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All Ears English, 56- Learn How to Keep Your Energy Up

56- Learn How to Keep Your Energy Up

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 56: Wisdom Wednesday, “English Immersion Overload: How to Keep Your Energy Up.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In this episode, you'll learn five awesome strategies for when you experience burnout or to avoid burnout altogether in the first place. But before we get into it, we just want to thank six awesome listeners who have left us reviews. Thank you to Ranchpiglet, Mark Blago, faridfat, Levbohdan, Mambolito, and Daria Z.

Lindsay: So if you haven't left a review yet in iTunes, please go ahead right now and leave a review so we can keep All Ears English going in iTunes. Thank you.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. What's up?

Lindsay: Hey. Not much.

Gabby: Cool, cool. Well today we're talking about a pretty cool topic about burnout. (Um), just for you guys to make sure you know what we're talking about, burnout is, (you know), when you kind of reach (um), a, a wall, right, where you, you just can't go anymore.

Lindsay: Exactly.

Gabby: (Um), and (um), yeah, maybe we can give you an example. (Um) Lindsay you had an example that you wanted to share with our listeners. What, what's a time when you had burnout?

Lindsay: Yeah.

my burnout situation is really common for (um) a lot of – so I used to play tennis when I was a kid and when I was, (you know), I guess I was 15 or 16, I had been playing in tournaments for years and I was (like), I can't do it anymore. I started to feel bored when I picked up a tennis racket. I started – I was physically tired, mentally tired. Tennis is a very taxing game mentally.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Right.

And I was, I just felt dull all around when it came to tennis and I actually just had to take some time off and kind of shift the focus of things a bit.

Gabby: Wow. That's a really good example with, (you know), a sport. Very cool. Well we know that you guys, you might feel burned out with English language learning too, so we wanted to share some strategies with you about how to, first of all, (you know), avoid burnout, but also if you think you are experiencing burnout, (you know), what can you do about that? So, yeah, we have several tips. Let's just get right into it. (Um), what's the first tip Lindsay?

Lindsay: Yeah so we would just say, (you know), when you're getting, you're becoming burned out, it means that you're, you've been working really hard. And first of all, just to say- if that's you, then that's awesome, that means you're working hard.

Gabby: Yeah, right.

Lindsay: Which is great, but there's gotta (got to) be a limit.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: So how do you regulate this? Measure your improvement. You need to be able to reward yourself in some sense and recognize what you've done well.

Gabby: Totally.

Lindsay: So if you've been working hard, you've probably been improving.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: And you need to see that, measure it, and, (you know), look at that and say “Wow, this is what I've done.” Gabby: I think it helps if you, in the beginning, or as soon as possible, like right now, write down some very specific goals with the language that you want to achieve. (Like) for example, I want to learn how to end an email appropriately and, (you know), you could go back to (uh) a couple of weeks ago, we had an episode about how to do that. You could listen to that episode and there you go. Then you can check it off your list, and you can congratulate yourself that you actually did that.

Lindsay: Exactly.


Gabby: Yeah.

So another tip that we have for you guys about, about burnout is, it's related to making a list of goals. Once you know what it is exactly that you want to learn, (um) just set your focus on that, like the specific vocabulary or the specific reason (why) you want to learn English. Maybe it's to get a good score on the TOEFL test, or maybe it's to get a promotion at work and you need to know how to lead a meeting or, (you know), give a report in great English. (Um) set your focus on exactly what you need to do and then put blinders on. Blinders keep you from looking at other things. They keep you focused. They keep your, your sight set on your specific goals, so, (you know), if you wanna (want to) become a translator for English in a medical setting, you need to focus on learning all the names of the internal organs of the body, but you don't need to learn legal English, okay? So forget about learning legal terms, you need to learn words for illnesses and organs of the body. So you don't need to learn everything. (I mean) not even native English speakers know all the words,for, (you know), the, the internal organs of the body. (I mean) Lindsay, you could quiz me right now, I wouldn't be able to tell you all the organs.

Lindsay: Yeah.

And I also just want to say I think it's really important what you're saying here, this idea of putting blinders on because especially now with the internet, we are binging on information. That's what we do because we haven't gotten used to how to actually use the internet.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: We're like children when it comes to the internet.

Gabby: Give me more, give me more.

Lindsay: We don't know what to do. Everything's free and everything's everywhere. Oh my god. I wanna learn, learn, learn. But you really need to focus, right?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: What do I wanna (want to) do? So if you want to become a medical translator, focus on those sites or those podcasts or whatever they are, they can help you do that.

Gaby: Totally.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Cool. What's another tip for avoiding burnout?

Lindsay: Yeah, well, I really like the idea of taking a day off.

Gabby: Cool. Yeah.

Lindsay: Just hang out, put your feet up…

Gabby: Yeah, forget about those goals for a day and kind of push reset on your brain.

Lindsay: Exactly.

So you need to decide what that means for you. Does that mean just hanging out with people from your home country and not practicing for a day?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Fine. Does that mean going to the beach? Okay.

Gabby: Playing video games.

Lindsay: Okay.

Gabby: Whatever.

Lindsay: Whatever it is. Just do it.

Gabby: Take your mind off of learning English for a day. (Um) the last tip we have for you is to set realistic expectations. So of course we want you to challenge yourselves, but set realistic expectations. You know what you're capable of and push yourself. Yeah, but make sure it's realistic. (You know), (I mean) who's gonna (going to) sit down and read a whole novel in one hour. (I mean), it's, it's a bit tough. So if you set those unrealistic goals and then you can't achieve them, you're gonna (going to) feel burned out. Now on the other hand, if you set really easy expectations, (like) I'm going to read one book this year and you don't do that, that's not burnout, that's being lazy.

Lindsay: That's the other side of things.

Gabby: Yeah, yeah. So like Lindsay said, (you know), burnout happens when you're trying too hard. All right. So keep that in mind. We're not advocating for you to just (like) be lazy about your English learning. We just want you to have a good balance so that you avoid burnout.

Lindsay: Absolutely. So great. Good luck guys.


Gabby: Before we end today, we want to let you know about our special, premium transcripts. You can purchase our premium transcripts for the whole month. We have November, December, and January available for you to check your listening comprehension. Make sure that you're understanding every word we're saying on this podcast. Build your vocabulary and you can learn independently or with a tutor using the premium transcripts.

You can find those at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.

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56- Learn How to Keep Your Energy Up 56- Lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre Energie aufrechterhalten können 56- Aprender a mantener la energía 56- エネルギーを維持する方法を学ぶ 56- Saiba como manter a sua energia elevada 56 - Узнайте, как поддерживать свою энергию в тонусе 56 - 学习如何保持精力充沛 56 - 學習如何保持精力充沛

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 56: Wisdom Wednesday, “English Immersion Overload: How to Keep Your Energy Up.” |||||||||||||过度沉浸|||||| |||||||||||||過剰|||||| |||||||||||||sovraccar|||||| リンゼイ:All Ears English Podcast、第56話です:ウィズダム・ウェンズデー、「英語漬けの過負荷:エネルギーを維持する方法" Линдси: Это подкаст All Ears English, эпизод 56: Среда мудрости, "Перегрузка при погружении в английский язык: Как сохранить энергию". Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 56 集:智慧星期三,“英語沉浸超載:如何保持精力充沛。”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In this episode, you'll learn five awesome strategies for when you experience burnout or to avoid burnout altogether in the first place. ||||||||||||||||倦怠感||||| このエピソードでは、燃え尽き症候群に陥ったときのための、あるいは燃え尽き症候群にならないための5つの素晴らしい戦略を学ぶことができる。 在本集中,您將學習五種很棒的策略,幫助您在經歷倦怠時或從一開始就完全避免倦怠。 But before we get into it, we just want to thank six awesome listeners who have left us reviews. 但在我们开始之前,我们只想感谢六位给我们留下评论的出色听众。 但在我們開始之前,我們只想感謝六位給我們留下評論的出色聽眾。 Thank you to Ranchpiglet, Mark Blago, faridfat, Levbohdan, Mambolito, and Daria Z. ||||||faridfat||||| |||ランチピグレット||ブラゴ||レヴボハダン|マンボリート||ダリア| 感謝 Ranchpiglet、Mark Blago、faridfat、Levbohdan、Mambolito 和 Daria Z。

Lindsay: So if you haven't left a review yet in iTunes, please go ahead right now and leave a review so we can keep All Ears English going in iTunes. 因此,如果您尚未在 iTunes 中留下評論,請立即留下評論,以便我們可以讓 All Ears English 在 iTunes 中繼續運行。 Thank you.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. What's up?

Lindsay: Hey. Not much.

Gabby: Cool, cool. Well today we're talking about a pretty cool topic about burnout. 今天我們談論一個關於倦怠的非常酷的話題。 (Um), just for you guys to make sure you know what we're talking about, burnout is, (you know), when you kind of reach (um), a, a wall, right, where you, you just can't go anymore. (Euh), juste pour que vous sachiez de quoi on parle, l'épuisement professionnel c'est, (vous savez), quand vous atteignez en quelque sorte (um), un, un mur, d'accord, où vous, vous pouvez juste n'y vas plus. (嗯),只是為了確保你們知道我們在說什麼,倦怠是,(你知道),當你到達(嗯),一堵牆,對,你,你就可以別再去了

Lindsay: Exactly.

Gabby: (Um), and (um), yeah, maybe we can give you an example. (嗯)和(嗯),是的,也許我們可以給你舉個例子。 (Um) Lindsay you had an example that you wanted to share with our listeners. (Линдси, у вас есть пример, которым вы хотели бы поделиться с нашими слушателями. (嗯)林賽,你想與我們的聽眾分享一個例子。 What, what's a time when you had burnout? Что, когда у вас было выгорание? 什麼,什麼時候你會感到倦怠?

Lindsay: Yeah.

my burnout situation is really common for (um) a lot of – so I used to play tennis when I was a kid and when I was, (you know), I guess I was 15 or 16, I had been playing in tournaments for years and I was (like), I can't do it anymore. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||比赛||||||||||| 我的倦怠情況對(嗯)很多人來說確實很常見——所以我小時候經常打網球,當我(你知道)的時候,我想我 15 或 16 歲,我已經參加了錦標賽幾年了,我(就像),我不能再這樣做了。 I started to feel bored when I picked up a tennis racket. |||||||||||网球拍 當我拿起網球拍時,我開始感到無聊。 I started – I was physically tired, mentally tired. ||||身体上||精神上| 我開始了──我身體疲憊,精神疲憊。 Tennis is a very taxing game mentally. ||||負担の大きい|| ||||impegnativa|| 網球是一項非常耗費腦力的運動。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Right.

And I was, I just felt dull all around when it came to tennis and I actually just had to take some time off and kind of shift the focus of things a bit. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||转移|||||| ||||||鈍い||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||spostare|||||| そして、テニスのことに関しては、全体的に冴えない感じがしていたんだ。 我是,當談到網球時,我只是感覺很無聊,實際上我只需要休息一段時間,稍微轉移一下事情的焦點。

Gabby: Wow. That's a really good example with, (you know), a sport. (你知道)這是一項運動的一個很好的例子。 Very cool. Well we know that you guys, you might feel burned out with English language learning too, so we wanted to share some strategies with you about how to, first of all, (you know), avoid burnout, but also if you think you are experiencing burnout, (you know), what can you do about that? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||经历||||||||| 好吧,我們知道你們可能也會對英語學習感到倦怠,所以我們想與你們分享一些策略,首先,(你知道)避免倦怠,而且如果你認為自己是經歷倦怠,(你知道),你能做什麼? So, yeah, we have several tips. 所以,是的,我們有幾個建議。 Let's just get right into it. 讓我們開始吧。 (Um), what's the first tip Lindsay?

Lindsay: Yeah so we would just say, (you know), when you're getting, you're becoming burned out, it means that you're, you've been working really hard. 是的,所以我們只想說,(你知道),當你變得精疲力盡時,這意味著你,你一直在努力工作。 And first of all, just to say- if that's you, then that's awesome, that means you're working hard. 首先,我只想說 - 如果那是你,那就太棒了,這意味著你正在努力工作。

Gabby: Yeah, right.

Lindsay: Which is great, but there's gotta (got to) be a limit. Это здорово, но должен же быть какой-то предел. 這很好,但必須有一個限制。

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: So how do you regulate this? ||||调节这个| ||||規制する| 那麼如何監管呢? Measure your improvement. 衡量你的進步。 You need to be able to reward yourself in some sense and recognize what you've done well. 你需要能夠在某種意義上獎勵自己並認可你做得好的事情。

Gabby: Totally.

Lindsay: So if you've been working hard, you've probably been improving. 所以,如果你一直努力工作,你可能一直在進步。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: And you need to see that, measure it, and, (you know), look at that and say “Wow, this is what I've done.” Gabby: 你需要看到它,測量它,然後(你知道)看著它並說“哇,這就是我所做的。”蓋比: I think it helps if you, in the beginning, or as soon as possible, like right now, write down some very specific goals with the language that you want to achieve. 我認為,如果您在一開始或盡快(例如現在)用您想要實現的語言寫下一些非常具體的目標,這會有所幫助。 (Like) for example, I want to learn how to end an email appropriately and, (you know), you could go back to (uh) a couple of weeks ago, we had an episode about how to do that. ||||||||||||恰当地||||||||||||||||||||||| (例如)例如,我想學習如何適當地結束電子郵件,(你知道),你可以回到(呃)幾週前,我們有一集關於如何做到這一點。 You could listen to that episode and there you go. 你可以聽一下那一集,然後就可以了。 Then you can check it off your list, and you can congratulate yourself that you actually did that. 然後你可以把它從你的清單上劃掉,你可以祝賀自己你確實做到了。

Lindsay: Exactly.


Gabby: Yeah.

So another tip that we have for you guys about, about burnout is, it's related to making a list of goals. 因此,我們為你們提供的另一個關於倦怠的建議是,它與制定目標清單有關。 Once you know what it is exactly that you want to learn, (um) just set your focus on that, like the specific vocabulary or the specific reason (why) you want to learn English. 一旦你知道你到底想學什麼,(嗯)就把你的注意力集中在它上面,例如特定的詞彙或你想學習英語的特定原因(為什麼)。 Maybe it's to get a good score on the TOEFL test, or maybe it's to get a promotion at work and you need to know how to lead a meeting or, (you know), give a report in great English. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||主持||||||||||| 也許是為了在托福考試中取得好成績,或者也許是為了在工作中獲得晉升,你需要知道如何主持會議,或者(你知道)用流利的英語做報告。 (Um) set your focus on exactly what you need to do and then put blinders on. ||||||||||||||目隠し| (Euh) concentrez-vous sur exactement ce que vous devez faire, puis mettez des œillères. (嗯)將你的注意力集中在你需要做的事情上,然後戴上眼罩。 Blinders keep you from looking at other things. paraocchi||||||| 眼罩會讓你看不到其他東西。 They keep you focused. 它們讓你保持專注。 They keep your, your sight set on your specific goals, so, (you know), if you wanna (want to) become a translator for English in a medical setting, you need to focus on learning all the names of the internal organs of the body, but you don't need to learn legal English, okay? ||||||||||||||||||||翻译员||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||知っている||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 他們讓你的目光集中在你的具體目標上,所以,(你知道),如果你想(想要)成為醫療環境中的英語翻譯,你需要專注於學習所有內臟器官的名稱身體,但你不需要學習法律英語,好嗎? So forget about learning legal terms, you need to learn words for illnesses and organs of the body. ||||||||||||疾病||||| 因此,忘記學習法律術語,您需要學習表示疾病和身體器官的單字。 So you don't need to learn everything. 所以你不需要學習一切。 (I mean) not even native English speakers know all the words,for, (you know), the, the internal organs of the body. ||||||||||||||||内部的|||| (我的意思是)即使是以英語為母語的人也不知道所有的單詞,for,(你知道),the,身體的內部器官。 (I mean) Lindsay, you could quiz me right now, I wouldn't be able to tell you all the organs. ||||||||||||||||||器官 (我的意思是)Lindsay,你現在就可以問我,我無法告訴你所有的器官。

Lindsay: Yeah.

And I also just want to say I think it's really important what you're saying here, this idea of putting blinders on because especially now with the internet, we are binging on information. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||情報を大量に消費|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||consumando eccess|| 我還想說,我認為你在這裡所說的非常重要,這種蒙蔽雙眼的想法,因為尤其是現在有了互聯網,我們正在沉迷於資訊。 That's what we do because we haven't gotten used to how to actually use the internet. 這就是我們所做的,因為我們還沒有習慣如何實際使用網路。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: We're like children when it comes to the internet. ||||谈到|||| 當談到互聯網時,我們就像孩子一樣。

Gabby: Give me more, give me more. 給我更多,給我更多。

Lindsay: We don't know what to do. 我們不知道該怎麼辦。 Everything's free and everything's everywhere. 一切都是免費的,一切都無所不在。 Oh my god. I wanna learn, learn, learn. 我想學習,學習,學習。 But you really need to focus, right? 但你確實需要集中註意力,對吧?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: What do I wanna (want to) do? 我想(想要)做什麼? So if you want to become a medical translator, focus on those sites or those podcasts or whatever they are, they can help you do that. 因此,如果您想成為醫學翻譯,請關注這些網站或播客或其他任何內容,他們可以幫助您做到這一點。

Gaby: ガビー Totally.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Cool. What's another tip for avoiding burnout? ||||避免| 避免倦怠的另一個秘訣是什麼?

Lindsay: Yeah, well, I really like the idea of taking a day off. 是的,我真的很喜歡休息一天的想法。

Gabby: Cool. Yeah.

Lindsay: Just hang out, put your feet up… 只要閒逛,把腳抬起來…

Gabby: Yeah, forget about those goals for a day and kind of push reset on your brain. |||||||||||リセットする|リセット||| 是的,暫時忘記這些目標,然後對你的大腦進行重置。

Lindsay: Exactly.

So you need to decide what that means for you. 所以你需要決定這對你意味著什麼。 Does that mean just hanging out with people from your home country and not practicing for a day? 這是否意味著只是和來自自己國家的人一起出去玩而不練習一天?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Fine. Does that mean going to the beach? 這是否意味著去海灘? Okay.

Gabby: Playing video games. 玩電子遊戲。

Lindsay: Okay.

Gabby: Whatever.

Lindsay: Whatever it is. 不管是什麼。 Just do it.

Gabby: Take your mind off of learning English for a day. 把你的注意力從學習英語移開一天。 (Um) the last tip we have for you is to set realistic expectations. |||||||||||现实的| (嗯)我們給你的最後一個建議是設定切合實際的期望。 So of course we want you to challenge yourselves, but set realistic expectations. ||||||||你们自己|||| ||||||||voi stessi|||| 因此,我們當然希望您挑戰自己,但設定切合實際的期望。 You know what you're capable of and push yourself. ||||能力|||| ||||capace|||| 你知道自己的能力並鞭策自己。 Yeah, but make sure it's realistic. 是的,但要確保它是現實的。 (You know), (I mean) who's gonna (going to) sit down and read a whole novel in one hour. ||||||||||||||小说||| (你知道),(我的意思是)誰會在一小時內坐下來讀整本小說。 (I mean), it's, it's a bit tough. ||||||difficile (我的意思是),這有點困難。 So if you set those unrealistic goals and then you can't achieve them, you're gonna (going to) feel burned out. |||||不切实际|||||||||||||| 因此,如果你設定了那些不切實際的目標,然後卻無法實現它們,你就會感到精疲力盡。 Now on the other hand, if you set really easy expectations, (like) I'm going to read one book this year and you don't do that, that's not burnout, that's being lazy. ||||||||||期望|||||||||||||||||||| Maintenant, d'un autre côté, si vous fixez des attentes vraiment faciles, (comme) je vais lire un livre cette année et que vous ne le faites pas, ce n'est pas de l'épuisement professionnel, c'est de la paresse. 另一方面,如果你設定了非常簡單的期望,(例如)我今年要讀一本書,而你沒有這樣做,那不是倦怠,而是懶惰。

Lindsay: That's the other side of things. 這是事情的另一面。

Gabby: Yeah, yeah. So like Lindsay said, (you know), burnout happens when you're trying too hard. 所以就像林賽說的,(你知道),當你太努力時就會出現倦怠。 All right. So keep that in mind. 所以記住這一點。 We're not advocating for you to just (like) be lazy about your English learning. ||提倡||||||||||| 我們並不是提倡您在英語學習上偷懶。 We just want you to have a good balance so that you avoid burnout. ||||||||平衡||||| 我們只是希望您保持良好的平衡,以避免倦怠。

Lindsay: Absolutely. So great. Good luck guys.


Gabby: Before we end today, we want to let you know about our special, premium transcripts. You can purchase our premium transcripts for the whole month. We have November, December, and January available for you to check your listening comprehension. Make sure that you're understanding every word we're saying on this podcast. Build your vocabulary and you can learn independently or with a tutor using the premium transcripts.

You can find those at our website, www.allearsenglish.com/conversations.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.