When you love, where does your hate go?

After you have walked the floor all night trying to get the baby to sleep, you can at least be thankful that you do not live in Greenland where the nights are six months long.

Avoid hot words in anger, you might tell the truth. A Chicago father thrashed his son for being out late at night. Then added: "When I was your age my father would not let me be out after dark." The boy answered: "Then you must have had a devil of a father." The old man came back hotly: "I had a damn sight better father than you have." Fretting is like a rocking chair, you can do a great deal of agitating in it without getting anywhere.

Do not kick at the squirrel that runs up to you in the park; it may be only mistaken identity—he thought he saw a nut.

Children radiate truth, they intuitively feel and express it. Elsie had been bad and her mother sent her upstairs to talk it over with God. After an hour she came down stairs singing; her mother asked her what God had said to her. "O," she replied, "God said, Great Scott, Elsie, don't feel badly, there are a lot of worse people in this house than you are."


SELLING POWER : Study out plans. Approach your customer or the public, with a definite plan. Here is one of simple power: Attract the attention, secure the interest, carry the conviction, demand the decision, then in any line of business you will have your order book full. Ось одна з простих сил: Привертайте увагу, зацікавлюйте, переконуйте, вимагайте рішення, і тоді в будь-якій сфері бізнесу у вас буде повна книга замовлень. Selling power is confidence backed up by the will. Success is ambition and desire driven by the will. Успіх - це амбіції та бажання, що керуються волею. Do you desire success? How much? When you desire it as a starving man has hunger for food, you will win. Когда вы желаете этого, как голодный человек жаждет пищи, вы победите. Коли ви бажаєте цього так, як голодний бажає їжі, ви переможете. Want to attain your ambition? How much? Сколько? When your ambition becomes a thirst, a burning consuming thirst, such as the lost traveler has in the blistering sands of the desert, then you will achieve. Когда ваши амбиции превратятся в жажду, жгучую всепоглощающую жажду, какую испытывает заблудившийся путник в горячих песках пустыни, тогда вы добьетесь успеха. Коли ваші амбіції перетворяться на спрагу, пекучу, всепоглинаючу спрагу, як у заблукалого мандрівника в пекучих пісках пустелі, тоді ви досягнете успіху. What you want is not opportunity, the world is flooded with golden opportunities. То, что вы хотите, — это не возможность, мир наводнен золотыми возможностями. Те, чого ви хочете, - це не можливість, світ переповнений золотими можливостями. What you want is not a fair chance, chances gleam in your future sky fairer than the endless myriads of stars that encrust with glittering splendor the evening heavens. То, чего вы хотите, — это не справедливый шанс, шансы сияют в вашем будущем небе более прекрасным, чем бесконечные мириады звезд, которые сверкают сверкающим великолепием вечернего неба. Те, чого ви прагнете, не є чесним шансом, шанси виблискують на вашому майбутньому небі чесніше, ніж нескінченні міріади зірок, що вкривають блискучим сяйвом вечірнє небо. What you do want is concentration, confidence, self-reliance, desire, ambition, PERSONAL POWER. Чего вам действительно нужно, так это концентрации, уверенности, уверенности в себе, желания, амбиций, ЛИЧНОЙ СИЛЫ.

POWER OF ATTRACTION : Make your purpose brilliant. СИЛА ПРИВЛЕЧЕНИЯ: Сделайте свою цель блестящей. Keep it clear. Держите это ясно. Seek to energize it with positives. Старайтесь заряжать его позитивом. Do not lumber up your plan. Не загромождайте свой план. Не перевантажуйте свій план. Centralize it. Modify it. Измените его. Create it as a necessity. Создайте его как необходимость. Form into it the indispensable. Сформируйте в нем необходимое. Сформуйте в ньому незамінне. Then embody yourself into it. Затем воплотите себя в нем. See that nothing about you defeats, or neutralizes attraction. Смотрите, чтобы ничто в вас не побеждало и не нейтрализовало влечение. Have a burning interest in your proposition. Имейте живой интерес к вашему предложению. Look for fulfillment. Anticipate success. Make the world feel that you know you are right. Stop asking folks if they think you will succeed. Of course they do not, because they have not. Hold your mind relaxed in Silence. Make your desire active. Set your wishes in motion. Confidence attracts confidence. Positives attract positives. Bring out your latent forces, they only need arousing. THINK AND ACT.

YOUR MENTAL ATTITUDE: Have faith in yourself. ВАШЕ УМСТВЕННОЕ НАСТРОЙСТВО: Верьте в себя. Arouse faith in others. Вызывать веру в других. Think in the affirmative. Думайте утвердительно. Assert your hope and confidence. Утверждайте свою надежду и уверенность. Root out every doubt. Искорените все сомнения. Help someone out of their slough of doubt and despondency. Помогите кому-нибудь выбраться из трясины сомнений и уныния. Believe in the world, in life, in growth, in possibilities. Верьте в мир, в жизнь, в рост, в возможности. Let your faith be as big and bright as the sun. Пусть ваша вера будет такой же большой и яркой, как солнце. "Cast not away your confidence which hath great recompense of reward." «Не оставляйте упования вашего, которому предстоит великое воздаяние». "Dwell in confidence." «Держись в доверии». "Hold fast your confidence and hope unto the end." «Держись твердо за свою уверенность и надежду до конца». Keep your mental attitude independent. Держите свое ментальное отношение независимым. Keep it brave. Держись смело. Think of money as a means, not as an end. Думайте о деньгах как о средстве, а не как о цели. Seek wealth for the power of service it gives. Ищите богатство ради силы служения, которое оно дает. Have a generous mental attitude. Имейте великодушный умственный настрой. Help others succeed. Помогите другим добиться успеха. Banish fear, worry, indecision, timidity, irresolution, anxiety from your mental attitude, they paralyze effort. Изгнав страх, беспокойство, нерешительность, робость, нерешительность, тревогу из своего душевного настроя, они парализуют усилия. Виженіть страх, тривогу, нерішучість, боязкість, нерішучість, занепокоєння зі свого ментального настрою, вони паралізують зусилля. Trust yourself. Доверяй себе. Довірся собі. Trust others. Доверяйте другим. Have a mental attitude that is supreme, divine, and absolute. Имейте ментальное отношение, которое является высшим, божественным и абсолютным. Майте ментальну установку, яка є вищою, божественною і абсолютною. Spend your last dollar like a king. Потратьте свой последний доллар как король. Витратьте свій останній долар як король. Gird the loins of your mind with "I WILL." Препояшь чресла своего разума словами «Я ХОЧУ». Підперезати крижі свого розуму словами "Я ЗРОЗУМІЮ". "I CAN." "Я МОГУ." All the mountains of difficulty will melt before your presence. Все горы трудностей растают в твоем присутствии. Всі гори труднощів розтануть перед вашою присутністю.

AMBITION AND DESIRE: Ambition is idealism. АМБИЦИИ И ЖЕЛАНИЯ: Амбиции — это идеализм. Desire is faith. Желание есть вера. Бажання - це віра. You cannot have either without the possibility of their fulfillment. Вы не можете иметь ни то, ни другое без возможности их исполнения. Desires come from Supreme Intelligence in the Universe, and they are divine. Желания исходят от Высшего Разума во Вселенной, и они божественны. Therefore, they are real, possible of positive realization. Поэтому они реальны, возможны положительной реализации. Keep them sacred. Держите их священными. Let them become the ideals of your life. Пусть они станут идеалами вашей жизни. Make them glow with the fires of your energies. Заставьте их светиться пламенем ваших энергий. They spell success and victory. Они означают успех и победу. They will crown your life, if you will breathe your life into them. Они увенчают вашу жизнь, если вы вдохнете в них свою жизнь. Let your ambition make you irrepressible. Пусть ваше честолюбие сделает вас неудержимым. Avoid reactionary influences. Keep away from dull, stupid, inactive people.

CREATIVE FORCE AND HARMONY: Be original. Think original thoughts, put them into form. Invent and produce. Create ideas. Feel complete in yourself. Do not stand in wonder at what others have done, right at your feet lies a secret that will enrich the world and make you famous. A thinker discovered a substitute for the artist camel's hair brush by taking the hair from inside a cow's ear. Мислитель винайшов заміну пензлю художника з верблюжої вовни, взявши волосся з коров'ячого вуха. If you work in an office think up some out-door vocation. Якщо ви працюєте в офісі, придумайте якесь покликання на свіжому повітрі. Grow something, raise something, get interested in animals. Щось вирощувати, розводити, цікавитися тваринами. Study the market near you, create, produce, or raise something to sell. Вивчайте ринок поблизу вас, створюйте, виробляйте або вирощуйте щось на продаж. If not for money, for the forces of life the work gives. It will keep you from habits, from speculating, from gambling, from politics and other evils. Це вбереже вас від звичок, від спекуляцій, від азартних ігор, від політики та іншого зла. Build something, raise chickens, pets, sheep, cattle, or grow flowers, fruits, berries. WORK WITH NATURE. This is the very harmony of success. In it you will be in touch with Universal Intelligence, will get the inflow of Infinite Life, and thru it will keep growing. У ньому ви будете контактувати з Вселенським Розумом, отримувати приплив Нескінченного Життя і через нього продовжуватимете зростати.

YOUR LATENT POWERS : Take account of your personal abilities. Your gifts, talents, forces, equipment. What per cent are you using? Який відсоток ви використовуєте? Most people are not using over 20 per cent of their capital of personal power. Більшість людей не використовують більше 20 відсотків свого капіталу особистої влади. The 80 per cent lies dormant. 80 відсотків лежить у сплячці. Why have only 20 per cent of your share of Life, Success, Harmony and Happiness, when you should have 100 per cent. There are big prizes awaiting your latent powers. На ваші приховані здібності чекають великі призи. At every turn of the way, you can read the sign: "Wanted. На кожному кроці можна прочитати табличку: "Розшукується. Men with Power." There is an unexplored continent in your Being. Go into it, bring out its riches, for yourself and for the world. Заглибтеся в нього, принесіть його багатства для себе і для світу.

PERSISTENCE AND PLANNING : A plan is a mighty source of power. Do not work and live "hit-or-miss" in your activities day by day. Не працюйте і не живіть "від випадку до випадку" у своїй діяльності день за днем. Have a plan. Sit in Silence a few moments each morning and create a plan. You can double your efficiency. Ви можете подвоїти свою ефективність. Think out a plan, open a way. Get an effectual insight. Отримайте ефективний інсайт. Keep your plan under your cap, and work it out. Тримайте свій план під ковпаком і працюйте над ним. Persist in your plan. Stick to it. Дотримуйся цього. Never grow sour or negative in your manner. Keep sweet. If your plan is blocked, dig in another direction. Якщо ваш план заблоковано, копайте в іншому напрямку. Build a new foundation. Shake off doubts and start new. Unless your success makes you happy it is not success. Deep at the heart of the Universe lies happiness. Глибоко в серці Всесвіту лежить щастя. Live closely to that heart, in persistent power of service.

IMPERSONATE YOUR DESIRES: Impersonate greatness and you will become great. УОСОБЛЮЙТЕ СВОЇ БАЖАННЯ: Уособлюйте велич, і ви станете великими. Impersonate loveliness and you will become lovely. Why do actors become matinee idols? Чому актори стають кумирами ранку? They could readily marry a hundred times a month. Вони могли легко одружуватися по сто разів на місяць. It is quite impossible for an actor to remain unmarried. Для актора абсолютно неможливо залишатися неодруженим. What is the secret? Can a person get it? Чи може людина його отримати? Certainly; here it is. Actors impersonate heroes, villains, model husbands, daring lovers, in a real way. Актори перевтілюються в героїв, лиходіїв, зразкових чоловіків, зухвалих коханців, по-справжньому. They think, plan, and train themselves to impersonate the character, they make it so real that people think it must be a part of their nature. You can do it, young man, bachelor, widower. Ти можеш це зробити, юнак, холостяк, вдівець. If you are only half a man, half a lover, impersonate a whole one. Якщо ви лише наполовину чоловік, наполовину коханець, видавайте себе за цілого. If you are so bashful that it makes you blush to walk with your best girl, in the garden where the flowers are in bed, impersonate a dashing, dare-devil, scamp of fascination, and your sweetheart will faint from adorable bliss and fall into your arms. Якщо ви настільки сором'язливі, що вам соромно гуляти зі своєю найкращою дівчиною в саду, де цвітуть квіти, уявіть себе лихим, сміливим, зачарованим бешкетником, і ваша кохана знепритомніє від чарівного блаженства і впаде в ваші обійми. If you are a coward impersonate a hero, until you are one. Якщо ти боягуз, видавай себе за героя, поки не станеш ним. Do not stand on one foot, or bite your fingernails, or tear the rim off your hat, trying to tell a beautiful, healthy twentieth century young woman you love her. Не варто стояти на одній нозі, гризти нігті або зривати криси з капелюха, намагаючись сказати красивій, здоровій молодій жінці двадцятого століття, що ви її кохаєте. You'll be all to the mustard. Ти будеш весь у гірчиці. Do something brave. Go hire a kid that is a good swimmer, to fall into the lake as you and your sweetheart are walking past, then throw back your shoulders and tear off your coat and leap in, the kid will get you to shore, but you'll be a hero in her eyes. Найміть дитину, яка добре плаває, щоб вона впала в озеро, коли ви з коханою проходитимете повз, потім розправте плечі, зірвіть пальто і стрибніть у воду, дитина витягне вас на берег, а ви станете героєм в її очах. Impersonate the hero, and you will win the heroine. Перевтілюйтеся в героя, і ви завоюєте героїню.

Young woman, if you would marry a hero, impersonate beauty. Молода жінко, якщо хочеш вийти заміж за героя, вдавай із себе красуню. Maiden lady of quite impossible age, if you would marry the best man in the world, impersonate youth and beauty. Dear languishing widow, if you would marry a real man, impersonate youth, beauty and wealth. You will win. The odds are much against you here in the East, where in every state there are thousands and thousands of more women than there are men, but you will win. Тут, на Сході, де в кожному штаті жінок на тисячі й тисячі більше, ніж чоловіків, шанси проти вас, але ви переможете. Men follow actresses around the world because they impersonate love, passion, beauty, virtue and nobleness. Чоловіки слідують за акторками по всьому світу, тому що вони уособлюють любов, пристрасть, красу, доброчесність і благородство. The men really think actresses must possess what they portray. Чоловіки дійсно думають, що актриси повинні володіти тим, що вони зображують. You see, it is all a matter of thinking. It does not matter how many times a man has lost on the races, if he is a good sport he will bet on the next horse that looks good to him. Неважливо, скільки разів людина програвала на перегонах, якщо вона хороший спортсмен, вона поставить на наступного коня, який їй сподобається. Women need to impersonate looking good, better, best. Not on occasions only, but all the time. Men like women who are good pals. Чоловікам подобаються жінки, які є хорошими подругами. So ladies impersonate sympathy, kindness, patience, good fellowship, enthusiasm, in the things that interest men. Тому жінки зображують симпатію, доброту, терпіння, дружбу, ентузіазм у речах, які цікавлять чоловіків. If you belong to the Citrus family, impersonate the Peach. Якщо ви належите до сімейства Цитрусових, зобразіть Персик. If you belong to the Nettle family, impersonate the Violet. You may be so homely that your face pains you, but think of the impersonations of beauty you can buy at the drug store. Ви можете бути настільки домашнім, що у вас болить обличчя, але подумайте про імітації краси, які ви можете купити в аптеці. Impersonate silence. A young lady in Philadelphia lost her voice and she had nineteen proposals that year. Молода жінка з Філадельфії втратила голос, і того року вона отримала дев'ятнадцять пропозицій. Impersonate form. Уособлення форми. You may be as angular as the streets in Boston, yet almost any department store will shape you up. Ви можете бути такими ж незграбними, як вулиці Бостона, але майже будь-який універмаг приведе вас до ладу. You may be so fat that you haven't seen your feet in years, still you can impersonate so much good nature that men will be attracted to you as flowers to the sun. Ви можете бути такою товстою, що роками не бачили своїх ніг, але в вас може бути стільки добродушності, що чоловіки будуть тягнутися до вас, як квіти до сонця. Have confidence in everything you do, even when you eat sausages at a quick lunch next door to the dog-catcher. Будьте впевнені у всьому, що ви робите, навіть коли їсте сосиски за швидким обідом по сусідству з ловцем собак.

Hell is not paved with good intentions. Пекло не вимощене добрими намірами. Hell is paved with sanctimonious pretensions.

When you get up, where does your lap go? When you love, where does your hate go?

After you have walked the floor all night trying to get the baby to sleep, you can at least be thankful that you do not live in Greenland where the nights are six months long. Після того, як ви всю ніч ходили по підлозі, намагаючись вкласти дитину спати, ви можете бути принаймні вдячні, що живете не в Гренландії, де ночі тривають по шість місяців.

Avoid hot words in anger, you might tell the truth. Уникайте гарячих слів у гніві, ви можете сказати правду. A Chicago father thrashed his son for being out late at night. Then added: "When I was your age my father would not let me be out after dark." The boy answered: "Then you must have had a devil of a father." Хлопчик відповів: "Тоді у тебе, мабуть, був диявол замість батька". The old man came back hotly: "I had a damn sight better father than you have." Старий відповів гаряче: "У мене був до біса кращий батько, ніж у тебе". Fretting is like a rocking chair, you can do a great deal of agitating in it without getting anywhere. Фреттинг схожий на крісло-гойдалку, ви можете дуже сильно розгойдуватися в ньому, але нікуди не рухатися.

Do not kick at the squirrel that runs up to you in the park; it may be only mistaken identity—he thought he saw a nut. Не штовхайте білку, яка підбігла до вас у парку, це може бути просто помилкова ідентифікація - їй здалося, що вона побачила горіх.

Children radiate truth, they intuitively feel and express it. Діти випромінюють правду, вони інтуїтивно відчувають і висловлюють її. Elsie had been bad and her mother sent her upstairs to talk it over with God. Елсі погано поводилася, і мама відправила її нагору, щоб поговорити з Богом. After an hour she came down stairs singing; her mother asked her what God had said to her. "O," she replied, "God said, Great Scott, Elsie, don't feel badly, there are a lot of worse people in this house than you are."