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Vogue 73 questions, 73 Questions With Margot Robbie | Vogue

73 Questions With Margot Robbie | Vogue

- [Interviewer] Hey Margot.

- Hi!

- [Interviewer] I'm so excited to be here

at this beautiful cottage asking you 73 Questions.

- Yeah, of course,

come on in.

- [Interviewer] Thank you.

So how did you start your day today?

- I had a nice cup of tea, and I went for a swim.

- [Interviewer] What do you have planned

for the rest of the day?

- Having some friends over for brunch?

- [Interviewer] If you could spend the day

with anyone in the world, who would that be?

- J.K. Rowling.

- [Interviewer] And what would you do?

- I would ask her 73 questions.

- [Interviewer] No way! Oh that's good.

- Yeah.

I'd probably ask her

a million and 73 questions, but yeah.

- [Interviewer] What's one thing that

you would love to master?

- I'd really like to be good at pool.

- [Interviewer] Are you a texter or a caller?

- I'm a caller.

- [Interviewer] Who is the last person that you called?

- My cousin, Julia.

- [Interviewer] What did you guys talk about?

- I asked her to bring some things over for brunch.

- [Interviewer] Nice.

- Do you want a water or something?

- [Interviewer] I'd love some, thank you.

So you play piano.

- No, that's just kinda there.


That is the Australian National Anthem.

- [Interviewer] Advance Australia Fair, right?

- And you're an American, that's amazing.

- [Interviewer] What can I say?

What do you miss about Australia

when you're in America?

- I miss the thunderstorms.

- [Interviewer] What do you miss about America

when you're in Australia?

- The convenience.

I feel like everything's open so late here.

- [Interviewer] If I had 24 hours to spend

anywhere in Australia, where should I go

and what should I do?

- Tasmania.

I would tell you to go to the Mona.

- [Interviewer] Who's an Australian everyone

should know about?

- Troye Sivan.

- [Interviewer] Who's an actor you'd love to work with?

- Matthias Schoenaerts.

- [Interviewer] Who's a director you'd love to work with?

- Wes Anderson.

- [Interviewer] Would you ever love to direct?

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] Who do you always love watching on screen?

- Tilda Swinton.

- [Interviewer] What do you look for in a good script?

- I want to be surprised, but also satisfied.

- [Interviewer] Do you have to be able

to relate or like the character in order to play them?

- I do, yeah.

- [Interviewer] Comic book buffs, or historial

experts- who are harder to please as audience members?

- They're both really tough.

- [Interviewer] I can imagine.

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] Favorite accent to do.

- Brooklyn.

- [Interviewer] How do you practice accents?

- I find real life people on YouTube,

then I just kind of mimic them.

- [Interviewer] Huh.

Is there a moment on camera that has truly shaken you?

- Yes. The scene I got to do with Saoirse Ronan

in "Mary Queen of Scots."

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite scar?

- This one. I got it when I was a little kid.

- [Interviewer] Favorite book?

- "Harry Potter."

- [Interviewer] Favorite artist?

- Magritte.

- [Interviewer] Favorite band?

- Favorite band?

I mean, I have a lot, but ELO.

- [Interviewer] Favorite song?

- Right now, "The Oogum Boogum Song."

- [Interviewer] Alright, well you picked

a beautiful day for a gathering.

What does a typical brunch entail?

- Uh, all the girls outside drinking

and all the guys inside cooking.

- [Interviewer] What is your favorite cuisine to cook?

- I am not a good cook, but I can do a cheese board.

- [Interviewer] Okay.

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] What's your least favorite

food to eat?

- Taramasalata.

Have you had that?

- [Interviewer] No.

- It's disgusting.

- [Interviewer] I'll try to stay away.

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] What's been the most rewarding

project thus far in your career?

- "I, Tonya."

- [Interviewer] Why?

- Because I got to be a part of all

the aspects of making that film.

- [Interviewer] Producing or acting,

which do you prefer?

- I love producing, but acting will

always be my big love.

- [Interviewer] What about producing

did you not expect?

- So much paperwork.

- [Interviewer] Would you ever do theater?

- Yes.

- [Interviewer] If you could make a documentary

on any topic, what would it be?

- Why they shouldn't do oil drilling

in the Great Australian Bight.

- [Interviewer] If you could cameo on any TV show,

what would it be?

- There's a wicked new show coming out

on Hulu called "Dollface."

It's a LuckyChap production.

- [Interviewer] It's in the calendar.

True or false, you've played in a rugby league?

- No, false,

I played on an ice hockey team.

- [Interviewer] True or false, you tattooed

your "Suicide Squad" cast?

- That's true.

- [Interviewer] If I were to get a tattoo,

what should I get and where?

- Two Salvador Dali elephants on your back.

- [Interviewer] That's specific.

- True or false for you-

- [Interviewer] Shoot-

- Did I offer you a glass of water and not give it to you?

- [Interviewer] True.

- Sorry about that.

- [Interviewer] It's okay, Margot.

What's your favorite lip color?

- Chanel, Boy.

- [Interviewer] Dead straight or natural wave hair?

- Natural wave.

- [Interviewer] What's an Australian beauty ritual

that you follow every day?

- Sunscreen.

- [Interviewer] What was the last piece

of clothing that you bought?

- Bought a yellow t-shirt from Zimmermann.

- [Interviewer] If you had to distill

your peak signature style in one item of clothing,

what would it be?

- High waisted pants. - Thank you.

What would you say is your most extravagant

and expensive outfit that you've ever worn?

- I feel like the dress I wore this year to the BAFTAs.

It was kind of extravagant.

- [Interviewer] Who's your favorite designer of all time?

- Coco Chanel.

- [Interviewer] What's the most method

that you've ever gotten for a role?

- I'm not really a method actor,

but I do find myself unintentionally

behaving like a character after a while.

- [Interviewer] How did you prep to play Sharon Tate?

- Lots of reading, watching a lot of films,

spent time with people that knew her.

I always work with an acting coach,

dialect coach, movement coach.

- [Interviewer] Queen Elizabeth, Harley Quinn,

Tonya Harding, each requiring crazy

physical makeovers. - Mm-hmm.

- [Interviewer] Is your prep process similar

regardless of the character?

- The approach is similar.

The process always changes a little bit

based on the character, but the approach is the same,

and, inevitably, a lotta time in the hair

and makeup chair.

- [Interviewer] I can imagine.

And having played several people

that actually existed, how does that

influence your performance?

- Well, I always feel a sense of responsibility

for a character, whether they're real or not,

but definitely an added sense of responsibility

when they are real life people, yeah.

- [Interviewer] And you've played characters

from so many different eras.

If you can go back and live in any of those periods,

which would it be?

- The '60s.

- [Interviewer] What's been the biggest positive

change in Hollywood recently?

- Inclusivity.

- [Interviewer] What in the film world

needs a drastic overhaul?

- Non-creatives making creative decisions.

- [Interviewer] Who's a voice in Hollywood

that people should be listening to?

- Women, all of them.

- [Interviewer] What female performer

is blowing your mind right now?

- Phoebe Waller-Bridge.

- [Interviewer] Ah, love her.

Hey, cool surfboard! - Yeah.

- [Interviewer] I imagine you're professional

level at surfing, right?

- [laughs] I am not a good surfer,

I just like doing it.

- [Interviewer] On a scale of one to ten,

how good are you?

- A two.

- [Interviewer] Who has better beaches,

Australia or California?

- Australia.

- [Interviewer] I knew you'd say that.

What's your go-to cocktail?

- G&T. - [Interviewer] What's your vice?

- Ice cream.

- [Interviewer] What's a fashion trend that

you think will definitely come back?

- Chunky '80s earrings.

- [Interviewer] What is a fashion trend

that you are positive will never grow old?

- Crisp white shirt, blue jeans.

- [Interviewer] And what's a fashion trend

you think should never see the light of day ever again?

- Stripey toe socks.

I don't know if that was a thing here,

but it was when I was a kid.

- [Interviewer] All right. So, where are you heading?

I see you're planning a trip?

- Oh, no,

I'm unpacking.

Well, I should be unpacking.

I'll do it later, but I just got back from Cannes.

- [Interviewer] Oh.

What was the best part about Cannes?

- Eating croissants every day.

- [Interviewer] What's the city that you're headed to next?

- London.

- [Interviewer] What country have you never

visited but you're dying to get there?

- Sri Lanka.

[hand knocking]

Oh, that would be Julia.

- [Interviewer] When have you felt most starstruck?

- When I met 50 Cent.

- [Interviewer] What is your favorite

account to follow on social media?

- Tiny Kitchens,

they make little food,

it's really cute.


- Hi, Moo. - Come on in.

- [Interviewer] Who's this?

- This is my cousin, Julia.

- [Interviewer] Hey,

Feel free to ask a question.

- What should I do with the snacks?

- Out the back, please.

Thank you.

- [Interviewer] Okay, last question I have

for you, Margot.

I'm so excited for "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood."

- [Interviewer] What was it like working

with Quentin Tarantino?

- It was the best ever.

There are no cell phones on set.

I don't think Quentin even owns one,

and every 100 rolls of film

everyone stops, and has a drink, and celebrates.

- [Interviewer] I think you and I have

a lot to celebrate right now,

because we concluded our interview.

- I'll have a drink for the both of us.

- [Interviewer] Sounds good, Margot.

This is great,

thanks so much.

- See ya. - Bye, bye.

73 Questions With Margot Robbie | Vogue 73 preguntas a Margot Robbie | Vogue

- [Interviewer] Hey Margot.

- Hi!

- [Interviewer] I'm so excited to be here

at this beautiful cottage asking you 73 Questions.

- Yeah, of course,

come on in.

- [Interviewer] Thank you.

So how did you start your day today?

- I had a nice cup of tea, and I went for a swim.

- [Interviewer] What do you have planned

for the rest of the day?

- Having some friends over for brunch?

- [Interviewer] If you could spend the day

with anyone in the world, who would that be?

- J.K. Rowling.

- [Interviewer] And what would you do?

- I would ask her 73 questions.

- [Interviewer] No way! Oh that's good.

- Yeah.

I'd probably ask her

a million and 73 questions, but yeah.

- [Interviewer] What's one thing that

you would love to master?

- I'd really like to be good at pool.

- [Interviewer] Are you a texter or a caller?

- I'm a caller.

- [Interviewer] Who is the last person that you called?

- My cousin, Julia.

- [Interviewer] What did you guys talk about?

- I asked her to bring some things over for brunch.

- [Interviewer] Nice.

- Do you want a water or something?

- [Interviewer] I'd love some, thank you.

So you play piano.

- No, that's just kinda there.


That is the Australian National Anthem.

- [Interviewer] Advance Australia Fair, right?

- And you're an American, that's amazing.

- [Interviewer] What can I say?

What do you miss about Australia

when you're in America?

- I miss the thunderstorms.

- [Interviewer] What do you miss about America

when you're in Australia?

- The convenience.

I feel like everything's open so late here.

- [Interviewer] If I had 24 hours to spend

anywhere in Australia, where should I go

and what should I do?

- Tasmania.

I would tell you to go to the Mona.

- [Interviewer] Who's an Australian everyone

should know about?

- Troye Sivan.

- [Interviewer] Who's an actor you'd love to work with?

- Matthias Schoenaerts. -Matthias Schoenaerts。

- [Interviewer] Who's a director you'd love to work with?

- Wes Anderson.

- [Interviewer] Would you ever love to direct?

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] Who do you always love watching on screen?

- Tilda Swinton.

- [Interviewer] What do you look for in a good script?

- I want to be surprised, but also satisfied.

- [Interviewer] Do you have to be able

to relate or like the character in order to play them?

- I do, yeah.

- [Interviewer] Comic book buffs, or historial

experts- who are harder to please as audience members?

- They're both really tough.

- [Interviewer] I can imagine.

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] Favorite accent to do.

- Brooklyn.

- [Interviewer] How do you practice accents?

- I find real life people on YouTube,

then I just kind of mimic them.

- [Interviewer] Huh.

Is there a moment on camera that has truly shaken you?

- Yes. The scene I got to do with Saoirse Ronan

in "Mary Queen of Scots."

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite scar?

- This one. I got it when I was a little kid.

- [Interviewer] Favorite book?

- "Harry Potter."

- [Interviewer] Favorite artist?

- Magritte.

- [Interviewer] Favorite band?

- Favorite band?

I mean, I have a lot, but ELO.

- [Interviewer] Favorite song?

- Right now, "The Oogum Boogum Song."

- [Interviewer] Alright, well you picked

a beautiful day for a gathering.

What does a typical brunch entail?

- Uh, all the girls outside drinking

and all the guys inside cooking.

- [Interviewer] What is your favorite cuisine to cook?

- I am not a good cook, but I can do a cheese board.

- [Interviewer] Okay.

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] What's your least favorite

food to eat?

- Taramasalata.

Have you had that?

- [Interviewer] No.

- It's disgusting.

- [Interviewer] I'll try to stay away.

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] What's been the most rewarding

project thus far in your career?

- "I, Tonya."

- [Interviewer] Why?

- Because I got to be a part of all

the aspects of making that film.

- [Interviewer] Producing or acting,

which do you prefer?

- I love producing, but acting will

always be my big love.

- [Interviewer] What about producing

did you not expect?

- So much paperwork.

- [Interviewer] Would you ever do theater?

- Yes.

- [Interviewer] If you could make a documentary

on any topic, what would it be?

- Why they shouldn't do oil drilling

in the Great Australian Bight.

- [Interviewer] If you could cameo on any TV show,

what would it be?

- There's a wicked new show coming out

on Hulu called "Dollface."

It's a LuckyChap production.

- [Interviewer] It's in the calendar.

True or false, you've played in a rugby league?

- No, false,

I played on an ice hockey team.

- [Interviewer] True or false, you tattooed

your "Suicide Squad" cast?

- That's true.

- [Interviewer] If I were to get a tattoo,

what should I get and where?

- Two Salvador Dali elephants on your back.

- [Interviewer] That's specific.

- True or false for you-

- [Interviewer] Shoot-

- Did I offer you a glass of water and not give it to you?

- [Interviewer] True.

- Sorry about that.

- [Interviewer] It's okay, Margot.

What's your favorite lip color?

- Chanel, Boy.

- [Interviewer] Dead straight or natural wave hair? -[インタビュアー]真っ直ぐなのかナチュラルウェーブの髪?

- Natural wave.

- [Interviewer] What's an Australian beauty ritual

that you follow every day?

- Sunscreen.

- [Interviewer] What was the last piece

of clothing that you bought?

- Bought a yellow t-shirt from Zimmermann.

- [Interviewer] If you had to distill

your peak signature style in one item of clothing,

what would it be?

- High waisted pants. - Thank you.

What would you say is your most extravagant

and expensive outfit that you've ever worn?

- I feel like the dress I wore this year to the BAFTAs.

It was kind of extravagant.

- [Interviewer] Who's your favorite designer of all time?

- Coco Chanel.

- [Interviewer] What's the most method

that you've ever gotten for a role?

- I'm not really a method actor,

but I do find myself unintentionally

behaving like a character after a while.

- [Interviewer] How did you prep to play Sharon Tate?

- Lots of reading, watching a lot of films,

spent time with people that knew her.

I always work with an acting coach,

dialect coach, movement coach.

- [Interviewer] Queen Elizabeth, Harley Quinn,

Tonya Harding, each requiring crazy

physical makeovers. - Mm-hmm.

- [Interviewer] Is your prep process similar

regardless of the character?

- The approach is similar.

The process always changes a little bit

based on the character, but the approach is the same,

and, inevitably, a lotta time in the hair

and makeup chair.

- [Interviewer] I can imagine.

And having played several people

that actually existed, how does that

influence your performance?

- Well, I always feel a sense of responsibility

for a character, whether they're real or not,

but definitely an added sense of responsibility

when they are real life people, yeah.

- [Interviewer] And you've played characters

from so many different eras.

If you can go back and live in any of those periods,

which would it be?

- The '60s.

- [Interviewer] What's been the biggest positive

change in Hollywood recently?

- Inclusivity.

- [Interviewer] What in the film world

needs a drastic overhaul?

- Non-creatives making creative decisions.

- [Interviewer] Who's a voice in Hollywood

that people should be listening to?

- Women, all of them.

- [Interviewer] What female performer

is blowing your mind right now?

- Phoebe Waller-Bridge.

- [Interviewer] Ah, love her.

Hey, cool surfboard! - Yeah.

- [Interviewer] I imagine you're professional

level at surfing, right?

- [laughs] I am not a good surfer,

I just like doing it.

- [Interviewer] On a scale of one to ten,

how good are you?

- A two.

- [Interviewer] Who has better beaches,

Australia or California?

- Australia.

- [Interviewer] I knew you'd say that.

What's your go-to cocktail?

- G&T. - [Interviewer] What's your vice?

- Ice cream.

- [Interviewer] What's a fashion trend that

you think will definitely come back?

- Chunky '80s earrings.

- [Interviewer] What is a fashion trend

that you are positive will never grow old?

- Crisp white shirt, blue jeans.

- [Interviewer] And what's a fashion trend

you think should never see the light of day ever again?

- Stripey toe socks.

I don't know if that was a thing here,

but it was when I was a kid.

- [Interviewer] All right. So, where are you heading?

I see you're planning a trip?

- Oh, no,

I'm unpacking.

Well, I should be unpacking.

I'll do it later, but I just got back from Cannes.

- [Interviewer] Oh.

What was the best part about Cannes?

- Eating croissants every day.

- [Interviewer] What's the city that you're headed to next?

- London.

- [Interviewer] What country have you never

visited but you're dying to get there?

- Sri Lanka.

[hand knocking]

Oh, that would be Julia.

- [Interviewer] When have you felt most starstruck?

- When I met 50 Cent.

- [Interviewer] What is your favorite

account to follow on social media?

- Tiny Kitchens,

they make little food,

it's really cute.


- Hi, Moo. - Come on in.

- [Interviewer] Who's this?

- This is my cousin, Julia.

- [Interviewer] Hey,

Feel free to ask a question.

- What should I do with the snacks?

- Out the back, please.

Thank you.

- [Interviewer] Okay, last question I have

for you, Margot.

I'm so excited for "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood."

- [Interviewer] What was it like working

with Quentin Tarantino?

- It was the best ever.

There are no cell phones on set.

I don't think Quentin even owns one,

and every 100 rolls of film

everyone stops, and has a drink, and celebrates.

- [Interviewer] I think you and I have

a lot to celebrate right now,

because we concluded our interview.

- I'll have a drink for the both of us.

- [Interviewer] Sounds good, Margot.

This is great,

thanks so much.

- See ya. - Bye, bye.