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American English Pronunciation Podcast (Pronuncian.com), #95: American English pronunciation of the sh sound, part 2

#95: American English pronunciation of the sh sound, part 2

#95: American English pronunciation of the sh sound , part 2

Hi again, and welcome back to Seattle Learning Academy's American English pronunciation podcast. My name is Mandy and this is our 95th podcast, and our 15th video podcast.

Part one of the sh sound video explained that the sh sound is a continuous consonant, meaning the sound can be held for a long time, ( sh sound ). The sh sound is created as air travels through the vocal tract between the front of the tongue and the rear of the tooth ridge. Remember, if the tongue is too far forward, an s sound might be created instead. Listen carefully. I'll say the sh sound first, then the s sound . sh sound s sound

Part one also talked about the common spellings of the sh sound . The most commonly known spelling is the sh spelling , as in the following:

she ship should

When we start talking about the sh spelling in suffixes, things get more complicated. Part one mentioned the sh sound in the following suffixes:

- cial /- tial , as in the words special and official - itious , as in the word nutritious - tion , as in the word motion

Let's pick up now, where the last video left off. We will begin by talking about the - sion suffix and the helpful pattern to tell you if the letter s is pronounced as an sh sound ar a zh sound . Here we go.

In the -sion suffix, the letter s is pronounced as an sh sound only if it is following a consonant sound other than the r sound . If the -sion suffix is following a vowel sound or r sound , the zh sound is more likely to be used.

Compare the following sets of words.

The first three examples are pronounced with an sh sound because the - sion suffix follows a consonant sound other than an r sound :

passion tension apprehension

The next three examples are pronounced with a zh sound because the - sion suffix follows either a vowel sound or an r sound :

version decision persuasion

The letters s , t , and c

The letters s , t , and c may be pronounced as the sh sound when they occur immediately before the - ious or - ure suffixes. (Technically, -tious , -cious , and -sure are not suffixes. Therefore, they are being described here as sounds that precede suffixes.)

Here are the details:

The letters t and c are pronounced as the sh sound when they precede the - ious suffix.

The letter s is pronounced as the sh sound when it falls between a consonant sound and the - ure suffix.

-ious suffix

The following are examples of the letters t or c before the -ious suffix; they are pronounced with an sh sound :

spacious precious cautious ferocious flirtatious

-ure suffix

Next are examples of the letter s being pronounced as the sh sound because it falls between a consonant sound and the - ure suffix:

pressure ensure assure

If the letter s falls between a vowel sound and the - ure suffix, the s is more likely to be pronounced as the zh sound . Here are a few examples:

closure pleasure exposure


The sh sound has a few high-frequency non-phonetic words. Non-phonetic words are pronounced differently than their spelling would suggest.

A very high-frequency word to be aware of that is pronounced with the sh sound is the word sure , sure . Besides the word sure , other non-phonetic words include the following:

ocean issue sugar

If you want to see this video as one entire video, without this podcast introduction and ending, you can become a Pronuncian subscriber. Subscriptions cost as little as $15 per month when you sign up for six months. If you're already a subscriber, don't miss out on all the videos we've created. After logging into your account, go to the Materials tab, then click video lessons.

Since we rely on your subscriptions and purchases for continuing Pronuncian development, we are very greatful for your continued support.

If you want to read the transcripts for this show, they are available for free at www.pronuncian.com/podcast.

Don't forget, you can also follow us on Twitter. We are username Pronuncian.

Thanks for listening everyone. This has been a SLA digital publication. SLA is where the worls comes to learm.


#95: American English pronunciation of the sh sound, part 2 |||||š|| #95: Amerikanisches Englisch: Aussprache des sh-Lautes, Teil 2 #95: American English pronunciation of the sh sound, part 2 #95: Pronunciación del sonido sh en inglés americano, parte 2 #95 : La prononciation du son sh en anglais américain, partie 2 #95: Pronuncia dell'inglese americano del suono sh, parte 2 #95:アメリカ英語のshの発音 その2 #95: Pronúncia do som sh em inglês americano, parte 2 #95: Американское английское произношение звука sh, часть 2 #95: Sh sesinin Amerikan İngilizcesi telaffuzu, bölüm 2 #95: Вимова звука "ш" в американській англійській мові, частина 2 #95:sh 声音的美式英语发音,第 2 部分 #95:sh 聲音的美式英語發音,第 2 部分

#95: American English pronunciation of the sh sound , part 2 |||||「sh」音|| #95: sh音のアメリカ英語発音、パート2

Hi again, and welcome back to Seattle Learning Academy's American English pronunciation podcast. |||||||learning||||| こんにちは、再びお帰りなさい。シアトル・ラーニング・アカデミーのアメリカ英語発音ポッドキャストへようこそ。 My name is Mandy and this is our 95th podcast, and our 15th video podcast. 私の名前はマンディです。これは私たちの95番目のポッドキャストであり、15番目のビデオポッドキャストです。

Part one of the sh sound video explained that the sh sound is a continuous consonant, meaning the sound can be held for a long time, ( sh sound ). |||||||||||||||||||||保持される|||||| sh音のビデオのパート1では、sh音が連続子音であり、つまり音を長時間保持できることを説明しました(sh音)。 The sh sound is created as air travels through the vocal tract between the front of the tongue and the rear of the tooth ridge. |||||||cestuje|||hlasový|trakt||||||||||||| |||||||||||声道||||||||||||| sh音は舌の前と歯の裏の間を通る空気によって作られます。 Remember, if the tongue is too far forward, an s sound might be created instead. 舌をあまり前に出しすぎると、s音が代わりに作られるかもしれません。 Listen carefully. 注意深く聞いてください。 I'll say the sh sound first, then the s sound . 最初にsh音を言います、次にs音を言います。 sh sound s sound sh音 s音

Part one also talked about the common spellings of the sh sound . |||||||pravopisy|||| 第1部では、sh音の一般的なつづり方についても言及しました。 The most commonly known spelling is the sh spelling , as in the following: ||||||||||||次のように もっとも一般的に知られているスペルは、次のような sh スペルです。

she ship should |彼女の船| she ship should

When we start talking about the sh spelling in suffixes, things get more complicated. |||||||||příponách|||| |||||||||接尾辞|||| 接尾辞での sh スペルについて話し始めると、事はより複雑になります。 Part one mentioned the sh sound in the following suffixes: |||||||||接尾辞 Part one mentioned the sh sound in the following suffixes:

- cial /- tial , as in the words special and official - itious , as in the word nutritious - tion , as in the word motion ciální|ní||||||||-ní|||||výživný|ce||||| |||||||||- 〜的 (てき) - 〜性 (せい) - 〜的な (てきな)||||||ション||||| - cial /- tial , as in the words special and official - itious , as in the word nutritious - tion , as in the word motion

Let's pick up now, where the last video left off. 前回のビデオが終わったところから始めましょう。 We will begin by talking about the - sion suffix and the helpful pattern to tell you if the letter s is pronounced as an sh sound ar a zh sound . |||||||sion|přípona||||||||||||||||||jako||zh zvuk| |||||||接尾辞 -sion||||役立つ|||||||||||||||または||「ジュ」| まず、- sion 接尾辞について話して、文字 s が sh 音または zh 音として発音されるかどうかを示す便利なパターンについて話します。 Here we go. 始めます。

In the -sion suffix, the letter s is pronounced as an sh sound only if it is following a consonant sound other than the r sound . 接尾辞-sionでは、sは、r音以外の子音音声に続く場合のみsh音として発音されます。 If the -sion suffix is following a vowel sound or r sound , the zh sound is more likely to be used. 接尾辞-sionが母音音声またはr音に続く場合、zh音がより多く使用される傾向があります。

Compare the following sets of words. ||次の||| 以下の単語のセットを比較してください。

The first three examples are pronounced with an sh sound because the - sion suffix follows a consonant sound other than an r sound : 最初の3つの例は、-sion接尾辞がr音以外の子音音に続くため、sh音で発音されます:

passion tension apprehension ||obavy 情熱|| 情熱の緊張 見込み

The next three examples are pronounced with a zh sound because the - sion suffix follows either a vowel sound or an r sound : 次の3つの例は、-sion接尾辞が母音音声またはr音声に続くため、zh音で発音されます:

version decision persuasion ||přesvědčení |決定| バージョン 決定 説得

The letters s , t , and c 文字s、t、c

The letters s , t , and c may be pronounced as the sh sound when they occur immediately before the - ious or - ure suffixes. |||||||||||||||||||-ious||| |||||||||||||||発生する||||||| 文字s、t、cは、-iousや-ure接尾辞の直前に出現するとき、sh音として発音される可能性があります。 (Technically, -tious , -cious , and -sure are not suffixes. |-ční|cious||||| 厳密には|||||||接尾辞 (技術的には、-tious、-cious、-sureは接尾辞ではありません。 Therefore, they are being described here as sounds that precede suffixes.) |||||||||předcházejí| |||||||||先行する| そのため、これらは接尾辞よりも前にある音として説明されています。

Here are the details: 以下に詳細を示します。

The letters t and c are pronounced as the sh sound when they precede the - ious suffix. 接尾辞-iousの前にtとcの文字はsh音として発音されます。

The letter s is pronounced as the sh sound when it falls between a consonant sound and the - ure suffix. 「s」は、子音音と「-ure」接尾辞の間にあるときは、「sh」の音として発音されます。

-ious suffix 「-ious」接尾語

The following are examples of the letters t or c before the -ious suffix; they are pronounced with an sh sound : 次に示すのは、「-ious」接尾語の前にある「t」または「c」の例です。これらは「sh」の音で発音されます:

spacious precious cautious ferocious flirtatious prostorný|cenný|opatrný|ferocní|flirtující |貴重な|||

-ure suffix -ure 接尾辞

Next are examples of the letter s being pronounced as the sh sound because it falls between a consonant sound and the - ure suffix: 次に、sが子音音と-ure接尾辞の間にあるため、sh音として発音される例が次に示されています:

pressure ensure assure ||zajišťovat 圧力保証|| pressure ensure assure

If the letter s falls between a vowel sound and the - ure suffix, the s is more likely to be pronounced as the zh sound . ||||||||||||接尾辞|||||||||||| Here are a few examples:

closure pleasure exposure uzávěr|| 閉鎖、快楽、露出||


The sh sound has a few high-frequency non-phonetic words. Non-phonetic words are pronounced differently than their spelling would suggest.

A very high-frequency word to be aware of that is pronounced with the sh sound is the word sure , sure . Besides the word sure , other non-phonetic words include the following:

ocean issue sugar

If you want to see this video as one entire video, without this podcast introduction and ending, you can become a Pronuncian subscriber. ||||||||||||||||||||||předplatitel Subscriptions cost as little as $15 per month when you sign up for six months. If you're already a subscriber, don't miss out on all the videos we've created. After logging into your account, go to the Materials tab, then click video lessons. |||||||||karta||||

Since we rely on your subscriptions and purchases for continuing Pronuncian development, we are very greatful for your continued support. |||||||nákupy||||||||velmi vděční|||| ||dependemos de|||||||||||||||||

If you want to read the transcripts for this show, they are available for free at www.pronuncian.com/podcast.

Don't forget, you can also follow us on Twitter. Do not|||||||| We are username Pronuncian.

Thanks for listening everyone. This has been a SLA digital publication. ||||služba na úrovni|| SLA is where the worls comes to learm. ||||world|||learn
