What's the difference between 'hear' and 'listen'? - English In A Minute - YouTube
Hi! I'm Roy,
and today I'm going to tell you the difference between
two words that are often confused: hear and listen.
'Hear' is the verb we use to talk about the ability.
It doesn't mean that we want to hear something.
It's about sounds coming to our ears.
I can hear the air conditioning.
It doesn't mean that I want to hear it, but I can.
The verb 'listen' is often followed by the preposition 'to'.
We use this verb when we're paying attention
or focusing on sounds.
I hope you're listening to me.
That means I hope you're paying attention.
Compare these two sentences:
I can hear some music (somewhere).
I am listening to some music.
I'm listening to a song that I want to listen to.
Anyway, I've got to go.
I can hear my boss calling me.