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Youth by Isaac Asimov, CHAPTER VII.


THE Industrialist said, "It's the workmanship that gets me. I never saw such construction." "What good is it now?" said the Astronomer, bitterly. "There's nothing left. There'll be no second landing. This ship detected life on our planet through accident. Other exploring parties would come no closer than necessary to establish the fact that there were no super-dense worlds existing in our solar system." "Well, there's no quarreling with a crash landing." "The ship hardly seems damaged. If only some had survived, the ship might have been repaired." "If they had survived, there would be no trade in any case. They're too different. Too disturbing. In any case—it's over." They entered the house and the Industrialist greeted his wife calmly. "Lunch about ready, dear." "I'm afraid not. You see—" She looked hesitantly at the Astronomer. "Is anything wrong?" asked the Industrialist. "Why not tell me? I'm sure our guest won't mind a little family discussion." "Pray don't pay any attention whatever to me," muttered the Astronomer. He moved miserably to the other end of the living room.

The woman said, in low, hurried tones, "Really, dear, cook's that upset. I've been soothing her for hours and honestly, I don't know why Red should have done it." "Done what?" The Industrialist was more amused than otherwise. It had taken the united efforts of himself and his son months to argue his wife into using the name "Red" rather than the perfectly ridiculous (viewed youngster fashion) name which was his real one. She said, "He's taken most of the chopped meat." "He's eaten it?" "Well, I hope not. It was raw." "Then what would he want it for?" "I haven't the slightest idea. I haven't seen him since breakfast. Meanwhile cook's just furious. She caught him vanishing out the kitchen door and there was the bowl of chopped meat just about empty and she was going to use it for lunch. Well, you know cook. She had to change the lunch menu and that means she won't be worth living with for a week. You'll just have to speak to Red, dear, and make him promise not to do things in the kitchen any more. And it wouldn't hurt to have him apologize to cook." "Oh, come. She works for us. If we don't complain about a change in lunch menu, why should she?" "Because she's the one who has double-work made for her, and she's talking about quitting. Good cooks aren't easy to get. Do you remember the one before her?" It was a strong argument.

The Industrialist looked about vaguely. He said, "I suppose you're right. He isn't here, I suppose. When he comes in, I'll talk to him." "You'd better start. Here he comes." Red walked into the house and said cheerfully, "Time for lunch, I guess." He looked from one parent to the other in quick speculation at their fixed stares and said, "Got to clean up first, though," and made for the other door. The Industrialist said, "One moment, son." "Sir?" "Where's your little friend?" Red said, carelessly, "He's around somewhere. We were just sort of walking and I looked around and he wasn't there." This was perfectly true, and Red felt on safe ground. "I told him it was lunch time. I said, 'I suppose it's about lunch time.' I said, 'We got to be getting back to the house.' And he said, 'Yes.' And I just went on and then when I was about at the creek I looked around and—" The Astronomer interrupted the voluble story, looking up from a magazine he had been sightlessly rummaging through. "I wouldn't worry about my youngster. He is quite self-reliant. Don't wait lunch for him." "Lunch isn't ready in any case, Doctor." The Industrialist turned once more to his son. "And talking about that, son, the reason for it is that something happened to the ingredients. Do you have anything to say?" "Sir?" "I hate to feel that I have to explain myself more fully. Why did you take the chopped meat?" "The chopped meat?" "The chopped meat." He waited patiently.

Red said, "Well, I was sort of—" "Hungry?" prompted his father. "For raw meat?" "No, sir. I just sort of needed it." "For what exactly?" Red looked miserable and remained silent.

The Astronomer broke in again. "If you don't mind my putting in a few words—You'll remember that just after breakfast my son came in to ask what animals ate." "Oh, you're right. How stupid of me to forget. Look here, Red, did you take it for an animal pet you've got?" Red recovered indignant breath. He said, "You mean Slim came in here and said I had an animal? He came in here and said that? He said I had an animal?" "No, he didn't. He simply asked what animals ate. That's all. Now if he promised he wouldn't tell on you, he didn't. It's your own foolishness in trying to take something without permission that gave you away. That happened to be stealing. Now have you an animal? I ask you a direct question." "Yes, sir." It was a whisper so low as hardly to be heard.

"All right, you'll have to get rid of it. Do you understand?" Red's mother intervened. "Do you mean to say you're keeping a meat-eating animal, Red? It might bite you and give you blood-poison." "They're only small ones," quavered Red. "They hardly budge if you touch them." "They? How many do you have?" "Two." "Where are they?" The Industrialist touched her arm. "Don't chivvy the child any further," he said, in a low voice. "If he says he'll get rid of them, he will, and that's punishment enough." He dismissed the matter from his mind.

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THE Industrialist said, "It's the workmanship that gets me. |||||якість роботи||| Промисловець сказав: "Мене приваблює якість виготовлення. I never saw such construction." "What good is it now?" "Яка тепер від цього користь?" said the Astronomer, bitterly. "There's nothing left. There'll be no second landing. This ship detected life on our planet through accident. Цей корабель випадково виявив життя на нашій планеті. Other exploring parties would come no closer than necessary to establish the fact that there were no super-dense worlds existing in our solar system." Інші дослідницькі групи підійшли б не ближче, ніж необхідно, щоб встановити факт відсутності надщільних світів у нашій Сонячній системі". "Well, there's no quarreling with a crash landing." "Ну, з аварійною посадкою не посваришся". "The ship hardly seems damaged. "Корабель майже не пошкоджений. If only some had survived, the ship might have been repaired." Якби тільки деякі з них вижили, корабель можна було б відремонтувати". "If they had survived, there would be no trade in any case. "Якби вони вижили, ніякої торгівлі не було б у будь-якому випадку. They're too different. Too disturbing. Занадто тривожно. In any case—it's over." They entered the house and the Industrialist greeted his wife calmly. Вони увійшли до будинку, і Промисловець спокійно привітав дружину. "Lunch about ready, dear." "Обід майже готовий, любий." "I'm afraid not. "Боюся, що ні. You see—" She looked hesitantly at the Astronomer. Розумієш... - Вона нерішуче подивилася на Астронома. "Is anything wrong?" asked the Industrialist. "Why not tell me? I'm sure our guest won't mind a little family discussion." Я впевнена, що наш гість не буде проти невеликої сімейної розмови". "Pray don't pay any attention whatever to me," muttered the Astronomer. будь ласка|||||||||| "Благаю, не звертайте на мене ніякої уваги", - пробурмотів Астроном. He moved miserably to the other end of the living room. Він жалюгідно пересунувся в інший кінець вітальні.

The woman said, in low, hurried tones, "Really, dear, cook's that upset. Жінка сказала низьким, поспішним тоном: "Дійсно, дорогенька, кухар так засмучений. I've been soothing her for hours and honestly, I don't know why Red should have done it." Я заспокоювала її годинами і, чесно кажучи, не знаю, навіщо Ред це робила". "Done what?" The Industrialist was more amused than otherwise. Цей|||||| Промисловця це розвеселило більше, ніж будь-кого іншого. It had taken the united efforts of himself and his son months to argue his wife into using the name "Red" rather than the perfectly ridiculous (viewed youngster fashion) name which was his real one. Йому та його синові знадобилися місяці спільних зусиль, щоб переконати дружину використовувати ім'я "Ред", а не абсолютно безглузде (з точки зору молодіжної моди) ім'я, яке було його справжнім ім'ям. She said, "He's taken most of the chopped meat." Вона сказала: "Він забрав більшу частину нарізаного м'яса". "He's eaten it?" "Well, I hope not. It was raw." "Then what would he want it for?" "I haven't the slightest idea. I haven't seen him since breakfast. Meanwhile cook's just furious. Тим часом кухар просто розлючений. She caught him vanishing out the kitchen door and there was the bowl of chopped meat just about empty and she was going to use it for lunch. Вона побачила, як він зник у дверях кухні, а миска з нарізаним м'ясом була майже порожня, і вона збиралася використати його на обід. Well, you know cook. She had to change the lunch menu and that means she won't be worth living with for a week. Їй довелося змінити обіднє меню, а це означає, що вона не зможе жити з нами протягом тижня. You'll just have to speak to Red, dear, and make him promise not to do things in the kitchen any more. Тобі просто треба поговорити з Рудим, любий, і змусити його пообіцяти, що він більше нічого не буде робити на кухні. And it wouldn't hurt to have him apologize to cook." І не завадило б, щоб він вибачився за приготування їжі". "Oh, come. "О, ну ж бо. She works for us. If we don't complain about a change in lunch menu, why should she?" Якщо ми не скаржимося на зміну обіднього меню, то чому вона повинна?" "Because she's the one who has double-work made for her, and she's talking about quitting. ||||||||зроблено||||||| "Тому що на неї покладено подвійну роботу, і вона говорить про те, щоб звільнитися. Good cooks aren't easy to get. Хороших кухарів нелегко знайти. Do you remember the one before her?" It was a strong argument.

The Industrialist looked about vaguely. ||||неясно Промисловець розгублено озирнувся. He said, "I suppose you're right. He isn't here, I suppose. When he comes in, I'll talk to him." "You'd better start. Here he comes." Red walked into the house and said cheerfully, "Time for lunch, I guess." Рудий увійшов до будинку і весело сказав: "Гадаю, час обідати". He looked from one parent to the other in quick speculation at their fixed stares and said, "Got to clean up first, though," and made for the other door. Він перевів погляд з одного батька на іншого, швидко здогадавшись про їхні нерухомі погляди, і сказав: "Але спочатку треба прибрати", - і попрямував до інших дверей. The Industrialist said, "One moment, son." "Sir?" "Where's your little friend?" Red said, carelessly, "He's around somewhere. Він десь поруч, - недбало відповів Ред. We were just sort of walking and I looked around and he wasn't there." Ми просто йшли, я озирнулася, а його там не було". This was perfectly true, and Red felt on safe ground. Це була цілковита правда, і Ред відчував себе в безпеці. "I told him it was lunch time. "Я сказав йому, що вже час обіду. I said, 'I suppose it's about lunch time.' Я сказав: "Гадаю, зараз обідня перерва". I said, 'We got to be getting back to the house.' Я сказав: "Нам треба повертатися додому". And he said, 'Yes.' And I just went on and then when I was about at the creek I looked around and—" І я просто пішов далі, а коли опинився біля струмка, озирнувся і..." The Astronomer interrupted the voluble story, looking up from a magazine he had been sightlessly rummaging through. ||||балакучий||||||||||безглуздо|| Астроном перервав бурхливу розповідь, піднявши очі від журналу, який він незряче гортав. "I wouldn't worry about my youngster. "Я б не хвилювався за свою дитину. He is quite self-reliant. Він досить самодостатній. Don't wait lunch for him." Не чекай його на обід". "Lunch isn't ready in any case, Doctor." "Обід все одно не готовий, лікарю." The Industrialist turned once more to his son. Промисловець знову повернувся до сина. "And talking about that, son, the reason for it is that something happened to the ingredients. "І якщо говорити про це, синку, то причина в тому, що щось сталося з інгредієнтами. Do you have anything to say?" Вам є що сказати?" "Sir?" "I hate to feel that I have to explain myself more fully. "Мені неприємно відчувати, що мені доводиться пояснювати все більш детально. Why did you take the chopped meat?" Навіщо ти взяв нарізане м'ясо?" "The chopped meat?" "Нарізане м'ясо?" "The chopped meat." "Нарізане м'ясо". He waited patiently. Він терпляче чекав.

Red said, "Well, I was sort of—" Ред відповів: "Ну, я типу..." "Hungry?" "Голодний?" prompted his father. ||батька підказав батько. "For raw meat?" "No, sir. I just sort of needed it." Я просто потребував цього". "For what exactly?" Red looked miserable and remained silent. Рудий виглядав нещасним і мовчав.

The Astronomer broke in again. Астроном знову вдерся до нас. "If you don't mind my putting in a few words—You'll remember that just after breakfast my son came in to ask what animals ate." "Якщо ви не проти, я скажу кілька слів - ви пам'ятаєте, що відразу після сніданку прийшов мій син і запитав, що їдять тварини". "Oh, you're right. How stupid of me to forget. Як нерозумно з мого боку було забути. Look here, Red, did you take it for an animal pet you've got?" Послухай, Рудий, ти взяв його для домашнього улюбленця, який у тебе є?" Red recovered indignant breath. Рудий відновив обурений подих. He said, "You mean Slim came in here and said I had an animal? Він сказав: "Ти маєш на увазі, що Слім прийшов сюди і сказав, що в мене є тварина?" He came in here and said that? Він прийшов сюди і сказав це? He said I had an animal?" Він сказав, що в мене є тварина?" "No, he didn't. He simply asked what animals ate. That's all. Now if he promised he wouldn't tell on you, he didn't. Якщо він пообіцяв, що не розкаже про вас, він цього не зробив. It's your own foolishness in trying to take something without permission that gave you away. Вас видала ваша власна дурість, коли ви намагалися взяти щось без дозволу. That happened to be stealing. Це було крадіжкою. Now have you an animal? I ask you a direct question." "Yes, sir." It was a whisper so low as hardly to be heard. Це був такий тихий шепіт, що його ледве можна було почути.

"All right, you'll have to get rid of it. |||||||з| "Гаразд, тобі доведеться його позбутися. Do you understand?" Red's mother intervened. "Do you mean to say you're keeping a meat-eating animal, Red? It might bite you and give you blood-poison." "They're only small ones," quavered Red. ||||тремтіла| "They hardly budge if you touch them." "Вони ледве ворушаться, якщо до них доторкнутися". "They? How many do you have?" "Two." "Where are they?" The Industrialist touched her arm. Промисловець торкнувся її руки. "Don't chivvy the child any further," he said, in a low voice. не|підганяй|||||||||| "Не дратуйте дитину далі", - сказав він тихим голосом. "If he says he'll get rid of them, he will, and that's punishment enough." "Якщо він каже, що позбудеться їх, він це зробить, і це вже достатнє покарання". He dismissed the matter from his mind. Він відкинув це питання з голови.