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The School of Life, The Miracle of Parenthood

The Miracle of Parenthood

This video is sponsored by Skillshare, click the link in the description for more information.

Most of our lives are spent in situations of numbing sterility. There is usually no

option but to conform and obey boring rules. We don't in our work generally create

anything of particular wonder or interest. We don't know how to paint or play Chopin's

Scherzo No. 2 in B flat minor. We can't personally manufacture an iphone; we don't

don't know how to extract oil from the ground. And yet, without being conscious of the specifics,

we are at points capable of doing something properly miraculous: we can make another person.

We can conjure up the limbs and organs of a fellow creature. We can create a liver,

we can design someone else's brain, we can – by ingesting a mixed diet perhaps including

bananas, cheese sandwiches and ginger biscuits – make fingers, we can connect neurones

that will transmit thoughts about the history of the Ancient Persians or the workings of

the dishwasher. We can choreograph the birth of an organic machine that will probably still

be going close to a hundred years from now. We can be the master coordinator and chief

designer of a product more advanced than any technology and more complex and interesting

than the greatest work of art. Having a child definitively refutes any worry about our lack

of creativity and dismantles (at least for while) the envy we might otherwise feel about

the inventiveness of others. They may have written a stirring song, started and sold

a bio-engineering company or plotted an engaging novel. But we will have created the oddest

yet most inspiring work of art and science around: one that is alive; one that will develop

its own centers of happiness and secrecy; that will one day do its homework, get a job,

hate us, forgive us, end up being, despite itself, a bit like us and eventually, make

humans of its own that can spawn themselves into perpetuity. However much they may resent

one another, grow apart or be worn down by the humdrum nature of family life, parents

and children are never entirely able to get past the supernatural sequence of events that

connects creators and created. Because two people met fifteen years ago in a friend's

kitchen, liked the look of one another, swapped phone numbers and went out for dinner, there

is now – across the table – a being with a particular sort of nose, a distinctive emotional

temperament and a way of smiling that (as everyone remarks) unnervingly echoes that

of a dead maternal grandfather. Parenting ineluctably

demands that one address the greatest, founding philosophical question: what is a good life?

As we go about answering it live in our words and actions over long years, we will at least

know that we have been spared the one great fear that otherwise haunts us and usually

manifests itself around work: that of not being able to make a difference. There will

not be the remotest danger of lacking impact, only of unwittingly exerting the wrong kind.

We will as parents be the biographers, coaches, teachers, chefs, photographers, masters and slaves of

our new charges. Our work will lend us the opportunity to show our worst, but also our

best selves in action: it is the particular words we will find, the touch of our hands,

the encouraging look only we will be able to give, the swerve towards lenience or the

brave defence of principles that will make a decisive difference to the sorrows and joys

of another human being. Who we are every day, the specific individuals we will have matured

into, will have an unparalleled power to exert a beneficial influence on somebody else's

life. We will – in our role as parents – be terrified, exhausted, resentful, enchanted

and forever spared any lingering doubt as to our significance or role on the earth.

We partnered with Skillshare today as it is a fantastic starting point for anyone looking

to learn new skills, and they have given us an amazing offer to pass on to you. A premium

membership gives you unlimited access to all courses and usually starts at around $10 a

month. But the first 1000 people to sign up at the first link in the description will

get their first two months for 99 cents. If you haven't heard of Skillshare before it's

home to thousands of classes in Graphic Design, Animation, Web Development, Music, Photography,

Design and more. You can start learning how to do just about anything. In two months you

could easily learn the skills you need to start a new hobby or business. Is there a

project that you have been dreaming of completing but just aren't sure if you have the skills

to do it? Why not start right now and sign up to Skillshare using the link below. You

have nothing to lose and potentially valuable life skills to gain. And you would be helping

out our channel too. Take a look at the link for more information.

The Miracle of Parenthood Το θαύμα της γονεϊκότητας El milagro de la paternidad Le miracle de la parentalité 家族という奇跡 부모됨의 기적 Het wonder van ouderschap O milagre da paternidade Чудо родительства Ebeveynliğin Mucizesi Диво батьківства 为人父母的奇迹 为人父母的奇迹

This video is sponsored by Skillshare, click the link in the description for more information. Questo video è sponsorizzato da Skillshare. Cliccate sul link in descrizione per ulteriori informazioni.

Most of our lives are spent in situations of numbing sterility. There is usually no La maggior parte della nostra vita è spesa in situazioni di paralizzante sterilità. Spesso ci dobbiamo solo A maior parte das nossas vidas é passada em situações de esterilidade entorpecente. Normalmente não há Большую часть своей жизни мы проводим в ситуациях оцепенения и стерильности. Обычно нет

option but to conform and obey boring rules. We don't in our work generally create conformare e obbedire a regole noiose. Nel nostro lavoro non creiamo opção senão conformar-se e obedecer a regras aborrecidas. No nosso trabalho, geralmente não criamos

anything of particular wonder or interest. We don't know how to paint or play Chopin's nulla di particolarmente stupefacente o interessante. Non sappiamo dipingere o suonare lo Scherzo No. 2 in Si bemolle minore nada de particularmente maravilhoso ou interessante. Não sabemos pintar nem tocar a música de Chopin

Scherzo No. 2 in B flat minor. We can't personally manufacture an iphone; we don't di Chopin. Non sappiamo produrre un Iphone con le nostre mani; non sappiamo

don't know how to extract oil from the ground. And yet, without being conscious of the specifics, come estrarre olio dalla terra. Eppure, senza essere consapevoli dei dettagli, não sabem como extrair petróleo do solo. E, no entanto, sem ter consciência dos pormenores,

we are at points capable of doing something properly miraculous: we can make another person. siamo, a tratti, capaci di fare qualcosa di effettivamente miracoloso: possiamo creare un'altra persona.

We can conjure up the limbs and organs of a fellow creature. We can create a liver, Possiamo far apparire i lombi e gli organi di una creatura a noi simile. Possiamo creare un fegato, Podemos conjurar os membros e órgãos de uma criatura semelhante. Podemos criar um fígado, Мы можем создавать конечности и органы других существ. Мы можем создать печень,

we can design someone else's brain, we can – by ingesting a mixed diet perhaps including possiamo delineare il cervello di qualcun altro - magari seguendo una dieta che includa

bananas, cheese sandwiches and ginger biscuits – make fingers, we can connect neurones banane, panini al formaggio e biscotti allo zenzero. Possiamo creare dita, connettere neuroni bananas, sanduíches de queijo e biscoitos de gengibre - fazer dedos, podemos ligar neurónios

that will transmit thoughts about the history of the Ancient Persians or the workings of che trasmettano pensieri riguardanti la storia degli antichi Persiani o le funzioni

the dishwasher. We can choreograph the birth of an organic machine that will probably still della lavastoviglie. Possiamo mettere in piedi la nascita di una macchina organica che probabilmente посудомоечная машина. Мы можем хореографировать рождение органической машины, которая, возможно, еще

be going close to a hundred years from now. We can be the master coordinator and chief starà ancora andando avanti tra cent'anni. Possiamo essere i maestri coordinatori e capi будет продолжаться и через сто лет. Мы можем быть главным координатором и главным

designer of a product more advanced than any technology and more complex and interesting progettisti di un prodotto più avanzato di qualsiasi tecnologia, e più complesso e interessante

than the greatest work of art. Having a child definitively refutes any worry about our lack del più grande capolavoro d'arte. Avere un bambino sicuramente confuta ogni preoccupazione riguardo la nostra mancanza

of creativity and dismantles (at least for while) the envy we might otherwise feel about di creatività, e smonta (almeno per un po') l'invidia che potremmo sentire

the inventiveness of others. They may have written a stirring song, started and sold nei confronti dell'inventiva altrui. Questi potrebbero aver scritto una canzone commuovente, iniziato e poi venduto

a bio-engineering company or plotted an engaging novel. But we will have created the oddest una compagnia di bio-ingegneria, o inventato la trama di un romanzo coinvolgente. Ma noi avremmo creato il più strano

yet most inspiring work of art and science around: one that is alive; one that will develop e insieme il più stimolante capolavoro d'arte e scienza che esista: un essere vivo, che svilupperà

its own centers of happiness and secrecy; that will one day do its homework, get a job, i suoi poli di felicità e discrezione; che un giorno farà i compiti di scuola, lavorerà,

hate us, forgive us, end up being, despite itself, a bit like us and eventually, make ci odierà, ci perdonerà, finirà per essere - a dispetto della sua unicità - un po' simile a noi ed infine, avrà

humans of its own that can spawn themselves into perpetuity. However much they may resent des humains qui peuvent se reproduire à perpétuité. Quelque soit leur ressentiment dei bambini, che si riprodurranno a loro volta e così via. Per quanto non si

one another, grow apart or be worn down by the humdrum nature of family life, parents sopporteranno, cresceranno distanti o si consumeranno a causa della natura monotona della vita in famiglia, genitori

and children are never entirely able to get past the supernatural sequence of events that e figli non sono mai interamente capaci di andare oltre la soprannaturale sequenza di eventi che

connects creators and created. Because two people met fifteen years ago in a friend's connette creatori e esseri creati. Poiché due persone si sono conosciute quindici anni fa nella cucina

kitchen, liked the look of one another, swapped phone numbers and went out for dinner, there a casa di un amico, si sono piaciute, scambiate il numero e sono uscite insieme, adesso на кухне, понравились друг другу, обменялись номерами телефонов и пошли на ужин, там

is now – across the table – a being with a particular sort of nose, a distinctive emotional c'è - dall'altro lato del tavolo - un essere con un naso tutto particolare, un carattere теперь - через стол - существо с особым видом носа, характерным эмоциональным

temperament and a way of smiling that (as everyone remarks) unnervingly echoes that tempérament et une façon de sourire qui (comme tout le monde le remarque) fait écho emotivo distintivo e un modo di sorridere che (come tutti fanno presente) ricorda in modo snervante quello темперамент и манера улыбаться, которая (как все отмечают) нервно повторяет ту.

of a dead maternal grandfather. Parenting ineluctably di un nonno deceduto da parte materna. Essere genitori rimanda, in modo умершего деда по материнской линии. Воспитание неизбежно

demands that one address the greatest, founding philosophical question: what is a good life? exige que l'on aborde la plus grande question philosophique fondatrice: qu'est-ce qu'une bonne vie? ineluttabile, a farsi una delle domande filosofiche più importanti: cosa è una buona vita? требует от человека решения величайшего, основополагающего философского вопроса: что такое хорошая жизнь?

As we go about answering it live in our words and actions over long years, we will at least Tentando di rispondere a questa domanda - vivendo attraverso le nostre parole e azioni per tanti anni - almeno Когда мы будем отвечать на него в прямом эфире своими словами и поступками в течение долгих лет, мы, по крайней мере, будем

know that we have been spared the one great fear that otherwise haunts us and usually riusciremo a sapere che ci siamo risparmiati una delle paure che spesso ci spaventano знать, что мы избавлены от одного большого страха, который в других случаях преследует нас и обычно

manifests itself around work: that of not being able to make a difference. There will e si manifestano se si pensa al lavoro: quella di non fare a differenza. Non ci sarà проявляется в сфере работы: неспособность изменить ситуацию к лучшему. Будет

not be the remotest danger of lacking impact, only of unwittingly exerting the wrong kind. alcun pericolo di non lasciare il segno, ma solo il pericolo di esercitare inconsapevolmente un impatto sbagliato. нет ни малейшей опасности недостатка воздействия, а только неосознанное оказание неправильного воздействия.

We will as parents be the biographers, coaches, teachers, chefs, photographers, masters and slaves of Come genitori, saremo i biografi, i maestri, capi, insegnanti, fotografi, padroni e schiavi

our new charges. Our work will lend us the opportunity to show our worst, but also our dei nostri stessi impegni. Il nostro lavoro ci darà l'opportunità di mostrare sia il nostro peggio, che

best selves in action: it is the particular words we will find, the touch of our hands, il nostro meglio: sono le parole particolari che troveremo, il tocco delle nostre mani, лучшие "я" в действии: это особые слова, которые мы найдем, прикосновение наших рук,

the encouraging look only we will be able to give, the swerve towards lenience or the le regard encourageant que nous pourrons donner, le virage vers la clémence ou la lo sguardo incoraggiante che solo noi siamo capaci di riservare, il deviare verso l'indulgenza, ободряющий взгляд, на который способны только мы, поворот в сторону снисходительности или

brave defence of principles that will make a decisive difference to the sorrows and joys défense courageuse des principes qui feront une différence décisive dans les peines et les joies o la coraggiosa difesa di principi che faranno la decisiva differenza rispetto alle gioie e dolori смелая защита принципов, которые будут иметь решающее значение для горестей и радостей

of another human being. Who we are every day, the specific individuals we will have matured di un altro essere umano. Chi siamo ogni giorno, lo specifico individuo in cui saremo

into, will have an unparalleled power to exert a beneficial influence on somebody else's en, aura un pouvoir inégalé pour exercer une influence bénéfique sur quelqu'un d'autre diventati, avrà un imparagonabile potere di esercitare un'influenza benigna sulla vita в которую он вступил, будет обладать беспрецедентной способностью оказывать благотворное влияние на чьи-то еще

life. We will – in our role as parents – be terrified, exhausted, resentful, enchanted di un'altra persona. Saremo - nel nostro ruolo di genitori - spaventati, esausti, risentiti, incantati

and forever spared any lingering doubt as to our significance or role on the earth. et à jamais épargné tout doute persistant quant à notre importance ou à notre rôle sur la terre. e per tutta la vita non assaliti dal dubbio persistente legato al nostro significato o ruolo su questa terra. и навсегда избавиться от любых сомнений в нашей значимости и роли на земле.

We partnered with Skillshare today as it is a fantastic starting point for anyone looking Oggi Skillshare è nostro partner visto che si tratta di un ottimo punto di partenza per chiunque stia cercando

to learn new skills, and they have given us an amazing offer to pass on to you. A premium di imparare nuove competenze, e ci hanno dato un'offerta fantastica di cui rendervi partecipi. Una membership

membership gives you unlimited access to all courses and usually starts at around $10 a premium ti dà accesso illimitato a tutti i corsi e generalmente si parte da una base di 10$

month. But the first 1000 people to sign up at the first link in the description will al mese. Ma le prime 1000 persone che si iscrivono attraverso il primo link in descrizione

get their first two months for 99 cents. If you haven't heard of Skillshare before it's riceveranno i primi due mesi a 99 centesimi. Se non avete sentito parlare prima di Skillshare, è una piattaforma

home to thousands of classes in Graphic Design, Animation, Web Development, Music, Photography, che raccoglie migliaia di corsi in Graphic design, Animazione, Web Development, Musica, Fotografia,

Design and more. You can start learning how to do just about anything. In two months you Design e altro ancora. Puoi imparare a fare quasi qualsiasi cosa. In due mesi

could easily learn the skills you need to start a new hobby or business. Is there a puoi facilmente acquisire le competenze necessarie per cominciare un nuovo hobby o business. C'è un progetto

project that you have been dreaming of completing but just aren't sure if you have the skills che avete sognato di portare a termine ma non sapete se avete le competenze

to do it? Why not start right now and sign up to Skillshare using the link below. You per farlo? Perché non cominci adesso e iscriviti su SKillshare attraverso il link qui sotto. Non

have nothing to lose and potentially valuable life skills to gain. And you would be helping hai niente da perdere e competenze potenzialmente valide per la vita da acquisire. E inoltre aiuteresti

out our channel too. Take a look at the link for more information. il nostro canale. Dai un'occhiata al link per ulteriori informazioni.