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The Pink Fairy Book by Andrew Lang, How the Dragon Was Tricked

How the Dragon Was Tricked

From Griechtsche und Albanesische Marchen, von J. G. von Hahn. (Leipzig: Engelmann. 1864.)

Once upon a time there lived a man who had two sons but they did not get on at all well together, for the younger was much handsomer than his elder brother who was very jealous of him. When they grew older, things became worse and worse, and at last one day as they were walking through a wood the elder youth seized hold of the other, tied him to a tree, and went on his way hoping that the boy might starve to death.

However, it happened that an old and humpbacked shepherd passed the tree with his flock, and seeing the prisoner, he stopped and said to him, 'Tell me, my son why are you tied to that tree?' 'Because I was so crooked,' answered the young man; 'but it has quite cured me, and now my back is as straight as can be.' 'I wish you would bind me to a tree,' exclaimed the shepherd, 'so that my back would get straight.' 'With all the pleasure in life,' replied the youth. 'If you will loosen these cords I will tie you up with them as firmly as I can.' This was soon done, and then the young man drove off the sheep, leaving their real shepherd to repent of his folly; and before he had gone very far he met with a horse boy and a driver of oxen, and he persuaded them to turn with him and to seek for adventures.

By these and many other tricks he soon became so celebrated that his fame reached the king's ears, and his majesty was filled with curiosity to see the man who had managed to outwit everybody. So he commanded his guards to capture the young man and bring him before him.

And when the young man stood before the king, the king spoke to him and said, 'By your tricks and the pranks that you have played on other people, you have, in the eye of the law, forfeited your life. But on one condition I will spare you, and that is, if you will bring me the flying horse that belongs to the great dragon. Fail in this, and you shall be hewn in a thousand pieces.' 'If that is all,' said the youth, 'you shall soon have it.' So he went out and made his way straight to the stable where the flying horse was tethered. He stretched his hand cautiously out to seize the bridle, when the horse suddenly began to neigh as loud as he could. Now the room in which the dragon slept was just above the stable, and at the sound of the neighing he woke and cried to the horse, 'What is the matter, my treasure? is anything hurting you?' After waiting a little while the young man tried again to loose the horse, but a second time it neighed so loudly that the dragon woke up in a hurry and called out to know why the horse was making such a noise. But when the same thing happened the third time, the dragon lost his temper, and went down into the stable and took a whip and gave the horse a good beating. This offended the horse and made him angry, and when the young man stretched out his hand to untie his head, he made no further fuss, but suffered himself to be led quietly away. Once clear of the stable the young man sprang on his back and galloped off, calling over his shoulder, 'Hi! dragon! dragon! if anyone asks you what has become of your horse, you can say that I have got him!' But the king said, 'The flying horse is all very well, but I want something more. You must bring me the covering with the little bells that lies on the bed of the dragon, or I will have you hewn into a thousand pieces.' 'Is that all?' answered the youth. 'That is easily done.' And when night came he went away to the dragon's house and climbed up on to the roof. Then he opened a little window in the roof and let down the chain from which the kettle usually hung, and tried to hook the bed covering and to draw it up. But the little bells all began to ring, and the dragon woke and said to his wife, 'Wife, you have pulled off all the bed-clothes!' and drew the covering towards him, pulling, as he did so, the young man into the room. Then the dragon flung himself on the youth and bound him fast with cords saying as he tied the last knot, 'To-morrow when I go to church you must stay at home and kill him and cook him, and when I get back we will eat him together.' So the following morning the dragoness took hold of the young man and reached down from the shelf a sharp knife with which to kill him. But as she untied the cords the better to get hold of him, the prisoner caught her by the legs, threw her to the ground, seized her and speedily cut her throat, just as she had been about to do for him, and put her body in the oven. Then he snatched up the covering and carried it to the king.

The king was seated on his throne when the youth appeared before him and spread out the covering with a deep bow. 'That is not enough,' said his majesty; 'you must bring me the dragon himself, or I will have you hewn into a thousand pieces.' 'It shall be done,' answered the youth; 'but you must give me two years to manage it, for my beard must grow so that he may not know me.' 'So be it,' said the king. And the first thing the young man did when his beard was grown was to take the road to the dragon's house and on the way he met a beggar, whom he persuaded to change clothes with him, and in the beggar's garments he went fearlessly forth to the dragon. He found his enemy before his house, very busy making a box, and addressed him politely, 'Good morning, your worship. Have you a morsel of bread?' 'You must wait,' replied the dragon, 'till I have finished my box, and then I will see if I can find one.' 'What will you do with the box when it is made?' inquired the beggar.

'It is for the young man who killed my wife, and stole my flying horse and my bed covering,' said the dragon. 'He deserves nothing better,' answered the beggar, 'for it was an ill deed. Still that box is too small for him, for he is a big man.' 'You are wrong,' said the dragon. 'The box is large enough even for me.' 'Well, the rogue is nearly as tall as you,' replied the beggar, 'and, of course, if you can get in, he can. But I am sure you would find it a tight fit.' 'No, there is plenty of room,' said the dragon, tucking himself carefully inside. But no sooner was he well in, than the young man clapped on the lid and called out, 'Now press hard, just to see if he will be able to get out.' The dragon pressed as hard as he could, but the lid never moved.

'It is all right,' he cried; 'now you can open it.' But instead of opening it, the young man drove in long nails to make it tighter still; then he took the box on his back and brought it to the king. And when the king heard that the dragon was inside, he was so excited that he would not wait one moment, but broke the lock and lifted the lid just a little way to make sure he was really there. He was very careful not to leave enough space for the dragon to jump out, but unluckily there was just room for his great mouth, and with one snap the king vanished down his wide red jaws. Then the young man married the king's daughter and ruled over the land, but what he did with the dragon nobody knows.

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How the Dragon Was Tricked Jak byl drak obelstěn Come fu ingannato il drago Как обманули дракона Як обдурили дракона 龙是如何被欺骗的

From Griechtsche und Albanesische Marchen, von J. G. von Hahn. من Griechtsche und Albanesische Marchen ، von JG von Hahn. (Leipzig: Engelmann. (لايبزيغ: إنجلمان. 1864.)

Once upon a time there lived a man who had two sons but they did not get on at all well together, for the younger was much handsomer than his elder brother who was very jealous of him. كان ياما كان يعيش هناك رجل لديه ولدان لكنهما لم يلتقيا معًا على الإطلاق ، لأن الأصغر كان أكثر وسامة من أخيه الأكبر الذي كان يغار جدًا منه. Kdysi dávno žil muž, který měl dva syny, ale ti spolu vůbec nevycházeli, protože mladší byl mnohem hezčí než jeho starší bratr, který na něj velmi žárlil. Колись давно жив чоловік, який мав двох синів, але вони не дуже добре ладнали між собою, бо молодший був набагато красивішим за старшого брата, і той дуже заздрив йому. When they grew older, things became worse and worse, and at last one day as they were walking through a wood the elder youth seized hold of the other, tied him to a tree, and went on his way hoping that the boy might starve to death. Když vyrostli, bylo to čím dál horší, až jednoho dne, když šli lesem, starší mladík popadl druhého, přivázal ho ke stromu a šel dál v naději, že chlapec zemře hlady. Коли вони подорослішали, все ставало все гірше і гірше, і, нарешті, одного разу, коли вони йшли через ліс, старший юнак схопив молодшого, прив'язав його до дерева і пішов далі, сподіваючись, що хлопець помре з голоду.

However, it happened that an old and humpbacked shepherd passed the tree with his flock, and seeing the prisoner, he stopped and said to him, 'Tell me, my son why are you tied to that tree?' Stalo se však, že kolem stromu šel starý a shrbený pastýř se svým stádem, a když uviděl vězně, zastavil se a řekl mu: "Řekni mi, synu, proč jsi přivázán k tomu stromu? Однак сталося так, що старий і горбатий пастух проходив повз дерево зі своєю отарою і, побачивши в'язня, зупинився і сказав йому: "Скажи мені, сину мій, чому ти прив'язаний до цього дерева?". 'Because I was so crooked,' answered the young man; 'but it has quite cured me, and now my back is as straight as can be.' "Protože jsem byl křivý," odpověděl mladík, "ale to mě vyléčilo a teď mám záda rovná, jak jen to jde. "Тому що я був дуже кривий, - відповів юнак, - але це мене вилікувало, і тепер моя спина вирівнялася настільки, наскільки це можливо". 'I wish you would bind me to a tree,' exclaimed the shepherd, 'so that my back would get straight.' "Kéž bys mě přivázal ke stromu," zvolal pastýř, "aby se mi narovnala záda. "Я хочу, щоб ти прив'язав мене до дерева, - вигукнув пастух, - щоб моя спина випрямилася". 'With all the pleasure in life,' replied the youth. "Se vší radostí," odpověděl mladík. "З усіма радощами життя", - відповів юнак. 'If you will loosen these cords I will tie you up with them as firmly as I can.' "Když ty provazy uvolníš, svážu tě jimi tak pevně, jak jen to půjde. "Якщо ти послабиш ці мотузки, я зв'яжу тебе ними так міцно, як тільки зможу". This was soon done, and then the young man drove off the sheep, leaving their real shepherd to repent of his folly; and before he had gone very far he met with a horse boy and a driver of oxen, and he persuaded them to turn with him and to seek for adventures. To se brzy podařilo, a pak mladík odvedl ovce a zanechal jejich skutečného pastýře, aby litoval své hlouposti; a než došel daleko, potkal koňáka a kočího volů a přemluvil je, aby se s ním obrátili a hledali dobrodružství. Незабаром це було зроблено, і тоді юнак відігнав овець, залишивши їхнього справжнього пастуха каятися у своїй нерозважливості; і, не відійшовши далеко, він зустрівся з кіннотником і погоничем волів, і вмовив їх піти з ним і шукати пригод.

By these and many other tricks he soon became so celebrated that his fame reached the king's ears, and his majesty was filled with curiosity to see the man who had managed to outwit everybody. Díky těmto a mnoha dalším trikům se brzy stal tak slavným, že se jeho pověst donesla až ke královským uším a jeho veličenstvo bylo plné zvědavosti, jak vypadá muž, který dokázal všechny přelstít. Завдяки цим та багатьом іншим хитрощам він незабаром прославився настільки, що слава про нього дійшла до вух короля, і його величність сповнився цікавості побачити людину, яка зуміла перехитрити всіх. So he commanded his guards to capture the young man and bring him before him. Přikázal tedy svým strážím, aby mladíka chytily a přivedly před něj.

And when the young man stood before the king, the king spoke to him and said, 'By your tricks and the pranks that you have played on other people, you have, in the eye of the law, forfeited your life. Když mladík stanul před králem, král k němu promluvil a řekl: "Svými kousky a žertíky, které jsi prováděl jiným lidem, jsi podle zákona přišel o život. А коли юнак став перед царем, цар промовив до нього та й сказав: "За свої витівки та витівки, що їх ти розігрував з іншими людьми, ти перед законом втратив своє життя. But on one condition I will spare you, and that is, if you will bring me the flying horse that belongs to the great dragon. Ale pod jednou podmínkou tě ušetřím, a to když mi přivedeš létajícího koně, který patří velkému drakovi. Але за однієї умови я пощаджу тебе, якщо ти приведеш мені летючого коня, що належить великому драконові. Fail in this, and you shall be hewn in a thousand pieces.' Když se ti to nepodaří, budeš rozsekán na tisíc kousků. Не зробиш цього, і тебе розрубають на тисячу шматків". 'If that is all,' said the youth, 'you shall soon have it.' "Jestli je to všechno," řekl mladík, "tak to brzy dostaneš. "Якщо це все, - сказав юнак, - то скоро ти його отримаєш". So he went out and made his way straight to the stable where the flying horse was tethered. Vyšel tedy ven a zamířil přímo do stáje, kde byl uvázán létající kůň. Тож він вийшов і попрямував прямо до стайні, де був прив'язаний летючий кінь. He stretched his hand cautiously out to seize the bridle, when the horse suddenly began to neigh as loud as he could. Opatrně natáhl ruku, aby uchopil uzdu, když kůň náhle začal co nejhlasitěji ržát. Він обережно простягнув руку, щоб узяти вуздечку, коли кінь раптом почав іржати так голосно, як тільки міг. Now the room in which the dragon slept was just above the stable, and at the sound of the neighing he woke and cried to the horse, 'What is the matter, my treasure? Místnost, v níž drak spal, se nacházela přímo nad stájí, a když se ozvalo ržání, probudil se a zavolal na koně: "Co se děje, můj poklade? Кімната, в якій спав дракон, була якраз над стайнею, і, почувши тупіт, він прокинувся й гукнув до коня: "Що сталося, мій скарбе? is anything hurting you?' bolí vás něco? тобі щось болить? After waiting a little while the young man tried again to loose the horse, but a second time it neighed so loudly that the dragon woke up in a hurry and called out to know why the horse was making such a noise. Po chvíli čekání se mladík znovu pokusil koně pustit, ale ten podruhé zařehtal tak hlasitě, že se drak spěšně probudil a zavolal, proč kůň dělá takový rámus. Зачекавши трохи, юнак знову спробував відпустити коня, але вдруге той іржав так голосно, що дракон поспішив прокинутися і покликав його, щоб дізнатися, чому кінь так шумить. But when the same thing happened the third time, the dragon lost his temper, and went down into the stable and took a whip and gave the horse a good beating. Když se však totéž stalo potřetí, drak se neovládl, sešel do stáje, vzal bič a koně pořádně zbil. Та коли те саме сталося втретє, дракон розлютився, спустився до стайні, взяв батіг і добряче відлупцював коня. This offended the horse and made him angry, and when the young man stretched out his hand to untie his head, he made no further fuss, but suffered himself to be led quietly away. To koně urazilo a rozzlobilo, a když mladík natáhl ruku, aby mu odvázal hlavu, už se nerozčiloval, ale nechal se klidně odvést. Це образило коня і розлютило його, і коли юнак простягнув руку, щоб відв'язати йому голову, він не став більше метушитися, але дав себе спокійно відвести. Once clear of the stable the young man sprang on his back and galloped off, calling over his shoulder, 'Hi! Jakmile se mladík dostal ze stáje, vyskočil na hřbet, odcválal a přes rameno zavolal: "Ahoj! Вийшовши зі стайні, юнак скочив на спину і поскакав геть, гукнувши через плече: "Привіт! dragon! dragon! if anyone asks you what has become of your horse, you can say that I have got him!' kdyby se tě někdo zeptal, co se stalo s tvým koněm, můžeš říct, že jsem ho dostal! Якщо хтось запитає тебе, що сталося з твоїм конем, ти можеш сказати, що він у мене! But the king said, 'The flying horse is all very well, but I want something more. Král však řekl: "Létající kůň je sice hezký, ale já chci něco víc. Але цар сказав: "Літаючий кінь - це дуже добре, але я хочу чогось більшого. You must bring me the covering with the little bells that lies on the bed of the dragon, or I will have you hewn into a thousand pieces.' Musíš mi přinést pokrývku se zvonečky, která leží na dračím lůžku, jinak tě nechám rozsekat na tisíc kousků. Ти повинен принести мені покривало з дзвіночками, що лежить на ліжку дракона, або я розрубаю тебе на тисячу шматків". 'Is that all?' "To je všechno? "Це все? answered the youth. odpověděl mladík. 'That is easily done.' "To je snadné. "Це легко зробити". And when night came he went away to the dragon's house and climbed up on to the roof. Když nastala noc, odešel do dračího domu a vylezl na střechu. А коли настала ніч, він пішов до будинку дракона і виліз на дах. Then he opened a little window in the roof and let down the chain from which the kettle usually hung, and tried to hook the bed covering and to draw it up. Pak otevřel malé okénko ve střeše, spustil řetěz, na kterém obvykle visela konvice, a pokusil se zaháknout pokrývku postele a vytáhnout ji. Потім він відкрив маленьке віконце в даху, спустив ланцюг, на якому зазвичай висів чайник, і спробував зачепити покривало на ліжку і підняти його. But the little bells all began to ring, and the dragon woke and said to his wife, 'Wife, you have pulled off all the bed-clothes!' Ale všechny zvonky začaly zvonit a drak se probudil a řekl své ženě: "Ženo, ty jsi strhla všechno povlečení! Та ось дзвіночки почали дзвеніти, і дракон прокинувся і сказав своїй дружині: "Дружино, ти стягнула з себе всю постільну білизну! and drew the covering towards him, pulling, as he did so, the young man into the room. a přitáhl k sobě pokrývku a vtáhl přitom mladého muže do místnosti. і потягнув покривало на себе, втягуючи юнака в кімнату. Then the dragon flung himself on the youth and bound him fast with cords saying as he tied the last knot, 'To-morrow when I go to church you must stay at home and kill him and cook him, and when I get back we will eat him together.' Drak se vrhl na mladíka, svázal ho provazy a při zavazování posledního uzlu řekl: "Zítra, až půjdu do kostela, musíš zůstat doma, zabít ho a uvařit, a až se vrátím, společně ho sníme. Тоді дракон кинувся на юнака і міцно зв'язав його шнурами, сказавши, зав'язуючи останній вузол: "Завтра, коли я піду до церкви, ти повинен залишитися вдома, вбити його і зварити, а коли я повернуся, ми з'їмо його разом". So the following morning the dragoness took hold of the young man and reached down from the shelf a sharp knife with which to kill him. Následujícího rána se tedy dračice chopila mladíka a sáhla z police po ostrém noži, kterým ho chtěla zabít. Наступного ранку дракониця схопила юнака і дістала з полиці гострий ніж, яким хотіла його вбити. But as she untied the cords the better to get hold of him, the prisoner caught her by the legs, threw her to the ground, seized her and speedily cut her throat, just as she had been about to do for him, and put her body in the oven. Když však rozvázala provazy, aby ho mohla chytit, vězeň ji chytil za nohy, shodil ji na zem, popadl ji a rychle jí podřízl hrdlo, stejně jako to chtěla udělat ona jemu, a její tělo vložil do pece. Але коли вона розв'язала шнури, щоб краще вхопитися за нього, в'язень схопив її за ноги, кинув на землю, схопив і швидко перерізав їй горло, як вона збиралася зробити для нього, і вкинув тіло в піч. Then he snatched up the covering and carried it to the king. Pak popadl pokrývku a odnesl ji králi. Тоді він схопив покривало і поніс його до царя.

The king was seated on his throne when the youth appeared before him and spread out the covering with a deep bow. Král seděl na trůně, když se před ním objevil mladík a hlubokou úklonou rozprostřel pokrývku. Цар сидів на своєму троні, коли юнак з'явився перед ним і розстелив покривало з глибоким поклоном. 'That is not enough,' said his majesty; 'you must bring me the dragon himself, or I will have you hewn into a thousand pieces.' "To nestačí," řekl Jeho Veličenstvo, "musíš mi přivést samotného draka, jinak tě nechám rozsekat na tisíc kusů. "Цього замало, - сказав його величність, - ти повинен привести мені самого дракона, або я накажу розрубати тебе на тисячу шматків". 'It shall be done,' answered the youth; 'but you must give me two years to manage it, for my beard must grow so that he may not know me.' "To se stane," odpověděl mladík, "ale musíš mi dát dva roky, abych to zvládl, protože mi musí narůst vousy, aby mě nepoznal. "Буде зроблено, - відповів юнак, - але дай мені два роки, щоб я впорався з цим, бо моя борода має відрости так, що він мене не впізнає". 'So be it,' said the king. "Budiž," řekl král. Нехай буде так, - сказав цар. And the first thing the young man did when his beard was grown was to take the road to the dragon's house and on the way he met a beggar, whom he persuaded to change clothes with him, and in the beggar's garments he went fearlessly forth to the dragon. A první, co mladík udělal, když mu narostly vousy, bylo, že se vydal na cestu k drakovi a cestou potkal žebráka, kterého přemluvil, aby se s ním převlékl, a v žebrákově oděvu se neohroženě vydal k drakovi. І перше, що зробив юнак, коли у нього відросла борода, - пішов дорогою до драконячого дому, і по дорозі зустрів жебрака, якого вмовив переодягнутися разом з ним, і в жебрацькому одязі безстрашно пішов до дракона. He found his enemy before his house, very busy making a box, and addressed him politely, 'Good morning, your worship. Před svým domem našel svého nepřítele, který byl velmi zaneprázdněn výrobou krabice, a zdvořile ho oslovil: "Dobré ráno, vaše ctihodnosti. Він знайшов свого ворога перед його будинком, дуже зайнятого виготовленням скриньки, і ввічливо звернувся до нього: "Доброго ранку, ваша милість. Have you a morsel of bread?' Máte kousek chleba? У вас є шматок хліба? 'You must wait,' replied the dragon, 'till I have finished my box, and then I will see if I can find one.' "Musíš počkat," odpověděl drak, "až dodělám svou krabičku, a pak se podívám, jestli nějakou najdu. "Зачекай, - відповів дракон, - поки я закінчу свою скриньку, а тоді я подивлюся, чи зможу знайти іншу". 'What will you do with the box when it is made?' "Co uděláte s krabicí, až bude vyrobena? "Що ви будете робити з коробкою, коли вона буде зроблена? inquired the beggar. zeptal se žebrák. запитав жебрак.

'It is for the young man who killed my wife, and stole my flying horse and my bed covering,' said the dragon. "To je za toho mladíka, který mi zabil ženu a ukradl mi létajícího koně a peřinu," řekl drak. "Це за юнака, який убив мою дружину, вкрав мого летючого коня і моє покривало", - сказав дракон. 'He deserves nothing better,' answered the beggar, 'for it was an ill deed. "Nic lepšího si nezaslouží," odpověděl žebrák, "protože to byl špatný skutek. "Він не заслуговує на краще, - відповів жебрак, - бо це був поганий вчинок". Still that box is too small for him, for he is a big man.' Přesto je pro něj ta krabice příliš malá, protože je to velký muž. Все одно ця коробка замала для нього, бо він великий чоловік". 'You are wrong,' said the dragon. "Mýlíš se," řekl drak. Ти помиляєшся, - сказав дракон. 'The box is large enough even for me.' "Krabice je dost velká i pro mě. "Коробка досить велика навіть для мене". 'Well, the rogue is nearly as tall as you,' replied the beggar, 'and, of course, if you can get in, he can. "No, ten darebák je skoro stejně vysoký jako ty," odpověděl žebrák, "a když se tam dostaneš ty, tak samozřejmě i on. "Ну, він майже такого ж зросту, як ти, - відповів жебрак, - і, звичайно, якщо ти можеш увійти, то і він зможе". But I am sure you would find it a tight fit.' Ale jsem si jistý, že by vám to bylo těsné. Але я впевнений, що він вам буде тісний". 'No, there is plenty of room,' said the dragon, tucking himself carefully inside. "Ne, místa je tu dost," řekl drak a opatrně se schoval dovnitř. "Ні, тут достатньо місця", - сказав дракон, обережно вмощуючись усередині. But no sooner was he well in, than the young man clapped on the lid and called out, 'Now press hard, just to see if he will be able to get out.' Ale sotva se dostal dovnitř, mladík zaklapnul víko a zavolal: "Teď pořádně zatlačte, abyste viděli, jestli se mu podaří dostat ven. Але не встиг він залізти всередину, як молодий чоловік поплескав по кришці і вигукнув: "А тепер натисни сильніше, подивимося, чи зможе він вилізти". The dragon pressed as hard as he could, but the lid never moved. Drak zatlačil, jak nejsilněji mohl, ale víko se ani nepohnulo. Дракон натиснув щосили, але кришка так і не зрушила з місця.

'It is all right,' he cried; 'now you can open it.' "Už je to v pořádku," zvolal, "teď to můžeš otevřít. "Все гаразд, - вигукнув він, - тепер можеш відкрити". But instead of opening it, the young man drove in long nails to make it tighter still; then he took the box on his back and brought it to the king. Mladík ji však místo otevření zatloukl dlouhé hřebíky, aby ji ještě více utáhl; pak vzal schránku na záda a přinesl ji králi. Але замість того, щоб відкрити її, юнак вбивав довгі цвяхи, щоб зробити її ще міцнішою; потім він взяв скриньку на спину і приніс її цареві. And when the king heard that the dragon was inside, he was so excited that he would not wait one moment, but broke the lock and lifted the lid just a little way to make sure he was really there. Když král uslyšel, že je drak uvnitř, byl tak nadšený, že nečekal ani okamžik, ale rozlomil zámek a jen trochu nadzvedl víko, aby se ujistil, že tam opravdu je. І коли король почув, що дракон всередині, він так зрадів, що не став чекати ні хвилини, а зламав замок і трохи підняв кришку, щоб переконатися, що він дійсно там. He was very careful not to leave enough space for the dragon to jump out, but unluckily there was just room for his great mouth, and with one snap the king vanished down his wide red jaws. Dával si velký pozor, aby nenechal drakovi dost místa na vyskočení, ale k jeho smůle tam bylo místo jen pro jeho velkou tlamu a král s jedním lusknutím zmizel v jeho širokých rudých čelistech. Він був дуже обережний, щоб не залишити дракону достатньо місця для вистрибування, але, на щастя, там було достатньо місця для його величезної пащі, і з одним клацанням король зник у його широкій червоній пащі. Then the young man married the king's daughter and ruled over the land, but what he did with the dragon nobody knows. Mladík se pak oženil s královskou dcerou a vládl zemi, ale co dělal s drakem, nikdo neví. Потім юнак одружився з царською донькою і став правити країною, але що він зробив з драконом, ніхто не знає.