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expanding tactics for listening, 5- listening 1

5- listening 1

1. A: Jeff is the perfect elementary school teacher. He's so good with children.

B: I know what you mean. He never gets angry with those kids, even when they're not listening to him.

2. A: Sheila speaks very well. When she talks, people stop and listen.

B: I know. A lot of people even change their opinions after talking to her.

3. A: How does Mary like her new job?

B: Oh, she loves it. She's really excited about working there. In fact, she even works on weekends because she enjoys being there so much.

4. A: I've been having problems with my boss lately.

B: Why is that?

A: Well, he has a lot of rules. He gets really angry if I come to work two minutes late, or if I let the office phone ring more than twice before I answer it. And if I make a tiny mistake, he yells at me.

5. A: I don't know about you, but I'm voting for Dave Thomas for school president. He knows everything about this school and all the important issues.

B: Yeah. He really knows what he's talking about.

6. A: My landlady is really nice. She doesn't get angry if I pay the rent a few days late. And when I'm sick, she always brings me homemade chicken soup.

B: Wow. She sounds really thoughtful.

5- listening 1 5- リスニング 1 5- audição 1

1. A: Jeff is the perfect elementary school teacher. He's so good with children.

B: I know what you mean. He never gets angry with those kids, even when they're not listening to him.

2. A: Sheila speaks very well. When she talks, people stop and listen.

B: I know. A lot of people even change their opinions after talking to her.

3. A: How does Mary like her new job?

B: Oh, she loves it. She's really excited about working there. In fact, she even works on weekends because she enjoys being there so much.

4. A: I've been having problems with my boss lately.

B: Why is that?

A: Well, he has a lot of rules. He gets really angry if I come to work two minutes late, or if I let the office phone ring more than twice before I answer it. And if I make a tiny mistake, he yells at me.

5. A: I don't know about you, but I'm voting for Dave Thomas for school president. He knows everything about this school and all the important issues.

B: Yeah. He really knows what he's talking about.

6. A: My landlady is really nice. She doesn't get angry if I pay the rent a few days late. And when I'm sick, she always brings me homemade chicken soup.

B: Wow. She sounds really thoughtful.