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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'freecycle' mean? - YouTube

What does 'freecycle' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Are you OK, Neil?

Neil: Just clearing out this cupboard,

Feifei. It's full of old junk.

Feifei: Ooh, what a lot of stuff.

Is that a... gorilla arm?

Neil: Yes, that was a fun project.

Feifei: Interesting.

Neil: Ooh, this is the microphone

I recorded my first masterpiece with.

Bit dusty. I wonder

if it still works? Or maybe I should

sell it? Who would buy it?

Feifei: Neil.

Neil: Yes?

Feifei: I have the perfect solution for you.

Why don't you freecycle it?

Neil: That's a good idea.

I exchange a microphone...

for a bicycle, right?

Feifei: No. You give it away.

You give it to someone for free.

It's another way of recycling.

There are websites that help match you

to people who want these things.

Neil: Free... recycle. Freecycle.

Yes, I like the idea. But I would like

a free bicycle even more!

Feifei: Let's listen to these examples.

When we installed our new kitchen,

I freecycled all the old pots and pans.

I was going to buy a big, shiny monitor for

my computer, but then I found someone

was freecycling their old one. Win win!

Our apartment is tiny and my bike

was taking up so much space.

I couldn't face all the effort of selling it,

so I just freecycled it. Easy.

Neil: You're listening to The English We

Speak from BBC Learning English.

The expression we're looking at in this

programme is 'freecycle'.

So, do you freecyle, Feifei?

Feifei: Sure. I did a big clear out last year

and freecycled lots of stuff. Felt great!

Anyway, what are you doing with that old microphone?

Neil: You know, I feel kind of attached

to it. I might just keep it for now.

Feifei: Your choice. What about

the other stuff?

Neil: Well, I do like this gorilla arm. Might

need it for a party one day. And this old

VHS player could be useful. And I couldn't

possibly get rid of this lovely old coat.

Lots of memories...

Feifei: I don't think you're going to

freecycle any of it, are you?

Neil: Not quite yet. Though

I wouldn't mind looking on some

of those freecycling websites.

See if I can pick up any

more antique microphones.

Feifei: But you have no space left

in the cupboard!

Neil: Haha, we'll see. Bye for now.

Feifei: Bye.

What does 'freecycle' mean? - YouTube Was bedeutet "Freecycle"? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "freecycle"? - YouTube Que signifie "freecycle" ? - YouTube Co oznacza słowo "freecycle"? - YouTube O que significa "freecycle"? - YouTube Що означає "фріцикл"? - YouTube “免费循环”是什么意思? - YouTube 「免費循環」是什麼意思? - Youtube

Feifei: Are you OK, Neil?

Neil: Just clearing out this cupboard,

Feifei. It's full of old junk.

Feifei: Ooh, what a lot of stuff.

Is that a... gorilla arm?

Neil: Yes, that was a fun project.

Feifei: Interesting.

Neil: Ooh, this is the microphone

I recorded my first masterpiece with.

Bit dusty. I wonder

if it still works? Or maybe I should

sell it? Who would buy it?

Feifei: Neil.

Neil: Yes?

Feifei: I have the perfect solution for you.

Why don't you freecycle it?

Neil: That's a good idea.

I exchange a microphone...

for a bicycle, right?

Feifei: No. You give it away.

You give it to someone for free.

It's another way of recycling.

There are websites that help match you

to people who want these things.

Neil: Free... recycle. Freecycle.

Yes, I like the idea. But I would like

a free bicycle even more!

Feifei: Let's listen to these examples.

When we installed our new kitchen,

I freecycled all the old pots and pans.

I was going to buy a big, shiny monitor for

my computer, but then I found someone

was freecycling their old one. Win win!

Our apartment is tiny and my bike

was taking up so much space.

I couldn't face all the effort of selling it,

so I just freecycled it. Easy.

Neil: You're listening to The English We

Speak from BBC Learning English.

The expression we're looking at in this

programme is 'freecycle'.

So, do you freecyle, Feifei?

Feifei: Sure. I did a big clear out last year

and freecycled lots of stuff. Felt great!

Anyway, what are you doing with that old microphone?

Neil: You know, I feel kind of attached

to it. I might just keep it for now.

Feifei: Your choice. What about

the other stuff?

Neil: Well, I do like this gorilla arm. Might

need it for a party one day. And this old

VHS player could be useful. And I couldn't

possibly get rid of this lovely old coat.

Lots of memories...

Feifei: I don't think you're going to

freecycle any of it, are you?

Neil: Not quite yet. Though

I wouldn't mind looking on some

of those freecycling websites.

See if I can pick up any

more antique microphones.

Feifei: But you have no space left

in the cupboard!

Neil: Haha, we'll see. Bye for now.

Feifei: Bye.