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TED talks, The beauty of data visualization - David McCandless

The beauty of data visualization - David McCandless

the kills that were all suffering from

information overload or data glut and

the good news is there might be an easy

solution to that and that's using our

eyes more so visualizing information so

we can see the patterns and connections

that matter and in designing that

information so it makes more sense or it

tells a story or allows us to focus only

on the information that's important

failing that visualize information can

just look really cool so let's see this

is the billion dollar a gram

and this image arose out of frustration

I had with the reporting a billion

dollar amounts in the press that is

their meaningless without context five

hundred billion for this pipeline 20

billion for this war it doesn't make any

sense so the only way to understand it

is visually and relatively so I scrape

to load a report figures from various

news outlets and then scaled the boxes

according to those amounts and the

colors here represent the motivation

behind the money so purple is fighting

and red is giving money away and green

is profiteering and what you can see

straight away is you start to have

different relationships the numbers you

can literally see them but more

importantly you start to see patterns

and connections between numbers that

would otherwise be scattered across

multiple news reports and we point out

some that I really like this is OPEX

revenue this green box here 780 billion

a year and this little pixel in the

corner three billion that's their

climate change fund Americans incredibly

generous people over three hundred

billion a year donated to charity every

year compared with the amount of foreign

aid given by the top seventeen

industrialized nations at one hundred

and twenty billion and then of course

the Iraq war predicted to cost just 60

billion back in 2003 and the mushroomed

slightly Afghanistan and Iraq mushroom

now to three thousand billion so now

it's great but now we have this texture

we can add numbers to it as well so we

say well the new food comes out to see

African debt how much of this diagram do

you think might be taken up by the debt

that Africa owes to the West

let's take a look so there it is 227

billion is what Africa owes and the

recent financial crisis how much of this

diagram might that figure take up that

what does that cost the world take a

look at that douche to think is the

appropriate sound effect from very much


11900 billion so by visualizing this

information we turned it into a

landscape that you can explore with your

eyes a kind of map really a sort of

information map when you're lost in

information an information map is kind

of useful so I want to show you another

landscape now we need to imagine what a

landscape of the world's fears might

look like let's take a look

this is mountains out of mole hills a

timeline of global media panic

so our label is for you in a second but

the height here when they point out is

the intensity of certain fears in as

reported in the media let me put them

out to this swine flu pink bird flu SARS

brownish here remember that one the

millennium bug terrible disaster these

little green Peaks are asteroid


and in summer here killer wasps

so these are what our fears look like

over time in the media but what I love

and I'm a journalist and what I love is

finding hidden patterns I love being a

date detective and it's a very

interesting and odd pattern hidden in

this data you can only see when you

visualize it let me highlight it for you

see this line this is the landscape for

violent videogames as you can see

there's a kind of odd regular pattern in

the data Twin Peaks every year if we

look closer we see those Peaks occur at

the same month every year why well

November Christmas videogames come out

and there may well be an upsurge in

concern about their content for April

isn't a particularly massive month for

videogames why April well in April 1999

was the Columbine shooting and since

then that fear has been remembered by

the media and echoes through the group

mind gradually through the year you have

retrospectives anniversaries court cases

even copycat shootings all pushing that

fear into the agenda and there's another

pattern here as well can you spot it see

that gap there there's a gap and it

affects all the other stories why is

there a gap there you see where it

starts September 2001 when we had

something very real to be scared about

so I've been working as a data

journalist for about a year and I keep

hearing a phrase all the time which is

this data is the new oil a data is a

kind of ubiquitous resource that we can

shape to provide new innovations and new

insights and spore around us and it can

be mined very easily it's not a

particularly great metaphor in these

times especially you live around the

Gulf Mexico but I would perhaps adapt

this metaphor slightly and I would say

the data is the new soil because for me

it feels like a fertile creative medium

in over the years online we've laid down

a huge amount of information data we

irrigated with networks and connectivity

and it's been worked and tilled by

unpaid workers and governments and all


kind of milking the metaphor a little

bit but it's a really fertile medium and

it feels like visualizations

infographics data visualizations they

feel like flowers blooming from this

medium but if you look at it directly

it's just a low numbers and disconnected

facts but if you start working with it

and playing with it in a certain way

interesting things can appear in and

different patterns can be revealed let

me show you this can you guess what this

data set is what rises twice a year once

in Easter and then two weeks before

Christmas has a mini peak every Monday

and then flattens out over the summer

I'll take answers chocolate you might

want to get some chocolate in any other

guesses shopping yeah retail therapy

might help sick leave yet you'll

definitely want to take some time off

should we see

so the information guru lee byron and

myself we scraped 10,000 status facebook

updates for the phrase breakup and

broken up and this is the pattern we

found people clearing out for spring


coming out very bad weekends on the

Monday being single over the summer and

then the lowest day of the year of

course Christmas Day who would do that

so there's a Titanic amount of data out

there now I'm presidentís but if you ask

the right kind of question or you work

it in the right kind of way interesting

things can emerge

so informations beautiful data is

beautiful I wonder if I could make my

life beautiful and here's my visual CV

I'm not quite sure I've succeeded pretty

blocky colors aren't that great but I

wanted to convey something to you you

know I started as a program and then I

worked as a writer for many years about

20 years in print online and in

advertising and only recently if I

started designing and I've never been to

design school I've never studied arts or

anything I just kind of learned through

doing and when I started designing and

I've discovered an odd thing about

myself I already knew how to design but

it wasn't like I was immediately

brilliant at it but more like I was

sensitive to the the ideas of grids and

space and alignment and typography it's

almost like being exposed to all this

media over the years had instilled a

kind of dormant design literacy in me

and I don't feel like I'm unique I feel

that every day all of us now are being

blasted by information design it's being

poured into our eyes through the web and

we're all visualizes now we're all

demanding a visual aspect to our

information and there's something almost

quite magical about visual information

it's it's effortless it literally pours

it in and if you're in navigating a

dense information jungle come across a

beautiful graphic or a lovely data

visualization it's a relief it's like

coming across a clearing in the jungle

and I was curious about this so it led

me to the work with

Danish physicist called tour North

Rhonda's he converted the bandwidth of

the senses into computer terms so here

we go this is your sense is pouring into

your senses every second your sense of

sights is the fastest it has the same

bandwidth as a computer network then you

have touch about the speed of a USB key

and then you have hearing and smell

which is the throughput of a hard disk

and then you have poor old taste which

is like rarely the throughput of a

pocket calculator and that little square

in the corner not 0.7% as the amount

we're actually aware of so a lot of your

vision is pouring that bulk of is visual

and it's pouring in it's unconscious and

the eye is exquisitely sensitive to

patterns in variations in color shape

and pattern it loves them it calls them

beautiful it's the language of the eye

and if you combine the language of the

eye with the language of the mind which

is about words and numbers and concepts

you start speaking two languages

simultaneously each enhancing the other

so you have the eye and then you drop in

the concepts and that whole thing it's

two languages both working at the same

time so we can use this new kind of

language if you like to alter our

perspective or change our views and we

ask you a simple question with a really

simple answer who has the biggest

military budget it's gotta be America

right massive 609 billion in 2008 607

rather so massive in fact that it can

contain all the other military budgets

in the world

inside itself gobble gobble gobble

gobble gobble now you can see Africa's

total debt there and the UK budget

deficit for reference so that might well

chime with your view that America is a

war mongering military machine out to

overpower the world that it's huge

industrial military complex but is it

true that America has the biggest

military budget because America is

incredibly rich country in fact it's so

massively rich that it can contain the

four other top industrialized nations

economies inside itself it's so vastly

rich so its military budget is bound to

be enormous so to be fair and to alter

our perspective we have to bring in

another data set a data set is GDP or

the country's own

who has the biggest budget as a

proportion of GDP let's have a look that

changes the picture considerably other

countries pop into view than you perhaps

weren't considering and America drops

into eighth you can also do this with

soldiers who has the most soldiers it's

gotta be China of course 2.1 million

again chiming with your view that China

has a military regime ready to you know

mobilize its enormous forces but of

course China has an enormous population

so if we do the same we see a radically

different picture

China drops to a hundred and twenty

fourth it actually has a tiny army when

you take other data into consideration

so absolute figures like the military

budget in a connected world kind of

don't give you the whole picture they're

not as true as they could be we need

relative figures that are connected to

other data so that we can see a fuller

picture and then that can lead to us

changing our perspective as Hans Rosling

the master my master said let the data

set change your mindset and if they can

do that maybe can also change your

behavior take a look at this one I'm a

bit of a health nut I love kind of like

taking supplements and being fit but I

can never understand what's going on in

terms of evidence

there's always conflicting evidence

should I take the procedures were taking

wheat grass so this is a visualization

of all the evidence for nutritional

supplements it's this kind of diagram is

called a balloon race so the higher up

the image the more evidence there is for

each supplement and the bubbles

correspond to popularity as regards to

Google hits so you can kind of

immediately apprehend the relationship

between efficacy and popularity but you

can also if you braid the evidence sort

of do a worth it line and so supplements

above this line are worth investigating

but only for the conditions listed below

and then supplements below the line or

perhaps not worth investigating now this

image constitutes a huge amount of work

we scraped like 1,000 studies from

PubMed the biomedical database and we

compiled them in greater than law it was

incredibly frustrating for me because

I'd a book of 250 visualizations to do

for my

and I spent a month doing this so I had

only filled two pages but what it points

to is that visualizing information like

this is it's a form of knowledge

compression it's a way of squeezing an

enormous amount of information and

understanding into a small space

and once you've curated that day and

once you clean that day and once it's

there you can do cool stuff like this so

I convert this into an interactive app

so I can now generate this application

online this visualization online I can

say yeah brilliant so it's it spawns

itself and then I could say well just

show me the stuff the effects heart


so let's filter that out the heart as

filtered out so I can see if I'm curious

about that I think no no I don't want to

take any synthetics I just want to see

plants and and just show me herb some

plants we go all the natural ingredients

now this app is spawning itself from the

data the data is all stored in a Google

Doc and it's literally generating itself

from that data so the data is now alive

this is a living image and I can update

it in a second new evidence comes out I

just change a row on a spreadsheet

doosh again this the imagery recreates

itself so it's cause it's kind of living

and but it kind of can go beyond data

and it can go beyond numbers I like to

apply information visualization to ideas

and concepts this is a visualization of

the political spectrum an attempt for me

to try and understand how it works and

how the ideas percolate down from

government into society and culture into

families into individuals instead

beliefs and background again in a cycle

what I love about this image is it's

it's made up of concepts it explores our

worldviews and it helps us it helps me


to see what others think and to see

where they're coming from it feels just

incredibly cool to do that and what was

most exciting for me designing this was

that when I was designing this image I

desperately wanted this side the left

side to be better than the right side

being on a journalist left leaning


but I couldn't because I would have

created a lopsided biased diagram so in

order to really create full image I had

to honor the perspectives and on the

right hand side at the same time kind of

uncomfortably recognize how many of

those qualities were actually in me

which is very very annoying and

uncomfortable but not too uncomfortable

because there's something unthreatening

about seeing a political perspective

versus being told or forced to listen to

one it's actually you capable of holding

conflicting viewpoints joyously when you

can see them it's even fun to engage

with them because it's visual

that's what exciting for me seeing how

data can change my perspective and

change my mind midstream beautiful

lovely data so just to wrap up I want to

say that it feels to me that design is

about solving problems and providing

elegant solutions an information design

is about solving information problems

and it feels like we have a lot of

information problems in our society at

the moment from the overload and

saturation to the breakdown of trust and

reliability and runaway skepticism and

lack of transparency or even just

interesting this I mean I find

information just too interesting it has

a magnetic quality that draws me in so

if visualizing information can give us a

very quick solution to those kinds of

problems and even when the information

is terrible the visual can be quite

beautiful and often we can get clarity

or the answer to a simple question very

quickly like this one

the recent Icelandic volcano which was

emitting the most co2 was at the plains

or the volcano the grounded planes or

the volcano so we can have a look we

look at the data and we see yep volcano

meter 150,000 tons the grounded plane

would emitted 345,000 if they were in

the sky

so essentially we had our first

carbon-neutral volcano

and that is beautiful thank


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The beauty of data visualization - David McCandless ||||||McCandless ||||تصوير البيانات|| ||||visualization|| ||||visualización|| ||||visualização||McCandless Die Schönheit der Datenvisualisierung - David McCandless La belleza de la visualización de datos - David McCandless La beauté de la visualisation des données - David McCandless La bellezza della visualizzazione dei dati - David McCandless データ可視化の美学 - デイビッド・マッキャンドレス Piękno wizualizacji danych - David McCandless A beleza da visualização de dados - David McCandless Красота визуализации данных - Дэвид МакКэндлесс Veri görselleştirmenin güzelliği - David McCandless 数据可视化之美 - 戴维-麦坎德斯 數據視覺化之美 - David McCandless

the kills that were all suffering from |||||kenčiančių| |muertes||||| las muertes que todos estaban sufriendo убийства, от которых все страдали

information overload or data glut and |pertekliaus|||perteklius| ||||excess of information| ||||فيض| |sobrecarga|||excesso| |Sobrecarga de información|||Exceso de datos| sobrecarga de información o exceso de datos y

the good news is there might be an easy ||noticia|||||| la buena noticia es que podría haber una

solution to that and that's using our ||||||chúng tôi solución a eso y eso es usar nuestro

eyes more so visualizing information so |||visualizando|| ojos más visualizando información así

we can see the patterns and connections podemos ver los patrones y las conexiones

that matter and in designing that eso importa y en el diseño de eso

information so it makes more sense or it información para que tenga más sentido o

tells a story or allows us to focus only

on the information that's important

failing that visualize information can ||visualizar|| неспособность визуализировать информацию может

just look really cool so let's see this

is the billion dollar a gram |||||gramo миллиард долларов за грамм

and this image arose out of frustration |||surgió||| |||surgiu|||frustração и этот образ возник из разочарования

I had with the reporting a billion У меня был с отчетностью миллиард

dollar amounts in the press that is суммы в долларах в прессе, т.е.

their meaningless without context five |sem sentido|||

hundred billion for this pipeline 20 ||||oleoducto ||||tubulação сто миллиардов для этого трубопровода 20

billion for this war it doesn't make any миллиард для этой войны это ничего не дает

sense so the only way to understand it смысл, так что единственный способ понять это

is visually and relatively so I scrape ||||||raspo |||relativamente|||raspo визуально и относительно так я царапаю

to load a report figures from various |cargar|||figuras|| |carregar||||| загрузить данные отчета из различных

news outlets and then scaled the boxes |medios|||escalaron|| |veículos|||ajustou|| medios de comunicación y luego escalaron las cajas

according to those amounts and the según esos importes y el

colors here represent the motivation цвета здесь представляют мотивацию

behind the money so purple is fighting Detrás del dinero tan morado esta peleando за деньги так фиолетовый борется

and red is giving money away and green y el rojo está regalando dinero y el verde и красный раздает деньги, а зеленый

is profiteering and what you can see |especulación||||| |lucratividade||||| se está lucrando y lo que puedes ver

straight away is you start to have directamente|||||| de inmediato empiezas a tener сразу же вы начинаете иметь

different relationships the numbers you diferentes relaciones los números que

can literally see them but more puedo||||| literalmente puedo verlos pero más можно буквально увидеть их, но больше

importantly you start to see patterns |||||patrones lo importante es que empieces a ver patrones главное вы начинаете видеть закономерности

and connections between numbers that y conexiones entre números que

would otherwise be scattered across |||dispersos| |||dispersos| de lo contrario se esparciría por

multiple news reports and we point out múltiples informes de noticias y señalamos

some that I really like this is OPEX |||||||OPEX |||||||OPEX algunos que realmente me gustan es OPEX кое-что, что мне действительно нравится, это OPEX

revenue this green box here 780 billion ingresos||||| receita||||| ingresos de esta caja verde aquí 780 mil millones

a year and this little pixel in the |||||pixel|| un año y este pequeño píxel en el

corner three billion that's their esquina tres mil millones que es su угол три миллиарда это их

climate change fund Americans incredibly ||fondo|| ||fundo|| financiar el cambio climático a los estadounidenses increíblemente изменение климата финансируют американцы невероятно

generous people over three hundred gente generosa mas de trescientos щедрые люди свыше трехсот

billion a year donated to charity every |||doada||caridade| mil millones al año donados a la caridad cada

year compared with the amount of foreign año en comparación con la cantidad de extranjeros год по сравнению с объемом иностранных

aid given by the top seventeen ayuda dada por los diecisiete mejores помощь, оказанная лучшими семнадцатью

industrialized nations at one hundred naciones industrializadas a cien

and twenty billion and then of course y veinte mil millones y luego por supuesto

the Iraq war predicted to cost just 60 la|||||| la guerra de Irak se pronostica que costará solo 60

billion back in 2003 and the mushroomed |||||tăng vọt |||||aumentó |||||aumentou mil millones en 2003 y la proliferación

slightly Afghanistan and Iraq mushroom |Afeganistão|||cogumelo ligeramente|||| ligeramente setas de Afganistán e Irak

now to three thousand billion so now ||||mil|| ahora a tres mil billones así que ahora

it's great but now we have this texture |||||||textura es genial pero ahora tenemos esta textura это здорово, но теперь у нас есть эта текстура

we can add numbers to it as well so we también podemos agregarle números para que

say well the new food comes out to see di que la nueva comida sale a ver Скажи хорошо, новая еда выходит посмотреть

African debt how much of this diagram do ||||||biểu đồ| ||||||diagrama| Deuda africana, ¿cuánto de este diagrama?

you think might be taken up by the debt crees que podría ser asumido por la deuda

that Africa owes to the West que África le debe a Occidente чем Африка обязана Западу

let's take a look so there it is 227 echemos un vistazo, así que ahí está 227

billion is what Africa owes and the mil millones es lo que África debe y el

recent financial crisis how much of this crisis financiera reciente ¿cuánto de esto

diagram might that figure take up that ¿Podría esa figura tomar ese diagrama?

what does that cost the world take a ¿Qué le cuesta eso al mundo? чего это стоит миру

look at that douche to think is the |||thằng ngốc|||| |||idiota|||| |||idiota|||| mira ese imbécil para pensar que es el посмотри на этого придурка, чтобы подумать,

appropriate sound effect from very much efecto de sonido apropiado de mucho соответствующий звуковой эффект от очень

money dinero

11900 billion so by visualizing this 11900 mil millones al visualizar esto

information we turned it into a ||||em| ||convertimos||| información la convertimos en un

landscape that you can explore with your paisaje que puedes explorar con tu

eyes a kind of map really a sort of ojos una especie de mapa realmente una especie de

information map when you're lost in mapa de información cuando estás perdido en

information an information map is kind información un mapa de información es amable

of useful so I want to show you another de útil así que quiero mostrarte otro

landscape now we need to imagine what a paisaje ahora tenemos que imaginar qué

landscape of the world's fears might paisaje de los miedos del mundo podría

look like let's take a look parece que echemos un vistazo

this is mountains out of mole hills a |||||mole|| |||||montanha|montanhas| esto es montañas de colinas de topo un

timeline of global media panic línea de tiempo|||| linha do tempo|||| cronología del pánico mediático global

so our label is for you in a second but así que nuestra etiqueta es para ti en un segundo pero

the height here when they point out is |altura|||||| la altura aquí cuando señalan es

the intensity of certain fears in as la intensidad de ciertos miedos en

reported in the media let me put them informó en los medios déjame ponerlos

out to this swine flu pink bird flu SARS |||lợn||||| |||peste||||| |||suína|||||SARS a esta gripe porcina gripe aviar rosada SARS

brownish here remember that one the nâu||||| marrón||||| acastanhado||||| pardusco aquí recuerda que uno de los

millennium bug terrible disaster these bug|||| error del milenio terrible desastre estos

little green Peaks are asteroid ||picos|| pequeños picos verdes son asteroides

collisions colisiones colisões colisiones

and in summer here killer wasps |||||avispones |||||vespas y en verano aqui avispas asesinas

so these are what our fears look like así que estos son nuestros miedos

over time in the media but what I love a lo largo del tiempo en los medios pero lo que amo

and I'm a journalist and what I love is y soy periodista y lo que amo es

finding hidden patterns I love being a encontrando patrones ocultos me encanta ser un

date detective and it's a very |detetive|||| salir con el detective y es muy

interesting and odd pattern hidden in ||estranha||| patrón interesante y extraño escondido en

this data you can only see when you estos datos solo se pueden ver cuando

visualize it let me highlight it for you visualízalo déjame resaltarlo para ti

see this line this is the landscape for mira esta línea este es el paisaje para

violent videogames as you can see |trò chơi điện tử|||| |videogames|||| videojuegos violentos como puedes ver

there's a kind of odd regular pattern in ||||estranha||| hay una especie de patrón regular extraño en

the data Twin Peaks every year if we ||Gêmeos||||| los datos Twin Peaks cada año si данные Твин Пикс каждый год, если мы

look closer we see those Peaks occur at mira más de cerca, vemos que esos picos ocurren en

the same month every year why well el mismo mes todos los años porque bien

November Christmas videogames come out Salen los videojuegos navideños de noviembre

and there may well be an upsurge in ||||||aumento| ||||||aumento| y bien puede haber un aumento en

concern about their content for April preocupación por su contenido para abril

isn't a particularly massive month for no es un mes particularmente masivo para

videogames why April well in April 1999 videojuegos por qué abril bien en abril de 1999

was the Columbine shooting and since ||Columbine||| ||Columbine|tiroteo|| ||tiroteio||| fue el tiroteo de Columbine y desde был расстрел Колумбайн и с тех пор

then that fear has been remembered by entonces ese miedo ha sido recordado por

the media and echoes through the group |||vang vọng||| los medios y se hace eco a través del grupo

mind gradually through the year you have mente gradualmente a lo largo del año que tiene

retrospectives anniversaries court cases hồi tưởng||| retrospectivas|aniversarios|| retrospectivas|aniversários|| ретроспективы юбилеи судебные дела

even copycat shootings all pushing that |imitadores|||| |imitador|tiroteios||| incluso disparos de imitadores, todos empujando eso

fear into the agenda and there's another |||agenda||| el miedo en la agenda y hay otro

pattern here as well can you spot it see patrón aquí también ¿puedes verlo?

that gap there there's a gap and it esa brecha ahí hay una brecha y

affects all the other stories why is afecta a todas las otras historias por qué es

there a gap there you see where it hay un hueco ahí ves donde esta

starts September 2001 when we had comienza en septiembre de 2001 cuando tuvimos

something very real to be scared about algo muy real de lo que tener miedo

so I've been working as a data entonces he estado trabajando como un dato

journalist for about a year and I keep periodista durante aproximadamente un año y sigo

hearing a phrase all the time which is escuchar una frase todo el tiempo que es

this data is the new oil a data is a este dato es el nuevo aceite un dato es un

kind of ubiquitous resource that we can ||ubicuos|||| ||ubíqua|||| tipo de recurso omnipresente que podemos

shape to provide new innovations and new forma para proporcionar nuevas innovaciones y nuevos

insights and spore around us and it can ||bào tử||||| ||espora||||| ||esporo||||| conocimientos y esporas a nuestro alrededor y puede идеи и споры вокруг нас, и это может

be mined very easily it's not a |extraído||||| ser minado muy fácilmente no es un

particularly great metaphor in these ||metáfora|| particularmente gran metáfora en estos

times especially you live around the momentos especialmente en los que vives alrededor del

Gulf Mexico but I would perhaps adapt Golfo de México pero quizás me adaptaría

this metaphor slightly and I would say esta metáfora un poco y yo diría

the data is the new soil because for me los datos son el nuevo suelo porque para mi

it feels like a fertile creative medium ||||fértil|| se siente como un medio creativo fértil

in over the years online we've laid down a lo largo de los años en línea, hemos establecido

a huge amount of information data we una gran cantidad de datos de información que

irrigated with networks and connectivity tưới tiêu||||kết nối irrigado|||| irrigada||||conectividade regado con redes y conectividad

and it's been worked and tilled by |||||cày| |||||cultivado| |||||cultivado| y ha sido trabajado y labrado por

unpaid workers and governments and all no remunerados||||| não remunerados||||| trabajadores no remunerados y gobiernos y todos неоплачиваемые рабочие и правительства и все

right Derecha

kind of milking the metaphor a little ||ordeño|||| ||ordeira|||| como ordeñar un poco la metáfora вид немного доит метафора

bit but it's a really fertile medium and un poco, pero es un medio realmente fértil y

it feels like visualizations |||visualizações se siente como visualizaciones

infographics data visualizations they as infografias||| visualizaciones de datos de infografías

feel like flowers blooming from this |||florescendo|| siento como flores floreciendo de esto

medium but if you look at it directly medio pero si lo miras directamente

it's just a low numbers and disconnected ||||||desconectados es solo un número bajo y desconectado это просто низкие цифры и отключен

facts but if you start working with it

and playing with it in a certain way y jugar con eso de cierta manera

interesting things can appear in and pueden aparecer cosas interesantes en y

different patterns can be revealed let Se pueden revelar diferentes patrones.

me show you this can you guess what this te mostraré esto, ¿puedes adivinar qué es esto?

data set is what rises twice a year once conjunto de datos es lo que aumenta dos veces al año una vez

in Easter and then two weeks before en Semana Santa y luego dos semanas antes на Пасху, а затем за две недели до

Christmas has a mini peak every Monday |||mini||| La Navidad tiene un mini pico todos los lunes

and then flattens out over the summer ||achata|||| y luego se aplana durante el verano

I'll take answers chocolate you might Tomaré respuestas chocolate, podrías

want to get some chocolate in any other quiero conseguir un poco de chocolate en cualquier otro

guesses shopping yeah retail therapy đoán|||| |||varejo| adivina compras sí terapia de compras догадки шоппинг да розничная терапия

might help sick leave yet you'll ||enfermo||| podría ayudar con la licencia por enfermedad, pero

definitely want to take some time off definitivamente quiero tomarme un tiempo libre

should we see deberíamos ver

so the information guru lee byron and |||guru|lee|byron| así|||||| así que el gurú de la información lee byron y поэтому информационный гуру Ли Байрон и

myself we scraped 10,000 status facebook ||raspamos|| ||coletamos|| yo mismo raspamos 10,000 estados de facebook лично мы наскребли 10 000 статусов в фейсбуке

updates for the phrase breakup and ||||chia tay| ||||ruptura| ||||término| actualizaciones para la ruptura de frases y обновления для фразы breakout и

broken up and this is the pattern we roto||||||| roto y este es el patrón que

found people clearing out for spring encontré gente limpiando para la primavera

break rotura

coming out very bad weekends on the ||||fins de semana|| saliendo fines de semana muy malos en el выходя очень плохие выходные на

Monday being single over the summer and Lunes siendo soltero durante el verano y

then the lowest day of the year of entonces el día más bajo del año de

course Christmas Day who would do that Por supuesto, el día de Navidad, ¿quién haría eso?

so there's a Titanic amount of data out |||titanica|||| por lo que hay una cantidad de datos del Titanic

there now I'm presidentís but if you ask |||presidenta|||| |||presidente|||| ahí ahora soy presidente pero si preguntas теперь я президент, но если вы спросите

the right kind of question or you work el tipo correcto de pregunta o trabajas

it in the right kind of way interesting es de la manera correcta interesante

things can emerge las cosas pueden surgir

so informations beautiful data is |dữ liệu||| |información||| |informações||| por lo que la información hermosa es

beautiful I wonder if I could make my hermosa me pregunto si podría hacer mi

life beautiful and here's my visual CV vida hermosa y aquí está mi CV visual

I'm not quite sure I've succeeded pretty No estoy muy seguro de haberlo logrado bastante

blocky colors aren't that great but I khối|||||| bloques|||||| blocos|||||| los colores en bloques no son tan buenos, pero yo

wanted to convey something to you you ||transmitir|||| ||transmitir|||| quería transmitirte algo a ti

know I started as a program and then I sé que comencé como un programa y luego

worked as a writer for many years about trabajó como escritor durante muchos años sobre

20 years in print online and in 20 años impresos en línea y en

advertising and only recently if I publicidad y solo recientemente si

started designing and I've never been to comencé a diseñar y nunca he estado en

design school I've never studied arts or escuela de diseño nunca he estudiado artes o

anything I just kind of learned through cualquier cosa que acabo de aprender

doing and when I started designing and haciendo y cuando comencé a diseñar y

I've discovered an odd thing about He descubierto algo extraño sobre

myself I already knew how to design but yo ya sabía diseñar pero

it wasn't like I was immediately no era como si fuera inmediatamente

brilliant at it but more like I was brillante en eso, pero más como yo

sensitive to the the ideas of grids and ||||||lưới| ||||||redes| ||||||redes| sensible a las ideas de cuadrículas y

space and alignment and typography it's ||||tipografia| espacio y alineación y tipografía es

almost like being exposed to all this casi como estar expuesto a todo esto

media over the years had instilled a |||||truyền bá| |||||instilado| |||||instilado| Los medios de comunicación a lo largo de los años habían inculcado

kind of dormant design literacy in me ||dormida||alfabetización|| ||dormant||alfabetização|| una especie de alfabetización de diseño latente en mí

and I don't feel like I'm unique I feel y no me siento único, me siento

that every day all of us now are being que todos los días ahora todos estamos siendo

blasted by information design it's being maldita||||| explodido||||| arruinado por el diseño de la información está siendo

poured into our eyes through the web and vertió||||||| vertido en nuestros ojos a través de la web y

we're all visualizes now we're all ||hình dung||| ||visualizamos||| estamos||||| todos visualizamos ahora somos todos

demanding a visual aspect to our exigiendo un aspecto visual a nuestro

information and there's something almost información y hay algo casi

quite magical about visual information bastante mágico sobre la información visual

it's it's effortless it literally pours ||dễ dàng||| ||sem esforço|||cai es sin esfuerzo, literalmente se vierte

it in and if you're in navigating a y si estás navegando por un

dense information jungle come across a densa jungla de información se encuentra con una

beautiful graphic or a lovely data |gráfica|||| hermoso gráfico o datos hermosos

visualization it's a relief it's like |||um alívio|| visualización es un alivio es como

coming across a clearing in the jungle |||despeje||| encontrando un claro en la jungla

and I was curious about this so it led y tenía curiosidad por esto, así que me llevó

me to the work with yo al trabajo con

Danish physicist called tour North |físico||gira| |físico||| Físico danés llamado Tour North

Rhonda's he converted the bandwidth of ||||băng thông| de Rhonda||||largura de banda| Rhonda convirtió el ancho de banda de

the senses into computer terms so here los sentidos en términos informáticos, así que aquí

we go this is your sense is pouring into |||||||vertendo| vamos, este es tu sentido se está vertiendo en мы идем это ваше чувство вливается в

your senses every second your sense of tus sentidos cada segundo tu sentido de

sights is the fastest it has the same sights||||||| pontos turísticos||||||| miras es el más rápido tiene el mismo прицелы самые быстрые у него такие же

bandwidth as a computer network then you ancho de banda como una red informática, entonces usted

have touch about the speed of a USB key |||||||pen drive| tocar la velocidad de una llave USB

and then you have hearing and smell y luego tienes oído y olfato

which is the throughput of a hard disk |||băng thông||||đĩa |||rendimiento||||disco |||taxa de transferência||||disco que es el rendimiento de un disco duro

and then you have poor old taste which y luego tienes un mal gusto que

is like rarely the throughput of a es como rara vez el rendimiento de un

pocket calculator and that little square |calculadora|||| calculadora de bolsillo y ese cuadradito

in the corner not 0.7% as the amount en la esquina no 0,7% como la cantidad

we're actually aware of so a lot of your en realidad somos conscientes de muchas de tus

vision is pouring that bulk of is visual ||||volumen||| ||||massa||| La visión está fluyendo, la mayor parte es visual.

and it's pouring in it's unconscious and y está entrando a raudales, es inconsciente y

the eye is exquisitely sensitive to |||exquisitamente|| el ojo es exquisitamente sensible a

patterns in variations in color shape patrones en variaciones en la forma del color

and pattern it loves them it calls them y patrón los ama los llama

beautiful it's the language of the eye hermoso es el lenguaje de los ojos

and if you combine the language of the y si combinas el lenguaje del

eye with the language of the mind which ojo con el lenguaje de la mente que

is about words and numbers and concepts se trata de palabras, números y conceptos

you start speaking two languages empiezas a hablar dos idiomas

simultaneously each enhancing the other ||mejorando|| ||potencializando|| simultáneamente cada uno realzando al otro

so you have the eye and then you drop in Entonces tienes el ojo y luego caes en

the concepts and that whole thing it's los conceptos y todo eso es

two languages both working at the same dos idiomas trabajando al mismo tiempo

time so we can use this new kind of tiempo para que podamos usar este nuevo tipo de

language if you like to alter our idioma si desea modificar nuestro

perspective or change our views and we perspectiva o cambiar nuestros puntos de vista y nosotros

ask you a simple question with a really hacerte una pregunta sencilla con un

simple answer who has the biggest respuesta simple quien tiene el mayor

military budget it's gotta be America presupuesto militar tiene que ser América военный бюджет это должно быть Америка

right massive 609 billion in 2008 607 derecha masiva 609 mil millones en 2008607

rather so massive in fact that it can más bien tan masivo de hecho que puede

contain all the other military budgets |||||orçamentos contener todos los demás presupuestos militares

in the world en el mundo

inside itself gobble gobble gobble |||gole| dentro de sí mismo engulle engulle engulle

gobble gobble now you can see Africa's gargalhada||||||a engulle engulle ahora puede ver África

total debt there and the UK budget deuda total allí y el presupuesto del Reino Unido

deficit for reference so that might well déficit como referencia, por lo que bien podría

chime with your view that America is a chuông||||||| coincide||||||| suena con su punto de vista de que Estados Unidos es un

war mongering military machine out to |khai thác|||| |mongering|||| |de|||| máquina militar de guerra hacia разжигающая войну военная машина

overpower the world that it's huge domina||||| dominar al mundo que es enorme

industrial military complex but is it complejo militar industrial, pero es

true that America has the biggest cierto que Estados Unidos tiene el mayor

military budget because America is presupuesto militar porque Estados Unidos es

incredibly rich country in fact it's so país increíblemente rico de hecho es tan

massively rich that it can contain the massivamente|||||| enormemente rico que puede contener el

four other top industrialized nations otras cuatro naciones industrializadas importantes

economies inside itself it's so vastly |||||vastamente economías dentro de sí mismo es tan enorme

rich so its military budget is bound to rico, por lo que su presupuesto militar está destinado a

be enormous so to be fair and to alter ser enorme para ser justo y alterar

our perspective we have to bring in nuestra perspectiva tenemos que traer

another data set a data set is GDP or otro conjunto de datos un conjunto de datos es el PIB o

the country's own |do| el propio del pais

who has the biggest budget as a que tiene el mayor presupuesto como

proportion of GDP let's have a look that proporción del PIB echemos un vistazo a que

changes the picture considerably other cambia la imagen considerablemente

countries pop into view than you perhaps países aparecen a la vista de lo que quizás tú

weren't considering and America drops no estábamos considerando y América cae

into eighth you can also do this with |octava|||||| en octavo también puede hacer esto con

soldiers who has the most soldiers it's soldados que tiene más soldados es

gotta be China of course 2.1 million tiene que ser China, por supuesto, 2,1 millones

again chiming with your view that China |lặp lại||||| |coincidiendo||||| |sintonizando||||| de nuevo repicando con su opinión de que China

has a military regime ready to you know tiene un régimen militar listo para que lo sepas

mobilize its enormous forces but of movilizar||||| mobiliza||||| movilizar sus enormes fuerzas pero de

course China has an enormous population Por supuesto que China tiene una población enorme

so if we do the same we see a radically así que si hacemos lo mismo, vemos un cambio radical

different picture imagen diferente

China drops to a hundred and twenty China cae a ciento veinte

fourth it actually has a tiny army when cuarto, en realidad tiene un pequeño ejército cuando

you take other data into consideration |||||consideração tiene en cuenta otros datos

so absolute figures like the military cifras tan absolutas como los militares

budget in a connected world kind of presupuesto en un mundo conectado

don't give you the whole picture they're no te dé la imagen completa, son

not as true as they could be we need no tan cierto como podría ser, necesitamos

relative figures that are connected to cifras relativas que están conectadas a

other data so that we can see a fuller ||||||||toàn diện ||||||||mais completa otros datos para que podamos ver una

picture and then that can lead to us imagen y luego eso puede llevarnos a nosotros

changing our perspective as Hans Rosling ||||Hans|Rosling cambiando nuestra perspectiva como Hans Rosling

the master my master said let the data el maestro mi maestro dijo dejar los datos

set change your mindset and if they can establecer cambiar su forma de pensar y si pueden

do that maybe can also change your haz eso tal vez también pueda cambiar tu

behavior take a look at this one I'm a comportamiento echa un vistazo a este soy un

bit of a health nut I love kind of like ||||aficionada||||| um pouco|||saúde|nutricionista||||| un poco loco por la salud que amo como что-то вроде ореха здоровья я люблю вроде как

taking supplements and being fit but I tomando suplementos y estando en forma, pero yo

can never understand what's going on in nunca puedo entender lo que está pasando en

terms of evidence términos de evidencia

there's always conflicting evidence ||contraditória| siempre hay evidencia contradictoria всегда есть противоречивые доказательства

should I take the procedures were taking ||||thủ tục|| ||||os procedimentos|| ¿Debería tomar los procedimientos que estaba tomando? должен ли я принимать процедуры

wheat grass so this is a visualization trigo|hierba|||||visualización trigo|||||| pasto de trigo, así que esta es una visualización трава пшеницы, так что это визуализация

of all the evidence for nutritional de toda la evidencia de nutrición

supplements it's this kind of diagram is suplementos, este tipo de diagrama es

called a balloon race so the higher up |||carrera|||| llamada carrera de globos, así que cuanto más arriba

the image the more evidence there is for la imagen, más evidencia hay para

each supplement and the bubbles |suplemento||| cada suplemento y las burbujas

correspond to popularity as regards to corresponde||popularidade||| corresponden a la popularidad en lo que respecta a

Google hits so you can kind of |resultados||||| Google golpea para que puedas

immediately apprehend the relationship |hiểu|| |comprender|| |compreender|| aprehender inmediatamente la relación сразу понять отношения

between efficacy and popularity but you |hiệu quả|||| |eficacia|||| |eficácia|||| entre eficacia y popularidad pero tú

can also if you braid the evidence sort ||||trenzas||| ||||tranças||| también puede, si trenza la evidencia, ordenar может также если вы заплетаете улики сортировать

of do a worth it line and so supplements de hacer una línea que valga la pena y, por lo tanto, complementa

above this line are worth investigating por encima de esta línea vale la pena investigar

but only for the conditions listed below pero solo para las condiciones que se enumeran a continuación

and then supplements below the line or ||suplementos|||| y luego complementa debajo de la línea o

perhaps not worth investigating now this tal vez no valga la pena investigar ahora esto

image constitutes a huge amount of work |đóng vai trò||||| |constitui||||| la imagen constituye una gran cantidad de trabajo

we scraped like 1,000 studies from raspamos como 1,000 estudios de

PubMed the biomedical database and we PubMed||biomédica||| PubMed la base de datos biomédica y nosotros

compiled them in greater than law it was compilado||||||| compilada||||||| compilado en más grande que la ley fue составил их больше, чем закон, это было

incredibly frustrating for me because increíblemente frustrante para mí porque

I'd a book of 250 visualizations to do yo|||||| Tengo un libro de 250 visualizaciones para hacer

for my para mi

and I spent a month doing this so I had y pasé un mes haciendo esto, así que tuve

only filled two pages but what it points solo llenó dos páginas pero lo que apunta

to is that visualizing information like es que visualizar información como

this is it's a form of knowledge esta es una forma de conocimiento

compression it's a way of squeezing an nén|||||| compresión|||||| compressão|||||| compresión es una forma de apretar un

enormous amount of information and enorme cantidad de información y

understanding into a small space comprensión en un espacio pequeño

and once you've curated that day and |||curado||| y una vez que hayas seleccionado ese día y

once you clean that day and once it's una vez que limpias ese día y una vez que es

there you can do cool stuff like this so allí puedes hacer cosas geniales como esta, así que

I convert this into an interactive app |||||interativa| Convierto esto en una aplicación interactiva

so I can now generate this application ||||||aplicação entonces ahora puedo generar esta aplicación

online this visualization online I can en línea esta visualización en línea puedo

say yeah brilliant so it's it spawns ||||||sinh ra ||||||genera ||||||gera Di que sí, brillante, así que se genera.

itself and then I could say well just en sí mismo y luego podría decir bien, solo

show me the stuff the effects heart enséñame las cosas, los efectos del corazón

health salud

so let's filter that out the heart as así que filtremos eso del corazón como

filtered out so I can see if I'm curious filtrado|||||||| filtrado|||||||| filtrado para que pueda ver si tengo curiosidad

about that I think no no I don't want to

take any synthetics I just want to see ||hóa chất tổng hợp||||| ||sintéticos||||| ||sintéticos||||| возьми любую синтетику я просто хочу посмотреть

plants and and just show me herb some ||||||hierba| ||||||erva| plantas y solo enséñame algunas hierbas

plants we go all the natural ingredients plantas vamos todos los ingredientes naturales

now this app is spawning itself from the ||||tạo ra||| ||||generando||| ||||gerando||| ahora esta aplicación se está generando desde el

data the data is all stored in a Google datos todos los datos se almacenan en un Google

Doc and it's literally generating itself Doc y literalmente se está generando

from that data so the data is now alive a partir de esos datos para que los datos ahora estén vivos

this is a living image and I can update esta es una imagen viva y puedo actualizar

it in a second new evidence comes out I en una segunda nueva evidencia sale yo

just change a row on a spreadsheet ||||||hoja de cálculo ||||||planilha solo cambia una fila en una hoja de cálculo

doosh again this the imagery recreates doosh||||| doosh||||imágenes|recrea verbo auxiliar|||||recria doosh снова это образы воссоздают

itself so it's cause it's kind of living

and but it kind of can go beyond data

and it can go beyond numbers I like to

apply information visualization to ideas

and concepts this is a visualization of

the political spectrum an attempt for me

to try and understand how it works and

how the ideas percolate down from |||thẩm thấu|| |||percolan|| |||percolam||

government into society and culture into el gobierno en la sociedad y la cultura en

families into individuals instead familias en individuos en cambio

beliefs and background again in a cycle creencias y antecedentes nuevamente en un ciclo

what I love about this image is it's lo que me encanta de esta imagen es que es

it's made up of concepts it explores our ||||||explora| se compone de conceptos explora nuestra

worldviews and it helps us it helps me cosmovisiones||||||| visões de mundo||||||| cosmovisiones y nos ayuda a mí me ayuda

anyway de todas formas

to see what others think and to see para ver lo que otros piensan y para ver

where they're coming from it feels just de donde vienen se siente justo

incredibly cool to do that and what was increíblemente genial para hacer eso y lo que fue

most exciting for me designing this was Lo más emocionante para mí fue diseñar esto

that when I was designing this image I que cuando estaba diseñando esta imagen

desperately wanted this side the left Quería desesperadamente este lado de la izquierda

side to be better than the right side

being on a journalist left leaning |||||de izquierda |||||tendência


but I couldn't because I would have

created a lopsided biased diagram so in ||khiến cho|||| ||desequilibrado|sesgado|diagrama|| ||torto|tendencioso|diagrama||

order to really create full image I had

to honor the perspectives and on the

right hand side at the same time kind of

uncomfortably recognize how many of khó chịu|||| desconfortavelmente||||

those qualities were actually in me

which is very very annoying and

uncomfortable but not too uncomfortable

because there's something unthreatening |||không đe dọa |||no amenazante |||não ameaçador

about seeing a political perspective sobre ver una perspectiva política

versus being told or forced to listen to versus que le digan u obliguen a escuchar

one it's actually you capable of holding uno es realmente capaz de sostener

conflicting viewpoints joyously when you ||vui vẻ|| ||con alegría|| ||alegremente|| puntos de vista en conflicto con alegría cuando

can see them it's even fun to engage

with them because it's visual con ellos porque es visual

that's what exciting for me seeing how eso es lo emocionante para mi ver como

data can change my perspective and los datos pueden cambiar mi perspectiva y

change my mind midstream beautiful |||giữa chừng| |||a mitad de camino| |||no meio| cambia de opinión a mitad de camino hermosa

lovely data so just to wrap up I want to |||||concluir|para||| datos encantadores, así que, para terminar, quiero прекрасные данные, так что просто чтобы подвести итог, я хочу

say that it feels to me that design is Dime que siento que el diseño es

about solving problems and providing sobre la resolución de problemas y la prestación de

elegant solutions an information design soluciones elegantes un diseño de información

is about solving information problems se trata de resolver problemas de información

and it feels like we have a lot of y parece que tenemos muchos

information problems in our society at problemas de información en nuestra sociedad en

the moment from the overload and el momento de la sobrecarga y

saturation to the breakdown of trust and sự bão hòa|||||| saturación|||||| saturação|||||| saturación a la ruptura de la confianza y насыщение до подрыва доверия и

reliability and runaway skepticism and độ tin cậy|||| ||descontrolada|| ||fugaz|ceticismo| confiabilidad y escepticismo desbocado y надежность и безудержный скептицизм и

lack of transparency or even just ||transparência||| falta de transparencia o incluso simplemente отсутствие прозрачности или даже просто

interesting this I mean I find interesante esto quiero decir que encuentro

information just too interesting it has información demasiado interesante tiene

a magnetic quality that draws me in so una cualidad magnética que me atrae tanto

if visualizing information can give us a si visualizar información puede darnos una

very quick solution to those kinds of una solución muy rápida para ese tipo de

problems and even when the information problemas e incluso cuando la información

is terrible the visual can be quite es terrible lo visual puede ser bastante

beautiful and often we can get clarity hermoso y, a menudo, podemos obtener claridad

or the answer to a simple question very o la respuesta a una simple pregunta muy

quickly like this one rápidamente como este

the recent Icelandic volcano which was ||islandês|vulcão|| el reciente volcán islandés que fue

emitting the most co2 was at the plains emitiendo la mayor parte de co2 estaba en las llanuras больше всего выбросов СО2 было на равнинах

or the volcano the grounded planes or ||||aterrados|os aviões| o el volcán los planos en tierra o или вулкан заземленные самолеты или

the volcano so we can have a look we el volcán para que podamos echar un vistazo

look at the data and we see yep volcano mira los datos y vemos sí volcán смотрим на данные и видим да вулкан

meter 150,000 tons the grounded plane mét|||| metro 150.000 toneladas el avión aterrizado метр 150 000 тонн заземленного самолета

would emitted 345,000 if they were in |emitido|||| |emitido|||| emitiría 345.000 si estuvieran en

the sky el cielo

so essentially we had our first así que esencialmente tuvimos nuestro primer

carbon-neutral volcano

and that is beautiful thank y eso es hermoso gracias

you usted