قصة القرد النمام || Gossip Monkey 🙈
Die Geschichte vom Klatschaffen || Klatschaffe 🙈
The story of the gossip monkey || Gossip Monkey 🙈
L'histoire du singe bavard || Singe bavard 🙈
Historia plotkarskiej małpy || Plotkarska Małpa 🙈
Berättelsen om skvallerapan || Gossip Monkey 🙈
Dedikoducu maymunun hikayesi || Dedikodu Maymunu 🙈
أهلا بكم يا أطفال
Welcome kids
اليوم سأخبركم عن قصة القرد النمام
Today I will tell you about the story of the gossiper monkey
بينما كان القرد الصغير ذاهبا إلى أصدقائه ليلعب معهم
While the little monkey was going to his friends to play with them
سمع صوت الثعلب و النمر وهما يتحدثان
He heard the voice of the fox and the tiger talking
فاقترب منهما حتى يستمع لحديثهما
He approached them to listen to their conversation
سمع القرد الثعلب وهو يعد النمر بأنه لن يعود للسرقة أبدا
The monkey heard the fox promising the tiger that he would never go back to stealing
Maymun, tilkinin kaplana asla geri dönmeyeceğine dair söz verdiğini duydu.
وطلب منه بأن لا يخبر أحدا
He asked him not to tell anyone
kimseye söylememesini istedi
أوعده النمر بأنه سيحافظ على سرّه
The tiger promised him that he would keep his secret
Kaplan ona sırrını saklayacağına söz verdi.
ولكن القرد النمام الثرثار ذهب وأخبر الجميع بأمر الثعلب
But the gossiping monkey went and told everyone about the fox
علم الثعلب بما حدث فغضب و ذهب الى النمر ليعاتبه
The fox knew what had happened, so he got angry and went to the tiger to scold him
فأخبره النمر بأننه لم يخبر أحدا بسره
The tiger told him that he had not told anyone his secret
فصدقه الثعلب وقال
The fox believed him and said,
ترى من أعلم الجميع بحديثنا
See who knows everyone we talk to
ذهب النمر الى الحيوانات وسألهم عن من أخبرهم بأمر الثعلب
The tiger went to the animals and asked them who told them about the fox
فأخبرته الغزالة بأنه القرد
The deer told him that he was the monkey
فذهب اليه النمر و قال له غاضبا
So the tiger went to him and said to him angry
من الخطأ أن تتجسس على أصدقائك وتخبر الجميع بشئ لا يخصك
It is wrong to spy on your friends and tell everyone something that does not belong to you
تدخل الفيل وقال للقرد مبتسما
The elephant entered and said to the monkey, smiling
عندما يخطئ أحدنا أحدنا في حق أحد ثم يعرف خطؤه ويعتذر
When one of us makes a mistake in the right of another, then he knows his mistake and apologizes
فيجب أن نقبل إعتذاره وننسى خطأه ونسامحه
We must accept his apology, forget his mistake and forgive him
أدرك القرد أن ما فعله كان خطأ كبيرا
The monkey realized that what he had done was a big mistake
فذهب واعتذر للثعلب
So he went and apologized to the fox
و وعد جميع الحيوانات بأنه لن يكرر ما فعله و لن يكون نماما بعد اليوم
And he promised all the animals that he would not repeat what he did and would not be gossiping after today