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VOA Short Stories., The Devil and Tom Walker

The Devil and Tom Walker

Now, an American short story in Special English.


Our story today is, "The Devil and Tom Walker. " It was written by Washington Irving. Here is Shep O'Neal with our story.



Before we begin our story, let us go back three hundred years to the late sixteen hundreds.

In those years, one of the most famous men in the world was Captain William Kidd. Captain Kidd was a pirate. He sailed the seas, capturing any ships he found. He and his men took money from these ships. Captain Kidd hid this money in different places.

Captain Kidd was captured by the English in Boston, Massachusetts and executed in the year seventeen-oh-one.

From that time on, people all over the world searched in many places for Captain Kidd's stolen money.

The people who lived in Massachusetts in the seventeen hundreds believed Captain Kidd buried some of his treasure near Boston.

Not far from Boston was a small river which ran into the Atlantic Ocean. An old story said that Captain Kidd had come up this river from the ocean. Then he buried his gold and silver and jewels under a big tree.

The story said that this treasure was protected by the devil himself, who was a good friend of Captain Kidd.

In the year seventeen twenty-seven, a man named Tom Walker lived near this place.

Tom Walker was not a pleasant man. He loved only one thing -- money. There was only one person worse than Tom. That was his wife. She also loved money. These two were so hungry for money that they even stole things from each other.

One day, Tom Walker was returning home through a dark forest.

He walked slowly and carefully, so that he would not fall into a pool of mud.

At last, he reached a piece of dry ground.

Tom sat down on a tree that had fallen. As he rested, he dug into the earth with a stick. He knew the story that Indians had killed prisoners here as sacrifices to the Devil. But this did not trouble him. The only devil Tom was afraid of was his wife.

Tom's stick hit something hard.

He dug it out of the earth. It was a human skull. In the skull was an Indian ax.

Suddenly, Tom Walker heard an angry voice: "Don't touch that skull! Tom looked up.

He saw a giant sitting on a broken tree. Tom had never seen such a man. He wore the clothes of an Indian. His skin was almost black and covered with ashes. His eyes were big and red. His black hair stood up from his head. He carried a large ax.

The giant asked, "What are you doing on my land? " But Tom Walker was not afraid. He answered, "What do you mean? This land belongs to Mister Peabody. " The strange man laughed and pointed to the tall trees.

Tom saw that one of the trees had been cut by an ax. He looked more closely and saw that the name Peabody had been cut into the tree. Mr. Peabody was a man who got rich by stealing from Indians.

Tom looked at the other trees.

Every one had the name of some rich, important man from Massachusetts. Tom looked at the tree on which he was sitting. It also had a name cut into it -- the name of Absalom Crowninshield. Tom remembered that Mister Crowninshield was a very rich man. People said he got his money as Captain Kidd did -- by stealing ships.

Suddenly, the giant shouted: "Crowninshield is ready to be burned! I'm going to burn many trees this winter! " Tom told the man that he had no right to cut Mister Peabody's trees.

The stranger laughed and said, "I have every right to cut these trees. This land belonged to me a long time before Englishmen came to Massachusetts. The Indians were here. Then you Englishmen killed the Indians. Now I show Englishmen how to buy and sell slaves. And I teach their women how to be witches. " Tom Walker now knew that the giant was the Devil himself. But Tom Walker was still not afraid.

The giant said Captain Kidd had buried great treasures under the trees, but nobody could have them unless the giant permitted it.

He said Tom could have these treasures. But Tom had to agree to give the giant what he demanded.

Tom Walker loved money as much as he loved life.

But he asked for time to think.

Tom went home.

He told his wife what had happened. She wanted Captain Kidd's treasure. She urged him to give the Devil what he wanted. Tom said no.

At last, Misses Walker decided to do what Tom refused to do.

She put all her silver in a large piece of cloth and went to see the dark giant. Two days passed. She did not return home. She was never seen again.

People said later that Tom went to the place where he had met the giant.

He saw his wife's cloth hanging in a tree. He was happy, because he wanted to get her silver. But when he opened the cloth, there was no silver in it -- only a human heart.

Tom was sorry he lost the silver, but not sorry he lost his wife.

He wanted to thank the giant for this. And so, every day he looked for the giant. Tom finally decided that he would give the giant what he wanted in exchange for Captain Kidd's treasure.

One night, Tom Walker met the giant and offered his soul in exchange for Captain Kidd's treasure.

The Devil now wanted more than that. He said that Tom would have to use the treasure to do the Devil's work. He wanted Tom to buy a ship and bring slaves to America.

As we have said, Tom Walker was a hard man who loved nothing but money.

But even he could not agree to buy and sell human beings as slaves. He refused to do this.

The Devil then said that his second most important work was lending money.

The men who did this work for the Devil forced poor people who borrowed money to pay back much more than they had received.

Tom said he would like this kind of work.

So the Devil gave him Captain Kidd's treasure.

A few days later, Tom Walker was a lender of money in Boston.

Everyone who needed help -- and there were many who did -- came to him. Tom Walker became the richest man in Boston. When people were not able to pay him, he took away their farms, their horses, and their houses.

As he got older and richer, Tom began to worry.

What would happen when he died? He had promised his soul to the Devil. Maybe. .maybe. he could break that promise.

Tom then became very religious.

He went to church every week. He thought that if he prayed enough, he could escape from the Devil.

One day, Tom took the land of a man who had borrowed money.

The poor man asked for more time to pay. "Please do not destroy me!" he said. "You have already taken all my money! " Tom got angry and started to shout, "Let the Devil take me if I have taken any money from you! That was the end of Tom Walker. For just then, he heard a noise. He opened the door. There was the black giant, holding a black horse. The giant said, "Tom, I have come for you." He picked up Tom and put him on the horse. Then he hit the horse, which ran off, carrying Tom.

Nobody ever saw Tom Walker again.

A farmer said that he saw the black horse, with a man on it, running wildly into the forest.

After Tom Walker disappeared, the government decided to take Tom's property. But there was nothing to take. All the papers which showed that Tom owned land and houses were burned to ashes. His boxes of gold and silver had nothing in them but small pieces of wood. The wood came from newly cut trees. Tom's horses died, and his house suddenly burned to ashes.



You have heard the story, "The Devil and Tom Walker. " It was written by Washington Irving. Our storyteller was Shep O'Neal. Listen again next week at this same time for another AMERICAN STORY told in Special English on the Voice of America. This is Shirley Griffith.

The Devil and Tom Walker El Diablo y Tom Walker 悪魔とトム・ウォーカー Diabeł i Tom Walker Дьявол и Том Уокер Şeytan ve Tom Walker Диявол і Том Вокер 魔鬼与汤姆·沃克

Now, an American short story in Special English.


Our story today is, "The Devil and Tom Walker. Nossa história hoje é: "O Diabo e Tom Walker. " It was written by Washington Irving. 「それはワシントンアーヴィングによって書かれました。 "Foi escrito por Washington Irving. Here is Shep O’Neal with our story. Aqui está Shep O'Neal com nossa história.



Before we begin our story, let us go back three hundred years to the late sixteen hundreds. 話を始める前に、300年前から1600年後半までさかのぼりましょう。 Antes de começarmos nossa história, voltemos trezentos anos até o final de dezesseis centenas. Прежде чем мы начнем наш рассказ, давайте вернемся на триста лет назад к концу шестнадцатого столетия.

In those years, one of the most famous men in the world was Captain William Kidd. 当時、世界で最も有名な男性の1人はウィリアムキッド大尉でした。 Naqueles anos, um dos homens mais famosos do mundo era o capitão William Kidd. В те годы одним из самых известных людей в мире был капитан Уильям Кидд. Captain Kidd was a pirate. キッド大尉は海賊だった。 Капитан Кидд был пиратом. He sailed the seas, capturing any ships he found. 彼は海を航海し、見つけた船を捕まえました。 Ele navegou os mares, capturando todos os navios que encontrou. Он плавал по морям, захватывая любые корабли, которые находил. He and his men took money from these ships. Ele e seus homens tiraram dinheiro desses navios. Captain Kidd hid this money in different places. キッド大尉はこのお金をさまざまな場所に隠した。 O capitão Kidd escondeu esse dinheiro em diferentes lugares. Капитан Кидд спрятал эти деньги в разных местах.

Captain Kidd was captured by the English in Boston, Massachusetts and executed in the year seventeen-oh-one. キッド大尉はマサチューセッツ州ボストンでイギリス軍に捕らえられ、17年に処刑された。 O capitão Kidd foi capturado pelos ingleses em Boston, Massachusetts e executado no ano dezessete-zero-um. Капитан Кидд был схвачен англичанами в Бостоне, штат Массачусетс, и казнен в семнадцатом году первого.

From that time on, people all over the world searched in many places for Captain Kidd’s stolen money. その時から、世界中の人々がキッド大尉の盗まれたお金を多くの場所で探しました。 A partir de então, pessoas em todo o mundo procuraram em muitos lugares o dinheiro roubado do Capitão Kidd. С тех пор люди по всему миру искали во многих местах украденные деньги капитана Кидда.

The people who lived in Massachusetts in the seventeen hundreds believed Captain Kidd buried some of his treasure near Boston. 1700年にマサチューセッツに住んでいた人々は、キッド大尉がボストンの近くに彼の宝物の一部を埋めたと信じていました。 As pessoas que viviam em Massachusetts no século dezessete acreditavam que o capitão Kidd enterrou parte de seu tesouro perto de Boston. Люди, жившие в Массачусетсе в семнадцать сотен лет, считали, что капитан Кидд закопал часть своих сокровищ недалеко от Бостона.

Not far from Boston was a small river which ran into the Atlantic Ocean. ボストンからそう遠くないところに、大西洋に流れ込む小さな川がありました。 Não muito longe de Boston havia um pequeno rio que desaguava no Oceano Atlântico. Недалеко от Бостона протекала небольшая река, впадающая в Атлантический океан. An old story said that Captain Kidd had come up this river from the ocean. 昔の話では、キッド大尉が海からこの川にやってきたと言われていました。 Uma velha história dizia que o Capitão Kidd subira este rio vindo do oceano. Одна старая история гласила, что капитан Кидд поднялся по этой реке из океана. Then he buried his gold and silver and jewels under a big tree. それから彼は彼の金と銀と宝石を大きな木の下に埋めました。 Então ele enterrou seu ouro, prata e joias sob uma grande árvore.

The story said that this treasure was protected by the devil himself, who was a good friend of Captain Kidd. 物語によれば、この宝物はキッド大尉の親友であった悪魔自身によって守られていたという。 A história dizia que este tesouro era protegido pelo próprio diabo, que era um bom amigo do Capitão Kidd. История гласит, что это сокровище охранял сам дьявол, который был хорошим другом капитана Кидда.

In the year seventeen twenty-seven, a man named Tom Walker lived near this place. 17年27年、トムウォーカーという男がこの場所の近くに住んでいました。 No ano dezessete e vinte e sete, um homem chamado Tom Walker morava perto deste lugar. В семнадцать двадцать седьмой год недалеко от этого места жил человек по имени Том Уокер.

Tom Walker was not a pleasant man. トムウォーカーは気持が良い人ではなかった。 Tom Walker não era um homem agradável. Том Уокер был неприятным человеком. He loved only one thing -- money. Ele amava apenas uma coisa - dinheiro. There was only one person worse than Tom. トムより悪い人は一人だけだった。 Havia apenas uma pessoa pior do que Tom. Хуже Тома был только один человек. That was his wife. それが彼の妻でした。 Essa era sua esposa. She also loved money. Ela também amava dinheiro. These two were so hungry for money that they even stole things from each other. この二人はお金に飢えていたので、お互いから物を盗むことさえしました。 Esses dois estavam com tanta fome de dinheiro que até roubaram coisas um do outro. Эти двое были настолько голодны до денег, что даже крали вещи друг у друга.

One day, Tom Walker was returning home through a dark forest. ある日、トム・ウォーカーは暗い森を通って家に帰っていました。 Um dia, Tom Walker estava voltando para casa através de uma floresta escura. Однажды Том Уокер возвращался домой через темный лес.

He walked slowly and carefully, so that he would not fall into a pool of mud. 彼は泥のプールに落ちないようにゆっくりと注意深く歩いた。 Andou devagar e com cuidado, para não cair em uma poça de lama. Он шел медленно и осторожно, чтобы не упасть в лужу грязи.

At last, he reached a piece of dry ground. Por fim, ele alcançou um pedaço de solo seco. Наконец он добрался до участка сухой земли.

Tom sat down on a tree that had fallen. トムは倒れた木に腰を下ろした。 Tom se sentou em uma árvore que havia caído. Том сел на упавшее дерево. As he rested, he dug into the earth with a stick. 彼が休んでいる間、彼は棒で地球を掘りました。 Enquanto ele descansava, ele cavou na terra com um pedaço de pau. Пока он отдыхал, он закапывал землю палкой. He knew the story that Indians had killed prisoners here as sacrifices to the Devil. 彼は、インディアンが悪魔への犠牲としてここで囚人を殺したという話を知っていました。 Ele conhecia a história de que os índios haviam matado prisioneiros aqui como sacrifícios ao diabo. Он знал историю о том, что индейцы убивали здесь заключенных в жертву дьяволу. But this did not trouble him. しかし、これは彼を悩ませませんでした。 Mas isso não o incomodou. Но это его не беспокоило. The only devil Tom was afraid of was his wife. トムが恐れていた唯一の悪魔は彼の妻でした。 O único demônio de quem Tom temia era sua esposa. Единственный дьявол, которого боялся Том, - это его жена.

Tom’s stick hit something hard. トムの棒が何かを強く打った。 O taco de Tom bateu em algo duro. Палка Тома сильно ударилась.

He dug it out of the earth. 彼はそれを地球から掘り出した。 Ele cavou da terra. Он выкопал его из земли. It was a human skull. Era um crânio humano. In the skull was an Indian ax. 頭蓋骨にはインドの斧がありました。 No crânio havia um machado indiano. В черепе был индийский топор.

Suddenly, Tom Walker heard an angry voice: "Don’t touch that skull! De repente, Tom Walker ouviu uma voz furiosa: "Não toque naquele crânio! Tom looked up. Tom olhou para cima. Том поднял глаза.

He saw a giant sitting on a broken tree. 彼は壊れた木の上に巨人が座っているのを見た。 Ele viu um gigante sentado em uma árvore quebrada. Он увидел великана, сидящего на сломанном дереве. Tom had never seen such a man. トムはそのような男を見たことがなかった。 Tom nunca tinha visto um homem assim. Том никогда не видел такого человека. He wore the clothes of an Indian. 彼はインド人の服を着ていた。 Ele usava as roupas de um índio. На нем была одежда индейца. His skin was almost black and covered with ashes. 彼の皮膚はほとんど黒く、灰で覆われていました。 Sua pele estava quase preta e coberta de cinzas. Его кожа была почти черной и покрыта пеплом. His eyes were big and red. Seus olhos estavam grandes e vermelhos. His black hair stood up from his head. 彼の黒い髪は彼の頭から立ち上がった。 Seus cabelos pretos se erguiam da cabeça. Его черные волосы встали дыбом. He carried a large ax. Ele carregava um machado grande. Он нес большой топор.

The giant asked, "What are you doing on my land? 巨人は、「私の土地で何をしているの? O gigante perguntou: "O que você está fazendo na minha terra? Великан спросил: «Что ты делаешь на моей земле? " But Tom Walker was not afraid. "Mas Tom Walker não tinha medo. "Но Том Уокер не боялся. He answered, "What do you mean? Ele respondeu: "Como assim? Он ответил: «Что ты имеешь в виду? This land belongs to Mister Peabody. " この土地はミスターピーボディに属しています。 「」 Esta terra pertence ao senhor Peabody. " Эта земля принадлежит мистеру Пибоди. " The strange man laughed and pointed to the tall trees. 見知らぬ男は笑って背の高い木を指さした。 O homem estranho riu e apontou para as árvores altas. Странный мужчина засмеялся и указал на высокие деревья.

Tom saw that one of the trees had been cut by an ax. トムは木の一つが斧で切り取られているのを見た。 Tom viu que uma das árvores havia sido cortada por um machado. Том увидел, что одно из деревьев было срублено топором. He looked more closely and saw that the name Peabody had been cut into the tree. 彼はもっとよく見ると、ピーボディという名前が木に刻まれているのを見ました。 Ele olhou mais de perto e viu que o nome Peabody havia sido cortado na árvore. Он присмотрелся и увидел, что имя Пибоди было вырезано на дереве. Mr. Peabody was a man who got rich by stealing from Indians. ピーボディ氏はインディアンから盗んで金持ちになった男だった。 O Sr. Peabody era um homem que ficou rico roubando índios. Мистер Пибоди был человеком, который разбогател за счет воровства у индейцев.

Tom looked at the other trees. Tom olhou para as outras árvores. Том посмотрел на другие деревья.

Every one had the name of some rich, important man from Massachusetts. 誰もがマサチューセッツ出身の裕福で重要な男性の名前を持っていました。 Todos tinham o nome de um homem rico e importante de Massachusetts. У каждого было имя какого-нибудь богатого, важного человека из Массачусетса. Tom looked at the tree on which he was sitting. トムは自分が座っていた木を見た。 Tom olhou para a árvore em que estava sentado. Том посмотрел на дерево, на котором сидел. It also had a name cut into it -- the name of Absalom Crowninshield. また、アブサロム・クラウニンシールドの名前が刻まれていました。 Ele também tinha um nome gravado - o nome de Absalom Crowninshield. На нем также было вырезано имя - имя Авессалома Кроуниншилда. Tom remembered that Mister Crowninshield was a very rich man. トムはミスター・クラウンインシールドがとても金持ちだったことを思い出した。 Tom lembrou-se de que o senhor Crowninshield era um homem muito rico. Том вспомнил, что мистер Крауниншилд был очень богатым человеком. People said he got his money as Captain Kidd did -- by stealing ships. 人々は彼がキャプテンキッドがしたように-船を盗むことによって彼のお金を得たと言いました。 As pessoas disseram que ele recebeu seu dinheiro como o capitão Kidd - roubando navios. Люди говорили, что он получил свои деньги, как капитан Кидд, - украл корабли.

Suddenly, the giant shouted: "Crowninshield is ready to be burned! 突然、巨人は叫びました:「Crowninshieldは燃やされる準備ができています! De repente, o gigante gritou: "Crowninshield está pronto para ser queimado! Внезапно великан закричал: «Крауншилд готов к сожжению! I’m going to burn many trees this winter! " 今年の冬はたくさんの木を燃やします! 「」 Vou queimar muitas árvores neste inverno! " Этой зимой я сожгу много деревьев! " Tom told the man that he had no right to cut Mister Peabody’s trees. トムはその男に、ミスター・ピーボディの木を切る権利はないと言った。 Tom disse ao homem que ele não tinha o direito de cortar as árvores do senhor Peabody. Том сказал этому человеку, что не имеет права рубить деревья мистера Пибоди.

The stranger laughed and said, "I have every right to cut these trees. 見知らぬ人は笑って言った、「私にはこれらの木を切る権利があります。 O estranho riu e disse: "Tenho todo o direito de cortar essas árvores. Незнакомец засмеялся и сказал: «Я имею полное право рубить эти деревья. This land belonged to me a long time before Englishmen came to Massachusetts. この土地は、イギリス人がマサチューセッツに来るずっと前から私の所有物でした。 Esta terra pertenceu a mim muito antes de os ingleses chegarem a Massachusetts. Эта земля принадлежала мне задолго до приезда англичан в Массачусетс. The Indians were here. インド人はここにいました。 Os índios estiveram aqui. Здесь были индейцы. Then you Englishmen killed the Indians. それからあなたはイギリス人がインディアンを殺しました。 Então vocês ingleses mataram os índios. Потом вы, англичане, убили индейцев. Now I show Englishmen how to buy and sell slaves. 今、私はイギリス人に奴隷を売買する方法を示します。 Agora mostro aos ingleses como comprar e vender escravos. Теперь я показываю англичанам, как покупать и продавать рабов. And I teach their women how to be witches. " そして、私は彼らの女性に魔女になる方法を教えます。 「」 E eu ensino suas mulheres como serem bruxas. " И я учу их женщин быть ведьмами. " Tom Walker now knew that the giant was the Devil himself. トムウォーカーは今、巨人が悪魔自身であることを知っていました。 Tom Walker agora sabia que o gigante era o próprio Diabo. Том Уокер теперь знал, что великан был самим дьяволом. But Tom Walker was still not afraid. しかし、トムウォーカーはまだ恐れていませんでした。 Mas Tom Walker ainda não estava com medo. Но Том Уокер все еще не боялся.

The giant said Captain Kidd had buried great treasures under the trees, but nobody could have them unless the giant permitted it. 巨人は、キッド大尉が木の下に大きな宝物を埋めたと言いましたが、巨人がそれを許可しない限り、誰もそれらを手に入れることができませんでした。 O gigante disse que o capitão Kidd enterrou grandes tesouros sob as árvores, mas ninguém poderia ficar com eles a menos que o gigante permitisse. Гигант сказал, что капитан Кидд закопал под деревьями огромные сокровища, но никто не мог их получить, если гигант не разрешил это.

He said Tom could have these treasures. 彼はトムがこれらの宝物を持っている可能性があると言った。 Ele disse que Tom poderia ter esses tesouros. Он сказал, что у Тома могут быть эти сокровища. But Tom had to agree to give the giant what he demanded. しかしトムは彼が要求したものを巨人に与えることに同意しなければなりませんでした。 Mas Tom teve que concordar em dar ao gigante o que ele exigia. Но Тому пришлось согласиться дать гиганту то, что он требовал.

Tom Walker loved money as much as he loved life. トムウォーカーは人生を愛するのと同じくらいお金を愛していました。 Tom Walker amava o dinheiro tanto quanto amava a vida.

But he asked for time to think. しかし、彼は考える時間を求めました。 Mas ele pediu tempo para pensar. Но он попросил время подумать.

Tom went home. トムは家に帰った。 Tom foi para casa.

He told his wife what had happened. 彼は妻に何が起こったのかを話しました。 Ele contou à esposa o que havia acontecido. She wanted Captain Kidd’s treasure. 彼女はキッド大尉の宝物が欲しかった。 Ela queria o tesouro do capitão Kidd. She urged him to give the Devil what he wanted. 彼女は彼に彼が望むものを悪魔に与えるように促した。 Ela o incentivou a dar ao Diabo o que ele queria. Она убеждала его дать Дьяволу то, что он хотел. Tom said no. トムはノーと言った。

At last, Misses Walker decided to do what Tom refused to do. ついに、ミスウォーカーはトムがすることを拒否したことをすることに決めました。 Por fim, Misses Walker decidiu fazer o que Tom se recusava a fazer. В конце концов мисс Уолкер решила сделать то, что Том отказывался делать.

She put all her silver in a large piece of cloth and went to see the dark giant. 彼女はすべての銀を大きな布に入れて、暗い巨人を見に行きました。 Ela colocou toda a sua prata em um grande pedaço de pano e foi ver o gigante escuro. Она вложила все свое серебро в большой кусок ткани и пошла к темному гиганту. Two days passed. 2日が経過しました。 She did not return home. 彼女は家に帰らなかった。 Она не вернулась домой. She was never seen again. 彼女は二度と見られなかった。 Ela nunca foi vista novamente. Больше ее никто не видел.

People said later that Tom went to the place where he had met the giant. 後で人々はトムが巨人に会った場所に行ったと言った。 As pessoas disseram mais tarde que Tom foi ao lugar onde conheceu o gigante. Позже люди рассказали, что Том пошел на место, где встретил гиганта.

He saw his wife’s cloth hanging in a tree. 彼は妻の布が木にぶら下がっているのを見た。 Ele viu o pano de sua esposa pendurado em uma árvore. Он увидел ткань своей жены, висящую на дереве. He was happy, because he wanted to get her silver. 彼は彼女の銀を手に入れたかったので、彼は幸せでした。 Ele estava feliz, porque queria obter a prata dela. Он был счастлив, потому что хотел получить ее серебро. But when he opened the cloth, there was no silver in it -- only a human heart. しかし、彼が布を開いたとき、その中に銀はなく、人間の心だけでした。 Mas quando ele abriu o pano, não havia prata nele - apenas um coração humano. Но когда он открыл ткань, в ней не было серебра - только человеческое сердце.

Tom was sorry he lost the silver, but not sorry he lost his wife. トムは銀を失ったことを残念に思ったが、妻を失ったことは残念ではなかった。 Tom lamentou ter perdido a prata, mas não lamentou ter perdido sua esposa.

He wanted to thank the giant for this. 彼はこれについて巨人に感謝したかった。 Он хотел поблагодарить гиганта за это. And so, every day he looked for the giant. それで、彼は毎日巨人を探しました。 E assim, todos os dias ele procurava o gigante. И так каждый день он искал великана. Tom finally decided that he would give the giant what he wanted in exchange for Captain Kidd’s treasure. トムはついにキッド大尉の宝物と引き換えに彼が望むものを巨人に与えることを決心した。 Наконец Том решил, что он даст гиганту то, что он хотел, в обмен на сокровище капитана Кидда.

One night, Tom Walker met the giant and offered his soul in exchange for Captain Kidd’s treasure. ある夜、トム・ウォーカーは巨人に会い、キッド大尉の宝物と引き換えに彼の魂を捧げました。 Uma noite, Tom Walker encontrou o gigante e ofereceu sua alma em troca do tesouro do Capitão Kidd. Однажды ночью Том Уокер встретил гиганта и предложил свою душу в обмен на сокровище капитана Кидда.

The Devil now wanted more than that. 悪魔は今それ以上のものを望んでいました。 O Diabo agora queria mais do que isso. Теперь дьявол хотел большего. He said that Tom would have to use the treasure to do the Devil’s work. 彼はトムが悪魔の仕事をするために宝物を使わなければならないと言った。 Ele disse que Tom teria que usar o tesouro para fazer a obra do Diabo. Он сказал, что Тому придется использовать сокровище, чтобы выполнить работу дьявола. He wanted Tom to buy a ship and bring slaves to America. 彼はトムに船を買って奴隷をアメリカに連れて来てほしかった。 Ele queria que Tom comprasse um navio e trouxesse escravos para a América. Он хотел, чтобы Том купил корабль и привез рабов в Америку.

As we have said, Tom Walker was a hard man who loved nothing but money. 私たちが言ったように、トム・ウォーカーはお金しか愛していなかった堅い男でした。 Como já dissemos, Tom Walker era um homem duro que amava nada além de dinheiro. Как мы уже сказали, Том Уокер был жестким человеком, который не любил ничего, кроме денег.

But even he could not agree to buy and sell human beings as slaves. しかし、彼でさえ、奴隷として人間を売買することに同意することができませんでした。 Mas mesmo ele não podia concordar em comprar e vender seres humanos como escravos. Но даже он не мог согласиться покупать и продавать людей в качестве рабов. He refused to do this. 彼はこれをすることを拒否した。 Он отказался это сделать.

The Devil then said that his second most important work was lending money. 悪魔はそれから彼の2番目に重要な仕事はお金を貸すことであると言いました。 O Diabo disse então que seu segundo trabalho mais importante era emprestar dinheiro. Затем Дьявол сказал, что его вторая по важности работа - это ссуды.

The men who did this work for the Devil forced poor people who borrowed money to pay back much more than they had received. 悪魔のためにこの仕事をした人々は、お金を借りた貧しい人々に、受け取ったよりもはるかに多くの返済を強いました。 Os homens que fizeram esse trabalho para o diabo forçaram as pessoas pobres que emprestaram dinheiro a pagar muito mais do que haviam recebido. Люди, выполнявшие эту работу для Дьявола, заставляли бедных людей, занимавших деньги, возвращать гораздо больше, чем они получили.

Tom said he would like this kind of work. トムはこの種の仕事が欲しいと言った。 Tom disse que gostaria desse tipo de trabalho. Том сказал, что хотел бы такую работу.

So the Devil gave him Captain Kidd’s treasure. それで悪魔は彼にキッド大尉の宝物を与えました。 Итак, дьявол дал ему сокровище капитана Кидда.

A few days later, Tom Walker was a lender of money in Boston. 数日後、トムウォーカーはボストンでお金の貸し手でした。 Несколько дней спустя Том Уокер был кредитором в Бостоне.

Everyone who needed help -- and there were many who did -- came to him. 助けを必要とするすべての人が-そして助けを必要とする多くの人が-彼のところにやって来ました。 Todos que precisavam de ajuda - e havia muitos que precisavam - vinham até ele. К нему приходили все, кто нуждался в помощи - а таких было много. Tom Walker became the richest man in Boston. トムウォーカーはボストンで最も金持ちになった。 When people were not able to pay him, he took away their farms, their horses, and their houses. 人々が彼にお金を払うことができなかったとき、彼は彼らの農場、彼らの馬、そして彼らの家を奪いました。 Quando as pessoas não puderam pagá-lo, ele tirou suas fazendas, seus cavalos e suas casas. Когда люди не могли платить ему, он забирал их фермы, их лошадей и их дома.

As he got older and richer, Tom began to worry. 彼が年をとって金持ちになるにつれて、トムは心配し始めました。 Quando ficou mais velho e rico, Tom começou a se preocupar. По мере того, как он становился старше и богаче, Том начал волноваться.

What would happen when he died? 彼が死んだらどうなるでしょうか。 O que aconteceria quando ele morresse? He had promised his soul to the Devil. 彼は自分の魂を悪魔に約束していました。 Он обещал свою душу дьяволу. Maybe. Может быть. .maybe. 。多分。 he could break that promise. 彼はその約束を破ることができた。 ele poderia quebrar essa promessa. он мог нарушить это обещание.

Tom then became very religious. トムはそれから非常に宗教的になりました。 Tom então se tornou muito religioso. Затем Том стал очень религиозным.

He went to church every week. 彼は毎週教会に行きました。 Ele ia à igreja todas as semanas. He thought that if he prayed enough, he could escape from the Devil. 彼は十分に祈れば悪魔から逃れることができると思いました。 Ele pensou que se orasse o suficiente, ele poderia escapar do Diabo. Он думал, что если он помолится достаточно, то сможет спастись от дьявола.

One day, Tom took the land of a man who had borrowed money. ある日、トムはお金を借りていた男の土地を奪った。 Um dia, Tom tomou a terra de um homem que havia pedido dinheiro emprestado. Однажды Том взял землю у человека, который занял деньги.

The poor man asked for more time to pay. かわいそうな男はもっとお金を払うように頼んだ。 Бедный человек попросил больше времени, чтобы заплатить. "Please do not destroy me!" 「私を破壊しないでください!」 "Por favor, não me destrua!" "Пожалуйста, не уничтожайте меня!" he said. 彼は言った。 "You have already taken all my money! " 「あなたはすでに私のお金をすべて取っています!」 "Você já pegou todo o meu dinheiro!" "Вы уже забрали все мои деньги!" Tom got angry and started to shout, "Let the Devil take me if I have taken any money from you! トムは怒って叫び始めた。「私があなたからお金を受け取ったら、悪魔に連れて行ってもらいましょう! Tom ficou com raiva e começou a gritar: "Deixe o diabo me levar se eu tiver lhe tirado algum dinheiro! Том рассердился и начал кричать: «Пусть дьявол заберет меня, если я взял у тебя деньги! That was the end of Tom Walker. それがトムウォーカーの終わりでした。 Esse foi o fim de Tom Walker. Это был конец Тома Уокера. For just then, he heard a noise. その時、彼は音を聞いた。 Nesse momento, ele ouviu um barulho. Именно тогда он услышал шум. He opened the door. 彼はドアを開けた。 There was the black giant, holding a black horse. 黒い馬を抱えた黒い巨人がいました。 Lá estava o gigante negro, segurando um cavalo preto. Там был черный великан, держащий в руках черного коня. The giant said, "Tom, I have come for you." 巨人は「トム、私はあなたのために来た」と言った。 O gigante disse: "Tom, vim buscá-lo". Великан сказал: «Том, я пришел за тобой». He picked up Tom and put him on the horse. 彼はトムを拾い上げて馬に乗せた。 Ele pegou Tom e o colocou no cavalo. Он поднял Тома и посадил его на лошадь. Then he hit the horse, which ran off, carrying Tom. それから彼はトムを運んで走り去った馬にぶつかった。 Em seguida, ele bateu no cavalo, que saiu correndo, carregando Tom. Затем он ударил лошадь, которая убежала, неся Тома.

Nobody ever saw Tom Walker again. トムウォーカーを見た人は二度といない。 Больше никто никогда не видел Тома Уокера.

A farmer said that he saw the black horse, with a man on it, running wildly into the forest. 農夫は、男が乗った黒い馬が森に乱暴に走っているのを見たと言った。 Фермер сказал, что видел, как черный конь с человеком на нем бешено бежал в лес.

After Tom Walker disappeared, the government decided to take Tom’s property. トムウォーカーが失踪した後、政府はトムの財産を奪うことを決定した。 После исчезновения Тома Уокера правительство решило забрать собственность Тома. But there was nothing to take. しかし、取るものは何もありませんでした。 Но брать было нечего. All the papers which showed that Tom owned land and houses were burned to ashes. トムが土地と家を所有していることを示したすべての書類は、灰に焼かれました。 Todos os papéis que mostravam que Tom era dono de terras e casas foram reduzidos a cinzas. Все документы, подтверждающие, что Том владеет землей и домами, были сожжены дотла. His boxes of gold and silver had nothing in them but small pieces of wood. 彼の金と銀の箱には、小さな木片しか入っていませんでした。 Suas caixas de ouro e prata não continham nada além de pequenos pedaços de madeira. В его золотых и серебряных шкатулках не было ничего, кроме маленьких деревянных кусочков. The wood came from newly cut trees. 木は新しく伐採された木から来ました。 A madeira veio de árvores recém-cortadas. Древесина была получена из недавно спиленных деревьев. Tom’s horses died, and his house suddenly burned to ashes. トムの馬は死に、彼の家は突然焼けて灰になった。 Os cavalos de Tom morreram e sua casa de repente foi reduzida a cinzas. Лошади Тома погибли, а его дом внезапно сгорел дотла.



You have heard the story, "The Devil and Tom Walker. 「悪魔とトム・ウォーカー」という話を聞いたことがあるでしょう。 " It was written by Washington Irving. 「それはワシントンアーヴィングによって書かれました。 Our storyteller was Shep O’Neal. Listen again next week at this same time for another AMERICAN STORY told in Special English on the Voice of America. 来週、この同じ時間に、ボイス・オブ・アメリカで特別英語で語られた別のアメリカの物語をもう一度聞いてください。 This is Shirley Griffith. シャーリー・グリフィスです。