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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 065

話 說 曹操 檢閱 完 連環 艦隊 嘅 操練 之後 返到 中軍帳 , 召集 文武 官員 嚟 議論 下 。 佢 對 嗰 班 謀士 話 喇 : 哈哈 , 如果 唔 係 上天 幫 我 , 點得 到鳳 雛 嘅 妙計 吖 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 用 鐵索 嚟 連住 啲 戰船 , 渡起江 嚟 , 果然 係 好似 行 平地 一樣 啊 ! 程昱 就 話 喇 : 戰船 連鎖 起 嚟 , 冇 錯 係 平穩 嘞 ; 但 係 , 如果 敵人 用 火攻 , 就 難以 散開 嘞 噃 丞相 呀 , 呢 一層 不可不 防 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 程仲德 , 你 考慮 到 呢 一點 係 啱 嘅 。 不過 仲有 啲 地方 你 係 睇 唔 到 嘅 。 荀 攸 又 話 : 仲 德 嘅 意見 非常 正確 啊 , 丞相 點解 笑 佢 呢 ? 大家 都 知道 , 凡 係 用 火攻 , 必定 要 靠 風力 。 而家 正 係 隆冬 之際 , 只 係 有 西風 北風 , 點會 有 東風 南風 嘅 呢 ? 我軍 位於 西北方 , 而 敵軍 都 喺 南岸 。 佢 哋 如果 用 火攻 , 就會燒 返 佢 哋 自己 啦 嘛 , 我 使 乜 怕 呢 ! 哈哈哈哈 , 如果 係 十月 小春 嘅 時候 , 我 早就 提防 喇 。 嘿 , 大家 聽 曹操 噉 樣一 分析 , 個個 都 好 佩服 啊 : 丞相 高見 , 我 哋 真 係 萬萬 比 唔 上 啊 ! 我 哋 清除 燕 、 代 呢 啲 北方 兵卒 , 素來 唔 習慣 坐船 。 如果 唔 係 用 而家 呢 個 辦法 , 點 能夠 制服 長江 天險 吖 ! 曹操 猛講 北方 人 唔 識 水戰 , 就 激起 有 兩員 戰將 唔 忿氣 喎 。 佢 哋 行 出 嚟 話 嘞 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 小將 雖然 係 幽 、 燕之人 , 亦 能夠 駛船 啊 。 請 丞相 發 二十隻 巡邏 小船 畀 我 哋 , 直殺 江口 , 打 一場 勝仗 , 顯下 我 哋 北軍 打 水戰 嘅 本事 。 曹操 一睇 , 原來 係 袁紹 手下 舊將 , 焦觸 同張 南 。 曹操 就 話 : 你 哋 都 係 生長 喺 北方 , 恐怕 駛起 船 嚟 唔 順手 。 佢 哋 江南 嘅 兵 呀 日日 都 喺 水面 上 往往 來來 , 熟練 到 非常 。 你 哋 唔 好 攞 自己 條命當 兒戲 啊 。 丞相 , 我 哋 如果 打 唔 贏 , 情願 受 軍法 處分 ! 誒 , 而家 所有 嘅 戰船 都 已經 連鎖 起 嚟 嘞 , 只 係 剩低 啲 小船 冇 連鎖 到 。 每 隻 船只 可以 坐 得 二十 人 , 怕 不便 用 嚟 打仗 啩? 丞相 , 如果 用 大船 就 何足 為 奇 呢 ? 就 請 丞相 撥廿零 隻 小船 過我 哋 , 小將 同張 南 各帶 一半 , 就 喺 今日 , 直抵 江南 水寨 , 務必 奪旗 斬 將返 嚟 ! 好 啦 , 你 哋 既然 有 膽量 要 立功 , 我 就 撥 二十隻 船 、 精兵 五百名 , 都 係 用 長槍 硬 弩 , 交 畀 你 哋 指揮 , 等 聽 日 朝 早 出發 。 大寨 嘅 戰船 , 亦 出動 去 江面 之上 為 你 哋 助威 。 另外 , 我 再 派 文聘 率領 三十隻 巡船 , 嚟 接應 你 哋 返 嚟 。 遵命 , 多謝 丞相 ! 焦觸 同張 南 歡歡喜喜 噉 就 出去 準備 。 第 日 , 四 更 煮飯 , 五更 準備 妥當 。 只 聽見 水寨 裏頭 呀 擂鼓 敲鑼 , 曹 軍 嘅 戰船 都 開出 水寨 , 分佈 喺 江面 之上 。 長江 一帶 , 青 紅旗 號 交相 揮舞 。 焦觸 、 張南 率領 住 二十隻 哨船 , 穿 寨 而 出 , 向 住 江南 進發 嘞 。 而家 講返 下 江南 呢 便 , 佢 哋 尋 晚 呢 , 就 聽見 鼓聲隆隆 , 遠遠 就 望見 曹操 喺 度 操練 水軍 。 周瑜 得到 報告 就 行上 山頂 想 睇 下 。 但 係 上 到 山 呢 , 曹操 已經 收 咗 兵 操練 完 嘞 。 今日 , 又 聽見 鼓聲 震天 , 啲 軍士 急急 走 去 高頂 遼望 啦 。 見到 有 十幾 廿 隻 小船 衝緊過 嚟 , 就 飛報 中軍 嘞 。 周瑜 問 : 邊位 將軍 敢出去 打頭陣 啊 ? 韓當 、 周泰 兩個 一齊 出 嚟 話 : 我 哋 願 做 先鋒 去 打 佢 ! 周瑜 就 派 佢 哋 去 迎敵 , 同時 傳令 各寨 啊 , 要 嚴加 防守 不可 輕動 噉 。 韓當 、 周泰好 快 就 作好 準備 , 各自 帶領 五隻 哨船 , 分 左右 出擊 。 噉 嗰 個 焦觸 同張 南 啊 , 佢 哋 係 憑 一時 之勇 , 飛 咁 快 棹 住 啲 小船 衝到 嚟 南岸 。 韓當 只 係 着 住 一件 掩心 甲 , 手執 長槍 , 企 喺 船頭 。 焦觸 嗰 隻 船 就 先 到 噃, 就 命令 軍士 對住 韓當 隻 船 就 亂箭 射過去 。 韓當用 擋箭牌 遮住 , 一 啲 事 都 冇 。 兩隻 船 逼近 嘞 , 焦觸 就 舞住 支 長槍 同 韓當 交鋒 , 韓當 手起 一槍 , 就 刺死 焦觸 。 張 南 喺 後 便 隻 船上 , 大聲 叫喊 住 噉 趕過 嚟 。 呢 個 時候 呢 , 周泰 隻 船 啊 斜 斜 地衝 上 嚟 。 張南 挺起 支槍 企 喺 船頭 , 嘩 兩 便 啲 兵 呀 搏命 咁 射箭 。 周泰 左手 挽住 個 藤牌 , 右手 揸 住 把 刀 。 等到 兩隻 船 距離 七八尺 咁 上下 啦 , 周泰啪聲 飛身 一跳 , 一下 就 跳 咗 過去 張南 隻 船上 , 手起刀落 , 斬 咗 張南 落水 , 跟 住 就 亂 咁 殺駛船 啲 軍士 嘞 。 然後 呢 , 就 跳 返過 自己 隻 船處 。 曹 軍 其餘 嘅 船隻 , 即刻 擺 呔 飛 棹 返 轉頭 咯 。 韓當 、 周泰 指揮 船隊 窮追不捨 。 到 咗 半路 , 就 遇 着 文聘 啊 率領 船隊 嚟 到 , 於是 兩便 就 擺開 船隊 廝殺 起 嚟 。 周瑜 啊 , 佢 又 帶 住 所有 嘅 將領 , 一直 都 喺 山頂 嚟 到 觀察 住 。 佢 遠遠 望見 江北 嘅 戰艦 , 喺 江面 排開 , 旗幟鮮明 陣容 嚴整 。 再 睇 下 韓當 、 周泰 同文 聘 嘅 水面 交鋒 。 韓當 、 周泰 奮力 攻擊 , 文聘 頂 唔 住 , 轉 呔 返 轉頭 逃走 。 韓當 、 周泰 呀 急急 指揮 船隊 追殺 過去 。 周瑜 喺 山頂 見到 , 怕 佢 哋 兩個 深入 重地 發生 不測 , 就 下令 揮舞 起 白旗 , 打鑼 收兵 。 噉 韓當 、 周泰 就 調頭 返 嚟 啦 。 周瑜 一直 望實 曹操 嘅 戰艦 啊 一隊 隊 全部 駛 返入 去 水寨 。 佢 諗 咗 好 耐 好 耐 , 然後 對 大家 話 : 江北 嘅 戰船 咁 多 , 好似 蘆葦 咁 密 。 曹操 此人 又 老謀深算 , 我 哋 要 用 乜嘢 計謀 先至 能夠 破 得 佢 呢 吓 ? 當 大家 都 未 嚟 得 及 回答 佢 嘅 時候 , 忽然 遠遠 見到 曹 軍營 寨 嗰 便 啊 , 一陣 大風 吹斷 咗 中央 嘅 黃旗 飄 咗 落水 。 周瑜 哈哈大笑 話 : 呢 個 呀 , 係 曹 軍 不祥之兆 啊 ! 正 喺 度 觀察 緊 , 呢 陣時 翻起 大風 , 只見 江心 嘅 波浪 啊 湧起 幾尺 高 , 打到 嚟 岸邊 啊 啪啪 聲 。 突然 間 , 呼 噉 一浸 風過 , 一面 旗角 , 啡 拂 噉 喺 周瑜 塊面 上面 掃過去 , 周瑜 猛然 諗 起 一件 心事 。 哎呀 ! 佢 大叫 一聲 , 口吐 鮮血 , 成 個人 跌 到 喺 地處 , 不省人事 啊 。 嚇到 啲 人 乜嘢 噉 啦 , 七手八腳 , 喇喇聲 救起 佢 , 返去 帳篷 。 所有 嘅 文官 武將 呀 人人 都 嚟 探問 。 呢 勻 大家 都 驚 喇 , 都 話 曹操 百萬 大軍 , 虎踞鯨吞 。 都督 一下 急病 搞成 噉 樣 , 如果 曹兵 一 嚟 如之奈何 啊 ? 急到 大家 不得了 , 連忙 一便 派 人 去 報告 孫權 , 一便 請 醫生 嚟 醫啦 。 魯肅 啊 見到 周瑜 得 咗 急病 , 個心 啊 非常 之 愁悶 , 就 走 去 搵 孔明 , 將件 事講 畀 孔明知 。 孔明 就 話 喇 : 哦 乜 本來 好地 地仲笑 緊 嘅 , 突然 風吹 旗角 掃 咗 一下 塊面 , 就 口吐 鮮血 , 突然 病起 上 嚟 啊 。 子敬 , 你 以 為點 呢 ? 唉 有 乜點 吖 , 仲 唔 係 曹操 之福 , 江東 之禍 嚟 咩 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 公 瑾 嘅 病 , 我會 醫啊 。 係 啊 ! 誒 呀 ! 係 噉 就 好 咯 , 真 係 國家 萬幸 咯 。 誒 , 噉 就 唔 該 先生 你 去 同 佢 睇 下 啦 。 魯肅 即刻 請 孔明 一齊 去 。 噉 去 到 周瑜 嘅 帳篷 , 魯肅 啊 請 孔明 喺 外 便 坐 住 先 , 自己 行入 去 裏 便 見 周瑜 嘞 。 當時 啊 , 周瑜 正在 大 被 蒙 頭 瞓 喺 度 。 周瑜 問 佢 嘞 : 都督 呀 , 你 而家 覺得 點啊 ? 周瑜 話 : 心口 同個 肚 都 覺得 絞痛 , 仲暈過 幾次 添 。 食過 啲 咩 嘢 藥呢 ? 一味 想 作嘔 , 一食 啲 藥落 去 , 即刻 又 嘔 返出 嚟 嘞 , 唉 ! 都督 啊 , 啱 先 我 去 探 阿 孔明 , 佢 話 會 醫 都督 你 嘅 病 喎 。 我 請 咗 佢 嚟 喇 , 而 家 喺 外 便 , 請 佢 入 嚟 同 你 睇 下 呢 好 唔 好 啊 ? 好 吖 , 請 佢 入 嚟 啦 。 魯肅 就行 出去 請 孔明 。 周瑜 叫 人 扶 佢 起身 , 就 坐響 鋪 床處 。 孔明入 到 嚟 就 對 周瑜 話 喇 : 幾日 冇 見面 , 想 唔 到 貴體 欠安 啊 。 唉 ! 人有旦夕禍福 , 邊 個人 能夠 保得住 唔 病 呢 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 天有不測風雲 , 又 有邊 個人 , 能夠 料 得到 啊 ? 吓 ? 哎喲 ! 哎喲 ! 都督 , 你 覺得 個心 好 煩惱 , 好 翳 悶 係 唔 係 呢 ? 哎 係 啊 。 噉 必須 用 良藥 解 佢 至 得 啊 。 已經 食過 啲 良藥 喇 , 全然 無效 。 噉 就要 先不先 通下 條氣 , 條氣 一順 , 呼吸 暢通 , 啲 病 好 快 就 會 好 㗎 喇 。 周瑜 聽 孔明 講 嘅 說話 , 句句 都 好似 話裏有話 , 都 係 對 住 自己 嘅 心事 講 嘅 噉 , 於是 就 用 說話 引 孔明 喇 。 如果 想條 氣順 , 應當 食 啲 咩 藥好 呢 先生 ? 等 我 開張 藥方 , 一劑藥 , 就 包 都督 你 條氣順 㗎 喇 。 啊 , 噉 啊 真 係 感激不盡 喇 ! 請 先生 賜教 。 孔明 叫 啲 人 攞 啲 紙筆 嚟 , 佢 攞 起筆 , 哈哈 , 之 又 唔 寫 落 去 喎 。 周瑜 知道 佢 嘅 意思 , 就 叫 左右 啲 人 都行 出去 。 噉 孔明 呢 就 沙沙聲 好 快 寫 好 咗 , 遞 咗 畀 周瑜 話 : 呢 個 就 係 都督 嘅 病源 喇 。 周瑜 接過 張紙 嚟 一 睇 , 只見 上 便 寫 住 十六個 字 : 欲 破 曹公 , 宜用 火攻 ; 萬事俱備 , 只欠東風 。 萬事俱備 , 只欠東風 ! 哎呀呀 呀 , 孔明真 係 神仙 啊 ! 佢 早就 知道 晒 我 嘅 心事 咯 。 唯有 爽 爽脆 脆 , 將 實情 講 畀 佢 聽 , 同 佢 商量 罷啦 。 周瑜 噉 樣 一 諗 , 就 笑 住 話 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 先生 既然 知道 我 嘅 病源 嘞 , 準備 用 咩 嘢 藥 嚟 醫呢 ? 而家 事態 危急 , 希望 先生 快 啲 賜教 。 我 借 啲 東南風 嚟 畀 都督 呢 , 好 唔 好 啊 ? 咩 話 ? 借 東南風 ? 冇 錯 , 我 以前 曾經 遇着 一位 奇人 , 佢 將 奇門遁甲 天書 傳授 咗 畀 我 , 教會 我 呼風喚雨 嘅 本事 。 都督 如果 要 用 東南風 呢 好容易 唧 。 請 都督 喺 南屏山 , 同 我 起 一個 台 名叫 七星 壇 。 三層 , 九尺 高 , 派 一百二十 人 畀 我 。 要 佢 哋 揸 住 旗幡 等等 法物 , 圍繞 住 七星 壇 , 我 就 喺 壇 上 作法 。 借 三日 三夜 大大 嘅 東南風 , 幫助 都督 你 用兵 , 都督 , 意下如何 呢 ? 係 唔 係 真 ? 點敢 呃 都督 呢 ? 哎呀 咪 講話 三日 三夜 啊 , 淨 係 一晚 大風 , 大事 就 成功 喇 。 不過 事情 緊急 , 逼近 眉睫 , 唔 能夠 拖延 啊 。 等 我計 一下 先 , 嗯 , 噉 啦 , 我 定 喺 十一月 二十 甲子 呢 一日 , 上壇 祭風 , 到 二十二日 丙寅 停風 , 噉 夠未 呢 ? 好極 喇好極 喇 ! 周瑜 呀 歡喜 到 不得了 , 霎 聲 喺 床上 面跳 起身 , 乜病 都 冇 晒 都 唔 知 幾 精神 啊 。 佢 立即 下令 , 派 五百名 精壯 兵士 , 去 南屏山 築壇 。 撥 一百二十 人 , 執旗 守壇 , 歸 諸葛亮 差遣 。 孔明 辭別 咗 周瑜 , 就 行出 帳篷 , 去 約 埋 魯肅 , 一齊 騎馬 去 南屏山 。 睇 咗 輪 地勢 , 選擇 咗 地點 , 就 命令 啲 兵士 啊 , 去 掘 東南方 啲 紅色 泥土 , 要 嚟 築壇 。 呢 個壇 , 方圓 二十四丈 , 每 一層 就 三尺 高 , 三層 , 三三該 九 啊 總共 九尺 高 。 下 便 呢 一層 呢 , 插 二十八 面旗 , 每 一面 旗 就 代表 一個 星宿 嘅 。 東方 七面 青旗 , 就 代表 角 、 亢 、 氏 、 房 、 心 、 尾 、 箕 , 東方 七宿 , 就 佈 蒼龍 之形 ; 北方 七 面皂 旗 , 代表 斗 、 牛 、 女 、 虛 、 危 、 室 、 壁 , 就 北方 七宿 , 作 玄武 之勢 ; 西方 七面 白旗 , 代表 奎 、 婁 、 胃 、 昴 、 畢 、 觜 、 參 , 西方 七宿 , 就 踞 白虎 之威 。 南方 七面 紅旗 , 代表 井 、 鬼 、 柳 、 星 、 張 、 翼 、 軫 , 就 成 朱雀 之狀 。 第二層 , 周圍 六十四 面 黃旗 , 就 按照 六十四 卦 , 就 每個 人 呢 執住 一面 旗 就 分成 八個 方面 企 喺 處 。 最頂 一層 , 用 四個 人 , 各人 戴 束髮冠 , 穿皂羅袍 , 一 式 道童 打扮 。 前面 左方 企 一個 人 , 手執 一支 長 竹竿 , 竿 尖扎 住 一束 雞毛 , 就 用 嚟 觀察 風 嘅 動 定 起止 。 前 便 右方 企 一個 人 , 亦 係 手執 一支 長 竹竿 , 竿 上面 啊 綁住 一條 七星 號帶 , 用 嚟 觀察 風 嘅 吹 向 嘅 。 後 便 左方 企 一個 人 , 捧住 一口 寶劍 。 後 便 右方 企 一個 人 , 捧住 個 香爐 。 噉 喺 壇 下 便 呢 , 用 二十四個 人 , 各人 係 揸 住 旌旗 、 寶蓋 、 大戟 、 長 戈 、 黃鉞 、 白 旄 、 朱幡 、 皂 纛 , 氹 氹 𡃈 噉 企 喺 處 。 諸葛亮 講清楚 七星 壇 嘅 佈置 情形 , 同埋 要 用 嘅 物件 之後 呢 , 就 返 扯 喇 。 等 佢 哋 按照 辦理 就 係 喇 。 過 咗 幾日 , 到 咗 十一月 二十日 甲子 吉時 喇 。 孔明 沐浴 齋戒 , 着 住件 道士 袍 , 披散 頭髮 , 打大 赤腳 就 嚟 到 七星 壇 。 佢 又 吩咐 魯肅 話 喇 : 子敬 , 你 返去 協助 公瑾 調兵 。 請 你 順便 同 佢 講 一聲 , 如果 我 呢 一套 法術 唔 靈呢 , 就 請 佢 唔 好 怪 啊 吓 。 魯肅 辭別 咗 孔明 就 返 去 見 周瑜 嘞 。 孔明 跟 住 就 囑咐 嗰 班 守 壇 嘅 將士 話 : 我 命令 你 哋 : 不准 擅離 方位 , 不准 交頭接耳 , 不准 胡言亂語 , 不准 大驚小怪 。 如果 違反 命令 嘅 , 斬 ! 遵命 ! 嗰 一百二十個 人 呀 , 個個 都 非常 嚴肅認真 , 按照 孔明 嘅 吩咐 啊 企硬響 處 。 孔明 慢慢 噉 一步 一步 噉 行上 七星 壇 。 上 到 最 頂 嗰 層 , 睇 定 咗 方向 喇 , 點着 香 , 插 喺 個 香爐 處 。 然後 斟 咗 啲 水落 個 水盂 裏 便 , 擔高 個頭 , 向 住 個 天 啊 默默 噉 祈禱 。 祈禱 完喇 , 就 落壇 返去 帳篷 休息 一下 。 就 叫 啲 兵士 啊 輪班 食飯 。 孔明 一日 上壇 三次 , 就 落壇 三次 , 誒 但 係 呢 , 唔 見 有 東南風 噃。 好 嘞 , 幾時 先至 有 風 呢 ? 等 陣至 講吓 。 而家 講返 周瑜 啊 , 佢 已經 喺 呢 幾日 作好 晒 出兵 嘅 準備 , 就 係 等 東南風 一起 就 調兵 出戰 嘞 。 同時 呢 就 報告 畀 孫權知 , 話 自己 嘅 病 已經 好 嘞 , 馬上 就要 發動 對 曹 軍 嘅 總攻擊 , 請 佢 派兵 嚟 接應 。 黃 蓋 呢 處 呢 , 已經 準備 好 二十隻 火船 。 船頭 就 密密 噉 釘 滿大釘 。 船 裏 便 啊 , 裝滿 蘆葦 草 、 乾柴 , 都 用 魚油 淋過 嘅 。 喺 上 便 啊 , 再 鋪 咗 一層 硫磺 、 硝石 呢 啲 引火 嘅 材料 。 外便 就 用 青色 嘅 油布 𢫏 到 實一實 , 睇 唔 出 裏 便 有 乜嘢 嘅 。 船頭 都 插住 一支 青龍 旗 , 船尾 呢 , 都 攋 住 隻 艇 仔 。 黃 蓋 呢 一隊 火船 就 同埋 兵士 都 整裝待發 , 就 係 等 周瑜 一聲令下 唧 。 甘寧 同 闞澤 呢 , 就 掹 住 蔡 和 、 蔡 中 喺 水寨 裏頭 , 日日 咁 飲酒 , 寸步不離 。 佢 哋 帶 過 嚟 嗰 啲 卒 仔 呀 , 一個 都 唔 放 佢 哋 上岸 。 水寨 嘅 四周圍 都 係 東吳 嘅 人馬 , 包圍 到 水洩不通 , 亦 係 等 周瑜 嘅 命令 一到 就 逳 手 。 到 咗 二十 嗰 日 , 周瑜 一 早就 請 埋程 普 、 魯肅 , 以及 所有 嘅 將領 都 嚟 到 中軍帳 商議 事情 。 探子 嚟 報告 話 : 吳 侯 嘅 接應 船隻 , 已經 嚟 到 嘞 。 就 停泊 喺 離開 水寨 八十五 里 嘅 地方 , 等候 都督 嘅 好消息 噉 。 周瑜 立即 派 魯肅 去 傳達 命令 畀 各部 官兵 , 要 準備 好 船隻 、 軍器 , 等等 嘅 應用 物件 , 聽候 命令 , 隨時 出動 作戰 。 如果 貽誤軍機 , 一律 按 軍法 懲辦 ! 東吳 嘅 將士 一 接到 命令 呀 , 一個個 都 摩拳擦掌 準備 廝殺 。 點知 等 啊 等 啊 , 由 上午 呀 等到 中午 , 由 中午 呀 等到 下午 , 下午 呀 等到 入夜 嘞 , 個 天色 都 好好 , 一絲 咁 多 東南風 都 冇 。 吖 , 弊 嘞 , 周瑜 對 魯肅 話 啦 : 孔明 都 怕 係 講 大話 咋 噃。 隆冬 大冷 嘅 時候 , 點會 有 東南風 㗎 ? 魯肅 話 喇 : 我 睇 孔明 個人 唔 會講 大話 嘅 。 誒 不過 , 今朝 早 佢 啊 對我講 過 , 話 如果 呢 次 法術 唔 靈呢 , 就 請 都督 你 唔 好 怪 佢 喎 。 哎呀 ! 噉 就 弊 晒 喇 ! 子敬 啊 , 你 叫 我 而家 點算 呢 ? 初 更過 咗 , 二 更過 咗 仲未見 有 東南風 , 周瑜 就 急 到 面色 都 黑 晒 。 大家 都 耷 低頭 唔 出聲 。 將近 到 三 更 時分 , 突然 間 , 聽見 風聲 響 喇 。 中軍帳 嘅 帳篷 頂 呀 啪啪 聲 。 周瑜 精神 喇 , 喇喇聲行 出去 帳外 一 睇 , 嘩好 嘢 ! 所有 啲 旗 呀 , 啡 拂啡 拂 噉 都 飄向 西北 。 霎時之間 , 東南風 揈揈 聲 吹起 嚟 啊 。 呢 有 詩為證 啊 : 七星 壇上 臥龍 登 , 一夜 東風 江水 騰 。 不是 孔明施 妙計 , 周郎安 得逞 才能 ? 周瑜 高興 固然 高興 , 不過 高興 得 嚟 佢 又 驚 到 眼 都 定 晒 噃, 佢 諗 : 哎呀 孔明 此人 , 真 係 有 奪 天地 造化 之 法 , 鬼神不測 之術 啊 。 如果 留 此人 喺 處 , 乃 係 東吳 嘅 禍根 , 仲 係 及早 殺 咗 佢 免 留 後患 。 周瑜 行返入 中軍帳 , 即刻 就 對帳 前護 軍校 尉 , 丁奉同 徐盛下 命令 嘞 。 你 哋 各帶 一百 人 , 徐盛 由 水路 去 , 丁奉 你 由 陸路 去 , 去 南屏山 七星 壇 , 乜嘢 都 唔 使問 , 捉住 諸葛亮 就 殺 咗 佢 ,攞 佢 個 首級 返 嚟 請功 ! 丁奉 、 徐盛 接到 命令 , 就 分開 水陸 兩路 馬上 出發 就 趕去 南屏山 。 丁 奉 嘅 馬 軍 行 得 快 , 佢 哋 到 先 。 只見 壇 上 嘅 執 旗 將士 當風 企 喺 處 。 丁奉 啪 聲 跳 落馬 , 拔出 把 劍 , 蹬蹬 聲 就 衝上 七星 壇 。 咦 ? 唔 見 孔明 噃。 就 慌忙 問 啲 守壇 將士 。 啲 人話 啱 啱 落壇 走 咗 啊 噉 。 丁奉 又 蹬蹬 聲衝 落壇 想 去 搵 。 呢 個 時候 呢 , 徐 盛 佢 哋 坐船 由 水路 亦 嚟 到 嘞 。 兩個 人 喺 江邊 會合 , 有個 小卒 就 嚟 報告 話 : 稟告 將軍 , 尋晚 有 隻 快船 , 灣 喺 前 便 嘅 河灘 。 啱 先 見到 孔明 呀 仲 披散 頭髮 嘅 , 落 咗 船 , 向 住 上游 嗰 便 駛 咗 去 喇 。 丁奉 、 徐盛 立即 分開 水陸 兩路 追住 去 。 徐 盛 喺 船上 叫 扯 滿帆 , 隻 船 呀 去 得 飛快 。 冇 幾耐 , 望見 前面 嗰 隻 船 冇 幾 遠 喇 , 徐盛 企 喺 船頭 高聲 大叫 : 軍師 唔 好 去 啊 ! 都督 有 請 ! 只見 孔明 企 喺 船尾 放聲 大笑話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 唔 該 你 回覆 都督 , 請 佢 好好 用兵 打仗 啦 ! 你 就 話 諸葛亮 暫時 返 去夏 口先 , 第 日 再見 喇 ! 先生 啊 ! 請 你 停 一停 , 有 緊要 說話 講啊 ! 我 早就 料到 都督 容 我 唔 落 , 必定 要 嚟 害 我 嘅 , 所以 我 預先 就 叫 趙子龍 嚟 接 我 㗎 喇 , 將軍 你 不必 嚟 追 喇 ! 徐盛見 孔明坐 嗰 隻 船 係 冇 帆 嘅 , 蝦 佢 行 得 慢 , 就 唔 講 咁 多咯 一味 追上去 。 眼睇 住 越 追越 近 嘞 , 忽然間 , 見到 趙雲 行出 嚟 喺 船尾 企響 處 , 拈弓 搭 箭 大聲 噉 話 : 我 就 係 常山 趙子龍 ! 奉令 嚟 接 軍師 返去 , 你 為 乜嘢 要 嚟 追 啊 ! 我 本來 想 一箭 射死 你 , 不過 噉 啊 有失 兩家 和氣 , 等 我 畀 啲 手段 你 睇 下 啦 ! 說話 一 講完 ,𠻘 噉 一箭 過去 , 啪 噉 射斷 咗 徐盛船 上 扯帆 嗰 條 繩 。 噉 嗰 張 帆 跌 咗 落水 吖 , 成 隻 船 當堂 打橫 。 而 趙雲 呢 , 就 叫 自己 隻 船 扯起 滿帆 , 食正 順風 , 飛 咁 快 就 飆 咗 去 , 哈想 追 都 追 唔 到 咯 。 呢 個 時候 , 丁 奉 喺 陸路 追到 嚟 喇 , 見到 噉 樣 就 嗌 徐盛駛 隻 船 埋岸 就 對 佢 話 : 諸葛亮 呀 神機妙算 , 冇 人 及 得 佢 。 更 兼 趙雲 有 萬夫不當之勇 , 你 都 知 佢 喺 當陽 長 坂 嗰 啲 威風 㗎 啦 , 我 哋 乾脆 返去 回報 就算 咯 。 於是 兩個 人 就 返去 回覆 周瑜 , 話 孔明 預先 約定 咗 趙雲 嚟 接 咗 佢 返 去夏 口 噉 。 周瑜 大吃一驚 話 : 哎呀 此人 咁 多 計 嘅 , 啊 真 係 使 到 我 以後 日夜 不安 咯 。 魯肅 就 話 嘞 : 噉 都 等 擊破 咗 曹操 之後 , 再 想 辦法 嚟 謀 佢 就 係 啦 。 哈 唯有 係 噉 啦 , 有 乜 辦法 啊 。 而家 發動 總攻擊 至 緊要 , 周瑜 就 馬上 叫 齊 啲 將領 嚟 聽 號令 嘞 。 各位 , 赤壁之戰 馬上 就要 開始 嘞 , 噉 要 知 後事 如何 就 且 聽 下回分解 。

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話 說 曹操 檢閱 完 連環 艦隊 嘅 操練 之後 返到 中軍帳 , 召集 文武 官員 嚟 議論 下 。 said|spoke|Cao Cao|reviewed|finished|chained|fleet|possessive particle|drill|after|returned to|central army tent|gathered|civil and military|officials|to|discuss|next After Cao Cao finished inspecting the training of the fleet, he returned to the central army tent and summoned the civil and military officials to discuss. 佢 對 嗰 班 謀士 話 喇 : 哈哈 , 如果 唔 係 上天 幫 我 , 點得 到鳳 雛 嘅 妙計 吖 。 he|to|that|group|strategists|said|particle|haha|if|||heaven|help|me||||possessive particle|brilliant plan|particle He said to those strategists: Haha, if it weren't for the heavens helping me, how could I have obtained the brilliant strategy of Feng Chou? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 用 鐵索 嚟 連住 啲 戰船 , 渡起江 嚟 , 果然 係 好似 行 平地 一樣 啊 ! hahaha||use|iron chain|to|connect|plural marker|warships||to|as expected|is|like|walking|flat ground|the same|ah Hahaha, using iron chains to connect the warships and crossing the river, it really is like walking on flat ground! 程昱 就 話 喇 : 戰船 連鎖 起 嚟 , 冇 錯 係 平穩 嘞 ; 但 係 , 如果 敵人 用 火攻 , 就 難以 散開 嘞 噃 丞相 呀 , 呢 一層 不可不 防 啊 ! Cheng Yu|then|said|particle indicating completed action|warship|chain|rise|come|not|wrong|is|stable|particle indicating completed action|but|is|if|enemy|use|fire attack|then|difficult to|disperse|particle indicating completed action||prime minister|particle indicating exclamation|this|layer|cannot not|defend|particle indicating exclamation Cheng Yu then said: Connecting the warships is indeed stable; however, if the enemy uses fire attacks, it will be difficult to disperse, Prime Minister, this aspect cannot be neglected! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 程仲德 , 你 考慮 到 呢 一點 係 啱 嘅 。 hahaha||Cheng Chung-tak|you|consider|to|this|point|is|correct|particle Hahaha, Cheng Zhongde, you are right to consider this point. 不過 仲有 啲 地方 你 係 睇 唔 到 嘅 。 but|still have|some|places|you|are|see|not|able to|particle indicating possession or modification However, there are still some places that you cannot see. 荀 攸 又 話 : 仲 德 嘅 意見 非常 正確 啊 , 丞相 點解 笑 佢 呢 ? Xun|You|again|said|still|De|possessive particle|opinion|very|correct|ah|Prime Minister|why|laugh|him|question particle Xun You also said: 'Zhong De's opinion is very correct, why is the Prime Minister laughing at him?' 大家 都 知道 , 凡 係 用 火攻 , 必定 要 靠 風力 。 everyone|all|knows|whenever|is|using|fire attack|definitely|must|rely on|wind power Everyone knows that whenever using fire attacks, it must rely on wind power. 而家 正 係 隆冬 之際 , 只 係 有 西風 北風 , 點會 有 東風 南風 嘅 呢 ? right now|currently|is|midwinter|at the time|only|is|have|west wind|north wind|how could|have|east wind|south wind|question particle|particle indicating a question Right now, it is the height of winter, and there are only west winds and north winds, how could there be east winds and south winds? 我軍 位於 西北方 , 而 敵軍 都 喺 南岸 。 our army|is located|northwest|and|enemy army|also|at|south bank Our army is located in the northwest, while the enemy is on the southern bank. 佢 哋 如果 用 火攻 , 就會燒 返 佢 哋 自己 啦 嘛 , 我 使 乜 怕 呢 ! they|plural marker|if|use|fire attack||back|they|plural marker|themselves|sentence final particle|rhetorical question particle|I|need|what|fear|question particle If they use fire attacks, they will just burn themselves, so why should I be afraid! 哈哈哈哈 , 如果 係 十月 小春 嘅 時候 , 我 早就 提防 喇 。 hahaha|if|is|October|a person's name|possessive particle|time|I|long ago|be on guard|particle indicating completed action Hahaha, if it were in October, I would have been on guard long ago. 嘿 , 大家 聽 曹操 噉 樣一 分析 , 個個 都 好 佩服 啊 : hey|everyone|listen|Cao Cao|like|this|analysis|everyone|all|very|admire|ah Hey, everyone listens to Cao Cao's analysis, and everyone admires it greatly: 丞相 高見 , 我 哋 真 係 萬萬 比 唔 上 啊 ! Prime Minister|wise advice|I|plural marker|||absolutely|compare|||particle Prime Minister, your insight is truly unmatched! 我 哋 清除 燕 、 代 呢 啲 北方 兵卒 , 素來 唔 習慣 坐船 。 ||eliminate|Yan|Dai|||northern|soldiers|always|not|accustomed|to travel by boat We have cleared out the northern soldiers from Yan and Dai, who are not used to sitting on boats. 如果 唔 係 用 而家 呢 個 辦法 , 點 能夠 制服 長江 天險 吖 ! if|not|is|using|now|this|measure word|method|how|able to|subdue|Yangtze River|natural barrier|sentence-final particle If we don't use the current method, how can we conquer the natural barrier of the Yangtze River! 曹操 猛講 北方 人 唔 識 水戰 , 就 激起 有 兩員 戰將 唔 忿氣 喎 。 Cao Cao|boastfully said|northern|people|not|know|naval battle|then|provoked|there are|two|generals|not|anger|particle indicating realization or confirmation Cao Cao boldly claimed that the people of the North do not know naval warfare, which provoked two generals to feel indignant. 佢 哋 行 出 嚟 話 嘞 : they|plural marker|walk|out|come|said|past tense marker They stepped forward and said: 啟 稟 丞相 , 小將 雖然 係 幽 、 燕之人 , 亦 能夠 駛船 啊 。 ||Prime Minister|young general|although|is|You state||also|able to||sentence-final particle We report to the Prime Minister, although we are from You and Yan, we can also operate boats. 請 丞相 發 二十隻 巡邏 小船 畀 我 哋 , 直殺 江口 , 打 一場 勝仗 , 顯下 我 哋 北軍 打 水戰 嘅 本事 。 please|Prime Minister|send|twenty|patrol|boats|to|I|plural marker|directly attack|river mouth|fight|a|victory|show|I|plural marker|Northern Army|fight|naval battle|possessive particle|ability Please send us twenty patrol boats, and we will directly attack the river mouth, win a battle, and demonstrate our Northern army's skills in naval warfare. 曹操 一睇 , 原來 係 袁紹 手下 舊將 , 焦觸 同張 南 。 Cao Cao|at a glance|originally|is|Yuan Shao|subordinate|former general|Jiao Chu||Nan Cao Cao took a look and realized that they were former generals under Yuan Shao, Jiao Zhuo and Zhang Nan. 曹操 就 話 : 你 哋 都 係 生長 喺 北方 , 恐怕 駛起 船 嚟 唔 順手 。 Cao Cao|then|said|you|plural marker|all|are|grew up|in|the North|I'm afraid|operating|boat|coming|not|skillfully Cao Cao then said: You all grew up in the north, so it might be difficult for you to handle a boat. 佢 哋 江南 嘅 兵 呀 日日 都 喺 水面 上 往往 來來 , 熟練 到 非常 。 They|plural marker|Jiangnan|possessive particle|soldiers|sentence-final particle|every day|all|at|water surface|on|often|coming and going|skilled|to|very Their soldiers from Jiangnan are used to being on the water every day, so they are very skilled. 你 哋 唔 好 攞 自己 條命當 兒戲 啊 。 ||||take|own||joke|sentence-final particle You shouldn't treat your own lives as a joke. 丞相 , 我 哋 如果 打 唔 贏 , 情願 受 軍法 處分 ! Prime Minister|we|plural marker|if|fight|not|win|would rather|receive|military law|punishment Prime Minister, if we can't win, we would rather face military punishment! 誒 , 而家 所有 嘅 戰船 都 已經 連鎖 起 嚟 嘞 , 只 係 剩低 啲 小船 冇 連鎖 到 。 hey|now|all|possessive particle|warships|all|already|chained|up|here|past action particle|||remaining|some|small boats|not|chained|to Hey, all the warships are already linked together now, only a few small boats are not connected. 每 隻 船只 可以 坐 得 二十 人 , 怕 不便 用 嚟 打仗 啩? every|measure word for boats|boat|can|sit|up to|twenty|people|afraid|inconvenient|use|for|fighting|question particle Each boat can only carry twenty people, isn't it inconvenient for fighting? 丞相 , 如果 用 大船 就 何足 為 奇 呢 ? Prime Minister|if|use|large ship|then|what is|to be|surprising|question particle Prime Minister, what’s so surprising about using large ships? 就 請 丞相 撥廿零 隻 小船 過我 哋 , 小將 同張 南 各帶 一半 , 就 喺 今日 , 直抵 江南 水寨 , 務必 奪旗 斬 將返 嚟 ! then|please|Prime Minister||measure word for small boats|small boat||plural marker|young general||Nan||half|just|at|today|directly reach|Jiangnan|water fortress|must||kill||come Please allocate twenty small boats to us, and each of the young generals and Zhang Nan will take half, and today, we will head straight to the Jiangnan water stronghold, and we must capture the flag and bring back the generals! 好 啦 , 你 哋 既然 有 膽量 要 立功 , 我 就 撥 二十隻 船 、 精兵 五百名 , 都 係 用 長槍 硬 弩 , 交 畀 你 哋 指揮 , 等 聽 日 朝 早 出發 。 ||||since|have|courage|want|achieve merit|I|then|allocate|twenty|ships|elite soldiers|five hundred|all|are|using|long spears|||||||command|wait|||||depart Alright, since you have the courage to achieve merit, I will allocate twenty boats and five hundred elite soldiers, all armed with long spears and crossbows, to be under your command, and we will set off tomorrow morning. 大寨 嘅 戰船 , 亦 出動 去 江面 之上 為 你 哋 助威 。 Dazhai|possessive particle|warship|also|deployed|to|river surface|on|for|you|plural particle|cheering The warships from Dazhai are also deployed on the river to cheer for you. 另外 , 我 再 派 文聘 率領 三十隻 巡船 , 嚟 接應 你 哋 返 嚟 。 additionally|I|again|send|Wen Ping|leading|thirty|patrol boats|come|assist|you|plural marker|return|come In addition, I will send Wen Ping to lead thirty patrol boats to assist you in returning. 遵命 , 多謝 丞相 ! at your command|thank you|Prime Minister Understood, thank you, Chancellor! 焦觸 同張 南 歡歡喜喜 噉 就 出去 準備 。 focus||Nan|happily|then|just|go out|prepare Jiao Zhu and Zhang Nan happily went out to prepare. 第 日 , 四 更 煮飯 , 五更 準備 妥當 。 the|day|four|watch (time period)|cook rice||prepare|properly The next day, meals will be cooked at the fourth watch, and everything will be ready by the fifth watch. 只 聽見 水寨 裏頭 呀 擂鼓 敲鑼 , 曹 軍 嘅 戰船 都 開出 水寨 , 分佈 喺 江面 之上 。 only|heard|water village|inside|particle|beating drums|striking gongs|Cao|army|possessive particle|warships|all|sailed out|water village|distributed|at|river surface|on Only the sound of drums and gongs can be heard from the water fortress, and Cao Jun's warships have set out from the water fortress, scattered across the river surface. 長江 一帶 , 青 紅旗 號 交相 揮舞 。 Yangtze River|Belt|green||number|each other|waving In the Yangtze River area, green and red flags are waving alternately. 焦觸 、 張南 率領 住 二十隻 哨船 , 穿 寨 而 出 , 向 住 江南 進發 嘞 。 Jiao Chu|Zhang Nan|led|with||patrol boats|passed through|stockade|and|out|towards|with|Jiangnan|advanced|past tense marker Jiao Zhu and Zhang Nan are leading twenty patrol boats, passing through the fortress and heading towards Jiangnan. 而家 講返 下 江南 呢 便 , 佢 哋 尋 晚 呢 , 就 聽見 鼓聲隆隆 , 遠遠 就 望見 曹操 喺 度 操練 水軍 。 now|talk about|next|Jiangnan|this|then|they|plural marker|yesterday|evening|this|then|heard|the sound of drums|from afar|then|saw|Cao Cao|at|place|training|navy Now back to Jiangnan, they heard the booming sound of drums in the evening and saw Cao Cao practicing his navy in the distance. 周瑜 得到 報告 就 行上 山頂 想 睇 下 。 Zhou Yu|received|report|then|walked up|mountain top|wanted|to see|below Zhou Yu received the report and went up to the mountain top to take a look. 但 係 上 到 山 呢 , 曹操 已經 收 咗 兵 操練 完 嘞 。 ||||mountain|question particle|Cao Cao|already|||troops|training|completed|past tense particle But when they reached the mountain, Cao Cao had already finished training his troops. 今日 , 又 聽見 鼓聲 震天 , 啲 軍士 急急 走 去 高頂 遼望 啦 。 today|again|heard|drum sound|deafening|the|soldiers|hurriedly|ran|to|high ground|lookout|sentence final particle Today, they heard the drums booming, and the soldiers hurried to the high ground to look out. 見到 有 十幾 廿 隻 小船 衝緊過 嚟 , 就 飛報 中軍 嘞 。 saw|there are|more than ten|twenty|measure word for boats|small boats|rushing over|here|then|quickly reported|the main army|past tense marker They saw a dozen or twenty small boats rushing over, so they quickly reported to the central army. 周瑜 問 : 邊位 將軍 敢出去 打頭陣 啊 ? Zhou Yu|asked|which|general||to lead the charge|question particle Zhou Yu asked: Which general dares to go out and take the lead? 韓當 、 周泰 兩個 一齊 出 嚟 話 : 我 哋 願 做 先鋒 去 打 佢 ! Han Dong|Zhou Tai|the two|together|||said|||are willing|to be|vanguard|to|fight|him Han Dang and Zhou Tai both stepped forward and said: We are willing to be the vanguard and fight them! 周瑜 就 派 佢 哋 去 迎敵 , 同時 傳令 各寨 啊 , 要 嚴加 防守 不可 輕動 噉 。 Zhou Yu|then|send|they|plural marker|go|meet the enemy|at the same time|send orders|each camp|particle|must|strictly|defense|cannot|act lightly|like that Zhou Yu then sent them to confront the enemy, while also issuing orders to each camp to strengthen their defenses and not to act recklessly. 韓當 、 周泰好 快 就 作好 準備 , 各自 帶領 五隻 哨船 , 分 左右 出擊 。 Han Dang||quickly|then|finished|preparations|each|leading|five|patrol boats|dividing|left and right|attack Han Dang and Zhou Tai quickly made preparations, each leading five scout boats to attack from the left and right. 噉 嗰 個 焦觸 同張 南 啊 , 佢 哋 係 憑 一時 之勇 , 飛 咁 快 棹 住 啲 小船 衝到 嚟 南岸 。 like this|that|measure word|collision||south|particle|they|plural marker|are|relying on|a moment||fast|so|quickly|rowed|continuous aspect particle|some|small boat|rushed to|come|south bank So, that Jiao Zhuo and Zhang Nan, they relied on a moment of bravery, quickly paddling their small boats to charge towards the southern shore. 韓當 只 係 着 住 一件 掩心 甲 , 手執 長槍 , 企 喺 船頭 。 Han Dong|only|is|||one|bulletproof|vest|holding|rifle|standing|at|bow of the boat Han Dang was only wearing a breastplate, holding a spear, standing at the bow of the boat. 焦觸 嗰 隻 船 就 先 到 噃, 就 命令 軍士 對住 韓當 隻 船 就 亂箭 射過去 。 Jiao Zhuo|that|measure word for boats|boat|then|first|arrive|particle indicating suggestion|then|ordered|soldiers|aimed at|Han Dang|measure word for boats|boat|then|random arrows|shot over Jiao Zhuo's boat arrived first, and he ordered the soldiers to shoot a volley of arrows at Han Dang's boat. 韓當用 擋箭牌 遮住 , 一 啲 事 都 冇 。 Han is useful|shield|cover|one|a little|thing|all|none Han Dang used a shield to block, and there was nothing at all. 兩隻 船 逼近 嘞 , 焦觸 就 舞住 支 長槍 同 韓當 交鋒 , 韓當 手起 一槍 , 就 刺死 焦觸 。 two|boats|approached|particle indicating action|Jiao Zhu|then|wielding|measure word for long objects|spear|with|Han Dang|clashed|Han Dang|hand raised|one shot|then|stabbed to death|Jiao Zhu The two boats approached, and Jiao Zhuo clashed with Han Dang while dancing with his spear. Han Dang raised his gun and stabbed Jiao Zhuo to death. 張 南 喺 後 便 隻 船上 , 大聲 叫喊 住 噉 趕過 嚟 。 Cheung|Nam|at|back|then|measure word for boat|on the boat|loudly|shouted|continuous aspect particle|like that|rushed over|here Zhang Nan was on the boat behind, shouting loudly to hurry over. 呢 個 時候 呢 , 周泰 隻 船 啊 斜 斜 地衝 上 嚟 。 this|measure word for events|time|particle indicating a question|Zhou Tai|measure word for boats|boat|particle indicating exclamation||||| At this moment, Zhou Tai's boat was charging up at an angle. 張南 挺起 支槍 企 喺 船頭 , 嘩 兩 便 啲 兵 呀 搏命 咁 射箭 。 Cheung Nam|raised|rifle|standing|at|bow of the boat|wow|two|then|particle indicating comparison|soldiers|ah|desperately|like that|shooting arrows Zhang Nan stood at the bow with his gun raised, while the soldiers on both sides were desperately shooting arrows. 周泰 左手 挽住 個 藤牌 , 右手 揸 住 把 刀 。 Zhou Tai|left hand|holding|measure word|rattan shield|right hand|holding|particle indicating continuous action|measure word|knife Zhou Tai held a rattan shield in his left hand and a knife in his right hand. 等到 兩隻 船 距離 七八尺 咁 上下 啦 , 周泰啪聲 飛身 一跳 , 一下 就 跳 咗 過去 張南 隻 船上 , 手起刀落 , 斬 咗 張南 落水 , 跟 住 就 亂 咁 殺駛船 啲 軍士 嘞 。 waiting until|two|boats|distance|seven to eight feet|like this|up and down|particle indicating completion||leaped|one jump|in one go|then|jumped|past tense marker|over to|Zhang Nan|measure word for boats|on the boat|with a swift motion|slashed|past tense marker|Zhang Nan|into the water|||then|chaotically|like this||particle indicating plural|soldiers|particle indicating completion When the two boats were about seven or eight feet apart, Zhou Tai suddenly jumped and leaped onto Zhang Nan's boat, striking down with his knife, cutting Zhang Nan into the water, and then wildly killing the soldiers on the boat. 然後 呢 , 就 跳 返過 自己 隻 船處 。 then|question particle|then|jump|back over|own|measure word for boats|boat location Then, he jumped back to his own boat. 曹 軍 其餘 嘅 船隻 , 即刻 擺 呔 飛 棹 返 轉頭 咯 。 ||the rest of|possessive particle|ships|immediately|put|brake|fast|oar|return|turn around|particle indicating completed action The other boats of Cao's army immediately turned around and rowed back. 韓當 、 周泰 指揮 船隊 窮追不捨 。 Han Dang|Zhou Tai|commanded|fleet|pursued relentlessly Han Dang and Zhou Tai commanded the fleet to pursue relentlessly. 到 咗 半路 , 就 遇 着 文聘 啊 率領 船隊 嚟 到 , 於是 兩便 就 擺開 船隊 廝殺 起 嚟 。 arrive|past tense marker|halfway|then|||Wen Ping|particle|leading|fleet|come||||||||| On the way, they encountered Wen Pin leading the fleet, so both sides set up their fleets and started fighting. 周瑜 啊 , 佢 又 帶 住 所有 嘅 將領 , 一直 都 喺 山頂 嚟 到 觀察 住 。 Zhou Yu|ah|he|again|||all|possessive particle|generals|continuously|all|at|mountain top|||| Zhou Yu, he was also with all the generals, continuously observing from the mountain top. 佢 遠遠 望見 江北 嘅 戰艦 , 喺 江面 排開 , 旗幟鮮明 陣容 嚴整 。 He|from afar|saw|Jiangbei|possessive particle|battleship|at|river surface|lined up|flags bright and clear|formation|orderly He saw the warships in the north of the river, lined up on the river surface, with bright flags and a well-organized formation. 再 睇 下 韓當 、 周泰 同文 聘 嘅 水面 交鋒 。 again|watch|particle indicating action completion|Han Dong|Zhou Tai|Tong Wen|hired|possessive particle|water surface|confrontation Then he looked at the clash on the water between Han Dang, Zhou Tai, and Wen Pin. 韓當 、 周泰 奮力 攻擊 , 文聘 頂 唔 住 , 轉 呔 返 轉頭 逃走 。 Han Dong|Zhou Tai|with all his might|attack|Wen Pin|withstand|||turn|around|back|turn|escape Han Dang and Zhou Tai attacked fiercely, and Wen Pin couldn't hold on, turning around and fleeing. 韓當 、 周泰 呀 急急 指揮 船隊 追殺 過去 。 Han Dang|Zhou Tai|ah|urgently|command|fleet|pursue and kill|past Han Dang and Zhou Tai urgently commanded the fleet to pursue. 周瑜 喺 山頂 見到 , 怕 佢 哋 兩個 深入 重地 發生 不測 , 就 下令 揮舞 起 白旗 , 打鑼 收兵 。 Zhou Yu|at|the mountain top|saw|afraid|he|they|two of them|deep into|enemy territory|happen|unforeseen event|then|ordered|to wave|up|white flag|beat the drum|recall the troops Zhou Yu saw this from the mountaintop and, fearing that the two of them might encounter danger deep in enemy territory, ordered the waving of a white flag to signal a retreat. 噉 韓當 、 周泰 就 調頭 返 嚟 啦 。 then|Han Dong|Zhou Tai|then|turn around|return|here|particle indicating completed action So Han Dang and Zhou Tai turned back. 周瑜 一直 望實 曹操 嘅 戰艦 啊 一隊 隊 全部 駛 返入 去 水寨 。 Zhou Yu|continuously|looking at|Cao Cao|possessive particle|warship|ah|a team|soldiers|all|sail|return|to|water fortress Zhou Yu kept watching Cao Cao's warships as they all sailed back into the water fortress. 佢 諗 咗 好 耐 好 耐 , 然後 對 大家 話 : he|thought|past tense marker|very|long|||then|to|everyone|said He thought for a long, long time, and then said to everyone: 江北 嘅 戰船 咁 多 , 好似 蘆葦 咁 密 。 Jiangbei|possessive particle|warships|so|many|like|reeds|so|dense The warships in Jiangbei are so many, they are as dense as reeds. 曹操 此人 又 老謀深算 , 我 哋 要 用 乜嘢 計謀 先至 能夠 破 得 佢 呢 吓 ? Cao Cao|this person|again|very cunning|||need|use|what|strategy|only then|able to|||him|this|question particle Cao Cao is a very cunning person, what strategy should we use to defeat him? 當 大家 都 未 嚟 得 及 回答 佢 嘅 時候 , 忽然 遠遠 見到 曹 軍營 寨 嗰 便 啊 , 一陣 大風 吹斷 咗 中央 嘅 黃旗 飄 咗 落水 。 when|everyone|all|not yet|arrive|able|and|answer|he|possessive particle|time|suddenly|from afar|saw|Cao|military camp|fort|that|then|ah|a gust of wind|strong wind|blew away|past tense marker|central|possessive particle|yellow flag|fluttered|past tense marker|into the water Just when everyone had not yet had the chance to answer him, suddenly from afar, we saw the Cao army's camp, and a strong wind blew, breaking the central yellow flag and it fell into the water. 周瑜 哈哈大笑 話 : 呢 個 呀 , 係 曹 軍 不祥之兆 啊 ! Zhou Yu|laughed heartily|said|this|measure word|particle|is|||bad omen|particle Zhou Yu laughed heartily and said: This is an ominous sign for the Cao army! 正 喺 度 觀察 緊 , 呢 陣時 翻起 大風 , 只見 江心 嘅 波浪 啊 湧起 幾尺 高 , 打到 嚟 岸邊 啊 啪啪 聲 。 currently|at|place|observing|continuous tense marker|this|moment|suddenly|strong wind|only saw|river center|possessive particle|waves|sentence-final particle|surge up|several feet|high|hit|towards|shore|sentence-final particle|sound of splashing|sound While observing, at that moment a strong wind arose, and we saw the waves in the river surge up several feet high, crashing against the shore with a loud sound. 突然 間 , 呼 噉 一浸 風過 , 一面 旗角 , 啡 拂 噉 喺 周瑜 塊面 上面 掃過去 , 周瑜 猛然 諗 起 一件 心事 。 suddenly|moment|to exhale|like that|a quick|gust of wind|one side|corner of the flag|brown|to brush|like that|at|Zhou Yu|face|on|swept past|Zhou Yu|suddenly|||one|worry Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and a corner of the flag brushed across Zhou Yu's face, causing him to suddenly think of a troubling matter. 哎呀 ! 佢 大叫 一聲 , 口吐 鮮血 , 成 個人 跌 到 喺 地處 , 不省人事 啊 。 oh no|he|shouted|one time|mouth spitting|fresh blood|whole|person|fell|to|at|ground|unconscious|ah Ah! He shouted loudly, spitting out fresh blood, and fell to the ground, unconscious. 嚇到 啲 人 乜嘢 噉 啦 , 七手八腳 , 喇喇聲 救起 佢 , 返去 帳篷 。 scared|particle indicating plural|people|what|like that|particle indicating suggestion|in a flurry|in a hurry|rescue|him|return|tent The people were so scared, they scrambled around, making a commotion to rescue him and took him back to the tent. 所有 嘅 文官 武將 呀 人人 都 嚟 探問 。 all|possessive particle|civil officials|military generals|sentence-final particle|everyone|all|come|inquire All the civil officials and military generals came to inquire. 呢 勻 大家 都 驚 喇 , 都 話 曹操 百萬 大軍 , 虎踞鯨吞 。 this|match|everyone|all|scared|particle indicating completed action|all|said|Cao Cao|million|army|tiger crouching and whale swallowing (metaphor for overwhelming power) Everyone was frightened, saying that Cao Cao's million-strong army was looming large. 都督 一下 急病 搞成 噉 樣 , 如果 曹兵 一 嚟 如之奈何 啊 ? Governor|for a moment|sudden illness|turned into|like this|situation|if|enemy soldiers|one|come|what to do|ah The governor suddenly fell ill like this, what if Cao's troops come? 急到 大家 不得了 , 連忙 一便 派 人 去 報告 孫權 , 一便 請 醫生 嚟 醫啦 。 urgent|everyone|in a terrible situation|hurriedly|at the same time|send|person|to|report|Sun Quan|at the same time|invite|doctor|come| Everyone was in a panic, so they quickly sent someone to report to Sun Quan and also called for a doctor. 魯肅 啊 見到 周瑜 得 咗 急病 , 個心 啊 非常 之 愁悶 , 就 走 去 搵 孔明 , 將件 事講 畀 孔明知 。 Lu Su|particle indicating exclamation|saw|Zhou Yu|got|past tense marker|sudden illness|his heart|particle indicating exclamation|very|particle indicating possession|worried|then|walked|to|find|Kongming|the matter||to| Lu Su, seeing that Zhou Yu had fallen seriously ill, was very worried and went to find Kong Ming to inform him of the situation. 孔明 就 話 喇 : 哦 乜 本來 好地 地仲笑 緊 嘅 , 突然 風吹 旗角 掃 咗 一下 塊面 , 就 口吐 鮮血 , 突然 病起 上 嚟 啊 。 Kongming|then|said|particle indicating completed action|oh|what|originally|well||continuous tense marker|particle indicating possession|suddenly|wind blowing|flag corner|sweeping|past tense marker|once|face|then|mouth spitting|fresh blood|suddenly|fell ill|up|come|particle indicating exclamation Kong Ming said: Oh, what was originally fine and he was even laughing, suddenly a gust of wind blew and hit his face, causing him to spit blood and fall ill all of a sudden. 子敬 , 你 以 為點 呢 ? Zijing|you|||question particle Zijing, what do you think? 唉 有 乜點 吖 , 仲 唔 係 曹操 之福 , 江東 之禍 嚟 咩 。 sigh|have|what|particle|still|not|is|Cao Cao||Jiangdong||come|question particle Sigh, what can we do? Isn't it a blessing for Cao Cao and a disaster for Jiangdong? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 公 瑾 嘅 病 , 我會 醫啊 。 hahaha||grandpa|Jin|possessive particle|illness||cure Hahaha, I can treat Gong Jin's illness. 係 啊 ! 誒 呀 ! 係 噉 就 好 咯 , 真 係 國家 萬幸 咯 。 Yes! Oh! That's good, truly a great fortune for the country. 誒 , 噉 就 唔 該 先生 你 去 同 佢 睇 下 啦 。 hey|like this|then|||sir|you|go|with|he|||particle indicating suggestion Well, then please, sir, go and check on him. 魯肅 即刻 請 孔明 一齊 去 。 Lu Su|immediately|please|Kongming|together|go Lu Su immediately invited Kong Ming to go together. 噉 去 到 周瑜 嘅 帳篷 , 魯肅 啊 請 孔明 喺 外 便 坐 住 先 , 自己 行入 去 裏 便 見 周瑜 嘞 。 then|go|to|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|tent|Lu Su|ah|invite|Kongming|at|outside|then|sit|down|first|himself|walk in|to|inside|then|see|Zhou Yu|past tense particle So, when he arrived at Zhou Yu's tent, Lu Su asked Kong Ming to sit outside first, and then he went in to see Zhou Yu. 當時 啊 , 周瑜 正在 大 被 蒙 頭 瞓 喺 度 。 at that time|ah|Zhou Yu|was|very|by|covered|head|sleeping|at|place At that time, Zhou Yu was lying down with a blanket over his head. 周瑜 問 佢 嘞 : 都督 呀 , 你 而家 覺得 點啊 ? Zhou Yu|asked|he|past tense marker|governor|question particle|you|now|feel|how Zhou Yu asked him: Commander, how are you feeling now? 周瑜 話 : 心口 同個 肚 都 覺得 絞痛 , 仲暈過 幾次 添 。 Zhou Yu|said|heart||stomach|both|feel|cramping pain|||additionally Zhou Yu said: My chest and stomach feel painful, and I've fainted a few times too. 食過 啲 咩 嘢 藥呢 ? eaten|some|what|thing| What medicine have you taken? 一味 想 作嘔 , 一食 啲 藥落 去 , 即刻 又 嘔 返出 嚟 嘞 , 唉 ! persistently|want|vomit|as soon as (I) eat|some|||immediately|again|vomit|come out|out|particle indicating completed action|sigh I keep feeling nauseous, and every time I take some medicine, I immediately throw it back up, sigh! 都督 啊 , 啱 先 我 去 探 阿 孔明 , 佢 話 會 醫 都督 你 嘅 病 喎 。 governor|ah|just|now|I|go|visit|honorific|Kongming|he|said|will|cure|governor|you|possessive particle|illness|sentence-final particle Governor, I just went to visit Kongming, and he said he would treat your illness. 我 請 咗 佢 嚟 喇 , 而 家 喺 外 便 , 請 佢 入 嚟 同 你 睇 下 呢 好 唔 好 啊 ? I|invited|past tense marker|he|come|completed action particle|and|now|at|outside|door|invite|him|in|come|with|you|see|if|this|good|not|good|question particle I have invited him over, and he is outside now. Should I ask him to come in and take a look at you? 好 吖 , 請 佢 入 嚟 啦 。 good|particle|please|he|come|here|particle Sure, please let him in. 魯肅 就行 出去 請 孔明 。 Lu Su|just go|go out|invite|Kongming Lu Su then went out to invite Kongming in. 周瑜 叫 人 扶 佢 起身 , 就 坐響 鋪 床處 。 Zhou Yu|called|someone|help|him|get up|then||bed|area Zhou Yu asked someone to help him get up, and then sat down on the bed. 孔明入 到 嚟 就 對 周瑜 話 喇 : 幾日 冇 見面 , 想 唔 到 貴體 欠安 啊 。 ||here|then|to|Zhou Yu|said|particle indicating completed action|several days|not|met||||your esteemed self|not well|particle indicating surprise or realization When Kong Ming entered, he said to Zhou Yu: "It's been a few days since we last met, I didn't expect you to be unwell." 唉 ! 人有旦夕禍福 , 邊 個人 能夠 保得住 唔 病 呢 ? sigh||which||can|keep safe|not|illness|question particle Alas! Life has its ups and downs, who can guarantee that they won't fall ill? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 天有不測風雲 , 又 有邊 個人 , 能夠 料 得到 啊 ? hahaha|ha||again||person|able to|predict|get|ah Hahaha, the heavens have unpredictable weather, who can foresee it? 吓 ? 哎喲 ! 哎喲 ! huh|oh no|oh no Huh? Oh no! Oh no! 都督 , 你 覺得 個心 好 煩惱 , 好 翳 悶 係 唔 係 呢 ? Governor|you|feel|heart|very|troubled|very|gloomy|bored|is|not|is|question particle Governor, do you feel very troubled and depressed? 哎 係 啊 。 ah|is|particle Yes, I do. 噉 必須 用 良藥 解 佢 至 得 啊 。 then|must|use|good medicine|relieve|him|only|fine|particle Then we must use good medicine to resolve it. 已經 食過 啲 良藥 喇 , 全然 無效 。 already|eaten|some|good medicine|particle indicating completed action|completely|ineffective I have already taken some good medicine, but it was completely ineffective. 噉 就要 先不先 通下 條氣 , 條氣 一順 , 呼吸 暢通 , 啲 病 好 快 就 會 好 㗎 喇 。 then|must|first or not|clear up|energy|energy|once smooth|breathing|unobstructed|the|illness|very|quickly|then|will|well|particle|particle Then we need to first clear the air; once the air flows smoothly, breathing will be unobstructed, and the illness will improve quickly. 周瑜 聽 孔明 講 嘅 說話 , 句句 都 好似 話裏有話 , 都 係 對 住 自己 嘅 心事 講 嘅 噉 , 於是 就 用 說話 引 孔明 喇 。 Zhou Yu|heard|Kongming|speak|possessive particle|words|every sentence|all|seems|has hidden meaning|all|are|||himself|possessive particle|inner thoughts|speaking|possessive particle|like that|so|then|used|words|to provoke|Kongming|particle indicating completed action Zhou Yu listened to what Kong Ming said, every sentence seemed to have a hidden meaning, as if he was speaking about his own thoughts, so he used words to lure Kong Ming. 如果 想條 氣順 , 應當 食 啲 咩 藥好 呢 先生 ? if|||should|eat|some|what||question particle|sir If I want to smooth my temper, what medicine should I take, sir? 等 我 開張 藥方 , 一劑藥 , 就 包 都督 你 條氣順 㗎 喇 。 wait|I|write out|prescription|one dose of medicine|then|definitely|help|you||particle|particle Let me write a prescription, one dose of medicine will ensure your temper is smooth. 啊 , 噉 啊 真 係 感激不盡 喇 ! 請 先生 賜教 。 ah|like that|ah|||endlessly grateful|particle indicating completed action|please|sir|enlighten me Ah, I really can't thank you enough! Please, sir, enlighten me. 孔明 叫 啲 人 攞 啲 紙筆 嚟 , 佢 攞 起筆 , 哈哈 , 之 又 唔 寫 落 去 喎 。 Kongming|told|some|people|to take|some|paper and pen|here|he|took|up the pen|haha|but|again|not|write|down|go|particle indicating realization Kong Ming asked the people to bring paper and pen, he picked up the pen, haha, but didn't write anything down. 周瑜 知道 佢 嘅 意思 , 就 叫 左右 啲 人 都行 出去 。 Zhou Yu|knew|he|possessive particle|meaning|then|ordered|attendants|plural marker|people||outside Zhou Yu understood his meaning, so he ordered the people around him to leave. 噉 孔明 呢 就 沙沙聲 好 快 寫 好 咗 , 遞 咗 畀 周瑜 話 : then|Kongming|this|then|rustling sound|very|quickly|write|well|past tense marker|hand over|past tense marker|to|Zhou Yu|said Then Kong Ming quickly wrote something down and handed it to Zhou Yu, saying: 呢 個 就 係 都督 嘅 病源 喇 。 this|measure word|then|is|governor|possessive particle|source of illness|final particle This is the source of the governor's illness. 周瑜 接過 張紙 嚟 一 睇 , 只見 上 便 寫 住 十六個 字 : Zhou Yu|took|the piece of paper|to|one|look|only saw|on|then|written|with|sixteen|characters Zhou Yu took the paper and looked at it, and saw that it was written with sixteen characters: 欲 破 曹公 , 宜用 火攻 ; 萬事俱備 , 只欠東風 。 to|defeat|Cao Cao||fire attack|everything is ready| To defeat Cao Gong, fire attacks are necessary; everything is ready, only the east wind is missing. 萬事俱備 , 只欠東風 ! everything is ready| Everything is ready, only lacking the east wind! 哎呀呀 呀 , 孔明真 係 神仙 啊 ! oh no|particle||is|immortal|particle Oh my, Kongming is truly a divine being! 佢 早就 知道 晒 我 嘅 心事 咯 。 he|already|knew|all|my|possessive particle|worries|sentence-final particle He already knows all my thoughts. 唯有 爽 爽脆 脆 , 將 實情 講 畀 佢 聽 , 同 佢 商量 罷啦 。 only|refreshing|crispy|crunchy|to|truth|tell|to|him|hear|with|him|discuss|let's stop I can only honestly and straightforwardly tell him the truth and discuss it with him. 周瑜 噉 樣 一 諗 , 就 笑 住 話 喇 : Zhou Yu|like this|appearance|one|think|then|||said|particle indicating completed action Zhou Yu thought this way and smiled as he said: 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 先生 既然 知道 我 嘅 病源 嘞 , 準備 用 咩 嘢 藥 嚟 醫呢 ? hahaha|ha|sir|since|knows|I|possessive particle|source of illness|past action particle|prepare|use|what|thing|medicine|to| Hahaha, since you know the source of my illness, what kind of medicine are you preparing to use to treat it? 而家 事態 危急 , 希望 先生 快 啲 賜教 。 now|situation|urgent|hope|sir|quickly|a bit|provide guidance The situation is urgent now, I hope you can advise me quickly. 我 借 啲 東南風 嚟 畀 都督 呢 , 好 唔 好 啊 ? I|borrow|some|southeast wind|come|give|governor|question particle|good|not|good|final particle Can I borrow some southeast wind to give to the governor? 咩 話 ? 借 東南風 ? what|did you say|borrow|southeast wind What did you say? Borrow southeast wind? 冇 錯 , 我 以前 曾經 遇着 一位 奇人 , 佢 將 奇門遁甲 天書 傳授 咗 畀 我 , 教會 我 呼風喚雨 嘅 本事 。 not|wrong|I|previously|once|encountered|a|strange person|he|will|Qimen Dunjia|heavenly book|taught|past tense marker|to|me|taught|me|calling the wind and rain|possessive particle|ability That's right, I once met a strange person who taught me the secret of Qimen Dunjia, and showed me how to summon the wind and rain. 都督 如果 要 用 東南風 呢 好容易 唧 。 governor|if|wants|use|southeast wind|question particle|very easily|to blow Governor, if we want to use the southeast wind, it will be very easy. 請 都督 喺 南屏山 , 同 我 起 一個 台 名叫 七星 壇 。 please|governor|at|Nanping Mountain|with|I|build|a|platform|named|Seven Stars|altar Please, Governor, at Nanping Mountain, build a platform with me called Seven Star Altar. 三層 , 九尺 高 , 派 一百二十 人 畀 我 。 three stories|nine feet|high|send|one hundred twenty|people|to|me Three layers, nine feet high, and give me one hundred and twenty people. 要 佢 哋 揸 住 旗幡 等等 法物 , 圍繞 住 七星 壇 , 我 就 喺 壇 上 作法 。 need|they|plural marker|hold|possessive particle|flag|etc|ritual items|surrounding|possessive particle|Seven Stars|altar|I|then|at|altar|on|perform ritual I want them to hold flags and other ceremonial items, surrounding the Seven Star Altar, while I perform the ritual on the altar. 借 三日 三夜 大大 嘅 東南風 , 幫助 都督 你 用兵 , 都督 , 意下如何 呢 ? borrow|three days|three nights|greatly|possessive particle|southeast wind|help|commander|you|use troops|||question particle Borrow a strong southeast wind for three days and three nights to assist you in your military operations, Governor. What do you think? 係 唔 係 真 ? is|not|is|true Is it true? 點敢 呃 都督 呢 ? how dare|deceive|governor|question particle How dare I deceive the governor? 哎呀 咪 講話 三日 三夜 啊 , 淨 係 一晚 大風 , 大事 就 成功 喇 。 oh no|don't|talk about|three days|three nights|ah|only|is|one night|strong wind|big event|then|successful|particle indicating completion Oh, don't talk about three days and three nights, just one night of strong wind, and the big event will be successful. 不過 事情 緊急 , 逼近 眉睫 , 唔 能夠 拖延 啊 。 but|matter|urgent|approaching|imminent|not|able to|delay|particle However, the situation is urgent, it's pressing, we cannot delay. 等 我計 一下 先 , 嗯 , 噉 啦 , 我 定 喺 十一月 二十 甲子 呢 一日 , 上壇 祭風 , 到 二十二日 丙寅 停風 , 噉 夠未 呢 ? wait||a moment|first|hmm|like that|particle|I|definitely|at|November|20|year of the rat|this|day|go to the altar|worship the wind|until|22nd|year of the tiger|stop the wind|like that|enough|question particle Let me calculate for a moment, hmm, like this, I will perform the wind ritual on the day of November 20th, and stop the wind on the 22nd, is that enough? 好極 喇好極 喇 ! extremely good||particle indicating completed action Very good, very good! 周瑜 呀 歡喜 到 不得了 , 霎 聲 喺 床上 面跳 起身 , 乜病 都 冇 晒 都 唔 知 幾 精神 啊 。 Zhou Yu|ah|happy|to|extremely|suddenly|sound|at|on the bed||got up|any illness|all|not|completely|all|not|know|how|energetic|ah Zhou Yu was extremely happy, suddenly jumping up on the bed, feeling completely energetic without any illness. 佢 立即 下令 , 派 五百名 精壯 兵士 , 去 南屏山 築壇 。 He|immediately|ordered|send|five hundred|strong|soldiers|to|Nanping Mountain|build an altar He immediately ordered to send five hundred strong soldiers to build a platform at Nanping Mountain. 撥 一百二十 人 , 執旗 守壇 , 歸 諸葛亮 差遣 。 allocate|one hundred twenty|people|carry the flag|guard the altar|return|Zhuge Liang|dispatch One hundred and twenty people were assigned to hold the flags and guard the platform, under Zhuge Liang's command. 孔明 辭別 咗 周瑜 , 就 行出 帳篷 , 去 約 埋 魯肅 , 一齊 騎馬 去 南屏山 。 Kongming|bid farewell to|past tense marker|Zhou Yu|then|walked out of|tent|went|arranged|to meet|Lu Su|together|rode horses|to|Nanping Mountain Kongming bid farewell to Zhou Yu, then walked out of the tent to meet Lu Su, and together they rode to Nanping Mountain. 睇 咗 輪 地勢 , 選擇 咗 地點 , 就 命令 啲 兵士 啊 , 去 掘 東南方 啲 紅色 泥土 , 要 嚟 築壇 。 look|past tense marker|turn|terrain|choose|past tense marker|location|then|ordered|plural marker|soldiers|sentence-final particle|to go|dig|southeast|plural marker|red|soil|need|to come|build altar After observing the terrain, I chose the location and commanded the soldiers to dig the red soil in the southeast to build the altar. 呢 個壇 , 方圓 二十四丈 , 每 一層 就 三尺 高 , 三層 , 三三該 九 啊 總共 九尺 高 。 this||circumference|twenty-four zhang|every|one layer|is|three feet|high|three layers|three times three|nine|particle indicating exclamation|in total|nine feet|high This altar is twenty-four zhang in circumference, with each layer being three feet high, totaling three layers, which makes it nine feet high. 下 便 呢 一層 呢 , 插 二十八 面旗 , 每 一面 旗 就 代表 一個 星宿 嘅 。 down|then|question particle|one layer|question particle|insert|twenty-eight||every||flag|just|represents|one|constellation|possessive particle On the bottom layer, twenty-eight flags are inserted, with each flag representing a constellation. 東方 七面 青旗 , 就 代表 角 、 亢 、 氏 、 房 、 心 、 尾 、 箕 , 東方 七宿 , 就 佈 蒼龍 之形 ; east|seven faces|green flag|then|represents|Jiao|Kang|Shi|Fang|Xin|Wei|Ji||seven constellations||arranged|azure dragon| The seven green flags in the east represent the constellations of Jiao, Kang, Zhi, Fang, Xin, Wei, and Ji, forming the shape of the Azure Dragon. 北方 七 面皂 旗 , 代表 斗 、 牛 、 女 、 虛 、 危 、 室 、 壁 , 就 北方 七宿 , 作 玄武 之勢 ; North|seven|face soap|flag|represents|Dou|Niu|Nu|Xu|Wei|Shi|Bi|then|North|seven lodges|create|Xuanwu| The seven black flags in the north represent the constellations of Dou, Niu, Nu, Xu, Wei, Shi, and Bi, forming the shape of the Black Tortoise. 西方 七面 白旗 , 代表 奎 、 婁 、 胃 、 昴 、 畢 、 觜 、 參 , 西方 七宿 , 就 踞 白虎 之威 。 the West|seven faces|white flag|represents|Kui|Lou|Wei|Mao|Bi|Zi|Shen||seven constellations|then|occupies|White Tiger| The western seven-faced white flag represents the constellations of Kui, Lou, Wei, Mao, Bi, Zi, and Shen, and the seven stars of the west are under the power of the White Tiger. 南方 七面 紅旗 , 代表 井 、 鬼 、 柳 、 星 、 張 、 翼 、 軫 , 就 成 朱雀 之狀 。 south|seven faces|red flag|represents|well|ghost|willow|star|Zhang|wing|Zhen|then|becomes|Vermilion Bird| The southern seven-faced red flag represents the constellations of Jing, Gui, Liu, Xing, Zhang, Yi, and Zhen, forming the shape of the Vermilion Bird. 第二層 , 周圍 六十四 面 黃旗 , 就 按照 六十四 卦 , 就 每個 人 呢 執住 一面 旗 就 分成 八個 方面 企 喺 處 。 second layer|surrounding|sixty-four|pieces|yellow flags|then|according to|sixty-four|hexagrams|then|each|person|question particle|holding|one piece|flag|then|divided into|eight|directions|standing|at|place On the second layer, there are sixty-four yellow flags surrounding it, corresponding to the sixty-four hexagrams, with each person holding one flag, dividing into eight directions. 最頂 一層 , 用 四個 人 , 各人 戴 束髮冠 , 穿皂羅袍 , 一 式 道童 打扮 。 top|layer|use|four|people|each person|wear|topknot crown||||Taoist boy|dressed up On the topmost layer, there are four people, each wearing a hairpin crown and a black robe, all dressed as Taoist priests. 前面 左方 企 一個 人 , 手執 一支 長 竹竿 , 竿 尖扎 住 一束 雞毛 , 就 用 嚟 觀察 風 嘅 動 定 起止 。 in front|left|standing|one|person|holding|one|long|bamboo pole|pole|sharp end|piercing|a bundle|chicken feathers|then|used|for|observing|wind|possessive particle|movement|or|starting and stopping In the front left, there is a person holding a long bamboo pole, with the tip of the pole piercing a bundle of chicken feathers, used to observe the movement and direction of the wind. 前 便 右方 企 一個 人 , 亦 係 手執 一支 長 竹竿 , 竿 上面 啊 綁住 一條 七星 號帶 , 用 嚟 觀察 風 嘅 吹 向 嘅 。 in front of|then|right|standing|one|person|also|is|holding|one|long|bamboo pole|pole|on top|ah|tied|one|seven-star|numbered belt|used|for|observing|wind|possessive particle|blowing|direction|possessive particle In front, to the right, there is a person standing, also holding a long bamboo pole, with a seven-star ribbon tied to the top, used to observe the direction of the wind. 後 便 左方 企 一個 人 , 捧住 一口 寶劍 。 behind|then|left|stands|one|person|holding|a|sword Behind, to the left, there is a person holding a sword. 後 便 右方 企 一個 人 , 捧住 個 香爐 。 behind|then|right side|stands|one|person|holding|the|incense burner Behind, to the right, there is a person holding an incense burner. 噉 喺 壇 下 便 呢 , 用 二十四個 人 , 各人 係 揸 住 旌旗 、 寶蓋 、 大戟 、 長 戈 、 黃鉞 、 白 旄 、 朱幡 、 皂 纛 , 氹 氹 𡃈 噉 企 喺 處 。 then|at|altar|under|then|here|use|twenty-four|people|each person|is|holding|in possession of|banner|canopy|halberd|long|spear|yellow battle axe|white|flag|red banner|black|flag|||like this|then|standing|at|place So, under the altar, there are twenty-four people, each holding flags, canopies, halberds, long spears, yellow axes, white banners, red flags, and black standards, standing in a circle. 諸葛亮 講清楚 七星 壇 嘅 佈置 情形 , 同埋 要 用 嘅 物件 之後 呢 , 就 返 扯 喇 。 Zhuge Liang|explain clearly|Seven Stars|altar|possessive particle|arrangement|situation|and|need|use|possessive particle|objects|after|question particle|then|return|pull|particle indicating completed action After Zhuge Liang clearly explained the arrangement of the seven-star altar and the objects to be used, they went back to pull. 等 佢 哋 按照 辦理 就 係 喇 。 wait|they|plural marker|according to|process|then|is|particle indicating completed action Just let them handle it. 過 咗 幾日 , 到 咗 十一月 二十日 甲子 吉時 喇 。 passed|past tense marker||arrived|past tense marker|November|20th|year of the rat|auspicious time|sentence-final particle A few days later, it reached the auspicious time of November 20. 孔明 沐浴 齋戒 , 着 住件 道士 袍 , 披散 頭髮 , 打大 赤腳 就 嚟 到 七星 壇 。 Kongming|bathed|fasted|wearing|the|Taoist|robe|letting down|hair|barefoot|barefoot|then|came|to|Seven Star|altar Kongming bathed and fasted, wearing a Taoist robe, with his hair down, and came barefoot to the Seven Star Altar. 佢 又 吩咐 魯肅 話 喇 : 子敬 , 你 返去 協助 公瑾 調兵 。 He|again|instructed|Lu Su|said|particle|Zijing|you|go back|assist|Gongjin|troop deployment He also instructed Lu Su: "Zijing, you go back and assist Gongjin in mobilizing the troops." 請 你 順便 同 佢 講 一聲 , 如果 我 呢 一套 法術 唔 靈呢 , 就 請 佢 唔 好 怪 啊 吓 。 please|you|by the way|with|he|tell||if|I|this|a set of|spells|not||then|please|he|not|very|blame|ah|scare Please also tell him that if my set of spells doesn't work, he shouldn't blame me. 魯肅 辭別 咗 孔明 就 返 去 見 周瑜 嘞 。 Lu Su|said goodbye|past tense marker|Kongming|then|return|to|see|Zhou Yu|sentence final particle Lu Su said goodbye to Kongming and then went to see Zhou Yu. 孔明 跟 住 就 囑咐 嗰 班 守 壇 嘅 將士 話 : Kongming|||immediately|instructed|that|group|||possessive particle|soldiers|said Kongming then instructed the soldiers guarding the altar, saying: 我 命令 你 哋 : 不准 擅離 方位 , 不准 交頭接耳 , 不准 胡言亂語 , 不准 大驚小怪 。 I|command|you|plural marker|not allowed|leaving without permission|position|not allowed|whispering|not allowed|talking nonsense|not allowed|overreacting I command you: Do not leave your positions without permission, do not whisper to each other, do not speak nonsense, do not panic. 如果 違反 命令 嘅 , 斬 ! if|violate|order|possessive particle|behead If you violate the orders, you will be executed! 遵命 ! at your command Understood! 嗰 一百二十個 人 呀 , 個個 都 非常 嚴肅認真 , 按照 孔明 嘅 吩咐 啊 企硬響 處 。 that|one hundred and twenty|people|sentence-final particle|everyone|all|very|serious and diligent|according to|Kongming|possessive particle|instructions|sentence-final particle||place The one hundred and twenty people were all very serious and solemn, standing firmly in place according to Kongming's instructions. 孔明 慢慢 噉 一步 一步 噉 行上 七星 壇 。 Kongming|slowly|like this|one step|one step|like this|walk up|Seven Stars|platform Kongming slowly walked step by step up to the Seven Star Altar. 上 到 最 頂 嗰 層 , 睇 定 咗 方向 喇 , 點着 香 , 插 喺 個 香爐 處 。 go up|to|highest|top|that|floor|look|determine|past tense marker|direction|sentence-final particle|light|incense|insert|at|the|incense burner|place When he reached the top level, he carefully observed the direction, lit the incense, and placed it in the incense burner. 然後 斟 咗 啲 水落 個 水盂 裏 便 , 擔高 個頭 , 向 住 個 天 啊 默默 噉 祈禱 。 then|pour|past tense marker|some||the|basin|inside|then|lifted||facing|towards|the|sky|ah|silently|like that|praying Then he poured some water into the water basin, raised his head, and silently prayed to the heavens. 祈禱 完喇 , 就 落壇 返去 帳篷 休息 一下 。 pray|finished|then|off the stage|return|tent|rest|for a while After finishing the prayer, he went down from the altar and returned to the tent to rest for a while. 就 叫 啲 兵士 啊 輪班 食飯 。 then|call|plural marker|soldiers|sentence-final particle|take turns|eat meal Just tell the soldiers to take turns eating. 孔明 一日 上壇 三次 , 就 落壇 三次 , 誒 但 係 呢 , 唔 見 有 東南風 噃。 Kongming|one day|went up the platform|three times|then|came down the platform|three times|eh|||this|||have|southeast wind|particle Kongming went up to the platform three times in one day, and came down three times, but hey, I don't see any southeast wind. 好 嘞 , 幾時 先至 有 風 呢 ? 等 陣至 講吓 。 ||when|only then|has|wind|question particle|wait||talk a bit Alright, when will the wind come? Let's talk about it later. 而家 講返 周瑜 啊 , 佢 已經 喺 呢 幾日 作好 晒 出兵 嘅 準備 , 就 係 等 東南風 一起 就 調兵 出戰 嘞 。 now|talk about|Zhou Yu|ah|he|already|at|this|few days|completed|all|troop deployment|possessive particle|preparations|just|is|waiting|southeast wind|together|then|move troops|go to battle|past action particle Now back to Zhou Yu, he has already made all the preparations for the troops in these few days, just waiting for the southeast wind to rise to deploy the troops for battle. 同時 呢 就 報告 畀 孫權知 , 話 自己 嘅 病 已經 好 嘞 , 馬上 就要 發動 對 曹 軍 嘅 總攻擊 , 請 佢 派兵 嚟 接應 。 at the same time|this|then|report|to||said|himself|possessive particle|illness|already|recovered|past action particle|immediately||launch|against|Cao|army|possessive particle|total attack|request|he||come|support At the same time, he reported to Sun Quan, saying that his illness has recovered, and he is about to launch a full-scale attack on Cao's army, asking him to send troops to support. 黃 蓋 呢 處 呢 , 已經 準備 好 二十隻 火船 。 Huang|Gai|question particle|place|question particle|already|prepared|well||fire boats Huang Gai has already prepared twenty fire ships here. 船頭 就 密密 噉 釘 滿大釘 。 bow|then|closely|like that|nailed| The bow of the ship is densely nailed with large nails. 船 裏 便 啊 , 裝滿 蘆葦 草 、 乾柴 , 都 用 魚油 淋過 嘅 。 boat|inside|then|ah|filled with|reeds|grass|dry firewood|all|used|fish oil|drenched|past tense particle Inside the ship, it is filled with reeds, dry wood, all soaked in fish oil. 喺 上 便 啊 , 再 鋪 咗 一層 硫磺 、 硝石 呢 啲 引火 嘅 材料 。 at|top|then|ah|again|spread|past tense marker|a layer|sulfur|saltpeter|these|plural marker|flammable|possessive particle|materials On top, a layer of sulfur and saltpeter, these fire-starting materials, are spread. 外便 就 用 青色 嘅 油布 𢫏 到 實一實 , 睇 唔 出 裏 便 有 乜嘢 嘅 。 outside toilet|then|use|green|possessive particle|oilcloth|cover|arrive|check thoroughly|see|not|out|inside|toilet|have|anything| On the outside, a green oilcloth is tightly wrapped, making it impossible to see what is inside. 船頭 都 插住 一支 青龍 旗 , 船尾 呢 , 都 攋 住 隻 艇 仔 。 bow|all|flying|one|green dragon|flag|stern|question particle|all|||measure word for boats|| At the bow of the ship, a green dragon flag is raised, and at the stern, there is a small boat. 黃 蓋 呢 一隊 火船 就 同埋 兵士 都 整裝待發 , 就 係 等 周瑜 一聲令下 唧 。 Huang|Gai|this|a team|fire ship|then|and|soldiers|all|ready for battle|just|is|waiting|Zhou Yu||to fire Huang Gai's fleet of fire ships, along with the soldiers, are all ready to go, just waiting for Zhou Yu's command. 甘寧 同 闞澤 呢 , 就 掹 住 蔡 和 、 蔡 中 喺 水寨 裏頭 , 日日 咁 飲酒 , 寸步不離 。 Gan Ning|with|Han Zhang|this|then|pull|hold|||||at|water village|inside|every day|so|drinking|inseparable Gan Ning and Gan Ze are keeping Cai He and Cai Zhong in the water fortress, drinking every day without leaving their side. 佢 哋 帶 過 嚟 嗰 啲 卒 仔 呀 , 一個 都 唔 放 佢 哋 上岸 。 they|plural marker|bring|over|here|that|plural marker|graduate|child|sentence final particle|one|all|not|allow|them|plural marker|to land They brought over those soldiers, not allowing any of them to go ashore. 水寨 嘅 四周圍 都 係 東吳 嘅 人馬 , 包圍 到 水洩不通 , 亦 係 等 周瑜 嘅 命令 一到 就 逳 手 。 water stronghold|possessive particle|all around|all|are|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|troops|surrounded|to the point of|no way to escape|also|are|waiting for|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|orders|once arrived|then|escape|action The area around the water fortress is surrounded by the troops of Eastern Wu, making it impossible for water to leak through, also waiting for Zhou Yu's order to take action. 到 咗 二十 嗰 日 , 周瑜 一 早就 請 埋程 普 、 魯肅 , 以及 所有 嘅 將領 都 嚟 到 中軍帳 商議 事情 。 arrive|past tense marker|twenty|that|day|Zhou Yu|one||invite||Pu||and|all|possessive particle|generals|all|come|to|central army tent|discuss|matters On the 20th, Zhou Yu early in the morning invited Cheng Pu, Lu Su, and all the generals to the central army tent to discuss matters. 探子 嚟 報告 話 : 吳 侯 嘅 接應 船隻 , 已經 嚟 到 嘞 。 scout|come|report|said|Wu|Hou|possessive particle|rescue|ship|already|come|arrived|past tense particle A scout came to report that the supply ships from Wu had already arrived. 就 停泊 喺 離開 水寨 八十五 里 嘅 地方 , 等候 都督 嘅 好消息 噉 。 then|dock|at|leaving|water village|eighty-five|miles|possessive particle|place|waiting|governor|possessive particle|good news|like that They are docked 85 miles away from the water fortress, waiting for good news from the governor. 周瑜 立即 派 魯肅 去 傳達 命令 畀 各部 官兵 , 要 準備 好 船隻 、 軍器 , 等等 嘅 應用 物件 , 聽候 命令 , 隨時 出動 作戰 。 Zhou Yu|immediately|send|Lu Su|to|convey|orders|to|all units|military personnel|must|prepare|well|ships|weapons|etc|possessive particle|application|items|awaiting|orders|at any time|deploy|combat Zhou Yu immediately sent Lu Su to convey orders to the various officials and soldiers, to prepare the ships, weapons, and other necessary items, and to be on standby for orders to mobilize for battle. 如果 貽誤軍機 , 一律 按 軍法 懲辦 ! if||uniformly|according to|military law|punish If there is any delay in military matters, all will be punished according to military law! 東吳 嘅 將士 一 接到 命令 呀 , 一個個 都 摩拳擦掌 準備 廝殺 。 Eastern Wu|possessive particle|soldiers|one|received|order|sentence-final particle|one by one|all|rolled up their sleeves|prepared|to fight to the death The soldiers of Eastern Wu, upon receiving the order, were all eager and ready to fight. 點知 等 啊 等 啊 , 由 上午 呀 等到 中午 , 由 中午 呀 等到 下午 , 下午 呀 等到 入夜 嘞 , 個 天色 都 好好 , 一絲 咁 多 東南風 都 冇 。 who knew|wait|particle|wait|particle|from|morning|particle|waited until|noon|from|noon|particle|waited until|afternoon|afternoon|particle|waited until|nightfall|particle|classifier|weather|all|very good|a little|so|much|southeast wind|all|not But who would have thought, waiting and waiting, from morning to noon, from noon to afternoon, and from afternoon until nightfall, the weather was really nice, not even a hint of southeast wind. 吖 , 弊 嘞 , 周瑜 對 魯肅 話 啦 : 孔明 都 怕 係 講 大話 咋 噃。 ah|bad|past tense marker|Zhou Yu|to|Lu Su|said|sentence-final particle|Kongming (Zhuge Liang)|all|afraid|to be|speaking|lies|only| Ah, it's bad, Zhou Yu said to Lu Su: Kong Ming is afraid of speaking lies. 隆冬 大冷 嘅 時候 , 點會 有 東南風 㗎 ? mid-winter|very cold|possessive particle|time|how could|have|southeast wind|question particle In the cold of winter, how could there be a southeast wind? 魯肅 話 喇 : 我 睇 孔明 個人 唔 會講 大話 嘅 。 Lu Su|said|particle indicating completed action|I|see|Kongming|person|not||lies|particle indicating possession Lu Su said: I believe Kong Ming is not someone who would lie. 誒 不過 , 今朝 早 佢 啊 對我講 過 , 話 如果 呢 次 法術 唔 靈呢 , 就 請 都督 你 唔 好 怪 佢 喎 。 hey|but|this morning|early|he|ah||before|said|if|this|time|spell|not||then|please|governor|you|not|really|blame|him|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Hey, but this morning he told me that if this spell doesn't work, then please don't blame him, Governor. 哎呀 ! 噉 就 弊 晒 喇 ! 子敬 啊 , 你 叫 我 而家 點算 呢 ? oh no|like this|then|bad|completely|particle indicating completed action|Zijing|ah|you|call|me|now|what to do|question particle Oh no! What should I do now, Zijing? 初 更過 咗 , 二 更過 咗 仲未見 有 東南風 , 周瑜 就 急 到 面色 都 黑 晒 。 first|midnight|past tense marker|second|midnight|past tense marker|still haven't seen|there is|southeast wind|Zhou Yu|then|hurried|arrive|complexion|all|dark|completely The first watch has passed, the second watch has passed, and there's still no southeast wind. Zhou Yu is getting anxious to the point that his face has turned completely dark. 大家 都 耷 低頭 唔 出聲 。 everyone|all|droop|head|not|speak Everyone is lowering their heads and not speaking. 將近 到 三 更 時分 , 突然 間 , 聽見 風聲 響 喇 。 approaching|to|three|midnight|time|suddenly|moment|heard|sound of wind|loud|particle indicating completion Just before the third watch, suddenly, I heard the sound of the wind. 中軍帳 嘅 帳篷 頂 呀 啪啪 聲 。 central army tent|possessive particle|tent|top|particle indicating exclamation|sound of clapping|sound The sound of the tent in the central army's camp is crackling. 周瑜 精神 喇 , 喇喇聲行 出去 帳外 一 睇 , 嘩好 嘢 ! Zhou Yu|energetic|particle indicating action completion||go out|outside the tent|one|look|wow good|thing Zhou Yu is in high spirits, and with a loud voice, he steps out of the tent to take a look, wow, what a sight! 所有 啲 旗 呀 , 啡 拂啡 拂 噉 都 飄向 西北 。 all|plural marker|flags|sentence-final particle|brown|light brown|fluttering|like that|all||northwest All the flags are fluttering towards the northwest. 霎時之間 , 東南風 揈揈 聲 吹起 嚟 啊 。 in an instant|southeast wind|gently|sound|blew up|here|ah In an instant, the southeast wind starts to blow with a whistling sound. 呢 有 詩為證 啊 : this|has|poem as proof|ah There is a poem to prove this: 七星 壇上 臥龍 登 , 一夜 東風 江水 騰 。 不是 孔明施 妙計 , 周郎安 得逞 才能 ? Seven Stars|on the altar|Sleeping Dragon|ascended|one night|east wind|river water|soared|is not||brilliant strategy||successful| On the Seven Stars platform, the sleeping dragon ascends, and in one night, the east wind causes the river to surge. Is it not Kongming's brilliant strategy, but rather Zhou Lang's talent that has succeeded? 周瑜 高興 固然 高興 , 不過 高興 得 嚟 佢 又 驚 到 眼 都 定 晒 噃, 佢 諗 : Zhou Yu|happy|certainly|happy|but|happy|to|come|he|again|scared|to|eyes|all|fixed|completely|particle|he|thought Zhou Yu was certainly happy, but while he was happy, he was also so frightened that his eyes were wide open. He thought: 哎呀 孔明 此人 , 真 係 有 奪 天地 造化 之 法 , 鬼神不測 之術 啊 。 oh|Kongming|this person|really|is|has|taking|heaven and earth|creation|possessive particle|method|||ah Oh, Kongming is truly a person who possesses the methods to seize the heavens and the earth, and the techniques that even gods and spirits cannot predict. 如果 留 此人 喺 處 , 乃 係 東吳 嘅 禍根 , 仲 係 及早 殺 咗 佢 免 留 後患 。 if|leave|this person|at|place|then|is|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|root of disaster|still|is|as early as possible|kill|past tense marker|him|to avoid|leaving|future troubles If this person is left in place, he will be the root of disaster for Eastern Wu; it would be better to kill him early to avoid future troubles. 周瑜 行返入 中軍帳 , 即刻 就 對帳 前護 軍校 尉 , 丁奉同 徐盛下 命令 嘞 。 Zhou Yu|returned|central army tent|immediately|then|to the account|front guard|military academy|officer|||orders|past action marker Zhou Yu returned to the central army tent and immediately gave orders to the guards in front, instructing Ding Feng and Xu Sheng. 你 哋 各帶 一百 人 , 徐盛 由 水路 去 , 丁奉 你 由 陸路 去 , 去 南屏山 七星 壇 , 乜嘢 都 唔 使問 , 捉住 諸葛亮 就 殺 咗 佢 ,攞 佢 個 首級 返 嚟 請功 ! you||||||by||go|||||||Nanping Mountain|||what|all|not||capture|Zhuge Liang|then|kill|past tense marker|him|take|his|possessive particle|head|return|here|claim credit You each bring one hundred men, Xu Sheng will go by water route, Ding Feng you go by land route, head to Nanping Mountain Qixing Altar, no need to ask anything, just capture Zhuge Liang and kill him, bring back his head to claim credit! 丁奉 、 徐盛 接到 命令 , 就 分開 水陸 兩路 馬上 出發 就 趕去 南屏山 。 Ding Feng|Xu Sheng|received|order|then|separate|land and water|two routes|immediately|depart|then|hurry to|Nanping Mountain Ding Feng and Xu Sheng received the order, and immediately split into two groups, one by water and one by land, and rushed to Nanping Mountain. 丁 奉 嘅 馬 軍 行 得 快 , 佢 哋 到 先 。 Ding|Feng|possessive particle|horse|army|walk|can|fast|they|plural marker|arrive|first Ding Feng's cavalry moved quickly, and they arrived first. 只見 壇 上 嘅 執 旗 將士 當風 企 喺 處 。 only saw|altar|on|possessive particle|holding|flag|soldiers|against the wind|standing|at|place They saw the flag-bearing soldiers standing in place against the wind on the altar. 丁奉 啪 聲 跳 落馬 , 拔出 把 劍 , 蹬蹬 聲 就 衝上 七星 壇 。 Ding Feng|sound|sound|jumped|off the horse|drew|measure word|sword|sound of running|sound|then|rushed up|Seven Star|altar Ding Feng jumped off his horse with a bang, drew his sword, and rushed up to Qixing Altar with a clatter. 咦 ? 唔 見 孔明 噃。 eh|not|see|Kongming|particle indicating realization or surprise Eh? I can't see Kongming. 就 慌忙 問 啲 守壇 將士 。 then|hurriedly|asked|some|defending the altar|soldiers So I hurriedly asked the guards. 啲 人話 啱 啱 落壇 走 咗 啊 噉 。 the||||off the stage|left|past tense marker|particle|like that The people said he just left the stage. 丁奉 又 蹬蹬 聲衝 落壇 想 去 搵 。 Ding Feng|again|thumping||off the stage|wants|to|find Ding Feng also rushed down the stage wanting to find him. 呢 個 時候 呢 , 徐 盛 佢 哋 坐船 由 水路 亦 嚟 到 嘞 。 this|measure word|time|particle|||he|plural marker|take a boat|from|waterway|also|||past tense particle At this time, Xu Sheng and the others arrived by boat via the waterway. 兩個 人 喺 江邊 會合 , 有個 小卒 就 嚟 報告 話 : two|people|at|riverside|meet|there is a|messenger|then|come|report|said Two people meet by the riverbank, and a small soldier comes to report: 稟告 將軍 , 尋晚 有 隻 快船 , 灣 喺 前 便 嘅 河灘 。 report|general|last night|there was|a (classifier for boats)|fast boat|bay|at|in front of|then|possessive particle|riverbank "Reporting to the general, last night there was a fast boat, moored at the riverbank ahead. 啱 先 見到 孔明 呀 仲 披散 頭髮 嘅 , 落 咗 船 , 向 住 上游 嗰 便 駛 咗 去 喇 。 just|first|saw|Kongming|particle|still|loose|hair|possessive particle|got|past tense marker|boat|towards|particle indicating direction|upstream|that|then|sailed|past tense marker|go|particle indicating completed action I just saw Kongming, with his hair down, disembark and head upstream. 丁奉 、 徐盛 立即 分開 水陸 兩路 追住 去 。 Ding Feng|Xu Sheng|immediately|separate|land and water|two routes|pursue|go Ding Feng and Xu Sheng immediately split into two routes, land and water, to pursue. 徐 盛 喺 船上 叫 扯 滿帆 , 隻 船 呀 去 得 飛快 。 ||at|on the boat|shouted|pull|full sail|classifier for boats|boat|particle indicating exclamation|go|can|very fast Xu Sheng shouted on the boat to hoist the sails, and the boat went very fast. 冇 幾耐 , 望見 前面 嗰 隻 船 冇 幾 遠 喇 , 徐盛 企 喺 船頭 高聲 大叫 : not|long|saw|in front|that|measure word for boats|boat|not|very|far|particle indicating completed action|Xu Sheng|stood|at|bow of the boat|loudly|shouted Not long after, I saw the ship ahead was not far away, Xu Sheng stood at the bow of the ship and shouted loudly: 軍師 唔 好 去 啊 ! 都督 有 請 ! military advisor|not|good|go|particle|governor|has|invitation Advisor, don't go! The governor has summoned you! 只見 孔明 企 喺 船尾 放聲 大笑話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 唔 該 你 回覆 都督 , 請 佢 好好 用兵 打仗 啦 ! only saw|Kongming|stood|at|stern|loudly|laughed|hahaha|ha|||you|reply|governor|please|he|well|use troops|fight|particle I saw Kong Ming standing at the stern laughing loudly and saying: Hahaha, thank you for replying to the governor, please let him use his troops well in battle! 你 就 話 諸葛亮 暫時 返 去夏 口先 , 第 日 再見 喇 ! you|then|said|Zhuge Liang|temporarily|return|||next|day|see you again|particle indicating completed action Just tell Zhuge Liang to temporarily return to Xiakou first, we will meet again another day! 先生 啊 ! 請 你 停 一停 , 有 緊要 說話 講啊 ! sir|ah|please|you|stop|for a moment|there is|important|conversation|speak up Sir! Please stop for a moment, I have something important to say! 我 早就 料到 都督 容 我 唔 落 , 必定 要 嚟 害 我 嘅 , 所以 我 預先 就 叫 趙子龍 嚟 接 我 㗎 喇 , 將軍 你 不必 嚟 追 喇 ! I|long ago|anticipated|governor|allow|me|not|fall|definitely|will|come|harm|me|possessive particle|so|I|in advance|then|called|Zhao Zilong|come|pick up|me|sentence-final particle|past action particle|general|you|need not|come|chase|past action particle I had long anticipated that the governor would not let me go and would definitely come to harm me, so I had Zhao Zilong come to pick me up in advance. General, you don't need to chase after me! 徐盛見 孔明坐 嗰 隻 船 係 冇 帆 嘅 , 蝦 佢 行 得 慢 , 就 唔 講 咁 多咯 一味 追上去 。 Xu Sheng saw||that|measure word for boat|boat|is|without|sail|possessive particle|let|he|walk|able|slow|then|not|talk|so||only|chase after Xu Sheng saw that Kongming was on a boat without sails, so it was moving slowly. He didn't say much and just kept chasing after it. 眼睇 住 越 追越 近 嘞 , 忽然間 , 見到 趙雲 行出 嚟 喺 船尾 企響 處 , 拈弓 搭 箭 大聲 噉 話 : eye watching|continuous|more|chasing|close|past tense particle|suddenly|saw|Zhao Yun|walking out|coming|at|ship's tail||place|drawing bow|nocking|arrow|loudly|like that|said As he got closer and closer, suddenly he saw Zhao Yun walking out to the back of the boat, drawing his bow and loudly saying: 我 就 係 常山 趙子龍 ! 奉令 嚟 接 軍師 返去 , 你 為 乜嘢 要 嚟 追 啊 ! I|am|am|Changshan|Zhao Zilong|under orders|come|to pick up|strategist|return|you|for|what|want|to come|chase|(particle) I am Zhao Zilong of Changshan! I was ordered to come and escort the strategist back. Why are you chasing after me? 我 本來 想 一箭 射死 你 , 不過 噉 啊 有失 兩家 和氣 , 等 我 畀 啲 手段 你 睇 下 啦 ! I|originally|wanted|one arrow|to kill|you|but|like this|ah|would lose|both families|harmony|let|I|give|some|means|you|see|later|particle I originally wanted to shoot you dead with an arrow, but that would disrupt the peace between our two families. Let me show you some techniques instead! 說話 一 講完 ,𠻘 噉 一箭 過去 , 啪 噉 射斷 咗 徐盛船 上 扯帆 嗰 條 繩 。 speaking|one|finished talking|then|like that|one arrow|went past|with a bang|like that|shot and broke|past tense marker||on|pulling the sail|that|measure word for long objects|rope As soon as he finished speaking, with a swift motion, he shot an arrow that cut the rope holding the sail on Xu Sheng's ship. 噉 嗰 張 帆 跌 咗 落水 吖 , 成 隻 船 當堂 打橫 。 then|that|measure word for flat objects|sail|fell|past tense marker|into the water|sentence-final particle|whole|measure word for animals|boat|immediately|capsized Then the sail fell into the water, and the whole ship tilted. 而 趙雲 呢 , 就 叫 自己 隻 船 扯起 滿帆 , 食正 順風 , 飛 咁 快 就 飆 咗 去 , 哈想 追 都 追 唔 到 咯 。 and|Zhao Yun|question particle|then|ordered|himself|measure word for boats|boat|hoisted|full sail|catching|favorable wind|fly|so|fast|then|sped|past tense marker|away||to chase|even||||final particle At this moment, Zhao Yun ordered his own ship to raise the full sail, catching the favorable wind, and sped away so fast that even if they wanted to chase, they couldn't catch up. 呢 個 時候 , 丁 奉 喺 陸路 追到 嚟 喇 , 見到 噉 樣 就 嗌 徐盛駛 隻 船 埋岸 就 對 佢 話 : this|measure word|time|Ding|Feng|at|by land|caught up|here|particle indicating completed action|saw|like that|appearance|then|shouted||measure word for vehicles|boat|to the shore|then|to|him|said At this time, Ding Feng had caught up on land, and seeing this, he shouted for Xu Sheng to steer the ship to the shore and said to him: 諸葛亮 呀 神機妙算 , 冇 人 及 得 佢 。 Zhuge Liang|ah|brilliant strategist|no|person|match|achieve|him Zhuge Liang, with his brilliant strategies, no one can match him. 更 兼 趙雲 有 萬夫不當之勇 , 你 都 知 佢 喺 當陽 長 坂 嗰 啲 威風 㗎 啦 , 我 哋 乾脆 返去 回報 就算 咯 。 moreover|also|Zhao Yun|has|unparalleled bravery|you|also|know|he|at|Changban|long|slope|that|particle indicating plural|might|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating finality|I|we|simply|go back|report|even if|particle indicating finality Moreover, Zhao Yun has the courage of a thousand men. You know about his prowess at Changban, right? Let's just go back and report. 於是 兩個 人 就 返去 回覆 周瑜 , 話 孔明 預先 約定 咗 趙雲 嚟 接 咗 佢 返 去夏 口 噉 。 then|two|people|then|returned|reply|Zhou Yu|said|Kong Ming|in advance|agreed|past tense marker|Zhao Yun|come|pick up|past tense marker|he|return|||like that So the two of them went back to inform Zhou Yu, saying that Kongming had previously arranged for Zhao Yun to come and take him back to Xiakou. 周瑜 大吃一驚 話 : 哎呀 此人 咁 多 計 嘅 , 啊 真 係 使 到 我 以後 日夜 不安 咯 。 Zhou Yu|greatly shocked|said|oh no|this person|so|many|schemes|possessive particle|ah|||||me|in the future|day and night|restless|particle indicating realization or conclusion Zhou Yu was taken aback and said: "Oh no, this person is so calculating, it really makes me uneasy day and night from now on." 魯肅 就 話 嘞 : 噉 都 等 擊破 咗 曹操 之後 , 再 想 辦法 嚟 謀 佢 就 係 啦 。 Lu Su|then|said|past tense marker|like that|all|wait|defeat|past tense marker|Cao Cao|after|again|think|method|to come|plot|him|just|be|sentence-final particle Lu Su then said: "Well, let's first defeat Cao Cao, and then we can think of a way to deal with him." 哈 唯有 係 噉 啦 , 有 乜 辦法 啊 。 ha|only|is|like this|particle|have|what|solution|particle Haha, there's no other way, what can we do? 而家 發動 總攻擊 至 緊要 , 周瑜 就 馬上 叫 齊 啲 將領 嚟 聽 號令 嘞 。 now|launch|general attack|to|urgent|Zhou Yu|then|immediately|called|together|plural marker|generals|to come|listen|orders|past tense marker Now, a full-scale attack is crucial, so Zhou Yu immediately called all the generals to come and listen to the orders. 各位 , 赤壁之戰 馬上 就要 開始 嘞 , 噉 要 知 後事 如何 就 且 聽 下回分解 。 everyone|Battle of Red Cliffs|immediately|is about to|start|past action particle|then|want to|know|future events|how|then|just|listen| Everyone, the Battle of Red Cliffs is about to begin, so to know what happens next, just wait for the next installment.

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