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The Infographics Show, YOU vs XENOMORPH - How Can You Defeat and Survive It (Alien Movie)

YOU vs XENOMORPH - How Can You Defeat and Survive It (Alien Movie)

Imagine you are happily cruising along space in your very own mining ship when suddenly

you pick up a faint distress signal from far away.

Checking your spaceship's digital atlas, you discover that the signal is coming from a

colony on a planet called “LV-426”- hmm, where have you heard that name before?

Landing on this distant moon you exit your spaceship hoping to rescue some desperate

colonists- only to come face to face with the galaxy's most formidable predator.

Hello and welcome to another special episode of The Infographics Show- today we're putting

you up against the most perfect organism in the universe in, Could you defeat it?

You vs a xenomorph.

Xenomorphs, or Aliens, are a parasitic species who's real origins are unclear.

Some believe that Xenos were genetically engineered by an ancient space-faring civilization known

as the Engineers, or Mala'kak.

The Mala'kak may have used Xenomorphs to terraform planets by wiping out all large species and

then starting fresh with their own genetically engineered creations, or they may simply have

been a biological weapon meant to 'disinfect' experiments they think went wrong, or to use

against their enemies.

Others however believe that Xenomorphs evolved in a dark, distant corner of the galaxy and

were discovered by the Engineers and other space-faring civilizations.

Though their origin remains a mystery, we have enough experience with xenomorphs to

have learned a lot about them as a species.

The Xenomorph life cycle begins with an egg which contains a short-lived organism known

as a Facehugger.

Upon detecting the pheromones of an approaching host, the egg will awaken the facehugger within,

which immediately attacks the would-be host and attempts to latch onto an orifice so it

can deposit a parasitic larvae inside the host- typically a host's mouth is the preferred

larva-laying route into a host, but given their adaptability to different hosts across

the galaxy any orifice or even a sufficiently large wound will do.

Once inside, the larvae feeds off vital fluids, making the host incredibly hungry and forcing

it to eat more which in turn further feeds the larvae.

One sufficiently large, the larvae will then exit the host as a chestburster, so named

for their proclivity to burst directly through a host's chest.

Once free, the larvae seeks shelter somewhere dark and isolated, where by some unknown biological

process it is able to quickly mature into an adult drone at an extraordinary rate.

Xenomorphs are a eusocial species much like ants, honey bees, and other social insects,

with a clearly defined caste system.

It's thought that all members of a xeno hive are females, and at the very top of the hive

is the only fertile female: the Queen.

She is solely responsible for egg laying, and every other member of the brood is her


Drones, or warriors, are the workhorses of the hive and are responsible for defending

the hive as well as finding prey and new hosts for the eggs.

A third caste, the Praetorians, are only produced when a hive has grown large enough to support


These are the most formidable of Xenomorphs- with the exception of the Queen herself- and

act as bodyguards to the Queen.

However as they mature, Praetorians exude a scent that is different than the rest of

the hive which prompts the hive's drones to attack it and chase it away from the hive.

Once fully mature the Praetorian will return and be attacked once again, and either be

killed off by the hive or be grudgingly accepted by the Queen after suffering too many casualties

amongst her drones.

Interestingly despite this hostility, Praetorians will defend the Queen to the death.

It was originally thought that they were the only males and perhaps this process of being

chased away and forced to fight their way back proved that they were the fittest and

thus could fertilize a queen and produce a stronger hive, but after a Praetorian was

observed molting into a Queen after the loss of a hive's current Queen, this theory has

largely been discarded.

Since then its generally accepted that much like many insects and invertebrates here on

Earth, Queens are completely self-fertilizing and don't require a male partner.

Taking on an entire hive of angry xenomorphs is guaranteed death- but let's say that you

were pitted up against just one of these vicious creatures, how could you defeat it, and what

are you up against exactly?

The hide of a Xenomorph is made out of a chitin that is believed to be coated with a layer

of polarized silicon which makes it very resistant to electricity and heat.

This layer of chitin covers almost the entire body, with the exception of the joints and

the underside of the neck, and is also extremely resistant to small arms fire.

At anything but point-blank range, any caliber smaller than a 5.56 mm round will simply bounce


While resistant to heat, Xenomorphs show a vulnerability to weapons such as flame throwers,

and will generally shy away from open sources of flame.

Extreme cold such as liquid nitrogen is also exceptionally effective against a Xenomorph,

and its thought that rapid changes in temperature cause the Xenomorph's chitinous armor to rapidly

contract and expand causing it great pain.

A xenomorph is also able to match the outer layers of its body with the ambient temperature,

making it invisible to being tracked by thermal imagers- this seems to suggest that Xenomorphs

evolved as predators on a cold world with little or no daylight, as this ability would

have kept them hidden from heat-sensing prey.

The lack of eye organs also seems to indicate that this is a strong possibility, and its

thought that xenomorphs track their prey by scent and electroreception much like a hammerhead

shark and many sting rays.

A Xenomorph's acidic blood poses a significant risk to any would-be attackers, as it is extremely

corrosive and capable of easily dissolving steel, aluminum, or even titanium.

Its ability to also disintegrate normally acid-resistant plastics indicates that the

blood may not be an actual acid but rather a fluid that works to break molecular bonds

in an unknown way.

So how do you kill something that can shrug off bullets and will bleed acid blood on you

even if you manage to wound it?

Fire is the most obvious and immediate answer, and for that there's no better tool than a

high-powered flame thrower.

Though most nations have discontinued their use of flamethrowers due to being ineffective

in modern combat and for the very bad press they tend to create, Russia- who traditionally

doesn't much care what the rest of the world thinks- has recently re-evaluated their use.

A 2016 US Army report notes that Russia has found the weapons useful for urban and mountain

warfare (despite being illegal by international law to use in civilian population centers),

bunker busting, and clearing light infantry.

Russia's re-adoption of the flame thrower has actually seen them add four dedicated

regiments of flamethrower units in 2014.

So it's time to make like a Russian firebat and get your hands on some sweet, Xenomorph

destroying flamethrowers.

But, it's not as easy as all that, since Xenomorphs have shown an incredible ability to adapt

and problem solve through creative means.

Sure, you might get a few blasts off with Comrade Flamethrower, but with a maximum range

of 60 feet, a Xenomorph will simply retreat and rethink its plan of attack.

Given their incredible stealth and ability to squeeze into very tight places, a Xeno

will likely simply back off and wait to literally get the drop on you (animator: have xenomorph

drop down from ceiling).

Plus flamethrowers have one weakness that quickly became obvious to most of the world's

militaries: the backpacks of pressurized and highly combustive gas make for really good,

explosive targets.

Remember a Xenomorph's acidic blood?

Well, some of them can spit it from their mouths at incredible ranges, and with its

ability to dissolve most known materials, those tanks on your back aren't going to survive

for long.

While they won't explode as the fuel still requires heat to ignite, you're going to be

left with in essence an empty squirt gun when the Xenomorph comes to eat your face off.

You might be tempted to fall back on firearms, after all despite their bullet-resistant hides,

large calibers have been proven to injure a Xenomorph.

But firearms require you to see your target and to be accurate enough to actually hit

it once you do see it, and with a Xenomorph's ability to hide in the smallest nooks and

crannies, and its incredible speed and agility, you're taking your chances going with a firearm.

We here at The Infographics Show have our favorites amongst the great engineers, philosophers,

and scientists, but when it comes time to take on a genetically perfect super-predator

from across the galaxy, there's really only one name that comes to mind: Alfred Nobel,

the father of modern explosives.

Inventing TNT in 1867, Nobel gave man the tools to literally move the earth, and set

humanity down the path of bigger and better explosions.

That path would eventually lead to the holiest of battlefield holies: the Mk-19 (narrator

note: pronounced “mark”) automatic grenade launcher.

A tripod mounted weapon, the Mk-19 fires 40 mm grenades at a rate of up to 375 rounds

per minute, and is used extensively by US armed forces for anti-personnel and anti-vehicle


With a maximum distance of 2,212 meters, and an effective point target range of 1,500 meters,

there is nowhere to hide from the rain of explosive death it unleashes.

On impact a 40mm grenade has a 100% kill ratio of up to 5 meters, with a 50% kill ratio at

10 meters, making it an unparalleled Xenomorph killing tool- and with its high rate of fire

if the first one doesn't do the job, the next three or four definitely will.

So how would you take on a deadly xenomorph?

What weapon is truly best to use against the most dangerous predator in the galaxy?

Also, be sure to check out our other video YOU vs Spiderman - Could You Defeat Him?.

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time.

YOU vs XENOMORPH - How Can You Defeat and Survive It (Alien Movie) YOU vs XENOMORPH - Wie kannst du ihn besiegen und überleben (Alien-Film) ΕΣΕΙΣ εναντίον του XENOMORPH - Πώς μπορείτε να τον νικήσετε και να επιβιώσετε (Alien Movie) TÚ vs XENOMORPH - Cómo derrotarlo y sobrevivir (Película de Alien) YOU vs XENOMORPH - エイリアンを倒し、生き残るには? TY kontra XENOMORPH - Jak go pokonać i przetrwać (Film o Obcym) YOU vs XENOMORPH - Como o podes derrotar e sobreviver (Alien Movie) ТЫ против КСЕНОМОРФА - как его победить и выжить (фильм про инопланетян) SEN XENOMORPH'a Karşı - Onu Nasıl Yenebilir ve Hayatta Kalabilirsin (Yaratık Filmi) YOU vs XENOMORPH - 你如何击败并幸存下来 (异形电影) YOU vs XENOMORPH - 你如何擊敗它並生存下來(外星電影)

Imagine you are happily cruising along space in your very own mining ship when suddenly Представьте, что вы счастливо путешествуете по космосу на своем собственном шахтерском корабле, как вдруг 想象一下,当你开着自己的采矿船在太空中快乐地航行时,突然间

you pick up a faint distress signal from far away. 你接收到远方传来的微弱求救信号。

Checking your spaceship's digital atlas, you discover that the signal is coming from a 检查飞船的数字地图,你发现信号来自一个

colony on a planet called “LV-426”- hmm, where have you heard that name before? 被称为“LV-426”的行星上的殖民地——嗯,你在哪里听过那个名字?

Landing on this distant moon you exit your spaceship hoping to rescue some desperate 在这颗遥远的月球上着陆,你离开飞船,希望能营救一些绝望的人

colonists- only to come face to face with the galaxy's most formidable predator. 殖民地-只是与银河系最强大的天敌面对面。

Hello and welcome to another special episode of The Infographics Show- today we're putting 你好,欢迎来到另一个特别节目《信息图表秀》- 今天我们将让你面对宇宙中最完美的生物,你能战胜它吗?

you up against the most perfect organism in the universe in, Could you defeat it? 你对抗异种生物。

You vs a xenomorph. 你对抗异种生物。

Xenomorphs, or Aliens, are a parasitic species who's real origins are unclear. 异形,或者称为外星人,是一种寄生物种,其真正起源不明。

Some believe that Xenos were genetically engineered by an ancient space-faring civilization known Некоторые считают, что ксеносы были генетически созданы древней космической цивилизацией, известной как 一些人认为外星人是由一个叫做工程师或Mala'kak的古代太空文明基因工程而来。

as the Engineers, or Mala'kak. 玛拉卡克可能使用外星人来通过消灭所有大型物种来改造行星。

The Mala'kak may have used Xenomorphs to terraform planets by wiping out all large species and De Mala'kak hebben mogelijk Xenomorphs gebruikt om planeten te terraformen door alle grote soorten uit te roeien en The Mala'kak may have used Xenomorphs to terraform planets by wiping out all large species and

then starting fresh with their own genetically engineered creations, or they may simply have 然后从他们自己的基因工程创造物重新开始,或者他们可能只是用来反对他们的敌人。

been a biological weapon meant to 'disinfect' experiments they think went wrong, or to use 应该是一种生物武器,意在“消毒”他们认为出了问题的实验,或者用来

against their enemies. 反对他们的敌人。

Others however believe that Xenomorphs evolved in a dark, distant corner of the galaxy and 然而,有人相信异形是在银河系的一个黑暗、遥远的角落进化而来的,

were discovered by the Engineers and other space-faring civilizations. 被工程师和其他太空文明发现了。

Though their origin remains a mystery, we have enough experience with xenomorphs to 尽管它们的起源仍然是个谜,但我们对异形有足够的经验。

have learned a lot about them as a species. 已经对它们作为一个物种了解了很多。

The Xenomorph life cycle begins with an egg which contains a short-lived organism known 异形生命周期从包含一种称为寄生虫的短命生物的卵开始。

as a Facehugger. 作为一种寄生虫。

Upon detecting the pheromones of an approaching host, the egg will awaken the facehugger within, Обнаружив феромоны приближающегося хозяина, яйцо пробуждает внутри себя фейсхаггера, 一旦检测到正在接近的寄主的信息素,卵将唤醒脸抱虫,

which immediately attacks the would-be host and attempts to latch onto an orifice so it |||||||||||||opening or hole|| 后者立即袭击可能的寄主,并试图紧贴一个口腔,这样它就能

can deposit a parasitic larvae inside the host- typically a host's mouth is the preferred 将寄生幼虫注入寄主体内-通常是寄主的口腔是首选部位

larva-laying route into a host, but given their adaptability to different hosts across 寄生虫将进入寄主的方法,但考虑到它们对整个银河中不同寄主的适应性,任何开口或足够大的伤口都可以。

the galaxy any orifice or even a sufficiently large wound will do. 星系中的任何开口或甚至足够大的伤口都可以。

Once inside, the larvae feeds off vital fluids, making the host incredibly hungry and forcing 一旦进入体内,幼虫就会吸食重要的体液,使宿主变得非常饥饿,并迫使

it to eat more which in turn further feeds the larvae. 它进食更多,反过来又进一步喂养幼虫。

One sufficiently large, the larvae will then exit the host as a chestburster, so named Een voldoende groot, de larven zullen dan de gastheer verlaten als een zogeheten chestburster 一旦足够大,幼虫便会作为胸部爆裂者从寄主体内出来,因此得名

for their proclivity to burst directly through a host's chest. 因其倾向于直接穿过寄主的胸部。

Once free, the larvae seeks shelter somewhere dark and isolated, where by some unknown biological 一旦获得自由,幼虫会在某个黑暗孤立的地方寻找庇护,通过某种未知的生物方式

process it is able to quickly mature into an adult drone at an extraordinary rate. 该过程使它能够以非凡的速度迅速成长为成年蜂虫。

Xenomorphs are a eusocial species much like ants, honey bees, and other social insects, |||highly social|||||||||| Xenomorphs zijn een eusociale soort net als mieren, honingbijen en andere sociale insecten, 异形是一种类似于蚂蚁、蜜蜂和其他社会昆虫的共生物种,

with a clearly defined caste system. 具有明确定义的等级制度。

It's thought that all members of a xeno hive are females, and at the very top of the hive Er wordt gedacht dat alle leden van een xeno-bijenkorf vrouwtjes zijn, en helemaal bovenaan de bijenkorf 人们认为异形巢的所有成员都是雌性,在巢的顶端

is the only fertile female: the Queen. 是唯一有生育能力的雌性:女王。

She is solely responsible for egg laying, and every other member of the brood is her 她是唯一负责产卵,整个族群的其他成员都是她的后代。


Drones, or warriors, are the workhorses of the hive and are responsible for defending 无人机或战士是蜂巢的工作马,负责保卫

the hive as well as finding prey and new hosts for the eggs. 蜂巢以及寻找猎物和新寄主来产卵。

A third caste, the Praetorians, are only produced when a hive has grown large enough to support Een derde kaste, de pretorianen, wordt alleen geproduceerd als een bijenkorf groot genoeg is geworden om te onderhouden 第三种人口,护蛊士,只有在蜂巢发展到足够大以支持时才会产生

them. 它们。

These are the most formidable of Xenomorphs- with the exception of the Queen herself- and 这些异种生物是最强大的-除了女皇本身之外-

act as bodyguards to the Queen. 并充当女王的保镖。

However as they mature, Praetorians exude a scent that is different than the rest of 然而,随着它们成熟,先导异种生物散发出一种与其他异种生物不同的气味

the hive which prompts the hive's drones to attack it and chase it away from the hive. 蜂巢会促使蜂群的工蜂攻击并将其赶离蜂巢。

Once fully mature the Praetorian will return and be attacked once again, and either be 待普瑞托利亚成熟后,它将再次返回并再次受到攻击,最终被蜂巢杀死或在遭受太多伤亡后被女王勉强接受

killed off by the hive or be grudgingly accepted by the Queen after suffering too many casualties |||||||reluctantly|||||||||

amongst her drones. 在她的工蜂中。

Interestingly despite this hostility, Praetorians will defend the Queen to the death. 有趣的是,尽管存在敌意,近卫军仍会誓死保卫女王。

It was originally thought that they were the only males and perhaps this process of being 最初人们认为它们是唯一的雄性,也许是这一过程

chased away and forced to fight their way back proved that they were the fittest and 被赶走并被迫奋力杀回,证明他们才是适者,

thus could fertilize a queen and produce a stronger hive, but after a Praetorian was 因此能够使女王受精并生产出更强壮的蜂巢,但是在一个先遣卫队之后

observed molting into a Queen after the loss of a hive's current Queen, this theory has 观察到在失去一个蜂巢现任女王后蜕变为女王,这个理论已经

largely been discarded. ||set aside largely been discarded.

Since then its generally accepted that much like many insects and invertebrates here on 自那时起,人们普遍认为,就像地球上许多昆虫和无脊椎动物一样,蜂后是完全自我受精的,不需要雄性伴侣。

Earth, Queens are completely self-fertilizing and don't require a male partner. largely been discarded.

Taking on an entire hive of angry xenomorphs is guaranteed death- but let's say that you 遇到了一只异形女王,那就是另一回事。

were pitted up against just one of these vicious creatures, how could you defeat it, and what Если бы вы столкнулись с одним из этих злобных существ, как бы вы смогли победить его, и что 如果你面对这些恶毒生物中的一个,你该如何击败它,以及你面对的到底是什么?

are you up against exactly? 异形的外皮由一种被认为镀有一层的壳质组成

The hide of a Xenomorph is made out of a chitin that is believed to be coated with a layer

of polarized silicon which makes it very resistant to electricity and heat. of polarized silicon which makes it very resistant to electricity and heat.

This layer of chitin covers almost the entire body, with the exception of the joints and 这层几丁质几乎覆盖了整个身体,除了关节和

the underside of the neck, and is also extremely resistant to small arms fire. 颈部下方,而且极其抗击小口径武器火力。

At anything but point-blank range, any caliber smaller than a 5.56 mm round will simply bounce |||||||bullet size|||||||| 除了近距离外,任何小于5.56毫米的口径都会简单地弹开。

off. 掉下来。

While resistant to heat, Xenomorphs show a vulnerability to weapons such as flame throwers, 异形虽然对热是抗性强,但对火焰喷射器等武器表现出脆弱性,

and will generally shy away from open sources of flame. 通常会远离明火源。

Extreme cold such as liquid nitrogen is also exceptionally effective against a Xenomorph, 液氮等极端低温对异形同样非常有效。

and its thought that rapid changes in temperature cause the Xenomorph's chitinous armor to rapidly 据认为,温度急剧变化导致异形的甲壳快速收缩和膨胀,给它带来极大的痛苦。

contract and expand causing it great pain. 异形还能够与环境温度相匹配其身体的外层。

A xenomorph is also able to match the outer layers of its body with the ambient temperature, 快速变化的温度会导致异形的甲壳快速收缩和膨胀,给它带来极大的痛苦。

making it invisible to being tracked by thermal imagers- this seems to suggest that Xenomorphs waardoor het onzichtbaar is om te worden gevolgd door warmtebeeldcamera's - dit lijkt erop te wijzen dat Xenomorphs 使其无法被热成像仪追踪-这似乎表明异形进化为捕食者,在一个几乎没有白昼的寒冷世界,因为这种能力会使它们隐藏起来,不被依靠热感知的猎物发现。

evolved as predators on a cold world with little or no daylight, as this ability would evolved as predators on a cold world with little or no daylight, as this ability would

have kept them hidden from heat-sensing prey. have kept them hidden from heat-sensing prey.

The lack of eye organs also seems to indicate that this is a strong possibility, and its 没有眼器官也似乎表明这是一个很强的可能性,它

thought that xenomorphs track their prey by scent and electroreception much like a hammerhead 认为异形通过气味和电感知跟踪猎物,就像另一个锤头状鲨鱼

shark and many sting rays. 和许多魔鬼鱼。

A Xenomorph's acidic blood poses a significant risk to any would-be attackers, as it is extremely −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−

corrosive and capable of easily dissolving steel, aluminum, or even titanium. |||||||aluminium|||titanium metal 具有腐蚀性,能够轻易溶解钢铁、铝甚至钛金属。

Its ability to also disintegrate normally acid-resistant plastics indicates that the 其还能分解通常耐酸塑料,表明这种血液可能并非实际上的酸,而是一种能够破坏分子键的液体。

blood may not be an actual acid but rather a fluid that works to break molecular bonds 其能力也能够分解通常的耐酸塑料,这表明血液可能并非实际上是酸,而是一种能够以某种未知的方式破坏分子键。

in an unknown way. 其也能够分解通常的耐酸塑料,这表明血液可能并非实际上是酸,而是一种能够以某种未知的方式破坏分子键。

So how do you kill something that can shrug off bullets and will bleed acid blood on you Как же убить то, что может уклоняться от пуль и истекать кислотной кровью. 那么,你该如何杀死一个可以轻松躲开子弹并且会在你身上流出酸血的东西,即使你设法伤害到它?

even if you manage to wound it? 火是最明显和最直接的答案,对此,没有比...

Fire is the most obvious and immediate answer, and for that there's no better tool than a 更好的工具。

high-powered flame thrower. 高功率火焰喷射器。

Though most nations have discontinued their use of flamethrowers due to being ineffective 尽管大多数国家已停止使用火焰喷射器,因为它们效果不佳

in modern combat and for the very bad press they tend to create, Russia- who traditionally в современном бою и за очень плохую прессу, которую они создают, Россия - которая традиционно 在现代战争中以及它们产生的非常负面的影响,俄罗斯传统上不太关心世界其他地区的看法

doesn't much care what the rest of the world thinks- has recently re-evaluated their use. 最近重新评估了它们的使用方式。

A 2016 US Army report notes that Russia has found the weapons useful for urban and mountain 2016年美国陆军报告指出,俄罗斯发现这些武器在城市和山区非常有用。

warfare (despite being illegal by international law to use in civilian population centers), 战争(尽管在国际法律中在平民人口中使用是非法的),

bunker busting, and clearing light infantry. 破抗掩蔽工事和清除轻步兵。

Russia's re-adoption of the flame thrower has actually seen them add four dedicated 俄罗斯重新采用火焰喷射器实际上让他们增加了四个专门的

regiments of flamethrower units in 2014. 2014年的火焰喷射器部队。

So it's time to make like a Russian firebat and get your hands on some sweet, Xenomorph 所以现在是时候像俄罗斯火蝙蝠一样,拿到一些甜蜜的异形

destroying flamethrowers. 毁灭火焰喷射器。

But, it's not as easy as all that, since Xenomorphs have shown an incredible ability to adapt 但事情并不像那样简单,因为外形异类展现出了令人难以置信的适应能力

and problem solve through creative means. и решать проблемы творческими методами. 并通过创造性手段解决问题。

Sure, you might get a few blasts off with Comrade Flamethrower, but with a maximum range 当然,你可能会用同志火焰喷射器开火几次,但最远射程

of 60 feet, a Xenomorph will simply retreat and rethink its plan of attack. 高达60英尺时,异形会简单地撤退并重新考虑其攻击计划。

Given their incredible stealth and ability to squeeze into very tight places, a Xeno 考虑到它们难以置信的隐蔽能力和能够钻进非常狭窄的地方,异形很可能会简单地后退并等待着从你身上(动画师:让异形)抓住机会。

will likely simply back off and wait to literally get the drop on you (animator: have xenomorph 掉落。

drop down from ceiling). 从天花板上拉下来)。

Plus flamethrowers have one weakness that quickly became obvious to most of the world's 此外,喷火器也有一个很快显而易见的弱点,这个弱点被世界上大多数军队注意到:压力和高度易燃气体的背包非常适合,

militaries: the backpacks of pressurized and highly combustive gas make for really good, 军队:背包内的压力和高度易燃气体非常适合,

explosive targets. 爆炸性目标。

Remember a Xenomorph's acidic blood? 还记得异种生物的酸性血液吗?

Well, some of them can spit it from their mouths at incredible ranges, and with its 有些异种生物可以从嘴里喷射出它,射程令人难以置信

ability to dissolve most known materials, those tanks on your back aren't going to survive 能溶解大多数已知材料的能力,你背上的那些罐子是经不住的

for long. 时间长。

While they won't explode as the fuel still requires heat to ignite, you're going to be 虽然它们不会爆炸,因为燃料仍需要热才能点燃,但你将会

left with in essence an empty squirt gun when the Xenomorph comes to eat your face off. 当异形来吃掉你的脸时,你实质上只剩下了一个空的水枪。

You might be tempted to fall back on firearms, after all despite their bullet-resistant hides, 尽管它们的皮肤抗子弹,你可能会想要依靠枪支,毕竟大口径已被证明能对异形造成伤害。

large calibers have been proven to injure a Xenomorph. 尽管它们的皮肤抗子弹,你可能会想要依靠枪支,毕竟大口径已被证明能对异形造成伤害。

But firearms require you to see your target and to be accurate enough to actually hit 但枪械需要你看清目标并精准到能够实际命中它,而异形的隐藏能力可以藏身于最小的缝隙中,以及其惊人的速度和敏捷性,使用枪械是在冒险。

it once you do see it, and with a Xenomorph's ability to hide in the smallest nooks and 当您看到目标时,但枪械需要您看到目标并精准到能够实际命中它,并且异形具有隐藏在最小缝隙中的能力

crannies, and its incredible speed and agility, you're taking your chances going with a firearm. В то же время, благодаря невероятной скорости и маневренности, вы рискуете, используя огнестрельное оружие. 以及其令人难以置信的速度和敏捷性,使用枪械是在冒险。

We here at The Infographics Show have our favorites amongst the great engineers, philosophers, 我们在信息图表秀中对伟大的工程师、哲学家有自己的喜好

and scientists, but when it comes time to take on a genetically perfect super-predator 但是当到了与一个基因完美的超级猛兽对抗的时候,科学家却败下阵来

from across the galaxy, there's really only one name that comes to mind: Alfred Nobel, 从银河系各地,只有一个名字浮现在脑海中:阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔,

the father of modern explosives. 现代炸药之父。

Inventing TNT in 1867, Nobel gave man the tools to literally move the earth, and set 1867年发明TNT,诺贝尔给予人类实际上移动地球的工具,并让

humanity down the path of bigger and better explosions. 人类走上了更大更好爆炸的道路。

That path would eventually lead to the holiest of battlefield holies: the Mk-19 (narrator 这条道路最终将导致最神圣的战场圣物:Mk-19(旁白

note: pronounced “mark”) automatic grenade launcher. 注:发音为“马克”的自动榴弹发射器。

A tripod mounted weapon, the Mk-19 fires 40 mm grenades at a rate of up to 375 rounds Mk-19是一种三脚架式武器,以每分钟高达375发的速度发射40毫米榴弹,被美国军队广泛用于反人员和反载具作战。

per minute, and is used extensively by US armed forces for anti-personnel and anti-vehicle Mk-19是一种三脚架式武器,以每分钟高达375发的速度发射40毫米榴弹,被美国军队广泛用于反人员和反载具作战。

operations. 作战。

With a maximum distance of 2,212 meters, and an effective point target range of 1,500 meters, 最远射程为2,212米,有效点目标范围为1,500米,

there is nowhere to hide from the rain of explosive death it unleashes. 无处可躲避它释放的爆炸性死亡之雨。

On impact a 40mm grenade has a 100% kill ratio of up to 5 meters, with a 50% kill ratio at 撞击时,40毫米榴弹在5米范围内具有100%的杀伤比率,在10米范围内为50%,使其成为无与伦比的异形杀戮工具 - 并且由于其高射速,如果第一个没有完成任务,则接下来的三到四个肯定会完成。

10 meters, making it an unparalleled Xenomorph killing tool- and with its high rate of fire 在冲击中,40mm榴弹在5米范围内具有100%的杀伤比率,在10米范围内为50%,使其成为无与伦比的异形杀戮工具 - 并且由于其高射速,如果第一个没有完成任务,则接下来的三到四个肯定会完成。

if the first one doesn't do the job, the next three or four definitely will. 在撞击的时候,40mm榴弹在5米内有100%的击杀率,在10米内有50%的击杀率,这使它成为一种无与伦比的异形杀伤工具-并且由于其高射速,如果第一个榴弹没有完成工作,接下来的三到四枚肯定会。

So how would you take on a deadly xenomorph? 那么你将如何对付致命的异形?

What weapon is truly best to use against the most dangerous predator in the galaxy? 什么武器才是对抗银河系中最危险的捕食者最佳选择?

Also, be sure to check out our other video YOU vs Spiderman - Could You Defeat Him?. 此外,请务必查看我们的另一个视频“你 vs 蜘蛛侠 - 你能战胜他吗?”。

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time.