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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'cough up' mean? - YouTube

What does 'cough up' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Good to be back at work, Neil?

Neil: Yes, Feifei. I feel a bit better now.

Just got a… just a little... just a bit of a


Feifei: Anyway, it's good to have you here

because you can finally pay me.

Neil: Oh. Right. Why's that?

Feifei: Well, remember you said you didn't

believe I could stand on my head?

Neil: I do. I said I would give you £10 if

you can do it.

Feifei: Yes. Well…

Neil: No way!

Feifei: There we are. On my head. £10

please. Time to cough up, Neil.

Neil: OK, OK! You can come down now.

Feifei: Not bad huh? Now, how about you

‘cough up', and I explain what it means?

Neil: Hey, I was only joking about the £10.

Oh OK, there you go.

Feifei: Thank you. If you ‘cough up', it

means you give someone money,

especially if you don't want to.

Neil: Yes, I didn't want to give Feifei the

money, but I said I would so I had to

cough up.

Feifei: Indeed. Time for some examples…

I waited two whole weeks for my new TV

to be delivered. And then I had to cough

up an extra £15 for the delivery! I can't

believe it.

My last trip to the library was expensive.

I had to cough up for the fines for all the

books I returned late. Whoops.

When I sat on my colleague's glasses he

asked me to cough up £100 to buy a new

pair. I must admit, the new ones are an


Neil: You're listening to The English We

Speak from BBC Learning English. The

expression we're looking at in this

programme is 'to cough up'.

Feifei: Neil, that cough is still sounding

bad. Have you tried the cough medicine I use?

Neil: Not yet. It's just a little expensive.

£10 for a little bottle of medicine!

Feifei: It's worth it. Listen, if you won't

cough up, I'll give you the £10 back if you

promise to buy it.

Neil: That's very kind.

Feifei: Not a problem. And while you go to

the pharmacy,

I'm going to practise presenting the

programme standing on my head. It's

good for blood circulation, apparently.

Neil: Standing on your head is one thing,

but presenting a whole programme? No way.

Feifei: Are you sure! £10 says I can!

Neil: Haha. OK then. Bye.

Feifei: Bye.

What does 'cough up' mean? - YouTube Was bedeutet "aushusten"? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "toser"? - YouTube Que signifie "tousser" ? - YouTube O que significa "cough up" (tossir)? - YouTube 'Öksürmek' ne anlama geliyor? - YouTube Що означає "відкашлятися"? - YouTube 咳嗽 "是什么意思?- YouTube “咳咳”是什麼意思? - YouTube

Feifei: Good to be back at work, Neil? Feifei: è bello tornare al lavoro, Neil? Feifei: İşe dönmek güzel mi Neil?

Neil: Yes, Feifei. I feel a bit better now. Sì, Feifei. Ora mi sento un po' meglio. Evet, Feifei. Şimdi biraz daha iyi hissediyorum.

Just got a… just a little... just a bit of a Ho solo... solo un po'... solo un po' di...


Feifei: Anyway, it's good to have you here

because you can finally pay me.

Neil: Oh. Right. Why's that?

Feifei: Well, remember you said you didn't

believe I could stand on my head? credere di poter stare in piedi sulla mia testa?

Neil: I do. I said I would give you £10 if Lo so. Ho detto che ti avrei dato 10 sterline se

you can do it. potete farlo.

Feifei: Yes. Well…

Neil: No way! Neil: Non è possibile!

Feifei: There we are. On my head. £10 Feifei: Eccoci qui. Sulla mia testa. £10

please. Time to cough up, Neil. per favore. È ora di sputare il rospo, Neil.

Neil: OK, OK! You can come down now. Ok, ok! Ora puoi scendere.

Feifei: Not bad huh? Now, how about you Feifei: Non male, eh? Ora, che ne dici di

‘cough up', and I explain what it means? 'tossire', e vi spiego cosa significa?

Neil: Hey, I was only joking about the £10.

Oh OK, there you go. Oh, ok, ecco qua.

Feifei: Thank you. If you ‘cough up', it

means you give someone money, significa dare del denaro a qualcuno,

especially if you don't want to. soprattutto se non si vuole.

Neil: Yes, I didn't want to give Feifei the

money, but I said I would so I had to soldi, ma ho detto che l'avrei fatto, quindi ho dovuto

cough up. tossire.

Feifei: Indeed. Time for some examples… Feifei: Infatti. È ora di fare qualche esempio...

I waited two whole weeks for my new TV

to be delivered. And then I had to cough

up an extra £15 for the delivery! I can't

believe it.

My last trip to the library was expensive. 最後に図書館に行ったときは高かった。

I had to cough up for the fines for all the Ho dovuto pagare le multe per tutte le

books I returned late. Whoops. libri che sono tornati in ritardo. Ops. 本 帰ってくるのが遅かった。おっと。

When I sat on my colleague's glasses he Quando mi sono seduto sugli occhiali del mio collega, lui

asked me to cough up £100 to buy a new mi ha chiesto di sborsare 100 sterline per comprare un nuovo

pair. I must admit, the new ones are an ペア。正直言って、新しいものは

improvement. を改善した。

Neil: You're listening to The English We

Speak from BBC Learning English. The

expression we're looking at in this

programme is 'to cough up'.

Feifei: Neil, that cough is still sounding Feifei: Neil, la tosse si fa sentire ancora...

bad. Have you tried the cough medicine I use?

Neil: Not yet. It's just a little expensive.

£10 for a little bottle of medicine!

Feifei: It's worth it. Listen, if you won't

cough up, I'll give you the £10 back if you

promise to buy it.

Neil: That's very kind.

Feifei: Not a problem. And while you go to

the pharmacy,

I'm going to practise presenting the

programme standing on my head. It's

good for blood circulation, apparently.

Neil: Standing on your head is one thing, ニール:逆立ちをするのはひとつのことだ、

but presenting a whole programme? No way. しかし、番組全体をプレゼンする?とんでもない。

Feifei: Are you sure! £10 says I can! 菲菲:いいんですか?10ポンドはできるって!

Neil: Haha. OK then. Bye.

Feifei: Bye.