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The Beatles, 'Here to stay'

'Here to stay'

Later in 1965, Paul wrote one of the most popular songs of all time. Yesterday was a beautiful, sad song about lost love.


The music for Yesterday' came to Paul in a dream. He 'just woke up one morning' with the song in his head. At first, he thought it was an old song. But none of his friends knew it. The first words to the song were about eggs!

George Martin loved the song immediately. But, in his opinion, it needed something different. Paul recorded it without the rest of the band. He played the guitar alone, while a small group of musicians played strings.

The song is one of the band's most famous - it has been recorded by many different singers and groups and in many different ways. Paul was sometimes angry when people called it their favorite Beatles song.

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'Here to stay' 'Hier um zu bleiben' 'Here to stay' Para quedarse 'ここに滞在します' '여기 머물다' "Zostajemy 'Aqui para ficar' 'Здесь, чтобы остаться' 'Kalmak için buradayız' "Тут залишитися" '在这里停留' '在這裡停留' '在這裡停留'

Later in 1965, Paul wrote one of the most popular songs of all time. 1965 年後半、ポールは史上最も人気のある曲の 1 つを書きました。 Mais tarde, em 1965, Paul escreveu uma das canções mais populares de todos os tempos. Пізніше, у 1965 році, Пол написав одну з найпопулярніших пісень усіх часів. Yesterday was a beautiful, sad song about lost love. 昨日は失われた愛についての美しく悲しい歌でした。 Вчора була гарна, сумна пісня про втрачене кохання.


The music for Yesterday' came to Paul in a dream. Yesterday』の音楽は、ポールが夢の中で思いついた。 Музика до «Вчора» прийшла до Павла уві сні. He 'just woke up one morning' with the song in his head. At first, he thought it was an old song. Спочатку він подумав, що це стара пісня. But none of his friends knew it. The first words to the song were about eggs! この曲の最初の歌詞は卵についてだった! Перші слова пісні були про яйця!

George Martin loved the song immediately. Пісня одразу сподобалася Джорджу Мартіну. But, in his opinion, it needed something different. Але, на його думку, потрібно було щось інше. 但是,在他看來,它需要一些不同的東西。 Paul recorded it without the rest of the band. |aufgenommen||||||| Пол записав його без решти гурту. 保羅在沒有樂隊其他成員的情況下錄製了它。 He played the guitar alone, while a small group of musicians played strings. ||||||||||||Streichinstrumente ||||||||||||string instruments 彼は一人でギターを弾き、少人数のミュージシャンがストリングスを演奏した。 Він грав на гітарі один, а невелика група музикантів грала на струнах. 他一個人彈吉他,而一小群音樂家則彈奏弦樂。

The song is one of the band's most famous - it has been recorded by many different singers and groups and in many different ways. 這首歌是樂隊最著名的歌曲之一——它被許多不同的歌手和團體以多種不同的方式錄製。 Paul was sometimes angry when people called it their favorite Beatles song. ポールはこの曲をビートルズの曲の中で一番好きだと言われると怒ることもあった。 當人們稱它為他們最喜歡的披頭士歌曲時,保羅有時會生氣。