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PHILOSOPHY & FUN OF ALGEBRA, Chapter 6, The First Hebrew Algebra, part 4

Chapter 6, The First Hebrew Algebra, part 4

Do not make things easy for yourself by speaking or thinking of data as if they were different from what they are; and do not go off from facing data as they are, to amuse your imagination by wishing they were different from what they are. Such wishing is pure waste of nerve force, weakens your intellectual power, and gets you into habits of mental confusion. When the time comes to stop grind-work, there is no better rest than amusing your imagination by thinking of non-existent possibilities; but do it on a free, generous scale. Give yourself a perfectly free rein in the company of the Infinite. During such exercise of the imagination, remember that you are in the company of the Infinite, and are not dealing with, or tinkering at, the problem on your paper. Keep always at hand, clearly written out, a good standard selection of the most important formulæ—Arithmetical, Algebraic, Geometric, and Trigonometrical, and accustom yourself to test your results by referring to it. These are the main laws of mathematical self-guidance. Once upon a time “Moses” projected them on to the magic-lantern screen of legislation. In that form they are known as the Ten Commandments; or, to change the metaphors, we might call the Ten Commandments the outer skin of the mathematical body.

Chapter 6, The First Hebrew Algebra, part 4 Kapitel 6, Die erste hebräische Algebra, Teil 4 Chapter 6, The First Hebrew Algebra, part 4 Capítulo 6, La primera álgebra hebrea, parte 4 6 skyrius, Pirmoji hebrajų algebra, 4 dalis Capítulo 6, A Primeira Álgebra Hebraica, parte 4 Bölüm 6, İlk İbrani Cebiri, kısım 4 第 6 章,第一個希伯來代數,第 4 部分

Do not make things easy for yourself by speaking or thinking of data as if they were different from what they are; and do not go off from facing data as they are, to amuse your imagination by wishing they were different from what they are. Do not make things easy for yourself by speaking or thinking of data as if they were different from what they are; and do not go off from facing data as they are, to amuse your imagination by wishing they were different from what they are. あたかもデータが実際のものとは異なるかのように話したり考えたりして、物事を簡単にしないでください。ありのままのデータと向き合うことから離れて、実際のデータとは違っていたらいいのにと思って想像力を楽しませようとしないでください。 Não facilite as coisas para você falando ou pensando nos dados como se fossem diferentes do que são; e não deixe de encarar os dados como eles são, para divertir sua imaginação desejando que eles fossem diferentes do que são. Such wishing is pure waste of nerve force, weakens your intellectual power, and gets you into habits of mental confusion. Tal desejo é puro desperdício de força nervosa, enfraquece seu poder intelectual e o leva a hábitos de confusão mental. When the time comes to stop grind-work, there is no better rest than amusing your imagination by thinking of non-existent possibilities; but do it on a free, generous scale. Quando chega a hora de parar de trabalhar, nada melhor do que dar asas à imaginação pensando em possibilidades inexistentes; mas faça-o em uma escala gratuita e generosa. Give yourself a perfectly free rein in the company of the Infinite. Dê a si mesmo rédea solta na companhia do Infinito. 在Infinite的陪伴下,给自己一个完全自由的束缚。 During such exercise of the imagination, remember that you are in the company of the Infinite, and are not dealing with, or tinkering at, the problem on your paper. Durante esse exercício de imaginação, lembre-se de que você está na companhia do Infinito e não está lidando com o problema em seu papel ou mexendo nele. Keep always at hand, clearly written out, a good standard selection of the most important formulæ—Arithmetical, Algebraic, Geometric, and Trigonometrical, and accustom  yourself to test your results by referring to it. ||||||||||||||||relating to arithmetic|algebriche|||Trigonometrical||accustom||||||||| Tenha sempre à mão, claramente escrita, uma boa seleção padrão das fórmulas mais importantes – aritmética, algébrica, geométrica e trigonométrica, e acostume-se a testar seus resultados consultando-as. These are the main laws of mathematical self-guidance. Estas são as principais leis da auto-orientação matemática. Once upon a time “Moses” projected them on to the magic-lantern screen of legislation. Era uma vez “Moisés” os projetou na tela da lanterna mágica da legislação. 从前,“摩西”将它们投射到立法的魔幻灯笼上。 In that form they are known as the Ten Commandments; or, to change the metaphors, we might call the Ten Commandments the outer skin of the mathematical body. その形で、それらは十戒として知られています。または、比喩を変えるために、十戒を数学的体の外皮と呼ぶかもしれません。 Nessa forma, eles são conhecidos como os Dez Mandamentos; ou, para mudar as metáforas, poderíamos chamar os Dez Mandamentos de a pele externa do corpo matemático. 以这种形式,它们被称为十诫。或者,为了改变隐喻,我们可以将“十诫”称为数学体的外表皮。