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Englishme - Short Stories, Hollywood Squares

Hollywood Squares

Everyone knows those 1980s action heroes, all the actors who portrayed them on screen, Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Lundgren, and Van Damme just to name a few. Tall, strong as a bull, rich and famous, that's what I wanted to be. They were my idols when I was a kid. I moved to the golden coast because I know California is the perfect place for someone like me. Los Angeles itself is one of the most unique and colorful cities you'll find anywhere in the world. It's got Hollywood the center of all things entertainment, it's alive and bustling with talented people, the famous or soon to be famous. Oh and don't forget Beverly hills, with those massive houses, expensive cars, supermodels, actors and actresses, musical artists from pop stars to rock stars. So much money concentrated into one area, it's hard to imagine the kind of lives those people have.

Everyone has dreams and aspirations, and in LA if you have talent you can go farther than anywhere else. Although there is one thing people often forget about the Californian dream... you may have talent but do you have that special something, that unique quality that makes actors pop on screen, or makes singers mesmerize and amaze crowds. I'll tell you this one thing, not everyone's got it, but that's part of what makes Hollywood the best of the best, it's a competition and a tough one, but the rewards can be life changing. So that's why I came to California, more specifically Los Angeles. I was an actor in my home town in Minnesota. It was boring and there was no future for an aspiring actor. I had dreams though and nothing could satisfy me.

So now I'm here trying to make it big, and believe me I know I'm on my way to the top.

I'm living my dream, after several auditions for action films and TV series. I relax with a walk along Venice beach, and then I sample some Tequila from a Tiki bar on the beach. At night I hit the clubs, and meet gorgeous girls, and hang with my crew. After a night of intense partying I'm off to Beverly hills to meet up with my personal trainer. It's a standard in LA to look your absolute best, at all times no matter what, and honestly, who doesn't mind being surrounded by beautiful people. After working out I'm off to downtown LA to audition once again for some music videos, movies and advertisements. Believe me you have got to be on the ball to get those jobs, there's a lot of others just like you who are trying to make it big. I just need that one break out

performance, that one show or film that skyrockets you to the top. Until then I'm gonna be showcasing my talents from the scenic beachfront to the Hollywood squares. I've got the bod, the look and the acting ability, you just wait!

Hollywood Squares Hollywood| Hollywood Squares ハリウッド・スクェアーズ 할리우드 스퀘어 Quadrados de Hollywood Голливудские площади 好莱坞广场

Everyone knows those 1980s action heroes, all the actors who portrayed them on screen, Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Lundgren, and Van Damme just to name a few. ||||||||演员||扮演||||斯泰龙|施瓦辛格|龙格尔|||范·迪美尔||||| ||||||||||darstellt|||||||||||||| ||||||||||played the roles|||||||||||||| ||||||||||演じた||||スタローン|シュワルツェネッガー|ラングレン|||ヴァン・ダム||||| 1980年代のアクションヒーロー、スクリーンに登場したすべての俳優、スタローン、シュワルツェネッガー、ランドグレン、ヴァンダムなど、誰もが知っています。 스탤론, 슈워제네거, 룬드그렌, 반담 등 1980년대 액션 영웅과 이들을 스크린에서 연기한 배우들은 누구나 알고 있습니다. Tall, strong as a bull, rich and famous, that's what I wanted to be. ||||公牛||||||我||| ||||雄牛のように||||||||| 背が高く、雄牛のように強く、金持ちで有名で、それが私が望んでいたことです。 They were my idols when I was a kid. |||偶像||||| |||彼らは私の憧れでした。||||| I moved to the golden coast because I know California is the perfect place for someone like me. ||||金色||||||||||||| 캘리포니아가 저 같은 사람에게 완벽한 곳이라는 것을 알기에 골든 코스트로 이사했습니다. Los Angeles itself is one of the most unique and colorful cities you'll find anywhere in the world. 洛杉矶|洛杉矶|||||||||||||||| ロサンゼルス自体は、世界のどこにでもある最もユニークでカラフルな都市の1つです。 It's got Hollywood the center of all things entertainment, it's alive and bustling with talented people, the famous or soon to be famous. ||好莱坞||||||||||||有才华的|||||||| ||||||||||||lebendig und geschäftig||talentierten|Menschen||||||| ||||||||||||full of activity|||||||||| ||||||||||||にぎやかで活気がある|||||||||| Oh and don't forget Beverly hills, with those massive houses, expensive cars, supermodels, actors and actresses, musical artists from pop stars to rock stars. ||||比佛利||||巨大的||||超级模特|||女演员|||||||| ||||||||巨大な||||スーパーモデル|||女優たち||||ポップスター|||| ああ、ビバリーヒルズを忘れないでください。巨大な家、高価な車、スーパーモデル、俳優や女優、ポップスターからロックスターまでのミュージシャンがいます。 So much money concentrated into one area, it's hard to imagine the kind of lives those people have. たくさんのお金が一つのエリアに集中しているので、それらの人々がどのような生活を送っているのか想像するのは難しいです。 한 지역에 너무 많은 돈이 집중되어 있어, 그 사람들이 어떤 삶을 살고 있는지 상상하기 어렵습니다.

Everyone has dreams and aspirations, and in LA if you have talent you can go farther than anywhere else. ||||抱负|||||||||||更远||| ||||goals|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||さらに遠く||| 誰もが夢と願望を持っています。LAでは、才能があれば、他のどこよりも遠くまで行くことができます。 누구나 꿈과 포부를 가지고 있으며, LA에서는 재능만 있다면 다른 어느 곳보다 더 멀리 갈 수 있습니다. Although there is one thing people often forget about the Californian dream... you may have talent but do you have that special something, that unique quality that makes actors pop on screen, or makes singers mesmerize and amaze crowds. ||||||||||加州的|||||||||||||||||||||||||使着迷||惊艳| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||verzaubern||| ||||||||||カリフォルニアの夢|||||||||||||||||||||||||魅了する||驚かせる| カリフォルニアの夢について人々が忘れがちなことが1つありますが、才能はあるかもしれませんが、俳優を画面に浮かび上がらせたり、歌手を魅了して群衆を驚かせたりする特別な何かを持っていますか。 캘리포니아 드림에 대해 사람들이 종종 잊어버리는 한 가지가 있습니다... 재능은 있지만 배우를 스크린에서 돋보이게 하거나 가수가 관중을 매료시키고 놀라게 하는 특별한 자질을 가지고 있느냐는 것입니다. I'll tell you this one thing, not everyone's got it, but that's part of what makes Hollywood the best of the best, it's a competition and a tough one, but the rewards can be life changing. 한 가지 말씀드리고 싶은 것은, 모든 사람이 할리우드를 최고 중의 최고로 만드는 것은 아니지만, 경쟁이 치열하고 힘든 일이지만 그 보상은 인생을 바꿀 수 있다는 점입니다. So that's why I came to California, more specifically Los Angeles. ||||||||具体来说|| I was an actor in my home town in Minnesota. |||||||||明尼苏达州 |||||||||ミネソタ It was boring and there was no future for an aspiring actor. ||||||||||有抱负的| ||||||||||angehenden| ||||||||||志望の| I had dreams though and nothing could satisfy me. 하지만 꿈은 있었지만 그 어떤 것도 저를 만족시킬 수 없었습니다.

So now I'm here trying to make it big, and believe me I know I'm on my way to the top.

I'm living my dream, after several auditions for action films and TV series. ||||||试镜|||||| ||||||Vorsprechen|||||| 액션 영화와 TV 시리즈 오디션에 여러 번 합격한 후 꿈을 이루기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. I relax with a walk along Venice beach, and then I sample some Tequila from a Tiki bar on the beach. |||||||||||品尝||龙舌兰|||提基|||| |||||||||||||テキーラ|||ティキバー|||| At night I hit the clubs, and meet gorgeous girls, and hang with my crew. |||去夜店||||||||闲逛||| |||クラブに行く||||||||たむろする||| 밤에는 클럽에 가서 멋진 여자들을 만나고 크루들과 어울리기도 합니다. After a night of intense partying I'm off to Beverly hills to meet up with my personal trainer. |||||||||||||||||私人教练 後に|||||パーティー三昧||||||||||||トレーナー 밤새 격렬한 파티를 즐긴 후 저는 개인 트레이너를 만나기 위해 비벌리힐스로 향합니다. It's a standard in LA to look your absolute best, at all times no matter what, and honestly, who doesn't mind being surrounded by beautiful people. LA에서는 무슨 일이 있어도 항상 최선을 다해 보이는 것이 표준이며, 솔직히 아름다운 사람들에게 둘러싸여 있는 것을 싫어하는 사람은 없습니다. After working out I'm off to downtown LA to audition once again for some music videos, movies and advertisements. ||出去||||市中心|||试镜|||||||||广告 |||私は||||||オーディション|||||||||広告 Believe me you have got to be on the ball to get those jobs, there's a lot of others just like you who are trying to make it big. ||||||||||||||||||||||||attempting|||| 여러분과 같은 많은 사람들이 큰 성공을 거두기 위해 노력하고 있기 때문에 이러한 일자리를 얻으려면 열심히 노력해야 합니다. I just need that one break out 한 번만 돌파하면 돼요

performance, that one show or film that skyrockets you to the top. |||||||飞涨|||| |||||||in die Höhe schießt|||| |||||||急上昇する|||| Until then I'm gonna be showcasing my talents from the scenic beachfront to the Hollywood squares. |||要||展示||才能|||风景如画|海滨|||| |||||präsentieren||||||Strandpromenade|||| ||||||||||picturesque|coastal area|||| |||||披露する|||||風光明媚な|ビーチフロント|||| I've got the bod, the look and the acting ability, you just wait! |||身材||||||||| |||den Körper||||||||| |||体型|||||||||