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expanding tactics for listening, 3- listening 1

3- listening 1

1. A: What's the new Indian restaurant on Sixth Street like?

B: Well, everyone said it was very good, but I wasn't too satisfied when I went there the other night.

A: Why not?

B: The food was good, but it took too long to arrive. We had to wait for nearly an hour before we got anything to eat.

A: Oh! That's terrible service.

2. A: I'm going to get the textbook for our biology class at the campus bookstore. Do you want to come?

B: No, I don't think so.

A: Why not?

Don't you think it's convenient having a bookstore right on campus?

B: Yes. it is. But have you compared their prices with other bookstores? That store in the mall is usually about 10% cheaper. And you save about 20% buying your books online.

A: Oh. I didn't know that.

3. A: Do you belong to a health club?

B: Not right now. I used to go to the Metropolitan Health Club on Third Street. I thought it was great because it was so cheap, but then I stopped going.

A: Really? I heard it was pretty popular.

B: That was the problem. It was too popular. It was always full of people. Sometimes I had to wait a long time to use the machines.

4. A: So how was the hotel in Honolulu?

B: It was pretty good. The staff was really nice—very friendly and helpful. There was one problem with it. though.

A: What was that?

B: The location. It was too far from the restaurants and clubs. Next time, I think I'll stay much closer to the downtown.

5. A: Do you want to try Italian food tonight?

B: Sure. Where would you like to go?

A: How about Little Roma—you know, that Italian restaurant across from the movie theater? I heard the prices are cheap.

B: That's true. But the service is pretty bad. The waiters are really slow, and they're not very friendly either.

A: Oh, I didn't know that. Let's try another place.

6. A: I heard there's a sale at Brenda's Boutique. Do you want to check it out? They have some really good clothes.

B: I know, but the service is terrible. The people who work there are so rude.

A: I know what you mean.

3- listening 1 3- escucha 1 3- audição 1

1. A: What's the new Indian restaurant on Sixth Street like?

B: Well, everyone said it was very good, but I wasn't too satisfied when I went there the other night. Б: Ну, всі сказали, що це було дуже добре, але я був не дуже задоволений, коли пішов туди минулої ночі.

A: Why not?

B: The food was good, but it took too long to arrive. Б: Їжа була гарна, але приїхала занадто довго. We had to wait for nearly an hour before we got anything to eat.

A: Oh! That's terrible service.

2. A: I'm going to get the textbook for our biology class at the campus bookstore. В: Я збираюся отримати підручник для нашого уроку біології в книгарні університетського містечка. Do you want to come? Ви хочете приїхати?

B: No, I don't think so. Б: Ні, я так не думаю.

A: Why not?

Don't you think it's convenient having a bookstore right on campus?

B: Yes. it is. But have you compared their prices with other bookstores? Але чи порівнювали ви їх ціни з іншими книгарнями? That store in the mall is usually about 10% cheaper. And you save about 20% buying your books online.

A: Oh. I didn't know that.

3. A: Do you belong to a health club? В: Ви належите до оздоровчого клубу?

B: Not right now. Б: Не зараз. I used to go to the Metropolitan Health Club on Third Street. I thought it was great because it was so cheap, but then I stopped going.

A: Really? I heard it was pretty popular.

B: That was the problem. It was too popular. It was always full of people. Sometimes I had to wait a long time to use the machines.

4. A: So how was the hotel in Honolulu?

B: It was pretty good. The staff was really nice—very friendly and helpful. There was one problem with it. though.

A: What was that?

B: The location. It was too far from the restaurants and clubs. Next time, I think I'll stay much closer to the downtown.

5. A: Do you want to try Italian food tonight?

B: Sure. Where would you like to go?

A: How about Little Roma—you know, that Italian restaurant across from the movie theater? A: А як щодо Little Roma — ви знаєте, той італійський ресторан навпроти кінотеатру? I heard the prices are cheap.

B: That's true. But the service is pretty bad. The waiters are really slow, and they're not very friendly either.

A: Oh, I didn't know that. Let's try another place.

6. A: I heard there's a sale at Brenda's Boutique. Do you want to check it out? They have some really good clothes.

B: I know, but the service is terrible. The people who work there are so rude.

A: I know what you mean.