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BuzzFeed Video, The Insane Way I Cheated On A College Test

The Insane Way I Cheated On A College Test

- My freshman year of college, I cheated on a final,

and this is that story.

Okay, before we start, cheating might be a strong word.

Actually, maybe it's not.

I'll leave that up to all of you.

Okay, here we go.

So I was home on a little break from school.

Nothing holiday related, just a weekend at my parents house.

It was Sunday and I was leaving that night

to fly back to school.

My point being school and home were not close to each other.

If I'm being honest, it's a little tough

to go to school in a place that's far from home.

Especially if you're someone like me

who gets homesick from time to time.

Anyways, it was end of April, Spring semester

was winding down a.k.a finals season.

The pressure was on.

I'm gonna be bold here,

I'd classify myself as in intelligent person.

Now when I say that, would I call myself a genius?

I don't think I would.

Would I call myself dumb?

I don't think I would.

And I like school, I like learning

so I'm not really sure what came over me

on that faithful day.

Before I knew it, I was heading back

to school on that Sunday night.

I had a final the very next morning, Monday morning.

For whatever reason, before I even left my parents house,

I thought to myself, I'm not taking that test tomorrow.

I'm gonna email my teacher now,

tell him my flight got canceled

and I could take it later that week.

My thought was, I could buy myself a couple extra days

and get ready for the test in my own time.

It was a slam dunk.

I guarantee a surefire plan.

Maybe I was a genius.

I sent the email, got on to my very not canceled flight,

and went back to school.

I'm feeling good, real slick.

Until I get back to my dorm.

There's a reply to my email.

"Hi Brigid."

Perfectly acceptable greeting.

"No problem, sorry to hear about your flight.

"Just bring me proof of your new flight,

"and we'll be all good."

(clock ticking)

How did this happen?

This was supposed to be an easy plan.

Okay, okay, okay, just calm down.

I have no choice but to own up to my mistakes

and face the situation that I've created.


Or, and hear me out, I look up

I don't know, a template for a plane ticket,

create a fake boarding pass to present to my professor.

I was in too deep.

I couldn't confess.

This became Operation Fake Ticket.

We arrange a new time for me to take the final,

that's a few days away.

I needed to craft something that was believable.

Actually, more than believable, authentic.

He's a smart guy, he's a college professor.

He could probably look up if a flight was real.

So I just needed to make it seem like I was on that flight.

I was starting to feel like I was a character on Lost.

Somehow, after days of studying, and terrifying nights

of dreams of expulsion, I completed both tasks.

Not only was I ready for my final,

I was ready for the greatest trick I'd ever pull.

It was the day of the test.

I walk into his classroom,

my heart is pounding out of my chest.

There he is.

I'm trying to figure out what he's thinking.

So far, he seems oddly calm.

I think I'm ready for this test,

and oh here's that airline information you asked for.

I hand over the goods, he looks them over briefly

and sets them down.

Internally I'm like, and that's how it's done baby,

we just pulled this off.

"Okay, cool!

"So while you take the test,"

"I'll just give the airline a call

"to make sure you were on the flight."

Excuse me?

I'm surprised I didn't just burst into flames

right then and there.

Yeah, no, of course, that sounds good.

I'm trying to play it cool.

He hands over the test, I take a seat

at the desk in his classroom, my life, it was over.

This is it.

This is how it ends.

He leaves the room, I take the test.

Oddly enough, he never returns.

I leave my finished test on his desk,

leave the classroom and never looked back.

Do you have any idea how hard it is

to focus on a test when your teacher

is trying to catch you in a lie?

I could feel my brain melting.

I sprung back to my dorm, collect all my friends,

explain the new development in the saga.

"I feel like you can't just call an airline

"and get that information."

Says one of smart friends.

Yeah, yeah that makes sense.

For whatever reason, I had my friend call

instead of me and ask the airline

if my name came up in a flight manifest.

They wouldn't give the information out.


Nice try buddy.

I did it, there's no way he could call me out

on my fake plane ticket now.

And guess what?

A week or so later, I found out I got an A on that test.

This wasn't all for nothing.

Heads up, the craziest part of this story

hasn't even happened yet.

Freshman year ends, I end up transferring to another school,

it was closer to home and just a little more my speed.

One day, I'm sitting on campus waiting for a class to start

and suddenly, there's an odd shift in the air.

You know when you can just feel

when something is about to happen?

"Brigid, right?"

I hear a voice ask.

I look up, my heart stops.

It's my fucking teacher.

The guy that I duped.

He's staring at me.

Yes, it's me, Brigid.

How are you?

"Good to see you." He says.

Starts to walk away, I swear on my life,

I'm not making this up.

"Nice job with that plane ticket."

What is this?

A goddamn movie?

People don't talk like that,

this doesn't happen in real life.

Apparently this happens in my life.

What was he even doing here?

Why was he at my new school?

I have expected him to do that thing in scary movies

where he crosses a street, a bus drives by and disappears.

Obviously, I go home and look him up immediately.

Turns out, he's an adjunct professor at my new school.

Oddly enough, we never crossed paths again after that.

I think he just wanted to see

how far I would take my lie.

And he got his answer.

I took that lie all the way.

Did I learn my lesson?


Would I do it again?


Stay in school kids.

(upbeat jazz music)

The Insane Way I Cheated On A College Test ||||Deceived the exam|||| Die verrückte Art, wie ich bei einem College-Test gemogelt habe Cómo hice trampas en un examen de la universidad La façon insensée dont j'ai triché à un examen universitaire Il modo folle in cui ho imbrogliato in un test universitario 私が大学のテストでカンニングした非常識な方法 대학 시험에서 부정행위를 한 미친 방법 De krankzinnige manier waarop ik spiekte bij een universiteitstest A forma insana como copiei num teste da faculdade Безумный способ списывания на экзамене в колледже Üniversite Sınavında Çılgınca Kopya Çekme Yöntemim 我在大学考试中作弊的疯狂方式 我在大學考試中作弊的瘋狂方式

- My freshman year of college, I cheated on a final, |first year||||||||

and this is that story.

Okay, before we start, cheating might be a strong word. ||||betrügen|||||

Actually, maybe it's not.

I'll leave that up to all of you. ||||||由|

Okay, here we go.

So I was home on a little break from school.

Nothing holiday related, just a weekend at my parents house.

It was Sunday and I was leaving that night ||the weekend||||||

to fly back to school. |return by plane|||

My point being school and home were not close to each other.

If I'm being honest, it's a little tough

to go to school in a place that's far from home.

Especially if you're someone like me

who gets homesick from time to time. ||misses home||||

Anyways, it was end of April, Spring semester |||||||学期

was winding down a.k.a finals season. |coming to an end|||||final exams|

The pressure was on.

I'm gonna be bold here, |||大胆| |||courageous|

I'd classify myself as in intelligent person. |consider myself|||||

Now when I say that, would I call myself a genius?

I don't think I would.

Would I call myself dumb? ||||笨的 ||||not smart

I don't think I would.

And I like school, I like learning

so I'm not really sure what came over me

on that faithful day. ||忠实的| ||fateful|

Before I knew it, I was heading back

to school on that Sunday night.

I had a final the very next morning, Monday morning. |||期末||||||

For whatever reason, before I even left my parents house,

I thought to myself, I'm not taking that test tomorrow.

I'm gonna email my teacher now,

tell him my flight got canceled |||||called off

and I could take it later that week.

My thought was, I could buy myself a couple extra days

and get ready for the test in my own time.

It was a slam dunk. |||扣篮|扣篮 ||||Sure thing! "Sure success"

I guarantee a surefire plan. |||万无一失| |||sicheren Plan| |I assure you.||certain to succeed|

Maybe I was a genius.

I sent the email, got on to my very not canceled flight,

and went back to school.

I'm feeling good, real slick. ||||smooth and confident

Until I get back to my dorm. ||||||宿舍 ||||||residence hall

There's a reply to my email.

"Hi Brigid." |No translation needed.

Perfectly acceptable greeting. ||问候语 Completely||Hello there!

"No problem, sorry to hear about your flight.

"Just bring me proof of your new flight, |||证明||||

"and we'll be all good."

(clock ticking)

How did this happen?

This was supposed to be an easy plan.

Okay, okay, okay, just calm down.

I have no choice but to own up to my mistakes

and face the situation that I've created.


Or, and hear me out, I look up

I don't know, a template for a plane ticket, ||||模板||||

create a fake boarding pass to present to my professor. |||登机||||||

I was in too deep.

I couldn't confess. ||承认 ||admit the truth

This became Operation Fake Ticket.

We arrange a new time for me to take the final, |Set up|||||||||

that's a few days away.

I needed to craft something that was believable. |||制作|||| |||create||||Plausible

Actually, more than believable, authentic. ||||真实的

He's a smart guy, he's a college professor. ||||||大学教授|

He could probably look up if a flight was real.

So I just needed to make it seem like I was on that flight.

I was starting to feel like I was a character on Lost.

Somehow, after days of studying, and terrifying nights In some way|||||||

of dreams of expulsion, I completed both tasks. |||驱逐|||| |||expulsion from school||carried out||

Not only was I ready for my final,

I was ready for the greatest trick I'd ever pull.

It was the day of the test.

I walk into his classroom,

my heart is pounding out of my chest.

There he is.

I'm trying to figure out what he's thinking.

So far, he seems oddly calm. ||||strangely|

I think I'm ready for this test,

and oh here's that airline information you asked for.

I hand over the goods, he looks them over briefly

and sets them down.

Internally I'm like, and that's how it's done baby, In my mind||||||||

we just pulled this off.

"Okay, cool!

"So while you take the test,"

"I'll just give the airline a call

"to make sure you were on the flight."

Excuse me?

I'm surprised I didn't just burst into flames |||||||catch fire

right then and there.

Yeah, no, of course, that sounds good.

I'm trying to play it cool.

He hands over the test, I take a seat

at the desk in his classroom, my life, it was over.

This is it.

This is how it ends.

He leaves the room, I take the test.

Oddly enough, he never returns. Strangely enough||||comes back

I leave my finished test on his desk,

leave the classroom and never looked back.

Do you have any idea how hard it is

to focus on a test when your teacher |专注||||||

is trying to catch you in a lie?

I could feel my brain melting. |||||融化 |||||turning to mush

I sprung back to my dorm, collect all my friends, |leapt||||||||

explain the new development in the saga. ||||||传奇 ||||||ongoing story

"I feel like you can't just call an airline

"and get that information."

Says one of smart friends.

Yeah, yeah that makes sense.

For whatever reason, I had my friend call

instead of me and ask the airline

if my name came up in a flight manifest. ||||||||passenger list

They wouldn't give the information out.

Delightful. 令人愉快

Nice try buddy.

I did it, there's no way he could call me out

on my fake plane ticket now.

And guess what?

A week or so later, I found out I got an A on that test.

This wasn't all for nothing.

Heads up, the craziest part of this story

hasn't even happened yet.

Freshman year ends, I end up transferring to another school, First-year student||||||switching schools|||

it was closer to home and just a little more my speed. |||||||||||comfort level

One day, I'm sitting on campus waiting for a class to start |||||校园|||||| |||||university grounds||||||

and suddenly, there's an odd shift in the air. ||||奇怪的|||| ||||unusual||||

You know when you can just feel

when something is about to happen?

"Brigid, right?"

I hear a voice ask.

I look up, my heart stops.

It's my fucking teacher. ||darn|

The guy that I duped. ||||被骗的 ||||tricked

He's staring at me.

Yes, it's me, Brigid.

How are you?

"Good to see you." He says.

Starts to walk away, I swear on my life, |||||promise|||

I'm not making this up.

"Nice job with that plane ticket."

What is this?

A goddamn movie? |A damn movie?|

People don't talk like that,

this doesn't happen in real life.

Apparently this happens in my life.

What was he even doing here?

Why was he at my new school?

I have expected him to do that thing in scary movies

where he crosses a street, a bus drives by and disappears. ||crosses the street||||||||

Obviously, I go home and look him up immediately.

Turns out, he's an adjunct professor at my new school. ||||part-time professor|||||

Oddly enough, we never crossed paths again after that. Strangely enough|||||routes|||

I think he just wanted to see

how far I would take my lie.

And he got his answer.

I took that lie all the way.

Did I learn my lesson?


Would I do it again?

Nope. No.

Stay in school kids.

(upbeat jazz music)