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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 071

話 說 當日 孫權 輕敵 , 噉 啊 大敗 一場 就 返到 中軍帳 痛定思痛 。 過 咗 一陣 , 太史慈 入到 嚟 喇 , 佢 對 孫權 話 : 稟告 主公 , 我 手下 有 個人 姓戈 名定 , 佢 同 張 遼 手下 嘅 馬 夫 係 兄弟 嚟 。 呢 個馬夫 畀 張 遼 責罰 , 心懷 怨恨 。 戈定 叫 人 嚟 報告 話 : 今晚 舉火 為號 暗殺 張 遼 。 我 請求 帶兵 去 做 外應 , 為 宋謙 報仇 ! 戈 定 喺 邊 處 啊 ? 已經 混 咗 入 去 合肥 城 嘞 , 請 主公 派 五千 兵 畀 我 帶 去 啦 。 諸葛瑾 諗 咗 諗 就 話 : 張 遼 此人 都 好多 計謀 㗎 , 怕 佢 有 準備 㗎 噃, 唔 好 輕易 去 啊 。 太史慈 唔 聽 啊 堅決 請求 要 去 。 孫權 因為 宋謙 陣亡 , 急於 要 報仇 , 所以 呢 , 就 同意 派 太史慈 帶 五千 兵去 做 外應 。 而家 講 嗰 個 戈 定 啊 , 佢 係 太史慈 嘅 同鄉 。 當日 佢 混雜 埋 喺 曹 軍 裏頭 入 咗 合肥 城 , 搵 到 張 遼個馬夫 , 就 靜靜 密 斟 。 戈定 話 喇 : 我 已經 使人 報告 太史慈 將軍 喇 , 今晚 佢 必定 嚟 接應 㗎 。 你 準備 點樣 逳 手 啊 ? 馬 夫 就 話 嘞 : 呢 度 離 中軍 就 比 較遠 啦 , 晚頭 黑 , 一下 入 唔 到 嚟 嘅 。 我 就 喺 啲 草堆 處 放 佢 一把 火 , 你 就 去 前 便 到處 嗌 反水 。 城裏 頭 啲 兵 一亂 呀 , 我 哋 趁亂 暗殺 咗 張 遼 , 噉 支 軍隊 就 散 㗎 啦 嘛 。 好 喎 , 呢 條計 妙極 喇 。 噉 啊 當日 張 遼 得勝 回城 , 犒賞三軍 。 跟 住 就 傳令 落 去 , 話 今晚 黑 , 大家 唔 準 解甲 瞓覺 。 噉 佢 左右 啲 人 就 問喇 : 將軍 呀 , 今日 我軍 大獲全勝 , 吳兵 啊 趯 到 遠遠 , 將軍 點解 仲要 命令 唔 好 解甲 休息 呢 ? 唔 係 啊 ! 為 將之道 啊 , 切勿 打勝 就 高興 , 打敗 就 憂慮 。 如果 吳兵 估計 我 哋 會 冇 準備 , 就 乘虛 嚟 偷襲 , 我 哋 點 應付 啊 ? 所以 今晚 一定 要 加強 戒備 , 要 比 以往 每晚 更加 謹慎 至 好 。 話 猶 未了 , 突然 後 寨 起火 , 外便 㗾㗾 聲猛 嗌 反水 喇 反水 喇 噉 啊 , 嘈到 立立 亂 。 張 遼 立即 行出 中軍帳 上 咗 馬 , 帶住 十幾個 貼身 護衛 , 站 正 喺 路 中心 。 啲 衛士 話 喇 :嗌 得 好 緊急 喎 將軍 , 去 睇 下 呢 。 張遼話 喇 : 邊度 會 全城 都 反 㗎 , 呢 啲 實 係 造反 嘅 人 故意 到處 噉 嗌 嚟 擾亂 軍心 嘅 啫 , 邊個 作亂 就 斬 咗 佢 先 。 冇 幾耐 , 李典 就 捉住 戈定 同馬夫 嚟 嘞 。 張遼問 清楚 情形 , 當堂 斬 咗 佢 哋 兩個 。 呢 個 時候 , 只 聽見 城門 外 敲鑼 擊鼓 吶喊 連天 。 張遼話 喇 : 哼哼 , 實 係 吳兵 嚟 做 外應 喇 , 我 哋 將計就計 破 佢 ! 就 下令 喺 城門 內 , 放 起 一把 火 , 一齊 高叫 造反 , 大開 城門 放落 吊橋 。 太史慈 見到 城門 大開 , 又 以 為 裏頭 得手 嘞 喎 , 就 挺 槍 縱馬 首先 衝入 城 。 點 知道 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 城頭 上 便 呀 亂箭 射落 嚟 啊 。 太史慈 急忙 後退 , 但 係 身上 已經 中 咗 幾箭 喇 。 跟 住 李典 、 樂進 殺出 嚟 , 一直 追殺 到 東吳 嘅 寨 前 , 就 打 到 東吳 嘅 人馬 死傷 大半 。 陸遜 、 董襲 見到 曹軍殺 到 啊 , 就 殺出去 頂住 , 救 咗 太史慈 。 噉 曹兵 呢 就 退走 嘞 。 孫權 見到 太史慈 身負重傷 , 就 越加 難過 啦 。 張昭 就 勸 孫權 收兵 , 唔 好 打落 去 。 孫權 接受 咗 呢 個 意見 , 就 班師 返去 南徐 潤州 , 即 係 今日 江蘇省 鎮江市 嘅 地方 。 等到 駐扎 好 軍馬 , 太史慈 已經 病危 。 孫權 就 派 張昭 一班人 去 探望 佢 。 太史慈 大聲 噉 話 : 大丈夫 , 就 應當 帶 三尺 劍 , 立 不世之功 呀 。 而家 , 唉 , 志願 都 未曾 達到 , 點解 要死 呢 ? 啊 ! 講完 就合 埋眼 死 咗 嘞 , 當時 只有 四十一歲 。 後 嚟 有人 寫 咗 首詩 讚頌 佢 : 矢志 全 忠孝 , 東萊 太史慈 ; 姓名 昭遠塞 , 弓馬震 雄師 ; 北海 酬恩日 , 神亭 酣 戰時 。 臨終 言 壯志 , 千古 共 嗟 咨 ! 孫權 聽講 太史慈 逝世 非常 之 傷心 , 就 命令 將 佢 葬 喺 南 徐 嘅 北固山 下 , 葬禮 十分 隆重 。 又 將 佢 嘅 仔 太史 亨 , 接 咗 入 自己 嘅 府 內 將 佢 養起 嚟 , 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 多 講喇 。 而家 就 講返 下 劉備 。 劉備 喺 荊州 整頓 兵馬 。 呢 一日 聽 聞孫權 喺 合肥 打敗仗 , 已經 返 咗 南 徐 , 就 同 孔明 商量研究 下 情況 。 噉 啊 正 喺 度 傾 緊 , 接到 消息 話 公子 劉琦 病死 , 劉備 一聽 就 不覺 喊起 上 嚟 。 孔明 就 勸 佢 話 : 生死 都 係 注定 嘅 , 主公 唔 好 咁 傷心 喇 , 怕 影響 身體 啊 。 而且 大事 要緊 啊 , 請 主公 立即 派 人 去 襄陽 守衛 城池 , 同時 料理 喪事 啦 。 係 咯 , 噉 派 邊個 去 好 呢 ? 噉 啊 非雲長 不可 喇 。 於是 , 孔明 就 即刻 派 咗 關雲長 去 防守 襄陽 。 劉備 諗 咗 一 諗 , 佢 話 : 哎呀 , 而家 劉琦 已經 死 咗 咯 , 噉 東吳 必定會 嚟 攞 返 荊州 個 噃。 到 時點 樣 同 佢 哋 講 好 呢 ? 孔明 話 : 唔 使 擔心 嘅 , 如果 有人 嚟 我 自然 有 說話 對答 㗎 喇 。 呢 眨 下眼 , 過 咗 半個 月 , 呢 一日 , 啲 人 嚟 報告 話 東吳 魯肅 專程 嚟 吊喪 啊 噉 。 於是 孔明 就 同 劉備 一齊 出城 去 迎接 魯肅 。 噉 啊 請 魯肅 嚟 到 官府 坐落 , 魯肅 話 : 我 哋 主公 聽聞 令侄 逝世 , 特意 準備 咗 一 啲 薄禮 派 我 前 嚟 致 祭 啊 。 周 都督 叫 我 再三 向 劉皇叔 、 諸葛 先生 致意 。 有心 , 有心 。 劉備 同 孔明 企 起身 多謝 一番 , 收 咗 禮物 , 就 擺酒 款待 魯肅 。 飲過 幾 巡酒 , 魯肅 就 開口 話 嘞 : 以前 皇叔 講過 , 話 公子 唔 喺 處 咯 就 歸還 荊州 吖 。 噉 而家 公子 已經 去世 嘞 , 噉 啊 必定 歸還 荊州 㗎 啦 , 唔 知 幾時 可以 交割 呢 ? 劉備 話 喇 : 誒 我 哋 飲酒 先 , 有件事 要 商量 下 嘅 。 哦 , 誒 飲 , 飲 。 魯肅 勉強 飲 咗 幾杯 , 忍 唔 住 又 開聲問 嘞 喎 。 呢 次 劉備 都 未曾 回答 唧 , 孔明 就板 起塊 面話 喇 : 子敬 你 真 係 唔 識 道理 , 係 都 要 等 人 開口 至 得 嘅 。 自從 我 哋 高祖 皇帝 斬蛇 起義 , 開基立業 , 傳到 今日 , 不幸 奸雄 並起 各據 一方 , 搞 到 天下大亂 。 但 係 , 少 不免 天道 循環 , 復歸 正統 。 我 主公 乃 係 中山 靖 王 嘅 後代 , 孝景 皇帝 嘅 玄孫 , 當今 皇上 嘅 阿叔 。 唔 通 唔 能夠 分茅裂土 , 佔據 一 啲 土地 咩 ? 何況 劉景升 乃 係 我 哋 主公 嘅 兄長 , 細佬 繼承 兄長 嘅 基業 又 有 咩 嘢 唔 得 啊 ? 你 主公 乃 係 錢塘 一個 小小 官員 個 仔 , 一向 對 朝廷 都 冇 到 功勞 。 而家 , 恃 住 自己 嘅 勢力 佔據 六郡 八十一 州 , 噉 都 仲 貪心不足 , 仲想 吞併 漢 家 嘅 土地 ? 哦 , 劉 氏 嘅 天下 我 哋 主公 姓 劉 嘅 都 冇 份 , 你 主公 姓 孫 嘅 反而 要 嚟 爭 ? 仲有 , 赤壁之戰 , 我 主公 擔負 咁 重 嘅 作戰 任務 , 全軍 上下 人人 拼命 , 唔 通淨 係 你 哋 東吳 出力 咩 ? 如果 唔 係 我 借到 東南風 呀 , 周郎 就 一籌莫展 , 仲點 能夠 打贏 呢 場仗 啊 ? 江南 一破 , 咪 講話 二喬要 畀 曹操 攞 咗 去 收埋 喺 銅 雀 台上 啊 , 就算 係 子敬 你 嘅 家人 老小 亦 保 唔 住 啊 係 唔 係 吖 ? 剛才 我 主公 冇 立即 回答 你 , 不過 以為 子敬 你 係 個 有 見識 嘅 人 , 唔 使 講到 咁 白 , 點解 你 噉 都 唔 明 嘅 呢子 敬 ? 一番 說話 , 講到 魯肅 擘 大個 口得 個窿 , 好耐好 耐 佢 先 至 話 : 嗯 嗯 , 誒 孔明 你 噉 講都 唔 係 冇 道理 嘅 。 不過 , 哎呀 不過 我 魯肅 就 十分 不便 噃。 你 有 咩 不便 之處 呢 ? 往日 皇叔 喺 當陽 受難 嘅 時候 , 係 我 魯肅 同 孔明 你 渡江 , 介紹 你 去 見 我 主公 吖 。 收尾 周公瑾 要 興兵 嚟 奪取 荊州 , 噉 又 係 我 魯肅 勸 佢 唔 好 嘅 。 至於 話 等到 公子 去世 就 歸還 荊州 , 又 係 我 魯肅 一力 擔承 。 而家 你 哋 以前 講過 個 說話 都 唔 算數 喎 , 噉 , 噉 叫 我 魯肅 點樣 返去 回覆 好 啊 ? 我 主公 同 周公瑾 係 必然 會 處分 我 嘅 喎 。 哎 , 我 死 唔 緊要 啊 , 就 係 怕 激 嬲 咗 東吳 , 興動 幹戈 打起 上 嚟 , 皇叔 亦 唔 能夠 喺 荊州 坐得 咁 安穩 嘅 噃, 盞 畀 天下 恥笑 啫 。 哈哈哈哈 , 子敬 啊 你 唔 使嚇 我 。 曹操 率領 百萬 大軍 ,逳 下 就 攞 出 天子 嘅 名義 我 都 毫不在意 , 唔 通仲怕 周郎 一個 小子 咩 ? 噉 啦 , 為 咗 唔 使子敬 你 面子 上過 唔 去 , 我 勸 我主 公立 一張 文件 , 暫借 荊州 嚟 做 個 根本 。 等 我 主公 將來 想 辦法 , 得到 其他 城池 之後 , 就 交還 荊州 畀 東吳 , 噉 好 唔 好 吖 ? 噉 呀 , 噉 孔明 你 要 等到 奪取 到 邊處 先至將 荊州 還返 畀 我 哋 啊 ? 誒 , 中原地區 呢 , 一時之間 就 未 能夠 奪得 到 嘅 。 西川 嘅 劉 璋 比較 軟弱無能 , 我 主公 會 去 設法 奪取 嗰 處 。 如果 攞 到 西川 咯 , 到 時 就 交還 荊州 係 啦 。 西川 誒 即 係 而家 四川省 嘅 一部分 地方 , 首府 係 益州 , 即 係 而 家 嘅 成都市 。 噉 魯肅 冇 晒 辦法 , 就 唯有 孔明 話點 就點 係 啦 。 於是 劉備 就 親筆寫 咗 張 文件 簽 咗 名 , 諸葛亮 啊 做 擔保人 , 亦 都簽 咗 名 。 噉 孔明 又 話 : 子敬 啊 , 我 係 皇叔 呢 處 嘅 人 , 噉 唔 通 自己 擔保 自己 咩 ? 勞煩 子敬 先生 你 亦 簽個 名 嘞 , 噉 啊 返去 見到 吳侯 亦 好講 啲 噃。 魯肅 話 : 得 , 我 知道 皇叔 係 個 仁義 之 人 , 必定 唔 會 對 唔 住 我 嘅 。 於是 亦簽 咗 個 名 , 就 收 咗 文件 。 宴會 結束 之後 呢 , 魯肅 就 告辭 返扯 嘞 。 劉備 同 孔明 一直 送到 去 碼頭 船邊 啊 。 孔明 仲 叮囑 佢 話 : 子敬 你 返去 見到 吳侯 , 請 你 好好 地將 我 嘅 意見 講 佢 聽 , 請 佢 唔 好 亂 咁 諗 嘞 。 若果 唔 接受 我 哋 嘅 文件 , 我 一反 起面 嚟 就 連 佢 八十一 州 都 搶 埋 㗎 。 而家 我 哋 兩家 人要 和和氣氣 至 好 , 咪 畀 曹操 老賊 笑話 啊 。 魯肅 同 劉備 、 孔明 分別 咗 , 就 開船 返 東吳 。 佢 先 到 柴桑郡 去 見 周瑜 。 周瑜 就 問 佢 話 : 子敬 去 攞 荊州 , 有 乜 結果 啊 ? 魯肅 話 : 誒 攞 到 個 文件 返 嚟 啊 。 講完 就 攞 張 文件 畀 周瑜 睇 。 嘿 ! 周瑜 一睇 就 𨂽 腳 喇 : 子敬 啊 子敬 你 中 咗 諸葛亮 嘅 計 喇 ! 佢 名 為 借 地 , 實際 係 混賴 。 佢 話 攞 咗 西川 就還 荊州 , 你 知 佢 幾時 去 攞 西川 呀 , 若果 佢 十年 得 唔 到 西川 就 十年 唔 還呀 ? 噉 樣 嘅 文件 中 咩 嘢 用 啊 , 你仲去 同 佢 做 擔保 添 。 唉 ! 佢 如果 唔 還 荊州 個 話 , 實 連累到 你 嘅 噃, 主公 要 處分 起上 嚟 點算 啊 ! 啊 ? 啊 。 魯肅 聽 周瑜 噉 講 啊 成個 傻 晒 , 好耐好 耐 佢 先 至 話 : 嗯 , 睇 個樣 , 玄德 都 唔 會 對 唔 住 我 嘅 啩? 子敬 你 係 個 老實人 。 劉備 係 個 梟雄 之輩 , 諸葛亮 係 個 奸滑 之兔 , 恐怕 佢 哋 唔 似 得 先生 你 咁 好心 啊 ! 哎呀 , 噉 如果 係 噉 , 噉 , 唉 噉 如之奈何 呢 ? 子敬 , 你 係 我 嘅 恩人 , 諗 起 往日 你 成倉 糧食 咁 送 畀 我 嘅 恩情 , 我點 會 話 唔 救 你 。 你 喺 我 呢 處 寬心 住 幾日 先 , 等 我 派 人 去 江北 探聽 下 消息 , 然後 再作 打算 啦 。 哎呀 搞 到 魯肅 呀 好似 周身 畀 針 㓤 噉 都 唔 知 幾 咁 唔 安樂 。 過 咗 幾日 , 偵探 返 嚟 報告 : 稟 都督 , 荊州 城內 豎起 咗 幡 , 打齋 啊 , 城外 見到 新 築 嘅 墳墓 , 軍士 都 掛晒 孝 。 周瑜 奇怪 喇 : 死 咗 咩 人 啊 ? 劉玄德 死 咗 甘夫人 , 呢 幾日 舉行 葬禮 。 得法 喇 ! 周瑜 對 魯肅 話 喇 : 我 呢 條計 成功 , 我要 劉備 束手就擒 , 荊州 反掌 可得 啊 。 哦 ? 都督 條計 係 點 嘅 呢 ? 嗱, 劉備 死 咗 老婆 , 佢 必定 要 續娶 嘅 , 係 嗎 ? 我 哋 主公 有個妹 , 係 極其 剛強 勇敢 。 佢 有 幾百名 婢女 , 平常 個個 都 帶 住 刀 。 閨房 之內 就 擺滿 晒 刀槍劍戟 種種 兵器 , 就算 係 男子 亦 冇 佢 咁 夠 威武 嘅 。 啊 , 係 吖 係 吖 。 我而家 寫封信 畀 主公 , 請 佢 派 個人 去 荊州 做媒 人 , 說服 劉備 嚟 到 入贅 , 將 佢 氹 到 嚟 南 徐 , 到 其時 , 老婆 佢 得 唔 到 , 要 佢 坐監 。 噉 我 哋 派 人 去 叫 佢 哋 攞 荊州 嚟 換 劉備 。 哈哈 , 等 佢 交割 咗 荊州 城池 , 我 又 另有打算 咯 。 噉 樣 , 子敬 你 就 一 啲 事 都 冇 啦 嘛 。 哎呀呀 呀 , 多謝 都督 嘅 妙計 啊 ! 魯肅 個心 呀 噉 先至 放落 一 嚿 大石頭 。 好 快趣 , 周瑜 就 寫 好 封信 , 搵 一隻 快船 送 魯肅 返去 南 徐 嘞 。 魯肅 返到 去 見到 孫權 , 首先 就將 劉備 借 荊州 個事 報告 咗 先 , 跟 住 就 將 嗰 份文件 呈 上去 畀 孫權 。 孫權 睇 咗 一 睇 就 話 喇 : 哎呀 乜 你 咁 糊塗 㗎 ! 噉 嘅 文件 , 要 嚟 有 乜 用 啊 ! 啊 , 主公 , 周 都督 有 封信 呈 畀 你 ,嗱, 呢 封 就 係 嘞 。 佢 話 用 呢 一條 計 , 就 可以 得到 荊州 㗎 嘞 喎 。 孫權 睇 咗 周瑜 封信 猛 咁 岌頭 , 個心 好 歡喜 。 佢 即刻 就 諗 嘞 : 派 邊個 去 做媒 人好 呢 吓 ? 啊 , 非呂范 不可 , 於是 馬上 叫 人 嗌 呂范 嚟 , 就 對 佢 話 : 近日 , 聽講 劉玄德 嘅 夫人 死 咗 , 我 啊 有 個妹 , 好 想 招贅 玄德 做 佢 嘅 夫婿 。 以後 我 哋 兩家 永結 姻親 , 同心 破 曹 , 共 扶漢室 。 呢 個 大媒 非子衡 你 不可 喇 , 哈哈 , 希望 你 立即 起程 去 荊州 講 一聲 。 哦 做 噉 嘅 媒人 啊 呂范個 心好 高興 做 , 所以 佢 一 啖 應承 , 即日 就 準備 好 船隻 , 帶 幾個 隨從人員 就 起程 去 荊州 嘞 喎 。 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 啊 自從 甘夫人 逝世 之後 日夜 咁 煩惱 。 嘩 梗 係 啦 , 呢 個 年紀 冇 咗 老婆 就 確係 好 淒涼 㗎 嘛 。 有 一日 , 佢 百無聊賴 就 搵 孔明 傾閒 偈 , 僕人 入 嚟 稟告 話 東吳 派 呂范 嚟 求見 噉 。 孔明 一聽 就 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 呢 個 乃 係 周瑜 嘅 計謀 , 實 係 為 咗 荊州 嘅 事 嘞 。 誒 , 主公 , 我 等 陣 就 匿 埋 喺 屏風 後 便 聽 住 。 佢 無論 講 乜嘢 說話 , 主公 你 即管 應承 晒 佢 先 。 然後 留 佢 喺 賓館 住宿 , 我 哋 再 嚟 商量 就 係 嘞 。 噉 孔明 就行 咗 去 屏風 後 便 匿 埋 。 劉備 就 吩咐 請 呂范入 嚟 見面 嘞 。 入到 嚟 , 行過禮 , 分 賓主 坐定 啊 獻過 茶 , 劉備 就問 : 子衡 今日 嚟 到 , 有 咩 見教 呢 ? 皇叔 , 近日 聽聞 你 嘅 夫人 逝世 , 我 誒 有 一門 好 親事 , 故此 亦 不避 嫌疑 , 想 嚟 攞 杯 媒人 酒 飲下 , 哈哈哈 , 唔 知尊意 如何 呢 ? 唉 , 中年 喪妻 大 不幸 啊 ! 不過 , 骨肉未寒 , 又點 忍心 咁 快 就 續娶 呢 ? 唉 , 皇叔 唔 係 噉 講 , 唔 係 噉 講 啊 , 人若 無妻 就 如屋 之無梁 喎 , 點 能夠 中途 就 廢 咗 人倫 大事 啊 ? 我 主公 吳侯有 個妹 , 又 靚 又 賢惠 , 好 啱 皇叔 你 嘅 。 如果 兩家 共 結秦晉之 好 咯 , 噉 曹操 老賊 , 就 唔 敢 正 眼望 下 我 哋 東南 啦 。 呢 件 事 , 家國 兩 便 , 請 皇叔 唔 好 猶豫 喇 。 誒 , 不過 噉 , 我 哋 國太 吳夫人 , 對 呢 個 細女極 之 痛愛 嘅 , 唔 肯 嫁 咁 遠 , 事 必要 請 皇叔 去 東吳 就 婚 。 哦 , 誒 , 呢 件 事 , 吳侯 知道 未 呢 ? 梗知 啦 , 唔 稟 知 吳 侯 , 邊個 咁 隨便 敢 嚟 做媒 人 啊 , 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 不過 , 我 已經 年近半百 , 都 兩鬢 斑白 嘞 。 吳侯個 妹正 係 青春年少 , 恐怕 唔 登 對 啩? 吳侯個 妹 雖然 係 個 女兒身 啊 , 之 佢 嘅 志氣 呀 勝過 男子漢 㗎 。 佢 時常 都 話 : 如果 唔 係 天下英雄 我 唔 嫁 佢 㗎 噉 。 皇叔 你 名聞 四海 , 正 所謂 淑女 配 君子 啊 , 點會話 因為 年紀 相差 多少 就 嫌棄 嘅 呢 ? 唔 會 噉 嘅 唔 會 噉 嘅 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 噉 , 先生 你 喺 處 住 晚 先 , 聽日 我 回覆 你 啦 啊 。 啊 噉 好極 , 好極 嘞 。 當日 劉備 設宴款待 呂范 , 留 佢 喺 賓館 過夜 。 到 咗 夜晚 , 劉備 啊 同 孔明 商量 呢 件 事 。 孔明 話 : 佢 嘅 來意 , 我 知道 㗎 喇 。 啱 先 我 占 咗 一卦 , 係 大吉大利 , 主公 你 即管 應承 啦 。 應承 ? 係 , 應承 佢 。 聽日 就 叫 孫乾同 呂范返 去 見 吳侯 , 當面 講定 佢 , 擇個 好 日 就 去 成親 。 不過 噉 噃 軍師 , 周瑜 總 係 想計 嚟 害 我 嘅 , 去 東吳 , 豈 唔 係 身入 險地 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 周瑜 雖然 會用計 , 佢 又 點出 得 我 諸葛亮 之 所料 呢 ? 只要 我略 施小計 , 就 使 到 周瑜 半籌 不展 冇 晒術 , 吳侯個 妹 , 又屬 咗 主公 , 荊州 萬無一失 。 既然 軍師 噉 講咯 , 嗯 噉 就 噉 啦 。 劉備 仲 係 懷 懷疑 疑 啊 , 之 孔明 呢 , 直情 就 吩咐 孫乾 , 叫 佢 去 江南 做媒 人 , 應承 呢 件 婚事 。 孫乾得 咗 孔明 嘅 說話 喇 , 就 高高興興 , 跟 埋 呂范 一齊 去 江南 見 孫權 。 孫權 對 佢 話 : 我 好 想將 小妹 招贅 玄德 , 並 冇 咩 其他 意思 嘅 。 孫乾 再三 拜謝 , 就 告辭 返去 荊州 。 見到 劉備 就 話 喇 : 吳侯話 專誠 等候 主公 你 去 成婚 喇 。 嗯 , 好 , 好 , 等 我 諗 下 先 。 劉備 個心 好 懷疑 唔 敢 去 喎 。 孔明 啊 畀 定心丸 佢 食 , 佢 話 : 主公 你 唔 使 怕 嘅 , 我 已經 定 好 三條 計策 , 要子 龍 跟 埋 去 就 得 㗎 嘞 。 於是 孔明 就 叫 趙雲 行埋 嚟 , 伏 喺 佢 耳 仔 邊 細細 聲 噉 話 : 子龍 , 呢 次 你 保護 主公 去 東吳 , 我交 三個 錦囊 畀 你 。 錦囊 裏 便 就 裝住 三條 妙計 , 你 依住 次序 做 就 掂 㗎 喇 , 吓 。 講完 , 孔明 就 交 咗 三個 錦囊 畀 趙雲 要 佢 貼 肉 收 好 。 隨後 呢 , 孔明 就 派 人 去 東吳 納 咗 聘禮 , 噉 啊 一切 都 準備 妥當 嘞 。 當 其時 係 建安 十四年 冬天 十月 。 誒 , 劉備 呢 陣時 呢 , 佢 個 實足年齡 係 四廿 八歲 。 噉 劉備 同埋 趙雲 、 孫乾 , 用 十隻 快船 , 由 五百 幾人 隨行 , 離開 荊州 就 去 南 徐 嘞 。 噉 荊州 一切 嘅 事情 呢 , 就 交落 晒 畀 孔明 負責 。 劉備 上 咗 船個 心 呀 十五 十六 , 好 唔 安樂 。 哎呀 ! 呢 個 老婆 真 係 難 娶 喇 , 搞 得 唔 好 連命 都 冇 㗎 。 軍師 話 有 錦囊妙計 啫 , 萬一 唔 靈就 弊弊 冇 咁 弊 咯 。 行船 行 咗 好多 日 , 嚟 到 南 徐州 , 噉 啊 十隻 快船 都 喺 岸邊 停泊 好 。 趙雲 諗 : 軍師 吩咐 話 有 三條 妙計 , 叫 我 依住 次序 嚟 做 。 而家 已經 到埠 , 應該 開 第一個 錦囊 嚟 睇 下 。 於是 就 打開 錦囊 睇 咗 第一條 妙計 。 嘿嘿 , 趙雲 笑 喇 , 就 嗌 嗰 五百名 隨行 兵士 嚟 , 詳詳細細 吩咐 佢 哋 噉 噉 噉 噉 噉 。 嗰 班 兵士 得 咗 命令 就 上岸 散開 晒 到處 去 。 趙雲 就 根據 錦囊妙計 啊 , 叫 劉備 就 首先 去 拜見 喬國老 。 呢 位 喬國老 係 邊個 呢 ? 就 係 大 喬二喬個 父親 啊 , 佢 又 喺 南 徐 住 嘅 。 劉備 就 叫 啲 隨從 , 牽羊擔酒 去 到 喬府 求見 。 見到 面 , 行過 禮送 咗 禮物 , 就講 畀 喬國老 聽 , 話 係 呂范 做媒 人 , 過江 嚟 娶 吳侯個 妹 嘅 噉 等等 。 喬國老 聽到 啊 笑 到 見 牙 唔 見 眼 啊 一味 話 好 啊 好 啊 噉 。 坐 咗 一陣 劉備 就 告辭 嘞 。 嗰 五百名 兵士 上 咗 岸 係 做 咩 事 呢 佢 哋 ? 原來 佢 哋 個個 都 披紅 掛彩 , 入去 南 徐城 啊 , 購買 種種 應用 嘅 物件 。 見 親人 就講 , 話 劉玄德 入贅 東吳 , 要 娶 吳侯個 妹 啊 。 嘿 唔 使 兩個 時辰 啊 , 南徐 城裏 便 嘅 人 呀 個個 都 知道 晒 呢 件 事 嘞 。 孫權 知道 劉備 已經 嚟 到 , 就 吩咐 呂范去 接待 佢 , 留 佢 喺 賓館 住 。 而家 講下 喬國老 , 佢 同 劉備 見 咗 面 之後 , 過 咗 兩日 , 就 去 見 吳國太 嘞 喎 。 一 見面 就 笑 口噬 噬 噉 話 : 呵 恭喜 啊 恭喜 啊 恭喜 啊 。 吳國太 就 奇怪 喇 : 吓 ? 有 乜嘢 喜事 啊 吓 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 啊 你 將令 嬡 , 許配 咗 劉玄德 做 夫人 , 哦 , 噉 仲 唔 係 大大 嘅 喜事 呀 ? 有 噉 嘅 事 咩 ? 點解 老身 一 啲 都 唔 知道 㗎 。 哎呀呀 呀呀 , 誒 呢 件 事 呀 , 南徐 城 嘅 老百姓 啊 盡人皆知 嘞 。 而家 玄德 已經 到 咗 咯 , 點解 國太仲 瞞住 我 啊 吓 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 老身 確係 唔 知 噃, 等 我 叫 阿權 嚟 問 下 佢 先 。 於是 吳國太 , 一方面 就 使 人 去 請 孫權 嚟 , 同時 又 使 人 出去 街上 探聽 。 過 咗 一陣 , 啲 人 返 嚟 回報 話 : 果然 係 有 噉 嘅 事 啊 , 新 女婿 已經 嚟 咗 , 就 住 喺 賓館 嚟 。 嗰 五百名 隨行 嘅 兵士 呀 , 都 喺 城裏 便 賣 豬羊 果品 置辦 禮物 , 準備 成親 喇 。 做媒 人 嘅 呢 , 女家 係 呂范 , 男家 係 孫乾 , 都 喺 賓館 嚟 啊 。 國太 聽 咗 , 哎呀 乜真 係 㗎 佢 吃 咗 一 驚 。 冇 幾耐 , 孫權入 嚟 後堂 見 母親 喇 。 母親 , 叫 孩兒 嚟 有 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 你 , 你 , 你 。 你 氣死我 喇 你 ! 吳國太 喊起 上 嚟 喎 。 嗱, 呢 一次 吳國太 同 孫權 嘅 一番 爭論 啊 , 就 引起 吳國太 甘露寺 看 新郎 喇 。 究竟 結果 如何 呢 ?

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話 說 當日 孫權 輕敵 , 噉 啊 大敗 一場 就 返到 中軍帳 痛定思痛 。 said|spoke|that day|Sun Quan|underestimated the enemy|then|ah|suffered a great defeat|one battle|then|returned to|the central army's tent|reflected on his pain and learned from it It is said that on that day, Sun Quan underestimated the enemy, and suffered a great defeat, returning to the central army's tent in deep regret. 過 咗 一陣 , 太史慈 入到 嚟 喇 , 佢 對 孫權 話 : after|past tense marker|a while|Tai Shici|entered|here|sentence-final particle|he|to|Sun Quan|said After a while, Tai Shici came in and said to Sun Quan: 稟告 主公 , 我 手下 有 個人 姓戈 名定 , 佢 同 張 遼 手下 嘅 馬 夫 係 兄弟 嚟 。 report|lord|I|subordinate|has|person|||he|with|Zhang|Liao|subordinate|possessive particle|Ma|husband|is|brothers|come "I report to the lord, I have a subordinate named Ge Ding, who is a brother to the groom of Zhang Liao's horse. 呢 個馬夫 畀 張 遼 責罰 , 心懷 怨恨 。 this||by|Zhang|Liao|punishment|harbored|resentment This groom was punished by Zhang Liao and harbors resentment. 戈定 叫 人 嚟 報告 話 : 今晚 舉火 為號 暗殺 張 遼 。 Goding|call|people|come|report|said|tonight|raise fire||assassination|Zhang|Liao Ge Ding has sent someone to report that tonight, a fire will be raised as a signal to assassinate Zhang Liao." 我 請求 帶兵 去 做 外應 , 為 宋謙 報仇 ! I|request|lead troops|to|carry out|external assistance|for|Song Qian|take revenge I request to lead troops to carry out an external operation, to avenge Song Qian! 戈 定 喺 邊 處 啊 ? where|to be|at|which|place|question particle Where is Ge? 已經 混 咗 入 去 合肥 城 嘞 , 請 主公 派 五千 兵 畀 我 帶 去 啦 。 already|mixed|past tense marker|into|to|Hefei|city|sentence-final particle|please|lord|send|five thousand|soldiers|to|I|take|to|sentence-final particle He has already mixed into Hefei City, please send me five thousand troops to take with me. 諸葛瑾 諗 咗 諗 就 話 : 張 遼 此人 都 好多 計謀 㗎 , 怕 佢 有 準備 㗎 噃, 唔 好 輕易 去 啊 。 Zhuge Jin|think|past tense marker|||said|Zhang|Liao|this person|also|many|schemes|sentence-final particle|afraid|he|has|preparation|sentence-final particle|particle indicating suggestion|not|very|easily|go|particle indicating suggestion Zhuge Jin thought for a moment and said: Zhang Liao is a person with many strategies, I'm afraid he is prepared, so we shouldn't go lightly. 太史慈 唔 聽 啊 堅決 請求 要 去 。 Tai Shici|not|hear|ah|resolutely|request|want|go Tai Shici is not listening and firmly insists on going. 孫權 因為 宋謙 陣亡 , 急於 要 報仇 , 所以 呢 , 就 同意 派 太史慈 帶 五千 兵去 做 外應 。 Sun Quan|because|Song Qian|was killed in battle|eager|to|take revenge|so|particle indicating a pause|then|agreed|to send|Tai Shici|to lead|five thousand||act as|external support Sun Quan, because of Song Qian's death, was eager to take revenge, so he agreed to send Tai Shici with five thousand troops to provide external support. 而家 講 嗰 個 戈 定 啊 , 佢 係 太史慈 嘅 同鄉 。 now|say|that|measure word|spear|certain|particle|he|is|Tai Shici|possessive particle|fellow townsman Now, the one called Ge Ding is a fellow townsman of Tai Shici. 當日 佢 混雜 埋 喺 曹 軍 裏頭 入 咗 合肥 城 , 搵 到 張 遼個馬夫 , 就 靜靜 密 斟 。 that day|he|mixed|in|at|Cao|army|inside|entered|past tense marker|Hefei|city|found|the|Zhang||then|quietly|secretly|poured That day, he mixed in with Cao's army and entered Hefei City, finding Zhang Liao's horse groom, and quietly plotted. 戈定 話 喇 : 我 已經 使人 報告 太史慈 將軍 喇 , 今晚 佢 必定 嚟 接應 㗎 。 definitely|said|particle indicating completed action|I|already|sent someone|report|General Taishi Ci|general|particle indicating completed action|tonight|he|surely|come|pick up|particle indicating certainty Ge Ding said: I have already sent someone to report to General Tai Shici, tonight he will definitely come to provide support. 你 準備 點樣 逳 手 啊 ? you|prepare|how|to escape|hand|question particle How are you preparing to escape? 馬 夫 就 話 嘞 : 呢 度 離 中軍 就 比 較遠 啦 , 晚頭 黑 , 一下 入 唔 到 嚟 嘅 。 horse|husband|then|said|past tense marker|this|place|away from|central army|then|compared to||sentence-final particle|later|dark|suddenly|enter|not|arrive|here|possessive particle The horseman said: This place is quite far from the central army, and it will be dark soon, so we won't be able to get in. 我 就 喺 啲 草堆 處 放 佢 一把 火 , 你 就 去 前 便 到處 嗌 反水 。 I|then|at|the|grass pile|location|set|it|||you|then|go|front|easily|everywhere|shout|anti-water I will set fire to a pile of grass here, and you go ahead and shout for a retreat. 城裏 頭 啲 兵 一亂 呀 , 我 哋 趁亂 暗殺 咗 張 遼 , 噉 支 軍隊 就 散 㗎 啦 嘛 。 in the city|first|plural marker|soldiers|in chaos|particle|I|plural marker|taking advantage of the chaos|assassinated|past tense marker|Zhang|Liao|then|this|army|then|scatter|particle|particle|particle When the soldiers in the city are in chaos, we will take advantage of the confusion to assassinate Zhang Liao, and then the army will scatter. 好 喎 , 呢 條計 妙極 喇 。 ||this||extremely clever|particle indicating completed action Alright, this plan is brilliant. 噉 啊 當日 張 遼 得勝 回城 , 犒賞三軍 。 then|ah|that day|Zhang|Liao|victorious|return to the city| So on that day, when Zhang Liao returned victorious to the city, he rewarded the three armies. 跟 住 就 傳令 落 去 , 話 今晚 黑 , 大家 唔 準 解甲 瞓覺 。 ||then|order|||said|tonight|dark|everyone|not|allowed|take off armor|sleep Then an order was issued, saying that tonight it is dark, and everyone is not allowed to take off their armor and sleep. 噉 佢 左右 啲 人 就 問喇 : 將軍 呀 , 今日 我軍 大獲全勝 , 吳兵 啊 趯 到 遠遠 , 將軍 點解 仲要 命令 唔 好 解甲 休息 呢 ? then|he|around|particle indicating plural|people|then|asked|general|particle of exclamation|today|our army|achieved a great victory|Wu soldiers|particle of exclamation|retreat|to|far away|general|why|still|order|||take off armor|rest|question particle So his people asked: General, today our army has achieved a great victory, the enemy troops have retreated far away, why do you still order us not to take off our armor and rest? 唔 係 啊 ! 為 將之道 啊 , 切勿 打勝 就 高興 , 打敗 就 憂慮 。 |||for|the way of the future||must not|win|then|be happy|lose|then|worry No! For the way of a general, one must not be happy just because of victory, nor worry just because of defeat. 如果 吳兵 估計 我 哋 會 冇 準備 , 就 乘虛 嚟 偷襲 , 我 哋 點 應付 啊 ? if|Wu Bing|estimates|I|we|will|not have|preparation|then|take advantage of the opportunity|come|sneak attack|I|we|how|deal with|question particle If the enemy estimates that we will be unprepared, they might take the opportunity to launch a surprise attack, how should we respond? 所以 今晚 一定 要 加強 戒備 , 要 比 以往 每晚 更加 謹慎 至 好 。 so|tonight|must|need to|strengthen|vigilance|need to|than|in the past|every night|even more|cautious|| Therefore, tonight we must strengthen our defenses, and be more cautious than ever before. 話 猶 未了 , 突然 後 寨 起火 , 外便 㗾㗾 聲猛 嗌 反水 喇 反水 喇 噉 啊 , 嘈到 立立 亂 。 talk|still|unfinished|suddenly|behind|village|caught fire|outside|sound of water||shouting|anti-water|particle|anti-water|particle|like this|ah|noisy until|standing|chaos While the conversation was still ongoing, suddenly there was a fire in the rear camp, and outside there were loud shouts of 'rebellion, rebellion!' It was so noisy that it was chaotic. 張 遼 立即 行出 中軍帳 上 咗 馬 , 帶住 十幾個 貼身 護衛 , 站 正 喺 路 中心 。 Zhang|Liao|immediately|walked out|the central army tent|on|past tense marker|horse|bringing|more than ten|personal|bodyguards|stood|right|at|road|center Zhang Liao immediately walked out of the central army tent, mounted his horse, and stood in the middle of the road with a dozen personal guards. 啲 衛士 話 喇 :嗌 得 好 緊急 喎 將軍 , 去 睇 下 呢 。 the|guards|said|particle indicating completed action|shout|okay|very|urgent|particle indicating realization|general|go|see|down|this The guards said: 'It's urgent, General, you should go take a look at this.' 張遼話 喇 : 邊度 會 全城 都 反 㗎 , 呢 啲 實 係 造反 嘅 人 故意 到處 噉 嗌 嚟 擾亂 軍心 嘅 啫 , 邊個 作亂 就 斬 咗 佢 先 。 Zhang Liao said|particle indicating finality|where|will|the whole city|all|rebel|particle indicating certainty|||really|are|rebellion|possessive particle|people|intentionally|everywhere|like this|shouting|coming|disturbing|morale|possessive particle|only|whoever|causing chaos|then|beheaded|past tense marker|he|first Zhang Liao replied: 'How could the whole city be in rebellion? These are just rebels deliberately shouting everywhere to disrupt the morale of the army. Whoever causes trouble will be executed first.' 冇 幾耐 , 李典 就 捉住 戈定 同馬夫 嚟 嘞 。 not|long|Li Dian|then|caught|Ge Ding||came|past tense particle Before long, Li Dian caught Guo Ding and the groom. 張遼問 清楚 情形 , 當堂 斬 咗 佢 哋 兩個 。 |clearly|situation|on the spot|killed|past tense marker|he|plural marker|two of them Zhang Liao asked for clarification on the situation and immediately executed both of them. 呢 個 時候 , 只 聽見 城門 外 敲鑼 擊鼓 吶喊 連天 。 this|measure word|time|only|heard|city gate|outside|beating of gongs|beating of drums|shouting|continuous At this time, all that could be heard was the sound of gongs and drums and shouts from outside the city gate. 張遼話 喇 : 哼哼 , 實 係 吳兵 嚟 做 外應 喇 , 我 哋 將計就計 破 佢 ! |particle indicating completed action|hmm|really|is|Wu Bing|come|do|external support|particle indicating completed action|I|we|counteract the plan|defeat|him Zhang Liao said: Hmph, it really is the Wu army coming as support, we will use their own plan against them! 就 下令 喺 城門 內 , 放 起 一把 火 , 一齊 高叫 造反 , 大開 城門 放落 吊橋 。 then|ordered|at|city gate|inside|set|up|a|fire|together|shouted|rebellion|wide open|city gate|lowered|drawbridge He then ordered to set a fire inside the city gate, and everyone shouted for rebellion, opening the city gate to lower the drawbridge. 太史慈 見到 城門 大開 , 又 以 為 裏頭 得手 嘞 喎 , 就 挺 槍 縱馬 首先 衝入 城 。 Tai Shici|saw|city gate|wide open|again|||inside|successful|past tense particle|sentence-final particle|then|raised|spear|spurred his horse|first|charged into|city Tai Shici saw the city gate wide open and thought that they had succeeded inside, so he brandished his spear and charged into the city first. 點 知道 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 城頭 上 便 呀 亂箭 射落 嚟 啊 。 how|to know|bang|like that|one sound|cannon fire|city wall|on|then|particle|stray arrows|shot down|coming|particle How did they know that with a loud bang, arrows started raining down from the city walls? 太史慈 急忙 後退 , 但 係 身上 已經 中 咗 幾箭 喇 。 Tai Shici|hurriedly|retreated|||on his body|already|hit|past tense marker|several arrows|completed action particle Tai Shici quickly retreated, but he had already been hit by several arrows. 跟 住 李典 、 樂進 殺出 嚟 , 一直 追殺 到 東吳 嘅 寨 前 , 就 打 到 東吳 嘅 人馬 死傷 大半 。 ||Li Dian|Le Jin|charge out|here|continuously|pursuit|to|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|stockade|in front|then|fight|to|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|troops|casualties|majority Then Li Dian and Le Jin charged out, relentlessly pursuing until they reached the front of the Eastern Wu camp, inflicting heavy casualties on the Eastern Wu troops. 陸遜 、 董襲 見到 曹軍殺 到 啊 , 就 殺出去 頂住 , 救 咗 太史慈 。 Lu Xun|Dong Xi|saw||arrived|ah|then|rushed out|held off|saved|past tense marker|Tai Shici Lu Xun and Dong Xi saw the Cao army attacking, so they charged out to hold them off and saved Tai Shici. 噉 曹兵 呢 就 退走 嘞 。 then|the soldiers|this|then|retreated|past tense marker Thus, the Cao soldiers retreated. 孫權 見到 太史慈 身負重傷 , 就 越加 難過 啦 。 Sun Quan|saw|Tai Shici|was heavily injured|then|even more|sad|particle indicating change of state Sun Quan saw that Tai Shici was seriously injured, and he became even more upset. 張昭 就 勸 孫權 收兵 , 唔 好 打落 去 。 Zhang Zhao|then|advised|Sun Quan|withdraw troops|||| Zhang Zhao advised Sun Quan to withdraw the troops and not to continue the fight. 孫權 接受 咗 呢 個 意見 , 就 班師 返去 南徐 潤州 , 即 係 今日 江蘇省 鎮江市 嘅 地方 。 Sun Quan|accepted|past tense marker|this|measure word|suggestion|then|withdrew|returned to|Nanjing|Runzhou|that is|is|present day|Jiangsu Province|Zhenjiang|possessive particle|place Sun Quan accepted this advice and returned the troops to Nanjun Runzhou, which is today's Zhenjiang City in Jiangsu Province. 等到 駐扎 好 軍馬 , 太史慈 已經 病危 。 waiting for|stationed|good|cavalry|Tai Shici|already|critically ill By the time the horses were settled, Tai Shici was already critically ill. 孫權 就 派 張昭 一班人 去 探望 佢 。 Sun Quan|then|sent|Zhang Zhao|a group of people|to|visit|him Sun Quan sent Zhang Zhao and a group of people to visit him. 太史慈 大聲 噉 話 : 大丈夫 , 就 應當 帶 三尺 劍 , 立 不世之功 呀 。 Tai Shici|loudly|like this|said|great man|then|should|carry|three-foot|sword|establish|extraordinary achievement|particle Tai Shici loudly said: A true man should carry a three-foot sword and achieve extraordinary feats. 而家 , 唉 , 志願 都 未曾 達到 , 點解 要死 呢 ? 啊 ! now|sigh|aspiration|all|not yet|achieved|why||question particle|ah Now, sigh, my aspirations have not yet been fulfilled, why should I die? 講完 就合 埋眼 死 咗 嘞 , 當時 只有 四十一歲 。 finished speaking|||died|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|at that time|only| After saying this, he closed his eyes and died, at that time he was only forty-one years old. 後 嚟 有人 寫 咗 首詩 讚頌 佢 : ||someone|wrote|past tense marker|a poem|praised|him Later, someone wrote a poem praising him: 矢志 全 忠孝 , 東萊 太史慈 ; 姓名 昭遠塞 , 弓馬震 雄師 ; 北海 酬恩日 , 神亭 酣 戰時 。 臨終 言 壯志 , 千古 共 嗟 咨 ! determined to pursue|all|loyalty and filial piety|Donglai|Tai Shici|name|Zhao Yuansai||mighty army|Beihai||Shenting|drunk|during battle|at the end of life|words|ambition|eternity|together|sigh|lament Determined in loyalty and filial piety, Tai Shici of Donglai; his name resounds far and wide, his archery and cavalry shake the mighty army; on the day of gratitude in Beihai, he fought fiercely in the divine pavilion. In his final words, he expressed his great ambitions, lamented by all for eternity! 孫權 聽講 太史慈 逝世 非常 之 傷心 , 就 命令 將 佢 葬 喺 南 徐 嘅 北固山 下 , 葬禮 十分 隆重 。 Sun Quan|heard|Tai Shici|passed away|very|possessive particle|sad|then|ordered|to bury|him|buried|at|South|Xu|possessive particle|Mount Beigu|under|funeral|very|grand Sun Quan heard that Tai Shici had passed away and was very saddened, so he ordered that he be buried at the foot of Mount Beigu in Nanzhou, and the funeral was very grand. 又 將 佢 嘅 仔 太史 亨 , 接 咗 入 自己 嘅 府 內 將 佢 養起 嚟 , 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 多 講喇 。 again|to take|he|possessive particle|son|surname|Heng|to bring|past tense marker|into|himself|possessive particle|residence|inside|to raise|him|to raise|up|this|plural marker|this|then|not|much|to talk about He also took Tai Shici's son, Tai Shiheng, into his own household to raise him; there’s not much more to say about this. 而家 就 講返 下 劉備 。 now|then|talk about|next|Liu Bei Now let's talk about Liu Bei. 劉備 喺 荊州 整頓 兵馬 。 Liu Bei|at|Jingzhou|reorganized|troops Liu Bei was organizing his troops in Jingzhou. 呢 一日 聽 聞孫權 喺 合肥 打敗仗 , 已經 返 咗 南 徐 , 就 同 孔明 商量研究 下 情況 。 this|one day|heard||at|Hefei|defeat|already|returned|past tense marker|||then|with|Kongming||next|situation One day, he heard that Sun Quan had suffered a defeat in Hefei and had already returned to Nanzhou, so he discussed the situation with Kongming. 噉 啊 正 喺 度 傾 緊 , 接到 消息 話 公子 劉琦 病死 , 劉備 一聽 就 不覺 喊起 上 嚟 。 like this|ah|just|at|place|talking|ongoing|received|news|saying|young master|Liu Qi|died from illness|Liu Bei|upon hearing|then|unconsciously|started crying|up|here So, while they were talking, they received news that Young Master Liu Qi had died. Upon hearing this, Liu Bei couldn't help but start crying. 孔明 就 勸 佢 話 : 生死 都 係 注定 嘅 , 主公 唔 好 咁 傷心 喇 , 怕 影響 身體 啊 。 Kongming|then|advised|him|said|life and death|both|are|predetermined|(possessive particle)|lord|not|too|so|sad|(particle indicating change of state)|afraid|affecting|health|(particle for emphasis) Kong Ming advised him, saying: Life and death are destined, my lord, don't be so sad, it might affect your health. 而且 大事 要緊 啊 , 請 主公 立即 派 人 去 襄陽 守衛 城池 , 同時 料理 喪事 啦 。 moreover|important matter|urgent|ah|please|lord|immediately|send|people|to|Xiangyang|guard|city|at the same time|handle|funeral|particle Moreover, the important matters need attention, please send someone to Xiangyang immediately to guard the city, and also handle the funeral arrangements. 係 咯 , 噉 派 邊個 去 好 呢 ? ||then|assign|who|go|good|question particle Right, so who should we send? 噉 啊 非雲長 不可 喇 。 like this|ah|Fei Wan Cheung|cannot|particle indicating completed action Then it must be Fei Yun Chang. 於是 , 孔明 就 即刻 派 咗 關雲長 去 防守 襄陽 。 then|Kongming|then|immediately|sent|past tense marker|Guan Yu|to|defend|Xiangyang So, Kongming immediately sent Guan Yu to defend Xiangyang. 劉備 諗 咗 一 諗 , 佢 話 : 哎呀 , 而家 劉琦 已經 死 咗 咯 , 噉 東吳 必定會 嚟 攞 返 荊州 個 噃。 Liu Bei|thought|past tense marker|one|thought|he|said|oh no|now|Liu Qi|already|dead|past tense marker|final particle|then|Eastern Wu||come|take|back|Jingzhou|classifier| Liu Bei thought for a moment and said: "Oh no, Liu Qi is already dead, so Eastern Wu will definitely come to take back Jingzhou." 到 時點 樣 同 佢 哋 講 好 呢 ? arrive|time|how|with|he|they|talk|good|question particle How should we talk to them then? 孔明 話 : 唔 使 擔心 嘅 , 如果 有人 嚟 我 自然 有 說話 對答 㗎 喇 。 Kongming|said|||worry|particle indicating certainty|if|someone|comes|I|naturally|have|conversation|response|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Kongming said: "Don't worry, if someone comes, I will naturally have something to say in response." 呢 眨 下眼 , 過 咗 半個 月 , 呢 一日 , 啲 人 嚟 報告 話 東吳 魯肅 專程 嚟 吊喪 啊 噉 。 this|blink||past|completed action marker|half a|month|this|one day|the|people|come|report|said|Dongwu|Lu Su|specially|come|pay respects to the deceased|ah|like that In the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and one day, people came to report that Lu Su from Eastern Wu had come specifically to pay respects for the deceased. 於是 孔明 就 同 劉備 一齊 出城 去 迎接 魯肅 。 then|Kongming|then|with|Liu Bei|together|leave the city|to|welcome|Lu Su So, Kongming went out of the city with Liu Bei to welcome Lu Su. 噉 啊 請 魯肅 嚟 到 官府 坐落 , 魯肅 話 : like this|ah|please|Lu Su|come|to|government office|located|Lu Su|said Then, he invited Lu Su to sit in the official residence, and Lu Su said: 我 哋 主公 聽聞 令侄 逝世 , 特意 準備 咗 一 啲 薄禮 派 我 前 嚟 致 祭 啊 。 I|plural marker|Lord|heard|your nephew|passed away|specially|prepared|past tense marker|a|some|humble gift|sent|I|in front|come|offer|sacrifice|sentence-final particle Our lord has heard about your nephew's passing and has specially prepared a small gift to send me here for the memorial. 周 都督 叫 我 再三 向 劉皇叔 、 諸葛 先生 致意 。 Zhou|Commander|told|me|repeatedly|to|Liu the Emperor's Uncle|Zhuge|Master|send regards Governor Zhou asked me to convey his regards to Liu Huangshu and Mr. Zhuge. 有心 , 有心 。 thoughtful|intentional Very thoughtful, very thoughtful. 劉備 同 孔明 企 起身 多謝 一番 , 收 咗 禮物 , 就 擺酒 款待 魯肅 。 Liu Bei|with|Kongming|stand|up|thank|once|received|past tense marker|gift|then|hold a banquet|entertain|Lu Su Liu Bei and Kong Ming stood up to thank each other, received gifts, and then hosted a banquet for Lu Su. 飲過 幾 巡酒 , 魯肅 就 開口 話 嘞 : after drinking|several|rounds of drinks|Lu Su|then|spoke|said|past tense marker After drinking a few rounds, Lu Su spoke up and said: 以前 皇叔 講過 , 話 公子 唔 喺 處 咯 就 歸還 荊州 吖 。 previously|uncle|mentioned|said|young master|not|at|place|particle indicating completed action|then|return|Jingzhou|particle indicating a question or suggestion Previously, the Emperor Uncle mentioned that if the Young Master was not present, then Jingzhou would be returned. 噉 而家 公子 已經 去世 嘞 , 噉 啊 必定 歸還 荊州 㗎 啦 , 唔 知 幾時 可以 交割 呢 ? then|now|young master|already|passed away|past tense particle||ah|definitely|return|Jingzhou|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion|not|know|when|can|deliver|question particle Now that the Young Master has passed away, it must be returned to Jingzhou, but I wonder when the handover can take place? 劉備 話 喇 : 誒 我 哋 飲酒 先 , 有件事 要 商量 下 嘅 。 Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|hey|I|plural marker|drink alcohol|first|there is something|need to|discuss|a bit|particle indicating possession or emphasis Liu Bei replied: "Hey, let's drink first, there is something we need to discuss." 哦 , 誒 飲 , 飲 。 oh|hey|drink|drink Oh, hey, drink, drink. 魯肅 勉強 飲 咗 幾杯 , 忍 唔 住 又 開聲問 嘞 喎 。 Lu Su|reluctantly|drink|past tense marker|a few cups||||again||particle indicating completed action|particle indicating realization or confirmation Lu Su reluctantly drank a few cups and couldn't help but ask. 呢 次 劉備 都 未曾 回答 唧 , 孔明 就板 起塊 面話 喇 : this|time|Liu Bei|also|never|answered|tooting sound|Kongming||||particle This time, Liu Bei hadn't answered yet, and Kong Ming put on a serious face and said: 子敬 你 真 係 唔 識 道理 , 係 都 要 等 人 開口 至 得 嘅 。 Zijing|you|really|are|not|understand|reason|also|all|must|wait|people|speak|only|okay|particle ZijIng, you really don't understand the reasoning, it has to wait for someone to speak up. 自從 我 哋 高祖 皇帝 斬蛇 起義 , 開基立業 , 傳到 今日 , 不幸 奸雄 並起 各據 一方 , 搞 到 天下大亂 。 since|we|plural marker|Gaozu|emperor|killed the serpent|uprising|established the foundation of the dynasty|passed down to|today|unfortunately|tyrants|rose together|each occupied|a region|||great chaos in the world Since our Emperor Gaozu started the rebellion by slaying the serpent, establishing the foundation and business, up to today, unfortunately, various tyrants have risen and taken control of different regions, causing great chaos in the world. 但 係 , 少 不免 天道 循環 , 復歸 正統 。 ||||the way of heaven|cycle|return to|orthodoxy However, it is inevitable that the way of heaven will cycle and return to the orthodox. 我 主公 乃 係 中山 靖 王 嘅 後代 , 孝景 皇帝 嘅 玄孫 , 當今 皇上 嘅 阿叔 。 I|my lord|indeed|am|Zhongshan|||possessive particle|descendant|Emperor Xiaojing|emperor|possessive particle|great-grandson|current|emperor|possessive particle|uncle Our lord is a descendant of King Jing of Zhongshan, the great-grandson of Emperor Xiaojing, and the uncle of the current emperor. 唔 通 唔 能夠 分茅裂土 , 佔據 一 啲 土地 咩 ? not|understand|not|able to|divide the land|occupy|one|some|land|question particle Is it not possible to divide the land and occupy some territory? 何況 劉景升 乃 係 我 哋 主公 嘅 兄長 , 細佬 繼承 兄長 嘅 基業 又 有 咩 嘢 唔 得 啊 ? moreover|Liu Jing Sheng|is|is|I|plural marker|lord|possessive particle|elder brother|younger brother|inherit|elder brother|possessive particle|family business|again|have|what|thing|not|able|question particle Moreover, Liu Jingsheng is the elder brother of our lord; what is wrong with the younger brother inheriting the elder brother's legacy? 你 主公 乃 係 錢塘 一個 小小 官員 個 仔 , 一向 對 朝廷 都 冇 到 功勞 。 you|your lord|are|is|Qiantang|a|small|official|possessive particle|son|always|towards|court|all|have not|any|merit Your lord is just a small official's son from Qiantang, and has never contributed to the court. 而家 , 恃 住 自己 嘅 勢力 佔據 六郡 八十一 州 , 噉 都 仲 貪心不足 , 仲想 吞併 漢 家 嘅 土地 ? now|||oneself|possessive particle|power|occupy|six commanderies|eighty-one|states|then|still|even|insatiable|still want|to annex|Han|family|possessive particle|land Now, relying on our own power to occupy six counties and eighty-one states, yet still being greedy and wanting to annex the land of the Han family? 哦 , 劉 氏 嘅 天下 我 哋 主公 姓 劉 嘅 都 冇 份 , 你 主公 姓 孫 嘅 反而 要 嚟 爭 ? oh|Liu|family name|possessive particle|world|we|plural marker|lord|surname|Liu|possessive particle|all|have not|share|you|lord|surname|Sun|possessive particle|instead|want|to come|compete Oh, we, the Liu family, have no share in the world of the Liu family, yet your lord, who is of the Sun family, wants to compete? 仲有 , 赤壁之戰 , 我 主公 擔負 咁 重 嘅 作戰 任務 , 全軍 上下 人人 拼命 , 唔 通淨 係 你 哋 東吳 出力 咩 ? moreover|Battle of Red Cliffs|I|my lord|bear|so|heavy|possessive particle|combat|mission|entire army|above and below|everyone|fight to the death|||be|you|plural marker|Eastern Wu|exert effort|question particle Moreover, in the Battle of Chibi, my lord took on such a heavy combat mission, and everyone in the army fought desperately; is it only your Eastern Wu that contributed? 如果 唔 係 我 借到 東南風 呀 , 周郎 就 一籌莫展 , 仲點 能夠 打贏 呢 場仗 啊 ? if|||I|borrowed|southeast wind|particle indicating exclamation|Zhou Lang|then|had no way to deal with it||able to|win|this|battle|particle indicating exclamation If it weren't for me borrowing the southeast wind, Zhou Lang would have been at a loss, how could we have won this battle? 江南 一破 , 咪 講話 二喬要 畀 曹操 攞 咗 去 收埋 喺 銅 雀 台上 啊 , 就算 係 子敬 你 嘅 家人 老小 亦 保 唔 住 啊 係 唔 係 吖 ? Jiangnan|one defeat|don't|talk about||be|Cao Cao|taken|past tense marker|go|hidden|at|bronze|sparrow||particle|even if|is|Zijing|your|possessive particle|family|dependents|also||||particle||||particle Once Jiangnan is broken, it won't be long before the two Qiao sisters are taken by Cao Cao to be hidden on the Copper Sparrow Terrace; even your family, Zijing, wouldn't be able to protect them, right? 剛才 我 主公 冇 立即 回答 你 , 不過 以為 子敬 你 係 個 有 見識 嘅 人 , 唔 使 講到 咁 白 , 點解 你 噉 都 唔 明 嘅 呢子 敬 ? just now|I|my lord|did not|immediately|answer|you|but|thought|respectful term for you|you|are|a|have|insight|possessive particle|person|not|need|to speak to|so|clearly|why|you|like this|also|not|understand|past tense particle|this|respectful term for you Just now, my lord did not answer you immediately, but thought that you, Zijing, were a knowledgeable person, so there was no need to be so explicit. Why don't you understand this, Zijing? 一番 說話 , 講到 魯肅 擘 大個 口得 個窿 , 好耐好 耐 佢 先 至 話 : one round|conversation|when it comes to|Lu Su|opening|big|mouth|hole|||he|||said After a while, when Lu Su finally spoke, he said: 嗯 嗯 , 誒 孔明 你 噉 講都 唔 係 冇 道理 嘅 。 hmm||hey|Kongming|you|like this||not|is|no|reason|particle Hmm, hmm, well Kongming, what you said does make some sense. 不過 , 哎呀 不過 我 魯肅 就 十分 不便 噃。 but|oh no||I|Lu Su|just|very|inconvenient|particle However, oh dear, but I, Lu Su, find it quite inconvenient. 你 有 咩 不便 之處 呢 ? you|have|what|inconvenience|aspects|question particle What inconvenience do you have? 往日 皇叔 喺 當陽 受難 嘅 時候 , 係 我 魯肅 同 孔明 你 渡江 , 介紹 你 去 見 我 主公 吖 。 in the past|uncle|at|Dongyang|suffering|possessive particle|time|was|I|Lu Su|and|Kongming|you|cross the river|introduce|you|to|meet|my|lord|particle In the past, when the Emperor was suffering in Dongyang, it was I, Lu Su, along with Kongming, who helped you cross the river and introduced you to my lord. 收尾 周公瑾 要 興兵 嚟 奪取 荊州 , 噉 又 係 我 魯肅 勸 佢 唔 好 嘅 。 finishing|Zhou Gongjin|wants|to raise troops|to come|to seize|Jingzhou|then|again|is|I|Lu Su|advised|him|||particle indicating past action As for Zhou Gongjin wanting to raise troops to seize Jingzhou, it was I, Lu Su, who advised him against it. 至於 話 等到 公子 去世 就 歸還 荊州 , 又 係 我 魯肅 一力 擔承 。 as for|saying|until|young master|passes away|then|returns|Jingzhou|again|is|I|Lu Su|single-handedly|bear responsibility Regarding the matter of returning Jingzhou after the young master passes away, it was I, Lu Su, who took full responsibility. 而家 你 哋 以前 講過 個 說話 都 唔 算數 喎 , 噉 , 噉 叫 我 魯肅 點樣 返去 回覆 好 啊 ? now|you|plural marker|before|talked about|the|statement|all|not|count|sentence-final particle|then||ask|I|Lu Su|how|go back|reply|well|sentence-final particle Now, you all have said things in the past that no longer count, so how am I, Lu Su, supposed to go back and respond? 我 主公 同 周公瑾 係 必然 會 處分 我 嘅 喎 。 I|Lord|and|Zhou Gongjin|am|inevitably|will|punish|me|possessive particle|sentence-final particle My lord and Zhou Gongjin will definitely deal with me. 哎 , 我 死 唔 緊要 啊 , 就 係 怕 激 嬲 咗 東吳 , 興動 幹戈 打起 上 嚟 , 皇叔 亦 唔 能夠 喺 荊州 坐得 咁 安穩 嘅 噃, 盞 畀 天下 恥笑 啫 。 sigh|I|die|not|important|ah|just|am|afraid|provoke|angry|past tense marker|Eastern Wu|stir up|war|fight|up|come|Uncle Huang|also|not|able|at|Jingzhou|sit|so|stable|possessive particle|particle|lamp|by|world|ridicule|only Ah, I don't mind dying, I just fear that it will anger Dong Wu, and they will start a war. Even the Emperor can't sit so comfortably in Jingzhou, right? It would just be a shame for the whole world. 哈哈哈哈 , 子敬 啊 你 唔 使嚇 我 。 Hahaha|Zijing|ah|you|not|need to scare|me Hahaha, Zijing, you don't need to scare me. 曹操 率領 百萬 大軍 ,逳 下 就 攞 出 天子 嘅 名義 我 都 毫不在意 , 唔 通仲怕 周郎 一個 小子 咩 ? Cao Cao|led|million|army|if|down|then|take|out|emperor|possessive particle|name|I|also|not at all concerned|not||Zhou Lang|a|kid|question particle Cao Cao leads a million troops, and if he uses the Emperor's name, I wouldn't care at all. Am I supposed to be afraid of Zhou Lang, just a kid? 噉 啦 , 為 咗 唔 使子敬 你 面子 上過 唔 去 , 我 勸 我主 公立 一張 文件 , 暫借 荊州 嚟 做 個 根本 。 like this|sentence final particle|for|past tense marker|not||your|face|to have gone up|not|go|I|advise|my master|to publicly||document|temporarily borrow|Jingzhou (a place)|to come|to do|measure word for things|fundamental So, in order not to make it hard for you, Zijing, I advise my lord to draft a document to temporarily borrow Jingzhou as a base. 等 我 主公 將來 想 辦法 , 得到 其他 城池 之後 , 就 交還 荊州 畀 東吳 , 噉 好 唔 好 吖 ? wait|I|my lord|in the future|want|a solution|obtain|other|cities|after|then|return|Jingzhou|to|Eastern Wu|like this|good|not|good|particle Then, when my lord finds a way and obtains other cities, he can return Jingzhou to Dong Wu. How does that sound? 噉 呀 , 噉 孔明 你 要 等到 奪取 到 邊處 先至將 荊州 還返 畀 我 哋 啊 ? then|particle|then|Kongming|you|want|wait until|take|to|where||Jingzhou|return|to|us|plural particle|particle So, Kongming, when do you plan to return Jingzhou to us after capturing it? 誒 , 中原地區 呢 , 一時之間 就 未 能夠 奪得 到 嘅 。 eh|Central Plains region|particle indicating a question|in a moment|then|not yet|able to|win|to|particle indicating possession or completion Well, in the Central Plains region, it can't be captured in a short time. 西川 嘅 劉 璋 比較 軟弱無能 , 我 主公 會 去 設法 奪取 嗰 處 。 Xichuan|possessive particle|Liu|Zhang|relatively|weak and incompetent|I|lord|will|go|find a way|seize|that|place Liu Zhang of Xichuan is relatively weak and incompetent, so my lord will find a way to capture that place. 如果 攞 到 西川 咯 , 到 時 就 交還 荊州 係 啦 。 if|take|arrive|Xichuan|particle indicating completed action|||then|return|Jingzhou|is|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation If we can take Xichuan, then we will return Jingzhou at that time. 西川 誒 即 係 而家 四川省 嘅 一部分 地方 , 首府 係 益州 , 即 係 而 家 嘅 成都市 。 Western Sichuan|ah|just|is|now|Sichuan Province|possessive particle||area|capital|is||||||possessive particle|Chengdu Xichuan refers to a part of what is now Sichuan Province, with its capital in Yizhou, which is present-day Chengdu. 噉 魯肅 冇 晒 辦法 , 就 唯有 孔明 話點 就點 係 啦 。 then|Lu Su|has no|completely|solution|then|only|Kongming|||is|particle So, Lu Su had no other choice but to follow what Kongming said. 於是 劉備 就 親筆寫 咗 張 文件 簽 咗 名 , 諸葛亮 啊 做 擔保人 , 亦 都簽 咗 名 。 then|Liu Bei|then||past tense marker|a|document|signed|past tense marker|name|Zhuge Liang|ah|acted as|guarantor|also||past tense marker|name Thus, Liu Bei personally wrote a document and signed it, with Zhuge Liang as the guarantor, who also signed. 噉 孔明 又 話 : 子敬 啊 , 我 係 皇叔 呢 處 嘅 人 , 噉 唔 通 自己 擔保 自己 咩 ? then|Kongming|again|said|Zijing|ah|I|am|royal uncle|this|place|possessive particle|person|then|not|possible|oneself|guarantee|oneself|question particle Then Kongming said: "Zijing, I am a person of the Emperor's uncle, so how can I guarantee myself?" 勞煩 子敬 先生 你 亦 簽個 名 嘞 , 噉 啊 返去 見到 吳侯 亦 好講 啲 噃。 sorry to trouble|Zijing|Mr|you|also|sign the|name|past action particle|then|ah|go back|see|Mr Wu|also||a bit|particle indicating suggestion I trouble you, Mr. Zijing, to also sign your name, so that when you return to see Lord Wu, it will be easier to discuss. 魯肅 話 : 得 , 我 知道 皇叔 係 個 仁義 之 人 , 必定 唔 會 對 唔 住 我 嘅 。 Lu Su|said|okay|I|know|Prince of the Emperor|is|a|benevolent and righteous|possessive particle|person|definitely|not|will|treat|||me|possessive particle Lu Su said: "Alright, I know the Emperor's uncle is a person of benevolence and righteousness, and he will definitely not let me down." 於是 亦簽 咗 個 名 , 就 收 咗 文件 。 so||past tense marker|the|name|then|received|past tense marker|document So I also signed my name and received the document. 宴會 結束 之後 呢 , 魯肅 就 告辭 返扯 嘞 。 banquet|ended|after|question particle|Lu Su|then|took his leave|returned home|past action particle After the banquet ended, Lu Su took his leave and went back. 劉備 同 孔明 一直 送到 去 碼頭 船邊 啊 。 Liu Bei|with|Kongming|continuously|sent to|to|dock|by the ship|ah Liu Bei and Kong Ming sent him all the way to the dock by the ship. 孔明 仲 叮囑 佢 話 : 子敬 你 返去 見到 吳侯 , 請 你 好好 地將 我 嘅 意見 講 佢 聽 , 請 佢 唔 好 亂 咁 諗 嘞 。 Kongming|still|reminded|him|said|Zijing|you|return|see|Lord Wu|please|you|properly||my|possessive particle|opinion|to tell|him|listen|please|he|not|very|randomly|like that|think|past tense particle Kong Ming also reminded him, saying: "Zijing, when you return to see the Wu Lord, please convey my opinions to him properly and ask him not to think too chaotically." 若果 唔 接受 我 哋 嘅 文件 , 我 一反 起面 嚟 就 連 佢 八十一 州 都 搶 埋 㗎 。 if|not|accept|I|||||once|turn around|come|then|even|he|eighty-one|states|all|||sentence-final particle If he does not accept our document, I will turn around and seize all his eighty-one states. 而家 我 哋 兩家 人要 和和氣氣 至 好 , 咪 畀 曹操 老賊 笑話 啊 。 now|I|we|two families||in harmony|only|good|don't|let|Cao Cao|old thief|make fun of|ah Now, our two families should get along well, otherwise we will be laughed at by that old thief Cao Cao. 魯肅 同 劉備 、 孔明 分別 咗 , 就 開船 返 東吳 。 Lu Su|with|Liu Bei|Kongming|respectively|past tense marker|then|set sail|return|Eastern Wu Lu Su separated from Liu Bei and Kong Ming, and then took a boat back to Eastern Wu. 佢 先 到 柴桑郡 去 見 周瑜 。 He|first|arrived|Chaisang County|to|see|Zhou Yu He first arrived at Chaisang County to see Zhou Yu. 周瑜 就 問 佢 話 : 子敬 去 攞 荊州 , 有 乜 結果 啊 ? Zhou Yu|then|asked|him|saying|Zi Jing|go|take|Jingzhou|has|what|result|question particle Zhou Yu then asked him: "What was the result of Zijing going to take Jingzhou?" 魯肅 話 : 誒 攞 到 個 文件 返 嚟 啊 。 Lu Su|said|hey|take|to|the|document|return|here|ah Lu Su replied: "Ah, I brought back a document." 講完 就 攞 張 文件 畀 周瑜 睇 。 finish speaking|then|take|measure word for flat objects|document|give|Zhou Yu|read After speaking, I took a document to show Zhou Yu. 嘿 ! 周瑜 一睇 就 𨂽 腳 喇 : 子敬 啊 子敬 你 中 咗 諸葛亮 嘅 計 喇 ! hey|Zhou Yu|at a glance|immediately|tripped|foot|particle indicating completed action|Zijing (another name for Zhou Yu)|ah|Zijing|you|fell for|past tense marker|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|scheme|particle indicating completed action Hey! As soon as Zhou Yu saw it, he was shocked: "Zi Jing, you have fallen for Zhuge Liang's scheme!" 佢 名 為 借 地 , 實際 係 混賴 。 he|name|is called|||actually|is|mixed up He calls it borrowing land, but in reality, it's a trick. 佢 話 攞 咗 西川 就還 荊州 , 你 知 佢 幾時 去 攞 西川 呀 , 若果 佢 十年 得 唔 到 西川 就 十年 唔 還呀 ? he|said|take|past tense marker|Xichuan||Jingzhou|you|know|he||||Xichuan|question particle||||||||||| He said that if he took Xichuan, he would return Jingzhou. Do you know when he plans to take Xichuan? If he can't get Xichuan in ten years, will he not return it for ten years? 噉 樣 嘅 文件 中 咩 嘢 用 啊 , 你仲去 同 佢 做 擔保 添 。 like this|appearance|possessive particle|document|in|what|thing|useful|question particle||with|he|do|guarantee|also What use is such a document? You even went to guarantee it for him. 唉 ! 佢 如果 唔 還 荊州 個 話 , 實 連累到 你 嘅 噃, 主公 要 處分 起上 嚟 點算 啊 ! sigh|he|if|not|repay|Jingzhou|possessive particle|matter|really|implicated|you|possessive particle||lord|will|punish|in the future|come|what to do|particle indicating a question Sigh! If he doesn't return Jingzhou, it will really implicate you, what will the lord do about punishing him? 啊 ? 啊 。 ah|ah Ah? Ah. 魯肅 聽 周瑜 噉 講 啊 成個 傻 晒 , 好耐好 耐 佢 先 至 話 : Lu Su|heard|Zhou Yu|like that|talk|ah|completely|foolish|bright|||he|||said Lu Su listened to Zhou Yu and was completely dumbfounded, it took him a long time to say: 嗯 , 睇 個樣 , 玄德 都 唔 會 對 唔 住 我 嘅 啩? hmm|look|that face|Xuande (a name)|also|not|will|treat|||me|possessive particle|question particle Hmm, looking at the situation, Xuande wouldn't blame me, right? 子敬 你 係 個 老實人 。 Zijing|you|are|a|honest person Zijing, you are an honest person. 劉備 係 個 梟雄 之輩 , 諸葛亮 係 個 奸滑 之兔 , 恐怕 佢 哋 唔 似 得 先生 你 咁 好心 啊 ! Liu Bei|is|a|hero|of his kind|Zhuge Liang|||cunning||I'm afraid|they|plural marker|not|||sir|you|so|kind|ah Liu Bei is a hero, Zhuge Liang is a cunning rabbit, I'm afraid they are not as kind-hearted as you, sir! 哎呀 , 噉 如果 係 噉 , 噉 , 唉 噉 如之奈何 呢 ? oh no|then|if|is|then|then|||what to do|question particle Oh dear, if that's the case, then what should we do? 子敬 , 你 係 我 嘅 恩人 , 諗 起 往日 你 成倉 糧食 咁 送 畀 我 嘅 恩情 , 我點 會 話 唔 救 你 。 Zijing|you|are|I|possessive particle|benefactor|||past|you|whole warehouse|food|so|sent|to|me|possessive particle|kindness||would|say|not|save|you Zijng, you are my benefactor. Thinking of the kindness you showed me by sending me a whole warehouse of grain in the past, how could I say I won't save you? 你 喺 我 呢 處 寬心 住 幾日 先 , 等 我 派 人 去 江北 探聽 下 消息 , 然後 再作 打算 啦 。 you|at|I|this|place|rest easy|stay|a few days|first|wait|I|send|someone|to|Jiangbei|inquire|about|news|then|reconsider|plans|particle You stay here and rest for a few days first, let me send someone to Jiangbei to gather some information, then we can make plans. 哎呀 搞 到 魯肅 呀 好似 周身 畀 針 㓤 噉 都 唔 知 幾 咁 唔 安樂 。 oh no|||Lu Su|particle|seems|whole body|be|needle|poked|like|all|not|know|how|so|| Oh dear, it seems like Lu Su is feeling so uneasy, as if he is being pricked by needles all over. 過 咗 幾日 , 偵探 返 嚟 報告 : passed|past tense marker||detective|returned|here|report A few days later, the detective returned with a report: 稟 都督 , 荊州 城內 豎起 咗 幡 , 打齋 啊 , 城外 見到 新 築 嘅 墳墓 , 軍士 都 掛晒 孝 。 report|governor|Jingzhou|inside the city|raised|past tense marker|flag|fasting|exclamatory particle|outside the city|saw|new|built|possessive particle|grave|soldiers|all|hung up|mourning attire Governor, a banner has been raised in Jingzhou city, it's a mourning period, and outside the city, new graves have been seen, the soldiers are all in mourning. 周瑜 奇怪 喇 : 死 咗 咩 人 啊 ? Zhou Yu|strange|particle indicating completed action|die|past tense marker|what|person|question particle Zhou Yu was puzzled: Who died? 劉玄德 死 咗 甘夫人 , 呢 幾日 舉行 葬禮 。 Liu Xuande|died|past tense marker|Lady Gan|these|few days|hold|funeral Liu Xuande's wife has passed away, and the funeral has been held these past few days. 得法 喇 ! got it|particle indicating completion or realization That's it! 周瑜 對 魯肅 話 喇 : 我 呢 條計 成功 , 我要 劉備 束手就擒 , 荊州 反掌 可得 啊 。 Zhou Yu|to|Lu Su|said|particle indicating completed action|I|this|plan|successful|I want|Liu Bei|to be captured without a fight|Jingzhou|with a flip of the hand|can be obtained|particle indicating exclamation Zhou Yu said to Lu Su: If my plan succeeds, I want Liu Bei to surrender willingly, and I can easily take Jingzhou. 哦 ? 都督 條計 係 點 嘅 呢 ? oh|governor|plan|is|how|question particle|question particle Oh? What is the plan of the governor? 嗱, 劉備 死 咗 老婆 , 佢 必定 要 續娶 嘅 , 係 嗎 ? well|Liu Bei|die|past tense marker|wife|he|definitely|needs to|remarry|question particle|is|question particle Well, Liu Bei's wife has died, so he must remarry, right? 我 哋 主公 有個妹 , 係 極其 剛強 勇敢 。 ||lord||is|extremely|strong|brave Our lord has a younger sister who is extremely strong and brave. 佢 有 幾百名 婢女 , 平常 個個 都 帶 住 刀 。 He|has|several hundred|maidservants|usually|every one|all|||knife She has hundreds of maidservants, and each of them usually carries a knife. 閨房 之內 就 擺滿 晒 刀槍劍戟 種種 兵器 , 就算 係 男子 亦 冇 佢 咁 夠 威武 嘅 。 bedroom|inside|then|filled with|completely|various weapons|all kinds of|weapons|even if|is|man|also|not have|he|that|sufficiently|powerful|possessive particle The room is filled with all kinds of weapons, including swords and spears; even a man wouldn't be as imposing as this. 啊 , 係 吖 係 吖 。 ah|yes|particle|yes|particle Ah, yes, yes. 我而家 寫封信 畀 主公 , 請 佢 派 個人 去 荊州 做媒 人 , 說服 劉備 嚟 到 入贅 , 將 佢 氹 到 嚟 南 徐 , 到 其時 , 老婆 佢 得 唔 到 , 要 佢 坐監 。 I now|write a letter|to|Lord|request|he|send|a person|to|Jingzhou|act as a matchmaker|person|persuade|Liu Bei|to come|arrive|marry into|bring|him|trick|to|come|South|Xu|at|that time|wife|his|able|not|at|require|him|imprisonment I am now writing a letter to the lord, asking him to send someone to Jingzhou as a matchmaker to persuade Liu Bei to come and marry in, and then trick him into coming to Nanxu. By that time, if his wife is not around, he will have to sit in prison. 噉 我 哋 派 人 去 叫 佢 哋 攞 荊州 嚟 換 劉備 。 then|we|plural marker|send|person|to|call|he|plural marker|take|Jingzhou|here|exchange|Liu Bei Then we will send someone to ask them to take Jingzhou in exchange for Liu Bei. 哈哈 , 等 佢 交割 咗 荊州 城池 , 我 又 另有打算 咯 。 haha|wait|he|deliver|past tense marker|Jingzhou|city|I|again||sentence-final particle Haha, once he hands over the city of Jingzhou, I will have other plans. 噉 樣 , 子敬 你 就 一 啲 事 都 冇 啦 嘛 。 like this|appearance|Zijing (a name)|you|then|one|a little|thing|all|have not|sentence final particle|question particle In that case, Zijing, you have nothing to worry about. 哎呀呀 呀 , 多謝 都督 嘅 妙計 啊 ! oh no|particle|thank you|governor|possessive particle|brilliant plan|particle Oh my, thank you for the brilliant plan, Governor! 魯肅 個心 呀 噉 先至 放落 一 嚿 大石頭 。 Lu Su|his heart|ah|like this|only then|put down|one|piece|big rock Lu Su's heart finally settled down after placing a big stone. 好 快趣 , 周瑜 就 寫 好 封信 , 搵 一隻 快船 送 魯肅 返去 南 徐 嘞 。 ||Zhou Yu|then|||letter|find|a|fast boat|send|Lu Su|return|||past tense particle Very quickly, Zhou Yu wrote a letter and found a fast ship to send Lu Su back to Nanxu. 魯肅 返到 去 見到 孫權 , 首先 就將 劉備 借 荊州 個事 報告 咗 先 , 跟 住 就 將 嗰 份文件 呈 上去 畀 孫權 。 Lu Su|returned|to|saw|Sun Quan|first||Liu Bei|borrowing|Jingzhou||report|past tense marker|first|||then|to present|that||to submit|up|to|Sun Quan When Lu Su returned and saw Sun Quan, he first reported the matter of Liu Bei borrowing Jingzhou, and then presented that document to Sun Quan. 孫權 睇 咗 一 睇 就 話 喇 : 哎呀 乜 你 咁 糊塗 㗎 ! Sun Quan|to look|past tense marker|one|look|immediately|said|sentence-final particle|oh no|why|you|so|confused|question particle Sun Quan took a look and said: "Oh, why are you so confused!" 噉 嘅 文件 , 要 嚟 有 乜 用 啊 ! like this|possessive particle|document|need|to be|have|what|use|particle for emphasis What use is such a document!? 啊 , 主公 , 周 都督 有 封信 呈 畀 你 ,嗱, 呢 封 就 係 嘞 。 ah|Your Excellency|Zhou|Governor|has|letter|presented|to|you|here|this|envelope|just|is|particle indicating completion Ah, my lord, Zhou Yu has a letter for you, here, this is it. 佢 話 用 呢 一條 計 , 就 可以 得到 荊州 㗎 嘞 喎 。 he|said|use|this|one|plan|then|can|obtain|Jingzhou|particle indicating certainty|past action particle|particle indicating suggestion He said that with this plan, we can obtain Jingzhou. 孫權 睇 咗 周瑜 封信 猛 咁 岌頭 , 個心 好 歡喜 。 Sun Quan|read|past tense marker|Zhou Yu|sealed letter|fiercely|so|excited|his heart|very|happy Sun Quan read Zhou Yu's letter eagerly, his heart was very happy. 佢 即刻 就 諗 嘞 : 派 邊個 去 做媒 人好 呢 吓 ? He|immediately|then|thought|past tense marker|send|who|to|be a matchmaker||question particle|huh He immediately thought: Who should I send to be the matchmaker? 啊 , 非呂范 不可 , 於是 馬上 叫 人 嗌 呂范 嚟 , 就 對 佢 話 : ah|not Lu Fan|cannot|so|immediately|call|someone|shout|Lu Fan|come|then|to|him|said Ah, it must be Lü Fan, so he quickly called someone to summon Lü Fan and said to him: 近日 , 聽講 劉玄德 嘅 夫人 死 咗 , 我 啊 有 個妹 , 好 想 招贅 玄德 做 佢 嘅 夫婿 。 recently|I heard|Liu Xuande|possessive particle|wife|died|past tense marker|I|particle indicating realization|have||very|want|take in marriage|Xuande|be|him|possessive particle|husband Recently, I heard that Liu Xuande's wife has passed away. I have a sister who really wants to marry Xuande and make him her husband. 以後 我 哋 兩家 永結 姻親 , 同心 破 曹 , 共 扶漢室 。 in the future|we|plural marker|two families|forever united|by marriage|with one heart|defeat|Cao|together| In the future, our two families will be united by marriage, working together to defeat Cao and support the Han dynasty. 呢 個 大媒 非子衡 你 不可 喇 , 哈哈 , 希望 你 立即 起程 去 荊州 講 一聲 。 this|measure word|big matchmaker|Fei Ziheng|you|cannot|particle indicating completed action|haha|hope|you|immediately|set off|to|Jingzhou|tell| This great matchmaker, you must go, Zi Heng, haha, I hope you can set off immediately to Jingzhou to say a word. 哦 做 噉 嘅 媒人 啊 呂范個 心好 高興 做 , 所以 佢 一 啖 應承 , 即日 就 準備 好 船隻 , 帶 幾個 隨從人員 就 起程 去 荊州 嘞 喎 。 oh|do|like that|possessive particle|matchmaker|ah|||happy|do|so|he|one|mouthful|agreed|that day|then|prepare|well|boat|bring|a few|attendants|then|set off|go|Jingzhou|past tense particle|sentence-final particle Oh, the matchmaker is really happy for Lu Fan, so he readily agreed and prepared the ship on the same day, taking a few attendants to set off for Jingzhou. 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 啊 自從 甘夫人 逝世 之後 日夜 咁 煩惱 。 now|let's talk about|Liu Bei|he|ah|since|Lady Gan|passed away|after|day and night|so|worried Now let's talk about Liu Bei. Ever since Lady Gan passed away, he has been troubled day and night. 嘩 梗 係 啦 , 呢 個 年紀 冇 咗 老婆 就 確係 好 淒涼 㗎 嘛 。 wow|||sentence final particle|this|measure word|age|without|past tense marker|wife|then|really|very|lonely|sentence final particle|particle indicating obviousness Wow, of course! At this age, losing a wife is indeed very desolate. 有 一日 , 佢 百無聊賴 就 搵 孔明 傾閒 偈 , 僕人 入 嚟 稟告 話 東吳 派 呂范 嚟 求見 噉 。 there is|one day|he|bored out of his mind|then|to find|Kongming|to chat|conversation|servant|to enter|here|to report|that|Eastern Wu|sent|Lu Fan|here|to request an audience|like this One day, feeling bored, he sought out Kongming for a chat, and a servant came in to report that Dongwu sent Lu Fan to request an audience. 孔明 一聽 就 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 呢 個 乃 係 周瑜 嘅 計謀 , 實 係 為 咗 荊州 嘅 事 嘞 。 Zhuge Liang|upon hearing|immediately|laughed|particle indicating completed action|hahaha|ha|this|measure word|indeed|is|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|strategy|really|is|for|past tense marker|Jingzhou|possessive particle|matter|particle indicating completed action As soon as Kongming heard this, he laughed: Hahaha, this is indeed Zhou Yu's strategy, it is really about Jingzhou. 誒 , 主公 , 我 等 陣 就 匿 埋 喺 屏風 後 便 聽 住 。 hey|my lord|I|||then|||at|screen|behind|just|| Hey, my lord, we will hide behind the screen and listen. 佢 無論 講 乜嘢 說話 , 主公 你 即管 應承 晒 佢 先 。 he|no matter|say|what|conversation|my lord|you|immediately|agree to|fully|he|first No matter what he says, my lord, you should just agree with him first. 然後 留 佢 喺 賓館 住宿 , 我 哋 再 嚟 商量 就 係 嘞 。 then|leave|him|at|hotel|stay|I|we|again|come|discuss|just|is|final particle Then keep him at the inn for accommodation, and we will discuss it later. 噉 孔明 就行 咗 去 屏風 後 便 匿 埋 。 then|Kongming||past tense marker|go|screen|behind|then|hide|completely So Kongming went to hide behind the screen. 劉備 就 吩咐 請 呂范入 嚟 見面 嘞 。 Liu Bei|then|ordered|to invite||here|meet|past action particle Liu Bei then instructed to invite Lu Fan in to meet. 入到 嚟 , 行過禮 , 分 賓主 坐定 啊 獻過 茶 , 劉備 就問 : 子衡 今日 嚟 到 , 有 咩 見教 呢 ? arrive|here||distinguish|host and guest|sit down|particle|offered|tea|Liu Bei||Ziheng|today|||have|what|instruction|question particle Upon entering, after exchanging greetings and seating the guests and hosts, Liu Bei asked: "Ziheng, you have come today, what advice do you have?" 皇叔 , 近日 聽聞 你 嘅 夫人 逝世 , 我 誒 有 一門 好 親事 , 故此 亦 不避 嫌疑 , 想 嚟 攞 杯 媒人 酒 飲下 , 哈哈哈 , 唔 知尊意 如何 呢 ? uncle|recently|heard|your||wife|passed away|I|ah|have|a|good|marriage|therefore|also||suspicion|want|to come|take|cup|matchmaker|wine|drink|hahaha|not||how|question particle "Your Highness, I have recently heard about the passing of your wife. I have a good match in mind, and thus I do not shy away from suspicion. I would like to propose a toast with a matchmaker's wine, hahaha. What do you think?" 唉 , 中年 喪妻 大 不幸 啊 ! sigh|middle age|losing a wife|very|unfortunate|ah Alas, losing a wife in middle age is a great misfortune! 不過 , 骨肉未寒 , 又點 忍心 咁 快 就 續娶 呢 ? however|||heartless|so|quickly|then|remarry|question particle However, the body is not yet cold, how can one bear to remarry so soon? 唉 , 皇叔 唔 係 噉 講 , 唔 係 噉 講 啊 , 人若 無妻 就 如屋 之無梁 喎 , 點 能夠 中途 就 廢 咗 人倫 大事 啊 ? sigh|uncle|not|is|like that|talking|||||particle indicating exclamation||||||||||||||| Alas, Your Highness, it is not as you say. A man without a wife is like a house without beams. How can one abandon the great matters of human relationships halfway? 我 主公 吳侯有 個妹 , 又 靚 又 賢惠 , 好 啱 皇叔 你 嘅 。 I|lord|||both|beautiful|also|virtuous|very|suitable|Uncle Wang|you|possessive particle My lord, the Marquis of Wu has a sister, who is both beautiful and virtuous, very suitable for you, my royal uncle. 如果 兩家 共 結秦晉之 好 咯 , 噉 曹操 老賊 , 就 唔 敢 正 眼望 下 我 哋 東南 啦 。 if|two families|together||marriage|particle indicating realization|then|Cao Cao|old thief|then|not|dare|straight|look at|down|I|plural marker|Southeast|particle indicating suggestion or emphasis If the two families can form a good alliance like Qin and Jin, then that old thief Cao Cao wouldn't dare to look at us in the southeast. 呢 件 事 , 家國 兩 便 , 請 皇叔 唔 好 猶豫 喇 。 this|classifier for events|matter|family and country|both|convenient|please|uncle|not|well|hesitate|particle indicating change of state This matter concerns both the family and the country, so I ask you, my royal uncle, not to hesitate. 誒 , 不過 噉 , 我 哋 國太 吳夫人 , 對 呢 個 細女極 之 痛愛 嘅 , 唔 肯 嫁 咁 遠 , 事 必要 請 皇叔 去 東吳 就 婚 。 eh|but|like this|||the national wife|Mrs Wu|towards|this|classifier for people|||doting|possessive particle|not|willing|marry|so|far|matter||invite|imperial uncle|go|Eastern Wu|then|marriage However, our national matriarch, Lady Wu, is very fond of this young girl and is unwilling to marry her off so far away, so it is necessary to ask you, my royal uncle, to go to Eastern Wu for the wedding. 哦 , 誒 , 呢 件 事 , 吳侯 知道 未 呢 ? oh|eh|this|classifier for events|matter|Mr Ng|knows|not yet|question particle Oh, by the way, does the Marquis of Wu know about this matter? 梗知 啦 , 唔 稟 知 吳 侯 , 邊個 咁 隨便 敢 嚟 做媒 人 啊 , 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 of course|sentence-final particle|not|||surname|name|who|so|casually|dare|come|be a matchmaker|person|sentence-final particle|huh|hahaha|hahaha Of course, I know. Who would dare to be a matchmaker so casually, huh? Hahahaha. 不過 , 我 已經 年近半百 , 都 兩鬢 斑白 嘞 。 but|I|already|nearly fifty|already|both temples|gray|past tense particle However, I am already nearing fifty, and my hair is turning gray. 吳侯個 妹正 係 青春年少 , 恐怕 唔 登 對 啩? ||is|youthful|I'm afraid|not|suitable|match|question particle Wu Hou's sister is still young and in her prime, I fear she might not be interested, right? 吳侯個 妹 雖然 係 個 女兒身 啊 , 之 佢 嘅 志氣 呀 勝過 男子漢 㗎 。 |younger sister|although|is|possessive particle|female body|sentence-final particle|possessive particle|he/she|possessive particle|ambition|sentence-final particle|surpasses|man|sentence-final particle Although Wu Hou's sister is a girl, her ambition surpasses that of a man. 佢 時常 都 話 : 如果 唔 係 天下英雄 我 唔 嫁 佢 㗎 噉 。 he|often|also|said|if|not|were||I|not|marry|him|particle|like that She often says: If he is not a hero of the world, I won't marry him. 皇叔 你 名聞 四海 , 正 所謂 淑女 配 君子 啊 , 點會話 因為 年紀 相差 多少 就 嫌棄 嘅 呢 ? uncle|you|famous|all over the world|just|so-called|virtuous woman|match|gentleman|ah|how could it be|because|age|difference|how much|then|disdain|particle|question particle Prince, your name is known throughout the world. As the saying goes, a virtuous woman is suited for a gentleman. How could it be said that age difference would lead to disdain? 唔 會 噉 嘅 唔 會 噉 嘅 。 not|will|like this|particle indicating assertion|||| It won't be like that, it won't be like that. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 噉 , 先生 你 喺 處 住 晚 先 , 聽日 我 回覆 你 啦 啊 。 hahaha||then|sir|you|at|place|live|evening|first|tomorrow|I|reply|you|particle|particle Hahaha, then, sir, you stay here for the night, and I will reply to you tomorrow. 啊 噉 好極 , 好極 嘞 。 ah|like this|extremely good|| Ah, that's great, that's great. 當日 劉備 設宴款待 呂范 , 留 佢 喺 賓館 過夜 。 that day|Liu Bei|held a banquet to entertain|Lu Fan|left|him|at|hotel|stay overnight On that day, Liu Bei hosted a banquet for Lu Fan and let him stay overnight at the guesthouse. 到 咗 夜晚 , 劉備 啊 同 孔明 商量 呢 件 事 。 ||night|Liu Bei|particle|with|Kongming|discussed|this|measure word|matter It was night, and Liu Bei was discussing this matter with Kongming. 孔明 話 : 佢 嘅 來意 , 我 知道 㗎 喇 。 Kongming|said|he|possessive particle|intention|I|know|sentence-final particle|completed action particle Kongming said: I know his intentions. 啱 先 我 占 咗 一卦 , 係 大吉大利 , 主公 你 即管 應承 啦 。 right|just|I|to cast|past tense marker|one divination|is|very auspicious|lord|you|without hesitation|to agree| Just now I divined an omen, and it is very auspicious. My lord, you should definitely agree. 應承 ? promise Agree? 係 , 應承 佢 。 yes|promise|he Yes, agree with him. 聽日 就 叫 孫乾同 呂范返 去 見 吳侯 , 當面 講定 佢 , 擇個 好 日 就 去 成親 。 tomorrow|then|to call|||to|to meet|Lord Wu|in person|to settle|him|choose a|good|day|then|to|marry Tomorrow, I will ask Sun Qian and Lu Fan to go meet Wu Hou and discuss it face to face, choosing a good day to get married. 不過 噉 噃 軍師 , 周瑜 總 係 想計 嚟 害 我 嘅 , 去 東吳 , 豈 唔 係 身入 險地 ? but|like this|ah|strategist|Zhou Yu|always|is|planning|to come|harm|me|possessive particle|go|Eastern Wu|how|not|is|body into|dangerous place However, military advisor, Zhou Yu is definitely planning to harm me. Going to Eastern Wu, isn't that stepping into a dangerous place? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 周瑜 雖然 會用計 , 佢 又 點出 得 我 諸葛亮 之 所料 呢 ? hahaha|ha|Zhou Yu|although|is good at strategy|he|again|point out|able to|I|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|expectations|question particle Hahaha, although Zhou Yu is clever, how could he possibly outsmart me, Zhuge Liang? 只要 我略 施小計 , 就 使 到 周瑜 半籌 不展 冇 晒術 , 吳侯個 妹 , 又屬 咗 主公 , 荊州 萬無一失 。 as long as|||then|make|to|Zhou Yu|half a move|unable to advance|not|all his skills||younger sister||past tense marker|lord|Jingzhou|absolutely safe As long as I apply a little strategy, Zhou Yu will be left with no options and will be out of tricks. Wu Hou's sister will belong to our lord, and Jingzhou will be secure. 既然 軍師 噉 講咯 , 嗯 噉 就 噉 啦 。 since|strategist|like that|said|hmm|like that|then|like that|particle Since the military advisor says so, then that's how it shall be. 劉備 仲 係 懷 懷疑 疑 啊 , 之 孔明 呢 , 直情 就 吩咐 孫乾 , 叫 佢 去 江南 做媒 人 , 應承 呢 件 婚事 。 Liu Bei|still|is||suspicious||ah|possessive particle|Kongming|question particle|directly|then|instructed|Sun Qian|told|him|to go|Jiangnan|||agreed to|this|measure word for events|marriage Liu Bei was still suspicious, and as for Kong Ming, he directly instructed Sun Qian to go to Jiangnan as a matchmaker to arrange this marriage. 孫乾得 咗 孔明 嘅 說話 喇 , 就 高高興興 , 跟 埋 呂范 一齊 去 江南 見 孫權 。 Sun Qian understood|past tense marker|Kongming|possessive particle|words|sentence-final particle|then|very happily|to follow|together|Lu Fan|together|to go|Jiangnan|to meet|Sun Quan After receiving Kong Ming's message, Sun Qian happily went to Jiangnan with Lü Fan to meet Sun Quan. 孫權 對 佢 話 : 我 好 想將 小妹 招贅 玄德 , 並 冇 咩 其他 意思 嘅 。 Sun Quan|to|him|said|I|very||younger sister|marry into the family|Xuande|and|have not|any|other|meaning|particle Sun Quan said to him: I really want to marry my younger sister to Xuande, and I have no other intentions. 孫乾 再三 拜謝 , 就 告辭 返去 荊州 。 Sun Qian|repeatedly|expressed gratitude|then|took his leave|returned|Jingzhou Sun Qian repeatedly thanked him and then took his leave to return to Jingzhou. 見到 劉備 就 話 喇 : 吳侯話 專誠 等候 主公 你 去 成婚 喇 。 saw|Liu Bei|then|said|particle indicating completed action||sincerely|waiting for|your lord|you|go|marry|particle indicating completed action Upon seeing Liu Bei, he said: The Lord of Wu said he is sincerely waiting for you to get married. 嗯 , 好 , 好 , 等 我 諗 下 先 。 hmm|okay|good|wait|I|think|for a moment|first Hmm, okay, okay, let me think for a moment. 劉備 個心 好 懷疑 唔 敢 去 喎 。 Liu Bei||very|suspicious|not|dare|go|sentence-final particle Liu Bei is very suspicious and doesn't dare to go. 孔明 啊 畀 定心丸 佢 食 , 佢 話 : 主公 你 唔 使 怕 嘅 , 我 已經 定 好 三條 計策 , 要子 龍 跟 埋 去 就 得 㗎 嘞 。 Zhuge Liang|ah|give|reassurance|he|eat|he|said|lord|you|not|need|afraid|particle|I|already|set|good|three|strategies||dragon|follow|along|go|then|fine|particle|particle Kongming gave him a reassurance pill and said, 'My lord, you don't need to be afraid, I have already prepared three strategies, just let Zilong follow along.' 於是 孔明 就 叫 趙雲 行埋 嚟 , 伏 喺 佢 耳 仔 邊 細細 聲 噉 話 : then|Kongming|then|called|Zhao Yun|come closer|here|crouched|at|him|ear|side|near|quietly|voice|like that|said So Kongming called Zhao Yun over and whispered in his ear. 子龍 , 呢 次 你 保護 主公 去 東吳 , 我交 三個 錦囊 畀 你 。 Zilong|this|time|you|protect|lord|go|Eastern Wu||three|scrolls|to|you Zilong, this time you will protect the lord to Eastern Wu, I will give you three silk bags. 錦囊 裏 便 就 裝住 三條 妙計 , 你 依住 次序 做 就 掂 㗎 喇 , 吓 。 brocade bag|inside|then|just|contains|three|clever plans|you|according to|order|do|then|fine|particle|particle|huh The brocade pouch contains three clever strategies; if you follow the order, it will work, you know. 講完 , 孔明 就 交 咗 三個 錦囊 畀 趙雲 要 佢 貼 肉 收 好 。 finished speaking|Kongming|then|handed over|past tense marker|three|strategy scrolls|to|Zhao Yun|asked|him|stick|meat|| After speaking, Kongming handed over the three brocade pouches to Zhao Yun, asking him to keep them close. 隨後 呢 , 孔明 就 派 人 去 東吳 納 咗 聘禮 , 噉 啊 一切 都 準備 妥當 嘞 。 afterwards|question particle|Kongming|then|send|person|to|Eastern Wu|accept|past tense marker|betrothal gifts|so|ah|everything|all|prepared|properly|past action marker Subsequently, Kongming sent someone to Eastern Wu to deliver the betrothal gifts, so everything was prepared properly. 當 其時 係 建安 十四年 冬天 十月 。 at that time|at that time|was|Jian'an|14th year|winter|October At that time, it was the winter of the tenth month in the fourteenth year of Jian'an. 誒 , 劉備 呢 陣時 呢 , 佢 個 實足年齡 係 四廿 八歲 。 hey|Liu Bei|this|at that time|this|he|his|actual age|is|40|8 years old At this time, Liu Bei was actually forty-eight years old. 噉 劉備 同埋 趙雲 、 孫乾 , 用 十隻 快船 , 由 五百 幾人 隨行 , 離開 荊州 就 去 南 徐 嘞 。 then|Liu Bei|and|Zhao Yun|Sun Qian|used|ten|fast boats|with|five hundred|or so|accompanying|left|Jingzhou|then|went|south|Xu|past tense particle So Liu Bei, along with Zhao Yun and Sun Qian, used ten fast boats, with over five hundred people accompanying them, leaving Jingzhou to head to Nanxu. 噉 荊州 一切 嘅 事情 呢 , 就 交落 晒 畀 孔明 負責 。 then|Jingzhou|everything|possessive particle|matters|question particle|then|handed over|completely|to|Kongming|responsible So all matters in Jingzhou were handed over to Kongming to take charge. 劉備 上 咗 船個 心 呀 十五 十六 , 好 唔 安樂 。 Liu Bei|board|past tense marker||heart|sentence-final particle|15|16|very|not|comfortable Liu Bei felt quite uneasy as he boarded the ship, around fifteen or sixteen. 哎呀 ! 呢 個 老婆 真 係 難 娶 喇 , 搞 得 唔 好 連命 都 冇 㗎 。 oh no|this|measure word for people|wife|really|is|difficult|to marry|particle indicating a completed action|to handle|to be able to|not|well|even life|also|have not|particle indicating a question or suggestion Oh dear! This wife is really hard to marry, if things go wrong, it could even cost me my life. 軍師 話 有 錦囊妙計 啫 , 萬一 唔 靈就 弊弊 冇 咁 弊 咯 。 strategist|said|has|brilliant plan|only|in case|not||at a loss|have not|that much|loss|particle indicating finality The strategist said there is a clever plan, but if it doesn't work, it won't be too bad. 行船 行 咗 好多 日 , 嚟 到 南 徐州 , 噉 啊 十隻 快船 都 喺 岸邊 停泊 好 。 sailing|travel|past tense marker|many|days|||South|Xuzhou|then|ah|ten|fast boats|all|at|the shore|docked|well After sailing for many days, we arrived at South Xuzhou, where ten fast boats were docked nicely at the shore. 趙雲 諗 : 軍師 吩咐 話 有 三條 妙計 , 叫 我 依住 次序 嚟 做 。 Zhao Yun|thought|strategist|instructed|said|has|three|brilliant plans|told|me|according to|order|to|carry out Zhao Yun thought: The strategist instructed that there are three clever plans, and I should follow the order to execute them. 而家 已經 到埠 , 應該 開 第一個 錦囊 嚟 睇 下 。 now|already|arrived|should|open|first|hint|come|| Now that we have arrived, I should open the first scroll to see what it says. 於是 就 打開 錦囊 睇 咗 第一條 妙計 。 then|immediately|opened|treasure bag|read|past tense marker|first|clever plan So he opened the scroll and looked at the first clever plan. 嘿嘿 , 趙雲 笑 喇 , 就 嗌 嗰 五百名 隨行 兵士 嚟 , 詳詳細細 吩咐 佢 哋 噉 噉 噉 噉 噉 。 hee hee|Zhao Yun|laughed|particle indicating completed action|then|called|that|500|accompanying|soldiers|come|in detail|instructed|they|plural marker|like this|||| Hehe, Zhao Yun smiled, and then called over the five hundred accompanying soldiers, giving them detailed instructions. 嗰 班 兵士 得 咗 命令 就 上岸 散開 晒 到處 去 。 that|classifier for groups|soldiers|received|past tense marker|order|then|disembark|disperse|completely|everywhere|go The soldiers received the order and went ashore, spreading out everywhere. 趙雲 就 根據 錦囊妙計 啊 , 叫 劉備 就 首先 去 拜見 喬國老 。 Zhao Yun|then|according to|brilliant strategy|ah|told|Liu Bei|then|first|to go|pay respects to| Zhao Yun, following the brilliant strategy, told Liu Bei to first pay a visit to Qiao Guolao. 呢 位 喬國老 係 邊個 呢 ? 就 係 大 喬二喬個 父親 啊 , 佢 又 喺 南 徐 住 嘅 。 this|measure word for people|Qiao Guolao|is|who|question particle|just|is|big||father|ah|he|also|at|South|Xu|lives|possessive particle Who is this Qiao Guolao? He is the father of Da Qiao and Er Qiao, and he lives in Nanxu. 劉備 就 叫 啲 隨從 , 牽羊擔酒 去 到 喬府 求見 。 Liu Bei|then|called|the|attendants||went|to|Qiao's residence|request an audience Liu Bei instructed his attendants to bring a sheep and wine to the Qiao residence to seek an audience. 見到 面 , 行過 禮送 咗 禮物 , 就講 畀 喬國老 聽 , 話 係 呂范 做媒 人 , 過江 嚟 娶 吳侯個 妹 嘅 噉 等等 。 saw|face|walked past|gift giving|past tense marker|gift||to|Qiao Guolao|heard|said|is|Lue Fan|matchmaker|person|cross the river|come|marry||younger sister|possessive particle|like that|etc Upon meeting, after exchanging greetings and presenting gifts, he told Qiao Guolao that it was Lü Fan who acted as the matchmaker, coming across the river to marry the sister of the Wu Marquis. 喬國老 聽到 啊 笑 到 見 牙 唔 見 眼 啊 一味 話 好 啊 好 啊 噉 。 Qiao Guolao|heard|ah|laugh|until|see|teeth|not|see|eyes|ah|always|say|good|ah|good|ah|like that Old Qiao heard it and laughed so much that he showed his teeth but not his eyes, just kept saying good, good. 坐 咗 一陣 劉備 就 告辭 嘞 。 sit|past tense marker|for a while|Liu Bei|then|took his leave|completed action marker After sitting for a while, Liu Bei took his leave. 嗰 五百名 兵士 上 咗 岸 係 做 咩 事 呢 佢 哋 ? that|five hundred|soldiers|went|past tense marker|shore|is|doing|what|thing|question particle|they|plural marker What were those five hundred soldiers doing when they landed? 原來 佢 哋 個個 都 披紅 掛彩 , 入去 南 徐城 啊 , 購買 種種 應用 嘅 物件 。 it turns out|they|plural marker|everyone|all|wearing red|wearing festive decorations|enter|South|Xu City|sentence-final particle|purchase|various|application|possessive particle|items It turns out they were all dressed in red and entered South Xu City to purchase various useful items. 見 親人 就講 , 話 劉玄德 入贅 東吳 , 要 娶 吳侯個 妹 啊 。 see|relatives||saying|Liu Xuande|marry into|Eastern Wu|wants|to marry||younger sister|ah particle When they saw their relatives, they said that Liu Xuande was marrying into Eastern Wu and was going to marry the sister of the Wu Marquis. 嘿 唔 使 兩個 時辰 啊 , 南徐 城裏 便 嘅 人 呀 個個 都 知道 晒 呢 件 事 嘞 。 hey|not|need|two|hours|ah|Nanxu|in the city|then|possessive particle|people|question particle|everyone|all|knows|completely|this|measure word for events|matter|past tense particle Hey, it doesn't take two hours, everyone in Nanzhou City already knows about this matter. 孫權 知道 劉備 已經 嚟 到 , 就 吩咐 呂范去 接待 佢 , 留 佢 喺 賓館 住 。 Sun Quan|knew|Liu Bei|already|||then|instructed||receive|him|to keep|him|at|hotel|stay Sun Quan knew that Liu Bei had arrived, so he instructed Lu Fan to welcome him and let him stay at the guesthouse. 而家 講下 喬國老 , 佢 同 劉備 見 咗 面 之後 , 過 咗 兩日 , 就 去 見 吳國太 嘞 喎 。 now|talk about|Qiao Guolao|he|with|Liu Bei|meet|past tense marker|face|after|past|past tense marker|two days|then|go|meet|Wu Guotai|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Now let's talk about Qiao Guolao, after he met Liu Bei, two days later, he went to see Wu Guotai. 一 見面 就 笑 口噬 噬 噉 話 : 呵 恭喜 啊 恭喜 啊 恭喜 啊 。 one|meet|immediately|smile|||like that|said|ha|congratulations|ah|congratulations|ah|congratulations|ah As soon as they met, he smiled and said: 'Haha, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!' 吳國太 就 奇怪 喇 : 吓 ? 有 乜嘢 喜事 啊 吓 ? Lady Wu|then|strange|particle indicating realization|huh|has|what|happy event|particle indicating surprise|huh Wu Guotai was puzzled: 'Huh? What good news is there?' 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 啊 你 將令 嬡 , 許配 咗 劉玄德 做 夫人 , 哦 , 噉 仲 唔 係 大大 嘅 喜事 呀 ? hahaha||ah|you|will|love|betrothed|past tense marker|Liu Xuande|be|wife|oh|then|still|not|is|big|possessive particle|happy event|question particle Hahaha, haha, ah, you are going to marry Liu Xuande as your husband, oh, isn't that a big happy event? 有 噉 嘅 事 咩 ? 點解 老身 一 啲 都 唔 知道 㗎 。 have|like that|possessive particle|thing|question particle|why|I (humble form)|one|a little|all|not|know|sentence-final particle Is that really the case? Why do I not know anything about it? 哎呀呀 呀呀 , 誒 呢 件 事 呀 , 南徐 城 嘅 老百姓 啊 盡人皆知 嘞 。 oh no|ah|eh|this|classifier for events|matter|particle|Nanxu|city|possessive particle|common people|ah|known to all|past action particle Oh my, this matter is well known among the common people of Nanjucheng. 而家 玄德 已經 到 咗 咯 , 點解 國太仲 瞞住 我 啊 吓 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 now|Xuande|already|arrived|past tense marker|final particle|why||hiding from|me|ah|surprise particle|hahaha|hahaha Now that Xuande has already arrived, why is the Empress still hiding it from me? Hahaha. 老身 確係 唔 知 噃, 等 我 叫 阿權 嚟 問 下 佢 先 。 I|really|not|know|particle|let|I|call|Ah Kuen|come|ask|a little|he|first I really don't know, let me call Ah Quan to ask him first. 於是 吳國太 , 一方面 就 使 人 去 請 孫權 嚟 , 同時 又 使 人 出去 街上 探聽 。 then|Lady Wu|on one hand|then|send|people|to go|invite|Sun Quan|here|at the same time|also|send|people|to go out|on the street|gather information So, Wu Guotai, on one hand, sent someone to invite Sun Quan, and at the same time, sent someone out to gather information on the streets. 過 咗 一陣 , 啲 人 返 嚟 回報 話 : past|completed action particle|a while|plural marker|people|return|come|report|said After a while, the people returned with a report saying: 果然 係 有 噉 嘅 事 啊 , 新 女婿 已經 嚟 咗 , 就 住 喺 賓館 嚟 。 as expected|is|have|like this|possessive particle|thing|particle|new|son-in-law|already|come|past tense marker|then|live|at|hotel|come Indeed, there is such a thing, the new son-in-law has already arrived and is staying at the hotel. 嗰 五百名 隨行 嘅 兵士 呀 , 都 喺 城裏 便 賣 豬羊 果品 置辦 禮物 , 準備 成親 喇 。 that|500|accompanying|possessive particle|soldiers|sentence-final particle|all|at|in the city|then|selling|pigs and sheep|fruits|purchasing|gifts|preparing|marriage|sentence-final particle The five hundred accompanying soldiers are all in the city buying pigs, sheep, and fruits to prepare gifts for the wedding. 做媒 人 嘅 呢 , 女家 係 呂范 , 男家 係 孫乾 , 都 喺 賓館 嚟 啊 。 to act as a matchmaker|person|possessive particle|question particle|bride's family|is|Luey Fan|groom's family|is|Sun Kwan|both|at|hotel|come|final particle The matchmakers are from the female side, which is Lü Fan, and the male side is Sun Qian, both are at the hotel. 國太 聽 咗 , 哎呀 乜真 係 㗎 佢 吃 咗 一 驚 。 the country|heard|past tense marker|oh no|really|is|question particle|he|eat|past tense marker|one|scared The country is listening, oh my, is it really true? He was shocked. 冇 幾耐 , 孫權入 嚟 後堂 見 母親 喇 。 not|long||here|inner hall|see|mother|particle indicating completed action Not long after, Sun Quan entered the inner hall to see his mother. 母親 , 叫 孩兒 嚟 有 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? mother|call|child|come|have|what|thing|matter|question particle Mother, what is it that you called your child for? 你 , 你 , 你 。 you|you|you You, you, you. 你 氣死我 喇 你 ! you|make me angry|particle indicating completed action|you You are driving me crazy! 吳國太 喊起 上 嚟 喎 。 Lady Wu|shout|up|here|sentence-final particle Lady Wu called out. 嗱, 呢 一次 吳國太 同 孫權 嘅 一番 爭論 啊 , 就 引起 吳國太 甘露寺 看 新郎 喇 。 well|this|time|Lady Wu|with|Sun Quan|possessive particle|a|argument|ah|then|caused|Lady Wu|Ganlu Temple|to see|groom|particle indicating completion Now, this time, Lady Wu had a debate with Sun Quan, which led to her going to the Ganlu Temple to see the groom. 究竟 結果 如何 呢 ? exactly|result|how|question particle What was the outcome?

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