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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 063

周瑜 要 殺 黃 蓋 , 甘寧 啊 出 嚟 求情 , 又 畀 周瑜 叫 人亂 棍 打 出去 吖 。 嘩 , 不得了 咯 。 所有 嘅 將官 呀 力力 立立 跪 低 哂 , 懇求 周瑜 話 : 都督 啊 , 黃 蓋 係 有罪 該 殺 , 但 係 而家 殺 咗 佢 , 對 軍隊 係 不 吉利 㗎 。 不如 暫時 記 落 佢 嘅 罪過 , 等到 將來 擊破 曹 軍 之後 , 再 嚟 殺 佢 都 未 遲 吖 。 初時 周瑜 呀 仲 係 怒氣 未息 啊 。 嗰 班 將官 苦苦哀求 , 收尾 周瑜 先至 話 喇 : 好 啦 , 黃 蓋 你 個 老 匹夫 ! 今日 如果 唔 係 睇 在 各位 將官 嘅 面子 , 就 非 殺 咗 你 不可 ! 而家 暫時 放過 你 先 , 刀斧手 ! 有 ! 將 佢 重 打 一百 軍棍 ! 嘩 , 呵 得 了 嘅 , 打 一百 軍棍 呀 , 唔 係 又 係 死 。 眾位 將官 又 為 黃 蓋 求情 , 請求 免打 。 周瑜 一 發火 , 連 面前 嗰 張 公案 都 乒 砰 噉 推 冧 咗 。 喝 啲 將官 行開 , 命令 立即 行刑 。 啲 刀斧手 冇 辦法 嘞 , 唯有 就 剝 咗 黃 蓋 衣服 , 撳 喺 地 嚟 打 係 啦 。 一棍 , 兩棍 三棍 就 打 到 五十 棍 。 嗰 班 將官 又 試 嚟 苦苦哀求 唔 好 再 打落 去 。 周瑜 啪 聲 跳 起身 , 指住 黃 蓋 噉 鬧 佢 話 : 等 你 仲敢 睇 小 我 吖 嗱, 而家 姑且 記低 你 五十 棍先 , 以後 如果 你仲敢 得罪 我 , 就 兩罪 俱罰 ! 周瑜 硬硬 聲 冇 停口 咁 鬧 就 行 咗 入 去 。 周瑜 一行 轉便 , 大家 就 即刻 扶起 黃 蓋 。 哎呀 , 慘咯 , 打到 黃 蓋 皮開肉綻 , 鮮血 惦流 。 噉 啊 即刻 扶 佢 返 去 自己 嘅 營寨 啦 。 黃 蓋 呀 , 痛 到 佢 暈 咗 好 幾次 不省人事 啊 。 走 嚟 慰問 佢 嘅 人 見到 打 到 佢 咁 慘 , 冇 一個 唔 流眼淚 嘅 。 魯肅 亦 都 去 探望 過黃蓋 , 去 完 呢 順便 啊 行去 孔明 住 嗰 隻 小船 處 坐下 。 魯肅 啊 對 孔明 話 喇 : 先頭 公瑾 發火 痛打 黃 蓋 , 誒 我 哋 都 係 佢 嘅 部下 , 就 話 唔 敢 觸犯 佢 嘅 尊嚴 苦苦 去 勸諫 佢 啫 。 先生 你 係 個人 客 , 為 咩 事 袖手旁觀 , 粒聲 唔 出 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 , 子敬 你 呃 我 。 吓 ? 我 自從 同 你 嚟 到 呢 處 之後 , 未曾 有過 一件 事 呃 你 㗎 , 點解 你 會 噉 講 啊 ? 子敬 , 唔 通 你 都 唔 知道 公瑾 今日 毒打 黃公覆 , 不過 係 佢 嘅 計策 嚟 咩 ? 佢 哋 一個願打 , 一個 就 願 捱 , 呵呵 你 叫 我 勸 佢 咩 嘢 呢 ? 啊 , 係 啊 , 係 啊 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 魯肅 而家 先至 恍然大悟 啊 。 孔明 跟 住 又 話 嘞 : 唔 用 苦肉計 , 點 能夠 瞞得過 曹操 㗎 ? 公瑾 而家實 係 要 黃公覆 去 詐降 , 就 借 啲 意當眾 毒打 佢 一餐 。 蔡中 、 蔡 和 佢 哋 一定 會 偷偷地 , 將呢 件 事 報告 畀 曹操 知 嘅 。 噉 第日 黃公覆 去 到 曹操 處咯 , 曹操 就會信 啦 嘛 。 冇 錯 , 冇 錯 啊 ! 不過 子敬 呀 , 你 見到 公 瑾 嘅 時候 , 切勿 話 我 睇 穿 呢 件 事 噃, 你 就 話 我 亦 都 埋怨 都督 就 係 喇 吓 。 傾 咗 一輪 偈 , 魯肅 就 告辭 返去 。 魯肅 去 到 中軍帳 見到 周瑜 就 問 佢 話 : 都督 , 你 今日 為 咩 事 咁 嬲 要 痛打 黃公覆 啊 ? 大家 , 係 咪 喺 度 怨 我 呢 ? 噉 啊 好多 人個 心 都 好 不安 啊 。 孔明 點話 啊 ? 哦 , 佢 都 怨 都督 你 啊 , 話 乜 咁 薄情 㗎 噉 啊 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 呢 次 就 瞞過 孔明 喇 。 都督 , 你 噉 講 係 咩 嘢 意思 呢 ? 今日 我 痛打 黃 蓋 係 我 嘅 計策 嚟 。 我 想 叫 佢 去 詐降 , 先不先 , 要 用 苦肉計 嚟 瞞過 曹操 , 然後 就 用 火攻 佢 , 噉 就 可以 取勝 喇 。 哦 , 魯肅 個心 諗 啊 孔明真 叻 啊 。 魯肅 啊 到底 係 個 忠厚 人 , 佢 心 知 就算 嘞 , 呢 趟 就 冇 穿 煲 。 而家 講返 黃 蓋 , 佢 喺 自己 嘅 帳篷 裏 便 就 瞓 響 處 , 各位 將官 都 嚟 慰問 佢 啦 。 黃 蓋 見到 大家 佢 一句 說話 都 冇 講 , 只 係 不 歇 咁 唞 大氣 就 係 嘞 。 有個 參謀 叫做 闞澤 , 佢 又 嚟 探問 黃 蓋 喎 。 呢 個 闞澤 啊 , 別字 德潤 , 會稽山 陰人 , 屋企 啊 好 貧窮 嘅 , 但 係 為 人 好學 , 佢 啊 做 過 僱工 。 因為 窮 嘞 , 冇 錢 買 唔 起書 , 就 問人 哋 借書 嚟 睇 , 哈 , 佢 睇 一次 唧就 記得 晒 㗎 嘞 喎 , 咁 好 記性 嘅 。 佢 嘅 口才 又 十分 好 , 而且 反應 極快 。 年輕 嘅 時候 呢 , 就 非常 之有 膽識 㗎 嘞 。 孫權 搵 咗 佢 嚟 做 參謀 , 平日 呢 , 佢 同 黃 蓋 嘅 交情 係 最好 嘅 。 闞澤 嚟 到 咗 , 黃 蓋 請 佢 嚟 到 床 邊 , 叫 左右 啲 人行 開 。 闞澤話 喇 : 哎 , 將軍 你 受委屈 咯 。 哦 , 有勞 先生 , 哎 , 哎 , 啊 , 有勞 先生 , 掛念 啊 。 誒 將軍 呀 , 你 莫非 同 都督 有仇 係 嘛 ? 哦 , 冇 仇 吖 。 既然 冇 仇 , 將軍 今日 捱打 , 莫非 係 苦肉計 ? 嘘 , 先生 你 點知 呢 ? 呵呵 , 我 睇 公 瑾 嘅 舉動 , 已經 估到 八九分 咯 。 哎 , 我 身受 吳侯 三代 嘅 大恩 , 冇 乜嘢 報答 佢 , 所以 先至 諗 出 呢 一條 計 , 嚟 去 擊敗 曹操 。 我 自己 雖然 受 啲 苦楚 啊 , 亦 毫無 怨恨 。 我 睇 勻 全軍 咁 多 人 , 冇 一個 可以 做 我 嘅 心腹 嘅 。 唯獨 是 先生 你 , 一向 係 個 忠義 之 人 , 所以 , 所以 我 先至 披肝瀝膽 , 講晒 你 聽 。 將軍 你 之所以 要講 我 聽 , 莫非 要 我 去 獻 詐降 書 , 係 嘛 ? 冇 錯 , 我 就 係 噉 嘅 意思 , 啊 , 唔 知 先生 , 你 , 你 肯 唔 肯去 呢 ? 大丈夫 處世 , 如果 唔 能夠 建功立業 , 豈 唔 係 同 草木 一樣 , 死 咗 就 死 咗 咯 有 咩 嘢 意義 吖 ? 將軍 你 既然 肯 舍身 報國 , 我 闞澤 , 就算 一死 , 又 有 乜 所謂 呢 ? 黃 蓋 一 聽 , 立即 喺 床 碌 落地 , 跪 喺 處 叩 個頭 畀 闞澤 。 闞澤 連忙 還禮 就 扶 返黃蓋 上床 , 佢 話 : 事不宜遲 , 話 去 就 去 , 請 將軍 快 啲 寫信 啦 。 哦 , 哦 , 信 已經 寫 好 喇 。 黃 蓋 喺 枕頭 底 攞 出 封信 嚟 交 畀 闞澤 。 闞澤 接過 信 嚟 , 就 告辭 走 嘞 。 當晚 , 天氣 好 冷 , 滿天星斗 。 闞澤 啊 扮成 一個 漁翁 噉 , 棹 一隻 船仔 , 一直 棹 去 北岸 。 到 咗 三 更 時分 , 就 嚟 到 曹軍水 寨 。 曹 軍 嘅 巡 江 軍士 發現 到 佢 , 就 將 佢 捉起 嚟 , 盤問 咗 幾句 , 就 即刻 去 報告 曹操 。 哈哈 , 雖然 係 半夜三更 , 但 係 曹操 都 馬上 起身 親自 過問 呢 件 事 噃。 曹操 問 : 係 唔 係 奸細 啊 ? 軍士 回答 話 : 係 個 漁翁 噉 樣 , 佢 話 自己 係 東吳 嘅 參謀 闞澤 , 有 機密 事情 嚟 求見 丞相 。 哦 ? 好 , 帶 佢 入 嚟 。 噉 個 軍士 呢 就 去 帶 闞澤入 嚟 中軍帳 見 曹操 。 當時 中軍帳 內 , 燈燭輝煌 。 曹操 喺 張 書 枱 旁邊 , 端端正正 坐響 處 。 曹操 一見將 闞澤 帶到 入 嚟 就問 : 你 係 邊個 啊 ? 我 係 東吳 參謀 , 姓 闞名澤 , 志德潤 。 你 既然 係 東吳 參謀 , 嚟 我 呢 處 有 咩 嘢 事 ? 哼哼 , 人人 話 曹丞相 求賢若渴 , 十分 愛才 。 而家 聽 你 噉 樣一問 , 都 同 傳說 極 不 相同 嘅 。 哎 , 黃公覆 啊 黃公覆 , 你 又 諗 錯 晒 喇 。 吓 ? 嗯 。 老夫 同 東吳 , 就要 喺 日 內 交戰 嘞 , 你 偷偷地 摸 嚟 我 呢 處 , 我點 能夠 唔 問 清楚 ! 究竟 有 咩 嘢 事 ? 丞相 , 黃公覆 係 東吳 三代 嘅 老將 。 前 兩日 , 畀 周瑜 當住眾 將官 面前 無端 端 毒打 一場 , 個心 憤恨 到極 。 為 咗 要 報仇 , 因此 同 我 商量 要 嚟 投降 丞相 。 我 同公覆 , 乃 係 多年 好友 情同骨肉 , 所以 幫 佢 送信 嚟 。 唔 知 丞相 肯 唔 肯 收留 呢 ? 封信 喺 邊 處 嚟 啊 ? 信 喺 呢 處 。 闞澤 解開 衣服 ,攞 出 封信 呈 上去 畀 曹操 。 曹操 拆開 信 , 喺 燈 下 仔細 噉 睇 , 封信 大意 係 噉 嘅 : 我黃蓋 身受 孫氏 三代 嘅 厚恩 , 本來 , 唔 應該 背叛 。 不過 以 今日 嘅 形勢 而論 , 要 指望 江東 六 郡 嘅 兵力 , 嚟 對抗 丞相 百萬 大軍 , 眾寡 懸殊 難以 抵敵 , 呢 層 係 人所共見 。 東吳 嘅 文官 武將 , 無論 聰明 嘅 , 蠢笨 嘅 大家 都 好 明白 。 唯獨 周瑜 小子 , 心胸狹隘 , 淺薄 愚蠢 , 自以 為 有 本事 , 妄想 用 雞蛋 嚟 碰 石頭 。 更 兼 佢 作威作福 , 賞罰 不公 。 我 , 本來 係 東吳 嘅 老 臣子 , 竟然 無端 端 畀 佢 侮辱 毒打 , 我 憤恨 到極 。 素仰 丞相 待人 謙虛 誠懇 , 我願 率領 部下 兵卒 歸降 , 立功 雪恥 ! 同時 , 糧草 物資 等等 , 一齊 同船 帶 嚟 。 我 所講 嘅 句句 出自 真心 , 請 丞相 , 千萬 唔 好 懷疑 , 千萬 唔 好 懷疑 ! 曹操 喺 書 枱 處 , 反反 復 復 噉 將黃蓋 呢 封信 睇 咗 十幾次 。 忽然間 , 啪 噉 一 拍 張 枱, 瞪 大 雙眼 , 發起 火 嚟 喝 闞澤話 : 嗯 , 黃 蓋 用 苦肉計 , 叫 你 嚟 送 詐降 信 , 搵 機會 嚟 謀 我 係 嘛 ? 你 真 大膽 啊 , 竟然 敢 嚟 戲弄 我 ? 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 推出 去 斬 ! 係 ! 㗾 一聲 一班 刀斧手 衝上 嚟 , 捉住 闞澤 , 就要 推 佢 出去 。 闞澤 面不改色 , 仰面朝天 放聲 大笑 喎 。 曹操 聽見 佢 笑 , 就 喝 啲 人 拉 闞澤返 轉頭 鬧 佢 話 : 我 已經 識穿 你 嘅 詭計 , 你 有 乜嘢 咁 好笑 啊 ? 我 唔 係 笑 你 啊 , 我 係 笑 黃公覆 有眼無珠 , 唔 識 睇 人 咋 。 乜嘢 叫做 唔 識 睇 人 ? 你 要 殺 就 殺 , 何必 多問 呢 ? 哼哼 , 我 自細 就 熟讀 兵書 , 深知 奸偽 之道 。 你 呢 條計 仔 , 去 呃 人 哋 就 得 , 點 呃 得到 我 啊 ? 係 咩 ? 噉 請 丞相 你 講下 呢 封信裏 便 , 有 邊點 講得 唔 啱 嘅 , 有 邊點 係 奸計 。 好 ! 等 我將 你 哋 嘅 破綻 講出 嚟 , 等 你 死而無怨 至 得 。 你 聽 住 ! 你 既然 話 係 真心 投降 , 點解 唔 約定 時間 ! 吓 ? 點解 唔 約定 時間 ! 點解 ? 點解 ? 你仲有 乜嘢 說話 好講 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 難為 你 唔 怕醜 啊 , 仲敢 誇口 話 熟讀 兵書 添 。 你 趁早 收兵 返去 罷啦 , 如果 打起 上 嚟 , 實 畀 周瑜 將你 生擒活捉 咗 去 。 正一 係 不學無術 之輩 , 我 真 係 冤枉 咯 , 就 噉 樣 屈死 喺 你 嘅 手上 啊 ! 嗯 ? 嗯 , 點解 話 我 係 不學無術 ! 你 不識 機謀 , 不明 道理 , 噉 仲 唔 係 不學無術 ? 吓 ? 你講 你講 , 你 即管 講下 我 有 邊點 唔 啱 。 你 對待 好人 全無 禮貌 , 我 又 何必 多講 呢 ? 死 唔 係 死 咯 ! 你 如果 講得 有 道理 , 我 自然 會 佩服 你 ! 你 唔 通 冇 聽講 過 咩 ? 背主作 竊 , 不可 定期 吖 嘛 。 呢 啲 事 係 偷偷摸摸 嚟 做 嘅 , 如果 而家 就 先定 咗 日期 , 到 時 冇 機會 下手 , 你 呢 處 呢 , 反而 走 去 接應 喎 , 噉 事情 唔 係 全部 都 洩 露出 去 咯 。 呢 啲 事 , 只 能夠 睺 正 機會 就 逳 手 , 點 能夠 預定 日期 㗎 ? 你連 噉 嘅 道理 都 唔 明白 , 就要 屈殺 好人 , 真 係 不學無術 , 之輩 啊 ! 喂 呀呀 呀呀 , 老夫 一時 淺見 , 見事 不明 , 誤犯 尊威 , 請 先生 恕罪 ! 曹操 呀 , 即刻 叫 刀斧手 放開 闞澤 , 請 佢 坐 低 向 佢 道歉 賠禮 。 闞澤話 : 我同 黃公覆 都 係 誠心 投降 , 就 好似 細佬哥 盼望 爹娘 噉 , 邊度 會 係 詭計 呢 ? 噉 就 真 係 好極 喇 。 如果 你 哋 兩位 能夠 立 咗 大功 , 將來 封官賜 爵 , 必定 在 大家 之上 啊 ! 丞相 呀 , 我 哋 唔 係 為 咗 高官厚祿 而 嚟 㗎 , 不過 係 順應 天意 做事 啫 。 曹操 好 高興 , 即刻 吩咐 擺酒 款待 闞澤 。 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 正 喺 度 飲 緊 酒 嘅 時候 , 有人 行入 嚟 , 哄 埋 曹操 耳仔邊 細細 聲 噉 講 咗 幾句 說話 。 曹操 就 話 喇 :攞 封信 我 睇 下 。 嗰 個人 呢 就 扲 出 一封 密信 嚟 呈 畀 曹操 。 曹操 睇 完 , 面上 露出 高興 嘅 神色 。 闞 澤 喺 旁邊 睇 到實 , 個心 諗 嘞 : 實 係 蔡中 、 蔡 和 嚟 報告 黃 蓋 受刑 嘅 消息 。 曹操 呢 , 噉 就 信 晒 我 嚟 投降 係 真 㗎 喇 , 所以 佢 就 歡喜 啦 。 哼哼 , 有 得 你 歡喜 啊 。 噉 啊 散席 之後 , 曹操 又 對 闞澤話 喇 : 而家 , 要 勞煩 先生 你 再 返去 江東 一趟 , 同 黃公覆 約定 好 。 然後 送 消息 過 嚟 畀 我 , 我 就 派兵 去 接應 啦 。 丞相 呀 , 我 已經 離開 咗 江東 , 唔 能夠 再 返 去 喇 , 希望 丞相 另行 派個 機密 嘅 人 去 啦 。 如果 另外 派 人 去 , 又 怕 會 洩漏 咗 秘密 噃。 闞澤 啊 再三 推辭 , 曹操 仲 係 話 要 佢 去 至 啱 。 噉 講 咗 好 耐 , 闞澤 就 話 喇 : 好 啦 , 如果 一定 要 我 返 去 嘅 話 , 噉 我 就 唔 好 喺 度 耽擱 咁 耐 , 而家 就要 起行 嘞 。 曹操 叫 人 攞 啲 金銀 出 嚟 要 送 畀 闞澤 , 闞澤 啊 唔 肯收 。 辭別 咗 曹操 出 咗 營寨 , 仍然 坐 返 嗰 隻 小船 趕返 去 江東 。 一返 到 去 , 闞澤 馬上 去 搵 黃 蓋 , 將見 曹操 嘅 經過 , 詳詳細細 噉 講返 畀 黃 蓋 聽 。 黃 蓋 啊 非常 感動 啊 , 佢 話 : 如果 唔 係 你 咁 機警 會講 說話 , 唉 , 我 真 係 白白 捱 一場 打咯 。 你 休息 下 , 我而家 去 甘寧 嘅 營寨 處 , 睇 下 蔡中 、 蔡 和 嘅 情形 先 。 哦 , 好 , 噉 好極 喇 。 於是 闞澤 又 去 甘寧 嘅 營寨 嘞 。 一 見到 甘寧 , 闞澤 就 話 : 甘 將軍 , 你 昨日 為 咗 救 黃公覆 畀 周公瑾 侮辱 一番 , 我 真 係 好 戥 你 唔 抵 啊 。 嘿嘿嘿 , 甘寧 笑 下 , 冇 講 咩 嘢 。 正 喺 度 講 緊 嘅 時候 , 蔡 和 、 蔡中入 到 嚟 嘞 。 闞澤打 咗 個 眼色 畀 甘寧 , 嘿嘿 , 甘寧 會意 喇 , 佢 就 話 : 哼 ! 周公瑾 一味 以為 自己 好 有 本事 , 完全 都 唔 將我 哋 放 喺 眼 內 。 我 呢 次 畀 佢 噉 樣 侮辱 法 , 真 係 冇 面見 人 啊 ! 哼 ! 豈有此理 ! 豈有此理 啊 氣死我 啊 ! 甘寧 嬲 到 咬牙切齒 , 砰砰 聲 噉 猛 咁 拍 枱。 闞澤 就 伏 埋 甘寧 耳仔邊 , 詐家意 同 佢 講 幾句 密 偈 。 甘寧 就 耷低 個頭 唔 出聲 嘞 , 只 係 唉 唉 聲 噉 長 歎 咗 幾聲 。 蔡 和 、 蔡中 見到 甘寧 同 闞澤都 有 反叛 江東 嘅 意思 噃, 就 用 啲 說話 嚟 挑 引 佢 哋 喇 。 甘 將軍 為 咩 事 咁 嬲 啊 ? 闞 先生 , 又 有 咩 事 咁 唔 高興 呢 吓 ? 闞澤話 : 我 哋 肚裡 頭 嗰 啲 苦處 , 你 哋 點 知道 㗎 。 蔡和話 喇 : 係 唔 係 , 係 唔 係 想 背叛 東吳 , 投奔 曹操 啊 ? 吓 ! 闞 澤當 堂面 青 。 甘寧 撐聲 拔出 把 劍 出 嚟 話 : 我 哋 嘅 事 已經 畀 你 哋 睇 穿 咗 , 唔 殺 咗 你 哋 嚟 滅口 唔 得 ! 講完 , 舉起 把 劍 就要 斬 過去 。 蔡 和 、 蔡中 就 慌忙 話 : 唔 好 啊 唔 好 啊 唔 好 啊 ! 兩位 唔 使 擔心 , 我 哋 亦 都將 啲 秘密 講 你 哋 知 啦 。 甘寧 話 : 噉 就 快 啲 講 。 蔡和話 喇 : 我 哋 兩個 , 係 曹 公派 嚟 詐降 㗎 咋 。 兩位 如果 有心 歸順 曹公 , 我 嚟 同 你 哋 介紹 吖 。 你 講 嘅 係 唔 係 真 㗎 ? 我 哋 點敢 呃 將軍 你 啊 。 啊 , 如果 係 噉 , 真 係 天賜 其 便 喇 ! 誒 , 黃公覆 同甘 將軍 你 哋 畀 周瑜 侮辱 嘅 事 , 我 哋 已經 報告 咗 畀 丞相 知道 㗎 喇 。 闞澤 就 話 喇 : 我 已經 為 黃公覆 送 咗 信去 畀 丞相 , 而家 特意 嚟 搵 興霸 , 約 埋 佢 一齊 投降 咋 嘛 。 甘寧 話 : 大丈夫 既然 遇到 個 英明 主公 , 理應 係 誠心 去 投奔 佢 嘅 。 四個 人 呀 噉 就 啱 晒橋 喇 , 就 攞 酒 嚟 飲 , 一齊 傾心 事 。 蔡 和 、 蔡中 呢 , 當堂 啊 寫 咗 封信 , 密報 曹操 話 甘寧 已經 情願 同 我 哋 一齊 做 內應 嘞 噉 。 闞澤 呢 , 就 另外 寫 咗 封信 , 派 人 秘密 噉 送 去 畀 曹操 。 封信 話 : 黃 蓋 好 想 嚟 , 之 未有 機會 。 以後 但凡 見到 江南 有船 嚟 , 船頭 上 便 插住 青牙 旗 嘅 , 就 係 黃 蓋 嚟 喇 噉 。 而家 講下 曹操 啊 , 佢 連 氣 收到 兩封 密信 , 個心 呢 總 係 有 啲 十五 十六 , 總 係 有 啲 懷疑 , 就 召集 一班 謀士 嚟 商量 嘞 。 曹操 話 : 甘寧 因為 受 咗 周瑜 嘅 侮辱 , 表示 願意 做 我 嘅 內應 。 黃 蓋 因為 捱打 , 就 叫 闞澤 送信 嚟 話 要 投降 。 嗯 , 呢 兩件事 , 都 唔 能夠 信得 咁 實 㗎 。 如果 我 哋 有 個人 能夠 去 周瑜 嗰 度 , 探聽 過 真實 消息 就 好 喇 。 蔣幹企 起身 嚟 話 喇 : 丞相 , 前次 我過 江去 東吳 , 件 事情 冇 做好 , 唔 成功 , 真 係 十分 慚愧 。 呢 次 , 我 願意 拼住 唔 要 呢 條命 都 再 去一趟 , 務必 攞 到 個 確實 消息 返 嚟 報告 丞相 。 你 再 去一趟 係 嘛 ? 嗯 噉 都 好 , 不過 一定 要 多加 小心 啊 。 曹操 好 歡喜 , 同意 喇 。 馬上 就 命令 蔣幹 坐船去 。 蔣幹 於是 又 試 坐 住 嗰 隻 小船 咿 誒 咿 誒 噉 啊 一直 去 到 江南 水寨 , 叫 軍士 入去 通傳 嘞 喎 。 周瑜 一 聽見 話 蔣幹 又 到 呀 好 歡喜 啊 , 佢 話 : 我 嘅 成功 呀 , 就 喺 呢 個人 嘅 身上 啊 。 跟 住 周瑜 就 囑咐 魯肅 , 去 搵 龐士元 叫 佢 如此 如此 噉 。 龐士元 係 邊個 呢 ? 就 係 龐統 啊 。 佢 又 為 咗 避亂 啊 , 走 咗 嚟 江東 住 。 魯肅 曾經 推薦 佢 去 見 周瑜 , 因為 其他 啲 原因 呢 , 就仲未 見到 。 前 嗰 排 周瑜 派 魯肅 去 問過 龐統 , 請教 佢 破 曹 嘅 辦法 。 龐統 啊 對 魯肅 話 : 想要 擊破 曹兵 呢 , 必須 用 火攻 。 但 係 啊 喺 咁 闊 嘅 江面 上 , 一隻 船着 咗 火 其餘 嘅 船 呀 即刻 就 四圍 咁 散開 , 燒 佢 哋 唔 到 嘅 。 除非 呢 就 派 個人 去 曹操 處 , 獻 一條 連環計 , 使到 曹操 聽 佢 話 , 將 啲 船 啊 釘 埋 一齊 嘅 , 然後 火攻 先至 能夠 成功 嘅 噉 。 魯肅 就 將龐 統 嘅 意見 講 畀 周瑜 知 。 周瑜 非常 同意 , 當時 就 話 喇 : 如果 要用 呢 條計 呢 , 非 龐統 不可 嘅 。 但 係 點先 能夠 派 到 龐統 去 曹操 處 獻計 , 而 又 唔 引起 曹操 懷疑 呢 ? 周瑜 一直 都 未 諗 到 好 辦法 。 事關 曹操 此人 係 好 奸猾 㗎 嘛 , 想 呃 到 佢 呀 唔 係 咁 容易 嘅 。 而家 周瑜 一 聽見 話 蔣幹 又 嚟 喇 , 哎呀 , 啱 晒 ! 所以 就 叫 魯肅 去 搵 龐統 , 叫 佢 如此這般 噉 用計 。 魯肅 走 咗 之後 , 周瑜 叫 人 去 請 蔣幹入 嚟 中軍帳 見面 。 蔣幹 呢 , 佢 到 咗 之後 以為 又 係 上次 噉 嘞 喎 , 通報 之後 呢 周瑜 會 帶齊 人出 嚟 迎接 佢 嘅 。 哈哈 , 點知 等 咗 好 耐 都 仲 唔 見 周瑜 出 嚟 。 佢 心中有鬼 㗎 嘛 , 驚 喇 , 就 吩咐 將 隻 小船 啊 , 搵 笪 僻靜 嘅 岸邊 灣好 , 自己 行入 去 寨 裡頭 見 周瑜 。 行到 半路 , 就 撞見 周瑜 派 嚟 請 佢 個人 , 噉 啊 跟 住 入 去 中軍帳 。 蔣幹 一 見到 周瑜 仲懶 咁 親熱 嗌 一聲 , 賢弟 噉 。 點知 周瑜 板 起塊面 , 哼 ! 咩 嘢 賢弟 啊 ! 吖 , 誒 乜 噉 又 唔 認喇 ? 子翼 , 你 認真 對 唔 住 我 ! 哎呀呀 呀呀 , 誒 嚱, 誒 我 同 你 係 多年 好 弟兄 , 特意 嚟 探 你 , 傾下 心事 , 噉 為 咩 嘢 話 我 對 唔 住 你 啊 ? 我同 你 講明 在 先 , 你 想 嚟 說 我 投降 除非 係 海枯石爛 啊 。 子翼 , 上次 你 嚟 , 我念 在 往日 交情 請 你 痛飲 一醉 , 仲留 你 同床 瞓 添 。 點知 你將 我 封 私信 偷 咗 去 , 不辭而別 , 返去 報告 曹操 , 殺 咗 蔡瑁 、 張允 , 搞 到 我 嘅 計劃 唔 能夠 成功 啊 。 今日 你 無緣無故 又 嚟 我 處 , 必定 係 不懷好意 嘅 , 人 嚟 ! 有 ! 將 佢 推出 去 , 斬 ! 誒 哎呀 誒 誒 賢弟 啊 賢弟 , 請 你 念 在 往日 同窗 共 宴 嘅 交情 , 誒 唔 好 殺 我 啊 ! 好 啦 , 如果 唔 係 睇 在 往日 嘅 交情 , 就要 將你 一刀兩斷 㗎 喇 。 哎 , 誒 多謝 賢弟 不殺 之恩 , 嗯 , 噉 我 告辭 喇 。 且慢 ! 我 本來 想 就 噉 放 你 返去 , 不過 就 喺 呢 一兩日 間 , 我 就要 進兵 去 擊破 曹操 老賊 。 如果 將你 留 喺 呢 處 軍隊 裏 便 , 又 怕 你 洩露 機密 。 嗯 , 人 嚟 ! 在 。 送子翼 去 西山 嗰 間 茅 庵 住 住 先 。 係 。 子翼 , 等 我 破 咗 曹操 , 到 其時 再 送 你過 江都 未遲 。 誒 誒 賢弟 啊 , 誒 賢弟 啊 。 蔣幹仲 想開 聲 , 但 係 周瑜 唔 理 佢 , 衫袖 一拂 , 行 咗 入 去 後 便 喇 。

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周瑜 要 殺 黃 蓋 , 甘寧 啊 出 嚟 求情 , 又 畀 周瑜 叫 人亂 棍 打 出去 吖 。 Zhou Yu|wants|to kill|Huang|Gai|Gan Ning|ah|to come out|here|to plead for mercy|again|to be|Zhou Yu|to call||stick|to hit|to go out|particle Zhou Yu wanted to kill Huang Gai, and Gan Ning came out to plead for him, but Zhou Yu had him beaten out. 嘩 , 不得了 咯 。 wow|incredible|particle indicating realization or emphasis Wow, this is serious. 所有 嘅 將官 呀 力力 立立 跪 低 哂 , 懇求 周瑜 話 : 都督 啊 , 黃 蓋 係 有罪 該 殺 , 但 係 而家 殺 咗 佢 , 對 軍隊 係 不 吉利 㗎 。 all|possessive particle|general|particle|Li Li|Li Li|kneel|lower|past tense particle|plead|Zhou Yu|said|governor|particle|Huang|Gai|is|guilty|should|kill|but|is|now|kill|past tense particle|him|towards|army|is|not|lucky|particle All the generals knelt down and begged Zhou Yu, saying: "Governor, Huang Gai is guilty and deserves to die, but killing him now would bring bad luck to the army." 不如 暫時 記 落 佢 嘅 罪過 , 等到 將來 擊破 曹 軍 之後 , 再 嚟 殺 佢 都 未 遲 吖 。 might as well|temporarily|record|on|him|possessive particle|sins|wait until|future|defeat|Cao|army|after|again|come|kill|him|also|not yet|late|sentence-final particle Why not temporarily record his crimes and wait until we defeat Cao's army before killing him? It's not too late. 初時 周瑜 呀 仲 係 怒氣 未息 啊 。 at first|Zhou Yu|particle indicating exclamation|still|was|anger|not subsided|particle indicating exclamation At first, Zhou Yu was still angry. 嗰 班 將官 苦苦哀求 , 收尾 周瑜 先至 話 喇 : that|group|generals|desperately pleaded|to finish|Zhou Yu|only then|said|particle indicating completion The generals pleaded bitterly, and only then did Zhou Yu say: 好 啦 , 黃 蓋 你 個 老 匹夫 ! ||||you|possessive particle|| Alright, Huang Gai, you old bastard! 今日 如果 唔 係 睇 在 各位 將官 嘅 面子 , 就 非 殺 咗 你 不可 ! today|if|not|is|considering|at|everyone|officer|possessive particle|face|then|must not|kill|past tense marker|you|cannot If it weren't for the face of all the generals today, I would have killed you without hesitation! 而家 暫時 放過 你 先 , 刀斧手 ! right now|temporarily|let go of|you|first|assassin For now, I'll let you go, executioner! 有 ! have Yes! 將 佢 重 打 一百 軍棍 ! will|he|again|hit|one hundred|military stick Give him a hundred military strikes! 嘩 , 呵 得 了 嘅 , 打 一百 軍棍 呀 , 唔 係 又 係 死 。 wow|laugh|can|past tense marker|particle indicating possession|hit|one hundred|military punishment|particle for emphasis|not|is|again|is|dead Wow, that's too much, a hundred military strikes, isn't that a death sentence? 眾位 將官 又 為 黃 蓋 求情 , 請求 免打 。 everyone|officer|again|for|Huang|Gai|plead|request|no punishment The generals are pleading for Huang Gai, asking for a pardon. 周瑜 一 發火 , 連 面前 嗰 張 公案 都 乒 砰 噉 推 冧 咗 。 Zhou Yu|one|got angry|even|in front of|that|measure word for flat objects|table|all|||like this|push|overturn|past tense marker When Zhou Yu gets angry, he even pushes the table in front of him over. 喝 啲 將官 行開 , 命令 立即 行刑 。 drink|particle indicating small quantity|officer|move away|order|immediately|execute Shout at the generals to step aside, and order the execution to proceed immediately. 啲 刀斧手 冇 辦法 嘞 , 唯有 就 剝 咗 黃 蓋 衣服 , 撳 喺 地 嚟 打 係 啦 。 plural marker|thug|no|way|past tense marker|only|then|take off|past tense marker|yellow|cover|clothes|press|at|ground|come|hit|is|final particle The executioners had no choice but to strip off Huang Gai's clothes and beat him on the ground. 一棍 , 兩棍 三棍 就 打 到 五十 棍 。 one stick|two sticks|three sticks|then|hit|to|fifty|sticks One hit, two hits, three hits, and it went up to fifty hits. 嗰 班 將官 又 試 嚟 苦苦哀求 唔 好 再 打落 去 。 that|group|officers|again|tried|to|plead desperately|not|well|again|| The group of officials tried to plead desperately for them to stop hitting. 周瑜 啪 聲 跳 起身 , 指住 黃 蓋 噉 鬧 佢 話 : Zhou Yu|clap|sound|jumped|up|pointing at|Huang|Gai|like that|scolded|he|said Zhou Yu jumped up with a bang, pointed at Huang Gai, and scolded him saying: 等 你 仲敢 睇 小 我 吖 嗱, 而家 姑且 記低 你 五十 棍先 , 以後 如果 你仲敢 得罪 我 , 就 兩罪 俱罰 ! wait|you||look|down|me|particle|hey|now|for the time being|remember|you|fifty||in the future|if||offend|me|then|two offenses|punished together "You still dare to look down on me? For now, I'll just note down your fifty hits. In the future, if you dare to offend me again, you'll face double punishment!" 周瑜 硬硬 聲 冇 停口 咁 鬧 就 行 咗 入 去 。 Zhou Yu|stubbornly|voice|not|stop talking|like that|scolded|then|walked|past tense marker|enter|go Zhou Yu shouted loudly without stopping and walked in. 周瑜 一行 轉便 , 大家 就 即刻 扶起 黃 蓋 。 Zhou Yu|his group|turned around|everyone|then|immediately|helped up|| Zhou Yu and his group turned around, and everyone immediately helped Huang Gai up. 哎呀 , 慘咯 , 打到 黃 蓋 皮開肉綻 , 鮮血 惦流 。 oh no|that's terrible|beaten until|Wong|Kai|skin split and flesh exposed|fresh blood|continuously flowing Oh no, it's terrible, Huang Gai was beaten to the point of severe injuries, and fresh blood was flowing. 噉 啊 即刻 扶 佢 返 去 自己 嘅 營寨 啦 。 then|ah|immediately|help|him|return|to|his own|possessive particle|camp|sentence-final particle So they immediately helped him back to his own camp. 黃 蓋 呀 , 痛 到 佢 暈 咗 好 幾次 不省人事 啊 。 ||particle indicating exclamation|pain|to the point of|he|||very|several times|unconscious|particle indicating exclamation Huang Gai was in so much pain that he fainted several times and lost consciousness. 走 嚟 慰問 佢 嘅 人 見到 打 到 佢 咁 慘 , 冇 一個 唔 流眼淚 嘅 。 come|here|visit|him|possessive particle|people|saw|beat|to|him|so|miserable|no|one|not|shed tears|possessive particle When people came to visit him and saw him in such a miserable state, there wasn't a single person who didn't shed tears. 魯肅 亦 都 去 探望 過黃蓋 , 去 完 呢 順便 啊 行去 孔明 住 嗰 隻 小船 處 坐下 。 Lu Su|also|all|go|visit||||question particle|conveniently|ah|walk to|Kongming|live|that|measure word for boats|small boat|place|sit down Lu Su also went to visit Huang Gai, and after that, he casually went to sit on the small boat where Kong Ming was staying. 魯肅 啊 對 孔明 話 喇 : Lu Su|ah|to|Kongming|said|particle indicating completed action Lu Su said to Kong Ming: 先頭 公瑾 發火 痛打 黃 蓋 , 誒 我 哋 都 係 佢 嘅 部下 , 就 話 唔 敢 觸犯 佢 嘅 尊嚴 苦苦 去 勸諫 佢 啫 。 at first|Gongjin|got angry|beat up|Huang|Gai|hey|I|plural marker|all|are|he|possessive particle|subordinates|then|said|not|dare|offend|his|possessive particle|dignity|desperately|to|advise|him|only Earlier, Gong Jin got angry and severely beat Huang Gai. Hey, we are also his subordinates, so we didn't dare to offend his dignity and could only try to persuade him. 先生 你 係 個人 客 , 為 咩 事 袖手旁觀 , 粒聲 唔 出 啊 ! sir|you|are|person|guest||||standing by and watching|a sound|||particle Sir, you are a guest, why are you standing by and not saying a word! 哈哈哈哈 , 子敬 你 呃 我 。 Hahaha|Zijing|you|uh|me Hahaha, Zijing, you tricked me. 吓 ? 我 自從 同 你 嚟 到 呢 處 之後 , 未曾 有過 一件 事 呃 你 㗎 , 點解 你 會 噉 講 啊 ? huh|I|since|with|you|||||after|never|had|one|thing|deceive|you|question particle|why|you|would|so|say|ah Huh? Since I came here with you, I haven't done anything to trick you, why would you say that? 子敬 , 唔 通 你 都 唔 知道 公瑾 今日 毒打 黃公覆 , 不過 係 佢 嘅 計策 嚟 咩 ? Zijing|||you|also|||Gongjin|today|beat up|Huang Gongfu|but|is|he|possessive particle|strategy|come|question particle Zijing, don't tell me you don't know that Gongjin beat up Huang Gongfu today, but isn't it part of his strategy? 佢 哋 一個願打 , 一個 就 願 捱 , 呵呵 你 叫 我 勸 佢 咩 嘢 呢 ? he|they||one|then|willing|to endure|haha|you|ask|me|to persuade|him|what|thing|question particle One of them is willing to fight, and the other is willing to endure, haha, what do you want me to advise him? 啊 , 係 啊 , 係 啊 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 ah|yes||||hahaha| Ah, yes, yes, hahaha. 魯肅 而家 先至 恍然大悟 啊 。 Lu Su|now|only just|suddenly realized|ah Lu Su has just realized it now. 孔明 跟 住 又 話 嘞 : 唔 用 苦肉計 , 點 能夠 瞞得過 曹操 㗎 ? Kongming|with|particle indicating continuous action|again|said|past tense particle|not|use|self-harming strategy|how|able to|deceive|Cao Cao|question particle Kong Ming then said: If we don't use a feigned act of weakness, how can we possibly deceive Cao Cao? 公瑾 而家實 係 要 黃公覆 去 詐降 , 就 借 啲 意當眾 毒打 佢 一餐 。 Gong Jin||is|need||to|feign surrender|then|borrow|some||beat up|him|one meal Gong Jin really needs Huang Gongfu to feign surrender, so let's take the opportunity to publicly beat him up. 蔡中 、 蔡 和 佢 哋 一定 會 偷偷地 , 將呢 件 事 報告 畀 曹操 知 嘅 。 Cai Zhong|Cai|and|he|they|definitely|will|secretly||classifier for events|matter|report|to|Cao Cao|know|past tense marker Cai Zhong, Cai He, and the others will definitely report this matter to Cao Cao in secret. 噉 第日 黃公覆 去 到 曹操 處咯 , 曹操 就會信 啦 嘛 。 then|the day after tomorrow||go|arrive|Cao Cao|place|Cao Cao||particle|particle So the next day when Huang Gongfu goes to Cao Cao, Cao Cao will believe it. 冇 錯 , 冇 錯 啊 ! not|wrong|||particle That's right, that's right! 不過 子敬 呀 , 你 見到 公 瑾 嘅 時候 , 切勿 話 我 睇 穿 呢 件 事 噃, 你 就 話 我 亦 都 埋怨 都督 就 係 喇 吓 。 but|Zijing|particle|you|see|||possessive particle|time|must not|say|I|||this|measure word|matter|particle|you|then|say|I|also|all|blame|governor|then|is|particle|particle However, Zijing, when you see Gongjin, do not mention that I saw through this matter, just say that I also complained about the governor. 傾 咗 一輪 偈 , 魯肅 就 告辭 返去 。 talk|past tense marker|a round|conversation|Lu Su|then|took his leave|went back After chatting for a while, Lu Su took his leave and went back. 魯肅 去 到 中軍帳 見到 周瑜 就 問 佢 話 : 都督 , 你 今日 為 咩 事 咁 嬲 要 痛打 黃公覆 啊 ? Lu Su|go|to|the central army tent|saw|Zhou Yu|then|asked|him|said|Commander|you|today|for|what|matter|so|angry|need to|severely beat|Huang Gongfu|ah When Lu Su arrived at the central army's tent, he saw Zhou Yu and asked him: Governor, why are you so angry today that you want to beat Huang Gongfu? 大家 , 係 咪 喺 度 怨 我 呢 ? everyone|is|shouldn't|at|place|blame|me|question particle Everyone, are you blaming me here? 噉 啊 好多 人個 心 都 好 不安 啊 。 then|particle|many||heart|all|very|uneasy|particle Well, many people's hearts are very uneasy. 孔明 點話 啊 ? Kongming|how to say|question particle What did Kongming say? 哦 , 佢 都 怨 都督 你 啊 , 話 乜 咁 薄情 㗎 噉 啊 。 oh|he|also|blames|governor|you|particle|says|what|so|heartless|particle|like that|particle Oh, he also blames the governor, saying how heartless he is. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 呢 次 就 瞞過 孔明 喇 。 hahaha||this|time|then|deceived|Kongming|particle indicating completed action Hahaha, this time we have deceived Kongming. 都督 , 你 噉 講 係 咩 嘢 意思 呢 ? governor|you|like this|say|is|what|thing|meaning|question particle Governor, what do you mean by saying that? 今日 我 痛打 黃 蓋 係 我 嘅 計策 嚟 。 today|I|beat up|Wong|Gai|is|I|possessive particle|strategy|come Today, I beat Huang Gai as part of my strategy. 我 想 叫 佢 去 詐降 , 先不先 , 要 用 苦肉計 嚟 瞞過 曹操 , 然後 就 用 火攻 佢 , 噉 就 可以 取勝 喇 。 I|want|to call|him|to go|feign surrender|first or not|need|to use|self-injury strategy|to|deceive|Cao Cao|then|then|to use|fire attack|him|then|then|can|win|particle indicating completion I want him to feign surrender first, using a trick to deceive Cao Cao, and then attack him with fire, that way we can achieve victory. 哦 , 魯肅 個心 諗 啊 孔明真 叻 啊 。 oh|Lu Su||think|ah||smart|ah Oh, Lu Su is thinking, Kongming is really clever. 魯肅 啊 到底 係 個 忠厚 人 , 佢 心 知 就算 嘞 , 呢 趟 就 冇 穿 煲 。 Lu Su|ah|after all|is|a|honest|person|he|||even if|past tense marker|this|trip|then|not|wear|pot Lu Su is indeed a loyal and honest person, he knows that even if this time it doesn't work out, it won't be a total loss. 而家 講返 黃 蓋 , 佢 喺 自己 嘅 帳篷 裏 便 就 瞓 響 處 , 各位 將官 都 嚟 慰問 佢 啦 。 now|talk about|Wong|Gai|he|at|himself|possessive particle|tent|inside|then|just|sleep|snore|place|everyone|officer|all|come|visit to express sympathy|he|sentence-final particle Now back to Huang Gai, he is resting in his own tent, everyone should come to visit him. 黃 蓋 見到 大家 佢 一句 說話 都 冇 講 , 只 係 不 歇 咁 唞 大氣 就 係 嘞 。 Wong|Gai|saw|everyone|he|a single|word|all|not|said|only|is|not|stop|so|take|deep breath|then|is|final particle Huang Gai saw that everyone didn't say a word, just kept taking deep breaths. 有個 參謀 叫做 闞澤 , 佢 又 嚟 探問 黃 蓋 喎 。 there is a|staff officer|named|Kan Chak|he|again|come|inquire|Wong|Gai|sentence final particle There was an advisor named Kan Ze, who came to inquire about Huang Gai. 呢 個 闞澤 啊 , 別字 德潤 , 會稽山 陰人 , 屋企 啊 好 貧窮 嘅 , 但 係 為 人 好學 , 佢 啊 做 過 僱工 。 this|measure word|Kan Chak|particle|surname|Tak Yuen|Kuaiji Mountain|shadowy person|home|particle|very|poor|possessive particle|||||studious|he|particle|||employee This Kan Ze, whose courtesy name is De Run, is from the Yin people of Kuaiji Mountain. His family is quite poor, but he is very studious; he has worked as a hired laborer. 因為 窮 嘞 , 冇 錢 買 唔 起書 , 就 問人 哋 借書 嚟 睇 , 哈 , 佢 睇 一次 唧就 記得 晒 㗎 嘞 喎 , 咁 好 記性 嘅 。 because|poor|past tense particle|have not|money|buy|||then||plural marker||come|read|ha|he|read|once||remembers|all|question particle|past tense particle|sentence-final particle|so|very|memory|possessive particle Because he is poor and can't afford to buy books, he borrows books from others to read. Ha, he remembers everything after reading it just once, such a good memory. 佢 嘅 口才 又 十分 好 , 而且 反應 極快 。 he|possessive particle|eloquence|again|very|good|moreover|reaction|extremely fast His eloquence is also very good, and his reactions are extremely quick. 年輕 嘅 時候 呢 , 就 非常 之有 膽識 㗎 嘞 。 young|possessive particle|time|question particle|then|very||courage||particle indicating completed action When I was young, I was very bold. 孫權 搵 咗 佢 嚟 做 參謀 , 平日 呢 , 佢 同 黃 蓋 嘅 交情 係 最好 嘅 。 Sun Quan|found|past tense marker|he|come|be|strategist|usually|particle indicating current situation|he|with|Huang|Gai|possessive particle|friendship|is|best|particle indicating possession Sun Quan invited him to be an advisor, and usually, he had the best relationship with Huang Gai. 闞澤 嚟 到 咗 , 黃 蓋 請 佢 嚟 到 床 邊 , 叫 左右 啲 人行 開 。 Kan Chak|come|arrive|past tense marker|Wong|Gai|invite|him|||bed|side|ask|around|plural marker||open When Han Ze arrived, Huang Gai invited him to the bedside and asked the people around to leave. 闞澤話 喇 : 哎 , 將軍 你 受委屈 咯 。 Kan Chak said|particle indicating a completed action|sigh|general|you|are wronged|particle indicating a completed action Han Ze said: Hey, General, you have been wronged. 哦 , 有勞 先生 , 哎 , 哎 , 啊 , 有勞 先生 , 掛念 啊 。 oh|excuse me|sir|sigh||ah|||worry| Oh, thank you, sir, ah, ah, thank you, sir, I am concerned. 誒 將軍 呀 , 你 莫非 同 都督 有仇 係 嘛 ? hey|general|question particle|you|perhaps|with|governor|have a grudge|is|question particle Hey General, do you have a grudge against the governor? 哦 , 冇 仇 吖 。 oh|no|grudge|particle Oh, no grudge. 既然 冇 仇 , 將軍 今日 捱打 , 莫非 係 苦肉計 ? since|has no|enmity|general|today|was beaten|could it be|is|feigned defeat strategy Since there's no grudge, did you endure the beating today as a strategy? 嘘 , 先生 你 點知 呢 ? shh|sir|you|how do you know|question particle Shh, how do you know this, sir? 呵呵 , 我 睇 公 瑾 嘅 舉動 , 已經 估到 八九分 咯 。 haha|I|see|||possessive particle|actions|already|guessed|about 80-90%|particle indicating certainty Hehe, from observing Gong Jin's actions, I've already guessed about eighty to ninety percent. 哎 , 我 身受 吳侯 三代 嘅 大恩 , 冇 乜嘢 報答 佢 , 所以 先至 諗 出 呢 一條 計 , 嚟 去 擊敗 曹操 。 sigh|I|have received|Lord Wu|three generations|possessive particle|great kindness|not|anything|repay|him|so|only then|||this|one|plan|come|go|defeat|Cao Cao Ah, I have received great kindness from the Wu family for three generations, and I have nothing to repay them, so I came up with this plan to defeat Cao Cao. 我 自己 雖然 受 啲 苦楚 啊 , 亦 毫無 怨恨 。 I|myself|although|experience|some|suffering|sentence-final particle|also|without|resentment Although I have suffered some pain, I have no resentment. 我 睇 勻 全軍 咁 多 人 , 冇 一個 可以 做 我 嘅 心腹 嘅 。 I|see|clearly|entire army|so|many|people|not have|one|can|be|I|possessive particle|trusted aide|possessive particle I see so many people in the entire army, but there is not a single one who can be my trusted confidant. 唯獨 是 先生 你 , 一向 係 個 忠義 之 人 , 所以 , 所以 我 先至 披肝瀝膽 , 講晒 你 聽 。 only|is|sir|you|always|are|the|loyal and righteous|possessive particle|person|therefore|therefore|I|only then|be open and sincere|tell everything|you|hear Only you, sir, have always been a person of loyalty and righteousness, so I am willing to open my heart and tell you everything. 將軍 你 之所以 要講 我 聽 , 莫非 要 我 去 獻 詐降 書 , 係 嘛 ? General|you|the reason why||I|listen|could it be|need to|I|go|submit|false surrender|letter|is|question particle The reason you want to talk to me, General, is that you want me to submit a letter of false surrender, right? 冇 錯 , 我 就 係 噉 嘅 意思 , 啊 , 唔 知 先生 , 你 , 你 肯 唔 肯去 呢 ? not|wrong|I|just|am|like this|possessive particle|meaning|ah|not|know|sir|you||willing|not|willing to go|question particle No mistake, that's exactly what I mean. Ah, I don't know, sir, would you be willing to go? 大丈夫 處世 , 如果 唔 能夠 建功立業 , 豈 唔 係 同 草木 一樣 , 死 咗 就 死 咗 咯 有 咩 嘢 意義 吖 ? real man|dealing with the world|if|not|able to|achieve success|how|not|is|like|grass and trees|the same|||then|||particle indicating finality|have|what|thing|meaning|particle indicating a question A real man in the world, if he cannot achieve great things, isn't it the same as being like grass and trees? If you die, you die, what meaning is there? 將軍 你 既然 肯 舍身 報國 , 我 闞澤 , 就算 一死 , 又 有 乜 所謂 呢 ? General|you|since|willing|sacrifice oneself|serve the country|I|Kan Chak|even if|die once|again|have|what||question particle General, since you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the country, I, Guan Ze, even if I die, what does it matter? 黃 蓋 一 聽 , 立即 喺 床 碌 落地 , 跪 喺 處 叩 個頭 畀 闞澤 。 Wong|Gai|one|heard|immediately|at|bed|rolled||knelt|at|place|knocked||to|Kan Chak As soon as Huang Gai heard this, he immediately rolled off the bed and knelt down to bow his head to Guan Ze. 闞澤 連忙 還禮 就 扶 返黃蓋 上床 , 佢 話 : Kan Chak|hurriedly|returned the greeting|then|helped||to bed|he|said Guan Ze quickly returned the gesture and helped Huang Gai back onto the bed, saying: 事不宜遲 , 話 去 就 去 , 請 將軍 快 啲 寫信 啦 。 there's no time to lose|if|go|then|go|please|general|||write the letter|particle indicating suggestion or request Without further ado, let's go, General, please write the letter quickly. 哦 , 哦 , 信 已經 寫 好 喇 。 oh||letter|already|||particle indicating completed action Oh, oh, the letter is already written. 黃 蓋 喺 枕頭 底 攞 出 封信 嚟 交 畀 闞澤 。 Wong|Gai|at|pillow|under|take|out|envelope|come|hand|to|Kan Chak Huang Gai took out the letter from under the pillow and handed it to Kan Ze. 闞澤 接過 信 嚟 , 就 告辭 走 嘞 。 Kan Chak|received|letter|coming|then|took his leave|left|past tense particle Kan Ze took the letter and then took his leave. 當晚 , 天氣 好 冷 , 滿天星斗 。 that night|weather|very|cold| That night, the weather was very cold, with a sky full of stars. 闞澤 啊 扮成 一個 漁翁 噉 , 棹 一隻 船仔 , 一直 棹 去 北岸 。 Kan Chak|ah|dressed as|a|fisherman|like that|rowed|a|small boat|continuously|rowed|to|north shore Kan Zak disguised as a fisherman, rowing a small boat, and kept rowing towards the northern shore. 到 咗 三 更 時分 , 就 嚟 到 曹軍水 寨 。 arrive|past tense marker|three|watch (time period)|time|then|come|arrive|Cao Junshui|village By the time it was the third watch, he arrived at Cao Jun's water village. 曹 軍 嘅 巡 江 軍士 發現 到 佢 , 就 將 佢 捉起 嚟 , 盤問 咗 幾句 , 就 即刻 去 報告 曹操 。 Cao|army|possessive particle|||soldier|discovered|to|him|then|to take|him|captured|up|interrogated|past tense marker|a few questions|then|immediately|to go|report|Cao Cao Cao Jun's river patrol soldiers discovered him, captured him, and after questioning him a few times, immediately reported to Cao Cao. 哈哈 , 雖然 係 半夜三更 , 但 係 曹操 都 馬上 起身 親自 過問 呢 件 事 噃。 haha|although|is|dead of night|||Cao Cao|also|immediately|got up|personally|inquired about|this|classifier for events|matter|sentence-final particle Haha, although it was the middle of the night, Cao Cao immediately got up to personally inquire about this matter. 曹操 問 : 係 唔 係 奸細 啊 ? Cao Cao|asked|is|not|is|spy|question particle Cao Cao asked: Is it a spy? 軍士 回答 話 : 係 個 漁翁 噉 樣 , 佢 話 自己 係 東吳 嘅 參謀 闞澤 , 有 機密 事情 嚟 求見 丞相 。 soldier|replied|said|is|the|fisherman|like|appearance|he|said|himself|is|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|strategist|Kan Ze|has|confidential|matter|come|request an audience with|Prime Minister The soldier replied: It is the fisherman, he claims to be the strategist Kan Ze from Eastern Wu, and he has confidential matters to discuss with the Prime Minister. 哦 ? 好 , 帶 佢 入 嚟 。 oh|good|bring|he|in|here Oh? Alright, bring him in. 噉 個 軍士 呢 就 去 帶 闞澤入 嚟 中軍帳 見 曹操 。 then|the|soldier|question particle|then|go|bring||come|central army tent|see|Cao Cao So the soldier went to bring Kan Ze into the central army tent to meet Cao Cao. 當時 中軍帳 內 , 燈燭輝煌 。 at that time|the central army tent|inside|the lights and candles were bright At that time, the central army tent was brightly lit. 曹操 喺 張 書 枱 旁邊 , 端端正正 坐響 處 。 Cao Cao|at|Zhang|book|table|next to|properly|sitting|place Cao Cao was sitting properly next to the table. 曹操 一見將 闞澤 帶到 入 嚟 就問 : Cao Cao||Kan Ze|brought in|enter|here| Cao Cao, upon seeing Guan Ze brought in, immediately asked: 你 係 邊個 啊 ? you|are|who|question particle "Who are you?" 我 係 東吳 參謀 , 姓 闞名澤 , 志德潤 。 I|am|Dongwu|staff officer|surname||Zhiderun "I am a strategist from Eastern Wu, my surname is Guan and my name is Ze, with the virtue of wisdom and integrity." 你 既然 係 東吳 參謀 , 嚟 我 呢 處 有 咩 嘢 事 ? you|since|are|Dongwu|staff officer|come|I|this|place|have|what|thing|matter "Since you are a strategist from Eastern Wu, what brings you here?" 哼哼 , 人人 話 曹丞相 求賢若渴 , 十分 愛才 。 hum|everyone|says|Prime Minister Cao|eager to recruit talented people|very|values talent "Hmm, everyone says that Prime Minister Cao is eager to recruit talented individuals and values talent highly." 而家 聽 你 噉 樣一問 , 都 同 傳說 極 不 相同 嘅 。 now|hear|you|like this|question|all|with|legend|extremely|not|similar|possessive particle Now, hearing you ask like that, it's very different from the rumors. 哎 , 黃公覆 啊 黃公覆 , 你 又 諗 錯 晒 喇 。 ah|Mr Wong|ah|Mr Wong|you|again|think|wrong|completely|particle indicating completed action Ah, Huang Gongfu, you have misunderstood everything. 吓 ? 嗯 。 huh|mm Huh? Hmm. 老夫 同 東吳 , 就要 喺 日 內 交戰 嘞 , 你 偷偷地 摸 嚟 我 呢 處 , 我點 能夠 唔 問 清楚 ! I (old man)|with|Eastern Wu|will soon|at|day|within|engage in battle|past action particle|you|secretly|||me|||how|can|not|ask|clearly I, as an old man, have to engage in battle with Dongwu soon, and you sneakily come to me like this, how can I not ask clearly! 究竟 有 咩 嘢 事 ? exactly|has|what|thing|matter What exactly is going on? 丞相 , 黃公覆 係 東吳 三代 嘅 老將 。 Prime Minister|Huang Gongfu|is|Eastern Wu|three generations|possessive particle|veteran general Prime Minister, Huang Gongfu is a veteran general of the three generations of Eastern Wu. 前 兩日 , 畀 周瑜 當住眾 將官 面前 無端 端 毒打 一場 , 個心 憤恨 到極 。 two days ago|two days|by|Zhou Yu||generals|in front of|for no reason|suddenly|beat up|a round|his heart|resentment| A couple of days ago, he was inexplicably beaten by Zhou Yu in front of all the generals, and he was extremely resentful. 為 咗 要 報仇 , 因此 同 我 商量 要 嚟 投降 丞相 。 for|past tense marker|to|take revenge|therefore|with|I|discuss|to|come|surrender|prime minister In order to seek revenge, he discussed with me about surrendering to the Prime Minister. 我 同公覆 , 乃 係 多年 好友 情同骨肉 , 所以 幫 佢 送信 嚟 。 I||is|is|many years|good friend|as close as family|so|help|him|deliver the letter|here Gongfu and I have been good friends for many years, like family, so I helped him send this message. 唔 知 丞相 肯 唔 肯 收留 呢 ? not|know|Prime Minister|willing|not|willing|take in|question particle I wonder if the Prime Minister would be willing to take him in? 封信 喺 邊 處 嚟 啊 ? the letter|at|||come|question particle Where did the letter come from? 信 喺 呢 處 。 letter|at|this|place The letter is here. 闞澤 解開 衣服 ,攞 出 封信 呈 上去 畀 曹操 。 Han Ze|unbuttoned|shirt|took|out|sealed letter|presented|up|to|Cao Cao Han Ze took off his clothes and took out the letter to present it to Cao Cao. 曹操 拆開 信 , 喺 燈 下 仔細 噉 睇 , 封信 大意 係 噉 嘅 : Cao Cao|opened|letter|at|light|under|carefully|like this|read|the letter|main idea|is|like this|particle indicating possession or description Cao Cao opened the letter and read it carefully under the light. The main idea of the letter is as follows: 我黃蓋 身受 孫氏 三代 嘅 厚恩 , 本來 , 唔 應該 背叛 。 |have received|Sun family|three generations|possessive particle|great kindness|originally|not|should|betray I, Huang Gai, have received great kindness from the Sun family for three generations, and originally, I should not betray. 不過 以 今日 嘅 形勢 而論 , 要 指望 江東 六 郡 嘅 兵力 , 嚟 對抗 丞相 百萬 大軍 , 眾寡 懸殊 難以 抵敵 , 呢 層 係 人所共見 。 however|based on|today|possessive particle|situation|in terms of|to|rely on|Jiangdong|six|counties|possessive particle|military strength|to|resist|Prime Minister|one million|army|disparity in numbers|great|hard to|resist|this|level|is|seen by all However, given today's situation, to rely on the military strength of the six counties of Jiangdong to confront the Prime Minister's million-strong army is a disparity that is difficult to resist; this is something everyone can see. 東吳 嘅 文官 武將 , 無論 聰明 嘅 , 蠢笨 嘅 大家 都 好 明白 。 Eastern Wu|possessive particle|civil officials|military generals|regardless of|smart|possessive particle|foolish|possessive particle|everyone|all|very|understand The civil and military officials of Eastern Wu, whether smart or foolish, all understand this well. 唯獨 周瑜 小子 , 心胸狹隘 , 淺薄 愚蠢 , 自以 為 有 本事 , 妄想 用 雞蛋 嚟 碰 石頭 。 only|Zhou Yu|kid|narrow-minded|shallow|foolish|self-righteously|to be|have|ability|delusionally|use|egg|to|hit|stone Only that little brat Zhou Yu, with a narrow mind, shallow and foolish, thinks he has the ability and foolishly wants to use an egg to hit a rock. 更 兼 佢 作威作福 , 賞罰 不公 。 even more|also|he|bullying and oppressing others|rewards and punishments|unfair Moreover, he abuses his power, with unfair rewards and punishments. 我 , 本來 係 東吳 嘅 老 臣子 , 竟然 無端 端 畀 佢 侮辱 毒打 , 我 憤恨 到極 。 I|originally|am|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|old|subject|unexpectedly|||by|he|insult|beating|I|anger| I, originally a loyal minister of Eastern Wu, unexpectedly suffered insults and beatings from him, and I am extremely indignant. 素仰 丞相 待人 謙虛 誠懇 , 我願 率領 部下 兵卒 歸降 , 立功 雪恥 ! I have always believed|Prime Minister|treating others|humbly|sincerely|I am willing|to lead|subordinates|soldiers|surrender|to achieve merit|to restore honor I sincerely hope that the Prime Minister treats people with humility and sincerity. I am willing to lead my subordinates and soldiers to surrender and achieve merit to redeem our shame! 同時 , 糧草 物資 等等 , 一齊 同船 帶 嚟 。 at the same time|food and fodder|supplies|etc|together|on the same ship|bring|here At the same time, please bring all the supplies and provisions together on the same ship. 我 所講 嘅 句句 出自 真心 , 請 丞相 , 千萬 唔 好 懷疑 , 千萬 唔 好 懷疑 ! I|what said|possessive particle|every word|comes from|sincere heart|please|Prime Minister|by all means|||doubt|||| Every word I say comes from the heart. I ask the Prime Minister, please do not doubt it, please do not doubt it! 曹操 喺 書 枱 處 , 反反 復 復 噉 將黃蓋 呢 封信 睇 咗 十幾次 。 Cao Cao|at|book||location||||like this||this||read|past tense marker| Cao Cao repeatedly read Huang Gai's letter at the desk more than ten times. 忽然間 , 啪 噉 一 拍 張 枱, 瞪 大 雙眼 , 發起 火 嚟 喝 闞澤話 : suddenly|bang|like this|one|hit|measure word for flat objects|table|glare|wide|eyes|got|angry|at|scold| Suddenly, he slammed the table, widened his eyes, and angrily shouted at Han Ze: 嗯 , 黃 蓋 用 苦肉計 , 叫 你 嚟 送 詐降 信 , 搵 機會 嚟 謀 我 係 嘛 ? hmm|||use|self-injury tactic|call|you|come|deliver|||find|opportunity|come|plot|me|is|question particle Hmm, Huang Gai used a bitter meat strategy, asking you to deliver a false surrender letter, looking for an opportunity to plot against me, right? 你 真 大膽 啊 , 竟然 敢 嚟 戲弄 我 ? you|really|bold|particle|unexpectedly|dare|come|tease|me You are really bold, daring to come and mock me? 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 推出 去 斬 ! people|come|will|he|push out|to|kill Someone! Push him out to be executed! 係 ! yes Yes! 㗾 一聲 一班 刀斧手 衝上 嚟 , 捉住 闞澤 , 就要 推 佢 出去 。 shout|with one shout|a group of|thugs|rush up|here|catch|Kan Chak|then|push|him|outside With a shout, a group of executioners rushed up, captured Han Ze, and were about to push him out. 闞澤 面不改色 , 仰面朝天 放聲 大笑 喎 。 Kan Chak|without changing his expression|looking up at the sky|laughing out loud|hearty laugh|particle indicating affirmation Kan Ze did not change his expression, looking up at the sky and laughing loudly. 曹操 聽見 佢 笑 , 就 喝 啲 人 拉 闞澤返 轉頭 鬧 佢 話 : Cao Cao|heard|he|laugh|then|ordered|some|people|to pull||turn around|scolded|him|said Cao Cao heard him laugh, so he ordered some people to pull Kan Ze back and scold him, saying: 我 已經 識穿 你 嘅 詭計 , 你 有 乜嘢 咁 好笑 啊 ? I|already|see through|your|possessive particle|trick|you|have|what|so|funny|question particle I have already seen through your scheme, what is so funny? 我 唔 係 笑 你 啊 , 我 係 笑 黃公覆 有眼無珠 , 唔 識 睇 人 咋 。 I|not|am|laughing|you|particle|I|am|laughing|Mr Wong||not|know|see|people|particle I am not laughing at you, I am laughing at Huang Gongfu for being blind and not knowing how to judge people. 乜嘢 叫做 唔 識 睇 人 ? what|is called|not|can|read|people What does it mean to not know how to judge people? 你 要 殺 就 殺 , 何必 多問 呢 ? you|want|kill|then|kill|why bother|asking too much|question particle If you want to kill, just kill. Why ask so much? 哼哼 , 我 自細 就 熟讀 兵書 , 深知 奸偽 之道 。 humph|I|since childhood|already|have thoroughly read|military texts|deeply understand|treachery and deceit|the ways of Hmph, I have been studying military strategy since I was young, and I deeply understand the ways of deceit. 你 呢 條計 仔 , 去 呃 人 哋 就 得 , 點 呃 得到 我 啊 ? you|question particle||child|go|cheat|people|plural marker|then|can|how|cheat|get|me|final particle As for you, you can deceive others, but how can you deceive me? 係 咩 ? 噉 請 丞相 你 講下 呢 封信裏 便 , 有 邊點 講得 唔 啱 嘅 , 有 邊點 係 奸計 。 is|what|then|please|Prime Minister|you|explain|this|in the letter|then|have|which points|said|not|correct|particle|have|which points|are|schemes Oh really? Then please, Prime Minister, tell me what in this letter is incorrect and what is deceitful. 好 ! 等 我將 你 哋 嘅 破綻 講出 嚟 , 等 你 死而無怨 至 得 。 good|wait||you|plural marker|possessive particle|flaw|reveal|come|wait|you|die without complaint|only|then Alright! Let me point out your flaws, so you can die without any regrets. 你 聽 住 ! 你 既然 話 係 真心 投降 , 點解 唔 約定 時間 ! 吓 ? 點解 唔 約定 時間 ! you|listen|imperative particle|you|since|said|is|sincere|surrender|why|not|agree on|time|huh|why|not|agree on|time Listen up! Since you say you are sincerely surrendering, why don't you set a time! Huh? Why don't you set a time! 點解 ? 點解 ? 你仲有 乜嘢 說話 好講 啊 ! why|||what|things|easy to talk|sentence-final particle Why? Why? What else do you have to say! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Hahaha|Hahaha| Hahahaha hahaha hahaha. 難為 你 唔 怕醜 啊 , 仲敢 誇口 話 熟讀 兵書 添 。 hard to come by|you|not|shy|particle||boast|say|thoroughly read|military strategy book|additional particle It's commendable that you are not afraid of shame, and still dare to boast that you are well-versed in military strategy. 你 趁早 收兵 返去 罷啦 , 如果 打起 上 嚟 , 實 畀 周瑜 將你 生擒活捉 咗 去 。 you|as soon as possible|retreat|go back|stop it|if|fighting|up|come|really|by|Zhou Yu||alive|past tense marker|take away You should retreat early, or if it comes to a fight, Zhou Yu will capture you alive. 正一 係 不學無術 之輩 , 我 真 係 冤枉 咯 , 就 噉 樣 屈死 喺 你 嘅 手上 啊 ! Zhengyi|is|uneducated|kind of person|I|really|am|wronged|particle indicating realization|just|like that|appearance|die unjustly|at|you|possessive particle|hands|particle indicating exclamation Really, you are a person without skills, I am truly wronged, just like this, I am being oppressed by you! 嗯 ? 嗯 , 點解 話 我 係 不學無術 ! hmm||why|say|I|am|uneducated Hmm? Hmm, why do you say I am without skills! 你 不識 機謀 , 不明 道理 , 噉 仲 唔 係 不學無術 ? you|do not understand|strategy|do not understand|reason|then|still|not|is|uneducated and without skills You do not understand strategy, you do not understand reason, isn't that being without skills? 吓 ? 你講 你講 , 你 即管 講下 我 有 邊點 唔 啱 。 huh|||you|just go ahead|say a bit|I|have|in what way|not|right Huh? You say, you go ahead and tell me what I did wrong. 你 對待 好人 全無 禮貌 , 我 又 何必 多講 呢 ? 死 唔 係 死 咯 ! you|treat|good person|completely without|manners|I|again|why|say more|question particle|die|not|is|| You treat good people with no respect, why should I say more? Death is not death! 你 如果 講得 有 道理 , 我 自然 會 佩服 你 ! you|if|speak|has|reason|I|naturally|will|admire|you If you speak reasonably, I will naturally admire you! 你 唔 通 冇 聽講 過 咩 ? 背主作 竊 , 不可 定期 吖 嘛 。 you|not|understand|have not|heard|past|what|principal offender|theft|cannot|regularly|particle|particle Haven't you heard of it? Committing theft under the guise of a master cannot be scheduled! 呢 啲 事 係 偷偷摸摸 嚟 做 嘅 , 如果 而家 就 先定 咗 日期 , 到 時 冇 機會 下手 , 你 呢 處 呢 , 反而 走 去 接應 喎 , 噉 事情 唔 係 全部 都 洩 露出 去 咯 。 this|||are||||||||||||||||||||||out||||||||||||particle indicating finality These things are done secretly. If a date is set now, there will be no opportunity to act later. You, on the other hand, will go to assist, and then everything will be exposed. 呢 啲 事 , 只 能夠 睺 正 機會 就 逳 手 , 點 能夠 預定 日期 㗎 ? |||only|can|seize|right|opportunity|then|let go|slip away|how|can|set|date|question particle These matters can only be acted upon when the opportunity arises; how can a date be predetermined? 你連 噉 嘅 道理 都 唔 明白 , 就要 屈殺 好人 , 真 係 不學無術 , 之輩 啊 ! |like this|possessive particle|reason|also|not|understand|then must|wrongfully kill|good person|really|are|uneducated|kind of people|exclamatory particle If you don't even understand this reasoning and want to frame good people, you really are a person without learning or skills! 喂 呀呀 呀呀 , 老夫 一時 淺見 , 見事 不明 , 誤犯 尊威 , 請 先生 恕罪 ! hey|yes yes||I (old man)|for a moment|shallow understanding|seeing things|unclear|mistakenly offended|your dignity|please|sir|forgive my offense Hey, I apologize, I was momentarily shortsighted, and I misunderstood the situation, offending your authority. Please forgive me, sir! 曹操 呀 , 即刻 叫 刀斧手 放開 闞澤 , 請 佢 坐 低 向 佢 道歉 賠禮 。 Cao Cao|ah|immediately|order|executioner|release|Kan Ze|please|he|||to|him|apologize|make amends Cao Cao, immediately tell the executioners to release Han Ze, and ask him to sit down and apologize. 闞澤話 : 我同 黃公覆 都 係 誠心 投降 , 就 好似 細佬哥 盼望 爹娘 噉 , 邊度 會 係 詭計 呢 ? Kan Chak said||Wong Kung-fuk|both|are|sincerely|surrender|just|like|younger brother|hopes|parents|like that|where|would|be|trick|question particle Han Ze said: I, along with Huang Gongfu, sincerely surrender, just like a younger brother longing for his parents, how could this be a scheme? 噉 就 真 係 好極 喇 。 then|just|||extremely good|particle indicating completed action Then that would truly be excellent. 如果 你 哋 兩位 能夠 立 咗 大功 , 將來 封官賜 爵 , 必定 在 大家 之上 啊 ! if|you|plural marker|both of you|are able to|achieve|past tense marker|great merit|in the future|||definitely|above|everyone|above|particle If both of you can achieve great merit, in the future, when you are granted titles and ranks, it will definitely be above everyone else! 丞相 呀 , 我 哋 唔 係 為 咗 高官厚祿 而 嚟 㗎 , 不過 係 順應 天意 做事 啫 。 Prime Minister|particle|I|plural marker|not|am|for|past tense marker|high official position and rich rewards|but|come|particle|however|am|in accordance with|divine will|do things|only Prime Minister, we are not here for high positions and rich rewards, but to act in accordance with the will of heaven. 曹操 好 高興 , 即刻 吩咐 擺酒 款待 闞澤 。 Cao Cao|very|happy|immediately|ordered|prepare a feast|entertain|Kan Ze Cao Cao was very happy and immediately ordered a banquet to entertain Gan Ze. 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 正 喺 度 飲 緊 酒 嘅 時候 , 有人 行入 嚟 , 哄 埋 曹操 耳仔邊 細細 聲 噉 講 咗 幾句 說話 。 passed|past tense marker|not|long|just|at|location particle|drinking|ongoing action marker|alcohol|possessive particle|time|someone||come|to tease|together|Cao Cao|near the ear|softly|voice|like that|said|past tense marker|a few|words After a while, while they were drinking, someone walked in and whispered a few words in Cao Cao's ear. 曹操 就 話 喇 :攞 封信 我 睇 下 。 Cao Cao|then|said|particle indicating completed action|take|letter|I|read|down Cao Cao then said: Bring me the letter to have a look. 嗰 個人 呢 就 扲 出 一封 密信 嚟 呈 畀 曹操 。 that|person|question particle|then|take out|out|a|secret letter|come|present|to|Cao Cao That person then took out a secret letter and presented it to Cao Cao. 曹操 睇 完 , 面上 露出 高興 嘅 神色 。 Cao Cao|to read|finished|on his face|revealed|happy|possessive particle|expression Cao Cao finished reading and showed a happy expression on his face. 闞 澤 喺 旁邊 睇 到實 , 個心 諗 嘞 : Kan|Chak|at|beside|see|||think|past tense particle Han Ze, watching from the side, thought to himself: 實 係 蔡中 、 蔡 和 嚟 報告 黃 蓋 受刑 嘅 消息 。 ||Choi Chung|||come|report|||punishment|possessive particle|news It really is Cai Zhong and Cai He reporting the news of Huang Gai's punishment. 曹操 呢 , 噉 就 信 晒 我 嚟 投降 係 真 㗎 喇 , 所以 佢 就 歡喜 啦 。 Cao Cao|question particle|then|then|believe|completely|I|come|surrender|is|true|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|so|he|then|happy|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Cao Cao, then, believes that my surrender is genuine, so he is pleased. 哼哼 , 有 得 你 歡喜 啊 。 hum|have|to get|you|happy|ah Hmph, you have something to be happy about. 噉 啊 散席 之後 , 曹操 又 對 闞澤話 喇 : 而家 , 要 勞煩 先生 你 再 返去 江東 一趟 , 同 黃公覆 約定 好 。 then|ah|dismiss the meeting|after|Cao Cao|again|to||particle indicating completion|now|need|trouble|sir|you|again|return to|Jiangdong|one trip|with||agreement|good After the meeting, Cao Cao said to Han Ze: Now, I need to trouble you, sir, to go back to Jiangdong once more and confirm the agreement with Huang Gong. 然後 送 消息 過 嚟 畀 我 , 我 就 派兵 去 接應 啦 。 then|send|message|over|come|to|me|I|then|send troops|to|assist|particle Then send the message back to me, and I will dispatch troops to support. 丞相 呀 , 我 已經 離開 咗 江東 , 唔 能夠 再 返 去 喇 , 希望 丞相 另行 派個 機密 嘅 人 去 啦 。 Prime Minister|particle|I|already|leave|past tense marker|Jiangdong|not|able to|again||go||||||||||particle Prime Minister, I have already left Jiangdong and cannot return, so I hope the Prime Minister will send someone else in secret. 如果 另外 派 人 去 , 又 怕 會 洩漏 咗 秘密 噃。 if|another|send|person|go|again|afraid|will|leak|past tense marker|secret|sentence-final particle If someone else is sent, I am afraid the secret will be leaked. 闞澤 啊 再三 推辭 , 曹操 仲 係 話 要 佢 去 至 啱 。 Han Zhe|ah|repeatedly|declined|Cao Cao|still|is|saying|wants|him|go|until|right Han Ze repeatedly declined, but Cao Cao insisted that he should go. 噉 講 咗 好 耐 , 闞澤 就 話 喇 : 好 啦 , 如果 一定 要 我 返 去 嘅 話 , 噉 我 就 唔 好 喺 度 耽擱 咁 耐 , 而家 就要 起行 嘞 。 then|said|past tense marker|very|long|Kan Chak|then|said|sentence-final particle|very||||need||||||||||||||||||set off|completed action particle After talking for a long time, Guan Ze said: Alright, if I really have to go back, then I shouldn't delay here for too long, I need to set off now. 曹操 叫 人 攞 啲 金銀 出 嚟 要 送 畀 闞澤 , 闞澤 啊 唔 肯收 。 Cao Cao|called|someone|take|some|gold and silver|out|come|wanted|to send|to|Han Ze|Han Ze|ah|not|willing to accept Cao Cao ordered someone to take out some gold and silver to give to Guan Ze, but Guan Ze refused to accept it. 辭別 咗 曹操 出 咗 營寨 , 仍然 坐 返 嗰 隻 小船 趕返 去 江東 。 farewell|past tense marker|Cao Cao|leave|past tense marker|camp|still|take|return|that|measure word for boats|small boat|hurry back|to|Jiangdong After bidding farewell to Cao Cao, he left the camp and took the small boat back to Jiangdong. 一返 到 去 , 闞澤 馬上 去 搵 黃 蓋 , 將見 曹操 嘅 經過 , 詳詳細細 噉 講返 畀 黃 蓋 聽 。 ||went||||to find||||Cao Cao|possessive particle|encounter|in great detail|like that|to tell again|to|||to hear Once he returned, Guan Ze immediately went to find Huang Gai and told him in detail about his encounter with Cao Cao. 黃 蓋 啊 非常 感動 啊 , 佢 話 : Wong|Gai|ah|very|moved|ah|he|said Huang Gai was very moved and said: 如果 唔 係 你 咁 機警 會講 說話 , 唉 , 我 真 係 白白 捱 一場 打咯 。 if|not|were|you|so|clever||talking|sigh|I|really|am|in vain|endure|a round of| If it weren't for your vigilance in speaking, sigh, I would have really suffered for nothing. 你 休息 下 , 我而家 去 甘寧 嘅 營寨 處 , 睇 下 蔡中 、 蔡 和 嘅 情形 先 。 you|rest|a little|I now|go|Gan Ning|possessive particle|camp|place|see|a little|Cai Zhong|||possessive particle|situation|first You take a break, I will go to Gan Ning's camp now to see the situation of Cai Zhong and Cai He first. 哦 , 好 , 噉 好極 喇 。 oh|good|like this|extremely good|particle indicating completed action Oh, good, that's great. 於是 闞澤 又 去 甘寧 嘅 營寨 嘞 。 then|Kan Chak|again|go|Gan Ning|possessive particle|camp|past tense particle So, Han Ze went to Gan Ning's camp again. 一 見到 甘寧 , 闞澤 就 話 : 甘 將軍 , 你 昨日 為 咗 救 黃公覆 畀 周公瑾 侮辱 一番 , 我 真 係 好 戥 你 唔 抵 啊 。 one|saw|Gan Ning|Han Zhe|then|said|General Gan|you|you|yesterday|for|past tense marker|to save||by|Zhou Gongjin|insult|once|I|really|am|very|admire|you|not|worthy|particle As soon as he saw Gan Ning, Han Ze said: General Gan, you were insulted by Zhou Gongjin yesterday while trying to save Huang Gongfu, I really feel sorry for you. 嘿嘿嘿 , 甘寧 笑 下 , 冇 講 咩 嘢 。 hehehe|Gan Ning|laugh|a little|not|say|what|thing Hehehe, Gan Ning is just laughing, not saying anything. 正 喺 度 講 緊 嘅 時候 , 蔡 和 、 蔡中入 到 嚟 嘞 。 right|at|place|||possessive particle|time|Choi|and||in|here|past tense particle Just when we were talking, Cai He and Cai Zhong came in. 闞澤打 咗 個 眼色 畀 甘寧 , 嘿嘿 , 甘寧 會意 喇 , 佢 就 話 : |past tense marker|measure word|glance|to|Gan Ning|hehe|Gan Ning|understood|sentence-final particle|he|then|said Han Ze gave Gan Ning a wink, hehe, Gan Ning understood, and he said: 哼 ! 周公瑾 一味 以為 自己 好 有 本事 , 完全 都 唔 將我 哋 放 喺 眼 內 。 hum|Zhou Gongjin|blindly|thinks|himself|very|has|ability|completely|all|not||plural marker|place|in|eyes|inside Hmph! Zhou Gongjin always thinks he is very capable, completely not putting us in his eyes. 我 呢 次 畀 佢 噉 樣 侮辱 法 , 真 係 冇 面見 人 啊 ! I|this|time|give|him|like|way|insult|method|really|is|no|face to face|people|ah I really have no face to meet people after being insulted like this! 哼 ! 豈有此理 ! 豈有此理 啊 氣死我 啊 ! hum|how can this be reasonable||ah|drives me crazy|ah Hmph! How unreasonable! How unreasonable! It's driving me crazy! 甘寧 嬲 到 咬牙切齒 , 砰砰 聲 噉 猛 咁 拍 枱。 Gan Ning|angry|to the point of|gritting his teeth|bang bang|sound|like that|fiercely|so|hit|table Gan Ning was so angry that he was gritting his teeth, banging the table loudly. 闞澤 就 伏 埋 甘寧 耳仔邊 , 詐家意 同 佢 講 幾句 密 偈 。 Kan Chak|then|crouched|close to|Gan Ning|by the ear|pretending to be friendly|with|him|said|a few|secret|words Han Ze leaned close to Gan Ning's ear, pretending to be casual and whispered a few words. 甘寧 就 耷低 個頭 唔 出聲 嘞 , 只 係 唉 唉 聲 噉 長 歎 咗 幾聲 。 Gan Ning|then|lowered||not|make a sound|(past tense marker)|only|is|||sound|like that|long|sigh|(completed action marker)| Gan Ning just lowered his head and remained silent, only letting out a few long sighs. 蔡 和 、 蔡中 見到 甘寧 同 闞澤都 有 反叛 江東 嘅 意思 噃, 就 用 啲 說話 嚟 挑 引 佢 哋 喇 。 ||Cai Zhong|saw|Gan Ning|and||have|rebellion|Jiangdong|possessive particle|intention|particle indicating realization|then|use|some|words|to|||them|plural particle|particle indicating completed action Cai He and Cai Zhong saw that Gan Ning and Han Ze both had thoughts of rebelling against Jiangdong, so they used some words to provoke them. 甘 將軍 為 咩 事 咁 嬲 啊 ? 闞 先生 , 又 有 咩 事 咁 唔 高興 呢 吓 ? Gam|General|for|what|matter|so|angry|question particle|Kan|Mr|again|has|what|matter|so|not|happy|question particle|exclamation particle Why is General Gan so angry? Mr. Kan, what is making you so unhappy? 闞澤話 : 我 哋 肚裡 頭 嗰 啲 苦處 , 你 哋 點 知道 㗎 。 Kan Chak said|||inside|head|that|plural marker|troubles|||how|know|question particle Kan Ze said: How would you know the troubles we have inside? 蔡和話 喇 : 係 唔 係 , 係 唔 係 想 背叛 東吳 , 投奔 曹操 啊 ? Cai He said|particle indicating a question|yes||||||want|to betray|Eastern Wu|to defect to|Cao Cao|particle for emphasis Cai He said: Is it true, is it true that you want to betray Eastern Wu and join Cao Cao? 吓 ! 闞 澤當 堂面 青 。 wow|Kan|Tak-dong|in front of the hall|green Huh! Kan Ze turned pale on the spot. 甘寧 撐聲 拔出 把 劍 出 嚟 話 : 我 哋 嘅 事 已經 畀 你 哋 睇 穿 咗 , 唔 殺 咗 你 哋 嚟 滅口 唔 得 ! Gan Ning|shouted|drew|measure word for weapons|sword|out|come|said|I|plural marker|possessive particle|matter|already|given|you|plural marker|see|through|past tense marker|not|kill|past tense marker|you|plural marker|come|silence|not|possible Gan Ning shouted and drew his sword, saying: Our matters have already been seen through by you, we can't just kill you to silence you! 講完 , 舉起 把 劍 就要 斬 過去 。 finish speaking|raise|(measure word for tools)|sword|then must|cut|past After speaking, raise the sword and cut through. 蔡 和 、 蔡中 就 慌忙 話 : 唔 好 啊 唔 好 啊 唔 好 啊 ! Choi|Wo|Choi Chung|then|hurriedly|said||||||||| Cai He and Cai Zhong hurriedly said: No, no, no! 兩位 唔 使 擔心 , 我 哋 亦 都將 啲 秘密 講 你 哋 知 啦 。 you two|not|need|worry|I|we|also||the|secrets|tell|you|plural marker|know|sentence-final particle You two don't need to worry, we will also tell you our secrets. 甘寧 話 : 噉 就 快 啲 講 。 Gan Ning|said|then|just|||speak Gan Ning said: Then hurry up and speak. 蔡和話 喇 : 我 哋 兩個 , 係 曹 公派 嚟 詐降 㗎 咋 。 Choi Wo said|particle indicating completion|I|plural marker|two of us|are|||here|feigned surrender||only Cai He said: We two are sent by Cao Gong to deceive. 兩位 如果 有心 歸順 曹公 , 我 嚟 同 你 哋 介紹 吖 。 you two|if|willing|submit to|Lord Cao|I|come|with|||introduce|particle If both of you are willing to submit to Cao Gong, I will come and introduce you. 你 講 嘅 係 唔 係 真 㗎 ? you|said|past tense marker|is|not|is|true|question particle Are you saying this for real? 我 哋 點敢 呃 將軍 你 啊 。 ||how dare|deceive|general|you|ah How could we dare to deceive you, General? 啊 , 如果 係 噉 , 真 係 天賜 其 便 喇 ! ah|if|is|like this|really|is|heaven-sent|its|convenience|particle indicating completed action Ah, if that's the case, it really is a blessing from heaven! 誒 , 黃公覆 同甘 將軍 你 哋 畀 周瑜 侮辱 嘅 事 , 我 哋 已經 報告 咗 畀 丞相 知道 㗎 喇 。 hey|Huang Gongfu|Tonggan|General|you|plural marker|by|Zhou Yu|insult|possessive particle|matter|I|we|already|reported|past tense marker|to|Prime Minister|know|sentence-final particle|completed action particle Hey, we have already reported to the Prime Minister about the matter of Huang Gongfu and General Gan being insulted by Zhou Yu. 闞澤 就 話 喇 : 我 已經 為 黃公覆 送 咗 信去 畀 丞相 , 而家 特意 嚟 搵 興霸 , 約 埋 佢 一齊 投降 咋 嘛 。 Kan Chak|then|said|particle indicating completed action|I|already|for||send|past tense marker||to|Prime Minister|now|specially|come|find|Hing Ba|arrange|together|he|together|surrender|particle indicating a question|particle indicating obviousness Kan Ze said: I have already sent a letter to the Prime Minister on behalf of Lord Huang, and now I have come specifically to find Xing Ba, to arrange for him to surrender together. 甘寧 話 : 大丈夫 既然 遇到 個 英明 主公 , 理應 係 誠心 去 投奔 佢 嘅 。 Gan Ning|said|real man|since|encountered|particle|wise|lord|should|be|sincerely|to|defect to|him|possessive particle Gan Ning said: Since a great man has encountered a wise lord, he should sincerely go to pledge allegiance to him. 四個 人 呀 噉 就 啱 晒橋 喇 , 就 攞 酒 嚟 飲 , 一齊 傾心 事 。 four|people|particle|like that|then|right||particle|then|take|alcohol|come|drink|together|talk about|matters The four of them then gathered at the bridge, took some wine to drink, and shared their thoughts. 蔡 和 、 蔡中 呢 , 當堂 啊 寫 咗 封信 , 密報 曹操 話 甘寧 已經 情願 同 我 哋 一齊 做 內應 嘞 噉 。 ||Cai Zhong|question particle|right there|exclamation particle|wrote|past tense marker|a letter|secret report|Cao Cao|said|Gan Ning|already|willing|with|||together|act as|inside informant|past action particle|like that Cai He and Cai Zhong wrote a letter on the spot, secretly reporting to Cao Cao that Gan Ning was willing to work with us as an insider. 闞澤 呢 , 就 另外 寫 咗 封信 , 派 人 秘密 噉 送 去 畀 曹操 。 Han Zhe|this|then|separately|wrote|past tense marker|a letter|send|person|secretly|like that|deliver|to|to|Cao Cao As for Kan Ze, he wrote another letter and secretly sent it to Cao Cao. 封信 話 : 黃 蓋 好 想 嚟 , 之 未有 機會 。 the letter|said|||very|wants|to come|but|has not|opportunity The letter says: Huang Gai really wants to come, but hasn't had the chance yet. 以後 但凡 見到 江南 有船 嚟 , 船頭 上 便 插住 青牙 旗 嘅 , 就 係 黃 蓋 嚟 喇 噉 。 in the future|whenever|see|Jiangnan||coming|bow|on|then|flying|blue teeth|flag|possessive particle|then|is|Huang|Gai|coming|particle indicating completed action|like that From now on, whenever you see a ship from Jiangnan coming, with a blue tooth flag at the bow, it will be Huang Gai. 而家 講下 曹操 啊 , 佢 連 氣 收到 兩封 密信 , 個心 呢 總 係 有 啲 十五 十六 , 總 係 有 啲 懷疑 , 就 召集 一班 謀士 嚟 商量 嘞 。 now|talk about|Cao Cao|ah|he|even|anger|received|two|secret letters|his mind|particle indicating a question|always|is|has|a little|||||||suspicion|then|gathered|a group of|strategists|to|discuss|past tense particle Now let's talk about Cao Cao. He received two secret letters, and his heart was somewhat uneasy, with some doubts, so he gathered a group of strategists to discuss. 曹操 話 : 甘寧 因為 受 咗 周瑜 嘅 侮辱 , 表示 願意 做 我 嘅 內應 。 Cao Cao|said|Gan Ning|because|received|past tense marker|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|insult|expressed|willing|to be|me|possessive particle|inside informant Cao Cao said: Gan Ning, because he was insulted by Zhou Yu, expressed his willingness to be my insider. 黃 蓋 因為 捱打 , 就 叫 闞澤 送信 嚟 話 要 投降 。 Huang|Gai|because|beaten|then|asked|Kan Chak|to send a letter|here|to say|to|surrender Huang Gai, after being beaten, asked Kan Ze to send a letter saying he wanted to surrender. 嗯 , 呢 兩件事 , 都 唔 能夠 信得 咁 實 㗎 。 hmm|this|two things|both|not|able to|believe|so|real|question particle Hmm, these two things cannot be trusted that much. 如果 我 哋 有 個人 能夠 去 周瑜 嗰 度 , 探聽 過 真實 消息 就 好 喇 。 if|I|plural marker|have|someone|able to|go|Zhou Yu|that|place|inquire|past|real|news|then|good|sentence-final particle If we have someone who can go to Zhou Yu's place and inquire about the real news, that would be great. 蔣幹企 起身 嚟 話 喇 : 丞相 , 前次 我過 江去 東吳 , 件 事情 冇 做好 , 唔 成功 , 真 係 十分 慚愧 。 Jiang Ganqi|stood up|came|said|particle indicating completed action|Prime Minister|last time|||Eastern Wu|classifier for events|matter|not|done well|not|successful|really|is|very|ashamed Jiang Gan stood up and said: Prime Minister, last time I crossed the river to Eastern Wu, I didn't handle the matter well, and it was unsuccessful. I am truly very ashamed. 呢 次 , 我 願意 拼住 唔 要 呢 條命 都 再 去一趟 , 務必 攞 到 個 確實 消息 返 嚟 報告 丞相 。 this|time|I|am willing|risk|not|need|this||all|again|make a trip|must|||measure word for people|certain|news|return|come|report|prime minister This time, I am willing to risk my life and go again, and I must bring back accurate news to report to the Prime Minister. 你 再 去一趟 係 嘛 ? 嗯 噉 都 好 , 不過 一定 要 多加 小心 啊 。 you|again|make a trip|is|question particle|hmm|then|also|good|but|definitely|must|be more|careful|ah particle You are going again, right? Hmm, that's fine, but you must be extra careful. 曹操 好 歡喜 , 同意 喇 。 Cao Cao|very|happy|agrees|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao was very happy and agreed. 馬上 就 命令 蔣幹 坐船去 。 immediately|then|ordered|Jiang Gan|to take a boat He immediately ordered Jiang Gan to take a boat. 蔣幹 於是 又 試 坐 住 嗰 隻 小船 咿 誒 咿 誒 噉 啊 一直 去 到 江南 水寨 , 叫 軍士 入去 通傳 嘞 喎 。 Jiang Gan|then|again|tried|||that|measure word for boat|small boat|sound of rowing|sound of rowing|||like this|ah|continuously|||Jiangnan|water village|called|soldiers|to enter|to deliver a message|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Jiang Gan then tried to sit in that small boat and went all the way to the Jiangnan water stronghold, calling the soldiers to go in and deliver the message. 周瑜 一 聽見 話 蔣幹 又 到 呀 好 歡喜 啊 , 佢 話 : Zhou Yu|one|heard|words|Jiang Gan|again|arrive|particle|very|happy|particle|he|said When Zhou Yu heard that Jiang Gan had arrived, he was very happy and said: 我 嘅 成功 呀 , 就 喺 呢 個人 嘅 身上 啊 。 I|possessive particle|success|sentence-final particle|just|at|this|person|possessive particle|on the body|sentence-final particle My success depends on this person. 跟 住 周瑜 就 囑咐 魯肅 , 去 搵 龐士元 叫 佢 如此 如此 噉 。 ||Zhou Yu|then|instructed|Lu Su|to go|find|Pang Shiyuan|tell|him|like this|like this|like that Then Zhou Yu instructed Lu Su to go find Pang Shiyuan and tell him to do this and that. 龐士元 係 邊個 呢 ? 就 係 龐統 啊 。 Pang Shiyuan|is|who|question particle|just|is|Pang Tong|exclamation particle Who is Pang Shiyuan? It's Pang Tong. 佢 又 為 咗 避亂 啊 , 走 咗 嚟 江東 住 。 He|again|for|past tense marker|escape from chaos|sentence-final particle|ran||to|Jiangdong|live He also came to Jiangdong to live in order to avoid chaos. 魯肅 曾經 推薦 佢 去 見 周瑜 , 因為 其他 啲 原因 呢 , 就仲未 見到 。 Lu Su|once|recommended|he|to|meet|Zhou Yu|because|other|particle indicating plural|reasons|particle indicating a question or emphasis||seen Lu Su had previously recommended him to meet Zhou Yu, but for other reasons, he has not met him yet. 前 嗰 排 周瑜 派 魯肅 去 問過 龐統 , 請教 佢 破 曹 嘅 辦法 。 previously|that|period|Zhou Yu|sent|Lu Su|to go|asked|Pang Tong|to consult|him|defeating|Cao|possessive particle|method Recently, Zhou Yu sent Lu Su to ask Pang Tong for advice on how to defeat Cao. 龐統 啊 對 魯肅 話 : 想要 擊破 曹兵 呢 , 必須 用 火攻 。 Pang Tong|ah|to|Lu Su|said|want to|defeat|Cao's troops|particle indicating a question|must|use|fire attack Pang Tong said to Lu Su: If we want to defeat Cao's troops, we must use fire attacks. 但 係 啊 喺 咁 闊 嘅 江面 上 , 一隻 船着 咗 火 其餘 嘅 船 呀 即刻 就 四圍 咁 散開 , 燒 佢 哋 唔 到 嘅 。 However, on such a wide river surface, if one ship catches fire, the other ships will immediately scatter, and we won't be able to burn them. 除非 呢 就 派 個人 去 曹操 處 , 獻 一條 連環計 , 使到 曹操 聽 佢 話 , 將 啲 船 啊 釘 埋 一齊 嘅 , 然後 火攻 先至 能夠 成功 嘅 噉 。 unless|this|then|send|a person|to|Cao Cao|place|offer|a|continuous scheme|make|Cao Cao|listen|him|words|will|the|ships|particle|nail|together|together|particle|then|fire attack|only then|able to|succeed|particle|like this Unless we send someone to Cao Cao to propose a linked plan, making Cao Cao listen to him and tie the ships together, then the fire attack can succeed. 魯肅 就 將龐 統 嘅 意見 講 畀 周瑜 知 。 Lu Su|then||Tong|possessive particle|opinion|tell|to|Zhou Yu|know Lu Su conveyed Pang Tong's opinion to Zhou Yu. 周瑜 非常 同意 , 當時 就 話 喇 : 如果 要用 呢 條計 呢 , 非 龐統 不可 嘅 。 Zhou Yu|very|agreed|at that time|then|said|particle indicating completed action|if||this||this|not|Pang Tong|could not|particle indicating possession or emphasis Zhou Yu strongly agreed and said at that time: If we want to use this plan, it must be Pang Tong. 但 係 點先 能夠 派 到 龐統 去 曹操 處 獻計 , 而 又 唔 引起 曹操 懷疑 呢 ? ||how|can|||Pang Tong|to|Cao Cao|at|offer advice|and|again|not|raise|Cao Cao|suspicion|question particle But how can we send Pang Tong to Cao Cao to offer advice without raising Cao Cao's suspicion? 周瑜 一直 都 未 諗 到 好 辦法 。 Zhou Yu|always|all|not yet|||good|solution Zhou Yu has not thought of a good solution. 事關 曹操 此人 係 好 奸猾 㗎 嘛 , 想 呃 到 佢 呀 唔 係 咁 容易 嘅 。 regarding|Cao Cao|this person|is|very|cunning|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating obviousness|wants|deceive|to|him|particle indicating exclamation|not|is|that|easy|particle indicating possession This is because Cao Cao is a very cunning person, and it's not easy to deceive him. 而家 周瑜 一 聽見 話 蔣幹 又 嚟 喇 , 哎呀 , 啱 晒 ! now|Zhou Yu|one|heard|that|Jiang Gan|again|come|particle indicating action completion|oh no|| Now, as soon as Zhou Yu hears that Jiang Gan is coming again, he thinks, 'Ah, this is perfect!' 所以 就 叫 魯肅 去 搵 龐統 , 叫 佢 如此這般 噉 用計 。 so|then|to call|Lu Su|to go|to find|Pang Tong|to call|he|like this|in this way|to use strategy So he asks Lu Su to find Pang Tong and instructs him to use this plan. 魯肅 走 咗 之後 , 周瑜 叫 人 去 請 蔣幹入 嚟 中軍帳 見面 。 Lu Su|leave|past tense marker|after|Zhou Yu|ordered|people|to go|invite||come|the central army tent|meet After Lu Su left, Zhou Yu sent someone to invite Jiang Gan to meet in the central army tent. 蔣幹 呢 , 佢 到 咗 之後 以為 又 係 上次 噉 嘞 喎 , 通報 之後 呢 周瑜 會 帶齊 人出 嚟 迎接 佢 嘅 。 Jiang Gan|this|he|arrive|past tense marker|after|thought|again|was|last time|like that|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|report|after|this|Zhou Yu|will|bring all||come|welcome|he|possessive particle As for Jiang Gan, when he arrived, he thought it would be like last time, where Zhou Yu would come out to greet him after the announcement. 哈哈 , 點知 等 咗 好 耐 都 仲 唔 見 周瑜 出 嚟 。 haha|didn't expect|wait|past tense marker|very|long|still|yet|not|see|Zhou Yu|come|out Haha, little did he know that he waited a long time and Zhou Yu still didn't come out. 佢 心中有鬼 㗎 嘛 , 驚 喇 , 就 吩咐 將 隻 小船 啊 , 搵 笪 僻靜 嘅 岸邊 灣好 , 自己 行入 去 寨 裡頭 見 周瑜 。 he||sentence-final particle|particle indicating obviousness|scared|particle indicating completed action|then|instructed|to take|measure word for boats|small boat|particle|to find|to be|quiet|possessive particle|by the shore|bay|himself|walked in|to|village|inside|to see|Zhou Yu He had a guilty conscience, scared, so he instructed to find a quiet shore for the small boat and decided to walk into the camp to see Zhou Yu. 行到 半路 , 就 撞見 周瑜 派 嚟 請 佢 個人 , 噉 啊 跟 住 入 去 中軍帳 。 walk to|halfway|then|ran into|Zhou Yu|sent|here|invite|him|person|so|ah|||||the central army tent On the way, he ran into someone Zhou Yu sent to invite him, and then he followed them into the central army tent. 蔣幹 一 見到 周瑜 仲懶 咁 親熱 嗌 一聲 , 賢弟 噉 。 Jiang Gan|one|saw|Zhou Yu|still lazy|so|friendly||a shout|virtuous younger brother|like this Jiang Gan, upon seeing Zhou Yu, lazily called out, 'Brother.' 點知 周瑜 板 起塊面 , 哼 ! 咩 嘢 賢弟 啊 ! who would have thought|Zhou Yu|slap|on the face|humph|||wise younger brother|ah Unexpectedly, Zhou Yu frowned and said, 'Hmph! What do you mean by brother?!' 吖 , 誒 乜 噉 又 唔 認喇 ? ah|eh|what|like this|again|not|recognize Ah, hey, why are you not recognizing me like this? 子翼 , 你 認真 對 唔 住 我 ! Ziyi|you|serious|to|||me Ziyu, are you seriously apologizing to me? 哎呀呀 呀呀 , 誒 嚱, 誒 我 同 你 係 多年 好 弟兄 , 特意 嚟 探 你 , 傾下 心事 , 噉 為 咩 嘢 話 我 對 唔 住 你 啊 ? oh dear|ah|hey|sound of realization||I|with|you|am|many years|good|brother|specially|come|visit|you|chat|worries|then|for|what|thing|say|I|to|||you|ah Oh my, hey, I have been good brothers with you for many years, I specially came to visit you to share some thoughts, so why would I say I owe you anything? 我同 你 講明 在 先 , 你 想 嚟 說 我 投降 除非 係 海枯石爛 啊 。 |you|make clear|at|first|you|want|to come|say|I|surrender|unless|is|until the sea dries up and the rocks decay|ah Let me make it clear to you first, you want to say I surrender unless the sea dries up and the rocks rot. 子翼 , 上次 你 嚟 , 我念 在 往日 交情 請 你 痛飲 一醉 , 仲留 你 同床 瞓 添 。 Ziyu|last time|you|came||in|past|friendship|invite|you|drink heavily|to get drunk||you|share a bed|sleep|also Ziyu, last time you came, I thought of our past friendship and invited you to drink to your heart's content, even letting you sleep in the same bed. 點知 你將 我 封 私信 偷 咗 去 , 不辭而別 , 返去 報告 曹操 , 殺 咗 蔡瑁 、 張允 , 搞 到 我 嘅 計劃 唔 能夠 成功 啊 。 how did I know||me|seal|private message|to steal|past tense marker|to go|to leave without saying goodbye|to return|to report|Cao Cao|to kill|past tense marker|Cai Mao|Zhang Yun|||my|possessive particle|plan|not|able to|succeed|ah particle Who would have thought you would steal my private message, leave without saying goodbye, go back to report to Cao Cao, kill Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, causing my plan to fail. 今日 你 無緣無故 又 嚟 我 處 , 必定 係 不懷好意 嘅 , 人 嚟 ! today|you|out of nowhere|again|come|I|place|definitely|is|ill-intentioned|particle indicating possession or description|person|come Today, you come to me for no reason, it must be with ill intentions, human! 有 ! have Yes! 將 佢 推出 去 , 斬 ! to|him|push out|away|chop Push him out, cut! 誒 哎呀 誒 誒 賢弟 啊 賢弟 , 請 你 念 在 往日 同窗 共 宴 嘅 交情 , 誒 唔 好 殺 我 啊 ! hey|oh no|||virtuous younger brother|ah||please|you|remember|in|past|classmates|together|feast|possessive particle|friendship||not|well|kill|me|ah Hey, oh no, hey, hey, dear brother, please remember the friendship we had as classmates in the past, oh please don't kill me! 好 啦 , 如果 唔 係 睇 在 往日 嘅 交情 , 就要 將你 一刀兩斷 㗎 喇 。 ||if|||||past|possessive particle|friendship|would have to||completely|sentence-final particle|past action particle Alright, if it weren't for our past friendship, I would have to cut you off completely. 哎 , 誒 多謝 賢弟 不殺 之恩 , 嗯 , 噉 我 告辭 喇 。 ah|eh|thank you|virtuous younger brother|not killing|grace|hmm|then|I|take my leave|particle indicating completed action Oh, thank you, dear brother, for sparing my life, um, then I will take my leave. 且慢 ! 我 本來 想 就 噉 放 你 返去 , 不過 就 喺 呢 一兩日 間 , 我 就要 進兵 去 擊破 曹操 老賊 。 wait a moment|I|originally|wanted|just|like that|let|you|go back|but|then|at|this|one or two days|within|I||advance troops|to|defeat|Cao Cao|old thief Wait! I originally planned to just let you go back, but in the next couple of days, I will be advancing troops to defeat that old thief Cao Cao. 如果 將你 留 喺 呢 處 軍隊 裏 便 , 又 怕 你 洩露 機密 。 if||stay|at|this|place|army|inside|then|again|afraid|you|leak|secret If you stay here in this army, I'm afraid you will leak secrets. 嗯 , 人 嚟 ! hmm|person|coming Hmm, a person is coming! 在 。 at Here. 送子翼 去 西山 嗰 間 茅 庵 住 住 先 。 Song Zi Wing|go|West Mountain|that|measure word for buildings|||live|live|first Send Ziyi to the thatched hut in Xishan to stay for a while. 係 。 yes Okay. 子翼 , 等 我 破 咗 曹操 , 到 其時 再 送 你過 江都 未遲 。 Ziyi|wait|I|defeat|past tense marker|Cao Cao|when|that time|again|send||Jiangdu|not too late Ziyu, wait until I defeat Cao Cao, then it won't be too late to send you over to Jiangdu. 誒 誒 賢弟 啊 , 誒 賢弟 啊 。 hey||wise younger brother|ah||| Hey, hey, my virtuous brother! 蔣幹仲 想開 聲 , 但 係 周瑜 唔 理 佢 , 衫袖 一拂 , 行 咗 入 去 後 便 喇 。 Jiang Ganzhong|wanted to speak|out loud|||Zhou Yu|||him|sleeve|with a flick|||||||particle indicating completed action Jiang Gan wanted to speak up, but Zhou Yu ignored him, flicked his sleeve, and walked in.

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