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Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. A Book for Young Americans by James Baldwin, THE STORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. VIII.—THE BLACK HAWK WAR.


There were still a good many Indians in the West. The Sac Indians had lately sold their lands in northern Illinois to the United States. They had then moved across the Mississippi river, to other lands that had been set apart for them.

But they did not like their new home. At last they made up their minds to go back to their former hunting-grounds. They were led by a chief whose name was Black Hawk; and they began by killing the white settlers and burning their houses and crops.

This was in the spring of 1832.

The whole state of Illinois was in alarm. The governor called for volunteers to help the United States soldiers drive the Indians back.

Abraham Lincoln enlisted. His company elected him captain.

He did not know anything about military tactics. He did not know how to give orders to his men. But he did the best that he could, and learned a great deal by experience.

His company marched northward and westward until they came to the Mississippi river. But they did not meet any Indians, and so there was no fighting.

The young men under Captain Lincoln were rude fellows from the prairies and backwoods. They were rough in their manners, and hard to control. But they had very high respect for their captain.

Perhaps this was because of his great strength, and his skill in wrestling; for he could put the roughest and strongest of them on their backs. Perhaps it was because he was good-natured and kind, and, at the same time, very firm and decisive.

In a few weeks the time for which the company had enlisted came to an end. The young men were tired of being soldiers; and so all, except Captain Lincoln and one man, were glad to hurry home.

But Captain Lincoln never gave up anything half done. He enlisted again. This time he was a private in a company of mounted rangers.

The main camp of the volunteers and soldiers was on the banks of the Rock river, in northern Illinois.

Here, one day, Abraham Lincoln saw a young lieutenant of the United States army, whose name was Jefferson Davis. It is not likely that the fine young officer noticed the rough-clad ranger; but they were to know more of each other at a future time.

Three weeks after that the war was at an end. The Indians had been beaten in a battle, and Black Hawk had been taken prisoner.

But Abraham Lincoln had not been in any fight. He had not seen any Indians, except peaceable ones.

In June his company was mustered out, and he returned home to New Salem.

He was then twenty-three years old.


There were still a good many Indians in the West. ||||||người da đỏ||| 西部地区仍然有很多印第安人。 The Sac Indians had lately sold their lands in northern Illinois to the United States. |Sac|||||||||Illinois|||| |Sauk||||||||||||| 萨克印第安人最近将他们在伊利诺伊州北部的土地卖给了美国。 They had then moved across the Mississippi river, to other lands that had been set apart for them. Daha sonra Mississippi nehrini geçerek kendileri için ayrılmış olan diğer topraklara taşındılar. 然后他们跨过密西西比河,前往为他们划出的其他土地。

But they did not like their new home. At last they made up their minds to go back to their former hunting-grounds. Sonunda eski avlanma alanlarına geri dönmeye karar verdiler. 最后他们决定回到以前的狩猎场。 They were led by a chief whose name was Black Hawk; and they began by killing the white settlers and burning their houses and crops. ||||||||||||||||||người định cư|||||| 他们由一位名叫黑鹰的酋长领导。他们首先杀害白人定居者并烧毁他们的房屋和庄稼。

This was in the spring of 1832.

The whole state of Illinois was in alarm. 整个伊利诺伊州都陷入了恐慌。 The governor called for volunteers to help the United States soldiers drive the Indians back. Vali, Birleşik Devletler askerlerinin Kızılderilileri geri püskürtmesine yardım etmeleri için gönüllü çağrısında bulundu. 州长号召志愿者帮助美国士兵赶回印第安人。

Abraham Lincoln enlisted. ||nhập ngũ Abraham Lincoln askere yazıldı. His company elected him captain. ||bầu chọn|| 他的连队选他为队长。

He did not know anything about military tactics. He did not know how to give orders to his men. Adamlarına nasıl emir vereceğini bilmiyordu. But he did the best that he could, and learned a great deal by experience. 但他尽了最大努力,并从经验中学到了很多东西。

His company marched northward and westward until they came to the Mississippi river. |||về phía bắc||||||||| But they did not meet any Indians, and so there was no fighting. Ama hiç Kızılderiliyle karşılaşmadılar ve bu yüzden savaşmadılar.

The young men under Captain Lincoln were rude fellows from the prairies and backwoods. |||||||||||cánh đồng cỏ|| |||||||||||praderas y bosques|| 林肯船长手下的年轻人都是来自草原和边远地区的粗鲁家伙。 They were rough in their manners, and hard to control. ||thô lỗ||||||| But they had very high respect for their captain.

Perhaps this was because of his great strength, and his skill in wrestling; for he could put the roughest and strongest of them on their backs. ||||||||||||đấu vật||||||thô nhất||||||| Belki de bunun nedeni büyük gücü ve güreşteki becerisiydi; çünkü en sert ve en güçlülerini bile sırt üstü yatırabiliyordu. Có lẽ điều này là do sức mạnh phi thường của anh ấy và kỹ năng đấu vật của anh ấy; vì anh ấy có thể đặt những người thô lỗ và mạnh mẽ nhất trong số họ lên lưng. 也许是因为他力气大,摔跤技术高。因为他可以让他们中最粗暴、最强壮的人背上。 Perhaps it was because he was good-natured and kind, and, at the same time, very firm and decisive. ||||||||||||||||||quyết đoán ||||||||||||||||||decisivo/a Có lẽ điều này là vì anh ấy tốt bụng và tử tế, và, đồng thời, rất cứng rắn và quyết đoán. 或许是因为他心地善良,善良,同时又非常坚定果断。

In a few weeks the time for which the company had enlisted came to an end. Trong vài tuần, thời gian mà công ty đã tham gia đã đến hồi kết thúc. 几周后,公司的入伍时间就结束了。 The young men were tired of being soldiers; and so all, except Captain Lincoln and one man, were glad to hurry home. Genç adamlar asker olmaktan yorulmuşlardı; bu yüzden Yüzbaşı Lincoln ve bir adam dışında hepsi bir an önce eve dönmekten memnundu. Những chàng trai trẻ đã mệt mỏi vì làm lính; và vì vậy tất cả, ngoại trừ Đại úy Lincoln và một người, đều vui mừng được trở về nhà. 年轻人厌倦了当兵。因此,除了林肯船长和一名男子外,所有人都高兴地赶紧回家。

But Captain Lincoln never gave up anything half done. Nhưng Đại úy Lincoln không bao giờ từ bỏ điều gì làm dở dang. He enlisted again. Ông ấy lại nhập ngũ. This time he was a private in a company of mounted rangers. ||||||||||kỵ binh|lính tuần tra |||||||||||guardabosques montados Lần này anh ta là một hạ sĩ quan trong một công ty lính kỵ binh. 这次他是一个骑兵连的二等兵。

The main camp of the volunteers and soldiers was on the banks of the Rock river, in northern Illinois. Gönüllülerin ve askerlerin ana kampı Illinois'in kuzeyindeki Rock nehri kıyısındaydı. Trại chính của các tình nguyện viên và lính đóng ở ven sông Rock, phía bắc Illinois. 志愿者和士兵的主要营地位于伊利诺伊州北部的罗克河畔。

Here, one day, Abraham Lincoln saw a young lieutenant of the United States army, whose name was Jefferson Davis. Abraham Lincoln bir gün burada, adı Jefferson Davis olan Birleşik Devletler ordusunun genç bir teğmenini gördü. Tại đây, một ngày nọ, Abraham Lincoln thấy một đại úy trẻ của quân đội Hoa Kỳ, người có tên là Jefferson Davis. 有一天,亚伯拉罕·林肯在这里见到了一位年轻的美国陆军中尉,他的名字叫杰斐逊·戴维斯。 It is not likely that the fine young officer noticed the rough-clad ranger; but they were to know more of each other at a future time. |||||||||||||người kiểm lâm||||||||||||| ||||||||||||vestido con ropa|||||||||||||| Có lẽ viên sĩ quan trẻ tuổi kia không để ý đến người kiểm lâm ăn mặc thô kệch; nhưng họ sẽ biết thêm về nhau trong một thời gian tới. 这位英俊的年轻军官不太可能注意到这位衣着粗糙的护林员。但将来他们会更加了解彼此。

Three weeks after that the war was at an end. Ba tuần sau đó, chiến tranh đã kết thúc. The Indians had been beaten in a battle, and Black Hawk had been taken prisoner. Người da đỏ đã bị đánh bại trong một trận chiến, và Black Hawk đã bị bắt làm tù binh.

But Abraham Lincoln had not been in any fight. Nhưng Abraham Lincoln chưa từng tham gia vào bất kỳ cuộc chiến nào. He had not seen any Indians, except peaceable ones. |||||||hòa bình| Barışçıl olanlar dışında hiç Kızılderili görmemişti. Ông chưa từng thấy bất kỳ người da đỏ nào, ngoại trừ những người hòa bình. 除了爱好和平的印第安人之外,他没有见过任何印第安人。

In June his company was mustered out, and he returned home to New Salem. |||||được giải ngũ|||||||| |||||licenciado|||||||| Haziran ayında bölüğü terhis edildi ve o da evine, New Salem'e döndü. Vào tháng Sáu, đơn vị của ông được giải ngũ, và ông trở về nhà ở New Salem. 六月,他的公司被解散,他回到了新塞勒姆的家。

He was then twenty-three years old.