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The Pink Fairy Book by Andrew Lang, The Shirt-collar

The Shirt-collar

There was once a fine gentleman whose entire worldly possessions consisted of a boot-jack and a hair-brush; but he had the most beautiful shirt-collar in the world, and it is about this that we are going to hear a story.

The shirt-collar was so old that he began to think about marrying; and it happened one day that he and a garter came into the wash-tub together.

'Hulloa!' said the shirt-collar, 'never before have I seen anything so slim and delicate, so elegant and pretty! May I be permitted to ask your name?' 'I shan't tell you,' said the garter. 'Where is the place of your abode?' asked the shirt-collar.

But the garter was of a bashful disposition, and did not think it proper to answer.

'Perhaps you are a girdle?' said the shirt-collar, 'an under girdle? for I see that you are for use as well as for ornament, my pretty miss!' 'You ought not to speak to me!' said the garter' 'I'm sure I haven't given you any encouragement!' 'When anyone is as beautiful as you,' said the shirt-collar, 'is not that encouragement enough?' 'Go away, don't come so close!' said the garter.

'You seem to be a gentleman!' 'So I am, and a very fine one too!' said the shirt-collar; 'I possess a boot-jack and a hair-brush!' That was not true; it was his master who owned these things; but he was a terrible boaster.

'Don't come so close,' said the garter. 'I'm not accustomed to such treatment!' 'What affectation!' said the shirt-collar. And then they were taken out of the wash-tub, starched, and hung on a chair in the sun to dry, and then laid on the ironing-board. Then came the glowing iron.

'Mistress widow!' said the shirt-collar, 'dear mistress widow! I am becoming another man, all my creases are coming out; you are burning a hole in me! Ugh! Stop, I implore you!' 'You rag!' said the iron, travelling proudly over the shirt-collar, for it thought it was a steam engine and ought to be at the station drawing trucks.

'Rag!' it said.

The shirt-collar was rather frayed out at the edge, so the scissors came to cut off the threads.

'Oh!' said the shirt-collar, 'you must be a dancer! How high you can kick! That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! No man can imitate you!' 'I know that!' said the scissors.

'You ought to be a duchess!' said the shirt-collar. 'My worldly possessions consist of a fine gentleman, a boot-jack, and a hair-brush. If only I had a duchy!' 'What! He wants to marry me?' said the scissors, and she was so angry that she gave the collar a sharp snip, so that it had to be cast aside as good for nothing.

'Well, I shall have to propose to the hair-brush!' thought the shirt-collar. 'It is really wonderful what fine hair you have, madam! Have you never thought of marrying?' 'Yes, that I have!' answered the hair-brush; 'I'm engaged to the boot-jack!' 'Engaged!' exclaimed the shirt-collar. And now there was no one he could marry, so he took to despising matrimony.

Time passed, and the shirt-collar came in a rag-bag to the paper-mill. There was a large assortment of rags, the fine ones in one heap, and the coarse ones in another, as they should be. They had all much to tell, but no one more than the shirt-collar, for he was a hopeless braggart.

'I have had a terrible number of love affairs!' he said. 'They give me no peace. I was such a fine gentleman, so stiff with starch! I had a boot-jack and a hair-brush, which I never used! You should just have seen me then! Never shall I forget my first love! She was a girdle, so delicate and soft and pretty! She threw herself into a wash-tub for my sake! Then there was a widow, who glowed with love for me. But I left her alone, till she became black. Then there was the dancer, who inflicted the wound which has caused me to be here now; she was very violent! My own hair-brush was in love with me, and lost all her hair in consequence. Yes, I have experienced much in that line; but I grieve most of all for the garter,-I mean, the girdle, who threw herself into a wash-tub. I have much on my conscience; it is high time for me to become white paper!' And so he did! he became white paper, the very paper on which this story is printed. And that was because he had boasted so terribly about things which were not true. We should take this to heart, so that it may not happen to us, for we cannot indeed tell if we may not some day come to the rag-bag, and be made into white paper, on which will be printed our whole history, even the most secret parts, so that we too go about the world relating it, like the shirt-collar.

The Shirt-collar Košilový límec El cuello camisero Воротник рубашки

There was once a fine gentleman whose entire worldly possessions consisted of a boot-jack and a hair-brush; but he had the most beautiful shirt-collar in the world, and it is about this that we are going to hear a story. Kdysi žil jeden dobrý pán, jehož veškerý majetek se skládal z botníku a kartáče na vlasy, ale měl ten nejkrásnější límec na světě, a právě o něm uslyšíme příběh. Era uma vez um bom cavalheiro cujas posses mundanas consistiam em um macaco e uma escova de cabelo; mas ele tinha a gola da camisa mais linda do mundo, e é sobre isso que vamos ouvir uma história.

The shirt-collar was so old that he began to think about marrying; and it happened one day that he and a garter came into the wash-tub together. Košilový límec byl tak starý, že začal přemýšlet o svatbě, a jednoho dne se stalo, že přišel do pračky spolu s podvazkem. O colarinho da camisa era tão velho que ele começou a pensar em se casar; e aconteceu um dia que ele e uma liga entraram na banheira juntos.

'Hulloa!' "هلوا!" said the shirt-collar, 'never before have I seen anything so slim and delicate, so elegant and pretty! قال طوق القميص ، "لم أر قط شيئًا نحيفًا وحساسًا ، أنيقًا جدًا وجميلًا من قبل! řekl límeček košile, "nikdy předtím jsem neviděl nic tak štíhlého a jemného, tak elegantního a krásného! disse o colarinho da camisa, 'nunca antes eu tinha visto algo tão fino e delicado, tão elegante e bonito! May I be permitted to ask your name?' هل يسمح لي أن أسأل عن اسمك؟ Mohu se zeptat na vaše jméno? Posso perguntar seu nome? ' 'I shan't tell you,' said the garter. قال الرباط: "لن أخبرك". "Neřeknu vám to," řekl podvazek. - Não vou contar a você - disse a liga. 'Where is the place of your abode?' "Kde bydlíš? 'Onde é o lugar da sua morada?' asked the shirt-collar. سأل طوق القميص. zeptal se na límec košile.

But the garter was of a bashful disposition, and did not think it proper to answer. Podvazek byl však stydlivé povahy a nepovažoval za vhodné odpovědět. Mas a liga era tímida e não achou apropriado responder.

'Perhaps you are a girdle?' "ربما أنت حزام؟" "Možná jsi opasek? said the shirt-collar, 'an under girdle? řekl košilový límec, "podvazkový pás? disse o colarinho da camisa, 'uma cinta? for I see that you are for use as well as for ornament, my pretty miss!' لأنني أرى أنك للاستخدام وكذلك للزينة ، يا سيدتي الجميلة! " Vidím, že jste k užitku i k ozdobě, má krásná slečno! pois vejo que você é tanto para uso como para ornamento, minha linda senhorita! ' 'You ought not to speak to me!' "لا يجب أن تتكلم معي!" "Neměl bys se mnou mluvit! - Você não deve falar comigo! said the garter' 'I'm sure I haven't given you any encouragement!' قال الرجل: "أنا متأكد من أنني لم أعطيك أي تشجيع!" řekl podvazek" "Jsem si jistý, že jsem tě nijak nepovzbudil! disse a liga '' Tenho certeza que não te dei nenhum incentivo! ' 'When anyone is as beautiful as you,' said the shirt-collar, 'is not that encouragement enough?' قالت ذات الياقة القميص: "عندما يكون أي شخص جميل مثلك ، أليس هذا التشجيع كافياً؟" "Když je někdo tak krásný jako ty," řekl límec košile, "není to dostatečné povzbuzení? 'Quando alguém é tão bonito quanto você', disse o colarinho da camisa, 'isso não é encorajamento suficiente?' 'Go away, don't come so close!' "اذهب بعيدا ، لا تقترب جدا!" "Jdi pryč, nechoď tak blízko! - Vá embora, não chegue tão perto! said the garter.

'You seem to be a gentleman!' "يبدو أنك رجل نبيل!" "Zdá se, že jste gentleman! - Você parece um cavalheiro! 'So I am, and a very fine one too!' "To jsem, a navíc velmi pěkný! - Sim, sou, e muito bom também! said the shirt-collar; 'I possess a boot-jack and a hair-brush!' "Mám holínku a kartáč na vlasy!" řekl košilový límec. disse o colarinho da camisa; - Tenho um macaco e uma escova de cabelo! That was not true; it was his master who owned these things; but he was a terrible boaster. To nebyla pravda, tyhle věci patřily jeho pánovi, ale ten byl hrozný chlubil. Isso não era verdade; era seu mestre quem possuía essas coisas; mas ele era um terrível fanfarrão.

'Don't come so close,' said the garter. "Nechoď tak blízko," řekl podvazek. 'I'm not accustomed to such treatment!' "Na takové zacházení nejsem zvyklý! - Não estou acostumado a esse tipo de tratamento! 'What affectation!' "Jaká afektovanost! 'Que afetação!' said the shirt-collar. řekl límec košile. And then they were taken out of the wash-tub, starched, and hung on a chair in the sun to dry, and then laid on the ironing-board. Pak se vyndaly z pračky, naškrobily, pověsily na židli na slunci, aby uschly, a pak se položily na žehlicí prkno. E então foram retirados da banheira, engomados e pendurados em uma cadeira ao sol para secar, e depois colocados na tábua de passar. Then came the glowing iron. Pak přišlo rozžhavené železo. Então veio o ferro brilhante.

'Mistress widow!' "Paní vdova! 'Senhora viúva!' said the shirt-collar, 'dear mistress widow! "milá paní vdova!" řekl košilový límec. disse o colarinho da camisa, 'querida senhora viúva! I am becoming another man, all my creases are coming out; you are burning a hole in me! Stává se ze mě jiný člověk, všechny mé vrásky vylézají ven, vypaluješ ve mně díru! Estou me tornando outro homem, todas as minhas rugas estão aparecendo; você está queimando um buraco em mim! Ugh! Stop, I implore you!' Přestaňte, prosím vás! 'You rag!' "Ty hadře! said the iron, travelling proudly over the shirt-collar, for it thought it was a steam engine and ought to be at the station drawing trucks. řekla žehlička a hrdě si přejela přes límec košile, protože si myslela, že je parní lokomotiva a měla by být na nádraží a tahat nákladní auta. disse o ferro, viajando orgulhosamente sobre a gola da camisa, pois pensava que era uma máquina a vapor e deveria estar na estação puxando caminhões.

'Rag!' "Hadr! 'Rag!' it said. bylo v něm uvedeno.

The shirt-collar was rather frayed out at the edge, so the scissors came to cut off the threads. Límec košile byl na okraji dost roztřepený, a tak přišly na řadu nůžky, které nitě odstřihly. A gola da camisa estava um tanto esgarçada nas pontas, então a tesoura veio para cortar os fios.

'Oh!' "Aha! said the shirt-collar, 'you must be a dancer! "ty musíš být tanečník!" řekl límec košile. How high you can kick! Jak vysoko můžete kopnout! Quão alto você pode chutar! That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! To je to nejkrásnější, co jsem kdy viděla! No man can imitate you!' Nikdo tě nemůže napodobit! 'I know that!' "To vím! said the scissors. řekl nůžky.

'You ought to be a duchess!' "Měla bys být vévodkyní! said the shirt-collar. řekl límec košile. 'My worldly possessions consist of a fine gentleman, a boot-jack, and a hair-brush. "Můj světský majetek se skládá z pěkného gentlemana, botníku a kartáče na vlasy. “Meus pertences mundanos consistem em um bom cavalheiro, um macaco-botas e uma escova de cabelo. If only I had a duchy!' Kdybych tak měl vévodství! Se eu tivesse um ducado! ' 'What! "Cože? He wants to marry me?' Chce si mě vzít? said the scissors, and she was so angry that she gave the collar a sharp snip, so that it had to be cast aside as good for nothing. řekla nůžky a byla tak rozzlobená, že obojek ostře ustřihla, takže musel být odhozen jako nepotřebný. disse a tesoura, e ela ficou com tanta raiva que deu um corte afiado na coleira, de modo que teve de ser jogada de lado como se não servisse para nada.

'Well, I shall have to propose to the hair-brush!' "Tak to budu muset navrhnout kartáč na vlasy! - Bem, terei de propor à escova de cabelo! thought the shirt-collar. myslel si, že límec košile. pensou a gola da camisa. 'It is really wonderful what fine hair you have, madam! "Je opravdu nádherné, jaké máte jemné vlasy, paní! - É realmente maravilhoso que cabelo bonito você tem, senhora! Have you never thought of marrying?' Nikdy jsi neuvažoval o svatbě? Você nunca pensou em se casar? ' 'Yes, that I have!' "Ano, to mám! answered the hair-brush; 'I'm engaged to the boot-jack!' odpověděl kartáč na vlasy; "Jsem zasnoubený s obuvníkem! respondeu a escova de cabelo; - Estou noiva do sapateiro! 'Engaged!' "Zasnoubený! 'Acionado!' exclaimed the shirt-collar. vykřikl límec košile. And now there was no one he could marry, so he took to despising matrimony. Nyní neměl nikoho, koho by si mohl vzít, a tak začal manželstvím pohrdat. E agora não havia ninguém com quem ele pudesse se casar, então ele passou a desprezar o matrimônio.

Time passed, and the shirt-collar came in a rag-bag to the paper-mill. Čas plynul a límec od košile přišel v pytli na papír do papírny. O tempo passou e a gola da camisa veio em um saco de trapos para a fábrica de papel. There was a large assortment of rags, the fine ones in one heap, and the coarse ones in another, as they should be. Bylo tam velké množství hadrů, jemné byly na jedné hromadě a hrubé na druhé, jak to mělo být. Havia uma grande variedade de trapos, os finos em uma pilha e os grosseiros em outra, como deveriam estar. They had all much to tell, but no one more than the shirt-collar, for he was a hopeless braggart. Všichni měli co vyprávět, ale nikdo víc než ten s límečkem od košile, protože to byl beznadějný chvástal. Todos eles tinham muito a contar, mas ninguém mais do que o colarinho da camisa, pois ele era um fanfarrão sem esperança.

'I have had a terrible number of love affairs!' "Měl jsem strašně moc milostných vztahů! - Tive um número terrível de casos de amor! he said. 'They give me no peace. "Nedávají mi klid. I was such a fine gentleman, so stiff with starch! Byl jsem takový jemný gentleman, tak ztuhlý škrobem! Eu era um cavalheiro tão bom, tão rígido de amido! I had a boot-jack and a hair-brush, which I never used! Měl jsem botník a kartáč na vlasy, který jsem nikdy nepoužil! Eu tinha um macaco e uma escova de cabelo, que nunca usei! You should just have seen me then! To jste mě měli vidět! Você deveria apenas ter me visto então! Never shall I forget my first love! Nikdy nezapomenu na svou první lásku! Nunca esquecerei meu primeiro amor! She was a girdle, so delicate and soft and pretty! Byla jako pás, tak jemná, měkká a krásná! Ela era uma cinta, tão delicada, macia e bonita! She threw herself into a wash-tub for my sake! Kvůli mně se vrhla do vany! Ela se jogou em uma banheira por minha causa! Then there was a widow, who glowed with love for me. Pak tam byla vdova, která ke mně zářila láskou. Em seguida, houve uma viúva, que brilhava de amor por mim. But I left her alone, till she became black. Ale nechal jsem ji na pokoji, dokud nezčernala. Mas eu a deixei sozinha, até que ela ficou preta. Then there was the dancer, who inflicted the wound which has caused me to be here now; she was very violent! Pak tu byla tanečnice, která mi způsobila ránu, kvůli níž jsem teď tady; byla velmi násilná! Então houve a dançarina, que infligiu a ferida que me fez estar aqui agora; ela era muito violenta! My own hair-brush was in love with me, and lost all her hair in consequence. Moje vlastní kartářka se do mě zamilovala a následkem toho přišla o všechny vlasy. Minha própria escova de cabelo estava apaixonada por mim e, em conseqüência, perdeu todo o cabelo. Yes, I have experienced much in that line; but I grieve most of all for the garter,-I mean, the girdle, who threw herself into a wash-tub. Ano, v tomto směru jsem toho zažil hodně, ale nejvíc mě mrzí podvazek, tedy podvazek, který se vrhl do vany. Sim, experimentei muito nessa linha; mas lamento acima de tudo pela liga, quer dizer, pelo cinto, que se jogou na banheira. I have much on my conscience; it is high time for me to become white paper!' Mám toho hodně na svědomí, je nejvyšší čas, abych se stal bílým papírem! Tenho muito em minha consciência; é hora de eu virar papel branco! ' And so he did! A tak také učinil! E foi o que ele fez! he became white paper, the very paper on which this story is printed. se stal bílým papírem, právě tím, na kterém je vytištěn tento příběh. ele se tornou o papel branco, o próprio papel em que esta história é impressa. And that was because he had boasted so terribly about things which were not true. A to proto, že se tak strašně chlubil věcmi, které nebyly pravdivé. E isso porque ele se gabava terrivelmente de coisas que não eram verdadeiras. We should take this to heart, so that it may not happen to us, for we cannot indeed tell if we may not some day come to the rag-bag, and be made into white paper, on which will be printed our whole history, even the most secret parts, so that we too go about the world relating it, like the shirt-collar. Měli bychom si to vzít k srdci, aby se nám to nestalo, protože opravdu nemůžeme vědět, jestli se jednoho dne nedostaneme do pytle s hadry a nebudeme proměněni v bílý papír, na kterém bude vytištěna celá naše historie, i ty nejtajnější části, takže i my budeme chodit po světě a vyprávět o ní jako o límci košile. Devemos levar isso a sério, para que não aconteça conosco, pois não podemos realmente dizer se não poderemos algum dia chegar ao saco de trapos e ser transformados em papel branco, no qual será impressa toda a nossa história, até as partes mais secretas, para que nós também percorramos o mundo contando, como o colarinho da camisa.