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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 064

話 說 啊 , 周瑜 叫 人 送 蔣幹 去 西山 , 講完 就 唔 理 咁 多行 入 裏頭 嘞 。 蔣幹 就 冇 晒 修 啦 。 噉 周瑜 嗰 幾個 侍從 啊 , 就 去 牽 咗 匹馬出 嚟 畀 蔣幹 坐 , 一直 將 佢 送到 去 西山 背後 嗰 間 茅 庵 住 落 , 仲派 咗 兩個 兵 嚟 服侍 佢 添 。 蔣幹個 心梗 係 又 愁 又 悶定 啦 囉 囉 攣 , 都 唔 知 幾 辛苦 先至 捱到 夜晚 。 食 又 唔 想 食 , 想 瞓覺 又 冇 咁 早 喎 。 吖 , 見到 外便 滿天星斗 , 佢 話 一個 人 出去 行下 散 下心 啦 噉 。 行到 茅庵 後 便 , 咦 ? 聽見 傳 嚟 一句句 讀書聲 噃。 橫掂都 冇 事 喇 , 就 跟 住 書聲 , 順腳 去 搵 下 嘞 喎 。 行到 山邊 , 見到 有 幾間 草屋 , 窗口 射 出 燈光 。 蔣幹行 埋 窗口 裝 下 , 見到 有 個人 啊 坐 喺 燈 前 , 朗讀 緊孫 、 吳 兵書 。 牆壁 上 便 掛住 一把 寶劍 。 蔣幹 諗 嘞 : 嗯 , 睇 嚟 呢 個人 係 有 啲 來歷 喎 。 於是 蔣幹 就 行到 門口 拍門 嘞 。 嗰 個人 開門 行出 嚟 , 只見 佢 儀表 不俗 啊 。 蔣幹 就問 嘞 : 請問 先生 高姓大名 啊 ? 我姓 龐名統 , 字士元 。 哦 ! 誒 莫非 鳳雛 先生 係 嘛 ? 係 啊 。 素仰 素仰 , 誒 誒 係 喇 , 先生 為 咩 嘢 事 隱居 喺 呢 啲 咁 偏僻 嘅 地方 嚟 呢 嚱? 嘿 ! 周瑜 恃 住 自己 本事 , 唔 能夠 容得 人落 , 故此 我 就 喺 呢 度 隱居 唧 。 先生 你 係 邊個 啊 ? 我 就 係 蔣幹 啊 。 哦 , 原來 係 蔣先生 , 失敬 失敬 。 豈敢 ,嚱 豈敢 。 蔣先生 請入 嚟 坐 。 好 , 我 正 係 想 嚟 拜訪 你 。 請 。 龐統 請 蔣幹入 到 草屋 坐落 , 大家 傾下 偈 啦 。 蔣幹話 喇 : 以 先生 你 噉 嘅 本事 , 何往 而 不利 吖 。 如果 先生 你 肯為 曹丞相 做事 呀 , 我 可以 推薦 你 啊 。 我 亦 都 想 離開 江東 好耐 㗎 喇 , 蔣先生 你 既然 應承 推薦 我 畀 曹丞相 , 噉 就 不如 即刻 走 啦 。 事關 一遲親 呢 , 畀 周瑜 知道 咗 , 佢 就 實 會 嚟 害 我 嘅 。 冇 錯 喇 冇 錯 喇 , 我 哋 快 啲 走 啦 。 於是 龐統 啊 就 同 蔣幹 漏夜 落山 。 噉 啊 派 嚟 服侍 蔣 幹 嗰 兩個 兵丁 呢 , 亦 不聞不問 冇 理 咁 多 喎 。 佢 哋 兩個 步步 尺七 就 行到 去 江邊 。 蔣幹 搵 到 原來 坐 嚟 嗰 隻 船 , 就 招呼 龐 統一 齊 上船 , 解纜 開身 , 飛 咁 快 棹 去 江北 嘞 。 呢 次 過江 , 雖然 見 唔 到 蔡中 、 蔡 和 , 亦 探聽 唔 到 咩 嘢 消息 , 誒 但 係 請到 一位 大名鼎鼎 嘅 鳳 雛 先生 返 嚟 喎 噉 啊 當然 十分 得意 啦 。 所以 蔣幹 一返 到 曹操 營寨 啊 , 就 即刻 入去 報告 曹操 先 嘞 。 曹操 聽講 鳳雛 先生 嚟 到 唄 , 嘩 歡喜 到 不得了 啦 , 親自 出 到 中軍帳 外便 迎接 。 請 咗 龐統入 帳 , 分 賓主 坐落 , 互相 講過 幾句 客氣 說話 之後 , 曹操 就 話 嘞 : 周瑜 年紀輕輕 , 恃 住 自己 有 本事 , 睇 唔 起 旁人 , 亦 唔 肯 聽 人 哋 嘅 好 意見 , 哼哼 。 誒 我 早就 聽講 先生 你 嘅 大名 喇 , 今日 得 你 嚟 到 真 係 高興 , 希望 先生 多多指教 ! 龐統 就 話 喇 : 我 一向 聽講 丞相 用兵 非常 得 法 , 好 希望 能夠 參觀 下 軍隊 嘅 陣容 啊 。 曹操 畀 龐統 噉 樣 一 讚 呀 , 嘿嘿 , 噘 晒 , 誒 得 得 得 。 即刻 吩咐 啲 人備 馬 , 首先 請 龐統 去 參觀 旱寨 。 龐統 同 曹操 騎住 馬 , 一拍 噉 行上 高 嘅 地方 瞭望 觀察 。 睇 咗 一輪 , 龐統 就 話 嘞 : 啲 營寨 挨住 山腳 傍住 樹林 , 前後 有 聯繫 照應 , 出入 有門 , 進退 曲折 , 啊 好 極喇好 極喇 。 就算 係 孫武 、 吳起 復生 , 亦 不過如此 啫 。 啊 先生 , 你 唔 好 過份 誇獎 我 , 仲 係 望 你 多多指教 啊 。 曹操 啊 真 係 鐘意 戴高帽 㗎 吓 。 跟 住 曹操 又 帶 龐統 去 參觀 水寨 。 只見 嗰 個 水寨 呀 , 向 南開 咗 二十四 道門 , 都 係 用 啲 大號 嘅 戰艦 啊 排列 喺 外圍 , 就 好似 一座 城池 噉 嘅 。 當中 停泊 住 啲 小船 , 水寨 裏頭 , 來往 交通 , 整整 有條 。 龐統 睇 咗 就 笑 住 話 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 丞相 你 噉 樣用 兵法 , 真 係 名不虛傳 啊 ! 佢 一 便 講 , 一便 又 用 手 啊 指住 長江 南岸 話 喇 : 周郎 啊 周郎 , 你 就 快 滅亡 喇 ! 曹操 聽 咗 就 梗 係 歡喜 啦 。 佢 同 龐 統 返 去 營寨 , 喺 中軍帳 大排 筵席 , 請 龐統 飲酒 。 噉 啊 一字 飲 一字 談論 行軍 打仗 嘅 事 。 龐統 呀 高談闊論 對答如流 , 曹操 對 佢 十分 佩服 , 招待 得 呀 更加 殷勤 嘞 。 飲到 咁 上下 , 龐統 啊 裝成 飲 醉酒 噉 啊問 曹操 : 丞相 , 請問 , 你 喺 軍隊 裏頭 有 冇 好 嘅 醫生 啊 ? 要 醫生 嚟 有 乜嘢 用 呢 ? 啲 水軍 好多 人 生病 啊 , 要 搵 啲 好 醫生 嚟 醫 佢 哋 至 得 呀 。 嘩 呢 句 說話 , 講正 曹操 嘅 心事 喎 。 事關 曹 軍 大多數 係 北方 人 , 不服水土 , 好多 人 呀 都 得到 咗 嘔吐 嘅 病 , 亦 病死 咗 唔 少人添 。 曹操 為 咗 呢 件 事 正 喺 度 憂慮 到 不得了 。 而家 一 聽 龐統 噉 樣 講法 啊 , 有話 唔 追問 嘅 咩 ? 跟 住 龐統 又 話 嘞 : 丞相 , 你 訓練 水軍 嘅 方法 就 極之好 咯 , 但 係 , 可惜 仲有 不足 嘅 地方 噃。 嗯 係 啊 係 啊 。 曹操 就 猛 咁 追問 嘞 。 龐統 話 : 我 有 一個 辦法 , 可以 使到 大小 水軍 呀 個個 都 冇 病 冇 痛 安穩 成功 嘅 。 啊 噉 就 好極 喇 , 好極 喇 , 請問 先生 有 咩 嘢 好 嘅 辦法 呢 ? 嗱, 喺 大江 之中 , 潮漲潮落 , 風浪 不息 。 北方 嘅 兵 唔 習慣 坐船 啊 , 喺 啲 風浪 處 拋得 幾 拋就會 生病 咯 。 冇 錯 , 冇 錯 ! 如果 將 大船 細船 都 搭配 起 嚟 , 或者 三十隻 一排 , 或者 五十隻 一排 , 一頭 一尾 用 鐵環 鎖埋 一齊 , 上 便 用 啲 闊 闊 嘅 木板 鋪 起 嚟 。 噉 就 莫 講話 人行 啊 , 就算 係 馬 都 能夠 行得 啊 。 坐住 噉 樣 嘅 船 , 任 佢 風浪 潮水 幾 咁 大都 好 , 一 啲 都 唔 使 怕 啦 嘛 丞相 。 曹操 立即 離開 座位 , 行出 嚟 感謝 龐統 話 : 哎呀呀 先生 啊 先生 , 如果 唔 係 先生 你 諗 出 呢 個 咁 好 嘅 辦法 , 我點 能夠 擊破 東吳 啊 ! 嘿 ! 好 啊 ! 豈敢 , 豈敢 , 我 先頭 講呢 個 辦法 , 都 唔 知道 得 唔 得 㗎 , 請 丞相 自己 決斷 啦 。 曹操 立即 下 命令 , 叫 軍隊 裏頭 嘅 鐵匠 , 漏夜 打 啲 連環 大 鐵釘 , 要 嚟 將 啲 船隻 啊鎖 埋 一齊 。 噉 啊 全軍 將士 聽 咗 呀 哦 好 咯 好 咯 , 呢 勻 就 唔 使 嘔到 黃膽 水 都 出 晒 眼凸 凸 咯 , 個個 都 歡喜 到 不得了 。 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : 赤壁鏖兵 用 火攻 , 運籌決策 盡 相同 。 若非 龐統 連環計 , 公瑾安能 立大功 ? 龐統 見 曹操 已經 採納 咗 佢 嘅 辦法 , 佢 跟 住 又 建議 話 嘞 : 江東 嘅 人才 唔 少 , 之 大多數對 周瑜 都 係 不滿 嘅 。 我 就 憑 住 呢 三寸不爛之舌 , 為 丞相 說服 佢 哋 , 使 佢 哋 都 嚟 投降 丞相 你 。 噉 樣 呀 , 周瑜 就 變成 孤立無援 , 必定會 畀 丞相 擒獲 嘅 。 周瑜 一 失敗 , 噉 劉備 就 冇 人 幫 佢 , 就 無能 為力 啦 嘛 。 先生 , 如果 你 能夠 做得成 呢 件 事 , 我 一定 要 稟奏 皇上 , 封 先生 你 做 三公 噉 嘅 職位 啊 。 多謝 丞相 嘞 , 我 唔 係 為 咗 貪圖 富貴 , 我 只 係 為 咗 要 搭救 黎民百姓 啫 。 誒 丞相 打勝仗 過江 之後 , 請 丞相 千萬千萬 唔 好 殺害 百姓 啊 。 當然 啦 , 我 係 替天行道 , 點會話 殺害 百姓 呢 ? 龐統 又 請求 曹操 , 寫 一張 榜文 過 佢 , 要 嚟 保護 佢 嘅 鄉親 宗族 。 曹操 話 : 可以 啊 , 先生 嘅 家屬 , 而 家 喺 邊 處 住 啊 ? 就 喺 江邊 唧 , 如果 得到 丞相 呢 張榜 文 , 就 可以 保全 身家性命 嘞 。 冇 問題 嘅 , 曹操 即刻 叫 人 寫 好 一張 榜文 , 自己 親筆 簽上 個名 , 然後 交 咗 畀 龐統 。 龐統 多謝 過 曹操 啊 。 佢 又 提醒 曹操 話 喇 : 自己 一走 咗 之後 呢 , 要 從速 進兵 , 千祈 唔 好 畀 周瑜 察覺 噉 。 曹操 就 好 同意 啊 。 好 喇 , 呢 啲 就 暫時 放低 唔 講 佢 住 喇 吓 。 而家 講下 龐統 , 佢 辭別 咗 曹操 , 行到 出 嚟 江邊 正話 想落 船 。 突然 間 岸上 有 個人 啊 , 佢 身穿 道袍 頭戴 竹帽 , 喇喇聲 追到 嚟 一手 拉住 龐統 話 : 你好 大膽 啊 ! 黃 蓋 用 苦肉計 , 闞澤送 詐降 書 , 你 又 嚟 獻 連環計 呀 , 哈 , 你 哋 就 係 怕 燒 佢 唔 絕 係 嘛 ! 嘿嘿 , 你 哋 呢 一套 噉 嘅 毒手 , 呃 曹操 就 得 , 之 呃 我 就 呃 唔 過咯 ! 龐統嚇 咗 一驚 , 誒 呀 , 乜 啲 噉 說話 都 講出 嚟 㗎 。 急急 回過 頭 嚟 睇 下 係 邊個 啦 , 哦 ! 原來 係 徐庶 , 老朋友 嚟 嘅 。 噉 龐統個 心先 至定 返 , 佢 望 下 左右 都 冇 人 喇 , 佢 就 話 : 你 呀 , 如果 將我 呢 條計 講穿 咗 出 嚟 , 可憐 江南 八十一 州 嘅 百姓 , 佢 哋 條 命 呀 冚𠾴唥 都 要 畀 你 送 晒 喇 。 哈哈 , 係 咩 ? 嘿嘿嘿 , 噉 呢 度 八十三萬 人馬 嘅 性命 又 如何 啊 吓 ? 元直 , 你 真 係 想 講穿 我 呢 條計 呀 ? 哎賢兄 啊 , 劉皇叔 對 我 嘅 大德 深恩 , 我 非常感激 , 一時一刻 都 冇 忘記 。 曹操 逼死 咗 我 老母 , 我 已經 講過 , 終身 唔 為 佢 出 一個 主意 , 我 又 點會 將賢兄 你 嘅 計策 講穿 出 嚟 呢 ? 唯獨 是 我 跟隨 住 曹 軍 喺 呢 一處 , 第日 兵敗 之後 玉石不分 , 噉 呢場 大難 我 亦 走 唔 甩 嘅 噃。 賢兄 呀 , 你 教 我 一個 脫身 之術 啦 , 我 就 會合 埋 把 口 , 有 咁 遠 時匿 到 咁 遠 嘞 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 元直 你 咁 聰明 , 呢 啲 事 有 咩 嘢 咁 難 呢 ? 真 係 要賢兄 你 指教 至 得 。 於是 龐統 啊 就 喺 徐 庶 嘅 耳 仔 邊 , 如此這般 噉 講 咗 幾句 。 徐庶 立刻 眉開眼笑 歡喜 晒 , 好多 得 龐統 。 噉 龐統 同 徐庶 告別 之後 啊 , 就 落船 返去 江東 。 徐庶 啊 , 佢 當晚 就 使 自己 嘅 親信 人員 , 走 去 各個 營寨 靜靜 噉 散佈 謠言 。 第 日 , 營寨 裏頭 就 三三兩兩 , 交頭接耳 講到 含 含聲 嘞 噃 講 咩 呢 ? 啲 偵探 人員 探 清楚 , 就 去 報告 曹操 嘞 話 : 軍隊 裏頭 有 消息 , 話 西涼州 韓遂 同馬騰 作反 , 要 進攻 許都 啊 噉 。 曹操 好 驚 啊 , 即刻 召集 所有 嘅 謀士 嚟 商量 辦法 。 曹操 話 喇 : 我 帶兵 南征 , 最 擔心 嘅 就 係 韓 遂 同 馬 騰 嘞 。 而 家 喺 軍隊 裏 便 傳 嚟 傳 去 嘅 謠言 , 雖然 仲 未知 真假 , 但 係 不可不 防 啊 。 徐庶 即刻 就 建議 話 嘞 : 我 得到 丞相 錄用 咗 咁 耐 , 都 未曾 有 半點 功勞 嚟 報答 丞相 嘅 恩德 。 我 想 請 丞相 撥 三千 人馬 , 派 我 立即 趕去 散關 把守 隘口 。 如果 有 咩 緊急 軍情 , 到 時 我 再 嚟 報告 丞相 。 好極 喇 , 如果 得元直 你 去 , 我 就 唔 使 憂心 喇 。 誒 , 喺 散 關 亦 有 軍隊 喺 處 㗎 喇 , 先生 去 到 , 就 由 你 指揮 。 我而家 再 撥 三千 馬步軍 畀 你 , 由 臧霸 做 先鋒 , 立刻 出發 啦 。 遵命 ! 徐庶 辭別 咗 曹操 同埋 臧霸 帶兵 起行 嘞 。 呢 , 呢 一個 呀 , 就 係 龐統 救 徐 庶 嘅 妙計 喇 。 有 詩為 證 噃: 曹操 征南 日日 憂 , 馬 騰韓 遂 起 戈矛 。 鳳雛 一語 教 徐庶 , 正似 游魚 脫 釣鉤 。 噉 啊 曹操 自從 派 咗 徐庶 去 把守 散關 , 防禦 西涼 人馬 之後 , 個心 稍 為 安定 返 嘞 。 呢 一日 啊 , 就 係 建安 十三年 , 即 係 公元 二零 八年 , 十一月 十五日 。 曹操 首先 騎馬 去 巡視 沿江 嘅 旱 寨 , 然後 去 視察 水寨 。 曹操 坐 嘅 係 一隻 大船 , 船 上面 豎起 一面 帥旗 。 兩邊 兩便 啊 排列 住 水寨 。 喺 大 船上 , 部署 咗 一千名 弓箭手 。 曹操 高高在上 噉 坐 喺 處 。 當日 , 天色 晴朗 , 江面 上 啊 一 啲 風浪 都 冇 。 曹操 個心 好 高興 , 佢 吩咐 喺 大 船上 便 擺起 酒席 , 奏起 音樂 , 要 大會 文官 武將 啊 。 呢 個 時候 , 天 已經 黑 嘞 , 一輪 圓月 喺 東山 升起 , 銀光 皎潔 照 得 浩蕩 長江 好似 鋪 住 一條 雪白 嘅 綢緞 。 幾百名 侍從 人員 呀 , 個個 都 着 住 錦繡 衣裳 , 手上 揸 住 長 戈畫 戟 , 喺 度 護衛 。 文武 官員 , 都 按照 職位 次序 坐落 。 曹操 環顧四周 圍 , 只見 南屏山 景色 如畫 , 東便 係 柴桑 , 西便 係 夏口 , 南便 係 樊山 , 北便 係 烏林 。 噉 四圍 一望 呀 , 非常 寬闊 開朗 , 個心 真 係 有講 唔 出 咁 高興 , 就 十分 得意 噉 對 大家 講 : 我 自從 起義 兵以 嚟 , 為 國家 除 兇 去 害 , 消滅 叛逆 , 誓願 掃清 四海 , 削平 天下 。 到 而家 , 就 係 剩返 江南 仲未 收復 。 今日 , 我 有 百萬雄師 , 更 兼 得到 各位 努力 , 仲使 怕 唔 成功 咩 啊 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 誒 等到 收復 江南 之後 , 天下 無 事 , 就 同 各位 共享 富貴 , 歡慶 太平 啊 ! 哦 全體 官員 一齊 企 起身 , 向 曹操 祝賀 話 : 祝願 早 奏凱歌 , 我 哋 終身 都 係 托賴 丞相 嘅 福 蔭 啊 ! 曹操 好 歡喜 啦 , 就 叫 大家 飲酒 , 一直 飲到 半夜 啊 , 曹操 飲到 醉 昏昏 。 佢 指 住 長江 南岸 話 喇 : 周瑜 , 魯肅 啊 , 哈哈 , 你 哋 可謂 不識 天時 啊 ! 你 哋 已經 有人 投降 過 嚟 我 呢 處 , 係 你 哋 嘅 心腹大患 啊 。 你 哋 仲 糊糊塗塗 唔 知道 , 哈哈 , 真 係 天意 都 要 我 成功 㗎 ! 荀 攸 即刻 話 喇 : 丞相 呀 , 呢 啲 事 唔 好講 啊 , 萬一 洩露 咗 出去 唔 得 掂 㗎 。 呵呵 呵呵哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 在座 各位 , 同埋 喺 呢 處 侍候 嘅 人 , 都 係 我 嘅 心腹 , 講 咗 又 有 咩 所謂 呢 ? 曹操 又 指住 夏 口 嗰 便 話 喇 : 劉備 啊 諸葛亮 , 你 哋 好似 蟻 仔 噉 嘅 力 就 想 推 冧 泰山 ? 點解 蠢得 咁 交關 啊 吓 ? 吓 ? 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 各位 , 我 今年 五十四歲 喇 。 如果 呢 次 平定 咗 江南 , 我 就 可以 了 咗 一件 心願 。 當初 , 我同 喬公 係 好 朋友 。 佢 有 兩個 女 , 係 天下 少有 嘅 美 人 。 後 嚟 , 想 唔 到 畀 孫策 同 周瑜 , 一人 一個 娶 咗 去 。 我而家 , 喺 漳 水 新 新 起 咗 一座 銅雀台 。 呢 次 得 咗 江南 , 我 一定 要 娶 二喬返 嚟 , 安置 佢 哋 喺 銅 雀 台 住 , 使 我 嘅 晚年 快樂 一下 , 噉 我 , 就 於 願 足矣 咯 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 曹操 正 喺 度 有 講 有 笑 心滿意足 嘅 時候 , 忽然 聽到 有 啲 烏鴉 叫住 向 南 便 飛 咗 過去 。 曹操 就問 嘞 : 啲 烏鴉 點解 夜晚 會 叫 嘅 呢 吓 ? 左右 啲 人 就 回答 佢 話 : 丞相 啊 , 啲 烏鴉 見到 個 月 咁 光猛 , 以為 係 天光 喇 , 所以 離開 樖 樹 叫 咋 嘛 。 哦 ? 乜 噉 啊 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 當 其時 呀 , 曹操 已經 好醉 , 佢 揸 起 支 槊 , 就 係 長矛 啊 , 企 喺 船頭 。 又 攞 起 一 杯酒 , 奠 喺 條 江 處 , 跟 住 , 滿滿 噉 連飲 三杯 。 佢 打橫 揸 住 支 槊 對 住 嗰 班 官員 話 : 我 揸 住 呢 一支 槊 , 破 黃巾 , 擒 呂布 , 滅 袁術 , 收 袁紹 , 深入 塞北 , 直抵 遼東 , 縱橫天下 , 都 算 不負 大丈夫 之志 啊 ! 而家 , 對住 滿江 景色 , 我 嘅 心情 極之 慷慨 , 我要 作 一首歌 , 你 哋 一齊 嚟 和 佢 ! 於是 曹操 , 就 即興 作 咗 首歌 。 各位 , 曹操 啊 唔 淨止 係 一個 政治家 、 軍事家 , 佢 仲 係 一個 文學家 。 佢 而 家 作 呢 首歌 係 非常 之 出名 嘅 , 好 在 唔 係 點長 , 我讀 畀 各位 聽下 。 呢 首歌 係 噉 嘅 : 對酒當歌 , 人生 幾何 ; 譬如 朝露 , 去 日苦 多 。 慨當以慷 , 憂思 難忘 ; 何以 解憂 , 惟有 杜康 。 青青 子 衿 , 悠悠 我心 ; 但 為 君故 , 沉吟 至今 。 呦 呦 鹿鳴 , 食野之苹 ; 我 有 嘉賓 , 鼓瑟 吹笙 。 皎 皎 如 月 , 何時 可 輟 ? 憂 從中 來 , 不可 斷絕 ! 越 陌度 阡 , 枉用 相存 ; 契闊 談宴 , 心念 舊恩 。 月明星稀 , 烏鵲 南飛 ; 繞樹 三 匝 , 無枝 可依 。 山 不厭 高 , 水 不厭 深 ; 周公吐哺 , 天下歸心 。 曹操 吟唱 完 呀 , 大家 一齊 和 佢 , 個個 都 開懷 歡笑 啦 。 忽然間 , 有 個人 企 起身 對 曹操 話 喇 : 丞相 啊 , 當前 正 係 兩 軍 相對 之際 , 將士用命 之時 , 丞相 點解 講 啲 咁 唔 吉利 嘅 說話 。 呢 個人 係 邊個 呢 ? 佢 姓 姓 劉 名 馥 , 字元穎 , 乃 係 揚州 刺史 。 佢 係 長期以來 喺 曹操 手下 做事 , 立過 唔 少 功績 㗎 嘞 。 當時 曹操 聽 佢 噉 講 , 就 打橫 揸 住 支 槊 問 佢 話 : 我 啲 說話 , 有 乜嘢 唔 吉利 啊 ? 月明星稀 , 烏鵲 南飛 , 繞樹 三 匝 , 無枝 可依 , 呢 啲 就 係 唔 吉利 嘅 說話 啦 。 豈有此理 ! 你 掃 我 嘅 興 咁 大膽 ! 曹操 發起 火 嚟 , 手起 一 槊 , 當堂 㓤 死 咗 劉馥 。 嘩 所有 啲 官員 都 嚇到 傻 晒 咯 。 噉 嘅 氣氛 仲飲 得 落 酒 嘅 咩 , 散席 啦 。 第 日 , 曹操 酒醒 嘞 , 記起 呢 件 事 嘞 , 後悔 到極 。 劉馥有 個 仔 叫做 劉熙 , 佢 又 去 請求 曹操 准 佢 運 父親 嘅 屍體 , 返去 家鄉 安葬 。 曹操 流住 眼淚 噉 話 : 我 , 昨晚 因為 飲醉 咗 酒 , 誤殺 你 父親 , 唉 , 真 係 , 悔之莫及 喇 。 你 父親 , 誒 就 按照 三公 厚禮 葬 佢 啦 。 曹操 仲撥 咗 一隊 軍士 護送 靈柩 , 即日 就 送 返去 家鄉 安葬 。 呢 啲 就 唔 講 佢 啦 。 又過 咗 一日 , 水軍 都督 毛 玠 、 于禁 , 嚟 到 中軍帳 報告 曹操 話 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 大小 船隻 , 除 咗 交通 巡邏 用 嘅 小船 之外 , 已經 全部 用鐵 連環 鎖實 搭配 好 嘞 。 旗幟 兵器 , 同 一切 作戰 工具 , 都 準備 齊全 。 請 丞相 調遣 , 定期 進兵 ! 曹操 就 親自 去 視察 , 嘿 十分滿意 ! 當時 佢 行 上 水軍 中央 嘅 大 戰船 , 喺 將 台 坐落 , 召集 全體 將領 , 嚟 聽 佢 發佈命令 。 曹操 命令 啊 , 水陸 兩 軍 , 都 分別 用 五色旗 號 。 水軍 , 中央 由 毛 玠 、 于禁 指揮 , 用 黃旗 ; 前軍 張 郃 , 用 紅旗 ; 後軍 呂虔 , 用皂旗 , 即 係 黑旗 ; 左軍文聘 , 用 青旗 ; 右軍 呂通 , 用 白旗 。 陸軍 , 前軍 徐晃 , 用 紅旗 ; 後軍 李典 , 用皂旗 ; 左 軍樂 進 用 青旗 ; 右軍 夏侯淵 用 白旗 。 水陸 路 都 接應 使 : 夏侯惇 、 曹洪 ; 護衛 往來 監戰 使 : 許褚 、 張 遼 。 噉 啊 其餘 將領 呢 , 各歸 原來 隊伍 。 曹操 發佈 完 命令 啊 , 就 開始 操練 。 水軍 營寨 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 擂起 三通 戰鼓 , 各隊 戰船 一齊 出動 。 當日 呀 , 啲 西北風 呼呼 聲 咁 吹 , 所有 嘅 戰船 都 扯 起帆 , 衝波 踏浪 , 穩如 平地 啊 。 啲 北軍 呢 , 本來 係 怕 暈浪 唔 坐 得 船 嘅 , 呢 次 就 唔 同 晒 喇 , 個個 精神抖擻 , 耀武揚威 , 刺槍 使 刀 演習 武藝 。 前後左右 各支 隊伍 , 跟 住 旗幟 指揮 行動 一 啲 都 冇 亂 到 。 另外 仲有 五十隻 小船 , 來來往往 啊 擔任 警衛 同埋 傳達 命令 。 曹操 企 喺 將 台上 便 , 睇 住 艦隊 操練 個心 非常 滿意 , 認為 呢 次 一定 有 勝利 嘅 把握 喇 。 操練 完 嘞 , 各隊 戰船 啊 , 都 收 咗 帆 , 按照 次序 回寨 。

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話 說 啊 , 周瑜 叫 人 送 蔣幹 去 西山 , 講完 就 唔 理 咁 多行 入 裏頭 嘞 。 speak|said|ah|Zhou Yu|called|people|to send|Jiang Gan|to|West Mountain|after finishing talking|then|not|care|||enter|inside|past tense particle It is said that Zhou Yu had someone send Jiang Gan to Xishan, and after speaking, he didn't care much and just went inside. 蔣幹 就 冇 晒 修 啦 。 Jiang Gan|then|not|finished|repair|sentence final particle Jiang Gan was left without any means of escape. 噉 周瑜 嗰 幾個 侍從 啊 , 就 去 牽 咗 匹馬出 嚟 畀 蔣幹 坐 , 一直 將 佢 送到 去 西山 背後 嗰 間 茅 庵 住 落 , 仲派 咗 兩個 兵 嚟 服侍 佢 添 。 then|Zhou Yu|that|few|attendants|ah|then|go|lead|past tense marker||come|for|Jiang Gan|ride|continuously|take|him|sent to|to|West Mountain|behind|that|measure word for buildings|||live|down||past tense marker|two|soldiers|come|serve|him|also So Zhou Yu's few attendants went to bring out a horse for Jiang Gan to ride, and they took him to a thatched hut behind Xishan to stay, even assigning two soldiers to serve him. 蔣幹個 心梗 係 又 愁 又 悶定 啦 囉 囉 攣 , 都 唔 知 幾 辛苦 先至 捱到 夜晚 。 |heart attack|is|both|worried|also||final particle|final particle|final particle|cramp|all|not|know|how|hard|only then|endure until|night Jiang Gan's heart was filled with both worry and boredom, and he didn't know how difficult it was to endure until nightfall. 食 又 唔 想 食 , 想 瞓覺 又 冇 咁 早 喎 。 eat|again|not|want|eat|want|sleep|again|not have|that|early|particle indicating realization He didn't want to eat, and he couldn't sleep so early. 吖 , 見到 外便 滿天星斗 , 佢 話 一個 人 出去 行下 散 下心 啦 噉 。 ah|saw|outside|starry sky|he|said|one|person|go out|walk a bit|||particle|like that Ah, seeing the sky full of stars, he said that a person should go out for a walk to relax. 行到 茅庵 後 便 , 咦 ? 聽見 傳 嚟 一句句 讀書聲 噃。 walk to|Maotan|behind|then|eh|heard|coming|here|one by one|reading voices|particle indicating realization When he walked to the back of the temple, he heard the sound of someone reading. 橫掂都 冇 事 喇 , 就 跟 住 書聲 , 順腳 去 搵 下 嘞 喎 。 no problem|have|issue|already|then|||sound of reading|casually|go|find|down|particle indicating action|particle indicating suggestion It doesn't matter, so he followed the sound of reading and went to check it out. 行到 山邊 , 見到 有 幾間 草屋 , 窗口 射 出 燈光 。 walked to|the mountain side|saw|there are|a few|straw houses|window|||light When he reached the edge of the mountain, he saw a few thatched houses with light shining from the windows. 蔣幹行 埋 窗口 裝 下 , 見到 有 個人 啊 坐 喺 燈 前 , 朗讀 緊孫 、 吳 兵書 。 Jiang Ganxing|to close|window|to install|down|saw|there is|a person|ah|sitting|at|light|in front of|reading aloud||Wu|military book Jiang Gan approached the window and saw a person sitting in front of the light, reading the Sun and Wu military books aloud. 牆壁 上 便 掛住 一把 寶劍 。 wall|on|then|hanging|one (measure word for swords)|sword On the wall hung a sword. 蔣幹 諗 嘞 : 嗯 , 睇 嚟 呢 個人 係 有 啲 來歷 喎 。 Jiang Gan|think|past tense marker|hmm|look|come|this|person|is|have|a little|background|sentence-final particle Jiang Gan thought: Hmm, it seems this person has some background. 於是 蔣幹 就 行到 門口 拍門 嘞 。 then|Jiang Gan|then|walked to|the door|knocked on the door|past tense particle So Jiang Gan walked to the door and knocked. 嗰 個人 開門 行出 嚟 , 只見 佢 儀表 不俗 啊 。 that|person|opened the door|walked out|here|only saw|he|appearance|not bad|ah The person opened the door and came out, and he looked quite impressive. 蔣幹 就問 嘞 : 請問 先生 高姓大名 啊 ? Jiang Gan||particle indicating a question|may I ask|sir|your honorable surname and full name|ah Jiang Gan then asked: May I ask your esteemed name, sir? 我姓 龐名統 , 字士元 。 My surname is Pang, and my name is Tong, courtesy name Shiyuan. 哦 ! 誒 莫非 鳳雛 先生 係 嘛 ? oh|eh|could it be|Fengchu|Mr|is|question particle Oh! Could it be that Mr. Fengchou is here? 係 啊 。 Yes. 素仰 素仰 , 誒 誒 係 喇 , 先生 為 咩 嘢 事 隱居 喺 呢 啲 咁 偏僻 嘅 地方 嚟 呢 嚱? I apologize||eh||is|particle indicating completed action|sir|for|what|thing|matter|living in seclusion|in|this|plural marker|so|remote|possessive particle|place|come|this|particle indicating question I admire you, I admire you. By the way, why are you living in such a remote place? 嘿 ! 周瑜 恃 住 自己 本事 , 唔 能夠 容得 人落 , 故此 我 就 喺 呢 度 隱居 唧 。 hey|Zhou Yu|relying|on|himself|abilities|not|able to|allow||therefore|I|just|at|this|place|live in seclusion|sigh Hey! Zhou Yu relies on his own abilities and cannot tolerate others, so I am hiding here. 先生 你 係 邊個 啊 ? sir|you|are|who|question particle Sir, who are you? 我 就 係 蔣幹 啊 。 I|just|am|Jiang Gan|ah I am Jiang Gan. 哦 , 原來 係 蔣先生 , 失敬 失敬 。 oh|originally|is|Mr Jiang|disrespectful|disrespectful Oh, so it's Mr. Jiang, my apologies. 豈敢 ,嚱 豈敢 。 how dare (I)|to speak (in a certain manner)|how dare (I) I dare not, I dare not. 蔣先生 請入 嚟 坐 。 Mr Cheung|||sit Mr. Jiang, please come in and have a seat. 好 , 我 正 係 想 嚟 拜訪 你 。 good|I|just|am|want|to come|visit|you Good, I was just thinking of visiting you. 請 。 please Please. 龐統 請 蔣幹入 到 草屋 坐落 , 大家 傾下 偈 啦 。 Pang Tong|please||to|straw hut|located|everyone|have a chat|conversation|particle Pang Tong invited Jiang Gan into the thatched cottage to have a chat. 蔣幹話 喇 : 以 先生 你 噉 嘅 本事 , 何往 而 不利 吖 。 Jiang Gan said|particle indicating a completed action|with|sir|you|like that|possessive particle|ability|where to|and|not advantageous|particle indicating a question or emphasis Jiang Gan said: With your abilities, sir, where would you not succeed? 如果 先生 你 肯為 曹丞相 做事 呀 , 我 可以 推薦 你 啊 。 if|sir|you|are willing to work for|Prime Minister Cao|do work|particle indicating suggestion|I|can|recommend|you|particle indicating affirmation If you are willing to work for Prime Minister Cao, I can recommend you. 我 亦 都 想 離開 江東 好耐 㗎 喇 , 蔣先生 你 既然 應承 推薦 我 畀 曹丞相 , 噉 就 不如 即刻 走 啦 。 I|also|already|want|leave|Jiangdong|long time|particle|particle||you|since|promised|recommend|me|to||then|just|might as well|immediately|go|particle I also want to leave Jiangdong for a long time now. Mr. Jiang, since you have promised to recommend me to Prime Minister Cao, then let's just leave immediately. 事關 一遲親 呢 , 畀 周瑜 知道 咗 , 佢 就 實 會 嚟 害 我 嘅 。 regarding|a slight delay|this|by|Zhou Yu|to know|past tense marker|he|then|really|will|come|harm|me|possessive particle The thing is, if I delay, and Zhou Yu finds out, he will really come to harm me. 冇 錯 喇 冇 錯 喇 , 我 哋 快 啲 走 啦 。 not|wrong|particle indicating completed action||||I|we|quickly|a little|leave|particle indicating suggestion That's right, that's right, let's hurry and leave. 於是 龐統 啊 就 同 蔣幹 漏夜 落山 。 then|Pang Tong|ah|then|together|Jiang Gan|in the night|descended the mountain So, Pang Tong and Jiang Gan sneaked down the mountain at night. 噉 啊 派 嚟 服侍 蔣 幹 嗰 兩個 兵丁 呢 , 亦 不聞不問 冇 理 咁 多 喎 。 like this|ah|send|come|serve|Jiang|Gan|that|two|soldiers|question particle|also||not|care|so|many|particle indicating realization As for the two soldiers sent to serve Jiang Gan, they also turned a blind eye and didn't care much. 佢 哋 兩個 步步 尺七 就 行到 去 江邊 。 they|plural marker|two|step by step|17 meters|then|walk to|to|riverside The two of them walked step by step to the riverbank. 蔣幹 搵 到 原來 坐 嚟 嗰 隻 船 , 就 招呼 龐 統一 齊 上船 , 解纜 開身 , 飛 咁 快 棹 去 江北 嘞 。 Jiang Gan|find|arrived|originally|sitting|come|that|measure word for boats|boat|then|called|Pang|Tong Yi|together|board the boat|untie the rope|set off|fast|so|quickly|row|go|Jiangbei|past tense particle Jiang Gan found out that the boat they were sitting on was ready, so he called Pang Tong to board the ship together, untied the ropes, and quickly rowed towards the north of the river. 呢 次 過江 , 雖然 見 唔 到 蔡中 、 蔡 和 , 亦 探聽 唔 到 咩 嘢 消息 , 誒 但 係 請到 一位 大名鼎鼎 嘅 鳳 雛 先生 返 嚟 喎 噉 啊 當然 十分 得意 啦 。 this|time|crossing the river|although|see|not|arrive|Choi Chung|||also|inquire|not|arrive|what|thing|news|ah|||invited|one|very famous|possessive particle|||Mr|return|come|particle indicating realization|like that|ah|of course|very|pleased|particle indicating completion This time crossing the river, although they couldn't see Cai Zhong or Cai He, and couldn't gather any news, they managed to invite a well-known figure, Mr. Feng Chao, back, which was certainly very delightful. 所以 蔣幹 一返 到 曹操 營寨 啊 , 就 即刻 入去 報告 曹操 先 嘞 。 so|Jiang Gan||to|Cao Cao|camp|ah|then|immediately|went in|reported|Cao Cao|first|past tense particle So as soon as Jiang Gan returned to Cao Cao's camp, he immediately went in to report to Cao Cao. 曹操 聽講 鳳雛 先生 嚟 到 唄 , 嘩 歡喜 到 不得了 啦 , 親自 出 到 中軍帳 外便 迎接 。 Cao Cao|heard|Fengchu|sir|come|arrive|particle indicating suggestion|wow|happy|to|extremely|particle indicating completion|personally|go out|to|||welcome When Cao Cao heard that Mr. Feng Chao had arrived, he was overjoyed and personally went out to the central army tent to welcome him. 請 咗 龐統入 帳 , 分 賓主 坐落 , 互相 講過 幾句 客氣 說話 之後 , 曹操 就 話 嘞 : please|past tense marker||tent|divide|guests and hosts|seated|mutually|talked|a few|polite|words|after|Cao Cao|then|said|past tense marker After inviting Pang Tong in, and after the host and guest sat down and exchanged a few polite words, Cao Cao said: 周瑜 年紀輕輕 , 恃 住 自己 有 本事 , 睇 唔 起 旁人 , 亦 唔 肯 聽 人 哋 嘅 好 意見 , 哼哼 。 Zhou Yu||||himself|has|ability||not|||||willing|to listen|||possessive particle|good|advice|humph Zhou Yu is young and relies on his own abilities, looking down on others and unwilling to listen to good advice from people, hmph. 誒 我 早就 聽講 先生 你 嘅 大名 喇 , 今日 得 你 嚟 到 真 係 高興 , 希望 先生 多多指教 ! eh|I|long ago|heard|sir|you|possessive particle|full name|sentence-final particle|today|only|you|come|here|really|is|happy|hope|sir| Ah, I have long heard of your great name, sir. I am truly happy to see you today, and I hope you will give me much guidance! 龐統 就 話 喇 : 我 一向 聽講 丞相 用兵 非常 得 法 , 好 希望 能夠 參觀 下 軍隊 嘅 陣容 啊 。 Pang Tong|then|said|particle indicating completed action|I|always|heard|Prime Minister|military strategy|very|||very|hope|can|observe|next|army|possessive particle|formation|particle indicating exclamation Pang Tong then said: I have always heard that the Prime Minister is very skilled in military affairs, and I hope to be able to observe the formation of your army. 曹操 畀 龐統 噉 樣 一 讚 呀 , 嘿嘿 , 噘 晒 , 誒 得 得 得 。 Cao Cao|give|Pang Tong|like|manner|one|praise|particle|hehe|pout|completely|eh||| Cao Cao, after receiving such praise from Pang Tong, chuckled and said, 'Alright, alright, alright.' 即刻 吩咐 啲 人備 馬 , 首先 請 龐統 去 參觀 旱寨 。 immediately|instructed|plural marker||horses|first|please|Pang Tong|to go|visit|dry fort Immediately instruct the people to prepare the horses, first please invite Pang Tong to visit the dry fort. 龐統 同 曹操 騎住 馬 , 一拍 噉 行上 高 嘅 地方 瞭望 觀察 。 Pang Tong|with|Cao Cao|riding|horse|suddenly|like this|walked up|high|possessive particle|place|lookout|observation Pang Tong and Cao Cao rode on horses, and they went up to a high place to observe. 睇 咗 一輪 , 龐統 就 話 嘞 : read|past tense marker|a round|Pang Tong|then|said|past action marker After looking around, Pang Tong said: 啲 營寨 挨住 山腳 傍住 樹林 , 前後 有 聯繫 照應 , 出入 有門 , 進退 曲折 , 啊 好 極喇好 極喇 。 plural marker|camp|next to|foot of the mountain|near|forest|front and back|have|connection|mutual support|entry and exit||advance and retreat|winding|ah|very||extreme The camps are located at the foot of the mountain next to the forest, with connections in the front and back, there are gates for entry and exit, and the paths are winding, it's really excellent, really excellent. 就算 係 孫武 、 吳起 復生 , 亦 不過如此 啫 。 even if|is|Sun Tzu|Wu Qi|resurrected|also||only Even if Sun Wu and Wu Qi were to be reborn, it would be no different. 啊 先生 , 你 唔 好 過份 誇獎 我 , 仲 係 望 你 多多指教 啊 。 ah|sir|you|||excessively|praise|me|||hope|you||ah Ah, sir, please don't overly praise me, I still look forward to your guidance. 曹操 啊 真 係 鐘意 戴高帽 㗎 吓 。 Cao Cao|ah|really|is|likes|to put a high hat on (to humiliate)|particle|huh Cao Cao really loves to flatter, huh. 跟 住 曹操 又 帶 龐統 去 參觀 水寨 。 ||Cao Cao|also|bring|Pang Tong|to go|visit|water fortress Then Cao Cao took Pang Tong to visit the water fortress. 只見 嗰 個 水寨 呀 , 向 南開 咗 二十四 道門 , 都 係 用 啲 大號 嘅 戰艦 啊 排列 喺 外圍 , 就 好似 一座 城池 噉 嘅 。 only saw|that|measure word for buildings|water fortress|particle indicating exclamation|towards||past tense marker|twenty-four|gates|all|are|using|plural marker|large|possessive particle|battleships|particle indicating exclamation|arranged|at|outside|then|like|a measure word for buildings|city|like|particle indicating possession I saw that the water fortress had twenty-four gates opening to the south, all arranged with large warships on the outside, looking just like a city. 當中 停泊 住 啲 小船 , 水寨 裏頭 , 來往 交通 , 整整 有條 。 in the middle|moored|residing|plural marker|small boats|water village|inside|coming and going|traffic|completely|has a road Inside, there were small boats docked, and the traffic within the water fortress was quite organized. 龐統 睇 咗 就 笑 住 話 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 丞相 你 噉 樣用 兵法 , 真 係 名不虛傳 啊 ! Pang Tong|see|past tense marker|then|||said|sentence-final particle|hahaha|ha|Prime Minister|you|like||military strategy|really|is|reputation well-deserved|ah Pang Tong looked at it and laughed, saying: Hahaha, haha, Prime Minister, your use of military strategy is truly well-deserved! 佢 一 便 講 , 一便 又 用 手 啊 指住 長江 南岸 話 喇 : he|one|time|said|at that time|also|used|hand|ah|pointing at|Yangtze River|south bank|said|particle indicating completed action He spoke while pointing with his hand at the southern bank of the Yangtze River, saying: 周郎 啊 周郎 , 你 就 快 滅亡 喇 ! Zhou Lang|ah||you|then|quickly|perish|particle indicating completed action Zhou Lang, oh Zhou Lang, you are about to perish! 曹操 聽 咗 就 梗 係 歡喜 啦 。 Cao Cao|hear|past tense marker|then|||happy|sentence-final particle Cao Cao, upon hearing this, was certainly delighted. 佢 同 龐 統 返 去 營寨 , 喺 中軍帳 大排 筵席 , 請 龐統 飲酒 。 He|with|Pang|Tong|return|to|camp|at||grandly set up|banquet|invited|Pang Tong|to drink wine He returned to the camp with Pang Tong, and held a grand banquet in the central army tent, inviting Pang Tong to drink. 噉 啊 一字 飲 一字 談論 行軍 打仗 嘅 事 。 like this|ah|one word|drink|one word|discuss|march|fight|possessive particle|matter So, let's talk about the matters of drinking, discussing, marching, and fighting. 龐統 呀 高談闊論 對答如流 , 曹操 對 佢 十分 佩服 , 招待 得 呀 更加 殷勤 嘞 。 Pang Tong|particle indicating exclamation|eloquent and expansive discussion|quick and fluent responses|Cao Cao|towards|he|very|admires|hospitality|particle indicating completion|particle indicating exclamation|even more|attentive|particle indicating past action Pang Tong was eloquent and quick-witted, and Cao Cao admired him greatly, treating him with even more courtesy. 飲到 咁 上下 , 龐統 啊 裝成 飲 醉酒 噉 啊問 曹操 : drinking|so|up and down|Pang Tong|particle|pretending to be|drinking|drunk|like that||Cao Cao After drinking to that extent, Pang Tong pretended to be drunk and asked Cao Cao: 丞相 , 請問 , 你 喺 軍隊 裏頭 有 冇 好 嘅 醫生 啊 ? Prime Minister|may I ask|you|in|army|inside|have|not have|good|possessive particle|doctor|question particle Prime Minister, may I ask, do you have any good doctors in your army? 要 醫生 嚟 有 乜嘢 用 呢 ? need|doctor|come|have|what|use|question particle What do you need a doctor for? 啲 水軍 好多 人 生病 啊 , 要 搵 啲 好 醫生 嚟 醫 佢 哋 至 得 呀 。 some|navy|many|people|sick|ah|need|find|some|good|doctors|come|treat|they|them|only|okay|particle Many people in the navy are sick, we need to find good doctors to treat them. 嘩 呢 句 說話 , 講正 曹操 嘅 心事 喎 。 wow|this|sentence|speech|speaking correctly|Cao Cao|possessive particle|worries|sentence-final particle Wow, this sentence speaks to Cao Cao's inner thoughts. 事關 曹 軍 大多數 係 北方 人 , 不服水土 , 好多 人 呀 都 得到 咗 嘔吐 嘅 病 , 亦 病死 咗 唔 少人添 。 concerning|Cao|army|majority|are|northern|people|not acclimated|many|people|particle|all|contracted|past tense marker|vomiting|possessive particle|illness|also|died from illness|past tense marker|not| The majority of Cao's army are from the north, not acclimated to the environment, many of them have fallen ill with vomiting sickness, and quite a few have died. 曹操 為 咗 呢 件 事 正 喺 度 憂慮 到 不得了 。 Cao Cao|for|past tense marker|this|measure word|matter|currently|at|location particle|worried|to|extremely Cao Cao is extremely worried about this matter. 而家 一 聽 龐統 噉 樣 講法 啊 , 有話 唔 追問 嘅 咩 ? now|one|hear|Pang Tong|like|appearance|way of speaking|ah||not|asking further|possessive particle|question particle Now, hearing Pang Tong speak like this, is there something that shouldn't be questioned? 跟 住 龐統 又 話 嘞 : 丞相 , 你 訓練 水軍 嘅 方法 就 極之好 咯 , 但 係 , 可惜 仲有 不足 嘅 地方 噃。 ||Pang Tong|again|said|past tense marker|Prime Minister|you|training|navy|possessive particle|method|then||sentence-final particle|||unfortunately|still have|insufficient|possessive particle|areas|sentence-final particle Then Pang Tong said: Prime Minister, your method of training the navy is extremely good, but unfortunately, there are still some shortcomings. 嗯 係 啊 係 啊 。 曹操 就 猛 咁 追問 嘞 。 hmm|yes|particle|||Cao Cao|then|fiercely|so|pressed for questions|past action particle Hmm, yes, yes. Cao Cao then pressed on. 龐統 話 : 我 有 一個 辦法 , 可以 使到 大小 水軍 呀 個個 都 冇 病 冇 痛 安穩 成功 嘅 。 Pang Tong|said|I|have|one|method|can|make|large and small|navy|particle|everyone|all|without|illness|without|pain|safe|successful|particle Pang Tong said: I have a method that can ensure that both large and small navies are free from illness and pain, stable and successful. 啊 噉 就 好極 喇 , 好極 喇 , 請問 先生 有 咩 嘢 好 嘅 辦法 呢 ? ah|like this|then|very good|particle indicating completed action|||may I ask|sir|has|what|thing|good|possessive particle|solution|question particle Ah, that sounds great! May I ask what good method you have, sir? 嗱, 喺 大江 之中 , 潮漲潮落 , 風浪 不息 。 well|in|the great river|within|tides rise and fall|wind and waves|never cease Well, in the middle of the great river, the tides rise and fall, and the winds and waves are unceasing. 北方 嘅 兵 唔 習慣 坐船 啊 , 喺 啲 風浪 處 拋得 幾 拋就會 生病 咯 。 northern|possessive particle|soldiers|not|used to|traveling by boat|sentence-final particle|at|plural marker|wind and waves|place|throw|how much||get sick|sentence-final particle The soldiers from the north are not used to taking boats. If they are tossed around in the wind and waves, they will get sick. 冇 錯 , 冇 錯 ! no|wrong|| That's right, that's right! 如果 將 大船 細船 都 搭配 起 嚟 , 或者 三十隻 一排 , 或者 五十隻 一排 , 一頭 一尾 用 鐵環 鎖埋 一齊 , 上 便 用 啲 闊 闊 嘅 木板 鋪 起 嚟 。 if|to arrange|large boat|small boat|both|to match|together|come|or|thirty (boats)|in a row||fifty (boats)|in a row|one end|the other end|using|iron rings|locked|together|on top|then|using|some|||possessive particle|wooden planks|laid|up|come If we can combine large and small boats together, maybe thirty boats in a row, or fifty boats in a row, with iron rings locking them together at both ends, and then use wide wooden planks to cover the top. 噉 就 莫 講話 人行 啊 , 就算 係 馬 都 能夠 行得 啊 。 like this|then|don't|talk|people walk|particle|even if|is|horse|also|able to|walk|particle Then, not to mention people walking, even horses would be able to walk on it. 坐住 噉 樣 嘅 船 , 任 佢 風浪 潮水 幾 咁 大都 好 , 一 啲 都 唔 使 怕 啦 嘛 丞相 。 sit down|like this|appearance|possessive particle|boat|let|it|wind and waves|tide|how|so||good|one|a little|all|not|need|fear|final particle|final particle|prime minister Sitting on a boat like this, no matter how big the wind and waves are, it's all good. There's nothing to be afraid of, right, Prime Minister? 曹操 立即 離開 座位 , 行出 嚟 感謝 龐統 話 : Cao Cao|immediately|leave|seat|walk out|here|thank|Pang Tong|said Cao Cao immediately left his seat and came out to thank Pang Tong, saying: 哎呀呀 先生 啊 先生 , 如果 唔 係 先生 你 諗 出 呢 個 咁 好 嘅 辦法 , 我點 能夠 擊破 東吳 啊 ! oh no|sir|ah|sir|||||you|||this|classifier for things|so|good|possessive particle|method||able to|defeat|Eastern Wu|ah "Oh dear, sir! If it weren't for your brilliant idea, how could I possibly defeat Eastern Wu?" 嘿 ! 好 啊 ! hey|| "Hey! Great!" 豈敢 , 豈敢 , 我 先頭 講呢 個 辦法 , 都 唔 知道 得 唔 得 㗎 , 請 丞相 自己 決斷 啦 。 how dare (I)||I|first||measure word|method|all|not|know|succeed|not|succeed|question particle|please|Prime Minister|oneself|decide|final particle "I dare not take credit. I only suggested this method, and I wasn't sure if it would work. Please let the Prime Minister decide for himself." 曹操 立即 下 命令 , 叫 軍隊 裏頭 嘅 鐵匠 , 漏夜 打 啲 連環 大 鐵釘 , 要 嚟 將 啲 船隻 啊鎖 埋 一齊 。 Cao Cao|immediately|issue|order|call|army|inside|possessive particle|blacksmith|overnight|forge|plural marker|linked|large|iron nails|need|to come|to secure|plural marker|ships|locked|together|together Cao Cao immediately gave orders to the blacksmiths in the army to work overnight to forge some large iron nails to lock the ships together. 噉 啊 全軍 將士 聽 咗 呀 哦 好 咯 好 咯 , 呢 勻 就 唔 使 嘔到 黃膽 水 都 出 晒 眼凸 凸 咯 , 個個 都 歡喜 到 不得了 。 like this|ah|entire army|soldiers|heard|past tense marker|ah|oh|good|particle indicating realization|good|particle indicating realization|this|matter|then|not|need|vomit until|bile|water|all|come out|completely|bulging eyes|bulging|particle indicating realization|everyone|all|happy|to|extremely So, all the soldiers have heard it, oh good, good, this time we don't have to vomit until bile comes out and our eyes bulge, everyone is extremely happy. 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : this|has||ah Now, there is a poem to prove it: 赤壁鏖兵 用 火攻 , 運籌決策 盡 相同 。 若非 龐統 連環計 , 公瑾安能 立大功 ? the Battle of Red Cliffs|using|fire attack|strategy and decision-making|all|the same|if not for|Pang Tong|chain strategy|| In the battle of Red Cliffs, using fire attacks, the strategies and decisions are all the same. If it weren't for Pang Tong's chain strategy, how could Gong Jin achieve great merit? 龐統 見 曹操 已經 採納 咗 佢 嘅 辦法 , 佢 跟 住 又 建議 話 嘞 : Pang Tong|saw|Cao Cao|already|adopted|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|method|he|||again|suggested|saying|past action marker Pang Tong saw that Cao Cao had already adopted his method, and he then suggested: 江東 嘅 人才 唔 少 , 之 大多數對 周瑜 都 係 不滿 嘅 。 Jiangdong|possessive particle|talent|not|few|possessive particle||Zhou Yu|all|is|dissatisfied|particle indicating past action There are many talents in Jiangdong, and most of them are dissatisfied with Zhou Yu. 我 就 憑 住 呢 三寸不爛之舌 , 為 丞相 說服 佢 哋 , 使 佢 哋 都 嚟 投降 丞相 你 。 I|just|||this|three-inch tongue|for|Prime Minister|to persuade|he|them|to make|them|they|all|come|surrender|Prime Minister|you I will use my silver tongue to persuade them for the Prime Minister, so that they all come to surrender to you, Prime Minister. 噉 樣 呀 , 周瑜 就 變成 孤立無援 , 必定會 畀 丞相 擒獲 嘅 。 like this|appearance|question particle|Zhou Yu|then|becomes|isolated and without support||by|Prime Minister|captured|particle indicating past action In this way, Zhou Yu will become isolated and helpless, and will definitely be captured by the Prime Minister. 周瑜 一 失敗 , 噉 劉備 就 冇 人 幫 佢 , 就 無能 為力 啦 嘛 。 Zhou Yu|one|failure|then|Liu Bei|then|has no|one|help|him|then|||sentence final particle|question particle Once Zhou Yu fails, Liu Bei will have no one to help him and will be powerless. 先生 , 如果 你 能夠 做得成 呢 件 事 , 我 一定 要 稟奏 皇上 , 封 先生 你 做 三公 噉 嘅 職位 啊 。 sir|if|you|are able to|accomplish|this|measure word for events|matter|I|definitely|will|report to|the emperor|confer|sir|you|hold|three high officials|like that|possessive particle|position|final particle Sir, if you can accomplish this task, I will definitely report to the Emperor and recommend you for a position as a Grand Minister. 多謝 丞相 嘞 , 我 唔 係 為 咗 貪圖 富貴 , 我 只 係 為 咗 要 搭救 黎民百姓 啫 。 thank you|Prime Minister|past tense marker|I|not|am|for|past tense marker|seeking|wealth and power|I|only|am|for|past tense marker|to|save|common people|only Thank you, Prime Minister, but I am not seeking wealth and power; I only want to save the common people. 誒 丞相 打勝仗 過江 之後 , 請 丞相 千萬千萬 唔 好 殺害 百姓 啊 。 hey|Prime Minister|wins the battle|crosses the river|after|please||absolutely|||kill|common people|ah Hey, Prime Minister, after winning the battle and crossing the river, please, Prime Minister, absolutely do not harm the common people. 當然 啦 , 我 係 替天行道 , 點會話 殺害 百姓 呢 ? of course|particle|I|am|act on behalf of heaven|how could it be said|to kill|common people|question particle Of course! I am acting on behalf of heaven, how could I harm the common people? 龐統 又 請求 曹操 , 寫 一張 榜文 過 佢 , 要 嚟 保護 佢 嘅 鄉親 宗族 。 Pang Tong|again|requested|Cao Cao|write|a|notice|to pass|him|in order to|come|protect|his|possessive particle|fellow villagers|clan Pang Tong also requested Cao Cao to write a proclamation for him, to protect his fellow villagers and clan. 曹操 話 : 可以 啊 , 先生 嘅 家屬 , 而 家 喺 邊 處 住 啊 ? Cao Cao|said|can|particle|sir|possessive particle|family|and|home|at|where|place|live|particle Cao Cao said: "Sure, where does your family live?" 就 喺 江邊 唧 , 如果 得到 丞相 呢 張榜 文 , 就 可以 保全 身家性命 嘞 。 then|at|riverside|to spit|if|obtain|prime minister|this|||then|can|protect|life and property|past action particle They live by the river, and if they receive this proclamation from the Prime Minister, they can ensure their safety and lives. 冇 問題 嘅 , 曹操 即刻 叫 人 寫 好 一張 榜文 , 自己 親筆 簽上 個名 , 然後 交 咗 畀 龐統 。 no|problem|possessive particle|Cao Cao|immediately|ordered|people|write|good||notice|himself|personally|signed||then|handed|past tense marker|to|Pang Tong No problem, Cao Cao immediately asked someone to write a notice, personally signed it, and then handed it over to Pang Tong. 龐統 多謝 過 曹操 啊 。 Pang Tong|thank you|surpass|Cao Cao|ah Pang Tong thanked Cao Cao. 佢 又 提醒 曹操 話 喇 : 自己 一走 咗 之後 呢 , 要 從速 進兵 , 千祈 唔 好 畀 周瑜 察覺 噉 。 he|again|reminded|Cao Cao|said|particle|himself|once he leaves|past tense marker|after|particle|must|quickly|advance troops|absolutely|||let|Zhou Yu|notice|like that He also reminded Cao Cao: after he leaves, he needs to advance quickly, and must not let Zhou Yu notice. 曹操 就 好 同意 啊 。 Cao Cao|then|very|agree|ah Cao Cao agreed very much. 好 喇 , 呢 啲 就 暫時 放低 唔 講 佢 住 喇 吓 。 good|particle indicating completed action|||then|temporarily|put down|not|talk about|he/she|currently|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating surprise or hesitation Alright, let's temporarily set these aside and not talk about them for now. 而家 講下 龐統 , 佢 辭別 咗 曹操 , 行到 出 嚟 江邊 正話 想落 船 。 now|let's talk about|Pang Tong|he|bid farewell|past tense marker|Cao Cao|walked until|out|come|riverside|||boat Now let's talk about Pang Tong. He said goodbye to Cao Cao and was heading to the riverside, just thinking about getting on a boat. 突然 間 岸上 有 個人 啊 , 佢 身穿 道袍 頭戴 竹帽 , 喇喇聲 追到 嚟 一手 拉住 龐統 話 : suddenly|moment|on the shore|there is|a person|ah|he|wearing|Daoist robe|wearing on his head|bamboo hat|with a loud noise|chased over|here|with one hand|grabbing|Pang Tong|said Suddenly, there was a person on the shore, wearing a Taoist robe and a bamboo hat, who rushed over and grabbed Pang Tong, saying: 你好 大膽 啊 ! 黃 蓋 用 苦肉計 , 闞澤送 詐降 書 , 你 又 嚟 獻 連環計 呀 , 哈 , 你 哋 就 係 怕 燒 佢 唔 絕 係 嘛 ! hello|bold|ah|Huang|Gai|use|self-injury tactic||false surrender|letter|you|again|come|present|series of tricks|particle|ha|you|plural marker|just|are|afraid|burn|him|not|completely|is|particle "You are very bold! Huang Gai used a trick of self-harm, and Gan Ze sent a false surrender letter. You are here to offer a series of tricks, huh, you guys are just afraid that he won't be completely burned, right?" 嘿嘿 , 你 哋 呢 一套 噉 嘅 毒手 , 呃 曹操 就 得 , 之 呃 我 就 呃 唔 過咯 ! hee hee|||this|set|like this|possessive particle|deadly skill|to deceive|Cao Cao|then|okay|particle indicating contrast|to deceive|I|then|to deceive|not|able to pass Hehe, you guys have this kind of poison hand, just to trick Cao Cao, but you can't trick me!" 龐統嚇 咗 一驚 , 誒 呀 , 乜 啲 噉 說話 都 講出 嚟 㗎 。 |past tense marker|a fright|eh|ah|what|plural marker|like that|words|all|said|out|sentence-final particle Pang Tong was startled, saying, "Eh, how come you can say such things?" 急急 回過 頭 嚟 睇 下 係 邊個 啦 , 哦 ! 原來 係 徐庶 , 老朋友 嚟 嘅 。 quickly|turn back|head|come|see|down|is|who|particle|oh|originally|is|Xu Shu||come|particle Quickly turn around and see who it is! Oh! It turns out to be Xu Shu, an old friend. 噉 龐統個 心先 至定 返 , 佢 望 下 左右 都 冇 人 喇 , 佢 就 話 : then||||return|he|look|down|left and right|all|no|people|sentence-final particle|he|then|said Then Pang Tong's heart finally calmed down. He looked around and saw no one, and said: 你 呀 , 如果 將我 呢 條計 講穿 咗 出 嚟 , 可憐 江南 八十一 州 嘅 百姓 , 佢 哋 條 命 呀 冚𠾴唥 都 要 畀 你 送 晒 喇 。 you|question particle|if||this||to reveal|past tense marker|out|come|pitiful|Jiangnan|eighty-one|states|possessive particle|common people|they|plural marker|measure word for long objects|life|exclamatory particle|all|all|must|to be given|you|to send|completely|completed action particle You, if you expose my plan, the poor people of the eighty-one states in Jiangnan, their lives will all be in your hands. 哈哈 , 係 咩 ? haha|is|what Haha, really? 嘿嘿嘿 , 噉 呢 度 八十三萬 人馬 嘅 性命 又 如何 啊 吓 ? hehehe|then|this|place|830000|people and horses|possessive particle|lives|again|how|ah|huh Hehehe, then what about the lives of the eight hundred thirty thousand troops here? 元直 , 你 真 係 想 講穿 我 呢 條計 呀 ? Yuen Chik|you|really|are|want|to explain clearly|me|this||question particle Yuan Zhi, do you really want to expose my plan? 哎賢兄 啊 , 劉皇叔 對 我 嘅 大德 深恩 , 我 非常感激 , 一時一刻 都 冇 忘記 。 ah wise brother|ah|Uncle Liu|towards|me|possessive particle|great virtue|deep kindness|I||every moment|all|not|forgotten Ah, Brother Xian, Liu Huangshu's great kindness towards me is something I am very grateful for, and I have never forgotten it for a moment. 曹操 逼死 咗 我 老母 , 我 已經 講過 , 終身 唔 為 佢 出 一個 主意 , 我 又 點會 將賢兄 你 嘅 計策 講穿 出 嚟 呢 ? Cao Cao|forced to death|past tense marker|I|mother|I|already|said|lifetime|not|for|him|give|one|idea|I|again|how could||you|possessive particle|strategy|reveal|out|come|question particle Cao Cao forced my mother to her death, and I have already said that I will never offer him a single idea for the rest of my life. How could I possibly reveal your strategy, Brother Xian? 唯獨 是 我 跟隨 住 曹 軍 喺 呢 一處 , 第日 兵敗 之後 玉石不分 , 噉 呢場 大難 我 亦 走 唔 甩 嘅 噃。 only|is|I|follow|live|Cao|army|at|this|place|one day|defeat|after|no distinction between good and bad|then|this|great disaster|I|also|escape|not|get away|particle indicating possession|particle indicating assertion The only thing is that I am following Cao's army here, and after the defeat, when everything is lost, I won't be able to escape this great disaster either. 賢兄 呀 , 你 教 我 一個 脫身 之術 啦 , 我 就 會合 埋 把 口 , 有 咁 遠 時匿 到 咁 遠 嘞 。 wise brother|particle|you|teach|me|one|escape|technique|particle|I|then|will close|together|particle|mouth|have|so|far||arrive|so|far|particle Brother Xian, teach me a way to escape, and I will keep my mouth shut and hide as far away as possible. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 元直 你 咁 聰明 , 呢 啲 事 有 咩 嘢 咁 難 呢 ? hahaha||Yuen Chik|you|so|smart|this|||||||| Hahaha, Yuan Zhi, you are so smart, what's so difficult about these things? 真 係 要賢兄 你 指教 至 得 。 |||you|guidance|only|succeed I really need you to guide me, my wise brother. 於是 龐統 啊 就 喺 徐 庶 嘅 耳 仔 邊 , 如此這般 噉 講 咗 幾句 。 then|Pang Tong|ah|then|at|Xu|Shu|possessive particle|ear|child|side|like this|like this|said|past tense marker|a few sentences So, Pang Tong spoke a few words right next to Xu Shu's ear. 徐庶 立刻 眉開眼笑 歡喜 晒 , 好多 得 龐統 。 Xu Shu|immediately|beaming with joy|happiness|showing off|many|able to|Pang Tong Xu Shu immediately smiled with joy, feeling very grateful to Pang Tong. 噉 龐統 同 徐庶 告別 之後 啊 , 就 落船 返去 江東 。 then|Pang Tong|with|Xu Shu|farewell|after|ah|then|boarded the boat|returned to|Jiangdong After that, Pang Tong said goodbye to Xu Shu and boarded the boat back to Jiangdong. 徐庶 啊 , 佢 當晚 就 使 自己 嘅 親信 人員 , 走 去 各個 營寨 靜靜 噉 散佈 謠言 。 Xu Shu|ah|he|that night|then|used|his own|possessive particle|trusted|personnel|to go|to|every|camp|quietly|like this|to spread|rumors Xu Shu, that night, sent his trusted personnel to quietly spread rumors in various camps. 第 日 , 營寨 裏頭 就 三三兩兩 , 交頭接耳 講到 含 含聲 嘞 噃 講 咩 呢 ? the|day|camp|inside|just|in small groups|whispering to each other|talking about|hinting|in a low voice|past tense particle||saying|what|question particle The next day, in the camps, people were whispering to each other, talking about what was going on. 啲 偵探 人員 探 清楚 , 就 去 報告 曹操 嘞 話 : the|detective|personnel|investigate|clearly|then|go|report|Cao Cao|past tense marker|words The scouts found out the details and reported to Cao Cao, saying: 軍隊 裏頭 有 消息 , 話 西涼州 韓遂 同馬騰 作反 , 要 進攻 許都 啊 噉 。 army|inside|has|news|said|Xiliangzhou|Han Sui||rebel|needs to|attack|Xudu|ah|then There are rumors in the army that Han Sui and Ma Teng from Xiliang Province are rebelling and planning to attack Xudu. 曹操 好 驚 啊 , 即刻 召集 所有 嘅 謀士 嚟 商量 辦法 。 Cao Cao|very|scared|particle|immediately|gather|all|possessive particle|strategists|come|discuss|solution Cao Cao was very frightened and immediately summoned all his strategists to discuss a plan. 曹操 話 喇 : 我 帶兵 南征 , 最 擔心 嘅 就 係 韓 遂 同 馬 騰 嘞 。 Cao Cao|said|particle indicating completed action|I|lead troops|southward campaign|most|worried|particle indicating possession|only|is|Han|Sui|and|Ma|Teng|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao said: I am leading the army south, and my biggest concern is Han Sui and Ma Teng. 而 家 喺 軍隊 裏 便 傳 嚟 傳 去 嘅 謠言 , 雖然 仲 未知 真假 , 但 係 不可不 防 啊 。 and|home|in|army|inside|then|spread|coming|spread|going|possessive particle|rumors|although|still||truth or falsehood|but|is|must not|be wary of|ah particle Now rumors are spreading within the army, and although their truth is still unknown, we must be on guard. 徐庶 即刻 就 建議 話 嘞 : 我 得到 丞相 錄用 咗 咁 耐 , 都 未曾 有 半點 功勞 嚟 報答 丞相 嘅 恩德 。 Xu Shu|immediately|then|suggested|said|particle indicating completed action|I|received|Prime Minister|employed|past tense marker|so|long|all|never|have|slightest|merit|to come|repay|Prime Minister|possessive particle|kindness Xu Shu immediately suggested: I have been employed by the Prime Minister for so long, and I have not yet had any achievements to repay the Prime Minister's kindness. 我 想 請 丞相 撥 三千 人馬 , 派 我 立即 趕去 散關 把守 隘口 。 I|want|request|Prime Minister|allocate|three thousand|troops|send|I|immediately|hurry to|Sanguan|guard|pass I would like to ask the Prime Minister to allocate three thousand troops and send me to immediately rush to the Pass to guard the pass. 如果 有 咩 緊急 軍情 , 到 時 我 再 嚟 報告 丞相 。 if|there is|any|urgent|military situation|when|time|I|again|come|report|Prime Minister If there are any urgent military matters, I will report back to the Prime Minister. 好極 喇 , 如果 得元直 你 去 , 我 就 唔 使 憂心 喇 。 extremely good|particle indicating completed action|if|Tak Yuen Chik|you|go|I|then|not|need|worry|particle indicating completed action Great! If Yuan Zhi goes, I won't have to worry anymore. 誒 , 喺 散 關 亦 有 軍隊 喺 處 㗎 喇 , 先生 去 到 , 就 由 你 指揮 。 hey|at|||also|has|army|at|place|particle|particle|sir|||then|by|you|command Hey, there are also troops stationed at the scattered pass, sir, when you arrive, you will be in command. 我而家 再 撥 三千 馬步軍 畀 你 , 由 臧霸 做 先鋒 , 立刻 出發 啦 。 I now|again|allocate|three thousand|cavalry|to|you|by|Zang Ba|as|vanguard|immediately|depart|particle I will now allocate three thousand cavalry to you, with Zang Ba as the vanguard, and you can set off immediately. 遵命 ! at your command Understood! 徐庶 辭別 咗 曹操 同埋 臧霸 帶兵 起行 嘞 。 Xu Shu|bid farewell|past tense marker|Cao Cao|and|Zang Ba|lead troops|set off|past tense marker Xu Shu bid farewell to Cao Cao and Zang Ba and set off with the troops. 呢 , 呢 一個 呀 , 就 係 龐統 救 徐 庶 嘅 妙計 喇 。 this|||particle|then|is|Pang Tong|save|Xu|Shu|possessive particle|brilliant plan|particle This, this one, is the clever plan of Pang Tong saving Xu Shu. 有 詩為 證 噃: there is||proof|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation There is a poem as evidence: 曹操 征南 日日 憂 , 馬 騰韓 遂 起 戈矛 。 Cao Cao|campaign against the south|every day|worries|Ma||then|raised|spears and halberds Cao Cao worries every day about the southern expedition, while Ma Teng and Han Sui rise up with weapons. 鳳雛 一語 教 徐庶 , 正似 游魚 脫 釣鉤 。 phoenix chick|with one word|taught|Xu Shu|just like|swimming fish|escaping|fishing hook The words of the phoenix chick teach Xu Shu, just like a swimming fish escaping the hook. 噉 啊 曹操 自從 派 咗 徐庶 去 把守 散關 , 防禦 西涼 人馬 之後 , 個心 稍 為 安定 返 嘞 。 then|ah|Cao Cao|since|sent|past tense marker|Xu Shu|to|guard|Sanguan|defend|Xiliang|troops|after||slightly|became|stable|again|past action marker So, after Cao Cao sent Xu Shu to guard the Pass of San, to defend against the cavalry of Xiliang, his heart became somewhat more at ease. 呢 一日 啊 , 就 係 建安 十三年 , 即 係 公元 二零 八年 , 十一月 十五日 。 this|day|particle|just|is|Jian'an|year 13|that is|is|AD|2000|year 8|November|15th This day, ah, is the thirteenth year of Jian'an, which is the year 208 AD, November 15. 曹操 首先 騎馬 去 巡視 沿江 嘅 旱 寨 , 然後 去 視察 水寨 。 Cao Cao|first|rode a horse|to|inspect|along the river|possessive particle|dry|fort|then|to|inspect|water fort Cao Cao first rode a horse to inspect the dry fortifications along the river, and then went to inspect the water fortifications. 曹操 坐 嘅 係 一隻 大船 , 船 上面 豎起 一面 帥旗 。 Cao Cao|sit|possessive particle|is|a|large ship|ship|on top|raised|a|flag Cao Cao was on a large ship, and a flag was raised on the ship. 兩邊 兩便 啊 排列 住 水寨 。 both sides|two conveniences|ah|arrange|live|water village On both sides, there were water fortifications arranged. 喺 大 船上 , 部署 咗 一千名 弓箭手 。 on|large|ship|deployed|past tense marker|one thousand|archers On the large ship, there were a thousand archers deployed. 曹操 高高在上 噉 坐 喺 處 。 Cao Cao|high and mighty|like this|sits|at|place Cao Cao sat high above. 當日 , 天色 晴朗 , 江面 上 啊 一 啲 風浪 都 冇 。 that day|sky|was clear|river surface|on|ah|a|little|waves|all|didn't have On that day, the weather was clear, and there were no waves on the river. 曹操 個心 好 高興 , 佢 吩咐 喺 大 船上 便 擺起 酒席 , 奏起 音樂 , 要 大會 文官 武將 啊 。 Cao Cao||very|happy|he|ordered|at|big|on the ship|then|set up|banquet|played|music|wanted|grand gathering|civil officials|military generals|sentence-final particle Cao Cao was very happy, and he ordered a banquet to be set up on the large ship, with music played, inviting all the civil and military officials. 呢 個 時候 , 天 已經 黑 嘞 , 一輪 圓月 喺 東山 升起 , 銀光 皎潔 照 得 浩蕩 長江 好似 鋪 住 一條 雪白 嘅 綢緞 。 this|measure word|time|sky|already|dark|past tense marker|a round|full moon|at|East Mountain|rises|silver light|bright|shines|to|vast|Yangtze River|seems|spread|on|a|snow-white|possessive particle|silk fabric At this time, the sky had already darkened, and a full moon rose in the eastern mountains, its silver light shining brightly, making the vast Yangtze River look like it was covered with a snow-white satin. 幾百名 侍從 人員 呀 , 個個 都 着 住 錦繡 衣裳 , 手上 揸 住 長 戈畫 戟 , 喺 度 護衛 。 several hundred|attendants|personnel|particle indicating exclamation|everyone|all|||embroidered|clothing|in hand|||long||halberd|at|place|guarding Hundreds of attendants were dressed in splendid clothing, each holding long spears and halberds, standing guard. 文武 官員 , 都 按照 職位 次序 坐落 。 civil and military|officials|all|according to|position|order|seated Civil and military officials are seated according to their rank. 曹操 環顧四周 圍 , 只見 南屏山 景色 如畫 , 東便 係 柴桑 , 西便 係 夏口 , 南便 係 樊山 , 北便 係 烏林 。 Cao Cao|looked around|surrounded|only saw|Nanping Mountain|scenery|picturesque|to the east|is|Chaisang|to the west|is|Xiakou|to the south|is|Fanshan|to the north|is|Wulin Cao Cao looked around and saw that the scenery of Nanping Mountain was picturesque, to the east was Chaisang, to the west was Xiakou, to the south was Fanshan, and to the north was Wulin. 噉 四圍 一望 呀 , 非常 寬闊 開朗 , 個心 真 係 有講 唔 出 咁 高興 , 就 十分 得意 噉 對 大家 講 : like this|all around|at a glance|particle|very|spacious|bright|heart|really|is|have words||out|so|happy|then|extremely|pleased|like this|to|everyone|say Looking around, it was very spacious and bright, and my heart was truly indescribably happy, so I proudly said to everyone: 我 自從 起義 兵以 嚟 , 為 國家 除 兇 去 害 , 消滅 叛逆 , 誓願 掃清 四海 , 削平 天下 。 I|since|uprising||come|for|country|eliminate|evil|remove|harm|destroy|rebellion|vow|clear|all seas|flatten|world Since I raised the banner of rebellion, I have eliminated evil and harm for the country, eradicated traitors, and vowed to clear the seas and pacify the world. 到 而家 , 就 係 剩返 江南 仲未 收復 。 until|now|just|is|remaining|Jiangnan|still not|recovered As of now, only Jiangnan remains unrecaptured. 今日 , 我 有 百萬雄師 , 更 兼 得到 各位 努力 , 仲使 怕 唔 成功 咩 啊 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 today|I|have|a million strong army|even more|also|received|everyone|effort||afraid|not|success|question particle|exclamation particle|hahaha|hahaha Today, I have a million strong troops, and with everyone's hard work, why should I be afraid of not succeeding, huh, hahahaha hahahaha. 誒 等到 收復 江南 之後 , 天下 無 事 , 就 同 各位 共享 富貴 , 歡慶 太平 啊 ! hey|when|recovering|Jiangnan|after|the world|no|troubles|then|together|everyone|share|wealth and honor|celebrate|peace|ah Hey, after we recover Jiangnan, when there is peace in the world, I will share wealth and celebrate peace with everyone! 哦 全體 官員 一齊 企 起身 , 向 曹操 祝賀 話 : oh|all|officials|together|stand|up|towards|Cao Cao|congratulate|said Oh, all the officials stood up together and congratulated Cao Cao saying: 祝願 早 奏凱歌 , 我 哋 終身 都 係 托賴 丞相 嘅 福 蔭 啊 ! wish|early|victory song|we|plural marker|lifetime|all|are|relying on|prime minister|possessive particle|blessing|shade|particle indicating exclamation We wish for an early victory song, we will always rely on the Prime Minister's blessings! 曹操 好 歡喜 啦 , 就 叫 大家 飲酒 , 一直 飲到 半夜 啊 , 曹操 飲到 醉 昏昏 。 Cao Cao|very|happy|particle|then|called|everyone|drink alcohol|continuously|drank until|midnight|particle|Cao Cao|drank until|drunk|dizzy Cao Cao was very happy, so he invited everyone to drink, and they drank until midnight, Cao Cao got drunk and was in a daze. 佢 指 住 長江 南岸 話 喇 : 周瑜 , 魯肅 啊 , 哈哈 , 你 哋 可謂 不識 天時 啊 ! he|pointing|at|Yangtze River|south bank|said|particle|Zhou Yu|Lu Su|ah|haha|you|plural marker|can be said to|not recognizing|timing|ah He pointed to the southern bank of the Yangtze River and said: Zhou Yu, Lu Su, haha, you guys really don't know the right timing! 你 哋 已經 有人 投降 過 嚟 我 呢 處 , 係 你 哋 嘅 心腹大患 啊 。 ||already|someone|surrender|past|come|I|this|place|is|||possessive particle|internal threat|sentence-final particle You already have someone who has surrendered to me here, which is a major concern for you. 你 哋 仲 糊糊塗塗 唔 知道 , 哈哈 , 真 係 天意 都 要 我 成功 㗎 ! ||still|confused|not|know|haha|||fate|also|want|I|succeed|sentence-final particle You are still confused and unaware, haha, it really is fate that wants me to succeed! 荀 攸 即刻 話 喇 : 丞相 呀 , 呢 啲 事 唔 好講 啊 , 萬一 洩露 咗 出去 唔 得 掂 㗎 。 Xun|You|immediately|said|particle|Prime Minister|particle|these|plural marker|matters|not||particle|in case|leaked|past tense marker|outside|not|able|good|particle Xun You immediately said: Prime Minister, these matters should not be discussed, if it leaks out, it won't be good. 呵呵 呵呵哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 在座 各位 , 同埋 喺 呢 處 侍候 嘅 人 , 都 係 我 嘅 心腹 , 講 咗 又 有 咩 所謂 呢 ? haha|haha|hahaha|hahaha|present|everyone|and|at|this|place|serving|possessive particle|people|all|are|I|possessive particle|trusted aides|say|past tense marker|again|have|what|so-called|question particle Haha haha haha haha, everyone present, and those serving here, are all my trusted aides, so what does it matter if I say it? 曹操 又 指住 夏 口 嗰 便 話 喇 : 劉備 啊 諸葛亮 , 你 哋 好似 蟻 仔 噉 嘅 力 就 想 推 冧 泰山 ? Cao Cao|again|pointing at|Xia|mouth|that|then|said|particle indicating completed action|Liu Bei|ah|Zhuge Liang|you|plural marker|like|ant|child|like|particle indicating possession|strength|just|want|push|down|Mount Tai Cao Cao pointed at the summer mouth and said: Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, do you think your strength is like that of ants trying to push Mount Tai? 點解 蠢得 咁 交關 啊 吓 ? 吓 ? 吓 ? why|so stupid|like this|annoying|ah|huh|huh|huh Why are you so foolish and confused? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 hahaha|hahaha Hahahaha. 各位 , 我 今年 五十四歲 喇 。 everyone|I|this year|54 years old|(particle indicating completed action) Everyone, I am fifty-four years old this year. 如果 呢 次 平定 咗 江南 , 我 就 可以 了 咗 一件 心願 。 if|this|time|pacify|past tense marker|Jiangnan|I|then|can|complete action marker|past tense marker|one|wish If we can pacify Jiangnan this time, I will be able to fulfill a wish. 當初 , 我同 喬公 係 好 朋友 。 at that time||Qiao Gong|was|good|friend At first, I was good friends with Qiao Gong. 佢 有 兩個 女 , 係 天下 少有 嘅 美 人 。 He|has|two|daughters|is|in the world|rare|possessive particle|| He had two daughters, who were rare beauties in the world. 後 嚟 , 想 唔 到 畀 孫策 同 周瑜 , 一人 一個 娶 咗 去 。 |||||by|Sun Ce|and|Zhou Yu|each person|one||| Later, unexpectedly, they were married off by Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, one to each. 我而家 , 喺 漳 水 新 新 起 咗 一座 銅雀台 。 |at|Zhang|Shui|new|new|built|past tense marker|one|Tongque Terrace Now, I have built a new Copper Sparrow Terrace by the Zhang River. 呢 次 得 咗 江南 , 我 一定 要 娶 二喬返 嚟 , 安置 佢 哋 喺 銅 雀 台 住 , 使 我 嘅 晚年 快樂 一下 , 噉 我 , 就 於 願 足矣 咯 。 this|time|to obtain|past tense marker|Jiangnan|I|definitely|want|to marry||here|to settle|they|plural marker|at|copper|sparrow|platform|live|to make|my|possessive particle|old age|happy|a little|then|I|then|in|wishes|sufficient|final particle This time, having gained Jiangnan, I must marry the two Qiaos back and settle them at the Copper Sparrow Terrace, so that my old age can be a little happier; that would be enough for me. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Hahaha|Hahaha| Hahaha hahaha hahaha. 曹操 正 喺 度 有 講 有 笑 心滿意足 嘅 時候 , 忽然 聽到 有 啲 烏鴉 叫住 向 南 便 飛 咗 過去 。 Cao Cao|right now|at|place|has|talking|has|laughing|content|possessive particle|time|suddenly|heard|has|some|crows|calling|towards|south|then|flew|past tense marker|over there Cao Cao was having a good time, talking and laughing, when suddenly he heard some crows calling and flying south. 曹操 就問 嘞 : 啲 烏鴉 點解 夜晚 會 叫 嘅 呢 吓 ? Cao Cao||particle indicating past action|plural marker|crows|why|night|can|call|particle indicating possession or action|question particle|particle indicating surprise Cao Cao then asked: Why do the crows call at night? 左右 啲 人 就 回答 佢 話 : 丞相 啊 , 啲 烏鴉 見到 個 月 咁 光猛 , 以為 係 天光 喇 , 所以 離開 樖 樹 叫 咋 嘛 。 around|plural marker|people|then|answered|he|said|Prime Minister|ah|plural marker|crows|saw|measure word|moon|so|bright|thought|was|daylight|particle indicating completed action|so|left|||cawed|particle indicating surprise|particle indicating obviousness The people around him replied: Prime Minister, the crows see the moon so bright, they think it's dawn, so they leave the tree and call. 哦 ? 乜 噉 啊 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 oh|what|like that|particle|hahaha|haha| Oh? Is that so? Hahahahaha hahaha hahaha. 當 其時 呀 , 曹操 已經 好醉 , 佢 揸 起 支 槊 , 就 係 長矛 啊 , 企 喺 船頭 。 at that time|at that time|particle|Cao Cao|already||he|held|up|measure word for long objects|spear|just|is|long spear|particle|stood|at|bow of the boat At that time, Cao Cao was already quite drunk, holding a spear, which was a long spear, standing at the bow of the boat. 又 攞 起 一 杯酒 , 奠 喺 條 江 處 , 跟 住 , 滿滿 噉 連飲 三杯 。 again|take|up|one|cup of wine|pour out|at|the|river|place|||full|like this|drink continuously|three cups He also picked up a cup of wine, placed it on the river, and then drank three cups in a row. 佢 打橫 揸 住 支 槊 對 住 嗰 班 官員 話 : He|horizontally|drives|holding|a|spear|towards|at|that|group|officials|said He held the spear horizontally and said to the officials: 我 揸 住 呢 一支 槊 , 破 黃巾 , 擒 呂布 , 滅 袁術 , 收 袁紹 , 深入 塞北 , 直抵 遼東 , 縱橫天下 , 都 算 不負 大丈夫 之志 啊 ! I|hold|particle indicating continuous action|this|one|spear|defeat|Yellow Turban|capture|Lu Bu|destroy|Yuan Shu|subdue|Yuan Shao|deep into|the northern frontier|directly reach|Liaodong||all|count|not betray|great man||exclamatory particle I hold this spear, breaking the Yellow Turbans, capturing Lü Bu, destroying Yuan Shu, collecting Yuan Shao, advancing deep into the northern frontier, reaching Liaodong, traversing the world, all of which can be considered fulfilling the ambitions of a great man! 而家 , 對住 滿江 景色 , 我 嘅 心情 極之 慷慨 , 我要 作 一首歌 , 你 哋 一齊 嚟 和 佢 ! now|facing|full river|scenery|I|possessive particle|mood|extremely|generous|I want|to compose|a song|you|plural marker|together|come|to sing along|it Now, facing the beautiful scenery of the river, my mood is extremely generous, and I want to compose a song, and you all come and join in! 於是 曹操 , 就 即興 作 咗 首歌 。 then|Cao Cao|then|impromptu|compose|past tense marker| So, Cao Cao spontaneously composed a song. 各位 , 曹操 啊 唔 淨止 係 一個 政治家 、 軍事家 , 佢 仲 係 一個 文學家 。 everyone|Cao Cao|ah|not|only|is|a|politician|military strategist|he|also|is|a|writer Everyone, Cao Cao is not just a politician and military leader, he is also a literary figure. 佢 而 家 作 呢 首歌 係 非常 之 出名 嘅 , 好 在 唔 係 點長 , 我讀 畀 各位 聽下 。 he|||wrote|this|song|is|very|particle indicating possession|famous|particle indicating possession|good|at|not|is|too long||to|everyone|listen The song he composed is very famous, and fortunately, it is not too long, so I will read it to you all. 呢 首歌 係 噉 嘅 : this|song|is|like that|particle indicating description The song goes like this: 對酒當歌 , 人生 幾何 ; 譬如 朝露 , 去 日苦 多 。 慨當以慷 , 憂思 難忘 ; 何以 解憂 , 惟有 杜康 。 青青 子 衿 , 悠悠 我心 ; 但 為 君故 , 沉吟 至今 。 呦 呦 鹿鳴 , 食野之苹 ; 我 有 嘉賓 , 鼓瑟 吹笙 。 皎 皎 如 月 , 何時 可 輟 ? 憂 從中 來 , 不可 斷絕 ! 越 陌度 阡 , 枉用 相存 ; 契闊 談宴 , 心念 舊恩 。 月明星稀 , 烏鵲 南飛 ; 繞樹 三 匝 , 無枝 可依 。 山 不厭 高 , 水 不厭 深 ; 周公吐哺 , 天下歸心 。 with wine in hand sing a song|life|how much|like|morning dew|||many|generosity should be met with generosity|worries|hard to forget|how to|relieve worries|only|a type of wine|green|son|collar|leisurely||only|for||pondering|until now|oh|oh|deer call||I|have|honored guest|play the zither|play the sheng|||like|moon|when|can|stop|worries|from within|come|cannot|be severed|cross||field||coexist|parting|banquet|thoughts|old kindness||crows|||three|laps|||mountain|not tired of|high|water|not tired of|deep|| Toasting to the wine, how fleeting is life; like morning dew, the past days are full of hardship. With a sigh, I express my feelings; worries are hard to forget. How to relieve worries? Only with Du Kang. The green collar of my garment, my heart is at ease; but for you, I have been pondering until now. The deer call out, eating the wild apples; I have honored guests, playing the zither and blowing the sheng. Bright as the moon, when can I stop? Worries come from within, and cannot be severed! Crossing the fields and paths, it is in vain to rely on each other; in the contract of feasting, I remember the old kindness. The moon is bright and the stars are few, the magpies fly south; circling the tree three times, there is no branch to rely on. The mountains do not disdain to be high, the waters do not disdain to be deep; Duke Zhou shared his food, and the world returns to his heart. 曹操 吟唱 完 呀 , 大家 一齊 和 佢 , 個個 都 開懷 歡笑 啦 。 Cao Cao|singing|finished|particle|everyone|together|to join|him|everyone|all|happy|laughter|particle Cao Cao finished singing, and everyone joined in with him, all laughing joyfully. 忽然間 , 有 個人 企 起身 對 曹操 話 喇 : suddenly|there is|a person|stood|up|to|Cao Cao|said|particle indicating completed action Suddenly, someone stood up and said to Cao Cao: 丞相 啊 , 當前 正 係 兩 軍 相對 之際 , 將士用命 之時 , 丞相 點解 講 啲 咁 唔 吉利 嘅 說話 。 Prime Minister|ah|currently|just|is|two|armies|facing each other|at the moment||||why|say|some|so|not|auspicious|possessive particle|words Prime Minister, at this moment, the two armies are facing each other, and the soldiers are risking their lives. Why are you speaking such inauspicious words? 呢 個人 係 邊個 呢 ? 佢 姓 姓 劉 名 馥 , 字元穎 , 乃 係 揚州 刺史 。 this|person|is|who|this|he|surname||Liu|given name|Fu||is|is|Yangzhou|governor Who is this person? His surname is Liu, his name is Fu, and his courtesy name is Yuan Ying. He is the governor of Yangzhou. 佢 係 長期以來 喺 曹操 手下 做事 , 立過 唔 少 功績 㗎 嘞 。 he|is|for a long time|at|Cao Cao|under|worked|established|||achievements|particle|past action particle He has been working under Cao Cao for a long time and has made many contributions. 當時 曹操 聽 佢 噉 講 , 就 打橫 揸 住 支 槊 問 佢 話 : at that time|Cao Cao|heard|he|like that|speak|then|sideways|||a|spear|asked|him|words At that time, Cao Cao heard him say this and asked him with a spear in hand: 我 啲 說話 , 有 乜嘢 唔 吉利 啊 ? I|possessive particle|speech|have|what|not|lucky|question particle What is wrong with my words? 月明星稀 , 烏鵲 南飛 , 繞樹 三 匝 , 無枝 可依 , 呢 啲 就 係 唔 吉利 嘅 說話 啦 。 the moon is bright and the stars are few|the magpie|flies south|circles the tree|three|times|no branch|to rely on|||||not|auspicious|possessive particle|sayings|final particle The moon is bright and the stars are few, the crows fly south, circling the tree three times, with no branches to rely on, these are the words that are not auspicious. 豈有此理 ! 你 掃 我 嘅 興 咁 大膽 ! how can this be reasonable|you|ruin|my|possessive particle|mood|so|bold How outrageous! You are so bold to dampen my spirits! 曹操 發起 火 嚟 , 手起 一 槊 , 當堂 㓤 死 咗 劉馥 。 Cao Cao|initiated|fire|came|with his hand|one|spear|on the spot|thrust|killed|past tense marker|Liu Fu Cao Cao became furious, raised his spear, and killed Liu Fu on the spot. 嘩 所有 啲 官員 都 嚇到 傻 晒 咯 。 wow|all|plural marker|officials|all|scared|foolish|completely|sentence-final particle Wow, all the officials are scared silly. 噉 嘅 氣氛 仲飲 得 落 酒 嘅 咩 , 散席 啦 。 like this|possessive particle|atmosphere||able to|consume|alcohol|particle indicating a question|what|end of the event|particle indicating suggestion or completion In such an atmosphere, how can we still drink? Let's disperse. 第 日 , 曹操 酒醒 嘞 , 記起 呢 件 事 嘞 , 後悔 到極 。 the|day|Cao Cao|woke up from drinking|past tense marker|remembered|this|measure word for events|thing|past tense marker|regretted| The next day, Cao Cao woke up from his drunkenness, remembered this incident, and regretted it immensely. 劉馥有 個 仔 叫做 劉熙 , 佢 又 去 請求 曹操 准 佢 運 父親 嘅 屍體 , 返去 家鄉 安葬 。 Liu Fu-yau|measure word for people|son|is called|Liu Hei|he|again|go|request|Cao Cao|allow|he|transport|father|possessive particle|corpse|return|hometown|bury Liu Fu has a son named Liu Xi, and he went to ask Cao Cao for permission to transport his father's body back to his hometown for burial. 曹操 流住 眼淚 噉 話 : 我 , 昨晚 因為 飲醉 咗 酒 , 誤殺 你 父親 , 唉 , 真 係 , 悔之莫及 喇 。 Cao Cao|flowing|tears|like that|said|I|last night|because|drunk|past tense marker|alcohol|accidentally killed|your|father|sigh|||regretful beyond remedy|sentence-final particle Cao Cao, with tears in his eyes, said: I, last night because I was drunk, mistakenly killed your father. Alas, truly, I regret it beyond measure. 你 父親 , 誒 就 按照 三公 厚禮 葬 佢 啦 。 your|father|eh|then|according to|three public|generous funeral|bury|him|particle indicating suggestion or finality Your father, well, just bury him with the three public honors. 曹操 仲撥 咗 一隊 軍士 護送 靈柩 , 即日 就 送 返去 家鄉 安葬 。 Cao Cao|Zhong Bu|past tense marker|a team|soldiers|escort|coffin|on the same day|then|sent|back to|hometown|buried Cao Cao also dispatched a group of soldiers to escort the coffin, and on the same day, they sent it back to his hometown for burial. 呢 啲 就 唔 講 佢 啦 。 ||just|not|talk about|him|sentence final particle Let's not talk about that. 又過 咗 一日 , 水軍 都督 毛 玠 、 于禁 , 嚟 到 中軍帳 報告 曹操 話 : another day|past tense marker|one day|navy|commander|Mao|Jie|Yu Jin|come|to||report|Cao Cao|said Another day passed, and the naval commander Mao Jie and Yu Jin came to the central army tent to report to Cao Cao, saying: 啟 稟 丞相 , 大小 船隻 , 除 咗 交通 巡邏 用 嘅 小船 之外 , 已經 全部 用鐵 連環 鎖實 搭配 好 嘞 。 ||Prime Minister|large and small|vessels|||traffic|patrol|used|possessive particle|small boat|outside of|already|all|using iron|chain|locked|matched|well|completed action particle "I report to the Prime Minister, all ships, except for the small boats used for transportation and patrol, have been securely locked with iron chains and are ready." 旗幟 兵器 , 同 一切 作戰 工具 , 都 準備 齊全 。 flag|weapons|with|all|combat|tools|all|prepared|complete Flags and weapons, like all tools of warfare, are fully prepared. 請 丞相 調遣 , 定期 進兵 ! please|Prime Minister|deploy|regularly|advance troops Please, Prime Minister, dispatch troops regularly! 曹操 就 親自 去 視察 , 嘿 十分滿意 ! Cao Cao|then|personally|go|inspect|hey| Cao Cao personally went to inspect and was very satisfied! 當時 佢 行 上 水軍 中央 嘅 大 戰船 , 喺 將 台 坐落 , 召集 全體 將領 , 嚟 聽 佢 發佈命令 。 at that time|he|walked|onto|navy|central|possessive particle|large|warship|at|general|platform|seated|gathered|all|generals|to|listen|he| At that time, he boarded the large warship in the center of the navy, sat on the platform, and summoned all the generals to hear him issue orders. 曹操 命令 啊 , 水陸 兩 軍 , 都 分別 用 五色旗 號 。 Cao Cao|ordered|ah|land and water|two|armies|both|respectively|use|five-colored flags|signal Cao Cao ordered that both the naval and land forces should use five-colored flags respectively. 水軍 , 中央 由 毛 玠 、 于禁 指揮 , 用 黃旗 ; navy|central|by|||Yu Jin|commanded|used|yellow flag The navy, commanded by Mao Jie and Yu Jin from the center, used the yellow flag; 前軍 張 郃 , 用 紅旗 ; vanguard|Zhang|He|use|red flag The front army, led by Zhang He, used the red flag; 後軍 呂虔 , 用皂旗 , 即 係 黑旗 ; rear army|Lueh Chien||||black flag The rear army, led by Lü Qian, used the black flag; 左軍文聘 , 用 青旗 ; General Wen Ping of the Left Army|uses|green flag The left army, led by Wen Ping, used the blue flag; 右軍 呂通 , 用 白旗 。 right army|Luey Tong|use|white flag The right army, led by Lü Tong, used the white flag. 陸軍 , 前軍 徐晃 , 用 紅旗 ; army|vanguard|Xu Huang|use|red flag The army, the front army Xu Huang, uses the red flag; 後軍 李典 , 用皂旗 ; rear army|Li Dian| the rear army Li Dian, uses the black flag; 左 軍樂 進 用 青旗 ; left|military band|advance|use|green flag the left army Le Jin uses the green flag; 右軍 夏侯淵 用 白旗 。 Right Army|Xiahou Yuan|used|white flag the right army Xiahou Yuan uses the white flag. 水陸 路 都 接應 使 : 夏侯惇 、 曹洪 ; land and water|road|all|support|envoy|Xiahou Dun|Cao Hong Both water and land routes are supported by: Xiahou Dun, Cao Hong; 護衛 往來 監戰 使 : 許褚 、 張 遼 。 guard|back and forth|monitor the battle|envoy|Xu Chu|| The guards are to go back and forth to monitor the battle: Xu Chu, Zhang Liao. 噉 啊 其餘 將領 呢 , 各歸 原來 隊伍 。 then|ah|the rest|generals|question particle||original|team As for the other generals, they each return to their original troops. 曹操 發佈 完 命令 啊 , 就 開始 操練 。 Cao Cao|issued|complete|order|ah|then|started|training After Cao Cao issued the orders, they began training. 水軍 營寨 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 擂起 三通 戰鼓 , 各隊 戰船 一齊 出動 。 navy|camp|to row|||||||||to beat|three beats|war drum|each team|warship|together|to set out The naval camp sounded the war drums, and all the warships set out together. 當日 呀 , 啲 西北風 呼呼 聲 咁 吹 , 所有 嘅 戰船 都 扯 起帆 , 衝波 踏浪 , 穩如 平地 啊 。 that day|particle indicating exclamation|plural marker|northwest wind|howling|sound|so|blow|all|possessive particle|warships|all|hoist|sails|cutting through waves|riding the waves|as steady as|flat ground|particle indicating exclamation On that day, the northwestern wind was blowing fiercely, and all the warships raised their sails, cutting through the waves, steady as on flat ground. 啲 北軍 呢 , 本來 係 怕 暈浪 唔 坐 得 船 嘅 , 呢 次 就 唔 同 晒 喇 , 個個 精神抖擻 , 耀武揚威 , 刺槍 使 刀 演習 武藝 。 plural marker|Northern Army|question particle|originally|is|afraid of|seasickness|not|||ship|possessive particle|||then|not|the same|completely|final particle|everyone|full of energy|showing off|bayonet|using|sword|practicing|martial arts The Northern Army, originally afraid of seasickness and unable to board ships, is completely different this time. Everyone is full of spirit, showing off their prowess, practicing their martial skills with spears and swords. 前後左右 各支 隊伍 , 跟 住 旗幟 指揮 行動 一 啲 都 冇 亂 到 。 front back left right|each unit|team|||flag|command|action|one|a little|all|not|chaos|to The various teams on all sides are following the flags to command their actions without any confusion. 另外 仲有 五十隻 小船 , 來來往往 啊 擔任 警衛 同埋 傳達 命令 。 additionally|there are still|fifty|small boats|coming and going|ah|serve as|guard|and|convey|orders In addition, there are fifty small boats coming and going, serving as guards and conveying orders. 曹操 企 喺 將 台上 便 , 睇 住 艦隊 操練 個心 非常 滿意 , 認為 呢 次 一定 有 勝利 嘅 把握 喇 。 Cao Cao|stand|at|general|platform|then|see|continuous aspect marker|fleet|training||very|satisfied|believed|this|time|definitely|have|victory|possessive particle|chance|sentence-final particle Cao Cao stood on the command platform, watching the fleet's training with great satisfaction, believing that this time there is definitely a chance of victory. 操練 完 嘞 , 各隊 戰船 啊 , 都 收 咗 帆 , 按照 次序 回寨 。 drill|finished|past tense marker|each team|warship|sentence-final particle|all|put away|past tense marker|sails|according to|order|return to camp After the training is completed, all the warships have lowered their sails and returned to the camp in order.

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