54. Ακόμα κι ο Γκέκας είναι γελαστός
54. Selbst Gekas ist lächerlich
54. Even Gekas is laughable
54. Incluso Gekas es risible
Έφτασαν στις εννιά το βράδυ.
They arrived||nine||evening
They arrived at nine in the evening.
Είκοσι παιδιά έτρεξαν στον Φάνη και τον σήκωσαν στα χέρια.
Twenty||ran|||||they lifted||arms
Twenty children ran to Fanny and picked him up.
Ήθελαν να μάθουν αμέσως πού πήγε και τι είδε.
they wanted||learn|immediately||he went|||he saw
They wanted to know immediately where he went and what he saw.
Πώς χάθηκε και πώς βρέθηκε.
|was lost|||was found
How it was lost and how it was found.
Όλοι μαζί τον ερωτούσαν.
|||were asking
They all asked him together.
—Σιγά σιγά, είπε ο Φάνης.
-"Slowly," said Fanis.
Θα σας τα πω ύστερα.
|you||I will tell|later
I'll tell you about it later.
—Θα σας πούμε για τον Αράπη, είπε ο Μαθιός.
will|you|we will tell||||||
-"We will tell you about the Arab," said Mathius.
—Πήγαμε στο σπίτι του και τον είδαμε.
we went||||||we saw
-We went to his house and saw him.
—Αυτό δεν είναι τίποτα, είπε ο Καλογιάννης.
-This is nothing, Kalogiannis said.
Είδαμε τον μεθυσμένο μυλωνά.
we saw||drunk|miller
We saw the drunken miller.
Είχε πιει ένα αμπέλι κρασί.
|drunk||barrel of|wine
He had drunk a vine of wine.
—Και ποιος σας άλεσε το αλεύρι; ρώτησε ο Δημητράκης.
—And who ground the flour for you? asked Dimitrakis.
—Το αλεύρι το άλεσε ο μύλος.
—The mill ground the flour.
—Ο μυλωνάς τι έκανε;
|the miller||did
—What did the miller do?
—Να τι έκανε.
that||he did
-What he did.
Ο Καλογιάννης έβγαλε το γελέκο του και παράστησε τον μυλωνά, όταν προσπαθούσε να το φορέσει.
||took off||jacket|||pretended to be||miller||he was trying|||put it on
Kalogiannis took off his hawk and stood up the miller when he tried to put it on.
Όταν τραγούδησε και το:
|he/she sang||
When he sang and the:
τούτη η γης που την πατούμε, όλοι μέσα θε να μπούμε
this|||||we tread||inside|||we will enter
this earth we tread, all of us in it we must enter
ήταν απαράλλαχτος ο Μπαρμπακούκης.
Barbacookis was unchanged.
Τι γέλια έγιναν!
|laughter|there were
What a laugh!
Γελούσε κι ο Γκέκας.
was laughing|||
Gekas was laughing too.
Έτσι έλεγαν τα παιδιά, πως γελούσε.
|said|||that|he was laughing
That's what the kids said, that he was laughing.
Είχε κι αυτός το στόμα ανοιχτό και σήκωνε το κεφάλι του, τάχα πως κουβέντιαζε κι αυτός, τάχα πως τα καταλάβαινε όλα με το νι και με το σίγμα· σαν να 'λεγε κι αυτός για τον μυλωνά: «Χι, χι, χι, τον Μπαρμπακούκη!».
||||mouth|open||lifting||head||||he was chatting||he|||the|understood||||nu||||sigma|||was saying|||||miller|hi|ha ha ha|ha ha ha||Uncle Barbakou
He too had his mouth open and lifted his head, as if he too were talking, as if he understood everything with a "n" and a "s"; as if he too were saying about the miller: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, Barbacooki!".