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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Talk about football songs in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Talk about football songs in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Dan: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English.

I'm Dan.

Neil:And I'm Neil.

Dan: Now, Neil,

do you like going to live football matches?

Neil: Oh yes, I love it.

Dan: Is it better than watching them on TV?

Neil: Well, you don't really see as much as you

do on TV,

but then on TV you don't really feel the atmosphere.

You can't sing along

with the chants and songs at home.

Dan: Well, it's good you mentioned the songs and

chants because that is today's topic.

It seems that for some football clubs, the atmosphere

in the stadiums is becoming a bit ‘quiet'.

Now, before we look at this topic in more

detail, here is today's quiz.

As we are talking about football, in which decade was

the first ever international football match played?

Is it a) in the 1870s

b) in the 1890s

or c) in the 1910s

Neil: I could be wrong but I think it was before

the turn of the century, so I'll say the 1890s.

Dan: Well, we'll see if you're right or not later in the show.

Now, songs and chants are part of the experience

of football matches.

But where do they come from? What are they about?

Here's Joe Wilson from BBC Sport.

Which team name does he mention?

Joe Wilson: Some songs can be witty, honed specifically

to celebrate a certain player or

moment in a club's history.

Others rely more on a hypnotic repetition of syllables.

U-NI-TED, for example.

Dan: So, which team does he mention?

Neil: Well, he used the syllables from United.

This isn't one team as there are quite a few professional

teams in Britain that have United

in their names, in fact there are over a dozen.

Perhaps the most well-known though would be

Manchester United.

Dan: I think fans of Welling United might argue

with you about that! Anyway, what did Wilson say

about the nature of football songs?

Neil: He said they could be witty. Witty means

funny but in a clever way.

He also said that they could be honed.

Dan: Honed is an interesting word here.

Something that is honed is carefully crafted,

skilfully created and developed over a period of time.

Neil: When it comes to witty football songs Wilson

describes them as being honed to be about a particular

player, or a moment in a club's history.

But these aren't the only kinds of songs.

Another kind of song he describes

is the hypnotic repetition of syllables.

Dan: Something that is hypnotic repeats again and again

– like a magical spell or chant.

What's interesting is that in football songs

words can have more syllables than you would expect.

Neil: Oh yes, for example, let's take England.

Two syllables, right?

Dan: Right!

Neil: Wrong!

At least in a football stadium it becomes

three syllables.

Eng – ger – land, Eng – ger – land …

Dan: Alright! Thank you! Let's listen to Mr Wilson again.

Joe Wilson: Some songs can be witty, honed specifically

to celebrate a certain player or moment

in a club's history.

Others rely more on a

hypnotic repetition of syllables.

U-NI-TED, for example.

Dan: Now, apparently, in many stadiums, the crowds

aren't singing as much as they used to.

Some managers have complained that the fans

are too quiet and that this has a negative effect

on the players.

So what are some of the reasons for this?

Here's BBC Sport's Joe Wilson again.

How many reasons does he mention?

Joe Wilson: The decline in singing may be explained by

changing demographics in football attendance.

Older supporters, more expensive tickets.

Or by stadium design.

All-seater arenas may discourage the instinct

to stand up and sing.

Dan: So, what reasons did he give for the decline in singing,

for the fact that singing

is getting less common.

Neil: He gave a number of reasons.

He talked about the change in demographics.

Demographics refers to a section of the population

that do a particular thing.

It can refer to age groups or wealth, for example.

Dan: What Wilson says is that the members that

make up a football crowd are changing.

They are older and wealthier, and perhaps that

is a demographic or group that is less likely

to sing in public.

Neil: Another reason he gives is that sitting down

might also discourage people from singing.

If something discourages you, it makes you

not want to do it.

Most stadiums in the UK have to have seats and maybe

singing is something that people feel happier doing

when they are standing up.

Dan: Well, the final whistle is about to blow on

today's programme.

Before that though,

here's the answer to our quiz question.

I asked you

when the first international football match took place.

Neil: And I took a guess with the 1890s.

Dan: And that's a red card, I'm afraid, Neil.

The first international football match took place in the

1870s between England and Scotland.

Neil: Oh, come on ref!

Dan: And now, to take us to the whistle, let's

review today's vocabulary.

Neil: The first word we had was witty.

A kind of humour that is smart and clever.

Dan: Then we had honed for something that is crafted

and improved over time.

A bit like my physique.

I've been honing my body in the gym.

Neil: Really?

Are you being witty?

Dan: I wasn't trying to!

Anyhow, we then heard about hypnotic repetition

to describe the effect of thousands of people repeating

the syllables of a football team over and over

and over and over and over and over and over…

Neil: OK, Dan! OK, Dan!

We use the phrase a decline in

to say that something is getting less.

Dan: Demographics refers to a group or section

of the population that is involved a particular activity.

Neil: And finally we had the verb discourage for something

that makes us less likely to do something.

Dan: Well, that is it for this programme.

If you're not interested in football,

I hope we didn't discourage you from listening again!

Neil: Indeed, I hope it doesn't lead to a decline

in our audience.

We want to have as wide a demographic as possible.

Dan: So with that in mind, don't forget to find

us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube,

and of course, on our website – bbclearninenglish.com!


Neil: Goodbye!

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Talk about football songs in 6 minutes! - YouTube Sprich über Fußballlieder in 6 Minuten! - YouTube Canciones de fútbol en 6 minutos - YouTube Parler des chansons de football en 6 minutes ! - YouTube 6分間でサッカーソングを語る!- YouTube 6분 안에 축구 노래에 대해 이야기하세요! - YouTube Piosenki piłkarskie w 6 minut! - YouTube Falar de canções de futebol em 6 minutos! - YouTube Futbol şarkıları hakkında 6 dakikada konuşun! - YouTube Поговоримо про футбольні пісні за 6 хвилин! - YouTube 6分钟聊聊足球歌曲! - YouTube

Dan: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English.

I'm Dan.

Neil:And I'm Neil.

Dan: Now, Neil,

do you like going to live football matches? |||||ao vivo|| |||||na żywo||

Neil: Oh yes, I love it.

Dan: Is it better than watching them on TV?

Neil: Well, you don't really see as much as you ニール:そうですね、自分が見ているものほどは見ていないですからね。

do on TV,

but then on TV you don't really feel the atmosphere.

You can't sing along

with the chants and songs at home. ||chants and songs|||| ||cantos|||| ||oklaski||piosenki|| ||пісні та заклики||||

Dan: Well, it's good you mentioned the songs and

chants because that is today's topic.

It seems that for some football clubs, the atmosphere

in the stadiums is becoming a bit ‘quiet'. ||stadiony||staje się|||cichy

Now, before we look at this topic in more

detail, here is today's quiz.

As we are talking about football, in which decade was

the first ever international football match played? 初めての国際サッカーの試合は?

Is it a) in the 1870s

b) in the 1890s

or c) in the 1910s ou c) na década de 1910

Neil: I could be wrong but I think it was before 尼尔:我可能错了,但我觉得是之前。

the turn of the century, so I'll say the 1890s. |przełom||||||||

Dan: Well, we'll see if you're right or not later in the show.

Now, songs and chants are part of the experience |||oklaski|||||

of football matches.

But where do they come from? What are they about? |gdzie||||||||

Here's Joe Wilson from BBC Sport. |Joe Wilson|Wilson|||

Which team name does he mention? |||||Which team name?

Joe Wilson: Some songs can be witty, honed specifically ||||||witzig|geschliffen| ||||||clever and humorous|refined| ||||||espirituosas|aprimoradas| ||niektóre||||dowcipny|wyrafinowane| |||||||відшліфовані|

to celebrate a certain player or ||||athlete| 为了庆祝某位球员或者

moment in a club's history. 俱乐部历史上的特定时刻。

Others rely more on a hypnotic repetition of syllables. |||||hypnotisch||| |depend on||||mesmerizing|continuous recurrence||units of sound |||||hipnótica||| |polegają||||hipnotyczny|powtarzanie||sylaby また、催眠的な音節の繰り返しに依存するものもあります。 其他人则更多依靠音节的催眠式重复。

U-NI-TED, for example.

Dan: So, which team does he mention?

Neil: Well, he used the syllables from United. |||||складові||

This isn't one team as there are quite a few professional |||||||a good number of||| 这不是一个团队,因为英国有相当多的专业团队

teams in Britain that have United 团队在名字中都有“联合”

in their names, in fact there are over a dozen. ||||||||ich nazwiskach|tuzin 实际上有超过十二个。

Perhaps the most well-known though would be |||||choć|| 也许最为人熟知的应该是

Manchester United. 曼联。

Dan: I think fans of Welling United might argue |||||Welling United||| |||||Welling United||| |||||Welling United|||argumentować |||||Welling United||| 丹:我认为威灵联的球迷们可能会有不同看法

with you about that! Anyway, what did Wilson say

about the nature of football songs? ||natura|||

Neil: He said they could be witty. Witty means |||||||espirituosos| ||||||dowcipny||

funny but in a clever way.

He also said that they could be honed. |||||||geschärft |||||||wygładzone |||||||aperfeiçoadas |||||||відточені

Dan: Honed is an interesting word here. |Refined or sharpened|||||

Something that is honed is carefully crafted, ||||||geschaffen ||||||stworzony ||||||виконаний з увагою ||||||elaborado com cuidado

skilfully created and developed over a period of time. geschickt|||||||| umiejętnie stworzony|||||||| вміло|||||||| 经过一段时间的精心创作和发展。

Neil: When it comes to witty football songs Wilson 尼尔:当谈到风趣的足球歌曲时,威尔逊

describes them as being honed to be about a particular 将它们描述为经过磨练,是关于特定主题的。

player, or a moment in a club's history.

But these aren't the only kinds of songs.

Another kind of song he describes

is the hypnotic repetition of syllables. |||repetition||syllables ||гіпнотичний|||

Dan: Something that is hypnotic repeats again and again

– like a magical spell or chant. |||||Incantation |||||заклинання |||feitiço||cântico mágico |||||zaklęcie

What's interesting is that in football songs

words can have more syllables than you would expect.

Neil: Oh yes, for example, let's take England.

Two syllables, right? 两个音节,对吗?

Dan: Right! 丹: 对!

Neil: Wrong! 尼尔: 错!

At least in a football stadium it becomes |||||стадіон||

three syllables.

Eng – ger – land, Eng – ger – land …

Dan: Alright! Thank you! Let's listen to Mr Wilson again.

Joe Wilson: Some songs can be witty, honed specifically

to celebrate a certain player or moment

in a club's history. ||клубу|

Others rely more on a |verlassen||| |depend on|||

hypnotic repetition of syllables.

U-NI-TED, for example.

Dan: Now, apparently, in many stadiums, the crowds |||||||观众 |||||||as multidões ||najwyraźniej|||||tłumy 丹:现在,显然,许多体育场里人群都很多

aren't singing as much as they used to.

Some managers have complained that the fans |||expressed dissatisfaction||| |||sk complained||| |менеджери||||| 一些经理抱怨球迷们太安静了,这对球员产生了负面影响。

are too quiet and that this has a negative effect 一些经理抱怨球迷们太安静了,这对球员产生了负面影响。

on the players. 一些经理抱怨球迷们太安静了,这对球员产生了负面影响。

So what are some of the reasons for this?

Here's BBC Sport's Joe Wilson again. ||спорту|||

How many reasons does he mention? |||||refer to

Joe Wilson: The decline in singing may be explained by |||Rückgang|||||| |||decrease|||||| |||spadek|||||| |||зниження|||||| 琼·威尔逊:唱歌数量的下降可能可以解释为

changing demographics in football attendance. |Demografie|||Teilnahme ||||Game day turnout |demografia|||a assistência |демографія||| |demografia|||frekwencja 足球观众结构的变化。

Older supporters, more expensive tickets. |zwolennicy||| 年长的支持者,更昂贵的门票。

Or by stadium design. Lub||| 或者通过体育场设计。

All-seater arenas may discourage the instinct ||arenas|||| |місць|||відбивати||інстинкт wszystkie miejsca|miejsca siedzące|areny||||instynkt skłonność ||arenas com assentos|||| 所有座位的竞技场可能会抑制本能

to stand up and sing. 站起来高歌。

Dan: So, what reasons did he give for the decline in singing, Dan: 那他说歌唱能力下降的原因是什么呢?

for the fact that singing ||||śpiewanie

is getting less common. 变得越来越不常见。

Neil: He gave a number of reasons. 尼尔:他列举了很多理由。

He talked about the change in demographics. 他谈到了人口结构的变化。

Demographics refers to a section of the population demografia||||sekcja|||

that do a particular thing.

It can refer to age groups or wealth, for example. |||||||bogactwo|| 它可以指年龄段或财富,例如。

Dan: What Wilson says is that the members that 丹:威尔逊所说的是组成足球观众群体的成员正在改变。

make up a football crowd are changing. tworzyć|||||| 组成足球观众的人群正在发生变化。

They are older and wealthier, and perhaps that ||||more affluent||| ||||bogatsi||| ||||багатші||| ||||mais ricos||| 他们更年长、更富有,也许属于一个不太可能的人群或群体。

is a demographic or group that is less likely ||demograficzny|||||| ||demográfica|||||| make up a football crowd are changing.

to sing in public.

Neil: Another reason he gives is that sitting down

might also discourage people from singing. ||entmutigen||| ||zniechęcać|||

If something discourages you, it makes you ||zniechęca|||| ||знеохочує|||| ||desencoraja||||

not want to do it.

Most stadiums in the UK have to have seats and maybe |stadiony||||||||| 在英国,大多数体育场都必须有座位,也许

singing is something that people feel happier doing 唱歌是让人们感到更快乐的事情

when they are standing up. 当他们站着的时候。

Dan: Well, the final whistle is about to blow on ||||end of game||||| ||||gwizdek||||gwizdek| ||||apito final||||| 丹:好了,今天的节目即将结束。

today's programme. 在此之前,

Before that though, ||embora 最后一声哨响即将响起。

here's the answer to our quiz question.

I asked you

when the first international football match took place.

Neil: And I took a guess with the 1890s. |||wziąłem|||||

Dan: And that's a red card, I'm afraid, Neil.

The first international football match took place in the

1870s between England and Scotland.

Neil: Oh, come on ref! ||||referee ||||арбітр ||||árbitro ||||sędzia Neil: Ale no tak, rozhodčí!

Dan: And now, to take us to the whistle, let's ||||||||gwizdek| ||||||||apito| Dan: A nyní, abychom se dostali k píšťalce, pojďme si říct.

review today's vocabulary. zopakujte si dnešní slovní zásobu.

Neil: The first word we had was witty. |||||||dowcipny |||||||espirituoso

A kind of humour that is smart and clever.

Dan: Then we had honed for something that is crafted ||||aperfeiçoado||||| ||||wygładzili|||||

and improved over time. 随着时间的推移而不断改进。

A bit like my physique. ||||physique ||||фізика тіла 有点像我的体魄。

I've been honing my body in the gym. ||verfeinern||||| |||||||gym ||вдосконалюючи||||| Ja||szlifowanie||||| 我一直在健身房锤炼我的身体。

Neil: Really?

Are you being witty? |||dowcipny 你在风趣吗?

Dan: I wasn't trying to! 丹:我不是故意的!

Anyhow, we then heard about hypnotic repetition w każdym razie|||||| De qualquer forma|||||| 总之,我们随后听说了催眠重复

to describe the effect of thousands of people repeating

the syllables of a football team over and over ||||||||várias vezes

and over and over and over and over and over…

Neil: OK, Dan! OK, Dan!

We use the phrase a decline in

to say that something is getting less. 说某物正在减少。

Dan: Demographics refers to a group or section 丹:人口统计学是指一个群体或部分人口,

of the population that is involved a particular activity. |||||zaangażowane||| 参与某种特定活动。

Neil: And finally we had the verb discourage for something Neil: Finally, discourage.||||||||| |||||||знеохочувати||

that makes us less likely to do something. це|||||||

Dan: Well, that is it for this programme.

If you're not interested in football,

I hope we didn't discourage you from listening again! ||||знеохотити||||

Neil: Indeed, I hope it doesn't lead to a decline |||||||||Rückgang

in our audience. w||

We want to have as wide a demographic as possible. |||||ampla|||| Ми||||||||| 我们希望拥有尽可能广泛的人口统计。

Dan: So with that in mind, don't forget to find Dan||||||||| ||||||не забудь||| ||||w|||||znaleźć 丹:因此,请不要忘记寻找我们在Facebook,Twitter,Instagram和YouTube上的信息。

us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, us||||||

and of course, on our website – bbclearninenglish.com!


Neil: Goodbye! Ніл|