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Storybooks Canada Cantonese, 丁支 同 班 牛

丁支 同 班 牛

丁支 同 嫲嫲 一齊 住。

丁支 成日 同 嫲嫲 一齊 睇住 班 牛。

有 一日 ,條 村 度 嚟 咗 班 士兵。

佢 哋 帶走 晒 啲 牛。

丁支 同 嫲嫲 逃離 咗 條 村 ,匿埋 咗。

佢哋 匿埋 喺 樹叢 度 ,一直 到 天黑。

跟住 班 士兵 就 返嚟。

嫲嫲 幫 丁支 𢫏 住 啲 樹葉 俾 佢 匿埋 喺 底下 。 有個 士兵 踩到 丁支 藏身 嘅 樹葉 上面 ,但 係 丁支 都 冇 出聲。

丁支 同 嫲嫲 等到 周圍 安全 先 走 咗 出嚟。

佢 哋 靜雞雞 爬 返 屋企。

丁支 同 班 牛 Ding Branch with Class Cow 丁支同班牛

丁支 同 嫲嫲 一齊 住。 Ding Zhi lived with his great-grandmother.

丁支 成日 同 嫲嫲 一齊 睇住 班 牛。 Ding Zhi Cheng Ri and his great-grandmother look at Ban Niu together.

有 一日 ,條 村 度 嚟 咗 班 士兵。 One day, a soldier came to Jomura.

佢 哋 帶走 晒 啲 牛。 They took away some cattle.

丁支 同 嫲嫲 逃離 咗 條 村 ,匿埋 咗。 Ding Zhi and his great-grandmother escaped from the village and buried.

佢哋 匿埋 喺 樹叢 度 ,一直 到 天黑。 They stayed hidden in the bushes until dark.

跟住 班 士兵 就 返嚟。 Follow the soldier in the class and come back.

嫲嫲 幫 丁支 𢫏 住 啲 樹葉 俾 佢 匿埋 喺 底下 。 Loud and proud to help Ding support the leaves so that he can hide under the tree. 有個 士兵 踩到 丁支 藏身 嘅 樹葉 上面 ,但 係 丁支 都 冇 出聲。 A soldier stepped on the leaves where Ding Zhi was hiding, but Ding Zhi didn't even make a sound.

丁支 同 嫲嫲 等到 周圍 安全 先 走 咗 出嚟。 Ding Zhi and his great-grandmother waited until the surrounding area was safe and came out first.

佢 哋 靜雞雞 爬 返 屋企。 They climbed back to the house quietly.