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The Amazing World of Gumball, Gumball | What Is The Meaning Of Life? | The Question | Cartoon Network

Gumball | What Is The Meaning Of Life? | The Question | Cartoon Network

what's wrong with smashmallows I've read

the back of the box this is so unhealthy

but by the time you guys turn 13 your

double chins will be touching your

cankles at least the mascot doesn't look

like a cowboy goat with high

blood pressure

please mrs. mom the cereals so bleak

that if it was a movie it would be

Danish I'm sorry but the smashmallows

are going in the trash and that's that

what thank you mom thank you for having

the courage to sometimes say no one day

I look back at moments like this and say

okay what you get not much you okay I

don't think we're ever gonna see smash

miles again so we got to make the most

of these how we exercise as we eat that

way the blood rushes to your head if we

eat then stand on our heads the sugar

will rush to our brains faster due to

gravity okay we just it through the eye

it's way closer to the brain so the

sugar rush will kick in faster what like

rosy and silly like this


what's the point as soon as I find a way

to get rid of these handcuffs

that's a big question

what is the meaning of life who could

answer such a question well nobody here

you better ask around Larry what do you

think the meaning of life is hmm

work it's important to be useful look at

me I got it all figured out I get up I

shower I come to work I work all day I

go home I go to sleep I get up I shower

I come to work I work all day I go home

I go to sleep I get up I shower I come

to work I get up I shower I come to work

I work all day I go home I go to sleep I

get up I shower I come to work I work on

buddy I go home I go to sleep I come to

work I work all day I go home I go to

sleep I get up

I come to work I work all day I go home

I go to sleep I get up I shower I come

to work I work seems to work for him but

I feel like there might be a little more

to life than that yes there is you see I

believe the meaning of life is to be

good to others because if you help

someone then one day they might help

someone else and the world will be a

better place right we track your stuff

now let's knock your block off well

charity begins at home which is where

we're going right now mom what do you

think the meaning of life is no that's a

tricky one I guess it would be or having

a family it's pretty much the same the

meaning of life

well I've dedicated my life to the

indulgence of the senses a feeling of

total satisfaction and pleasure is the

highest form of existence that just

sounds like stuff in your face

you do look philosophical and you tell

them this is not a toga it's a full body

bit not quite full body unfortunately

what what's the meaning of life to

understand the meaning of life you need

to better yourself by learning as much

as you can so you can answer any other

question absolutely like would you

rather kiss a dog or have a baby drool

in your mouth I'll let you better have

put hands a hand see or how long would a

person survive just by eating their own

hair what you doing in just three

sentences you proved that don't want to

know everything is my quest for

knowledge is pointless then I might as

well go for the second-best option and

what's that blissful ignorance


Gumball | What Is The Meaning Of Life? | The Question | Cartoon Network Gumball | Was ist der Sinn des Lebens? | Die Frage | Cartoon Network chicle | ¿Cuál es el significado de la vida? | La Pregunta | Red de dibujos animados ガムボール|人生の意味は?| ザ・クエスチョン|カートゥーン ネットワーク Gumball | Qual é o sentido da vida? | A Pergunta | Cartoon Network Gumball | Hayatın Anlamı Nedir? | Soru | Cartoon Network 岡布奧|什麼是生命的意義? |問題|卡通網絡

what's wrong with smashmallows I've read Was ist falsch an Smashmallows, die ich gelesen habe? ¿Qué tienen de malo los smashmallows que he leído? 我讀過的粉碎軟糖有什麼問題

the back of the box this is so unhealthy la parte de atrás de la caja es tan poco saludable 盒子背面,這太不健康了

but by the time you guys turn 13 your pero para cuando ustedes cumplan 13 años 但當你們13歲的時候

double chins will be touching your papada tocará tu 雙下巴會觸碰你的

cankles at least the mascot doesn't look tobillos al menos la mascota no parece 至少吉祥物看起來不像

like a cowboy goat with high como una cabra vaquera con sangre alta 就像一隻高血的牛仔山羊

blood pressure 壓力

please mrs. mom the cereals so bleak Lütfen Bayan Anne, mısır gevrekleri çok kasvetli.

that if it was a movie it would be أنه إذا كان فيلمًا ، فسيكون كذلك

Danish I'm sorry but the smashmallows الدنماركية أنا آسف ولكن smashmallows

are going in the trash and that's that في سلة المهملات وهذا كل شيء

what thank you mom thank you for having

the courage to sometimes say no one day الشجاعة لقول لا يوم واحد في بعض الأحيان

I look back at moments like this and say أنظر إلى لحظات كهذه وأقول Miro atrás a momentos como este y digo

okay what you get not much you okay I حسنًا ، ما لم تحصل عليه كثيرًا أنت بخير أنا ok lo que obtienes no es mucho tu ok yo

don't think we're ever gonna see smash لا أعتقد أننا سنرى تحطيمًا أبدًا no creo que veamos nunca smash

miles again so we got to make the most أميال مرة أخرى لذلك علينا تحقيق أقصى استفادة

of these how we exercise as we eat that من هذه الطريقة التي نمارسها ونحن نأكل ذلك

way the blood rushes to your head if we forma en que la sangre se te sube a la cabeza si

eat then stand on our heads the sugar نأكل ثم نقف على رؤوسنا السكر

will rush to our brains faster due to

gravity okay we just it through the eye

it's way closer to the brain so the

sugar rush will kick in faster what like

rosy and silly like this


what's the point as soon as I find a way

to get rid of these handcuffs

that's a big question

what is the meaning of life who could

answer such a question well nobody here

you better ask around Larry what do you

think the meaning of life is hmm

work it's important to be useful look at

me I got it all figured out I get up I

shower I come to work I work all day I

go home I go to sleep I get up I shower

I come to work I work all day I go home

I go to sleep I get up I shower I come

to work I get up I shower I come to work

I work all day I go home I go to sleep I

get up I shower I come to work I work on

buddy I go home I go to sleep I come to

work I work all day I go home I go to

sleep I get up

I come to work I work all day I go home

I go to sleep I get up I shower I come

to work I work seems to work for him but

I feel like there might be a little more

to life than that yes there is you see I

believe the meaning of life is to be

good to others because if you help

someone then one day they might help

someone else and the world will be a

better place right we track your stuff

now let's knock your block off well

charity begins at home which is where

we're going right now mom what do you

think the meaning of life is no that's a

tricky one I guess it would be or having

a family it's pretty much the same the

meaning of life

well I've dedicated my life to the

indulgence of the senses a feeling of

total satisfaction and pleasure is the

highest form of existence that just

sounds like stuff in your face

you do look philosophical and you tell

them this is not a toga it's a full body

bit not quite full body unfortunately

what what's the meaning of life to

understand the meaning of life you need

to better yourself by learning as much

as you can so you can answer any other

question absolutely like would you

rather kiss a dog or have a baby drool

in your mouth I'll let you better have

put hands a hand see or how long would a

person survive just by eating their own

hair what you doing in just three

sentences you proved that don't want to

know everything is my quest for

knowledge is pointless then I might as

well go for the second-best option and

what's that blissful ignorance
