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Stanford Entrepreneurship corner, Guy Kawasaki: Creating Enchantment No.2 Aspects of Building Trust

Guy Kawasaki: Creating Enchantment No.2 Aspects of Building Trust

Trustworthiness occurs when you first of all trust others. This is not a chicken-or-egg problem. The sequence of events is that you trust people and they will trust you. The onus is upon you to trust first. Three great examples. Amazon.com trusts you. You can buy a Kindle book and return it five days later. Most of you could read the book in five days. They're trusting you. Zappos, if Tony Hsieh had told me, "Guy, you know, our business model is we're going to enable women to buy shoes without trying it on online," I would have told him, "He is crazy." But he has pulled it off. And the reason he has pulled it off is that people, women, trust him. They trust Zappos primarily because they will pay shipping expenses both ways, no questions asked. That's the trustworthy quality of Zappos. And the old school analog brick-and-mortar example of trustworthiness is Nordstrom. All examples where the organization trusted people and then people trusted them. That's the order. The second thing is there are two kinds of people in the world. The world can roughly be divided into two kinds of people. Stanford grads and non-Stanford grads. People who didn't go to SU and people who did. So, there are bakers and eaters. When an eater sees a pie, an eater is thinking, "Zero-sum game. I need to get as much of the pie as possible. My gain of the pie is your loss of the pie. I need to get as much of the pie as possible." A baker, by contrast, sees the world as an opportunity to make more pies and bigger pies. Trustworthy people are bakers, not eaters. They see the world as a non-zero-sum game. The third quality of trustworthiness is you need to default to yes. Defaulting to yes means that when you meet people, you are always thinking, "How can I help that person?" which is very different than when you meet people, you're always thinking, "How can that person help me?" Default to yes. If you want to be a great networker and a great schmoozer, always be thinking when you're meeting people, "How can I help the person?" Now, you may wonder, "This could get me into a lot of trouble, cause me a lot of aggravation, because if I'm always defaulting to yes, people would be unreasonable." It has been my experience of about 30 years that it very seldom happens. Most people are completely reasonable about what they ask. And for the rare occurrence where they are not reasonable, that's probably someone you should not bother trying to enchant.

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Guy Kawasaki: Creating Enchantment No.2 Aspects of Building Trust Guy Kawasaki: Verzauberung schaffen Nr.2 Aspekte des Vertrauensaufbaus Guy Kawasaki: Creating Enchantment No.2 Aspects of Building Trust Guy Kawasaki: Crear encanto nº 2 Aspectos de la creación de confianza Guy Kawasaki : Créer l'enchantement n°2 Aspects de la construction de la confiance Guy Kawasaki: Creare incanto n. 2 Aspetti della costruzione della fiducia ガイ・カワサキ:魅力の創造 No.2 信頼を築くための側面 가이 가와사키: 인챈트 만들기 2번 신뢰 구축의 측면 Guy Kawasaki: Tworzenie zachwytu nr 2 - aspekty budowania zaufania Guy Kawasaki: Criando Encantamento No.2 Aspectos da Construção de Confiança Гай Кавасаки: Создание очарования № 2 Аспекты построения доверия Guy Kawasaki: Büyüleyici Olmak No.2 Güven Oluşturmanın Unsurları Гай Кавасакі: Створення чарівності №2: аспекти побудови довіри 盖·川崎:创造魅力是建立信任的第二个方面 蓋川崎:創造魅力是建立信任的第二個面向

Trustworthiness occurs when you first of all trust others. Usaldusväärsus tekib, kui usaldad teisi.|||||||| Güvenilirlik|gerçekleşir||||||| 信頼性|||||||| Vertrauenswürdigkeit tritt auf, wenn du zunächst anderen vertraust. 當您先信任他人時,就會產生信任。 This is not a chicken-or-egg problem. Dies ist kein Huhn-oder-Ei-Problem. Это не проблема курицы или яйца. The sequence of events is that you trust people and they will trust you. |olaylar dizisi||olaylar dizisi|||||||||| Die Abfolge der Ereignisse lautet, dass du Menschen vertraust und sie werden dir vertrauen. The onus is upon you to trust first. |kohustus|||||| |sorumluluk|||||| |責任|||||| Es liegt an Ihnen, zuerst zu vertrauen. 你有責任先信任。 Three great examples. Drei großartige Beispiele. Amazon.com trusts you. |.com|| |.com|| Amazon.com vertraut Ihnen. You can buy a Kindle book and return it five days later. ||||Kindle kitabı||||||| Sie können ein Kindle-Buch kaufen und es fünf Tage später zurückgeben. Вы можете купить книгу Kindle и вернуть ее через пять дней. Most of you could read the book in five days. They're trusting you. Sie vertrauen dir. Zappos, if Tony Hsieh had told me, "Guy, you know, our business model is we're going to enable women to buy shoes without trying it on online," I would have told him, "He is crazy." Zappos|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Zappos, wenn Tony Hsieh mir gesagt hätte: "Guy, du weißt, unser Geschäftsmodell sieht vor, dass wir Frauen ermöglichen, Schuhe online zu kaufen, ohne sie anzuprobieren", hätte ich ihm gesagt: "Er ist verrückt". Zappos, если бы Тони Шей сказал мне: «Парень, наша бизнес-модель заключается в том, что мы позволим женщинам покупать обувь, не примеряя ее в Интернете», я бы сказал ему: «Он сумасшедший». Zappos,如果 Tony Hsieh 告訴我,“夥計,你知道,我們的商業模式是讓女性無需在網上試穿就可以購買鞋子,”我會告訴他,“他瘋了。” But he has pulled it off. Aber er hat es geschafft. Pero lo ha conseguido. Dar a reușit. Но он справился. 但他已經成功了。 And the reason he has pulled it off is that people, women, trust him. Und der Grund, warum er das geschafft hat, ist, dass die Menschen, vor allem Frauen, ihm vertrauen. 他成功的原因是人們、女性信任他。 They trust Zappos primarily because they will pay shipping expenses both ways, no questions asked. |||主に||||||||||| Sie vertrauen Zappos hauptsächlich, weil sie die Versandkosten in beide Richtungen übernehmen, ohne Fragen zu stellen. Они доверяют Zappos в первую очередь потому, что они оплачивают транспортные расходы в обе стороны, не задавая вопросов. 他们信任 Zappos 主要是因为他们会双向支付运费,不问任何问题。 That's the trustworthy quality of Zappos. ||信頼できる||| Das ist die vertrauenswürdige Qualität von Zappos. 這就是Zappos值得信賴的品質。 And the old school analog brick-and-mortar example of trustworthiness is Nordstrom. ||||analog|||fiziksel mağaza|||||Nordstrom Mağazası ||||アナログ|||||||| Ein altes Beispiel für Vertrauenswürdigkeit im analogem Ladengeschäft ist Nordstrom. А старый добрый аналоговый кирпично-минометный пример надежности - Nordstrom. All examples where the organization trusted people and then people trusted them. Alle Beispiele, bei denen die Organisation den Menschen vertraute und die Menschen ihnen vertrauten. That's the order. Das ist die Reihenfolge. Таков порядок. 就是這樣的順序。 The second thing is there are two kinds of people in the world. |||||||türler||||| Das zweite ist, dass es zwei Arten von Menschen auf der Welt gibt. The world can roughly be divided into two kinds of people. Die Welt kann grob in zwei Arten von Menschen unterteilt werden. Stanford grads and non-Stanford grads. |lõpetajad|||| |mezunlar|||| Stanford-Absolventen und Nicht-Stanford-Absolventen. Выпускники Стэнфорда и не выпускники Стэнфорда. People who didn't go to SU and people who did. |||||Sabancı Üniversitesi|||| Leute, die nicht zur SU gegangen sind und Leute, die das getan haben. So, there are bakers and eaters. |||fırıncılar||yiyenler Also gibt es Bäcker und Esser. When an eater sees a pie, an eater is thinking, "Zero-sum game. ||yiyen kişi|||||||||| Wenn ein Esser einen Kuchen sieht, denkt ein Esser: "Nullsummenspiel". Когда едок видит пирог, он думает: «Игра с нулевой суммой. 當吃者看到派時,他會想:「零和遊戲。 I need to get as much of the pie as possible. Ich muss so viel wie möglich von dem Kuchen bekommen. My gain of the pie is your loss of the pie. Mein Anteil vom Kuchen ist dein Verlust vom Kuchen. 我得到的蛋糕就是你失去的蛋糕。 I need to get as much of the pie as possible." Ich muss so viel wie möglich von dem Kuchen bekommen. A baker, by contrast, sees the world as an opportunity to make more pies and bigger pies. |fırıncı|||||||||||||||turtalar ve börekler Ein Bäcker hingegen sieht die Welt als eine Gelegenheit, um mehr Kuchen und größere Kuchen zu machen. Trustworthy people are bakers, not eaters. Vertrauenswürdige Menschen sind Bäcker, keine Esser. Заслуживающие доверия люди — пекари, а не едоки. They see the world as a non-zero-sum game. Sie betrachten die Welt als ein Spiel, bei dem es nicht nur Gewinner oder Verlierer gibt. Они видят мир как игру с ненулевой суммой. The third quality of trustworthiness is you need to default to yes. |||||||||デフォルト|| Die dritte Qualität der Vertrauenswürdigkeit ist, dass Sie standardmäßig mit ja antworten müssen. La tercera cualidad de la fiabilidad es que debes aceptar por defecto. Третье качество надежности — вам нужно по умолчанию сказать «да». Defaulting to yes means that when you meet people, you are always thinking, "How can I help that person?" Standardmäßig mit ja zu antworten bedeutet, dass Sie, wenn Sie Menschen treffen, immer darüber nachdenken, wie Sie dieser Person helfen können. which is very different than when you meet people, you're always thinking, "How can that person help me?" Dies unterscheidet sich sehr davon, dass Sie, wenn Sie Menschen treffen, immer darüber nachdenken, wie diese Person Ihnen helfen kann. Default to yes. Standardmäßig ja. По умолчанию да. 預設為是。 If you want to be a great networker and a great schmoozer, always be thinking when you're meeting people, "How can I help the person?" |||||||||||meelitajaks||||||||||||| |||||||ağ kurucu||||yağcı||||||||||||| |||||||||||お世辞好き||||||||||||| Wenn Sie ein großartiger Netzwerker und ein großartiger Schleimer sein möchten, denken Sie immer daran, wenn Sie Menschen treffen: "Wie kann ich der Person helfen?" Если вы хотите стать великим сетевиком и великим шмузером, всегда думайте при встрече с людьми: "Чем я могу помочь этому человеку?". Now, you may wonder, "This could get me into a lot of trouble, cause me a lot of aggravation, because if I'm always defaulting to yes, people would be unreasonable." ||||||||||||||||||pahameel||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||sıkıntı yaşatabilir|||||||||||mantıksız davranabilirler ||||||||||||||||||苛立ち||||||||||| Jetzt könnten Sie sich fragen: "Das könnte mir viele Probleme bereiten, mir viel Ärger verursachen, denn wenn ich immer standardmäßig ja sage, könnten die Menschen unvernünftig sein." Теперь вы можете задаться вопросом: «Это может навлечь на меня массу неприятностей, вызвать у меня сильное раздражение, потому что, если я всегда отказываюсь от ответа «да», люди будут неблагоразумны». It has been my experience of about 30 years that it very seldom happens. |||||||||||çok nadir| In meiner Erfahrung von etwa 30 Jahren kommt das sehr selten vor. 根據我大約30年的經驗,這種情況很少發生。 Most people are completely reasonable about what they ask. Die meisten Menschen sind vollkommen vernünftig in dem, was sie verlangen. Большинство людей совершенно разумно относятся к тому, что они спрашивают. And for the rare occurrence where they are not reasonable, that's probably someone you should not bother trying to enchant. |||||||||||||||||||võluma ||||durum|||||||||||||||büyülemek |||||||||||||||||||魅了する ||||||||||||||||incomodar||| Und für den seltenen Fall, dass sie nicht vernünftig sind, ist das wahrscheinlich jemand, den es nicht lohnt zu verzaubern. And for the rare occurrence where they are not reasonable, that's probably someone you should not bother trying to enchant. Și pentru rarele cazuri în care nu sunt rezonabile, probabil că este o persoană pe care nu ar trebui să te deranjezi să încerci să o vrăjești. 在極少數情況下,他們不合理,你可能不應該費心去迷惑那個人。