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It`s Okay To Be Smart, Why Are There 7 Days In a Week? EXPLAINED

Why Are There 7 Days In a Week? EXPLAINED

Hey, smart people, Joe, here, I was looking at my calendar recently and two questions popped into my head.

One, why are Lambis in jammies so stinking cute?

And two, why are weeks a thing?

Like why do we divide the calendar into seven day chunks,

not eight or five? Most of the units we divide our calendar with come from natural astronomical cycles.

A year is the time it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun once months,

roughly the length of the moon's full cycle of phases, days from

the Earth's rotation on its axis. But the week there's no natural,

earthly or astronomical cycle that measures seven days. Despite that,

almost every culture on Earth today divides its calendar this way.

Some historians think the seven day week is so old it may be the

oldest known human institution still functioning without a break.

That seems like a week is actually a pretty strong idea.

But everything comes from somewhere.

Every invention has an inventor. So why is a week?

Seven is an odd choice for the number of days in a week,

and not just because it isn't even. It's also a prime number and we

can't evenly divided into the three hundred sixty five days in a year.

But seven has been regarded as a significant number by countless

cultures for thousands of years in religion, mythology,

superstition and folklore. The Seven Deadly Sins, the Seven Virtues,

the seven days of Creation, the Seven Samurai, the Seven Heavens,

the Seven Chakras, the Seven Lucky Gods and the Mercury Seven.

The Mercury Seven were the first astronauts selected

for NASA's human spaceflight program.

Each spacecraft in Project Mercury was given a name ending and the

number seven and Project Mercury laid the groundwork that led

to humans landing on the moon. Incidentally, counting Apollo 13,

NASA originally planned seven missions to land on the moon.

And the moon is where the story of the seven day week begins. And there

are roughly, though not exactly twelve moon cycles in a solar year.

And that was precise enough for a farmer in five thousand B.C.

as a fundamental division of time.

Twelve is a convenient number for a few reasons.

For one, it's pretty small. You can probably even count to it.

It can also be divided into two parts or three parts or four or six parts,

which makes it a good basis for measuring things like circles.

Let's draw a circle with radius are then from the edge market

intersecting circle with the same radius. And again on the other side,

these points of intersection divide a circle into six equal portions

to subdivide each of those in half and you can split a circle

into twelve equal parts without complicated measuring tools,

which is handy for dividing the sky into signs of the Zodiac.

Once a month, ancient sky watchers watch the moon cycle through

the twelve slices of the Zodiac, a seemingly unchanging backdrop of

stars. It's an observer on Earth. The stars do rotate slowly once per day,

but their positions don't change relative to each other.

But like the moon, a few other objects bright enough

to be seen with the naked eye do seem to move on their own.

Not following the background stars.

These were known as wanderers or planets in Greek,

and they were the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

And if you add the biggest, brightest wanderer, the sun,

you get seven of them originally thought to be each embedded

in rotating spheres with the earth at their center.

Of these are not all planets by today's definition,

and that's not how the solar system works at all.

But ancient sky watchers from the Babylonians to the Greeks and Romans,

even India and China put the planets in this order based on how fast they

wandered through the sky with Saturn, the planet, with the longest

cycle at the top. And this is where astronomy becomes astrology.

Now, in many ancient cultures, each planet represented a God whose

position in the sky could influence the lives of us puny little mortals.

Seven planets, seven gods, seven days.

Can you see where this is going?

Except things aren't quite in order yet.

Around the third century BC, Greek astrologers writing horoscopes in

Egypt decided that each God was only in charge for one hour at a time,

so Satan would rule for an hour and then Jupiter, Mars and so on.

But with twenty four hours in a day and only seven planets this

cycle spilled into the following day each day, moving four planets

down the list. And finally, after one hundred and sixty eight

hours repeating on the eighth day, this is the planetary week.

And in this astrological system, each day was named for its first hour.

Or translated Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Mars Day, Mercury Day.

Wait a second. That was sounding really good for a minute.

But then Mars Day and Mercury Day don't really sound like Tuesday and

Wednesday unless you speak Latin or any of the many languages descended

from it, like Spanish or French, as the Greek astrological seven

day week was adopted by the Romans and spread across their empire.

We can clearly see the planetary roots in these languages names

for the days as Christianity spread throughout Europe,

days were renamed to align with Christian religious traditions,

and the first day of the working week was moved to Monday.

I mean, Monday like it is today.

I mean, I love the moon then. Man, do I hate moon days now.

Right now I can hear you asking what the heck is up with English?

Only three of these sound like they're Latin root.

Well, northern European folks, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon and

Norsemen ancestors, well, they adopted the seven day week,

but they translated some of the day names and for others,

the of their favorite local gods in place of the Roman planets,

maybe as a way to send a message to their Roman conquerors. By fifteen

hundred years ago, the seven day week had even reached India and China.

And the names for the days of the week in Hindi and some older Chinese

dialects are named for the same astronomical bodies and space gods

as the Greek and Roman system. In the same order, even an indigenous

American cultures like the Navajo with no native concept of a week.

The seven day system was immediately adopted following

contact with the Spanish and adapted to the local language.

So the seven day week is used basically everywhere today.

But the naming system isn't completely universal.

A few odd day names do still remain.

Icelandic, German and Finnish call Wednesday literally the

middle of the week in the Gaelic languages of Ireland and Scotland.

Wednesday through Friday are all named four days of fasting.

The Icelandic Saturday means the day to bathe in a pool,

which sounds pretty nice, though. I try to bathe every day.

In some cultures, a seven day week is used,

but the names of the days are simply represented by numbers which,

after all, this seems like a much easier way to do it.

It is amazing how quickly and widely the planetary 7 day week spread

around the world in the footsteps of armies of trading and religion.

And we still use it today.

Stay right where you are because this does not completely explain

why the number seven is significant, because so many disconnected

cultures in so many ways. I mean, hold on. OK, ok, OK.

For one thing, the planetary week.

Well, that's not the only seven day week that we find in history.

You see, the Jewish week dates to at least five hundred B.C.

and it's drawn not from the planets,

but from the seven days of creation in the Hebrew Bible. With the

first six days numbered in order and the seventh day a day of rest.

Given a special name, Har, that name Shabat was almost certainly borrowed

from the ancient Babylonian shabi to a festival of the full moon. Huh. OK,

so it's obvious there's more than one reason that seven was significant.

And if we really want to uncover more theories why seven is so significant.

Well, the moon is a pretty good place to start now.

A month on our calendar, what traces its origin to the cycle of the moon from full to crescent, back to full.

That big, bright thing in the night sky is one of humanity's

oldest and ancient ways of tracking the passage of time.

And it conveniently, but only coincidentally, matches up

with the time period between female populations and menstruation, which

happen to share the same word root as the word modern, which we can trace

back to the root, meaning to measure as in measuring the moon's phases.

And when we measure a lunar cycle,

each of the four quarter moon phases is separated by about seven days.

Now one new moon to full moon, that's approximately 14 days or two sevens.

And the average time between one new or full moon is pretty close to,

but not exactly four sevens or twenty eight days.

This is a very special set of numbers. The factors or the

numbers that evenly divided into twenty eight are one, two, four,

seven and 14 and those happen to add up to twenty eight numbers.

With this coincidental property there,

factors add up to the number itself are called perfect.

Numbers not to be confused with perfect letters,

of which there is only one you now, perfect numbers are rare,

the ancient Greeks or they just knew about four of them.

And the next one is until thirty three million,

five hundred and fifty thousand three hundred and thirty six.

The precise length of an average lunar cycle is actually slightly

more than twenty nine days. But seven is the nearest whole number of days

between each of its quarter phases and the near perfect number pattern.

The Moon's phases centered around seven that would have been known

to mathematicians at least as far back as ancient Greece.

And speaking of math all.

Speaking of math, we can trace the mystical mathematical nature of the

No.7 back to, well, the very first math that was ever written down,

ancient clay tablets dating to nearly 2000 B.C.,

unlike our modern decimal base ten system. Well, the Babylonian and

Sumerian scribes who wrote these used to be basically no system.

Now, each place in our base ten system tells us the number of

hundreds and tens and ones, tens, hundreds and so on in a given number.

And when any place fills up with ten,

we just roll it over to the next highest place. The number two

thousand one hundred and seven point three would be two thousand one, one

hundred at zero tens plus seven ones and three tenths of a base 60 system.

What works just the same way, the number fifty nine.

Well that would be written using a single symbol,

meaning fifty nine or fifty nine once the number. Sixty thirty.

Well that would be written with a one in the 60s place and

well three wants to make this easier.

We can write this using our modern numbers to the number seventy two.

Well that would be one in the 60s place plus 12 once.

And we put a little comma there just to make it easier to read.

But what about fractions? Let's take one half. We know in our

decimal system that simplifies to zero ones and five cents or a base

60 system that would be written as zero ones and thirty one sixty FS.

And we put a semicolon because they obviously didn't have a decimal point

one third. Well that would be zero ones in twenty six. Yes.

And one fourth or that zero one in fifteen sixty one zero one

twelve sixty is one six zero and ten and one seventh hole.

Well things are nice and tight. We get them one step.

We tried to buy one to seven parts in a base 60 system.

This simplifies into a repeating six a decimal fraction. Eight.

Thirty four. Seventy eight. Thirty four. Seventy eight.

Thirty four. Seventy more than 4000 years ago to the Sumerian

Babylonian mathematicians who invented the earliest mathematics,

seven would have been the first number whose fraction is infinite.

And some scholars really believe that this helped give birth to the

mystical and superstitious nature,

a number that's still associated with luck and superstition.

Today, more than four thousand years later, I mean, perhaps when

a superstitious Sumerian astrologer noticed that there were seven

heavenly bodies that moved across the stars, he saw it as a sign.

And there are seven stars in the Big Dipper and in. Oh, right.

And in there, pastoralism. Oh, what's an astronaut?

Well, that is a well known pattern of stars that is visible to the naked

eye within a larger constellation, the way that the Big Dipper is actually part of Ursa Major.

And, of course, the arrangements and brightnesses of these stars, well,

they're just a coincidence thanks to Earth's particular position in space.

But still, our minds love to insert meaning into coincidences and to certain ancient eyes.

The universe did seem to be screaming that seven was special.

Of course, we know that those eyes, well,

they just couldn't see far because there are, in fact, eight planets.

Don't fight me about Pluto today.

I've got to wrap this video up and it's just one of them.

We orbit the sun and the moon is not a wandering star goddess.

It's actually a big freaking rock that slammed into Earth

billions of years ago. And then it got stuck there.

But by the time that humans figured all of that out, there were

already seven days in a week and nobody felt much like changing it

if they even ever wondered where it came from in the first place.

It is one of the rare ideas. It is simply so old.

No records remain of exactly who first invented it or exactly why.

And it shows us that even ideas that we take for granted that seem like they've always just been there.

Well, even those came from somewhere, of course,

now, you know.

What are you going to do with all of this knowledge,

please get rid of Monday's stay curious.

As always, we'd like to thank everyone who supports

the show on Patriot. We could not do it without you.

As you can imagine, videos like this require an extensive amount of

research in order to collect all of this essential information, because

there is a lot of it. We couldn't do that without your support.

And we'd like to keep making more videos just like this one. So check

out our community, because seriously, I've got a lot of questions.

Thanks. Links on description, seven day chunks, a seven day week

seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven.

Why the number seven seven seven seven seven seven seven

seven at seven centered around seven.

The number seven seven seven seven seven seven.

The universe did seem to be screaming that seven with special.

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Why Are There 7 Days In a Week? EXPLAINED Warum gibt es 7 Tage in der Woche? ERKLÄRT Γιατί η εβδομάδα έχει 7 ημέρες; ΕΞΗΓΗΜΕΝΟ Why Are There 7 Days In a Week? EXPLAINED ¿Por qué hay 7 días en la semana? EXPLICADO Pourquoi y a-t-il 7 jours dans une semaine ? EXPLIQUÉ なぜ1週間は7日なのか?解説 일주일에 7일이 있는 이유는 무엇인가요? 설명 Kodėl savaitė trunka 7 dienas? AIŠKINAMA Waarom zijn er 7 dagen in een week? UITGELEGD Dlaczego jest 7 dni w tygodniu? WYJAŚNIONO Porque é que há 7 dias numa semana? EXPLICADO Почему в неделе 7 дней? ПОЯСНЕНИЕ Neden Bir Haftada 7 Gün Var? AÇIKLANDI Tại sao có 7 ngày trong một tuần? GIẢI THÍCH 为什么一周有 7 天?解释 為什麼一週有 7 天?解釋

Hey, smart people, Joe, here, I was looking at my calendar recently and two questions popped into my head. |||||||||||||||surgieron||| |||||||||||||||surgiram||| Hey, schlaue Leute, Joe, hier, ich habe neulich auf meinen Kalender geschaut und zwei Fragen sind mir durch den Kopf gegangen. Hola, gente inteligente, Joe, aquí, estaba mirando mi calendario Hé, les gens intelligents, Joe, ici, je regardais mon calendrier Hey, akıllı insanlar, Joe, geçenlerde takvimime bakıyordum ve aklıma iki soru geldi. Này, những người thông minh, Joe, đây, gần đây tôi đang xem lịch của mình và có hai câu hỏi nảy ra trong đầu.

One, why are Lambis in jammies so stinking cute? |||Lambis||Pyjamas||stinkend| Erstens, warum sind Lambis in Jammies so verdammt süß? Uno, ¿por qué los Lambis en pijama son tan lindos? Premièrement, pourquoi les Lambis en jammies sont-ils si mignons? Eén, waarom zijn Lambi's in jammies zo stinkend schattig? Birincisi, pijamalı Lambiler neden bu kadar tatlılar? По-перше, чому Ламбі в піжамі такі смердючі милі?

And two, why are weeks a thing? ||||||cosa Und zweitens, warum gibt es Wochen? Y dos, ¿por qué las semanas son una cosa? Et deux, pourquoi les semaines sont-elles une chose? Ve ikincisi, neden haftalar önemli?

Like why do we divide the calendar into seven day chunks, ||||||||||Abschnitten ||||||||||blocos Por ejemplo, ¿por qué dividimos el calendario en partes de siete días, Par exemple, pourquoi divisons-nous le calendrier en segments de sept Takvimi neden yedi günlük parçalara böldüğümüz gibi,

not eight or five? Most of the units we divide our calendar with come from natural astronomical cycles. |||||||||||||||||Zyklen no en ocho o cinco? La mayoría de las unidades con las que dividimos jours, pas huit ou cinq? La plupart des unités avec lesquelles nous sekiz ya da beş değil mi? Takvimimizi böldüğümüz birimlerin çoğu doğal astronomik döngülerden gelir.

A year is the time it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun once months, ein|||||||||||||| Ein Jahr ist die Zeit, die die Erde braucht, um einmal im Monat die Sonne zu umkreisen, Un año es el tiempo que tarda la Tierra en orbitar el Sol una vez al Un an est le temps qu'il faut à la Terre pour orbiter autour du Bir yıl, Dünya'nın Güneş etrafında bir kez dönmesi için geçen süredir,

roughly the length of the moon's full cycle of phases, days from aproximadamente||||||||||| ungefähr die Länge des vollen Phasenzyklus des Mondes, Tage von aproximadamente la duración del ciclo completo de fases de la luna, días de kabaca ayın tam evre döngüsünün uzunluğu, günler

the Earth's rotation on its axis. But the week there's no natural, |||||eixo|||||| die Rotation der Erde um ihre Achse. Aber die Woche gibt es keine natürliche, вращения Земли вокруг своей оси. Но недели нет естественной, dünyanın kendi ekseni etrafında dönmesi. Ama hafta doğal değil,

earthly or astronomical cycle that measures seven days. Despite that, земной или астрономический цикл, который измеряется семью днями. Несмотря на это, yedi günü ölçen dünyevi veya astronomik döngü. Buna rağmen,

almost every culture on Earth today divides its calendar this way. las culturas de la Tierra hoy en día dividen su calendario de esta manera. Bugün dünyadaki hemen hemen her kültür, takvimini bu şekilde böler.

Some historians think the seven day week is so old it may be the Algunos historiadores piensan que la semana de siete días es tan antigua Certains historiens pensent que la semaine de sept jours est si

oldest known human institution still functioning without a break. älteste bekannte menschliche Institution, die noch ohne Unterbrechung funktioniert. institución humana más antigua conocida que sigue funcionando sin interrupción. bilinen en eski insan kurumu hala kesintisiz çalışıyor.

That seems like a week is actually a pretty strong idea. Das scheint eine Woche zu sein, ist eigentlich eine ziemlich starke Idee. Parece que una semana es en realidad una idea bastante sólida. Cela semble comme une semaine est en fait une idée assez forte. Bu bir hafta gibi görünüyor, aslında oldukça güçlü bir fikir.

But everything comes from somewhere. Aber alles kommt irgendwo her. Pero todo viene de alguna parte. Cada invento tiene un inventor. Mais tout vient de quelque part. Ama her şey bir yerden geliyor.

Every invention has an inventor. So why is a week? Chaque invention a un inventeur. Alors pourquoi une semaine? У каждого изобретения есть изобретатель. Так почему неделя? Her icadın bir mucidi vardır. Peki neden bir hafta?

Seven is an odd choice for the number of days in a week, Sieben ist eine seltsame Wahl für die Anzahl der Tage in einer Woche, Siete es una elección extraña para el número de días de una semana, y no solo porque no es par. Sept est un choix étrange pour le nombre de jours dans une semaine, Семь — странный выбор для количества дней в неделе, Yedi, bir haftadaki gün sayısı için garip bir seçimdir.

and not just because it isn't even. It's also a prime number and we ||||||parity||||||| und nicht nur, weil es nicht gerade ist. Es ist auch eine Primzahl und wir y no sólo porque no es par. También es un número primo y et pas seulement parce qu'il n'est pas pair.

can't evenly divided into the three hundred sixty five days in a year. |uniformemente||||||||||| kann nicht gleichmäßig in die dreihundertfünfundsechzig Tage eines Jahres aufgeteilt werden. uniforme entre los trescientos sesenta y cinco días del año. uniformément les trois cent soixante-cinq jours par an. нельзя равномерно разделить на триста шестьдесят пять дней в году.

But seven has been regarded as a significant number by countless ||||considerada|||||| Aber sieben wurde von unzähligen als eine bedeutende Zahl angesehen Pero siete ha sido considerado como un número significativo por Mais sept ont été considérés comme un nombre important par

cultures for thousands of years in religion, mythology, innumerables culturas durante miles de años en religión,

superstition and folklore. The Seven Deadly Sins, the Seven Virtues, ||folklore||||pecados||| ||folclore|||mortais||||Virtudes Aberglaube und Folklore. Die sieben Todsünden, die sieben Tugenden, mitología, superstición y folclore. суеверия и фольклор. Семь смертных грехов, семь добродетелей,

the seven days of Creation, the Seven Samurai, the Seven Heavens, ||||||||||céus les sept jours de la création, les sept samouraïs, les sept cieux,

the Seven Chakras, the Seven Lucky Gods and the Mercury Seven. |||||Sortudos||||| die sieben Chakras, die sieben Glücksgötter und die Merkur-Sieben. los siete chakras, los siete dioses afortunados y los siete mercurio. les sept chakras, les sept dieux chanceux et les sept mercure. Семь Чакр, Семь Богов Счастья и Семь Меркурий.

The Mercury Seven were the first astronauts selected Los Mercury Seven fueron los primeros astronautas seleccionados Les Mercury Seven ont été les premiers astronautes sélectionnés

for NASA's human spaceflight program. |||voo espacial|

Each spacecraft in Project Mercury was given a name ending and the |Raumschiff|||||||||| |nave espacial|||||||||| |nave|||||||||| A cada nave espacial en el Proyecto Mercurio se le dio un Chaque vaisseau spatial du projet Mercury a reçu une fin de nom et

number seven and Project Mercury laid the groundwork that led |||||||Grundlage|| |||||||fundamentos|| |||||lançou|||| Nummer sieben und Project Mercury legten den Grundstein, der dazu führte

to humans landing on the moon. Incidentally, counting Apollo 13, ||na|||||| bis zur Landung des Menschen auf dem Mond. Übrigens, wenn man Apollo 13 mitzählt,

NASA originally planned seven missions to land on the moon. ||||||aterrar||| la NASA originalmente planeó siete misiones para aterrizar en la luna. la NASA avait initialement prévu sept missions pour atterrir sur la lune. Первоначально НАСА планировало семь миссий для высадки на Луну.

And the moon is where the story of the seven day week begins. And there ||||||||||||começa|| Y la luna es donde comienza la historia de la semana de siete días. Et c'est sur la lune que commence l'histoire de А с Луны начинается история семидневной недели. И там

are roughly, though not exactly twelve moon cycles in a solar year. |aproximadamente|embora||||||||| Y hay aproximadamente, aunque no exactamente, примерно, хотя и не точно, двенадцать лунных циклов в солнечном году.

And that was precise enough for a farmer in five thousand B.C. |||||||agricultor||||| Y eso fue lo suficientemente preciso para un agricultor en el cinco mil a. Et c'était assez précis pour un agriculteur de cinq И это было достаточно точно для фермера в пять тысяч лет до нашей эры.

as a fundamental division of time. als grundlegende Zeiteinteilung. mille ans avant JC comme division fondamentale du temps. как основное деление времени.

Twelve is a convenient number for a few reasons. Zwölf ist aus mehreren Gründen eine praktische Zahl. Doce es un número conveniente por varias razones. Douze est un nombre pratique pour plusieurs raisons.

For one, it's pretty small. You can probably even count to it. Zum einen ist sie ziemlich klein. Wahrscheinlich kann man sogar bis zum Anschlag zählen. Por un lado, es bastante pequeño. D'une part, c'est assez petit.

It can also be divided into two parts or three parts or four or six parts,

which makes it a good basis for measuring things like circles. lo que lo convierte en una buena base para medir cosas como círculos. ce qui en fait une bonne base pour mesurer des choses comme des cercles.

Let's draw a circle with radius are then from the edge market ||||||||||borda| Zeichnen wir einen Kreis mit Radius sind dann vom Randmarkt Dibujemos un círculo con un radio que proviene del círculo de intersección Trouvons un cercle dont le rayon est alors du cercle intersectant du Нарисуем круг с радиусом потом с краевого рынка

intersecting circle with the same radius. And again on the other side, Schnittkreis mit gleichem Radius. Und wieder auf der anderen Seite, del mercado de borde con el mismo radio. Y nuevamente en el otro lado, marché de bord avec le même rayon. Et encore de l'autre côté, ces пересекающиеся окружности того же радиуса. И снова с другой стороны,

these points of intersection divide a circle into six equal portions эти точки пересечения делят окружность на шесть равных частей

to subdivide each of those in half and you can split a circle чтобы разделить каждый из них пополам, и вы можете разделить круг

into twelve equal parts without complicated measuring tools, un cercle en douze parties égales sans outils de mesure compliqués,

which is handy for dividing the sky into signs of the Zodiac. ||útil||||||||| lo cual es útil para dividir el cielo en signos de el zodiaco. ce qui est pratique pour diviser le ciel en signes de le zodiaque.

Once a month, ancient sky watchers watch the moon cycle through Una vez al mes, los antiguos observadores del cielo observan el Une fois par mois, les anciens observateurs du ciel regardent

the twelve slices of the Zodiac, a seemingly unchanging backdrop of ciclo de la luna a través de las doce partes del zodíaco, un telón de fondo le cycle de la lune à travers les douze tranches du zodiaque, un fond двенадцать частей Зодиака, казалось бы, неизменный фон

stars. It's an observer on Earth. The stars do rotate slowly once per day,

but their positions don't change relative to each other. pero sus posiciones no cambian entre sí. Pero al igual que la luna, mais leurs positions ne changent pas les unes par rapport aux autres.

But like the moon, a few other objects bright enough Mais comme la lune, quelques autres objets suffisamment

to be seen with the naked eye do seem to move on their own. brillants pour être vus à l'œil nu semblent bouger d'eux-mêmes.

Not following the background stars. No seguir las estrellas de fondo. Ne pas suivre les étoiles de fond.

These were known as wanderers or planets in Greek, Estos eran conocidos como vagabundos o planetas en griego, Ceux-ci étaient connus sous le nom de vagabonds ou de planètes en grec,

and they were the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. y eran la luna, Mercurio, Venus, Marte, Júpiter y Saturno. et c'étaient la lune, Mercure, Vénus, Mars, Jupiter et Saturne. en dat waren de maan, Mercurius, Venus, Mars, Jupiter en Saturnus.

And if you add the biggest, brightest wanderer, the sun, |||||||errante|| |||||||vagabundo|| Y si agrega el vagabundo más grande y brillante, el sol, Et si vous ajoutez le plus grand et le plus brillant vagabond, le soleil,

you get seven of them originally thought to be each embedded ||||||||||embutidos Sie erhalten sieben von ihnen, von denen ursprünglich angenommen wurde, dass sie jeweils eingebettet sind obtiene siete de ellos que originalmente se pensó que estaban vous en obtenez sept à l'origine, censés être chacun incorporé

in rotating spheres with the earth at their center. ||esferas|||||| in rotierenden Kugeln mit der Erde im Zentrum. in draaiende bollen met de aarde in het middelpunt.

Of these are not all planets by today's definition, De estos no todos son planetas según la definición actual, Parmi celles-ci ne sont pas toutes des planètes selon la définition actuelle,

and that's not how the solar system works at all. und so funktioniert das Sonnensystem überhaupt nicht. y no es así como funciona el sistema solar en absoluto. et ce n'est pas du tout ainsi que fonctionne le système solaire.

But ancient sky watchers from the Babylonians to the Greeks and Romans, |||observadores|||babilônios||||| Aber alte Himmelsbeobachter von den Babyloniern bis zu den Griechen und Römern, Pero los antiguos observadores del cielo, desde los babilonios hasta los Mais les anciens observateurs du ciel, des Babyloniens aux Grecs et

even India and China put the planets in this order based on how fast they até|||||||||||||| Sogar Indien und China haben die Planeten in diese Reihenfolge gebracht, je nachdem, wie schnell sie sind

wandered through the sky with Saturn, the planet, with the longest vagueou|||||||||| vagaba por el cielo con Saturno, el planeta, con el más largo le ciel avec Saturne, la planète, avec le cycle le plus long au sommet.

cycle at the top. And this is where astronomy becomes astrology.

Now, in many ancient cultures, each planet represented a God whose Ahora, en muchas culturas antiguas, Maintenant, dans de nombreuses cultures anciennes,

position in the sky could influence the lives of us puny little mortals. ||||||||||winzigen||Sterblichen ||||||||||pequenos|| Position am Himmel könnte das Leben von uns kleinen Sterblichen beeinflussen. posición en el cielo podría influir en la vida de nosotros, insignificantes mortales.

Seven planets, seven gods, seven days. Siete planetas, siete dioses, siete días. ¿Puedes ver a dónde va esto? Sept planètes, sept dieux, sept jours. Pouvez-vous voir où cela va?

Can you see where this is going?

Except things aren't quite in order yet. |||bem||| Nur ist noch nicht alles in Ordnung. Excepto que las cosas aún no están del todo en orden. Sauf que les choses ne sont pas encore tout à fait en ordre. От тільки все ще не зовсім в порядку.

Around the third century BC, Greek astrologers writing horoscopes in Um das dritte Jahrhundert v. Chr. schrieben griechische Astrologen Horoskope Alrededor del siglo III a. C., los astrólogos griegos que Vers le troisième siècle avant JC, des astrologues grecs écrivant des

Egypt decided that each God was only in charge for one hour at a time,

so Satan would rule for an hour and then Jupiter, Mars and so on. así que Satán gobernaría durante una hora y luego Júpiter, Marte y así sucesivamente.

But with twenty four hours in a day and only seven planets this Pero con veinticuatro horas en un día y solo siete planetas, Mais avec vingt-quatre heures dans une journée et seulement

cycle spilled into the following day each day, moving four planets |derramou||||||||| ciclo se derramó en el día siguiente cada día, moviendo cuatro planetas

down the list. And finally, after one hundred and sixty eight

hours repeating on the eighth day, this is the planetary week.

And in this astrological system, each day was named for its first hour. Y en este sistema astrológico, cada día fue nombrado por su primera hora.

Or translated Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Mars Day, Mercury Day. O traducido sábado, domingo, lunes, día de Marte, día de Mercurio. Ou traduit samedi, dimanche, lundi, jour de mars, jour de mercure.

Wait a second. That was sounding really good for a minute. Espera un segundo. Eso sonó realmente bien por un minuto. Attends une seconde. Cela sonnait vraiment bien pendant une minute.

But then Mars Day and Mercury Day don't really sound like Tuesday and Pero el Día de Marte y el Día de Mercurio no suenan realmente como Mais alors le jour de Mars et le jour de Mercure ne ressemblent

Wednesday unless you speak Latin or any of the many languages descended |||||||||||derivadas martes y miércoles a menos que hable latín o cualquiera de los

from it, like Spanish or French, as the Greek astrological seven |||||||||astrológica|

day week was adopted by the Romans and spread across their empire. |||||||||por|| par les Romains et s'est répandue à travers leur empire.

We can clearly see the planetary roots in these languages names ||||||raízes|||| Podemos ver claramente las raíces planetarias en los nombres de estas lenguas Nous pouvons clairement voir les racines planétaires dans ces

for the days as Christianity spread throughout Europe,

days were renamed to align with Christian religious traditions, ||||alinear||||

and the first day of the working week was moved to Monday. y el primer día de la semana laboral se trasladó al lunes.

I mean, Monday like it is today. |quero dizer||||| Quiero decir, el lunes como hoy. Quiero decir, entonces amo la luna.

I mean, I love the moon then. Man, do I hate moon days now.

Right now I can hear you asking what the heck is up with English? |||||||||diabo|||| Ahora mismo puedo oírte preguntar qué diablos pasa con el inglés.

Only three of these sound like they're Latin root. Solo tres de estos suenan como si fueran raíz latina. Seuls trois d'entre eux semblent être racine latine.

Well, northern European folks, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon and Bueno, gente del norte de Europa, ancestros germánicos, Eh bien, les gens du nord de l'Europe,

Norsemen ancestors, well, they adopted the seven day week, nórdicos|||||||| Los antepasados nórdicos, bueno, adoptaron la semana de siete días, eh bien, ils ont adopté la semaine de sept jours,

but they translated some of the day names and for others,

the of their favorite local gods in place of the Roman planets, le de leurs dieux locaux préférés à la place des planètes romaines

maybe as a way to send a message to their Roman conquerors. By fifteen |||||||||||Eroberer||

hundred years ago, the seven day week had even reached India and China. Hace mil quinientos años, la semana de siete días incluso había llegado Il y a quinze cents ans, la semaine de sept jours avait même atteint l'Inde et la Chine.

And the names for the days of the week in Hindi and some older Chinese Et les noms des jours de la semaine en hindi et dans certains dialectes

dialects are named for the same astronomical bodies and space gods chinois plus anciens sont nommés pour les mêmes corps astronomiques dialecten zijn genoemd naar dezelfde astronomische lichamen en ruimtegoden

as the Greek and Roman system. In the same order, even an indigenous

American cultures like the Navajo with no native concept of a week. comme le Navajo sans concept indigène d'une semaine.

The seven day system was immediately adopted following El sistema de siete días se adoptó inmediatamente después Le système de sept jours a été immédiatement adopté après le

contact with the Spanish and adapted to the local language. del contacto con el español y se adaptó al idioma local. contact avec les Espagnols et adapté à la langue locale. La semaine

So the seven day week is used basically everywhere today. de sept jours est donc utilisée pratiquement partout aujourd'hui.

But the naming system isn't completely universal. Pero el sistema de nombres no es completamente universal. Mais le système de dénomination n'est pas complètement universel.

A few odd day names do still remain. Aún quedan algunos nombres de días impares. Il reste encore quelques noms de jours étranges.

Icelandic, German and Finnish call Wednesday literally the Islandés, alemán y finlandés llaman el miércoles literalmente a la L'islandais, l'allemand et le finnois

middle of the week in the Gaelic languages of Ireland and Scotland. ||||||gaélico|||||

Wednesday through Friday are all named four days of fasting. Du mercredi au vendredi sont tous nommés quatre jours de jeûne.

The Icelandic Saturday means the day to bathe in a pool, |||||||bañarse||| |||||||banhar||| El sábado islandés significa el día para bañarse en una piscina, Le samedi islandais signifie la journée pour se baigner

which sounds pretty nice, though. I try to bathe every day. ||||||||baden|| ||||||||banho||

In some cultures, a seven day week is used, En algunas culturas, se usa una semana de siete días, Dans certaines cultures, une semaine de sept jours est utilisée, mais

but the names of the days are simply represented by numbers which, pero los nombres de los días se representan simplemente con números les noms des jours sont simplement représentés par des nombres, ce qui,

after all, this seems like a much easier way to do it.

It is amazing how quickly and widely the planetary 7 day week spread ||||||amplamente||||| Es asombroso la rapidez y amplitud con que la semana setenta planetaria Il est étonnant de voir à quel point les 70 semaines planétaires se sont

around the world in the footsteps of armies of trading and religion. |||||||||comércio|| auf den Spuren von Handels- und Religionsarmeen um die Welt.

And we still use it today. Und wir benutzen es noch heute. Et nous l'utilisons encore aujourd'hui.

Stay right where you are because this does not completely explain Bleiben Sie genau dort, wo Sie sind, weil dies nicht vollständig erklärt Quédese donde está porque esto no explica completamente por Restez là où vous êtes car cela n'explique pas complètement

why the number seven is significant, because so many disconnected warum die Zahl sieben wichtig ist, weil so viele die Verbindung getrennt haben

cultures in so many ways. I mean, hold on. OK, ok, OK. Kulturen in vielerlei Hinsicht. Ich meine, warte. OK OK ok. déconnectées de tant de façons. Je veux dire, attendez. OK OK OK.

For one thing, the planetary week. D'une part, la semaine planétaire. Eh bien, ce n'est pas

Well, that's not the only seven day week that we find in history. esa no es la única semana de siete días que encontramos en la historia.

You see, the Jewish week dates to at least five hundred B.C. |||judía||||||||| Verá, la semana judía se remonta al menos al quinientos Vous voyez, la semaine juive date d'au moins cinq cents

and it's drawn not from the planets, y no se extrae de los planetas,

but from the seven days of creation in the Hebrew Bible. With the sino de los siete días de la creación en la Biblia hebrea. Con mais des sept jours de la création dans la Bible hébraïque.

first six days numbered in order and the seventh day a day of rest. los primeros seis días contados en orden y el séptimo día de descanso. Avec les six premiers jours numérotés dans l'ordre et le

Given a special name, Har, that name Shabat was almost certainly borrowed ||||Har|||Shabat|||| |||||||||||emprestada Angesichts eines besonderen Namens, Har, war dieser Name Shabat mit ziemlicher Sicherheit entlehnt

from the ancient Babylonian shabi to a festival of the full moon. Huh. OK, ||||shabi||||||||| prestado del antiguo shabi babilónico para un festival de la luna llena.

so it's obvious there's more than one reason that seven was significant. OK, il est donc évident qu'il y a plus d'une raison pour

And if we really want to uncover more theories why seven is so significant. ||||||descobrir|||||||

Well, the moon is a pretty good place to start now.

A month on our calendar, what traces its origin to the cycle of the moon from full to crescent, back to full. Un mes en nuestro calendario, lo que remonta su origen al ciclo Un mois sur notre calendrier, ce qui retrace son origine au cycle

That big, bright thing in the night sky is one of humanity's Esa cosa grande y brillante en el cielo nocturno es una de las Cette grande chose lumineuse dans le ciel nocturne est l'une des

oldest and ancient ways of tracking the passage of time.

And it conveniently, but only coincidentally, matches up |||||zufällig|| Y convenientemente, pero sólo por coincidencia, coincide Et cela correspond commodément, mais seulement par coïncidence,

with the time period between female populations and menstruation, which coincide con el período de tiempo entre las poblaciones avec la période entre les populations féminines et la menstruation,

happen to share the same word root as the word modern, which we can trace ||||||raiz|||||||| qui partagent la même racine de mot que le mot moderne,

back to the root, meaning to measure as in measuring the moon's phases.

And when we measure a lunar cycle, |||||Mond-| Y cuando medimos un ciclo lunar, cada una de las cuatro fases Et lorsque nous mesurons un cycle lunaire, chacune des quatre phases

each of the four quarter moon phases is separated by about seven days.

Now one new moon to full moon, that's approximately 14 days or two sevens. Ahora una luna nueva a luna llena, eso es aproximadamente 14 días o dos

And the average time between one new or full moon is pretty close to,

but not exactly four sevens or twenty eight days. ||||Sieben|||| proche, mais pas exactement de quatre sept ou vingt huit jours.

This is a very special set of numbers. The factors or the Este es un conjunto de números muy especial. Il s'agit d'un ensemble de nombres très spécial. Les facteurs

numbers that evenly divided into twenty eight are one, two, four,

seven and 14 and those happen to add up to twenty eight numbers.

With this coincidental property there, ||zufälligen|| Mit dieser zufälligen Eigenschaft gibt, los factores que se suman al número mismo se llaman perfectos. les facteurs additionnés au nombre lui-même sont appelés parfaits.

factors add up to the number itself are called perfect.

Numbers not to be confused with perfect letters, Zahlen sind nicht mit perfekten Buchstaben zu verwechseln, Los números no deben confundirse con letras perfectas, Les nombres à ne pas confondre avec les lettres parfaites,

of which there is only one you now, perfect numbers are rare, von denen es jetzt nur einen gibt, sind perfekte Zahlen selten,

the ancient Greeks or they just knew about four of them. los antiguos griegos o sólo conocían cuatro de ellos.

And the next one is until thirty three million, |||||bis zu||| Y el siguiente es hasta treinta y tres millones quinientos cincuenta mil trescientos treinta y seis. Et le prochain est jusqu'à trente-trois millions,

five hundred and fifty thousand three hundred and thirty six. cinq cent cinquante mille trois cent trente six.

The precise length of an average lunar cycle is actually slightly La duración exacta de un ciclo lunar promedio es en realidad un poco más de veintinueve días. La durée précise d'un cycle lunaire moyen est en fait un peu plus

more than twenty nine days. But seven is the nearest whole number of days de 29 jours. Mais sept est le nombre entier de jours le plus proche entre

between each of its quarter phases and the near perfect number pattern. una de sus fases de cuartos y el patrón numérico casi perfecto.

The Moon's phases centered around seven that would have been known

to mathematicians at least as far back as ancient Greece.

And speaking of math all. Y hablando de matemáticas todo. Et en parlant de maths tout.

Speaking of math, we can trace the mystical mathematical nature of the Hablando de matemáticas, podemos rastrear la naturaleza matemática En parlant de mathématiques,

No.7 back to, well, the very first math that was ever written down, jusqu'aux toutes premières mathématiques jamais écrites,

ancient clay tablets dating to nearly 2000 B.C., |argila|||||| antiguas tablillas de arcilla que datan de casi el año 2000 a.C,

unlike our modern decimal base ten system. Well, the Babylonian and

Sumerian scribes who wrote these used to be basically no system. Escribas sumerios que escribieron estos solían ser básicamente ningún sistema.

Now, each place in our base ten system tells us the number of

hundreds and tens and ones, tens, hundreds and so on in a given number. et de unités, dizaines, centaines et ainsi de suite dans un nombre donné.

And when any place fills up with ten, Y cuando cualquier lugar se llena con diez, Et quand un endroit se remplit de dix,

we just roll it over to the next highest place. The number two simplemente lo pasamos al siguiente lugar más alto. nous le roulons simplement au prochain endroit le plus élevé.

thousand one hundred and seven point three would be two thousand one, one

hundred at zero tens plus seven ones and three tenths of a base 60 system. |||||||||drei Zehntel|||| decenas más siete unidades y tres décimas de un sistema de base 60.

What works just the same way, the number fifty nine. Lo que funciona de la misma manera, el número cincuenta y nueve.

Well that would be written using a single symbol, Bueno, eso se escribiría usando un solo símbolo, es decir,

meaning fifty nine or fifty nine once the number. Sixty thirty. cincuenta y nueve o cincuenta y nueve una vez que el número. c'est-à-dire cinquante-neuf ou cinquante-neuf une fois le nombre.

Well that would be written with a one in the 60s place and

well three wants to make this easier.

We can write this using our modern numbers to the number seventy two.

Well that would be one in the 60s place plus 12 once.

And we put a little comma there just to make it easier to read. Y ponemos una pequeña coma allí para que sea más fácil de leer. Et nous y mettons une petite virgule juste pour faciliter la lecture.

But what about fractions? Let's take one half. We know in our Pero ¿qué pasa con las fracciones? Tomemos la mitad. Mais qu'en est-il des fractions? Prenons la moitié.

decimal system that simplifies to zero ones and five cents or a base decimaal systeem dat vereenvoudigt tot nul enen en vijf cent of een basis

60 system that would be written as zero ones and thirty one sixty FS. ||||||||||||FS(1)

And we put a semicolon because they obviously didn't have a decimal point ||||Semikolon|||||||| ||||punto y coma|||||||| Et nous avons mis un point-virgule car ils n'avaient évidemment pas

one third. Well that would be zero ones in twenty six. Yes.

And one fourth or that zero one in fifteen sixty one zero one Si. Y un cuarto o ese cero uno en quince sesenta uno cero Oui. Et un quart ou ce zéro un sur quinze soixante et un zéro

twelve sixty is one six zero and ten and one seventh hole. uno doce sesenta es un seis cero y diez y un séptimo hoyo. un douze soixante est un six zéro et dix et un septième trou.

Well things are nice and tight. We get them one step. Bueno, las cosas están bien y apretadas. Les damos un paso. Eh bien, les choses sont belles et serrées. Nous leur faisons un pas.

We tried to buy one to seven parts in a base 60 system. Intentamos comprar de una a siete piezas en un sistema base 60. Nous avons essayé d'acheter une à sept pièces dans un système de

This simplifies into a repeating six a decimal fraction. Eight. Esto se simplifica en una fracción decimal repetida de seis. Ocho. base 60. Cela se simplifie en un six répétitif une fraction décimale.

Thirty four. Seventy eight. Thirty four. Seventy eight. Treinta y cuatro. Setenta y ocho. Treinta y cuatro. Setenta y ocho. Huit. Trente quatre. Soixante dix huit. Trente quatre.

Thirty four. Seventy more than 4000 years ago to the Sumerian Soixante dix huit. Trente quatre.

Babylonian mathematicians who invented the earliest mathematics, sumerios babilonios que inventaron las primeras matemáticas,

seven would have been the first number whose fraction is infinite. siete habría sido el primer número cuya fracción es infinita. sept aurait été le premier nombre dont la fraction est infinie.

And some scholars really believe that this helped give birth to the Y algunos eruditos realmente creen que esto ayudó a dar origen a la Et certains chercheurs pensent vraiment que cela a contribué

mystical and superstitious nature, naturaleza mística y supersticiosa, à donner naissance à la nature mystique et superstitieuse,

a number that's still associated with luck and superstition.

Today, more than four thousand years later, I mean, perhaps when

a superstitious Sumerian astrologer noticed that there were seven a remarqué qu'il y avait sept corps célestes qui se

heavenly bodies that moved across the stars, he saw it as a sign.

And there are seven stars in the Big Dipper and in. Oh, right. ||||||||Großer Wagen|||| Y hay siete estrellas en el Big Dipper y adentro. Et il y a sept étoiles dans la Grande Ourse et dedans. Oh, c'est vrai.

And in there, pastoralism. Oh, what's an astronaut? |||Pastoralismus|||| Et là-dedans, le pastoralisme. Oh, qu'est-ce qu'un astronaute?

Well, that is a well known pattern of stars that is visible to the naked Bueno, ese es un patrón de estrellas bien conocido que es Eh bien, c'est un motif bien connu d'étoiles qui

eye within a larger constellation, the way that the Big Dipper is actually part of Ursa Major. |||||||||||||||Ursa| oog binnen een groter sterrenbeeld, zoals de Grote Beer eigenlijk deel uitmaakt van de Grote Beer.

And, of course, the arrangements and brightnesses of these stars, well, Y, por supuesto, la disposición y el brillo de estas estrellas, bueno, Et, bien sûr, les arrangements et les luminosités de ces étoiles, eh bien,

they're just a coincidence thanks to Earth's particular position in space. son solo una coincidencia gracias a la posición particular de la Tierra ils ne sont qu'une coïncidence grâce à la position particulière

But still, our minds love to insert meaning into coincidences and to certain ancient eyes.

The universe did seem to be screaming that seven was special.

Of course, we know that those eyes, well,

they just couldn't see far because there are, in fact, eight planets. simplemente no podían ver lejos porque, de hecho, hay ocho planetas. ils ne pouvaient tout simplement pas voir loin parce qu'il y a,

Don't fight me about Pluto today. No pelees conmigo por Plutón hoy.

I've got to wrap this video up and it's just one of them. Tengo que terminar este video y es solo uno de ellos. Je dois terminer cette vidéo et ce n'est que

We orbit the sun and the moon is not a wandering star goddess. ||||||||||||deusa Orbitamos el sol y la luna no es una diosa estrella errante.

It's actually a big freaking rock that slammed into Earth ||||maldita|||colidiu|| En realidad, es una gran roca que se estrelló contra la Tierra C'est en fait un gros rocher effrayant qui a percuté la Terre Насправді це великий довбаний камінь, який врізався в Землю

billions of years ago. And then it got stuck there.

But by the time that humans figured all of that out, there were Pero en el momento en que los humanos descubrieron todo eso, ya había Mais au moment où les humains ont compris tout cela,

already seven days in a week and nobody felt much like changing it siete días en una semana y nadie tenía muchas ganas de cambiarlo,

if they even ever wondered where it came from in the first place.

It is one of the rare ideas. It is simply so old.

No records remain of exactly who first invented it or exactly why. ||permanece||||||||| No quedan registros de quién lo inventó exactamente ni por qué. Il ne reste aucune trace de qui l'a inventé en premier

And it shows us that even ideas that we take for granted that seem like they've always just been there. |||||||||||concedidas|||||||| Y nos muestra que incluso las ideas que damos por sentado

Well, even those came from somewhere, of course, Bueno, incluso esos vinieron de algún lado, por supuesto, ahora, ya sabes. Eh bien, même ceux-ci venaient de quelque part,

now, you know.

What are you going to do with all of this knowledge, ¿Qué vas a hacer con todo este conocimiento? Qu'allez-vous faire avec toutes ces connaissances,

please get rid of Monday's stay curious. Por favor, deshazte de la curiosidad del lunes. veuillez vous débarrasser du séjour de lundi curieux.

As always, we'd like to thank everyone who supports Como siempre, nos gustaría agradecer a todos los que apoyan el programa en Comme toujours, nous tenons à remercier tous ceux qui soutiennent

the show on Patriot. We could not do it without you. l'émission sur Patriot. Nous ne pourrions pas le faire sans vous.

As you can imagine, videos like this require an extensive amount of Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, des vidéos comme celle-ci

research in order to collect all of this essential information, because nécessitent une recherche approfondie afin de collecter toutes

there is a lot of it. We couldn't do that without your support.

And we'd like to keep making more videos just like this one. So check Y nos gustaría seguir haciendo más videos como este. Así que echa un Et nous aimerions continuer à faire plus de vidéos comme celle-ci.

out our community, because seriously, I've got a lot of questions. vistazo a nuestra comunidad, porque en serio, tengo muchas preguntas. Alors consultez notre communauté, car sérieusement, j'ai beaucoup de questions.

Thanks. Links on description, seven day chunks, a seven day week ||||||períodos|||| Gracias. Enlaces sobre descripción, fragmentos de siete días, Merci. Liens sur la description, segments de sept jours,

seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven.

Why the number seven seven seven seven seven seven seven Por qué el número siete siete siete siete siete siete siete siete Pourquoi le nombre sept sept sept sept sept sept sept sept sept à sept

seven at seven centered around seven. en siete centrado alrededor de siete.

The number seven seven seven seven seven seven. El número siete siete siete siete siete siete.

The universe did seem to be screaming that seven with special. ||||||gritando|||| El universo parecía estar gritando ese siete con especial. L'univers semblait crier que sept avec spécial.