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It`s Okay To Be Smart, The Possum That Turned Into a Wolf and Then Went Extinct (the Story of the Thylacine)

The Possum That Turned Into a Wolf and Then Went Extinct (the Story of the Thylacine)

You guys remember Vanessa, from Braincraft, right?

Tell these people about the animal you just told me about.

V: Right, so I've been fascinated by the Tasmanian Wolf, AKA the Tasmanian Tiger, Thylacine,

because it's like a dog with a pouch.

Dogs don't have pouches.

V: Dog with a pouch!

Ok, we have to get to the bottom of this.

Meet the thylacine, also known as a Tasmanian Wolf, or Tasmanian Tiger, a medium-sized meat-eating

mammal that as recently as the early 1900s lived on the island of Tasmania.

Unfortunately, local farmers liked their sheep more than the thylacine, and eventually they

were hunted to extinction.

The last known thylacine died at a Tasmanian Zoo in 1936.

But that isn't what makes the thylacine so interesting.

J: So if I was on the island of Tasmania and I walked up to one of these things, I would

think it was a wolf or a dog or something.

RV: It's actually a marsupial.

So are kangaroos, koala bears, wombats, possums, things like that.

J: So this is more closely related to a kangaroo or a possum than it is to the wolf that it

looks like in its anatomy, shape and…

RV: Yes Fossils and DNA tell us that mammals like

wolves and mammals with pouches last shared a common ancestor about 160 million years


Another pair with a common ancestor that far back?

A hummingbird and a Velociraptor!

The thylacine is about as distantly related from a wolf or a fox as it can be and still

be a mammal.

But… just look at them!

The posture.

The long legs, built for running.

Their skulls built for sniffing, and with massive muscle attachments for biting.

Sure, they have pouches, but they look so similar to a wolf!

Way more similar than a hummingbird and velociraptor.

So how is it that two animals, this distantly related, could come to share so many similarities?

RV: There are two biological explanations for similarity.

Two animals can be similar because they shared a recent common ancestor.

Wolves and coyotes are similar because they share a recent common ancestor.

Humans and chimpanzees, it's not accidental that we look very similar because we have

a relatively recent common ancestor.

RV: But there's another explanation for similarity, and that's called convergent

evolution, which means two animals their descendants have evolved to be similar to one another

though the action of natural selection.

Me, a penguin and an ant walk to a bar, because we all have legs.

If we go back to the common ancestor between me and the penguin, it already had legs, and

they were built a lot like mine.

We say a similarity like this is homologous, because the trait was inherited from a common


But the common ancestor between me and an ant was so long ago, it didn't have legs.

Our ancestors and ant ancestors evolved legs independently.

We call these similarities analogous.

Analogous similarities are the result of convergent evolution, and one of the most striking examples

is in how the wolf and thylacine walk.

Think of your own foot, we're plantigrade animals, so plantigrade animals put their

whole foot flat on the ground.

The ancient ancestors of the tasmanian wolf were possums like our neighborhood possums

and they're plantigrade animals like we are, they put their whole foot flat on the

ground.When a dog stands, or a wolf stands, their heel is up in the air.

So here's the hip joint here's the knee joint, there's the heel joint.

So what they're standing on are their toes.

The tasmanian wolf keeps his heel off the ground, and it's walking on its toes like

a dog.

GS: Despite coming from different ancestors, the

wolf and thylacine independently evolved this analogous trait: walking on their toes.

J: I'm never gonna look at my dogs the same way again, that they're tiptoeing around

the house all the time!

GS: Another example: Take a bird's wing and

a bat's wing.

Homologous or analogous?

This one's a little tougher.

J: So let's see if I can guess what this is: This is a bat, right?

RV: Yes, ha, this is a bat.

This is one of the larger species of bats, this is a fruit bat.

J: Ha, it also says “fruit bat' right there!

I was cheating.


RV: Haha, yes.

The common ancestor of birds and bats already had a forelimb, so “having an arm-like thing”

is a homologous trait.

But using that arm-like thing as a wing evolved independently in birds and bats, so “flying

with arm-like things” is an analogous trait.

Birds flap their whole arm, but bats fly in a totally different way…

RV: The scientific name for the group that bats belong to is “Chiroptera” which means


So its wing is formed by its hand.

J: I recognize this, this is like the X-ray of your arm.

One bone, two bones.

Does that mean that's a thumb?

RV: This is a thumb!

So, similarity inherited from a common ancestor?


Similarity not from a common ancestor?


Let's run down some examples: The human inner ear and a Dimetrodon's jaw



Our distant shared ancestor had the same structure.

Platypus and duck bills?

Analogous, their shared ancestor didn't have it.

A bird's feather and a reptile's scales?

Different today, but both are inherited from a common ancestor, so they're homologous.

And the wolf-like body of the thylacine?

Now we know the answer: It's analogous.

It formed independently, by convergent evolution.

The key to convergent evolution is a similar environment.

Conditions like the climate, competition, and what food's around determine which traits

are favored more than others.

In the open ocean, a streamlined body and powerful swimming tail is proven to work,

and we see it in all kinds of animals.

Underground, a legless body seems to work pretty well.

For medium-sized carnivorous mammals that have to run after their prey, a doglike body

works really well, so we see it again and again and again.

And these are all just examples of similar body shapes and anatomy, but behaviors can

be convergent, too--just ask a bat and a dolphin.

If you speak bat or dolphin.

None of these are “best”.

There's no such thing as “perfect” traits.

Having a streamlined body is not the only way to be successful in the ocean--just ask

an octopus.

And having a dog-like body is not the only way to be a successful hunter--just ask a


But even though evolution doesn't march toward some ideal form, I've gotta say:

thylacines are particularly awesome.

They show us an important lesson: Not all similarities are the same.

Stay curious.

J: I want to say a big thank you to Rob, this has been awesome.

Thanks for introducing us to one of the coolest, weirdest animals I've ever seen.

Favorite marsupial?

RV: Favorite marsupial.

J: Mine too!

V: Wow, quick to pick a favorite marsupial, aren't we Joe?

J: Ha, what, should I pick kangaroos vanessa?

V: I like wallabies, they're cute.

J: Ok, and thank you to Vanessa for helping.

V: Can we see the pouch?

RV: Only if it's a female.

There it is, right there, there's the folds.

Right there.

V: Oh.


J: Looks like you guys are doing car work.

Haha, checking out the brakes!

V: Haha, of a different kind.

The Possum That Turned Into a Wolf and Then Went Extinct (the Story of the Thylacine) |Сумчастий вовк|||||вовк|||||||||Тилацин Das Opossum, das sich in einen Wolf verwandelte und dann ausstarb (die Geschichte des Thylacine) La zarigüeya que se convirtió en lobo y se extinguió (la historia del tilacino) L'opossum qui s'est transformé en loup et qui a disparu (l'histoire du Thylacine) L'opossum che si trasformò in lupo e poi si estinse (la storia del tilacino) De buidelrat die in een wolf veranderde en toen uitstierf (het verhaal van de Thylacine) O gambá que se transformou em lobo e depois se extinguiu (a história do tilacino) Опоссум, который превратился в волка, а потом вымер (история тилацина) Kurda Dönüşen ve Sonra Soyu Tükenen Sıçan (Thylacine'in Hikayesi)

You guys remember Vanessa, from Braincraft, right?

Tell these people about the animal you just told me about.

V: Right, so I've been fascinated by the Tasmanian Wolf, AKA the Tasmanian Tiger, Thylacine, V: Juist, dus ik ben gefascineerd door de Tasmaanse Wolf, AKA de Tasmaanse tijger, Thylacine,

because it's like a dog with a pouch. |||||||a pocket |||||||сумка

Dogs don't have pouches. Собаки не мають сумок.|||сумки Honden hebben geen zakjes.

V: Dog with a pouch!

Ok, we have to get to the bottom of this.

Meet the thylacine, also known as a Tasmanian Wolf, or Tasmanian Tiger, a medium-sized meat-eating Знайомтесь із||||||||||||||||

mammal that as recently as the early 1900s lived on the island of Tasmania. |||||||||||||Тасманія

Unfortunately, local farmers liked their sheep more than the thylacine, and eventually they

were hunted to extinction.

The last known thylacine died at a Tasmanian Zoo in 1936. ||||||||зоопарку|

But that isn't what makes the thylacine so interesting.

J: So if I was on the island of Tasmania and I walked up to one of these things, I would

think it was a wolf or a dog or something.

RV: It's actually a marsupial. ||||a pouch mammal сумчаста тварина||||сумчаста тварина

So are kangaroos, koala bears, wombats, possums, things like that. |||коали|||опосуми|||

J: So this is more closely related to a kangaroo or a possum than it is to the wolf that it |||||||||кенгуру|||||||||||

looks like in its anatomy, shape and…

RV: Yes Fossils and DNA tell us that mammals like

wolves and mammals with pouches last shared a common ancestor about 160 million years


Another pair with a common ancestor that far back?

A hummingbird and a Velociraptor! |Колібрі та велоцираптор!||| Een kolibrie en een Velociraptor!

The thylacine is about as distantly related from a wolf or a fox as it can be and still |||||віддалено|||||||||||||

be a mammal.

But… just look at them!

The posture.

The long legs, built for running.

Their skulls built for sniffing, and with massive muscle attachments for biting. ||||винюхування|||||||

Sure, they have pouches, but they look so similar to a wolf!

Way more similar than a hummingbird and velociraptor.

So how is it that two animals, this distantly related, could come to share so many similarities?

RV: There are two biological explanations for similarity. |||||||схожість

Two animals can be similar because they shared a recent common ancestor.

Wolves and coyotes are similar because they share a recent common ancestor. |||||||||||предок

Humans and chimpanzees, it's not accidental that we look very similar because we have

a relatively recent common ancestor.

RV: But there's another explanation for similarity, and that's called convergent

evolution, which means two animals their descendants have evolved to be similar to one another

though the action of natural selection.

Me, a penguin and an ant walk to a bar, because we all have legs.

If we go back to the common ancestor between me and the penguin, it already had legs, and

they were built a lot like mine.

We say a similarity like this is homologous, because the trait was inherited from a common |||||||гомологічний|||||||| We zeggen dat een overeenkomst als deze homoloog is, omdat de eigenschap is geërfd van een gemeenschappelijke


But the common ancestor between me and an ant was so long ago, it didn't have legs.

Our ancestors and ant ancestors evolved legs independently.

We call these similarities analogous. ||||аналогічні

Analogous similarities are the result of convergent evolution, and one of the most striking examples Аналогічні||||||||||||||

is in how the wolf and thylacine walk.

Think of your own foot, we're plantigrade animals, so plantigrade animals put their ||||||стопоходячі|||||| Denk aan je eigen voet, we zijn plantigrade dieren, dus plantigrade dieren zetten hun

whole foot flat on the ground.

The ancient ancestors of the tasmanian wolf were possums like our neighborhood possums

and they're plantigrade animals like we are, they put their whole foot flat on the

ground.When a dog stands, or a wolf stands, their heel is up in the air.

So here's the hip joint here's the knee joint, there's the heel joint.

So what they're standing on are their toes.

The tasmanian wolf keeps his heel off the ground, and it's walking on its toes like

a dog.

GS: Despite coming from different ancestors, the <GS: Незважаючи на>||||||

wolf and thylacine independently evolved this analogous trait: walking on their toes.

J: I'm never gonna look at my dogs the same way again, that they're tiptoeing around ||||||||||||||навшпиньки ходять|

the house all the time!

GS: Another example: Take a bird's wing and

a bat's wing. |крило кажана|

Homologous or analogous?

This one's a little tougher.

J: So let's see if I can guess what this is: This is a bat, right?

RV: Yes, ha, this is a bat.

This is one of the larger species of bats, this is a fruit bat.

J: Ha, it also says “fruit bat' right there!

I was cheating.

Haha. Ха-ха.

RV: Haha, yes.

The common ancestor of birds and bats already had a forelimb, so “having an arm-like thing” ||||||||||передня кінцівка||||||

is a homologous trait.

But using that arm-like thing as a wing evolved independently in birds and bats, so “flying

with arm-like things” is an analogous trait.

Birds flap their whole arm, but bats fly in a totally different way…

RV: The scientific name for the group that bats belong to is “Chiroptera” which means ||||||||||||Рукокрилі|| RV: De wetenschappelijke naam voor de groep waar vleermuizen toe behoren is "Chiroptera", wat betekent:


So its wing is formed by its hand.

J: I recognize this, this is like the X-ray of your arm.

One bone, two bones.

Does that mean that's a thumb?

RV: This is a thumb!

So, similarity inherited from a common ancestor?


Similarity not from a common ancestor?


Let's run down some examples: The human inner ear and a Dimetrodon's jaw |||||||||||щелепа диметродона| Laten we enkele voorbeelden opsommen: Het menselijk binnenoor en de kaak van een Dimetrodon



Our distant shared ancestor had the same structure.

Platypus and duck bills? Качкодзьоби і качині рахунки?

Analogous, their shared ancestor didn't have it.

A bird's feather and a reptile's scales? ||пташине перо|||луски рептилії|

Different today, but both are inherited from a common ancestor, so they're homologous.

And the wolf-like body of the thylacine?

Now we know the answer: It's analogous.

It formed independently, by convergent evolution.

The key to convergent evolution is a similar environment. De sleutel tot convergente evolutie is een vergelijkbare omgeving.

Conditions like the climate, competition, and what food's around determine which traits |||||||їжа є||||

are favored more than others.

In the open ocean, a streamlined body and powerful swimming tail is proven to work, |||||обтічне тіло|||||||||

and we see it in all kinds of animals.

Underground, a legless body seems to work pretty well. ||безногий||||||

For medium-sized carnivorous mammals that have to run after their prey, a doglike body |||||||||||||собакоподібне тіло|

works really well, so we see it again and again and again.

And these are all just examples of similar body shapes and anatomy, but behaviors can

be convergent, too--just ask a bat and a dolphin.

If you speak bat or dolphin.

None of these are “best”.

There's no such thing as “perfect” traits.

Having a streamlined body is not the only way to be successful in the ocean--just ask

an octopus.

And having a dog-like body is not the only way to be a successful hunter--just ask a


But even though evolution doesn't march toward some ideal form, I've gotta say:

thylacines are particularly awesome. сумчасті вовки||| thylacines zijn bijzonder geweldig.

They show us an important lesson: Not all similarities are the same.

Stay curious.

J: I want to say a big thank you to Rob, this has been awesome. ||||||||||Робові||||

Thanks for introducing us to one of the coolest, weirdest animals I've ever seen.

Favorite marsupial?

RV: Favorite marsupial.

J: Mine too!

V: Wow, quick to pick a favorite marsupial, aren't we Joe?

J: Ha, what, should I pick kangaroos vanessa?

V: I like wallabies, they're cute. |||a type of marsup|| |||Валабі|| V: Ik hou van wallaby's, ze zijn schattig.

J: Ok, and thank you to Vanessa for helping.

V: Can we see the pouch?

RV: Only if it's a female.

There it is, right there, there's the folds.

Right there.

V: Oh.


J: Looks like you guys are doing car work. |Виглядає|||||||

Haha, checking out the brakes! ||||гальма

V: Haha, of a different kind.