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The Adventures of Paddy Beaver by Thornton W. Burgess, XI


JERRY MUSKRAT was more and more sure that his big cousin, Paddy the Beaver, didn't know quite so much as he might about house-building. Jerry would have liked to offer some suggestions, but he didn't quite dare. You see, he was very anxious not to displease his big cousin. But he felt that he simply had got to speak his mind to some one, so he swam across to where he had seen Peter Rabbit almost every night since Paddy began to build. Sure enough, Peter was there, sitting up very straight and staring with big round eyes at the platform of mud and sticks out in the water where Paddy the Beaver was at work.

"Well, Peter, what do you think of it?" asked Jerry.

"What is it?" asked Peter innocently. "Is it another dam?" Jerry threw back his head and laughed and laughed.

Peter looked at him suspiciously. "I don't see anything to laugh at," said he. "Why, it's a house, you stupid. It's Paddy's new house," replied Jerry, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. "I'm not stupid!" retorted Peter. "How was I to know that that pile of mud and sticks is meant for a house? It certainly doesn't look it. Where is the door?" "To tell you the truth, I don't think it is much of a house myself," replied Jerry. "It has got a door, all right. In fact, it has got three. You can't see them because they are under water, and there is a passage from each right up through that platform of mud and sticks, which is the foundation of the house. It really is a very fine foundation, Peter; it really is. But what I can't understand is what Paddy is thinking of by building that great pile of mud right in the middle. When he gets his walls built, where will his bedroom be? There won't be any room at all. It won't be a house at all—just a big useless pile of sticks and mud." Peter scratched his head and then pulled his whiskers thoughtfully as he gazed out at the pile in the water where Paddy the Beaver was at work.

"It does look foolish, that's a fact," said he. "Why don't you point out to him the mistake he is making, Jerry? You have built such a splendid house yourself that you ought to be able to help Paddy and show him his mistakes." Jerry had smiled a very self-satisfied smile when Peter mentioned his fine house, but he shook his head at the suggestion that he should give Paddy advice.

"I—I don't just like to," he confessed. "You know, he might not like it and—and it doesn't seem as if it would be quite polite." Peter sniffed. "That wouldn't trouble me any if he were my cousin," said he. Jerry shook his head. "No, I don't believe it would," he replied, "but it does trouble me and—and—well, I think I'll wait awhile." Now all this time Paddy had been hard at work. He was bringing the longest branches which he had cut from the trees out of which he had built his dam, and a lot of slender willow and alder poles. He pushed these ahead of him as he swam. When he reached the foundation of his house, he would lean them against the pile of mud in the middle with their big ends resting on the foundation. So he worked all the way around until by and by the mud pile in the middle couldn't be seen. It was completely covered with sticks, and they were cunningly fastened together at the tops.


JERRY MUSKRAT was more and more sure that his big cousin, Paddy the Beaver, didn't know quite so much as he might about house-building. ДЖЕРРІ МУСКУРТ дедалі більше переконувався, що його старший двоюрідний брат, бобер Педді, не так багато знає про будівництво будинків, як він міг би знати. Jerry would have liked to offer some suggestions, but he didn't quite dare. Джеррі хотів би висловити кілька пропозицій, але не наважився. You see, he was very anxious not to displease his big cousin. Розумієте, він дуже хотів не розчарувати свого старшого двоюрідного брата. But he felt that he simply had got to speak his mind to some one, so he swam across to where he had seen Peter Rabbit almost every night since Paddy began to build. Але він відчував, що просто зобов'язаний висловити комусь свою думку, тож поплив туди, де бачив Кролика Пітера майже щовечора, відколи Педді почав будувати. Sure enough, Peter was there, sitting up very straight and staring with big round eyes at the platform of mud and sticks out in the water where Paddy the Beaver was at work. Звісно, Пітер був там, сидів дуже прямо і дивився великими круглими очима на платформу з багнюки та палиць у воді, де працював бобер Педді.

"Well, Peter, what do you think of it?" asked Jerry.

"What is it?" "Що це?" asked Peter innocently. невинно запитав Петро. "Is it another dam?" "Це ще одна гребля?" Jerry threw back his head and laughed and laughed.

Peter looked at him suspiciously. "I don't see anything to laugh at," said he. "Why, it's a house, you stupid. "Та це ж будинок, дурню. It's Paddy's new house," replied Jerry, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. "I'm not stupid!" retorted Peter. "How was I to know that that pile of mud and sticks is meant for a house? It certainly doesn't look it. Where is the door?" "To tell you the truth, I don't think it is much of a house myself," replied Jerry. "По правді кажучи, я й сам не думаю, що це можна назвати будинком", - відповів Джеррі. "It has got a door, all right. "Тут є двері, так. In fact, it has got three. Насправді їх три. You can't see them because they are under water, and there is a passage from each right up through that platform of mud and sticks, which is the foundation of the house. Їх не видно, бо вони під водою, і з кожного є прохід прямо нагору через платформу з бруду і палиць, яка є фундаментом будинку. It really is a very fine foundation, Peter; it really is. But what I can't understand is what Paddy is thinking of by building that great pile of mud right in the middle. Але я не можу зрозуміти, про що думає Педді, будуючи цю величезну купу бруду прямо посередині. When he gets his walls built, where will his bedroom be? Коли він побудує стіни, де буде його спальня? There won't be any room at all. It won't be a house at all—just a big useless pile of sticks and mud." Peter scratched his head and then pulled his whiskers thoughtfully as he gazed out at the pile in the water where Paddy the Beaver was at work.

"It does look foolish, that's a fact," said he. "Це виглядає безглуздо, це факт", - сказав він. "Why don't you point out to him the mistake he is making, Jerry? "Чому б тобі не вказати йому на помилку, яку він робить, Джеррі? You have built such a splendid house yourself that you ought to be able to help Paddy and show him his mistakes." Jerry had smiled a very self-satisfied smile when Peter mentioned his fine house, but he shook his head at the suggestion that he should give Paddy advice.

"I—I don't just like to," he confessed. "Я не просто люблю", - зізнався він. "You know, he might not like it and—and it doesn't seem as if it would be quite polite." "Знаєте, йому це може не сподобатися, і, здається, це не зовсім ввічливо". Peter sniffed. "That wouldn't trouble me any if he were my cousin," said he. "Якби він був моїм двоюрідним братом, мене б це не турбувало", - сказав він. Jerry shook his head. "No, I don't believe it would," he replied, "but it does trouble me and—and—well, I think I'll wait awhile." Now all this time Paddy had been hard at work. Весь цей час Педді наполегливо працював. He was bringing the longest branches which he had cut from the trees out of which he had built his dam, and a lot of slender willow and alder poles. He pushed these ahead of him as he swam. Він штовхав їх перед собою, коли плив. When he reached the foundation of his house, he would lean them against the pile of mud in the middle with their big ends resting on the foundation. Коли він доходив до фундаменту свого будинку, він притуляв їх до купи глини посередині, а їхні великі кінці впиралися у фундамент. So he worked all the way around until by and by the mud pile in the middle couldn't be seen. Так він працював по всьому периметру, доки не став бачити купу бруду посередині. It was completely covered with sticks, and they were cunningly fastened together at the tops. Він був повністю вкритий палицями, а на верхівках вони були хитро скріплені між собою.