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The Grammar Show, 24- Can

24- Can

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

If a toucan can cancan,

then two toucans can cancan too!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…


That tiny modal verb with such a range of meanings!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello, all. My name is Bill!

And contestant number two?

It's nice to meet you. I'm Denise!

OK, let's get going, and don't forget

you can play along at home too.

Round one.

Can is a modal verb with many uses.

I'm going to give you the use

and you have to give me an example.


Can for permission.

You can sit wherever you like.


Can for a request.

Can Dad pick me up from school today?


Can for a possibility.

We can't be lost! We've got a map!


Can for an ability.

I can hold my breath for two minutes.



Two minutes, eh?

Well, go ahead. Prove it!


Two minutes you said.

If you want any points, you're going to have to prove it.



And now for a surprise bonus question.

True or false:

‘Can' can be used to talk about

typical or common behaviour,

just like the present simple.

It's not two minutes yet!



Use this sentence to give us an example:

John is often quite rude.

John can be quite rude at times.


It's not two minutes yet!


Good job!

Can and can't are modal verbs

meaning they're always followed by an infinitive

and don't change to show person or time.

They are useful verbs, and can be used to talk about


requests and offers,

possibility and impossibility,


and typical behaviour.

It all depends on the context!




Well, now that's…

two minutes!

Well, well done!

40 quarters of a point for you.

On to round two.

‘Can' is not often used to refer to an action happening

at the moment of speaking,

but it can be done!

Which type of verb when combined with ‘can'

allows us to talk about certain actions

happening at the moment of speaking?

I need to sit down.

I can see stars.

Can you hear ringing?

Two very good examples,

but I'm still waiting for a verb form.


Verbs of the senses!



The sense verbs see, hear, smell, taste and feel,

are not usually used in the continuous form

when referring to perception.

When we want to talk about seeing or hearing

at the moment of speaking,

we use ‘can'.

For example,

I can see my house from here!

That's why we put you there, Leslie.

Always seeing, never reaching!

It keeps you hungry.

Well done, Bill.

Have 60 points divided by 60.

Let's move on to our third round.

And this question is worth a thousand points.

So if you get this one, you'll probably win the game!

Which word combines with ‘can'

to produce a verb phrase which means that

a person is unable to control themselves

even though they want to?


No, I'm afraid that's not allowed.

No matter what, I can't help.

Not 'help'.

Can't help!



The verb phrase is

'can't help'


Can you give us an example?

I can't help eating the occasional slice of cake.


I haven't had cake since…

but that was such a long time ago.


Well done!

The verb phrase ‘can't help' means that despite trying,

a person is unable to resist doing something.

For example,

I can't help calling towards my house,

even though I know, they can't hear me.

You do make a racket Leslie!

It's like music to my ears.

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points.

And the winner is…


Well done!

Here's what you've won!

It's a


-dy cane!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for another prize.

And Denise,

your can-do attitude almost saw you through.

Anything to say?



I can't help.

Fire the cannons!

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Na shledanou, Leslie.

See you next time.

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24- Can 24- Dose 24- Can 24- Can 24- Can 24- 缶 24- 캔 24- Puszka 24- Lata 24- Can 24- Can 24 - Банка 24- 罐

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! Olá, e bem-vindos ao "Grammar Gameshow" de hoje! Merhaba, bugünkü Dilbilgisi Oyun Şovuna hoş geldiniz!

I'm your host, Will! Sou o vosso anfitrião, Will!

If a toucan can cancan, ||巨嘴鸟||跳康康舞 ||toucan||danser le cancan ||투칸이 캉캉을||투우칸이 캉캉을 ||tucano||ballare il cancan Se um tucano pode cancan, Eğer bir toucan cancan yapabiliyorsa, Якщо тукан може канкан, 如果大嘴鳥可以康康,

then two toucans can cancan too! ||toucans||| ||투칸들||| então dois tucanos também podem cancan! o zaman iki tukan da cancan yapabilir!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie, E, claro, não nos esqueçamos da Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky. a nossa voz omnisciente no céu.

Hello, everyone! Olá a todos!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about… Esta noite vamos fazer-lhe três perguntas sobre...


That tiny modal verb with such a range of meanings! |piccolo|||||||| Esse pequeno verbo modal com tantos significados! O küçücük modal fiil ne kadar da geniş bir anlam yelpazesine sahip!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello, all. My name is Bill!

And contestant number two?

It's nice to meet you. I'm Denise! ||||||데니스입니다

OK, let's get going, and don't forget

you can play along at home too. ви можете підіграти і вдома.

Round one.

Can is a modal verb with many uses. Can birçok kullanımı olan bir modal fiildir. Can - це модальне дієслово з багатьма варіантами вживання.

I'm going to give you the use

and you have to give me an example.


Can for permission. İzin için Can.

You can sit wherever you like. Puedes sentarte donde quieras. İstediğiniz yere oturabilirsiniz.


Can for a request. Bir istek için Can.

Can Dad pick me up from school today? Babam bugün beni okuldan alabilir mi? Можна тато забере мене сьогодні зі школи?


Can for a possibility. Bir olasılık için olabilir.

We can't be lost! We've got a map! No podemos perdernos. Tenemos un mapa. Kaybolamayız! Haritamız var! Ми не можемо загубитися! У нас є карта! 我們不能迷失!我們有地圖!


Can for an ability. Bir yetenek için can.

I can hold my breath for two minutes. Nefesimi iki dakika tutabilirim.



Two minutes, eh?

Well, go ahead. Prove it! Peki, devam edin. Kanıtlayın!


Two minutes you said.

If you want any points, you're going to have to prove it.



And now for a surprise bonus question.

True or false:

‘Can' can be used to talk about "Можна" можна використовувати, щоб говорити про

typical or common behaviour, tipik veya yaygın davranış, типова або поширена поведінка,

just like the present simple.

It's not two minutes yet!



Use this sentence to give us an example: Bize bir örnek vermek için bu cümleyi kullanın:

John is often quite rude. John genellikle oldukça kabadır. 約翰常常很粗魯。

John can be quite rude at times. John bazen çok kaba olabiliyor. Іноді Джон може бути досить грубим. 約翰有時會很粗魯。


It's not two minutes yet!


Good job!

Can and can't are modal verbs Can ve can't modal fiillerdir

meaning they're always followed by an infinitive

and don't change to show person or time. ve kişiyi ya da zamanı göstermek için değiştirmeyin. і не змінюйтеся, щоб показати людину або час.

They are useful verbs, and can be used to talk about Це корисні дієслова, і їх можна використовувати, щоб говорити про

permissions, 权限 permissions 권한 izinler,

requests and offers, richieste|| talepler ve teklifler,

possibility and impossibility, ||不可能性 ||impossibilité ||불가능성 olasılık ve imkansızlık,


and typical behaviour. ve tipik davranışlar.

It all depends on the context! Her şey bağlama göre değişir!




Well, now that's…

two minutes!

Well, well done!

40 quarters of a point for you. 40 cuartos de punto para ti. Senin için 40 çeyrek puan. 40 分給你。

On to round two.

‘Can' is not often used to refer to an action happening 'Can' no se usa a menudo para referirse a una acción que sucede "Can" genellikle gerçekleşen bir eyleme atıfta bulunmak için kullanılmaz "Може" не часто використовується для позначення дії, що відбувається

at the moment of speaking,

but it can be done! ¡Pero puede hacerse!

Which type of verb when combined with ‘can' Hangi tür fiil 'can' ile birleştirildiğinde Який тип дієслова у поєднанні з "can

allows us to talk about certain actions belirli eylemler hakkında konuşmamızı sağlar дозволяє говорити про певні дії

happening at the moment of speaking? що відбувається в момент мовлення?

I need to sit down. Oturmam lazım. Мені треба присісти.

I can see stars. Puedo ver estrellas. Yıldızları görebiliyorum. Я бачу зірки.

Can you hear ringing? ¿Puedes oír el timbre? Çınlama duyuyor musun?

Two very good examples,

but I'm still waiting for a verb form.


Verbs of the senses! Duyuların fiilleri! Дієслова почуттів!



The sense verbs see, hear, smell, taste and feel, Los verbos de sentido ver, oír, oler, saborear y sentir, Duyu fiilleri görmek, duymak, koklamak, tatmak ve hissetmek,

are not usually used in the continuous form genellikle sürekli formda kullanılmaz

when referring to perception. algıya atıfta bulunurken. коли йдеться про сприйняття.

When we want to talk about seeing or hearing Коли ми хочемо поговорити про зір або слух

at the moment of speaking, konuşma anında, в момент розмови,

we use ‘can'. ми використовуємо "можна".

For example,

I can see my house from here! Я звідси бачу свій дім!

That's why we put you there, Leslie. Bu yüzden seni oraya koyduk Leslie. Ось чому ми відправили тебе туди, Леслі.

Always seeing, never reaching! |||raggiungendo Her zaman görüyorum, asla ulaşamıyorum! Завжди бачити, але ніколи не досягати!

It keeps you hungry. Seni aç tutar. Це тримає тебе голодним.

Well done, Bill.

Have 60 points divided by 60. 60 puanı 60'a bölün.

Let's move on to our third round.

And this question is worth a thousand points. Y esta pregunta vale mil puntos. Ve bu soru bin puan değerinde.

So if you get this one, you'll probably win the game!

Which word combines with ‘can' ||结合|| ||s'associe|| ||결합하다|| Hangi kelime 'can' ile birleşir?

to produce a verb phrase which means that anlamına gelen bir fiil cümlesi üretmek için

a person is unable to control themselves bir kişi kendini kontrol edemiyorsa людина не здатна контролювати себе

even though they want to? İsteseler bile mi? навіть якщо вони цього хочуть?


No, I'm afraid that's not allowed. Hayır, korkarım buna izin yok.

No matter what, I can't help. Ne olursa olsun, yardım edemem. Що б там не було, я не можу допомогти.

Not 'help'.

Can't help!



The verb phrase is Fiil cümlesi şöyledir

'can't help'


Can you give us an example?

I can't help eating the occasional slice of cake. |||||偶尔的||| Ara sıra bir dilim pasta yemeden duramıyorum. Я не можу втриматися, щоб не з'їсти шматочок торта. 我偶爾會忍不住吃一塊蛋糕。

Gosh! Боже!

I haven't had cake since… O zamandan beri pasta yemedim. Я не їла тортів з тих пір, як...

but that was such a long time ago. ama bu çok uzun zaman önceydi.


Well done!

The verb phrase ‘can't help' means that despite trying, Дієслівна фраза "не можу допомогти" означає, що, незважаючи на спроби, я не можу допомогти,

a person is unable to resist doing something. eine Person kann nicht widerstehen, etwas zu tun. людина не в змозі втриматися від того, щоб щось не зробити.

For example,

I can't help calling towards my house, Ich kann nicht anders, als zu meinem Haus zu rufen, Evime doğru seslenmeden edemiyorum, Я не можу не покликати до себе додому,

even though I know, they can't hear me.

You do make a racket Leslie! ||||bruit| Du machst einen Schläger, Leslie! Çok gürültü yapıyorsun Leslie! Ти справді робиш рекет, Леслі! 萊斯利,你確實很吵!

It's like music to my ears. Kulaklarıma müzik gibi geliyor. 這對我來說就像音樂。

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points.

And the winner is…


Well done!

Here's what you've won!

It's a


-dy cane! de|canne 디| -dy Rohrstock! -dy cane!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for another prize.

And Denise,

your can-do attitude almost saw you through. Ihre Can-Do-Einstellung hat Sie fast durchgebracht. Yapabilirim tavrın neredeyse seni kurtarıyordu. 你積極進取的態度差點就讓你成功了。

Anything to say?



I can't help.

Fire the cannons! ||炮 ||대포를 쏴라! Topları ateşleyin!

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Na shledanou, Leslie. |再见| Au revoir|au revoir| 나중에 봐요|잘 가요, 레슬리.| Na schledanou, Leslie. Na shledanou, Leslie.

See you next time.