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Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin, 14. THE UNGRATEFUL SOLDIER


HERE is another story of the battlefield, and it is much like the one which I have just told you.

Not quite a hundred years after the time of Sir Philip Sidney there was a war between the Swedes and the Danes. One day a great battle was fought, and the Swedes were beaten, and driven from the field. A soldier of the Danes who had been slightly wounded was sitting on the ground. He was about to take a drink from a flask. All at once he heard some one say,—

"O sir! give me a drink, for I am dying." It was a wounded Swede who spoke. He was lying on the ground only a little way off. The Dane went to him at once. He knelt down by the side of his fallen foe, and pressed the flask to his lips.

"Drink," said he, "for thy need is greater than mine." Hardly had he spoken these words, when the Swede raised himself on his elbow. He pulled a pistol from his pocket, and shot at the man who would have befriended him. The bullet grazed the Dane's shoulder, but did not do him much harm. "Ah, you rascal!" he cried. "I was going to befriend you, and you repay me, by trying to kill me. Now I will punish you. I would have given you all the water, but now you shall have only half." And with that he drank the half of it, and then gave the rest to the Swede.

When the King of the Danes heard about this, he sent for the soldier and had him tell the story just as it was.

"Why did you spare the life of the Swede after he had tried to kill you?" asked the king.

"Because, sir," said the soldier, "I could never kill a wounded enemy." "Then you deserve to be a nobleman," said the king. And he rewarded him by making him a knight, and giving him a noble title.

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HERE is another story of the battlefield, and it is much like the one which I have just told you. ここに戦場の別の物語がありますが、それは私があなたに話したものとよく似ています.

Not quite a hundred years after the time of Sir Philip Sidney there was a war between the Swedes and the Danes. サー フィリップ シドニーの時代から 100 年も経たないうちに、スウェーデン人とデンマーク人の間で戦争がありました。 Sir Philip Sidney'in zamanından hemen sonra yüz yıl geçmeden, İsveçliler ve Danimarkalılar arasında bir savaş vardı. One day a great battle was fought, and the Swedes were beaten, and driven from the field. ある日、大きな戦いが繰り広げられ、スウェーデン人は打ち負かされ、戦場から追い出されました。 Bir gün büyük bir savaş yapıldı, İsveçliler dövüldü ve tarladan sürüldü. A soldier of the Danes who had been slightly wounded was sitting on the ground. 軽傷を負ったデンマークの兵士が地面に座っていました。 Hafif yaralanmış olan Danimarkalı bir asker yerde oturuyordu. He was about to take a drink from a flask. 彼はフラスコから飲み物を飲もうとしていました。 Bir şişeden bir içecek almak üzereydi. All at once he heard some one say,— 突然、彼は誰かが言うのを聞いた―― Bir keresinde birisinin duyduğunu duydu, -

"O sir! give me a drink, for I am dying." It was a wounded Swede who spoke. 話したのは負傷したスウェーデン人でした。 He was lying on the ground only a little way off. 彼はほんの少し離れた地面に横たわっていました。 The Dane went to him at once. He knelt down by the side of his fallen foe, and pressed the flask to his lips. 彼は倒れた敵の横にひざまずき、フラスコを唇に押し付けた. Düşmüş düşmanın tarafına diz çöktü ve şişeye dudaklarına bastı.

"Drink," said he, "for thy need is greater than mine." 「お飲みください」と彼は言いました。 Hardly had he spoken these words, when the Swede raised himself on his elbow. 彼がこれらの言葉を発した途端、スウェーデン人は肘をついて立ち上がった。 He pulled a pistol from his pocket, and shot at the man who would have befriended him. 彼はポケットからピストルを取り出し、彼と友達になるはずだった男を撃った。 Cebinden bir tabanca çekti ve onunla arkadaş olan adamı vurdu. The bullet grazed the Dane's shoulder, but did not do him much harm. 弾丸はデーンの肩をかすめましたが、彼に大きな害はありませんでした。 Mermi Dane'in omzunu sıyırdı, ama ona fazla zarar vermedi. "Ah, you rascal!" 「ああ、あなたは悪党です!」 "Ah, seni rezil!" he cried. "I was going to befriend you, and you repay me, by trying to kill me. 「私はあなたと友達になるつもりだったのに、あなたは私を殺そうとすることで私に恩返しをした。 "Seninle arkadaş olacaktım ve beni öldürmeye çalışarak beni ödüllendireceksin. Now I will punish you. Şimdi seni cezalandıracağım. I would have given you all the water, but now you shall have only half." 私はあなたに全部の水をあげたでしょうが、今は半分しかないでしょう。」 Sana tüm suyu verirdim, ama şimdi sadece yarısı olacak. " And with that he drank the half of it, and then gave the rest to the Swede. それで彼はその半分を飲み、残りをスウェーデン人に与えました。 Ve bununla birlikte, onun yarısını içti ve sonra geri kalanını İsveçlilere verdi.

When the King of the Danes heard about this, he sent for the soldier and had him tell the story just as it was. デーン人の王はこれを聞いて、兵士を呼んで、その話をありのままに語らせた。

"Why did you spare the life of the Swede after he had tried to kill you?" "Proč jsi ušetřil život Švéda poté, co se tě pokusil zabít?" 「スウェーデン人があなたを殺そうとした後、なぜあなたはそのスウェーデン人の命を救ったのですか?」 "Seni öldürmeye çalıştıktan sonra İsveçlinin hayatını neden kurtardın?" "Чому ти зберіг життя шведові після того, як він намагався тебе вбити?" asked the king.

"Because, sir," said the soldier, "I could never kill a wounded enemy." 「なぜなら、私は負傷した敵を殺すことができなかったからです.」 "Then you deserve to be a nobleman," said the king. 「それなら貴様は貴族にふさわしい」と王様は言いました。 "O zaman bir soylucu olmayı hak ediyorsun" dedi kral. And he rewarded him by making him a knight, and giving him a noble title. そして彼は彼を騎士にし、彼に高貴な称号を与えることで彼に報酬を与えました.