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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 055

而家 講返 下 曹仁 啊 , 佢 啊 將 啲 殘兵敗將 集合 起 嚟 , 整理 咗 一下 就 驻扎 喺 新野 。 同時 呢 就 派 曹洪去 見 曹操 , 將 戰敗 嘅 經過 一五一十 噉 向 曹操 報告 。 曹操 一聽 就 發火 喇 , 佢 話 : 諸葛亮 呢 個 鄉下佬 真 可恶 啊 ! 於是 下令 出動 大軍 , 萬山 遍野 就 開進 新野 。 跟 住 , 就 派兵 一便 搜山 一便 填平 條 白河 。 妥當 之後 再 分兵 八路 , 要 進攻 樊城 嘞 。 劉曄 就 對 曹操 講 : 丞相 你 初 到 襄陽 , 收買 民心 係 最 緊要 嘅 事 啊 。 劉備 而家將 老百姓 都 帶 晒 去 樊城 啦 , 如果 我 哋 跟 住 殺入 去 , 噉 呢 兩個 縣 就 不堪設想 , 變成 粉 都 得 喇 。 丞相 , 不如 先 派 個人 去 說服 劉備 要 佢 投降 。 佢 如果 唔 肯 投降 , 到 時 再 去 打 佢 , 噉 亦 可以 睇 出 丞相 個心 係 顧惜 老百姓 嘅 , 係 不得已 先至 進兵 嘅 。 如果 劉備 肯 投降 咯 , 噉 就 更好 喇 。 丞相 你 不費 一兵一卒 , 就 可以 將 荊州 地區 嘅 局勢 平定 落 嚟 喇 。 噉 , 派邊 個人 去 呢 ? 丞相 , 有 一個 人 最合適 。 邊個 啊 ? 徐庶 。 徐庶 ? 係 , 徐庶 同 劉備 嘅 交情 係 非常 好 , 而家 , 佢 咁 啱 跟 住 喺 處 嚟 , 派 佢 去一趟 係 最合適 嘅 喇 。 嗯 , 佢 去 咗 , 怕 佢 唔 肯 返 嚟 噃。 唔 會 嘅 , 丞相 。 佢 如果 唔 返 嚟 , 豈 唔 係 會 畀 人 哋 恥笑 。 丞相 你 即管 放心 啦 。 於是 曹操 啊 叫 人 請 徐庶 嚟 對 佢 話 喇 : 我 本來 想 立即 起兵 , 去 踩 平 樊城 , 不過 諗 住 啲 無辜 老百姓 , 所以 就 唔 忍心 。 而家 , 請 先生 你 去 搵 劉備 說服 佢 , 叫 佢 嚟 投降 。 如果 佢 應承 , 噉 我 不但 不 計較 佢 嘅 罪過 , 仲要 封官 賞爵 。 如果 佢 執迷不悟 , 噉 就 連 佢 啲 軍隊 同 老百姓 ,冚𠾴唥 都 保 唔 住 嘞 。 我 一向 知道 先生 為 人 忠義 , 所以 特意 請 先生 你 去 行 一趟 。 請 先生 , 千萬 唔 好 辜負 我 呢 一片 心意 啊 。 徐庶 接受 咗 曹操 嘅 命令 , 就 去 樊城 。 去 到 咗 , 同 劉備 、 孔明 佢 哋 見到 面 , 大家 傾談 咗 一番 往日 嘅 情誼 之後 , 徐庶 就 對 劉備 話 嘞 : 曹操 叫 我 嚟 勸 你 投降 , 不過 係 想 收買人心 嘅 啫 。 佢 其實 一切 都 安排 好 喇 , 佢 將 大軍 分成 八路 , 填平 咗 白河 , 準備 直殺過 嚟 。 佢 一旦 打過 嚟 , 睇 個樣 樊城 係 冇 辦法 守 嘅 , 仲 係 快 啲 做好 撤退 嘅 打算 罷啦 。 劉備 好 感激 徐庶 , 佢 唔 想 再 放 徐 庶 走 , 竭力 噉 挽留 佢 。 但 係 徐庶 唔 肯 啊 , 佢 話 : 我 如果 唔 返去 , 一定 會 畀 人 哋 恥笑 嘅 。 而家 , 我 家母 已經 逝世 。 我 個人 雖然 身在 曹營 , 但 係 , 我決 唔 同 佢 出 一個 主意 。 而家 , 臥龍 喺 呢 處 輔助 你 , 噉 使 咩 嘢 擔心 將來 個 偉大事業 唔 成功 呢 ? 仲 係 請 你 放 我 返 去 啦 。 劉備 見 佢 噉 講 亦 唔 敢 勉強 留 佢 。 徐庶 返到 去 就 報告 曹操 , 話 劉備 絲毫 都 冇 投降 嘅 意思 啊 噉 。 曹操 聽 咗 好 嬲 , 當日 就 開始 進兵 殺 奔 樊城 。 劉備 好 緊張 , 就 同 孔明 商量 睇 下 點樣 嚟 應付 呢 個 危急 局面 。 孔明 就 建議 放棄 樊城 , 將 襄陽 奪取 過 嚟 , 搵 個 暫時 落腳 嘅 地方 再講 。 劉備 話 : 啲 百姓 跟 住 我 東奔西走 咁 耐咯 , 我點 捨得 掉 低 佢 哋 唔 理 呢 ? 主公 你 可以 使人 向 啲 百姓 講清楚 , 願意 跟 住 我 哋 一齊 去 嘅 就 一齊 去 , 唔 願 嘅 就 留 低 啦 。 劉備 同意 。 孔明 跟 住 就 派 關羽 去 江邊 , 將 船隻 安排 好先 。 然後 就 派 孫乾 、 簡雍 兩個 人 , 喺 城裏 便 大聲 噉 對 啲 老百姓 宣佈 話 : 曹操 嘅 兵馬 就 快 殺 到 喇 , 呢 座 孤城 係 守 唔 住 嘅 。 你 哋 老百姓 願意 跟 住 去 嘅 就 一齊 過江 啦 噉 。 噉 新野 、 樊城 兩個 縣 啲 百姓 啊 , 一齊 大聲 噉 嗌 話 : 我 哋 就算 死 都 要 跟 住 使君 喇 ! 就 喺 當日 , 全城 嘅 百姓 啊 , 扶老攜幼 拖男帶女 , 亂糟糟 一堆 蟻 噉 , 一齊 湧住 要 過河 。 劉備 喺 船上 見到 呢種 情形 咁 淒涼 , 個心 難過 到極 啊 。 佢 喊 起 嚟 話 : 唉 ! 為 咗 我 一個 人 , 連累 百姓 要 捱 噉 嘅 苦楚 , 我仲 生 喺 人世 做 乜嘢 吖 我 。 講完 就 想 跳水 自殺 。 哎 好彩 旁邊 啲 人拉住 , 噉 先 至 冇 事 咋 。 啲 百姓 聽 講話 噉 樣 呀 , 亦 都 一齊 痛哭 起上 嚟 。 劉備 坐船 過到 去 南岸 , 回 轉頭 嚟 睇 下 , 只見 北岸 嗰 啲 仲 未 渡江 嘅 百姓 , 都 對 住 南岸 猛 咁 喊 。 佢 馬上 派 關羽 催促 啲 渡船 返去 北岸 , 將 嗰 啲 人 渡 埋 過 嚟 , 安排 好 喇 , 噉 劉備 先至 上馬 , 趕路 去 襄陽 啊 。 一路行 啊 行 啊 , 嚟 到 襄陽 嘞 。 呢 處 啊 , 係 襄陽 城 嘅 東門 。 只見 城上 插滿 旗幟 , 壕邊 密布 鹿角 , 嘩 嗨 ! 戒備森嚴 啊 。 劉備 勒定 馬 , 對住 城樓 大聲 噉 嗌: 劉琮 賢侄 , 我 只 係 想 救 啲 老百姓 啫 , 並 冇 其他 意思 嘅 , 快 啲 開 城門 啦 ! 劉琮 聽講 劉備 嚟 到 唄 , 驚起 上 嚟 , 唔 敢 出 嚟 同 佢 見面 。 蔡瑁 同張 允 即刻 嚟 到 城頭 , 命令 啲 兵士 亂箭 咁 射落 去 。 死 啦 , 唔 畀 入 城 噃, 噉 點算 好 嘩 。 城外 啲 百姓 望住 城樓 , 喊 到 𡃀𡃀 聲 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 城內 有個 將軍 , 帶住 幾百人 就 沖 上 咗 城樓 , 大喝一聲 話 : 呸 ! 蔡瑁 、 張允 你 兩個 賣國賊 ! 劉使君 乃 係 個 仁德 之 人 。 今日 為 咗 救 百姓 , 投奔 嚟 到 呢 處 , 你 哋 點解 要 拒絕 啊 ! 呢 位 將軍 係 邊個 呢 ? 佢 身高 八尺 , 面如 重棗 紅紅 黑黑 , 乃 係 義陽 人士 , 姓 魏名 延字 文長 。 當時 魏延 鋼刀 一揮 啊 , 斬 死 咗 守門 嘅 軍士 , 叫 人 打開 城門 , 放落 吊橋 , 佢 大聲 噉 叫 : 劉皇叔 快快 帶兵 入 城 , 一齊 嚟 殺 賣國 奸賊 啊 ! 張飛 一聽 , 嘿 躍馬 就 想 衝入 城 。 劉備 急急 制止 佢 話 : 唔 好 傷害 百姓 ! 當魏延 正在 叫緊 劉備 嘅 軍馬 入 城 嘅 時候 , 只見 城內 有 一員大將 , 帶領 一支 軍馬 趕到 出 嚟 , 大聲 噉 喝 話 : 魏延 你 個 無名小卒 , 竟然 作反 咁 斗膽 ! 識 唔 識得 我 大將 文聘 啊 ! 魏延 嬲 啊 , 挺槍 躍馬 就 上前 迎戰 。 兩 便 嘅 兵卒 , 就 喺 城 邊 混戰 起 嚟 , 殺 啊 殺 啊 ! 打得 啊 十分激烈 。 劉備 見到 噉 樣 就 同 孔明 話 喇 : 唉 , 我 本來 想 保護 啲 百姓 , 點知 反而 害 咗 佢 哋 添 , 唉 ! 我 唔 願入 襄陽 咯 。 孔明 諗 咗 一 諗 話 嘞 : 江陵 乃 係 荊州 嘅 要 地 啊 , 不如 先 去 奪取 江陵 作為 立足之地 啦 。 好 啊 好 啊 , 合晒 我 嘅 心意 啊 。 於是 就 帶 住 百姓 離開 襄陽 , 向 住 江陵 出發 。 江陵 係 個 縣 , 位置 喺 而 家 湖北省 中部 偏南 嘅 地方 , 係 喺 襄陽 以南 長江 嘅 北岸 , 乃 係 南北 陸路 交通 嘅 要 沖 。 噉 嗰 頭 見到 劉備 走 嘞 , 襄陽 城內 有 好多 百姓 啊 趁 住 亂 嘅 時候 , 逃走 咗 出 嚟 , 跟 埋 劉備 趯 去 江陵 噃。 魏延 呢 , 佢 同 文 聘 喺 度 大戰 , 由 巳時 打 到 未時 。 即 係 上午 九點 零鐘 啊 到 到 下午 點幾鐘 。 佢 手下 嘅 兵卒 全部 戰死 晒 。 魏延 就 撥轉 馬頭 逃跑 啦 , 四圍 都 搵 唔 到 劉備 。 噉 自己 呢 , 就 趯 咗 去 投奔 長沙 太守 韓玄 嘞 。 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 帶 住 呢 支 隊伍 啊 , 認真 係 雜牌軍 咯 。 嗱, 有 兵士 、 有 老百姓 , 總共 成 十幾萬 人 。 嘿嘿 , 淨 係 大大 細細 嘅 車輛 啊 亦 有 幾千 架 。 擔 擔 嘅 、 孭 背包 嘅 就 不計其數 嘞 。 一路行 , 經過 咗 劉表 嘅 墳墓 , 劉備 就 帶 住 一班 文武 官員 , 喺 墓 前 拜 佢 。 佢 流 住 眼淚 噉 稟告 話 : 辱弟 劉備 , 無德無才 , 辜負 兄長 嘅 囑託 。 罪過 都 喺 我 處 , 同 百姓 無關 喇 。 望 兄長 嘅 英靈 保佑 , 救一救 荊 襄 嘅 民 眾 啦 。 一字 稟告 一字 喊 , 又 淒涼 又 誠懇 。 啲 軍士 同 百姓 見到 呀 , 都 不禁 流 起 眼淚 嚟 啊 。 拜 完 劉表 又 起程 嘞 。 忽然間 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 曹操 嘅 大軍 , 已經 進駐 樊城 嘞 。 同時 呢 , 已經 下令 叫 人 準備 船隻 , 好快 就要 渡江 追 嚟 嘅 喇 噉 。 一 接到 呢 個 消息 , 啲 將官 就 心急 喇 。 佢 哋 都 話 喇 : 江陵 地勢 險要 , 喺 嗰 度 完全 可以 防守 得 住 嘅 。 唉 就 係 而家 咁 多 老百姓 跟 住 , 佗 手 掕 腳 , 一日 先至行 得 十幾 里路 , 噉 要 幾時 先至行 得到 江陵 啊 ? 如果 曹兵 追到 嚟 , 噉 點樣 迎敵 呢 ? 不如 暫時 掉 低 啲 百姓 , 等 軍隊 趕快 去 江陵 先 啦 。 劉備 話 : 我 哋 要 想 做 成功 一番 大 事業 , 必定 要 以 人 為 本 啊 。 而家 , 咁 多 人 都 嚟 跟 住 我 , 我點 能夠 拋棄 佢 哋 呢 ? 哎呀 , 啲 老百姓 聽到 劉備 呢 番 說話 , 冇 個 唔 感動 啊 。 所以 後 嚟 有人 寫過 一首 詩 讚 劉備 , 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : 臨難 仁心 存 百姓 , 登舟 揮淚 動 三軍 。 至今 憑弔 襄 江口 , 父老 猶然 憶 使君 。 劉備 就 係 噉 樣帶 住 啲 百姓 , 一步 一步 噉 向前 行 。 孔明 見到 噉 嘅 情形 , 非要 先 做 一番 安排 不可 , 否則 曹兵 一到 就 弊弊 冇 咁 弊 嘞 。 於是 佢 就 向 劉備 建議 , 請 劉備 寫封信 , 派 關羽 帶住 信去 江夏 , 向 劉琦 求救 。 請 劉琦 馬上 派兵 , 坐船去 江陵 接應 。 劉備 同意 咗 , 即刻 就 寫 咗 封 求救信 。 噉 關羽 同埋 孫乾 , 帶領 五百名 兵丁 , 就 出發 去 江夏 嘞 。 然後 呢 , 孔明 又 命令 張飛 斷後 , 趙雲 就 保護 家眷 , 其餘 嘅 人 , 都 同埋 百姓 一齊 行 。 噉 一日 呢 , 只 係 行十零里 路 就 停落 嚟 休息 嘞 。 話 說 曹操 喺 樊城 啊 , 佢 派 人 渡江 去 襄陽 , 召劉琮 去 見 佢 。 劉琮 就 好 怕 㗎 , 就 唔 敢 去 見 曹操 。 蔡瑁 同張 允 兩個 啊 自願 去 。 有個 將官 叫做 王威 , 佢 靜靜 噉 向 劉琮 建議 話 : 將軍 , 你 已經 投降 咗 曹操 㗎 啦 。 玄德 又 走 咗 喇 , 噉 , 曹操 必定 放鬆 晒 冇 防備 㗎 喇 。 希望 將軍 你 振奮精神 整頓 軍隊 , 埋伏 喺 險要 嘅 地方 , 襲擊 曹操 , 噉 一定 可以 捉 到 曹操 嘅 。 捉 到 曹操 就 會 威震天下 。 中原 嘅 地方 雖然 廣闊 啊 , 之到 時 將軍 發出 嘅 檄文 一到 , 就 可以 平定 嘅 喇 。 呢 個 機會 十分 難得 , 唔 好失 咗 佢 啊 將軍 ! 噉 呀 , 等 我 考慮 下 啦 。 劉琮 就 將王威 呢 番 說話 原原本本 噉 講返 畀 蔡瑁 聽 , 征求 蔡 瑁 嘅 意見 。 蔡瑁 梗 係 唔 同意 㗎 啦 , 佢 搵 王 威 嚟 , 鬧 佢 話 : 你 都 不 知天命 嘅 , 亂講 乜嘢 啊 ! 王威 發起 火 嚟 鬧 返 佢 轉頭 : 呸 ! 你 呢 個 賣國 奸賊 ! 我 恨不得 監生 食 你 嘅 肉 啊 ! 蔡瑁 嬲 起 上 嚟 ,掹 出 把 劍 想 殺 王 威 。 蒯越 就 即刻 苦苦 勸住 佢 , 噉 先 至 冇 事 咋 。 終歸 , 劉琮 係 完全 聽 晒 蔡 瑁 嘅 。 就 派 蔡瑁 同張 允去 樊城 。 去 到 喇 , 佢 兩個 拜見 曹操 啦 。 嘿 呀 ! 嗰 種 卑躬屈膝 阿諛奉承 嘅 樣 呀 , 真 係 又 肉麻 又 骨痺 啊 ! 曹操 問 佢 : 荊州 嘅 軍馬 錢糧 , 而家 有 幾多 啊 ? 蔡瑁 就 回答 話 喇 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 現有 馬 軍 五萬 、 步軍 十五萬 、 水軍 八萬 , 總共 二十八萬 。 錢糧 大部分 都 存放 喺 江陵 , 其餘 各個 地方 , 亦 都 足夠 供給 一年 嘅 。 戰船 有 幾多 呢 ? 原來 係 邊 個人 掌管 㗎 ? 大細 戰船 , 總共 七千 幾隻 , 係 小將 同張 允 兩個 人 掌管 嘅 。 曹操 問 清楚 之後 , 就 加封 蔡瑁 做 鎮南 侯 、 水軍 大 都督 。 封張 允 做助 順侯 、 水軍 副 都督 。 嘿 , 呢 兩個 傢伙 歡喜 到 周身 鬆 晒 , 即刻 叩頭 拜謝 。 曹操 又 話 嘞 : 劉景升 已經 逝世 , 佢 個 仔 又 歸降 朝廷 , 我 一定 稟奏 皇上 , 任命 佢 永遠 做 荊州 之主 。 嘩 ! 噉 就 喜上加喜 咯 , 兩個 人 拜謝 過 曹操 就 告辭 返扯 嘞 。 等 佢 哋 走 咗 , 荀 攸 又 對 曹操 話 : 蔡瑁 同張 允 都 係 巧言令色 、 阿諛諂媚 嘅 小人 。 主公 一下 就 封 佢 哋 咁 顯要 嘅 爵位 , 仲 叫 佢 哋 率領 水軍 添 , 點解 呢 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 曹操 笑 嘞 : 唔 通 我 唔 識 睇 人 咩 ? 皆 因 我 嘅 軍隊 都 係 北方 人 , 唔 識 水戰 , 故此 暫時 用住 呢 兩個 人先 。 等 成功 之後 , 我 自然 有 分數 嘅 。 哈哈 , 曹操 呀 係 厲害 㗎 。 噉 嗰 個 蔡 瑁 同 張 允 興沖沖 噉 返到 襄陽 去 回覆 劉琮 話 : 曹操 已經 應承 咗 , 要 保奏 將軍 你 永遠 坐鎮 荊襄 啊 。 嘩 , 噉 劉琮 就 高興 啦 。 第 日 , 佢 同埋 母親 蔡夫人 , 捧住 大印 、 兵符 , 親自 渡江 去 拜見 同 歡迎 曹操 。 曹操 照例 講 幾句 官樣文章 , 慰問 下 劉琮 , 就 立即 率領 啊 呢 趟 隨從 南征 嘅 將官 , 進駐 襄陽 。 就 喺 城外 扎落 營寨 嘞 。 曹操 嚟 嘅 時候 , 蔡瑁 、 張允 啊 仲 命令 襄陽 嘅 百姓 , 喺 路邊 焚香 跪接 啊 。 曹操 一路上 , 對 啲 歡迎 佢 嘅 百姓 都 好言好語 噉 慰問 安撫 一番 。 曹操 入 咗 城 , 嚟 到 衙門 裏 便 坐落 之後 , 立即 就 召 蒯越 嚟 見 佢 , 好 親熱 噉 對 佢 講 : 我 得到 荊州 , 仲 唔 係 咁 歡喜 , 我 歡喜 嘅 , 係 得到 先生 你 啊 ! 於是 就 封 蒯越 做 江陵 太守 、 樊城 侯 。 傅巽 、 王 粲 等等 呢 , 都 封 做 關內 侯 。 噉 劉琮 呢 , 好 喇 , 曹操 啊 叫 佢 去 做 青州 刺史 喎 , 仲 命令 佢 即日 起程 添 。 劉琮 一 聽到 呢 個 命令 , 驚到 面色 都 變晒 。 佢 對 曹操 推辭 話 : 我 , 我 唔 願 做官 , 我 , 我 情願 守住 父母 嘅 鄉土 啊 。 青州 嘅 地方 靠近 皇上 嘅 首都 , 我 係 要 你 喺 朝廷 做官 , 免 至 喺 荊州 容易 畀 人 謀害 啊 ! 劉琮 再三 推辭 , 但 係 曹操 唔 准 。 噉 劉琮 就 唯有 同埋 母親 蔡夫人 , 一齊 去 青州 嘞 。 去 嘅 時候 , 嗰 班 老 部下 , 只 係 得 將官 王威 跟 埋 佢 去 。 其餘 嘅 官員 , 全部 都 係 送到 去 江口 就 返 轉頭 。 劉琮 呢頭 啱 啱 出發 唔 , 嗰 頭 曹操 就 叫 于 禁 嚟 吩咐 佢 話 嘞 : 你 帶 一隊 輕騎兵 , 追住 去 , 殺 咗 劉琮 母子 , 以絕後患 ! 遵命 ! 于禁 即刻 帶兵 飛快 噉 追上 咗 劉琮 , 佢 大喝一聲 話 : 你 哋 咪 走 ! 我 奉 咗 丞相 嘅 命令 , 嚟 殺 你 哋 兩 母子 啊 ! 快 啲 獻上 人頭 ! 哎 啊 , 天 啊 可憐 啊 ! 蔡夫人 攬住 劉琮 , 放聲大哭 。 于禁 叫 啲 兵士 逳 手 。 王威 呀 憤怒 到極 啊 , 搏命 咁 同 佢 哋 打 。 嗨 , 寡不敵眾 吖 , 畀 啲 兵亂 刀 斬 死 。 跟 住 啲 兵士 啊 殺死 埋 劉琮同 蔡夫人 。 于禁 完成 咗 任務 就 返去 報告 曹操 。 曹操 就 重重 咁 賞賜 佢 。 曹操 呢 , 就 嬲 孔明 嬲 到 入骨 嘅 喇 。 佢 派 人 去 隆中 搜捕 孔明 嘅 老婆 仔女 喎 。 哈哈 , 點知 早就 不知去向 。 原來 孔明 呢 , 一 早就 有 防備 喇 。 佢 已經 叫 人將 一家 大細 啊 , 搬 咗 去 三江 , 匿 埋 住 咯 , 仲等 你 捉 咩 ! 佔領 咗 襄陽 之後 , 荀 攸 就 向 曹操 獻計 嘞 , 佢 話 : 丞相 , 江陵 乃 係 荊襄 重地 , 錢糧 極 多 。 如果 畀 劉備 佔據 咗 , 嗰 陣 要 動 佢 就 唔 易 㗎 喇 。 梗 係 啦 , 我 冇 唔 記得 啊 。 於是 曹操 啊 , 就 想 喺 襄陽 原來 啲 將領 當中 , 選 一個 嚟 , 叫 佢 喺 前 便 做 開路先鋒 。 一問 , 咁 多 將領 都 到 齊 嘞 , 獨獨 唔 見 咗 文聘 。 曹操 就 派 人 去 搵 佢 , 噉 文聘 先至 嚟 見 曹操 唧 。 曹操 問 : 你 點解 嚟 得 咁 遲 啊 ? 嗨 , 為 人 之臣 , 而 唔 能夠 使 佢 嘅 主公 保全 領土 , 個心 , 實在 慚愧 , 冇 面 嚟 見 丞相 啊 ! 忠臣 , 真 係 忠臣 ! 曹操 就 任命 文聘 做 江夏 太守 , 封 佢 做 關內 侯 , 命令 佢 做 先鋒 , 為 全軍 開路 。 曹操 嘅 偵探 探聽到 劉備 啊 因為 帶 住 咁 多 百姓 行軍 , 每日 只 能夠 前進 十幾 里 。 所以 計起 嚟 呢 , 而家 只 係 行 咗 三百 幾里唧 。 曹操 就 下令 各路 軍隊 , 各自 精選 五千名 鐵甲 馬 軍 , 漏夜 前進 , 限 一日 一夜 追 上 劉備 。 大 部隊 呢 就 陸續 隨後 推進 。 而家 講返 劉備 , 佢 帶 住 十幾萬 百姓 啊 三千 幾名 兵士 , 一站 一站 好似 蟻 躝 噉 行去 江陵 。 當時 啊 , 係 趙雲 保護 家眷 , 張飛 斷後 。 本來 關羽 去 咗 江夏 向 劉琦 求救 , 但 係 去 咗 咁 多日 嘞 , 仲 係 毫無 音訊 噃。 劉備 心急 , 佢 對 孔明 話 : 我 想 勞煩 軍師 你 親自 去 江夏 行 一趟 。 因為 先生 你 往日 曾經 指點 過 佢 , 佢 好 感激 先生 嘅 。 而 家 佢 見到 先生 你 親自 去 到 咯 , 就 一定 應承 嚟 救 我 哋 嘅 。 孔明 答應 咗 , 就 同 劉封 帶 住 五百名 兵卒 就 趕去 江夏 求救 。 當日 , 劉備 依舊 帶住 大家 一齊 去 江陵 。 喺 佢 身邊 啊 , 有 簡雍 、 糜竺 、 糜 芳 佢 哋 幾個 。 行行 下 , 忽然間 呼 噉 一浸 狂風 , 就 喺 馬 前 發起 , 吹到 呀 塵土 遮天 , 連個 日光 都 蒙晒 。 劉備 吃 咗 一驚 就問 : 咦 ? 呢 個 係 咩 嘢 兆頭 呢 吓 ? 簡雍 啊 幾識 占卦 嘅 , 佢 掐指一算 : 哎呀 ! 呢 個 係 大 兇 嘅 兆頭 啊 , 就 應 在 今晚 。 主公 , 快 啲 掉 低 百姓 走 啦 ! 啲 百姓 由 新野 跟 住 我 跟 到 嚟 呢 處 , 我點 忍心 拋棄 佢 哋 啊 ? 主公 啊 , 如果 你仲顧 住 啲 百姓 唔 捨得 掉 低 佢 哋 , 噉 就 大禍 就 到 㗎 喇 。 前 便 係 咩 嘢 地方 啊 ? 旁邊 有人 回答 話 嘞 : 前 便 就 係 當陽 縣 , 有座 山 叫做 景山 呀 。 劉備 吩咐 大家 就 靠 住 景山 宿營 。 當陽 縣 呢 , 就 喺 湖北省 嘅 西部 , 喺 江陵 嘅 西北方 。 當時 啊 係 秋末冬 初 , 涼風 透骨 。 到 咗 傍晚 , 只 聽見 到處 都 係 啼哭 嘅 聲音 呀 , 真 係 淒涼 啊 。 當晚 到 咗 四 更天 , 突然 間 喺 西北角 啊 傳來 一陣 喊 殺 嘅 聲音 , 驚天動地 。 劉備 嚇 咗 一 跳 啊 , 趕快 上馬 , 帶住 自己 部下 兩千 幾名 精兵 就 迎上去 打 嘞 喎 。 但 嘅 曹 兵 人 多 勢 眾 , 銳不可當 。 不過 事到如今 嘞 , 頂 唔 住 都 要 頂 嘅 啦 。 劉備 就 拼死 猛打 。 正在 危險 萬分 嘅 時候 , 嘿好彩 張飛 呀 帶兵 趕到 嚟 , 殺 開條 血路 , 救出 咗 劉備 , 向 住 東便 逃跑 。 剛剛 趯 出 重圍 , 哈 , 迎面 又 撞 正劉 琮 嘅 舊部 下 , 而家 做 咗 曹操 先鋒 嘅 文 聘 , 帶兵 攔住 去路 。 劉備 火起 就 鬧 佢 話 : 你 呢 個 背叛 主公 嘅 傢伙 ! 有 咩 嘢 面目 見 人 啊 你 ! 當堂 鬧到 文聘 羞慚 滿面 , 帶住 兵 向 住 東北方 走 咗 咯 。 噉 張飛 保護 住 劉備 就且 戰且 走 , 一直 趯 到 天光 。 喊 殺 嘅 聲音 呢 , 漸漸 細聲 咗 , 聽 唔 見 嘞 。 劉備 噉 先至 落馬 稍為 休息 一陣 。 佢 回過 頭 嚟 , 睇 一 睇 手下 跟 住 嚟 嘅 , 只 係 剩得 百零人 。 百姓 、 家眷 、 糜竺 、 糜芳 、 趙雲 佢 哋 一批 人 都 唔 知去 咗 邊 。 劉備 睇 見 呢 種淒 慘 嘅 情形 , 忍 唔 住 放聲 痛哭 。 哎 ! 十幾萬 生靈 , 皆 因 唔 捨得 我 , 所以 遇到 呢 一場 大難 。 咁 多 將官 、 妻兒老小 , 都 唔 知 生死 咯 。 哎 , 真 係 木頭 泥沙 做 嘅 人 都 傷心 啊 ! 正 喺 度 淒 淒涼 涼 嘅 時候 , 誒 突然 見到 糜芳 舂 下 舂 下 噉 行到 嚟 。 吖 , 佢 塊 面 呀 中 咗 幾支 箭 , 佢 對 劉備 話 : 趙子龍 反水 喇 ! 佢 , 佢 佢 佢 , 佢 去 投降 曹操 喇 ! 咩 話 ? 趙子龍 反水 去 咗 投降 曹操 ? 究竟 係 咪 真 㗎 ?

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而家 講返 下 曹仁 啊 , 佢 啊 將 啲 殘兵敗將 集合 起 嚟 , 整理 咗 一下 就 驻扎 喺 新野 。 now|talk about|next|Cao Ren|particle|he|particle|will|plural marker|defeated soldiers|gather|up|here|organize|past tense marker|briefly|then|stationed|at|Xinye Now let's talk about Cao Ren. He gathered the remnants of his defeated troops, organized them a bit, and stationed them in Xinye. 同時 呢 就 派 曹洪去 見 曹操 , 將 戰敗 嘅 經過 一五一十 噉 向 曹操 報告 。 at the same time|this|then|send||see|Cao Cao|will|defeat|possessive particle|process|in detail|like that|to|Cao Cao|report At the same time, he sent Cao Hong to meet Cao Cao, to report the details of the defeat to Cao Cao. 曹操 一聽 就 發火 喇 , 佢 話 : Cao Cao|upon hearing|immediately|got angry|particle indicating completed action|he|said As soon as Cao Cao heard this, he became furious and said: 諸葛亮 呢 個 鄉下佬 真 可恶 啊 ! Zhuge Liang|this|measure word|country bumpkin|really|despicable|ah This Zhuge Liang is really despicable! 於是 下令 出動 大軍 , 萬山 遍野 就 開進 新野 。 then|ordered|to mobilize|the army|thousands of mountains|across the fields|then|advanced into|Xinye So he ordered the mobilization of a large army, and they marched into Xinye across the mountains and fields. 跟 住 , 就 派兵 一便 搜山 一便 填平 條 白河 。 ||immediately|send troops|at the same time|search the mountain|at the same time|fill in|the|White River Then, send troops to search the mountains and fill in the white river. 妥當 之後 再 分兵 八路 , 要 進攻 樊城 嘞 。 proper|after|again|divide troops|Eighth Route Army|must|attack|Fancheng|(particle indicating completed action) After that, divide the troops into eight routes to attack Fancheng. 劉曄 就 對 曹操 講 : 丞相 你 初 到 襄陽 , 收買 民心 係 最 緊要 嘅 事 啊 。 Liu Ye|then|to|Cao Cao|said|Prime Minister|you|first|arrive|Xiangyang|winning over|hearts of the people|is|most|important|possessive particle|thing|ah particle Liu Ye said to Cao Cao: "Prime Minister, when you first arrive in Xiangyang, winning the hearts of the people is the most important thing." 劉備 而家將 老百姓 都 帶 晒 去 樊城 啦 , 如果 我 哋 跟 住 殺入 去 , 噉 呢 兩個 縣 就 不堪設想 , 變成 粉 都 得 喇 。 Liu Bei||common people|all|take|completely|to|Fan City|particle indicating completed action|if|I|plural marker|||attack|to|then|these|two|counties|then|unimaginable|become|powder|all|fine|particle indicating completed action Liu Bei has now taken all the common people to Fancheng. If we follow and attack, then these two counties will be unimaginable, they will be completely destroyed. 丞相 , 不如 先 派 個人 去 說服 劉備 要 佢 投降 。 Prime Minister|might as well|first|send|someone|to|persuade|Liu Bei|to|he|surrender Prime Minister, why not send someone to persuade Liu Bei to surrender? 佢 如果 唔 肯 投降 , 到 時 再 去 打 佢 , 噉 亦 可以 睇 出 丞相 個心 係 顧惜 老百姓 嘅 , 係 不得已 先至 進兵 嘅 。 he|if|not|willing|surrender|at|time|again|go|fight|him|then|also|can|||prime minister||is|cherishing|common people|possessive particle|is|unavoidable|only then|advance troops|particle indicating completed action If he is unwilling to surrender, then we can go and fight him later, which also shows that the Prime Minister cares for the common people and only advances the troops out of necessity. 如果 劉備 肯 投降 咯 , 噉 就 更好 喇 。 if|Liu Bei|is willing|to surrender|particle indicating a completed action|then|then|better|particle indicating a change or realization If Liu Bei is willing to surrender, then that would be even better. 丞相 你 不費 一兵一卒 , 就 可以 將 荊州 地區 嘅 局勢 平定 落 嚟 喇 。 Prime Minister|you|without spending|a single soldier|then|can|bring|Jingzhou|region|possessive particle|situation|stabilize|down|come|final particle Prime Minister, you can stabilize the situation in the Jingzhou region without losing a single soldier. 噉 , 派邊 個人 去 呢 ? then|send which|person|go|question particle So, who should we send? 丞相 , 有 一個 人 最合適 。 Prime Minister|has|one|person|most suitable Prime Minister, there is one person who is most suitable. 邊個 啊 ? who|question particle Who is it? 徐庶 。 Xu Shu Xu Shu. 徐庶 ? Xu Shu Xu Shu? 係 , 徐庶 同 劉備 嘅 交情 係 非常 好 , 而家 , 佢 咁 啱 跟 住 喺 處 嚟 , 派 佢 去一趟 係 最合適 嘅 喇 。 yes|Xu Shu|and|Liu Bei|possessive particle|friendship|is|very|good|now|he|so|just||living||place|come|send|he||is||particle indicating past action|final particle Yes, Xu Shu has a very good relationship with Liu Bei. Right now, he just happens to be here, so sending him is the most suitable. 嗯 , 佢 去 咗 , 怕 佢 唔 肯 返 嚟 噃。 hmm|he|go|past tense marker|afraid|he|not|willing|return|here|sentence-final particle Hmm, if he goes, I'm afraid he won't want to come back. 唔 會 嘅 , 丞相 。 not|will|particle indicating possession or modification|Prime Minister No, Prime Minister. 佢 如果 唔 返 嚟 , 豈 唔 係 會 畀 人 哋 恥笑 。 he|if|not|come|back|surely|not|is|will|be|people|them|ridicule If he doesn't come back, wouldn't that be a source of ridicule for him? 丞相 你 即管 放心 啦 。 Prime Minister|you|right away|don't worry|sentence-final particle Prime Minister, you can rest assured. 於是 曹操 啊 叫 人 請 徐庶 嚟 對 佢 話 喇 : then|Cao Cao|ah|called|someone|to invite|Xu Shu|to come|to|him|to speak|particle indicating completed action So, Cao Cao called someone to invite Xu Shu to speak to him: 我 本來 想 立即 起兵 , 去 踩 平 樊城 , 不過 諗 住 啲 無辜 老百姓 , 所以 就 唔 忍心 。 I|originally|wanted|immediately|raise troops|to|||Fan City|but|||the|innocent|common people|so|then|not|heartless I originally wanted to raise troops immediately to crush Fan City, but thinking of the innocent common people, I couldn't bear to do it. 而家 , 請 先生 你 去 搵 劉備 說服 佢 , 叫 佢 嚟 投降 。 now|please|sir|you|go|find|Liu Bei|persuade|him|tell|him|come|surrender Now, please, sir, go find Liu Bei and persuade him to come and surrender. 如果 佢 應承 , 噉 我 不但 不 計較 佢 嘅 罪過 , 仲要 封官 賞爵 。 if|he|promises|then|I|not only|||his|possessive particle|wrongdoing|also|confer official title|bestow nobility If he agrees, then not only will I not hold his crimes against him, but I will also grant him an official title and rewards. 如果 佢 執迷不悟 , 噉 就 連 佢 啲 軍隊 同 老百姓 ,冚𠾴唥 都 保 唔 住 嘞 。 if|he|is obstinate|then|will|even|he|plural marker|army|and|civilians|all|all|protect|not|live|past tense particle If he remains stubborn, then even his troops and the common people won't be able to protect him. 我 一向 知道 先生 為 人 忠義 , 所以 特意 請 先生 你 去 行 一趟 。 I|always|knew|sir|||loyal and righteous|so|specially|invited|sir|you|to go|make|one trip I have always known that you are a loyal and righteous person, which is why I specifically asked you to make this trip. 請 先生 , 千萬 唔 好 辜負 我 呢 一片 心意 啊 。 please|sir|by no means|||disappoint|I|this|a piece of|heartfelt intention|ah Please, sir, do not let my sincere intentions go to waste. 徐庶 接受 咗 曹操 嘅 命令 , 就 去 樊城 。 Xu Shu|accepted|past tense marker|Cao Cao|possessive particle|order|then|went|Fan City Xu Shu accepted Cao Cao's order and went to Fan City. 去 到 咗 , 同 劉備 、 孔明 佢 哋 見到 面 , 大家 傾談 咗 一番 往日 嘅 情誼 之後 , 徐庶 就 對 劉備 話 嘞 : go|arrive|past tense marker|with|Liu Bei|Kongming|they|plural marker|saw|face|everyone|talked|past tense marker|a round of|past|possessive particle|friendship|after|Xu Shu|then|to|Liu Bei|said|past tense marker When he arrived, he met with Liu Bei and Kong Ming, and after reminiscing about their past friendship, Xu Shu said to Liu Bei: 曹操 叫 我 嚟 勸 你 投降 , 不過 係 想 收買人心 嘅 啫 。 Cao Cao|called|me|here|persuade|you|surrender|but|is|wants||possessive particle|only Cao Cao sent me to persuade you to surrender, but he just wants to win people's hearts. 佢 其實 一切 都 安排 好 喇 , 佢 將 大軍 分成 八路 , 填平 咗 白河 , 準備 直殺過 嚟 。 he|actually|everything|all|arranged|well|particle indicating completed action|he|will|army|divided into|eight routes|filled|past tense marker|Bai River|prepared|to attack directly|here He has actually arranged everything; he has divided his army into eight routes, filled in the White River, and is ready to come straight over. 佢 一旦 打過 嚟 , 睇 個樣 樊城 係 冇 辦法 守 嘅 , 仲 係 快 啲 做好 撤退 嘅 打算 罷啦 。 he|once|called|here|looking|the situation|Fan City|is|no|way|defend|particle|still|is|quickly|more|prepare|retreat|particle|plan|just Once he attacks, it looks like Fan City won't be able to hold out, so you should quickly make plans for retreat. 劉備 好 感激 徐庶 , 佢 唔 想 再 放 徐 庶 走 , 竭力 噉 挽留 佢 。 Liu Bei|very|grateful|Xu Shu|he|not|want|again|let|||go|desperately|like this|persuade to stay|him Liu Bei was very grateful to Xu Shu, and he didn't want to let Xu Shu go again, trying his best to keep him. 但 係 徐庶 唔 肯 啊 , 佢 話 : 我 如果 唔 返去 , 一定 會 畀 人 哋 恥笑 嘅 。 ||Xu Shu|not|willing|particle|he|said|I|if|||definitely|will|be|||laughed at|particle But Xu Shu was unwilling, he said: If I don't go back, I will definitely be laughed at by others. 而家 , 我 家母 已經 逝世 。 now|I|mother|already|passed away Now, my mother has already passed away. 我 個人 雖然 身在 曹營 , 但 係 , 我決 唔 同 佢 出 一個 主意 。 I|person|although|is in|Cao camp||||not|with|him|come up with|one|idea Although I am currently in Cao's camp, I will definitely not come up with any ideas with him. 而家 , 臥龍 喺 呢 處 輔助 你 , 噉 使 咩 嘢 擔心 將來 個 偉大事業 唔 成功 呢 ? right now|Wolong|at|this|place|assist|you|then|need|what|thing|worry|future|the|great career|not|successful|this Now, with Zhuge Liang assisting you here, what is there to worry about the future great undertaking not succeeding? 仲 係 請 你 放 我 返 去 啦 。 ||please|you|let|me|||particle Please let me go back. 劉備 見 佢 噉 講 亦 唔 敢 勉強 留 佢 。 Liu Bei|saw|him|like that|speak|also|not|dare|force|keep|him Liu Bei, upon hearing him say that, did not dare to force him to stay. 徐庶 返到 去 就 報告 曹操 , 話 劉備 絲毫 都 冇 投降 嘅 意思 啊 噉 。 Xu Shu|returned|to|then|report|Cao Cao|said|Liu Bei|slightest|at all|not|surrender|possessive particle|intention|ah|like this Xu Shu returned and reported to Cao Cao, saying that Liu Bei had no intention of surrendering at all. 曹操 聽 咗 好 嬲 , 當日 就 開始 進兵 殺 奔 樊城 。 Cao Cao|heard|past tense marker|very|angry|that day|then|started|advancing troops|killing|Ben|Fan City Cao Cao was very angry upon hearing this, and that day he began to advance his troops to attack Fan City. 劉備 好 緊張 , 就 同 孔明 商量 睇 下 點樣 嚟 應付 呢 個 危急 局面 。 Liu Bei|very|nervous|then|with|Kongming|discuss|see|how|how|come|deal with|this|classifier for things|urgent|situation Liu Bei was very anxious, so he discussed with Kongming how to deal with this urgent situation. 孔明 就 建議 放棄 樊城 , 將 襄陽 奪取 過 嚟 , 搵 個 暫時 落腳 嘅 地方 再講 。 Zhuge Liang|then|suggested|to give up|Fancheng|to|Xiangyang|capture|over|here|find|a|temporary|settlement|possessive particle|place| Kongming suggested giving up on Fancheng and taking Xiangyang instead, finding a temporary place to settle down before discussing further. 劉備 話 : 啲 百姓 跟 住 我 東奔西走 咁 耐咯 , 我點 捨得 掉 低 佢 哋 唔 理 呢 ? Liu Bei|said|the|common people||continuously|I|running around|so|long||bear to|||them|plural marker|not|care|question particle Liu Bei said: The common people have been following me around for so long, how can I bear to abandon them? 主公 你 可以 使人 向 啲 百姓 講清楚 , 願意 跟 住 我 哋 一齊 去 嘅 就 一齊 去 , 唔 願 嘅 就 留 低 啦 。 Your Majesty|you|can|have people|to|the|common people|explain clearly|willing|||we|us|together|go|particle indicating past action|then|together|go|not|willing|particle indicating past action|then|stay|behind|particle indicating suggestion or softening tone My lord, you can send someone to explain to the common people that those who are willing to follow us can go together, and those who do not wish to can stay. 劉備 同意 。 Liu Bei|agrees Liu Bei agreed. 孔明 跟 住 就 派 關羽 去 江邊 , 將 船隻 安排 好先 。 Kongming|with|stay|then|send|Guan Yu|go|riverside|will|boat|arrange| Kongming then sent Guan Yu to the riverside to arrange the boats first. 然後 就 派 孫乾 、 簡雍 兩個 人 , 喺 城裏 便 大聲 噉 對 啲 老百姓 宣佈 話 : then|just|send|Sun Qian|Jian Yong|two|people|in|the city|then|loudly|like that|to|the|common people|announce|that Then, they sent Sun Qian and Jian Yong to loudly announce to the people in the city: 曹操 嘅 兵馬 就 快 殺 到 喇 , 呢 座 孤城 係 守 唔 住 嘅 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|troops|already|quickly|||particle indicating completed action|this|measure word for buildings|lonely city|is||||particle indicating completed action Cao Cao's troops are about to attack, this isolated city cannot be defended. 你 哋 老百姓 願意 跟 住 去 嘅 就 一齊 過江 啦 噉 。 ||common people|willing|||go|particle indicating past action|then|together|cross the river|particle indicating suggestion|like this If you common people are willing to follow, then let's cross the river together. 噉 新野 、 樊城 兩個 縣 啲 百姓 啊 , 一齊 大聲 噉 嗌 話 : 我 哋 就算 死 都 要 跟 住 使君 喇 ! then|Xinye|Fancheng|two|counties|possessive particle|common people|ah|together|loudly|then|shout|say|I|plural marker|even if|die|also|must|||Lord|final particle So, the people of Xinye and Fancheng shouted together: Even if we die, we will follow the lord! 就 喺 當日 , 全城 嘅 百姓 啊 , 扶老攜幼 拖男帶女 , 亂糟糟 一堆 蟻 噉 , 一齊 湧住 要 過河 。 just|at|that day|the whole city|possessive particle|common people|ah|supporting the elderly and carrying the young||chaotic|a bunch|ants|like|together|surged|needed|cross the river On that day, all the people in the city, carrying the elderly and children, dragging men and women, in a chaotic mass like ants, surged together to cross the river. 劉備 喺 船上 見到 呢種 情形 咁 淒涼 , 個心 難過 到極 啊 。 Liu Bei|at|on the boat|saw|this kind of|situation|so|desolate|his heart|sad|to the extreme|ah Liu Bei saw this kind of desolate situation on the ship, and his heart was extremely pained. 佢 喊 起 嚟 話 : 唉 ! 為 咗 我 一個 人 , 連累 百姓 要 捱 噉 嘅 苦楚 , 我仲 生 喺 人世 做 乜嘢 吖 我 。 He|cried|up|here|said|sigh|for|past tense marker|me|one|person|to implicate|common people|must|endure|such|possessive particle|suffering||live|in|human world|do|what|question particle|I He cried out, saying: Alas! For the sake of just one person, the common people have to endure such suffering. What am I still doing in this world? 講完 就 想 跳水 自殺 。 finish talking|then|want|dive|suicide After saying this, he wanted to jump into the water to commit suicide. 哎 好彩 旁邊 啲 人拉住 , 噉 先 至 冇 事 咋 。 ah|luckily|next to|particle indicating plural||like this|||no|trouble|particle indicating finality Fortunately, the people nearby held him back, so nothing happened. 啲 百姓 聽 講話 噉 樣 呀 , 亦 都 一齊 痛哭 起上 嚟 。 the|common people|hear|speech|like that|appearance|particle|also|all|together|weep|rise|come The common people, upon hearing this, also began to cry together. 劉備 坐船 過到 去 南岸 , 回 轉頭 嚟 睇 下 , 只見 北岸 嗰 啲 仲 未 渡江 嘅 百姓 , 都 對 住 南岸 猛 咁 喊 。 Liu Bei|took a boat|arrived at|to|south bank|turned|his head|came|||only saw|north bank|those|plural marker|still|not yet|crossed the river|possessive particle|common people|all|||south bank|fiercely|so|crying Liu Bei took a boat to the south bank, turned around to look back, and saw the people on the north bank who had not yet crossed the river, all shouting loudly towards the south bank. 佢 馬上 派 關羽 催促 啲 渡船 返去 北岸 , 將 嗰 啲 人 渡 埋 過 嚟 , 安排 好 喇 , 噉 劉備 先至 上馬 , 趕路 去 襄陽 啊 。 He|immediately|sent|Guan Yu|urged|plural marker|ferry|return|north bank|will|those|plural marker|people|ferry across|together|across|here|arranged|well|completed action particle|then|Liu Bei|only then|mounted|hurried on the road|to|Xiangyang|sentence-final particle He immediately sent Guan Yu to urge the ferries to return to the north bank to bring those people over, and once everything was arranged, Liu Bei then mounted his horse and hurried on to Xiangyang. 一路行 啊 行 啊 , 嚟 到 襄陽 嘞 。 keep walking|particle|walk|particle|come|arrive|Xiangyang|past tense particle He walked and walked, and finally arrived at Xiangyang. 呢 處 啊 , 係 襄陽 城 嘅 東門 。 |||is|||possessive particle|East Gate This place is the east gate of Xiangyang City. 只見 城上 插滿 旗幟 , 壕邊 密布 鹿角 , 嘩 嗨 ! 戒備森嚴 啊 。 only saw|on the city|filled with|flags|by the trench|densely covered|antlers|wow|hi|heavy security|ah He saw that the city was filled with flags, and the moat was densely packed with deer antlers, wow! The defenses were very strict. 劉備 勒定 馬 , 對住 城樓 大聲 噉 嗌: Liu Bei|reined in|horse|facing|city tower|loudly|like this|shouted Liu Bei tied up his horse and shouted loudly at the city tower: 劉琮 賢侄 , 我 只 係 想 救 啲 老百姓 啫 , 並 冇 其他 意思 嘅 , 快 啲 開 城門 啦 ! Liu Cong|wise nephew|I|||want|save|some|common people|only|and|have not|other|intentions|possessive particle|quickly|some|open|city gate|sentence-final particle "Liu Cong, my dear nephew, I just want to save the common people, nothing else. Hurry up and open the city gates!" 劉琮 聽講 劉備 嚟 到 唄 , 驚起 上 嚟 , 唔 敢 出 嚟 同 佢 見面 。 Liu Cong|heard|Liu Bei|come|arrive|particle indicating suggestion|startled|up|come|not|dare|go out|come|with|him|meet Upon hearing that Liu Bei had arrived, Liu Cong was frightened and did not dare to come out to meet him. 蔡瑁 同張 允 即刻 嚟 到 城頭 , 命令 啲 兵士 亂箭 咁 射落 去 。 Cai Mao||Yun|immediately|come|arrive|city wall|order|the|soldiers|random arrows|so|shoot down|down Cai Mao and Zhang Yun immediately came to the city wall and ordered the soldiers to shoot arrows down wildly. 死 啦 , 唔 畀 入 城 噃, 噉 點算 好 嘩 。 die|sentence-final particle|not|allow|enter|city||then|how to deal with|good|exclamation particle It's over, they won't let us into the city, what should we do now? 城外 啲 百姓 望住 城樓 , 喊 到 𡃀𡃀 聲 。 outside the city|particle indicating a small amount|common people|looking at|city tower|shouting|to|loud|sound The common people outside the city looked at the city tower, shouting loudly. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 城內 有個 將軍 , 帶住 幾百人 就 沖 上 咗 城樓 , 大喝一聲 話 : 呸 ! 蔡瑁 、 張允 你 兩個 賣國賊 ! 劉使君 乃 係 個 仁德 之 人 。 at|this|measure word|time|inside the city||general|leading|several hundred men|then|charge|up|past tense marker|city tower|shouted loudly|said|phew|Cai Mao|Zhang Yun|you|two|traitors|Liu Shijun|is|is|measure word|benevolence|possessive particle|person At this moment, there was a general inside the city, leading a few hundred men to charge up the city tower, shouting: "Hey! Cai Mao, Zhang Yun, you two traitors! Liu Shijun is a benevolent person." 今日 為 咗 救 百姓 , 投奔 嚟 到 呢 處 , 你 哋 點解 要 拒絕 啊 ! today|for|past tense marker|save|common people|seek refuge|come|to|this|place|you|plural marker|why|want|reject|sentence-final particle Today, in order to save the common people, I have come here to seek refuge. Why do you refuse? 呢 位 將軍 係 邊個 呢 ? this|classifier for people|general|is|who|question particle Who is this general? 佢 身高 八尺 , 面如 重棗 紅紅 黑黑 , 乃 係 義陽 人士 , 姓 魏名 延字 文長 。 He|height|eight feet|face like|a large jujube|red|black|is|is|Yiyang|person|surname|||Wenchang He is eight feet tall, with a face like a dark red jujube, from Yiyang, surnamed Wei, named Yan, courtesy name Wenchang. 當時 魏延 鋼刀 一揮 啊 , 斬 死 咗 守門 嘅 軍士 , 叫 人 打開 城門 , 放落 吊橋 , 佢 大聲 噉 叫 : 劉皇叔 快快 帶兵 入 城 , 一齊 嚟 殺 賣國 奸賊 啊 ! at that time|Wei Yan|steel knife|with a swing|ah|chop|dead|past tense marker|gatekeeper|possessive particle|soldier|ordered|people|open|city gate||drawbridge|he|loudly|like that|shouted|Liu Huangshu|quickly|lead troops|enter|city|together|come|kill|traitor|scoundrel|ah At that time, Wei Yan swung his steel knife and killed the soldier guarding the gate, calling for people to open the city gate and lower the drawbridge. He shouted loudly: 'Liu Huangshu, quickly bring your troops into the city, let's kill the traitors who sell out the country!' 張飛 一聽 , 嘿 躍馬 就 想 衝入 城 。 Zhang Fei|upon hearing|hey|leaping on his horse|then|wanted|to charge into|city When Zhang Fei heard this, he immediately urged his horse to charge into the city. 劉備 急急 制止 佢 話 : 唔 好 傷害 百姓 ! Liu Bei|urgently|stop|he|said|||harm|common people Liu Bei hurriedly stopped him, saying: 'Do not harm the common people!' 當魏延 正在 叫緊 劉備 嘅 軍馬 入 城 嘅 時候 , 只見 城內 有 一員大將 , 帶領 一支 軍馬 趕到 出 嚟 , 大聲 噉 喝 話 : |was|calling|Liu Bei|possessive particle|cavalry|enter|city|possessive particle|time|suddenly saw|inside the city|there was||leading|a|cavalry|rushed|out|here|loudly|like that|shouting|words Just as Wei Yan was calling for Liu Bei's cavalry to enter the city, a general from within the city appeared, leading a troop of cavalry out, shouting loudly: 魏延 你 個 無名小卒 , 竟然 作反 咁 斗膽 ! 識 唔 識得 我 大將 文聘 啊 ! Wei Yan|you|measure word|nameless soldier|unexpectedly|rebel|so|audaciously|recognize|not|recognize|my|general|Wen Ping|ah 'Wei Yan, you nameless little soldier, how dare you rebel! Do you know who I am? I am the great general Wen Ping!' 魏延 嬲 啊 , 挺槍 躍馬 就 上前 迎戰 。 Wei Yan|angry|ah|brandishing spear|leaping on horse|then|stepped forward|to face the battle Wei Yan was furious and charged forward on horseback to engage in battle. 兩 便 嘅 兵卒 , 就 喺 城 邊 混戰 起 嚟 , 殺 啊 殺 啊 ! 打得 啊 十分激烈 。 two|convenient|possessive particle|soldiers|then|at|city|edge|melee|rise|come|kill|exclamation particle|kill|exclamation particle|fought|exclamation particle| The soldiers on both sides began to fight fiercely by the city, killing and fighting intensely! 劉備 見到 噉 樣 就 同 孔明 話 喇 : 唉 , 我 本來 想 保護 啲 百姓 , 點知 反而 害 咗 佢 哋 添 , 唉 ! Liu Bei|saw|that|appearance|then|with|Kongming|said|particle indicating completed action|sigh|I|originally|wanted|to protect|particle indicating plural|common people|unexpectedly|instead|harm|past tense marker|them|plural marker|also|sigh Liu Bei saw this and said to Kongming: "Sigh, I originally wanted to protect the people, but instead, I ended up harming them! Sigh!" 我 唔 願入 襄陽 咯 。 I|not|willing to enter|Xiangyang|particle indicating finality or confirmation I do not wish to enter Xiangyang. 孔明 諗 咗 一 諗 話 嘞 : 江陵 乃 係 荊州 嘅 要 地 啊 , 不如 先 去 奪取 江陵 作為 立足之地 啦 。 Kongming|thought|past tense marker|one|thought|said|sentence-final particle|Jiangling|is|is|Jingzhou|possessive particle|important|place|particle|might as well|first|go|capture|Jiangling|as|base of operations|particle Kongming thought for a moment and said: "Jiangling is a key location in Jingzhou, so let's first capture Jiangling as a foothold." 好 啊 好 啊 , 合晒 我 嘅 心意 啊 。 ||||completely|my|possessive particle|wishes| Good, good, it completely matches my wishes. 於是 就 帶 住 百姓 離開 襄陽 , 向 住 江陵 出發 。 then|immediately|lead|with|common people|leave|Xiangyang|towards|with|Jiangling|depart So, I led the people away from Xiangyang, heading towards Jiangling. 江陵 係 個 縣 , 位置 喺 而 家 湖北省 中部 偏南 嘅 地方 , 係 喺 襄陽 以南 長江 嘅 北岸 , 乃 係 南北 陸路 交通 嘅 要 沖 。 Jiangling|is|classifier for counties|county|location|at|||Hubei Province|central|slightly south|possessive particle|area|is|at|Xiangyang|south of|Yangtze River|possessive particle|north bank|is|is|north-south|land|transportation|possessive particle|important|hub Jiangling is a county located in the southern part of present-day Hubei Province, on the north bank of the Yangtze River south of Xiangyang, and it is a crucial hub for land transportation between north and south. 噉 嗰 頭 見到 劉備 走 嘞 , 襄陽 城內 有 好多 百姓 啊 趁 住 亂 嘅 時候 , 逃走 咗 出 嚟 , 跟 埋 劉備 趯 去 江陵 噃。 then|that|first|saw|Liu Bei|leave|past tense marker|Xiangyang|inside the city|has|many|common people|ah|take advantage of|during|chaos|possessive particle|time|escape|past tense marker|out|come|follow|together|Liu Bei|hurry|go|Jiangling|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation At that time, seeing Liu Bei leave, many people in Xiangyang took the opportunity during the chaos to escape and followed Liu Bei to Jiangling. 魏延 呢 , 佢 同 文 聘 喺 度 大戰 , 由 巳時 打 到 未時 。 Wei Yan|this|he|with|Wen|Ping|at|place|great battle|from|9 AM|fight|until|5 PM As for Wei Yan, he was engaged in a fierce battle with Wen Ping, fighting from the morning until the afternoon. 即 係 上午 九點 零鐘 啊 到 到 下午 點幾鐘 。 ||morning|9 o'clock|sharp|particle|until||afternoon|what time It was nine o'clock in the morning until a bit past afternoon. 佢 手下 嘅 兵卒 全部 戰死 晒 。 he|subordinates|possessive particle|soldiers|all|died in battle|completely All of his soldiers died in battle. 魏延 就 撥轉 馬頭 逃跑 啦 , 四圍 都 搵 唔 到 劉備 。 Wei Yan|then|turned|horse's head|ran away|particle indicating completed action|all around|all|find|not|arrive|Liu Bei Wei Yan turned his horse around and fled, unable to find Liu Bei anywhere. 噉 自己 呢 , 就 趯 咗 去 投奔 長沙 太守 韓玄 嘞 。 then|myself|question particle|then|hurriedly|past tense marker|go|seek refuge|Changsha|governor|Han Xuan|sentence-final particle As for himself, he hurried to seek refuge with the governor of Changsha, Han Xuan. 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 帶 住 呢 支 隊伍 啊 , 認真 係 雜牌軍 咯 。 now|let's talk about|Liu Bei|he|||this|measure word for teams|team|sentence-final particle|really|is|ragtag army|sentence-final particle Now let's talk about Liu Bei; he is leading this group, which is truly a ragtag army. 嗱, 有 兵士 、 有 老百姓 , 總共 成 十幾萬 人 。 well|there are|soldiers|there are|civilians|in total|around|over a hundred thousand|people Well, there are soldiers and civilians, a total of over a hundred thousand people. 嘿嘿 , 淨 係 大大 細細 嘅 車輛 啊 亦 有 幾千 架 。 hehe|||big|small|possessive particle|vehicles|ah|also|have|several thousand|classifier for vehicles Hehe, there are just thousands of vehicles, big and small. 擔 擔 嘅 、 孭 背包 嘅 就 不計其數 嘞 。 carry||possessive particle||||then|countless|sentence-final particle As for those carrying burdens and backpacks, they are countless. 一路行 , 經過 咗 劉表 嘅 墳墓 , 劉備 就 帶 住 一班 文武 官員 , 喺 墓 前 拜 佢 。 walking all the way|passing|past tense marker|Liu Biao|possessive particle|tomb|Liu Bei|then|||a group of|civil and military|officials|at|tomb|in front of|pay respects|him As they walked, they passed by Liu Biao's tomb, and Liu Bei brought a group of civil and military officials to pay their respects at the tomb. 佢 流 住 眼淚 噉 稟告 話 : 辱弟 劉備 , 無德無才 , 辜負 兄長 嘅 囑託 。 he|flow|continuously|tears|like that|report|said|disgraceful younger brother|Liu Bei|without virtue or talent|betray|elder brother|possessive particle|entrustment He shed tears and reported, saying: 'I, Liu Bei, am unworthy and untalented, failing to live up to my brother's trust.' 罪過 都 喺 我 處 , 同 百姓 無關 喇 。 sin|all|at|me|place|with|common people|unrelated|final particle The sin is all mine, it has nothing to do with the common people. 望 兄長 嘅 英靈 保佑 , 救一救 荊 襄 嘅 民 眾 啦 。 hope|elder brother|possessive particle|spirit of the hero|bless|save|Jing|Xiang|possessive particle|people|masses|sentence-final particle I hope the spirit of my elder brother blesses and saves the people of Jingxiang. 一字 稟告 一字 喊 , 又 淒涼 又 誠懇 。 one word|report|one word|shout|both|desolate|and|sincere One word is reported, one word is shouted, both desolate and sincere. 啲 軍士 同 百姓 見到 呀 , 都 不禁 流 起 眼淚 嚟 啊 。 plural marker|soldiers|and|civilians|saw|sentence-final particle|all|couldn't help but|||tears|past tense marker|exclamatory particle The soldiers and the common people, upon seeing this, couldn't help but shed tears. 拜 完 劉表 又 起程 嘞 。 pay respects|finished|Liu Biao|again|set off|past action marker After paying respects to Liu Biao, we set off again. 忽然間 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 曹操 嘅 大軍 , 已經 進駐 樊城 嘞 。 suddenly|scout|came|report|saying|Cao Cao|possessive particle|army|already|stationed|Fan City|past tense particle Suddenly, a scout came to report that Cao Cao's large army had already stationed in Fan City. 同時 呢 , 已經 下令 叫 人 準備 船隻 , 好快 就要 渡江 追 嚟 嘅 喇 噉 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|already|ordered|to call|people|to prepare|boat|very soon||cross the river|chase|come|possessive particle|particle indicating completed action|like that At the same time, orders had been given to prepare boats, as they would soon need to cross the river to pursue. 一 接到 呢 個 消息 , 啲 將官 就 心急 喇 。 when|received|this|measure word|news|plural marker|officers|then|anxious|particle indicating change of state Upon receiving this news, the generals became anxious. 佢 哋 都 話 喇 : 江陵 地勢 險要 , 喺 嗰 度 完全 可以 防守 得 住 嘅 。 They|plural marker|all|said|sentence-final particle|Jiangling|terrain|strategically important|at|that|place|completely|can|defend|successfully|hold|possessive particle They all said: Jiangling has a dangerous terrain, and it can be completely defended there. 唉 就 係 而家 咁 多 老百姓 跟 住 , 佗 手 掕 腳 , 一日 先至行 得 十幾 里路 , 噉 要 幾時 先至行 得到 江陵 啊 ? sigh|just|is|now|so|many|common people|follow|live|where|hand|carry|foot|one day||able|over ten|li of road|then|need|when||reach|Jiangling|question particle Alas, with so many common people following, moving slowly, only covering a dozen miles a day, how long will it take to reach Jiangling? 如果 曹兵 追到 嚟 , 噉 點樣 迎敵 呢 ? if|enemy soldiers|catch up|here|then|how|confront the enemy|question particle If Cao Bing catches up, how should we face the enemy? 不如 暫時 掉 低 啲 百姓 , 等 軍隊 趕快 去 江陵 先 啦 。 might as well|temporarily|||a little|civilians|wait|army|quickly|go|Jiangling|first|particle indicating suggestion or urgency Why not temporarily leave some of the common people behind and let the army rush to Jiangling first? 劉備 話 : 我 哋 要 想 做 成功 一番 大 事業 , 必定 要 以 人 為 本 啊 。 Liu Bei|said|I|we|want|to|to do||a great|big|undertaking|definitely|must|take|people|as|foundation|ah particle Liu Bei said: If we want to achieve great success, we must prioritize people. 而家 , 咁 多 人 都 嚟 跟 住 我 , 我點 能夠 拋棄 佢 哋 呢 ? now|so|many|people|all|come|||me||able to|abandon|them|plural marker|question particle Now, so many people are following me, how can I abandon them? 哎呀 , 啲 老百姓 聽到 劉備 呢 番 說話 , 冇 個 唔 感動 啊 。 oh no|plural marker|common people|heard|Liu Bei|this|utterance|speech|not|classifier|not|moved|particle Oh dear, when the common people heard Liu Bei's words, none of them were not moved. 所以 後 嚟 有人 寫過 一首 詩 讚 劉備 , 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : 臨難 仁心 存 百姓 , 登舟 揮淚 動 三軍 。 至今 憑弔 襄 江口 , 父老 猶然 憶 使君 。 so|later|come|someone|wrote|a|poem|praising|Liu Bei|this poem|is|like this|possessive particle|in the face of danger|benevolence|for the sake of|common people|boarding the boat|waving goodbye with tears|moving|the three armies|until now|mourning|Xiang|river mouth|elders|still|remembering|Lord So later someone wrote a poem praising Liu Bei, the poem goes like this: "In times of crisis, a benevolent heart for the people, boarding the boat with tears, moving the three armies." To this day, at the Xiang River mouth, the elders still remember the lord. 劉備 就 係 噉 樣帶 住 啲 百姓 , 一步 一步 噉 向前 行 。 Liu Bei|just|is|like||with|the|common people|one step|one step|like|forward|walk Liu Bei led the people like this, step by step moving forward. 孔明 見到 噉 嘅 情形 , 非要 先 做 一番 安排 不可 , 否則 曹兵 一到 就 弊弊 冇 咁 弊 嘞 。 Kongming|saw|like that|possessive particle|situation|must|first|make|a thorough|arrangement|not allowed|otherwise|Cao's troops|once arrive|then|badly|have|so|bad|past tense particle Seeing this situation, Kongming insisted on making arrangements first, otherwise, once Cao's troops arrived, it would be disastrous. 於是 佢 就 向 劉備 建議 , 請 劉備 寫封信 , 派 關羽 帶住 信去 江夏 , 向 劉琦 求救 。 then|he|then|to|Liu Bei|suggested|to request|Liu Bei|to write a letter|to send|Guan Yu|carrying||Jiangxia|to|Liu Qi|ask for help So he suggested to Liu Bei to write a letter and send Guan Yu to Jiangxia to seek help from Liu Qi. 請 劉琦 馬上 派兵 , 坐船去 江陵 接應 。 please|Liu Qi|immediately|send troops||Jiangling|provide support Please ask Liu Qi to send troops immediately and take a boat to Jiangling for support. 劉備 同意 咗 , 即刻 就 寫 咗 封 求救信 。 Liu Bei|agreed|past tense marker|immediately|then|wrote|past tense marker|a|letter asking for help Liu Bei agreed and immediately wrote a letter for help. 噉 關羽 同埋 孫乾 , 帶領 五百名 兵丁 , 就 出發 去 江夏 嘞 。 then|Guan Yu|and|Sun Qian|led|500|soldiers|then|departed|to|Jiangxia|past tense marker So Guan Yu and Sun Qian led five hundred soldiers and set off for Jiangxia. 然後 呢 , 孔明 又 命令 張飛 斷後 , 趙雲 就 保護 家眷 , 其餘 嘅 人 , 都 同埋 百姓 一齊 行 。 then|question particle|Kongming|again|ordered|Zhang Fei|to cover the rear|Zhao Yun|then|protect|family|the rest|possessive particle|people|all|and|commoners|together|move Then, Kongming ordered Zhang Fei to hold the rear, Zhao Yun to protect the family members, and the rest of the people to march together with the commoners. 噉 一日 呢 , 只 係 行十零里 路 就 停落 嚟 休息 嘞 。 like this|one day|question particle|only|is||road|then|stop|here|rest|past action particle So in one day, they only traveled about ten miles before stopping to rest. 話 說 曹操 喺 樊城 啊 , 佢 派 人 渡江 去 襄陽 , 召劉琮 去 見 佢 。 say|said|Cao Cao|at|Fan City|particle|he|sent|people|cross the river|to|Xiangyang||to|see|him It is said that Cao Cao was in Fancheng, and he sent someone to cross the river to Xiangyang to summon Liu Cong to meet him. 劉琮 就 好 怕 㗎 , 就 唔 敢 去 見 曹操 。 Liu Cong|then|very|afraid|particle indicating certainty|then|not|dare|to go|to meet|Cao Cao Liu Cong is really scared, so he doesn't dare to meet Cao Cao. 蔡瑁 同張 允 兩個 啊 自願 去 。 Choi Mau||Wan|both|particle|voluntarily|go Cai Mao and Zhang Yun both volunteered to go. 有個 將官 叫做 王威 , 佢 靜靜 噉 向 劉琮 建議 話 : there is|officer|called|Wang Wei|he|quietly|like this|towards|Liu Cong|suggested|saying There is a general named Wang Wei, who quietly suggested to Liu Cong: 將軍 , 你 已經 投降 咗 曹操 㗎 啦 。 General|you|already|surrendered|past tense marker|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle General, you have already surrendered to Cao Cao. 玄德 又 走 咗 喇 , 噉 , 曹操 必定 放鬆 晒 冇 防備 㗎 喇 。 Xuande|again|leave|past tense marker|sentence final particle|then|Cao Cao|definitely|relax|completely|without|guard|sentence final particle|sentence final particle Xuande has also left, so Cao Cao must be completely relaxed and unguarded. 希望 將軍 你 振奮精神 整頓 軍隊 , 埋伏 喺 險要 嘅 地方 , 襲擊 曹操 , 噉 一定 可以 捉 到 曹操 嘅 。 hope|general|you|invigorate morale|reorganize|army|ambush|at|strategic|possessive particle|location|attack|Cao Cao|then|definitely|can|||Cao Cao|possessive particle I hope, General, you can invigorate your spirit and organize the troops, ambushing in strategic locations to attack Cao Cao. This way, you will definitely be able to capture Cao Cao. 捉 到 曹操 就 會 威震天下 。 capture|to|Cao Cao|then|will| Capturing Cao Cao will shake the world. 中原 嘅 地方 雖然 廣闊 啊 , 之到 時 將軍 發出 嘅 檄文 一到 , 就 可以 平定 嘅 喇 。 Central Plains|possessive particle|area|although|vast|sentence-final particle||time|general|issued|possessive particle|edict||then|can|pacify|possessive particle|sentence-final particle Although the Central Plains are vast, once the edict issued by the General arrives, it can be pacified. 呢 個 機會 十分 難得 , 唔 好失 咗 佢 啊 將軍 ! this|measure word|opportunity|very|rare|not|lose|past tense marker|it|sentence-final particle|general This opportunity is very rare, don't let it slip away, General! 噉 呀 , 等 我 考慮 下 啦 。 like that|particle|wait|I|consider|a bit|particle Well then, let me think about it. 劉琮 就 將王威 呢 番 說話 原原本本 噉 講返 畀 蔡瑁 聽 , 征求 蔡 瑁 嘅 意見 。 Liu Cong|then||this|time|conversation|exactly as it is|like that|repeat|to|Cai Mao|hear|seek|||possessive particle|opinion Liu Cong then conveyed Wang Wei's words verbatim to Cai Mao, seeking Cai Mao's opinion. 蔡瑁 梗 係 唔 同意 㗎 啦 , 佢 搵 王 威 嚟 , 鬧 佢 話 : Choi Mau|definitely|is|not|agree|particle|particle|he|looking for|||come|scold|he|said Cai Mao certainly disagreed, and he called Wang Wei over, scolding him saying: 你 都 不 知天命 嘅 , 亂講 乜嘢 啊 ! you|also|not|know your fate|possessive particle|talk nonsense|what|sentence-final particle You don't even know your fate, what nonsense are you talking about! 王威 發起 火 嚟 鬧 返 佢 轉頭 : Wong Wai|initiated|anger|come|scold|back|him|turn around Wang Wei got angry and retorted: 呸 ! 你 呢 個 賣國 奸賊 ! 我 恨不得 監生 食 你 嘅 肉 啊 ! phew|you|this|measure word|traitor|scoundrel|I|wish I could|jailer|eat|your|possessive particle|flesh|ah Pah! You traitor who sells out the country! I can't wait to eat your flesh! 蔡瑁 嬲 起 上 嚟 ,掹 出 把 劍 想 殺 王 威 。 Cai Mao|angry|get|up|here|pull|out|measure word for tools|sword|want|kill|Wang|Wei Cai Mao got angry and pulled out his sword, wanting to kill Wang Wei. 蒯越 就 即刻 苦苦 勸住 佢 , 噉 先 至 冇 事 咋 。 Kuaiyue|then|immediately|desperately|persuaded|him|like this|||no|problem|particle Kuai Yue immediately tried to persuade him, saying that this way, nothing would happen. 終歸 , 劉琮 係 完全 聽 晒 蔡 瑁 嘅 。 ultimately|Liu Cong|is|completely|listening|all|||'s In the end, Liu Cong completely listened to Cai Mao. 就 派 蔡瑁 同張 允去 樊城 。 then|send|Cai Mao|||Fan City So he sent Cai Mao and Zhang Yun to Fan City. 去 到 喇 , 佢 兩個 拜見 曹操 啦 。 go|arrive|particle indicating completed action|he|both|pay respects to|Cao Cao|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation When they arrived, the two of them went to see Cao Cao. 嘿 呀 ! 嗰 種 卑躬屈膝 阿諛奉承 嘅 樣 呀 , 真 係 又 肉麻 又 骨痺 啊 ! hey|particle|that|kind|servile|sycophantic|possessive particle|appearance|particle|really|is|both|nauseating|both|spineless|particle Hey! That kind of fawning and sycophantic behavior is really both nauseating and infuriating! 曹操 問 佢 : 荊州 嘅 軍馬 錢糧 , 而家 有 幾多 啊 ? Cao Cao|asked|him|Jingzhou|possessive particle|cavalry|supplies|now|has|how much|question particle Cao Cao asked him: How many horses and supplies are there in Jingzhou now? 蔡瑁 就 回答 話 喇 : Choi Mau|then|answered|saying|particle indicating completed action Cai Mao replied: 啟 稟 丞相 , 現有 馬 軍 五萬 、 步軍 十五萬 、 水軍 八萬 , 總共 二十八萬 。 ||Prime Minister|currently has|cavalry|troops|fifty thousand|infantry|one hundred and fifty thousand|navy|eighty thousand|in total|two hundred and eighty thousand Reporting to the Prime Minister, there are currently 50,000 cavalry, 150,000 infantry, and 80,000 navy, totaling 280,000. 錢糧 大部分 都 存放 喺 江陵 , 其餘 各個 地方 , 亦 都 足夠 供給 一年 嘅 。 salary|most|all|deposited|in|Jiangling|the rest|every|place|also|all|sufficient|to supply|one year|possessive particle Most of the supplies are stored in Jiangling, and the rest in various places are also sufficient to supply for a year. 戰船 有 幾多 呢 ? warship|have|how many|question particle How many warships are there? 原來 係 邊 個人 掌管 㗎 ? originally|is|which|person|in charge of|question particle Who is in charge? 大細 戰船 , 總共 七千 幾隻 , 係 小將 同張 允 兩個 人 掌管 嘅 。 size|warships|total|seven thousand|several|are|young general||Yun|two|people|in charge of|possessive particle There are a total of over seven thousand warships, managed by the two, Xiao Jiang and Zhang Yun. 曹操 問 清楚 之後 , 就 加封 蔡瑁 做 鎮南 侯 、 水軍 大 都督 。 Cao Cao|asked|clearly|afterwards|then|granted additional title|Cai Mao|as|||navy|| After Cao Cao asked for clarification, he promoted Cai Mao to the title of Duke of Zhennan and Grand Commander of the Navy. 封張 允 做助 順侯 、 水軍 副 都督 。 Feng Zhang|Yun||Shun Hou|navy|deputy|commander He conferred the title of Assistant Duke of Shun to Zhang Yun and appointed him as Vice Commander of the Navy. 嘿 , 呢 兩個 傢伙 歡喜 到 周身 鬆 晒 , 即刻 叩頭 拜謝 。 hey|these|two|guys|happy|to|all over|relaxed|completely|immediately|bow|thank Hey, these two guys are so happy that they are all relaxed, and they immediately bow and thank. 曹操 又 話 嘞 : 劉景升 已經 逝世 , 佢 個 仔 又 歸降 朝廷 , 我 一定 稟奏 皇上 , 任命 佢 永遠 做 荊州 之主 。 Cao Cao|again|said|past tense marker|Liu Jing Sheng|already|passed away|he|possessive particle|son|again|surrendered|imperial court|I|definitely|report|Emperor|appoint|him|forever|to be|Jingzhou| Cao Cao then said: Liu Jingsheng has already passed away, and his son has surrendered to the court. I will definitely report to the emperor and appoint him as the permanent lord of Jingzhou. 嘩 ! 噉 就 喜上加喜 咯 , 兩個 人 拜謝 過 曹操 就 告辭 返扯 嘞 。 wow|then|just|double happiness|particle indicating finality|two|people|thank|past tense marker|Cao Cao|then|take leave||particle indicating completed action Wow! That's just adding joy to joy, after the two thanked Cao Cao, they took their leave. 等 佢 哋 走 咗 , 荀 攸 又 對 曹操 話 : wait|they|plural marker|leave|past tense marker|Xun|You|again|to|Cao Cao|said After they left, Xun You said to Cao Cao: 蔡瑁 同張 允 都 係 巧言令色 、 阿諛諂媚 嘅 小人 。 Choi Mau||Wan|both|are|glib and flattering|sycophantic|possessive particle|petty person Cai Mao and Zhang Yun are both cunning and flattering little people. 主公 一下 就 封 佢 哋 咁 顯要 嘅 爵位 , 仲 叫 佢 哋 率領 水軍 添 , 點解 呢 ? the lord|immediately|then|confer|he|plural marker|so|important|possessive particle|title|also|ordered|he|plural marker|to lead|navy|additionally|why|question particle The lord suddenly granted them such important titles, and even asked them to lead the navy, why is that? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Hahaha|Hahaha|Hahaha Hahahaha hahaha hahaha. 曹操 笑 嘞 : 唔 通 我 唔 識 睇 人 咩 ? Cao Cao|laugh|past tense marker|||I|||read|people|question particle Cao Cao laughed: "Do you think I can't read people?" 皆 因 我 嘅 軍隊 都 係 北方 人 , 唔 識 水戰 , 故此 暫時 用住 呢 兩個 人先 。 all|because|I|possessive particle|army|all|are|northern|people|not|know|naval warfare|therefore|temporarily|using|these|two| It's because my army is all from the north and doesn't know naval warfare, so for now, I'll use these two people first. 等 成功 之後 , 我 自然 有 分數 嘅 。 wait|success|after|I|naturally|have|score|possessive particle Once we succeed, I will naturally have my share. 哈哈 , 曹操 呀 係 厲害 㗎 。 haha|Cao Cao|particle|is|powerful|particle Haha, Cao Cao is really impressive. 噉 嗰 個 蔡 瑁 同 張 允 興沖沖 噉 返到 襄陽 去 回覆 劉琮 話 : like this|that|measure word|Cai|Mao|and|Zhang|Yun|excitedly|like this|returned to|Xiangyang|to|reply|Liu Cong|said So, that Cai Mao and Zhang Yun excitedly returned to Xiangyang to report to Liu Cong saying: 曹操 已經 應承 咗 , 要 保奏 將軍 你 永遠 坐鎮 荊襄 啊 。 Cao Cao|already|promised|past tense marker|will|protect and assist|general|you|forever|stationed|Jingxiang|particle Cao Cao has already promised that he will ensure General you will always be stationed in Jingxiang. 嘩 , 噉 劉琮 就 高興 啦 。 wow|then|Liu Cong|then|happy|particle Wow, Liu Cong was so happy. 第 日 , 佢 同埋 母親 蔡夫人 , 捧住 大印 、 兵符 , 親自 渡江 去 拜見 同 歡迎 曹操 。 the|day|he|and|mother|Mrs Choi|holding|great seal|military token|personally|cross the river|to|pay respects to|and|welcome|Cao Cao The next day, he and his mother, Lady Cai, personally crossed the river to pay their respects and welcome Cao Cao, holding the great seal and military tokens. 曹操 照例 講 幾句 官樣文章 , 慰問 下 劉琮 , 就 立即 率領 啊 呢 趟 隨從 南征 嘅 將官 , 進駐 襄陽 。 Cao Cao|as usual|said|a few words|formalities|to inquire about|subordinate|Liu Cong|then|immediately|led|ah|this|trip|entourage|southern campaign|possessive particle|military officer|garrisoned|Xiangyang Cao Cao, as usual, spoke a few formal words to express his condolences to Liu Cong, and then immediately led the accompanying generals on this expedition south to station in Xiangyang. 就 喺 城外 扎落 營寨 嘞 。 just|at|outside the city|set up|camp|past tense marker They set up camp just outside the city. 曹操 嚟 嘅 時候 , 蔡瑁 、 張允 啊 仲 命令 襄陽 嘅 百姓 , 喺 路邊 焚香 跪接 啊 。 Cao Cao|arrive|possessive particle|time|Cai Mao|Zhang Yun|sentence-final particle|still|ordered|Xiangyang|possessive particle|common people|at|roadside|burn incense|kneel to welcome|sentence-final particle When Cao Cao arrived, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun had already ordered the people of Xiangyang to burn incense and kneel by the roadside to welcome him. 曹操 一路上 , 對 啲 歡迎 佢 嘅 百姓 都 好言好語 噉 慰問 安撫 一番 。 Cao Cao|along the way|towards|particle indicating plural|welcoming|him|possessive particle|common people|all|kind words|like that|inquiring about well-being|comforting|a round Along the way, Cao Cao spoke kindly to the citizens who welcomed him, comforting and reassuring them. 曹操 入 咗 城 , 嚟 到 衙門 裏 便 坐落 之後 , 立即 就 召 蒯越 嚟 見 佢 , 好 親熱 噉 對 佢 講 : Cao Cao|enter|past tense marker|city|to||||||||||||see|him|very|warmly|like this|to|him|said After entering the city and sitting down in the government office, Cao Cao immediately summoned Kuai Yue to see him and spoke to him warmly. 我 得到 荊州 , 仲 唔 係 咁 歡喜 , 我 歡喜 嘅 , 係 得到 先生 你 啊 ! I|obtained|Jingzhou|still|not|am|so|happy|I|happy|particle indicating possession|am|obtained|Mr|you|particle indicating exclamation I obtained Jingzhou, but I'm not that happy; what makes me happy is that I have you, sir! 於是 就 封 蒯越 做 江陵 太守 、 樊城 侯 。 then|immediately|appoint|Kuai Yue|become|Jiangling|governor|Fancheng|marquis So, he appointed Kuai Yue as the governor of Jiangling and the Marquis of Fancheng. 傅巽 、 王 粲 等等 呢 , 都 封 做 關內 侯 。 Fu Xun|Wang|Can|etc|question particle|all|conferred|made|within the border|marquis Fu Xun, Wang Can, and others were also made marquises within the borders. 噉 劉琮 呢 , 好 喇 , 曹操 啊 叫 佢 去 做 青州 刺史 喎 , 仲 命令 佢 即日 起程 添 。 then|Liu Cong|question particle|good|past action particle|Cao Cao|ah|ordered|he|to go|to be|Qingzhou|governor|sentence-final particle|still|ordered|he|on the same day|set off|also As for Liu Cong, well, Cao Cao ordered him to become the governor of Qingzhou and even commanded him to set off that very day. 劉琮 一 聽到 呢 個 命令 , 驚到 面色 都 變晒 。 Liu Cong|once|heard|this|measure word|order|was so scared|complexion|all|completely changed When Liu Cong heard this order, he was so shocked that his face changed completely. 佢 對 曹操 推辭 話 : 我 , 我 唔 願 做官 , 我 , 我 情願 守住 父母 嘅 鄉土 啊 。 He|to|Cao Cao|declined|said|I|I|||||||protect|parents|possessive particle|hometown|ah He declined Cao Cao's offer, saying: I, I do not wish to be an official, I, I would rather stay in my parents' hometown. 青州 嘅 地方 靠近 皇上 嘅 首都 , 我 係 要 你 喺 朝廷 做官 , 免 至 喺 荊州 容易 畀 人 謀害 啊 ! Qingzhou|possessive particle|place|near|the emperor|possessive particle|capital|I|am|want|you|at|court|be an official|lest|until|in|Jingzhou|easily|be|people|harmed|sentence-final particle The area of Qingzhou is close to the emperor's capital, I need you to be an official in the court, so that you won't easily be harmed in Jingzhou! 劉琮 再三 推辭 , 但 係 曹操 唔 准 。 Liu Cong|repeatedly|declined|||Cao Cao|not|allowed Liu Cong repeatedly declined, but Cao Cao would not allow it. 噉 劉琮 就 唯有 同埋 母親 蔡夫人 , 一齊 去 青州 嘞 。 then|Liu Cong|then|only|and|mother|Mrs Cai|together|go|Qingzhou|past tense particle So Liu Cong had no choice but to go to Qingzhou with his mother, Lady Cai. 去 嘅 時候 , 嗰 班 老 部下 , 只 係 得 將官 王威 跟 埋 佢 去 。 go|past tense marker|time|that|classifier for groups|old|subordinates|only|is|able to|officer|Wang Wei|follow|together|he|go When they left, only his old subordinate, Officer Wang Wei, followed him. 其餘 嘅 官員 , 全部 都 係 送到 去 江口 就 返 轉頭 。 the rest|possessive particle|officials|all|all|are|delivered|to|Jiangkou|then|return|immediately The remaining officials were all sent to Jiangkou and then returned. 劉琮 呢頭 啱 啱 出發 唔 , 嗰 頭 曹操 就 叫 于 禁 嚟 吩咐 佢 話 嘞 : Liu Cong|this side|||departed|no|||Cao Cao|then|called|||to come|instruct|him|to say|past tense particle Liu Cong had just set off, and on the other side, Cao Cao called for Yu Jin and instructed him saying: 你 帶 一隊 輕騎兵 , 追住 去 , 殺 咗 劉琮 母子 , 以絕後患 ! you|lead|a unit|light cavalry|chase|him|kill|past tense marker|Liu Cong|mother and son| You take a squad of light cavalry, chase after them, and kill Liu Cong and his mother to eliminate future troubles! 遵命 ! at your command Understood! 于禁 即刻 帶兵 飛快 噉 追上 咗 劉琮 , 佢 大喝一聲 話 : Yu Jin|immediately|led the troops|quickly|like that|caught up with|past tense marker|Liu Cong|he|shouted loudly|said Yu Jin immediately led his troops and quickly caught up with Liu Cong, shouting loudly: 你 哋 咪 走 ! 我 奉 咗 丞相 嘅 命令 , 嚟 殺 你 哋 兩 母子 啊 ! 快 啲 獻上 人頭 ! ||don't|run away|I|||prime minister|possessive particle|order|come|kill|||two|mother and son|sentence-final particle|||offer|head Don't run away! I have come to kill you two, mother and son, under the orders of the Prime Minister! Quickly present your heads! 哎 啊 , 天 啊 可憐 啊 ! Oh, heavens, how pitiful! 蔡夫人 攬住 劉琮 , 放聲大哭 。 Mrs Choi|hugged|Liu Cong|cried out loud Madam Cai held Liu Cong tightly and cried out loud. 于禁 叫 啲 兵士 逳 手 。 Yu Jin|called|the|soldiers|to shoot|arrows Yu Jin ordered the soldiers to take action. 王威 呀 憤怒 到極 啊 , 搏命 咁 同 佢 哋 打 。 Wong Wai|particle indicating exclamation|angry||particle indicating exclamation|fight for his life|like that|with|he|plural marker|fight Wang Wei was extremely angry and fought desperately against them. 嗨 , 寡不敵眾 吖 , 畀 啲 兵亂 刀 斬 死 。 Hi|outnumbered|particle|let|some||swords|chop|kill Hi, outnumbered, huh? Let the soldiers chop them to death. 跟 住 啲 兵士 啊 殺死 埋 劉琮同 蔡夫人 。 ||the|soldiers|ah|kill|together||Lady Cai Then the soldiers killed Liu Cong and Lady Cai as well. 于禁 完成 咗 任務 就 返去 報告 曹操 。 Yu Jin|completed|past tense marker|mission|then|return|report|Cao Cao Yu Jin completed the mission and went back to report to Cao Cao. 曹操 就 重重 咁 賞賜 佢 。 Cao Cao|then|heavily|so|rewarded|him Cao Cao rewarded him heavily. 曹操 呢 , 就 嬲 孔明 嬲 到 入骨 嘅 喇 。 Cao Cao|question particle|then|angry|Kongming|angry|to|to the bone|possessive particle|completed action particle Cao Cao was so angry with Kongming that it went to the bone. 佢 派 人 去 隆中 搜捕 孔明 嘅 老婆 仔女 喎 。 He|sent|people|to|Longzhong|search for|Kongming|possessive particle|wife|children|sentence-final particle He sent people to Longzhong to search for Kongming's wife and children. 哈哈 , 點知 早就 不知去向 。 haha|who would have known|long ago|unknown whereabouts Haha, little did he know they had long been missing. 原來 孔明 呢 , 一 早就 有 防備 喇 。 it turns out|Kongming|question particle|one||has|precautions|past action particle It turns out Kongming had already made preparations. 佢 已經 叫 人將 一家 大細 啊 , 搬 咗 去 三江 , 匿 埋 住 咯 , 仲等 你 捉 咩 ! he|already|told||family|all|particle|move|past tense marker|to|Sanjiang|hide|together|live|particle||you|catch|question particle He had already instructed people to move his entire family to Sanjiang and hide there, waiting for you to catch them! 佔領 咗 襄陽 之後 , 荀 攸 就 向 曹操 獻計 嘞 , 佢 話 : occupy|past tense marker|Xiangyang|after|Xun|You|then|towards|Cao Cao|offer a plan|sentence-final particle|he|said After occupying Xiangyang, Xun You advised Cao Cao, saying: 丞相 , 江陵 乃 係 荊襄 重地 , 錢糧 極 多 。 Prime Minister|Jiangling|indeed|is|Jingxiang|important place|money and grain|extremely|abundant Prime Minister, Jiangling is a crucial area in Jingxiang, with a lot of resources. 如果 畀 劉備 佔據 咗 , 嗰 陣 要 動 佢 就 唔 易 㗎 喇 。 if|by|Liu Bei|occupies|past tense marker|that|time|to need|move|him|then|not|easy|sentence-final particle|past action particle If Liu Bei occupies it, it will be difficult to move him later. 梗 係 啦 , 我 冇 唔 記得 啊 。 |||I|not|not|remember|particle Of course, I haven't forgotten. 於是 曹操 啊 , 就 想 喺 襄陽 原來 啲 將領 當中 , 選 一個 嚟 , 叫 佢 喺 前 便 做 開路先鋒 。 then|Cao Cao|ah|then|wanted|in|Xiangyang|originally|plural marker|generals|among|to select|one|to come|to call|he|at|front|then|to act|vanguard So Cao Cao wanted to choose one of the generals in Xiangyang to be the vanguard. 一問 , 咁 多 將領 都 到 齊 嘞 , 獨獨 唔 見 咗 文聘 。 asking|so|many|generals|all|arrived|together|past tense marker|only|not|see|past tense marker|Wen Ping Upon asking, all the generals were present except for Wen Pin. 曹操 就 派 人 去 搵 佢 , 噉 文聘 先至 嚟 見 曹操 唧 。 Cao Cao|then|sent|someone|to|find|him|then|Wen Pin|only then|come|see|Cao Cao|speak Cao Cao sent someone to find him, and only then did Wen Pin come to see Cao Cao. 曹操 問 : 你 點解 嚟 得 咁 遲 啊 ? Cao Cao|asked|you|why|come|arrive|so|late|particle Cao Cao asked: Why did you come so late? 嗨 , 為 人 之臣 , 而 唔 能夠 使 佢 嘅 主公 保全 領土 , 個心 , 實在 慚愧 , 冇 面 嚟 見 丞相 啊 ! Hi|to be|person||but|not|able to|make|he|possessive particle|lord|protect|territory||truly|ashamed|not|face|come|see|chancellor|ah Ah, as a minister, if I cannot ensure the safety of my lord's territory, I truly feel ashamed and have no face to meet the Prime Minister! 忠臣 , 真 係 忠臣 ! loyal minister|||loyal minister A loyal minister, truly a loyal minister! 曹操 就 任命 文聘 做 江夏 太守 , 封 佢 做 關內 侯 , 命令 佢 做 先鋒 , 為 全軍 開路 。 Cao Cao|then|appointed|Wen Ping|to be|Jiangxia|governor|enfeoffed|him|to be|within the borders|marquis|ordered|him|to be|vanguard|for|the whole army|to open the way Cao Cao appointed Wen Pin as the Governor of Jiangxia, conferred upon him the title of Marquis of Guannei, and ordered him to be the vanguard to lead the entire army. 曹操 嘅 偵探 探聽到 劉備 啊 因為 帶 住 咁 多 百姓 行軍 , 每日 只 能夠 前進 十幾 里 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|detective|found out|Liu Bei|exclamation particle|because|lead|with|so|many|commoners|march|every day|only|able to|advance|over ten|miles Cao Cao's scouts learned that Liu Bei, because he was leading so many common people in his march, could only advance a little over ten miles each day. 所以 計起 嚟 呢 , 而家 只 係 行 咗 三百 幾里唧 。 so|counting|up|this|now|only|has|walked|past tense marker|three hundred|something miles So when you calculate it, they have only traveled a little over three hundred miles. 曹操 就 下令 各路 軍隊 , 各自 精選 五千名 鐵甲 馬 軍 , 漏夜 前進 , 限 一日 一夜 追 上 劉備 。 Cao Cao|then|ordered|all|troops|each|carefully selected|5000|armored|horses|cavalry|through the night|advance|limited|one day|one night|||Liu Bei Cao Cao then ordered all the troops to each select five thousand armored cavalry and march through the night, with the goal of catching up to Liu Bei within a day and a night. 大 部隊 呢 就 陸續 隨後 推進 。 large|troops|question particle|then|one after another|subsequently|advance The main force would then gradually follow and advance. 而家 講返 劉備 , 佢 帶 住 十幾萬 百姓 啊 三千 幾名 兵士 , 一站 一站 好似 蟻 躝 噉 行去 江陵 。 now|talk about again|Liu Bei|he|||over a hundred thousand|common people|ah|three thousand|several|soldiers|one stop|one stop|like|ant|swarm|like|walking to|Jiangling Now back to Liu Bei, he is leading over a hundred thousand common people and about three thousand soldiers, moving station by station like an ant towards Jiangling. 當時 啊 , 係 趙雲 保護 家眷 , 張飛 斷後 。 at that time|ah|was|Zhao Yun|protect|family|Zhang Fei|held off the enemy At that time, Zhao Yun was protecting the family members while Zhang Fei held the rear. 本來 關羽 去 咗 江夏 向 劉琦 求救 , 但 係 去 咗 咁 多日 嘞 , 仲 係 毫無 音訊 噃。 originally|Guan Yu|go|past tense marker|Jiangxia|towards|Liu Qi|ask for help||is||||||||no|news|particle Originally, Guan Yu went to Jiangxia to seek help from Liu Qi, but after so many days, there was still no news. 劉備 心急 , 佢 對 孔明 話 : Liu Bei|anxious|he|to|Kongming|said Liu Bei was anxious, and he said to Kongming: 我 想 勞煩 軍師 你 親自 去 江夏 行 一趟 。 I|want|trouble|strategist|you|personally|go|Jiangxia|make|one trip I would like to trouble you, military advisor, to personally go to Jiangxia for a visit. 因為 先生 你 往日 曾經 指點 過 佢 , 佢 好 感激 先生 嘅 。 because|sir|you|past|once|pointed out|past tense marker|he|he|very|grateful|sir|possessive particle Because you have previously given him guidance, he is very grateful to you. 而 家 佢 見到 先生 你 親自 去 到 咯 , 就 一定 應承 嚟 救 我 哋 嘅 。 and|family|he|sees|sir|you|personally|go|arrive|particle indicating completed action|then|definitely|promise|come|save|I|we|possessive particle And now that he sees you, sir, personally coming here, he will definitely promise to come and save us. 孔明 答應 咗 , 就 同 劉封 帶 住 五百名 兵卒 就 趕去 江夏 求救 。 Kongming|agreed|past tense marker|then|with|Liu Feng|led|carrying|500|soldiers|then|rushed to|Jiangxia|seek help Kongming agreed, and then he and Liu Feng took five hundred soldiers and rushed to Jiangxia to seek help. 當日 , 劉備 依舊 帶住 大家 一齊 去 江陵 。 that day|Liu Bei|still|led|everyone|together|to|Jiangling On that day, Liu Bei still led everyone to Jiangling together. 喺 佢 身邊 啊 , 有 簡雍 、 糜竺 、 糜 芳 佢 哋 幾個 。 at|he|side|particle|has|Jian Yong|Mi Zhu|||they|plural particle|a few By his side, there were Jian Yong, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, and a few others. 行行 下 , 忽然間 呼 噉 一浸 狂風 , 就 喺 馬 前 發起 , 吹到 呀 塵土 遮天 , 連個 日光 都 蒙晒 。 walk|down|suddenly|sound of wind|like this|a sudden|strong wind|then|at|horse|front|arose|blew until|ah|dust|covered the sky||sunlight|also|completely covered As they were walking, suddenly a strong wind blew up, starting in front of the horse, blowing up dust that covered the sky, even blocking out the sunlight. 劉備 吃 咗 一驚 就問 : 咦 ? 呢 個 係 咩 嘢 兆頭 呢 吓 ? Liu Bei|eat|past tense marker|a fright||huh|this|classifier|is|what|thing|omen|this|exclamation particle Liu Bei was startled and asked: "Eh? What is this omen?" 簡雍 啊 幾識 占卦 嘅 , 佢 掐指一算 : Kan Yong|ah|quite knowledgeable|fortune telling|possessive particle|he|calculated with his fingers Jian Yong, who was quite skilled in divination, calculated and said: 哎呀 ! 呢 個 係 大 兇 嘅 兆頭 啊 , 就 應 在 今晚 。 oh no|this|measure word|is|big|bad|possessive particle|omen|ah|then|should|at|tonight "Oh no! This is a very ominous sign, it should happen tonight." 主公 , 快 啲 掉 低 百姓 走 啦 ! lord|||||commoners|leave|particle indicating urgency "My lord, quickly let the common people escape!" 啲 百姓 由 新野 跟 住 我 跟 到 嚟 呢 處 , 我點 忍心 拋棄 佢 哋 啊 ? plural marker|common people|from|new place|to follow|live|I|||come|this|place||heartless|abandon|they|plural marker|sentence final particle "The common people have followed me here from Xinye, how can I bear to abandon them?" 主公 啊 , 如果 你仲顧 住 啲 百姓 唔 捨得 掉 低 佢 哋 , 噉 就 大禍 就 到 㗎 喇 。 Your Majesty|ah|if|||the|common people|not|willing to|||them|plural marker|then|will|great disaster|then|arrive|particle|particle My lord, if you still care about the people and can't bear to let them go, then disaster will come. 前 便 係 咩 嘢 地方 啊 ? in front of|then|is|what|thing|place|particle What place is ahead? 旁邊 有人 回答 話 嘞 : 前 便 就 係 當陽 縣 , 有座 山 叫做 景山 呀 。 next to|someone|answered|saying|past tense particle|previous|then|just|is|Dongyang|county|there is a|mountain|called|Jing Mountain|sentence-final particle Someone next to him replied: Ahead is Dongyang County, and there is a mountain called Jing Mountain. 劉備 吩咐 大家 就 靠 住 景山 宿營 。 Liu Bei|instructed|everyone|then|||Mount Jing|camp Liu Bei instructed everyone to camp near Jing Mountain. 當陽 縣 呢 , 就 喺 湖北省 嘅 西部 , 喺 江陵 嘅 西北方 。 Dongyang|county|question particle|then|at|Hubei Province|possessive particle|western part|at|Jiangling|possessive particle|northwest Dongyang County is located in the western part of Hubei Province, northwest of Jiangling. 當時 啊 係 秋末冬 初 , 涼風 透骨 。 at that time|ah|was|||cool wind|penetrating At that time, it was the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, with a chilling wind. 到 咗 傍晚 , 只 聽見 到處 都 係 啼哭 嘅 聲音 呀 , 真 係 淒涼 啊 。 ||evening|only|heard|everywhere|all|is|crying|possessive particle|sound|sentence-final particle|really|is|desolate|exclamatory particle By evening, all I could hear was the sound of crying everywhere, it was truly desolate. 當晚 到 咗 四 更天 , 突然 間 喺 西北角 啊 傳來 一陣 喊 殺 嘅 聲音 , 驚天動地 。 that night|arrived|past tense marker|four|dawn|suddenly|moment|at|northwest corner|ah|came|a burst of|crying|kill|possessive particle|sound|earth-shattering That night, at the fourth watch, suddenly from the northwest corner came a loud cry of murder, shaking the heavens and the earth. 劉備 嚇 咗 一 跳 啊 , 趕快 上馬 , 帶住 自己 部下 兩千 幾名 精兵 就 迎上去 打 嘞 喎 。 Liu Bei|scared|past tense marker|one|jump|sentence-final particle|quickly|mount (his) horse|leading|his own|subordinates|two thousand|a few|elite soldiers|then|charged forward|fight|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Liu Bei was startled and quickly mounted his horse, leading his more than two thousand elite soldiers to confront them. 但 嘅 曹 兵 人 多 勢 眾 , 銳不可當 。 but|possessive particle|Cao|soldiers|people|many|strength|numerous| But the Cao soldiers were numerous and powerful, unstoppable. 不過 事到如今 嘞 , 頂 唔 住 都 要 頂 嘅 啦 。 but|at this point|particle indicating change of state|endure||||||particle indicating possession or emphasis|particle indicating suggestion or urgency But now that it has come to this, we have to endure even if we can't. 劉備 就 拼死 猛打 。 Liu Bei|then|fight to the death|fiercely attack Liu Bei fought desperately. 正在 危險 萬分 嘅 時候 , 嘿好彩 張飛 呀 帶兵 趕到 嚟 , 殺 開條 血路 , 救出 咗 劉備 , 向 住 東便 逃跑 。 at that moment|danger|extremely|possessive particle|time|fortunately|Zhang Fei|particle|leading troops|arrived|here|fought||path of blood|rescued|past tense marker|Liu Bei|towards|particle|Dongbian|escaped At a time of great danger, fortunately, Zhang Fei arrived with his troops, cutting a bloody path to rescue Liu Bei and escape towards the east. 剛剛 趯 出 重圍 , 哈 , 迎面 又 撞 正劉 琮 嘅 舊部 下 , 而家 做 咗 曹操 先鋒 嘅 文 聘 , 帶兵 攔住 去路 。 just now|leap|out|encirclement|ha|head-on|again|collide||Chong|possessive particle|former subordinates|under|now|become|past tense marker|Cao Cao|vanguard|possessive particle|Wen|Ping||block|path Just as they broke through the encirclement, they unexpectedly ran into Liu Chong's former subordinate, Wen Pin, who is now serving as Cao Cao's vanguard and blocking their way. 劉備 火起 就 鬧 佢 話 : 你 呢 個 背叛 主公 嘅 傢伙 ! 有 咩 嘢 面目 見 人 啊 你 ! Liu Bei|became angry|then|scolded|him|said|you|this|classifier for people|traitor|lord|possessive particle|guy|have|what|thing|face|see|people|exclamatory particle|you Liu Bei was furious and scolded him, saying: "You traitor who betrayed your lord! How can you show your face to anyone!" 當堂 鬧到 文聘 羞慚 滿面 , 帶住 兵 向 住 東北方 走 咗 咯 。 on the spot|scolded|a person's name|ashamed|full face|bringing|soldiers|towards|live|northeast|walk|past tense marker|sentence-final particle At that moment, Wen Ping was embarrassed and blushed, leading his troops to retreat towards the northeast. 噉 張飛 保護 住 劉備 就且 戰且 走 , 一直 趯 到 天光 。 then|Zhang Fei|protect|continuously|Liu Bei|and|fight|run|continuously|chase|until|dawn Zhang Fei protected Liu Bei while fighting and retreating, continuing until dawn. 喊 殺 嘅 聲音 呢 , 漸漸 細聲 咗 , 聽 唔 見 嘞 。 shout|kill|possessive particle|sound|question particle|gradually|quieter|past tense marker|hear|not|see|completed action particle The sounds of shouting and killing gradually became quieter, until they could no longer be heard. 劉備 噉 先至 落馬 稍為 休息 一陣 。 Liu Bei|then|only then|dismounts|briefly|rests|for a moment Only then did Liu Bei dismount and take a short rest. 佢 回過 頭 嚟 , 睇 一 睇 手下 跟 住 嚟 嘅 , 只 係 剩得 百零人 。 He|turned|head|back|took|a|look|subordinates|following|closely|coming|possessive particle|only|is|remaining|a little over a hundred people He turned around to look at his followers, and found that only about a hundred remained. 百姓 、 家眷 、 糜竺 、 糜芳 、 趙雲 佢 哋 一批 人 都 唔 知去 咗 邊 。 common people|family members|Mi Zhu (a character from the Three Kingdoms)|Mi Fang (a character from the Three Kingdoms)|Zhao Yun (a character from the Three Kingdoms)|he|plural marker|a group of|people|all|not||past tense marker|where The common people, family members, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, and Zhao Yun, they all don't know where they have gone. 劉備 睇 見 呢 種淒 慘 嘅 情形 , 忍 唔 住 放聲 痛哭 。 Liu Bei|see|saw|this|||possessive particle|situation||||loudly|weep Liu Bei saw this tragic situation and couldn't help but cry out loud. 哎 ! 十幾萬 生靈 , 皆 因 唔 捨得 我 , 所以 遇到 呢 一場 大難 。 sigh|over a hundred thousand|living beings|all|because of|not|willing to part with|me|therefore|encountered|this|one|great disaster Alas! Over a hundred thousand lives, all because they couldn't bear to part with me, have encountered this great disaster. 咁 多 將官 、 妻兒老小 , 都 唔 知 生死 咯 。 so|many|officers|family|all|not|know|life and death|sentence-final particle So many generals, wives, and children, all don't know their fate. 哎 , 真 係 木頭 泥沙 做 嘅 人 都 傷心 啊 ! sigh|||wooden|mud|made|possessive particle|person|all|sad|particle Alas, truly, even those made of wood and clay are saddened! 正 喺 度 淒 淒涼 涼 嘅 時候 , 誒 突然 見到 糜芳 舂 下 舂 下 噉 行到 嚟 。 right now|at|here||||possessive particle|time|eh|suddenly|saw|Mei Fong|walk|down|||like that|walked|here Just when it was a bleak and desolate time, suddenly I saw Mi Fang walking over. 吖 , 佢 塊 面 呀 中 咗 幾支 箭 , 佢 對 劉備 話 : ah|he|measure word for flat objects|face|particle|hit|past tense marker|several|arrows|he|to|Liu Bei|said Ah, his face was pierced by several arrows, and he said to Liu Bei: 趙子龍 反水 喇 ! 佢 , 佢 佢 佢 , 佢 去 投降 曹操 喇 ! Zhao Zilong|rebel|particle indicating completed action|he|||||go|surrender|Cao Cao|particle indicating completed action Zhao Zilong has defected! He, he, he, he has gone to surrender to Cao Cao! 咩 話 ? 趙子龍 反水 去 咗 投降 曹操 ? what|to say|Zhao Zilong|defected|went|past tense marker|surrender|Cao Cao What? Zhao Zilong has defected and gone to surrender to Cao Cao? 究竟 係 咪 真 㗎 ? actually|is|not|true|question particle Is it really true?

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