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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 076

而家 講馬騰 啊 , 佢 就 啱 啱 行 到 許昌 城下 , 突然 間 一聲 炮響 , 紅旗 散開 , 萬箭 齊發 。 只見 一名 大將 當先 衝過 嚟 , 係 曹洪 啊 , 上當 喇 ! 馬騰 急急 撥轉 馬頭 返轉 , 點知 兩 便 嘅 吶喊聲 又 起 嘞 , 哦 殺 啊 ! 噉 。 左便 許褚殺 嚟 , 右 便 夏侯淵 殺 嚟 , 後 便 徐晃 帶兵 殺到 。 截斷 晒 西涼兵 馬 , 將馬騰 父子 三人 啊 困 喺 戰陣 中心 , 弊 晒 喇 ! 馬騰見 唔 係 頭路 咯 , 拼命 咁 衝殺 啊 想 衝出重圍 。 呢 個 時候 , 馬 鐵 早就 畀 亂箭 射死 嘞 。 馬 休 跟 住馬騰 左衝右 突 , 硬 係 衝唔 出去 。 兩個 人 呀 打 到 身負重傷 , 騎 嘅 馬 呢 , 又 畀 箭 射 到 咗 噃。 終於 兩 父子 都 畀 曹 軍 捉住 。 曹操 叫 人 將黃奎 同馬騰 父子 , 一齊 綁 嚟 見 佢 。 黃 奎 大叫 話 : 我 冇 罪 , 冇 罪 啊 ! 曹操 即時 嗌 苗澤 嚟 對證 , 噉 啊 黃 奎 冇 聲出 嘞 。 哎呀 ! 激死馬騰 嚟 啊 , 佢 大聲 噉 鬧 啊 : 你 啲 壞 鬼 書生 誤我 大事 ! 啊 ! 我 唔 能夠 為國 殺 賊 , 係 天意 啊 ! 曹操 喝 刀斧手 , 拉 佢 出去 。 馬騰 一路 罵不絕口 , 就 噉 樣 , 佢 同 個 仔 馬 休 啊 與 及 黃 奎 一同 遇害 。 呢 , 有 首詩 仲 讚 馬 騰 : 父子 齊芳烈 , 忠貞 著 一門 , 捐生 圖 國難 , 誓死 答君恩 。 嚼 血盟言 在 , 誅 奸義狀存 。 西涼 推世胄 , 不愧 伏波孫 ! 噉 啊 睇 住 馬 騰 佢 哋 遇害 之後 , 苗澤 就 懇求 曹操 話 : 稟告 丞相 , 小人 唔 願 封賞 喇 , 但求 賜 李春香 為妻 , 就 感恩 不淺 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 你 為 咗 一個 女人 , 竟然 害死 你 姐夫 全家 , 留 你 呢 個 不義之人仲有 乜嘢 用處 ! 於是 曹操 命令 將苗澤 、 李春香 同黃奎 一家老小 啊 ,冚𠾴唥 拉 去 街市 斬頭 。 呢 , 苗澤 呢 啲 就 叫做 枉作 小人 , 就 惡有惡報 喇 。 曹操 斬 咗 馬 騰 父子 , 就 命令 招安 西涼 嘅 人馬 , 話馬騰 父子 謀反 , 唔 關 大家 事 嘅 噉 。 同時 傳令 落去 啊 , 要 嚴守 各路 關口 , 唔 準走 甩 馬岱 。 馬岱 係 押後 接應 嘅 , 佢 係 帶 住 一千 人馬 喺 後頭 嚟 。 噉 馬 騰 父子 遇害 嘅 消息 呢 , 佢 係 聽 許昌 城外 逃跑 返 嚟 嘅 兵士 講 嘅 。 馬岱 聽 咗 就 大吃一驚 , 唯有 掉 低 人馬 , 自己 扮成 個 客商 噉 樣 啊 漏夜 趯 路 嘞 。 噉 曹操 殺 咗 馬 騰等 人 啊 , 就 決意 南征 嘞 噃。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 佢 得到 報告 話 劉備 正在 訓練 軍隊 , 準備 兵器 就 快要 奪取 西川 喇 噉 。 嘩 嗨 得 了 , 曹操 吃 咗 一驚 , 佢 話 嘞 : 如果 劉備 攞 到 西川 , 噉 佢 嘅 羽翼 就 成 嘅 嘞 噃, 到 時 , 仲有 乜嘢 辦法 消滅 佢 啊 。 曹操 說話 未 完 , 有 個人 行出 嚟 獻計 嘞 , 佢 話 : 我 有 一條 計策 , 可以 使到 劉備 、 孫權 唔 能夠 互相 照應 , 江南 、 西川 都 歸於 丞相 嘅 。 呢 個 出 嚟 獻策 嘅 人 係 邊個 呢 ? 佢 乃 係 治 書 侍御史 陳 群 啊 。 曹操 就 問 佢 有 咩 嘢 好 嘅 計策 呢 噉 。 陳 群 就 話 嘞 : 當前 , 劉備 同 孫權 啊 結成 同盟 , 唇齒 相依 吖 。 若果 劉備 要 去 打 西川 嘅 時候 , 丞相 你 就 派 一員 上將 統率 兵馬 , 會合 埋 合肥 方面 嘅 兵力 , 直取 江南 。 噉 樣 一 嚟 呢 , 孫權 就 必定 要 向 劉備 求救 嘅 。 但 係 劉備 一心 諗 住 要 奪取 西川 咯 , 一定 係 冇 心去 救 孫權 㗎 嘛 。 而 孫權 得 唔 到 劉備 嘅 援助 , 就 力乏 兵衰 , 噉 樣 江東 之地 呀 , 必定 為 丞相 所得 咯 。 而 丞相 得到 江東 之後 , 荊州 呀 , 一打 就 可以 平定 佢 喇 。 荊州 平定 咗 喇 , 然後 慢慢 去 奪取 西川 , 噉 天下 就定 矣 咯 。 哦 你 講 嘅 , 合晒 我 嘅 心意 啊 ! 曹操 接納 咗 陳 群 嘅 計策 , 即 時點 起 三十萬 大軍 , 直 下 江南 , 又 命令 駐 扎 喺 合肥 嘅 張 遼 啊 , 準備 糧草 嚟 供應 。 而家 講下 孫權 , 佢 得到 曹操 帶兵 嚟 侵犯 嘅 消息 , 就 召集 啲 謀士 同 將領 嚟 商量對策 。 張昭 就 建議 話 : 請 主公 派 人 去 魯子敬 處 , 叫 佢 立即 寫信 去 荊州 , 要 劉玄德 出兵 合力 破 曹 。 子敬 有 恩 於玄德 , 佢 實 聽 子 敬 話 嘅 。 而且 玄德既 然 係 我 哋 東吳 嘅 女婿 嘞 , 亦 都 義不容辭 吖 。 若果 玄德 出兵 嚟 相助 嘅 話 , 江南 就 冇 危險 喇 。 孫權 聽 佢 嘅 話 , 立即 派 人 去 通知 魯肅 , 叫 佢 向 劉備 求救 。 魯肅 得到 命令 啊 當然 照辦 啦 。 劉備 收到 魯肅 嘅 信 , 就 招待 送信 嚟 嘅 使者 喺 賓館 住落 , 叫 佢 等候 消息 。 然後 就 派 人 去 南郡 啊 請 孔明 快 啲 返 嚟 商量 。 孔明 返到 嚟 荊州 , 劉備 就 攞 魯肅 送 嚟 求救信 畀 佢 睇 。 睇 完信 , 孔明 微微一笑 就 話 喇 : 唔 使動 江南 嘅 一兵一卒 , 亦 唔 使動 荊州 嘅 一兵一卒 , 我 自然 就 使 到 曹操 唔 敢 正 眼望 一下 東南 㗎 喇 。 於是 就 回信 畀 魯肅 , 請 佢 高枕無憂 , 話 佢 聽 但凡 有 曹 軍 嚟 侵犯 , 皇叔 自有 退兵 之 策 嘅 噉 。 噉 啊 使者 帶住 信返 去 東吳 啦 。 劉備 就 唔 明白 噃, 佢 問 孔明 話 嘞 : 而家 曹操 點起 三十萬 大軍 , 加上 合肥 嘅 人馬 , 一擁 而 嚟 , 誒 先生 究竟 有何 妙計 可以 打退 佢 啊 ? 孔明 話 : 曹操 生平 最 憂慮 嘅 , 乃 係 西涼 嘅 兵馬 。 而家 曹操 殺 咗 馬 騰 , 西涼 嘅 兵馬 呢 , 現時 係 由 佢 嘅 仔 馬超 率領 , 馬超 啊 痛恨 曹操 到 咗 極點 㗎 喇 。 主公 你 寫封信 , 去 聯合 馬超 , 請 佢 興兵 入關 , 噉 樣 一 嚟 , 曹操 仲 邊度 得閒 下 江南 呢 ? 冇 錯 啊 ! 劉備 即刻 開心 晒 , 馬上 寫 咗 封信 派個 心腹 人送 去 西涼 嘞 。 噉 而家 講下 馬超 , 佢 喺 西涼州 嚟 。 呢 一 晚 佢 發 咗 個 夢 , 夢見 自己 啊 瞓 喺 雪地 上 便 , 成班 老虎 撲 嚟 咬 佢 喎 , 一驚 就 驚醒 咗 , 個心 就 好 疑惑 喇 。 第朝 早 , 就 叫 齊 啲 部下 嘅 軍官 嚟 , 將尋晚 發 嘅 夢 講 畀 佢 哋 聽 , 問下 呢 個 夢 啊 係 咩 嘢 兆頭 呢 噉 ? 有個 軍官 話 : 呢 個 夢 乃 係 不祥之兆 噃。 馬超 一睇 , 原來 係 佢 帳 前 心腹 校尉 , 姓 龐名 德 , 字令明 啊 。 噉 馬超 就 問 佢 : 哦 ? 你 又 話點 解釋 呢 ? 喺 雪地 遇着 老虎 , 呢 個 兆頭 極其 險惡 啊 , 莫非 老 將軍 喺 許昌 , 出 咗 事 ? 龐德 話口 未 完 , 有 個人 喺 外 便 一下 舂 咗 入 嚟 , 喊住 跪 喺 馬超 面前 話 : 阿哥 ! 叔父 同細 佬 , 都 死 咗 喇 ! 馬超 一睇 , 係 馬岱 返 嚟 嘞 , 即刻 就 問 佢 究竟 咩 嘢 事 啦 。 馬岱 就 話 喇 : 叔父 同 侍郎 黃 奎 一齊 計劃 暗殺 曹操 , 不幸 事情 洩露 咗 出去 , 都 畀 曹操 殺 咗 喇 。 兩個 細佬 亦 都 同時 遇害 。 就 係 得 我 扮 咗 個 客商 , 漏夜 走 甩 咋 。 吓 ? 爹爹 啊 ! 馬超 一聽 , 喊 到 跌 咗 喺 地 嚟 , 大家 扶 返 佢 起身 。 馬超 就 嬲 到 咬牙切齒 , 恨不得 當時 一劍 就 斬 咗 曹操 啊 。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 劉備 嘅 使者 帶信 嚟 到 嘞 。 馬超 打開 封信 睇 下 , 封信 大意 就 係 話 : 當年 我 劉備 同令 先君 一齊 接受 皇上 嘅 密詔 , 發誓 要 殺 曹操 奸賊 。 而家 , 令 先君 被 曹賊 所害 , 乃 係 將軍 你 不共戴天 之仇 啊 。 若果 將軍 能夠 統率 西涼 嘅 兵馬 , 進攻 曹操 嘅 右側 ; 噉 我 劉備 必定 出動 荊襄 全部 兵力 , 由 正前方 向 曹操 進攻 。 噉 樣 , 操賊 可 擒 , 奸黨 可滅 , 仇辱 可報 , 漢室 可興 啊 ! 馬超 睇 完信 , 抹 乾 眼淚 , 即時 回信 同意 啊 。 打發 使者 返去 荊州 , 跟 住 就 準備 起兵 嘞 。 呢 一日 , 西涼 太守 韓遂 就 派 人 嚟 請 馬超 去 見 佢 。 馬超 就 去 到 韓府 啦 。 韓 遂 攞 咗 封 曹操 寫 畀 佢 嘅 信 , 交 畀 馬超 睇 。 封信裏 頭點 話 呢 ? 如果 將 馬超 捉住 解去 許都 , 就 封 你 做 西涼侯 噉 。 馬超 睇 咗 , 啪 聲 跪 低 , 伏 喺 地下 嚟 。 請 叔父 就 噉 綁 我 哋 兩 兄弟 解去 許昌 , 免得 勞煩 叔父 動 起 刀槍 。 賢侄 起身 。 我同 你 父親 結為 兄弟 , 我點 會害 你 呢 ? 賢侄 , 你 如果 要 起兵 , 我 一定 幫 你 ! 多謝 叔父 ! 於是 韓遂 就 叫 人將 曹操 派 嚟 嘅 使者 , 拉出去 斬 咗 佢 。 跟 住 , 就點 起 手下 八部 軍馬 , 一同 出發 。 邊 八部 呢 ? 就 係 侯選 、 程銀 、 李堪 、 張橫 、 梁興 、 成宜 、 馬 玩 、 楊秋 。 噉 呢 八員 將領 跟隨 住 韓遂 , 匯合 埋 馬超 手下 嘅 龐德 、 馬岱 , 總共 點起 二十萬 大軍 就 殺 奔 長安 而 去 。 當時 呢 , 係 鍾繇 負責 鎮守 長安 。 噉 佢 一方面 派 人 飛報 曹操 , 一 方便 就 率領 軍隊 出 城 , 喺 郊外 就 佈 好 陣勢 準備 迎敵 。 噉 啊 上次 馬 騰去 許都 嘅 時候 啊 , 馬岱 係 押後 接應 。 呢 次 進軍 呢 , 馬岱 係 前部 先鋒 。 佢 帶 住 一萬五千名 軍馬 , 浩浩蕩蕩 就 漫山遍野 而來 。 兩 軍 相遇 嘞 , 喺 陣前 照例 答過 話 , 無非 係 來 將何 名 呀 快快 下馬 受 綁 之類 。 馬岱 使 一口 寶刀 , 同 鍾繇 就 交戰 。 鍾繇 個人 啊 寫字 就 確係 叻 咯 , 上陣 交鋒 就 吖 吖 嗚 啦 。 打 咗 都 唔 到 一個 回合 唧就頂 唔 住 嘞 , 大敗 而 逃 。 馬岱 就 提住 刀 猛追 。 馬超 、 韓遂 就 指揮 大軍 , 跟 住 嚟 到 嘞 , 即刻 就 圍住 長安城 。 鍾繇 趯 返入 城 高高 扯起 吊橋 , 緊閉 城門 就 一 於 堅守 。 各位 聽眾 你 需知 呀 , 長安 乃 係 西漢 建都 嘅 地方 。 城牆 就 異常 堅固 嘅 , 啲 壕塹 又闊 又 深 , 急切 之間 嘞 , 係 攻 佢 唔 落 㗎 。 噉 西涼州 嘅 大軍 , 連氣 攻城 攻 咗 佢 十日 , 都 攻 佢 唔 破 。 嚱, 龐德 就 諗 到 條計 嘞 , 佢 對 馬超 話 : 長安城 裏 便 啲 水好 鹹 嘅 , 唔 食 得 嘅 , 更 兼 裏 便 又 冇 柴草 燒 。 而家 , 我 哋 已經 圍 咗 佢 十日 嘞 , 佢 哋 嘅 軍民 都 饑 寒 㗎 喇 。 我 哋 不如 暫時 收兵 後退 , 只要 , 如此 如此 如此 , 嘿 , 長安 就 不費吹灰之力 就 攞 到 佢 嘞 。 你 呢 條計 妙極 嘞 ! 就 係 噉 做 啦 ! 馬超 即刻 傳令 各支部 隊 , 叫 佢 哋 全部 撤退 , 由 馬超 自己 斷後 。 命令 一到 就 各部 兵馬 漸漸 退走 。 到 咗 第日 朝頭 早 , 鍾繇 上 城樓 巡視 嘅 時候 , 咦 ? 乜 西涼州 兵馬 撤走 晒 嘞 喎 , 點解 呢 喂 ? 唔 通 馬超 啊 使 咩 嘢 詭計 ? 即刻 派 人 出城 去 探聽 下 , 哈 , 果然 退 咗 好 遠 嘞 。 鍾繇 噉 就 放心 喇 , 命令 大開 城門 , 放人 出入 , 等 啲 軍民 出城 去 打柴 擔水 。 到 咗 第五日 , 忽然 馬超 嘅 兵馬 又 嚟 喇 , 嘩 不得了 走 啊 走 啊 , 啲 兵卒 民眾 喇喇聲 趯 返入 城 。 鍾繇 照板 煮 碗 仍舊 係 閉城 堅守 。 長安城 嘅 西門 啊 , 就 係 鍾繇 嘅 細 佬 鍾 進 把守 嘅 。 喺 呢 晚 三 更 時分 , 突然 間 城門 裏 便 火燭 喎 。 鐘進 就 急急 帶人 嚟 救火 啦 , 點 知 喺 城 邊 飆 出 一個 人 , 縱馬舉 刀 大喝一聲 : 龐德 在 此 啊 ! 鍾 進 措手不及 , 畀 龐德 一刀 就 斬 死 跌 咗 落馬 。 跟 住 龐德 啊 殺 散 啲 士兵 , 斬開 城門 把 大鎖 , 大開 城門 放落 吊橋 就 放 馬超 同韓 遂 嘅 兵 馬入城 喇 。 鍾繇 見 大勢已去 唄 , 只有 混 東門 嗰 便 棄 城 逃跑 。 馬超 、 韓遂 噉 就 奪得 咗 長安 。 旗開得勝 唄 就 賞賜 慰勞 三軍 將士 呀 呢 啲 就 不在話下 嘞 。 而家 講下 鍾繇 佢 放棄 咗 長安 , 就 退守 潼關 , 立即 飛報 曹操 。 曹操 知道 長安 失守 , 嗨 , 就 唔 敢 再 諗 南征 喇 。 佢 叫 曹 洪 、 徐晃 嚟 吩咐 佢 哋 話 : 你 兩個 , 先 帶 一萬 人馬 , 去 代替 鍾繇 , 緊守 潼關 。 如果 十日 之內 守 唔 住 , 失 咗 潼關 , 一律 斬首 ! 十日 之外 , 就 唔 關你 兩個 事 喇 。 我 統率 大軍 , 隨後就到 , 你 哋 出發 啦 ! 遵命 ! 兩個 得 咗 命令 漏夜 點起 人馬 就 出發 。 曹仁 就 對 曹操 話 喇 : 丞相 , 曹 洪 嘅 脾性 好 急躁 , 怕 佢 會 誤事 噃。 曹操 就 話 : 你 幫 我 押送 糧草 , 順便 隨後 接應 啦 。 曹仁 接受 咗 命令 亦 都 裝運 糧草 起程 嘞 。 而家 講下 曹洪 、 徐晃 啊 嚟 到 潼關 , 代替 鍾繇 堅守 關隘 , 硬 係 唔 出去 打 。 馬超 就 帶 住 人馬 嚟 到 關下 , 將 曹操 三代 嚟 鬧 。 有 咁 衰時 就 鬧 到 咁 衰 , 有 咁 邋遢 就 鬧 到 咁 邋遢 。 呢 一招 就 應棍 喇 , 果然 激到 曹洪 𨅝𨅝 跳 , 幾 大都 要 帶兵 出關 去 廝殺 。 徐晃 就 勸 佢 話 : 唔 好 啊 , 呢 個 不過 係 馬超 要激 將軍 你 去 廝殺 嘅 啫 , 千祈 唔 好 同 佢 交戰 啊 。 等 丞相 嘅 大軍 嚟 到 嘅 時候 , 必定 有 主意 嘅 。 噉 啊 監硬 撳住 曹洪 。 馬超 啲 人馬 呢 , 日頭 喺 關 下 鬧 完 到 晚 頭 黑 , 又 換過 一批 人 嚟 鬧 。 嘩 ! 激到 曹洪 呀 肚 都 爆 啊 , 一味 要 出去 同 馬超 打 過 , 好彩 徐晃 呢 苦苦 勸住 佢 。 到 咗 第九日 , 喺 關 上面 望落 去 睇 下 , 哈哈 ! 嗰 啲 西涼兵 呀 , 放開 晒 啲 馬 唔 騎 , 個個 都 喺 關 前 嘅 草地 上面 坐 。 而且 仲有 好多 仲 攰 到 癱 喺 地下 瞓 大 覺 添 。 你 死 喇 你 , 曹洪 立即 吩咐 備馬 , 點起 三千 兵 啊 殺 落關 去 。 嗰 啲 西涼兵 呀 大 嗌 救命 啊 噉 啊 馬 又 唔 要 , 刀槍 又 唔 要 , 飛快 咁 逃跑 。 曹洪 啊 帶 住 兵 猛追 啦 , 出氣 咯 呢 趟 。 當時 徐晃 啊 正 喺 關上 檢查 緊 啲 糧車 , 聽聞 曹洪 呀 已經 落關 廝殺 喇 。 哎呀 ! 弊 喇 呢 趟 , 大吃一驚 , 急急 就 帶兵 隨後 追住 去 , 大聲 噉 嗌 曹洪 回馬返 轉頭 ! 忽然間 , 背後 吶喊 連天 , 原來 係 馬岱 帶兵 殺到 嘞 。 曹洪 、 徐晃 啊 急急 退走 嘅 時候 , 一聲 鼓響 , 山 背後 兩彪 軍馬 撞出 嚟 截住 。 左便 馬超 , 右 便 龐德 就 混殺 咗 一陣 。 曹洪 抵擋 唔 住 啊 , 損失 咗 成 大半 兵卒 就 拼命 衝出重圍 , 趯 到 去 關上 。 但 係 西涼兵 呢 咬住 尾追 到 緊 , 曹 洪 佢 哋 就 唯有 放棄 關隘 逃走 啦 。 龐德 啊 一直 追住 去 , 追過 咗 潼關 。 呢 個 時候 , 曹 仁 嘅 兵馬 嚟 到 就 救 咗 曹洪 同 嗰 班 殘兵 敗 卒 。 馬超 呢 , 亦 帶兵 嚟 到 接應 龐德 上 關 。 噉 曹洪失 咗 潼關 就 趯 去 見 曹操 嘞 喎 , 曹操 就 責問 佢 : 我 畀 十日 期限 你 , 為 咩 嘢 事 九日 就 失 咗 潼關 , 哼 ? 因為 西涼 啲 兵卒 , 百般 辱罵 , 當日 見到 佢 哋 好似 鬆 晒 噉 , 冇 到 防備 嘞 , 就 乘機 殺出去 , 估 唔 到 , 估 唔 到 中 咗 賊人 嘅 奸計 。 徐晃 , 阿洪 年輕 暴躁 唧 , 你 啊 應該 懂事 啊 ! 啟 稟 丞相 , 我 屢次 勸諫 過小 將軍 , 但 係 小 將軍 唔 聽 。 當時 我 喺 關上 檢查 糧車 , 及至 知道 嘅 時候 , 小 將軍 已經 落 咗 關喇 。 我 恐怕 小 將軍 有 危險 , 就 連忙 趕住 去 , 但 係 , 已經 中 咗 賊人 嘅 奸計 。 曹操 聽 咗 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 喝 刀斧手 要 斬 曹洪 。 好彩 得到 眾 官員 求情 先至免 死 。 噉 曹洪 呢 趟 呢 就 服罪 認錯 嘞 。 曹操 率領 大軍 嚟 到 之後 , 佢 直逼 潼關 。 曹仁 就 建議 話 : 不如 扎 好 營寨 先 , 然後 再 嚟 攻關 都 未 遲 吖 。 於是 曹操 就 下令 斬 啲 樹 , 立起 晒 一排排 嘅 柵欄 , 分成 三個 寨 。 左寨 係 曹仁 , 右寨 夏侯淵 , 噉 佢 曹操 自己 就 居中 。 第 日 , 曹操 帶齊 三個 寨 嘅 大小 將校 , 就 殺 奔 潼關 。 咁 啱 西涼軍 馬 正 係 嚟 緊 喎 , 一 遇見 , 雙方 就 各自 排 好 陣勢 。 曹操 喺 門 旗 之下 勒馬 企定 。 望下 西涼 嗰 啲 兵士 呀 , 嘿 呀 ! 個個 英雄 人人 健壯 。 又 見 馬超 生得面 如 敷粉 , 唇 若 塗 朱 , 腰細 肩闊 , 聲雄力 猛 。 着 住 白袍 銀甲 , 手執 長槍 , 立馬 陣前 。 上手 便 龐德 , 下手 便 馬岱 。 哦 嗨 ! 曹操 見到 呀 個 心 都 暗暗 稱讚 啊 。 曹操 縱 馬上 前 對 馬超 話 喇 : 馬超 , 你 乃 係 漢朝 名將 嘅 子孫 , 點解 要 背叛 朝廷 啊 ! 馬超 咬牙切齒 , 鬧返 轉頭 : 曹操 奸賊 ! 你 欺君罔上 , 罪不容誅 ! 害死 我 父親 、 細佬 , 我同 你 有 不共戴天 之仇 ! 我 要將 你 生擒活捉 , 監生 食 你 嘅 肉 ! 講完 , 挺起 銀槍 直 殺過 嚟 。 喺 曹操 背後 嘅 于 禁 呢 就 拍馬 迎上去 。 兩馬 相交 , 鬥 咗 七八個 回合 , 嘿嘿 , 于禁 唔 夠間 就 敗退 嘞 。 張 郃 接住 迎戰 , 打 咗 二十個 回合 , 亦 都 敗退 。 李通 跟 住 上 嚟 打過 , 馬超 奮起 威風 , 越戰越勇 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 一槍 就 刺 咗 李通 落馬 當堂 冇 命 。 嘩 ! 真 犀利 啊 ! 馬超 嚟 一個打 一個 , 連 打 曹操 三 員大將 。 馬超 用 支槍 向後便 一 擪, 西涼兵 喎 嗬 噉 就 一齊 衝殺 過 嚟 , 就 殺 到 曹兵 大敗 。 呢 一次 衝殺 , 西涼兵 啊 來勢 極猛 , 殺到 曹操 左右 嘅 護衛 軍官 都 抵擋 唔 住 。 馬超 、 龐德 、 馬岱 率領 住 百 幾個 馬 軍 , 直 撞入 嚟 中軍 想 捉 曹操 。 曹操 喺 亂軍 之中 , 只 聽見 西涼軍 大叫 : 着 紅袍 嗰 個 就 係 曹操 喇 ! 咦 呀 ! 曹操 就 急急 除 咗 件 紅袍 捩 手 擗 咗 佢 。 過 咗 一陣 , 又 聽見 大叫 話 : 嗰 個 長 鬚 佬 就 係 曹操 喇 ! 嘩 , 弊 ! 曹操 驚起 上 嚟 , 即刻 拔出 把 刀 , 割短 啲 鬍鬚 , 啊 噉 又 逃跑 咗 一陣 。 收尾 , 有 啲 軍士 將 曹操 割 鬚 個 事 講 畀 馬超 聽 。 於是 馬超 下令 嘞 , 叫 啲 兵士 大聲 叫 : 短鬚 嘅 就 係 曹操 , 去 捉 曹操 喇 ! 曹操 一聽 啊 , 嘿 呀 , 一手 撕爛 面旗 , 包住 條頸 伏 喺 馬背 飛跑 而 遁 啊 。 呢 , 有 詩為證 添 噃: 潼關 戰敗 望風 逃 , 孟德愴 惶脫 錦袍 。 劍 割 髭 髯 應 喪膽 , 馬超 聲價 蓋天 高 。 曹操 正在 狼狽 逃跑 , 聽見 後 便 馬蹄 𡃈𡃈 聲 , 佢 捩 轉頭 一望 , 原來 係 馬超 , 嘩 嚇死 嚟 咯 ! 嗰 啲 左右 護衛 將校 呢 見到 馬超 追 嚟 , 誒 呀 咪 搞 , 各顧 各 逃命 ,嚱! 竟然 擗 低 咗 曹操 喎 。 馬超 大喝一聲 : 曹操 你 咪 走 ! 驚到 曹操 條 馬鞭 都 跌 咗 。 眼睇 住 追上 嘞 , 馬超 喺 後 便 , 舉起 支槍 就 㓤 過去 。 曹操 呢 就 繞 住 樖 大樹 走 喎 , 馬超 一槍 就 㓤 咗 落 樖 樹 身處 。 等 掹 返 支槍 出 嚟 呢 , 曹操 已經 趯 咗 好 遠 嘞 。 馬超 縱馬 追上去 , 只見 喺 山坡 背後 啊 有 個 將軍 衝出 嚟 , 大聲 話 : 咪 亂 嚟 啊 , 曹洪 在 此 啊 ! 佢 揮刀 縱馬 就 攔住 馬超 。 真 係 好 彩數 咯 , 曹操 執返 條命 噉 啊 畀 佢 走 甩 咗 。 曹洪同 馬超 啊 打 到 四五十個 回合 , 啲 刀法 呢 漸漸 亂 嘞 , 而且 氣力 又 唔 夠 , 睇 白 冇 命 。 咁 啱 夏侯淵 呢 , 就 帶 住 幾十個 馬 軍 趕到 嚟 。 馬超 睇 下 , 嗯 , 就 係 得 自己 一個 , 就怕領 嘢 喎 , 就 撥轉 馬頭 返扯 嘞 。 夏侯淵 呢 亦 唔 去 追 。 曹操 返到 營寨 。 因為 有 曹 仁 喺 處死 死 噉 據守 住 大本營 , 因此 兵馬 個 損失 呢 都 唔 係 幾大 。 曹操 返到 入 去 中軍帳 啊 好 感慨 噉 話 喇 : 啊 , 我 如果 殺 咗 曹洪 呢 , 今日 就 實死 無疑 㗎 喇 。 於是 就 叫 曹洪 嚟 , 重重 咁 賞賜 佢 。 從此 呢 , 曹操 啊 收拾 敗兵 , 堅守 營寨 , 加強 防禦 就 唔 準 出戰 。 馬超 每日 都 帶兵 嚟 到 寨 前 辱罵 挑戰 , 曹操 傳令 落 去 , 叫 大家 一 於 堅守 , 亂動 嘅 斬 ! 有 一日 , 曹操 同一 班 將領 喺 度 議論 點樣 同 馬超 打 。 啲 將領 都 話 喇 : 西涼兵 都 係 使 長槍 , 我 哋 用 弓箭 嚟 對付 佢 哋 就 啱 嘞 。 曹操 話 : 戰與 不戰 , 全 在於 我 , 唔 在於 賊兵 。 賊兵 雖然 用 長槍 , 唔 通 佢 哋 要 刺 就 刺 嘞 咩 ? 各位 , 即管 緊守 營寨 睇 住 嚟 啦 , 賊兵 自然 會 退走 㗎 喇 。 會議 完 咗 之後 , 嗰 啲 將領 都 喺 背後 靜靜 議論 嘞 : 啊 , 丞相 從來 征戰 , 都 係 一馬當先 嘅 。 呢 次敗 於 馬超 手下 , 點解 一下 變得 咁 軟弱 嘅 呢 嚱? 過 咗 幾日 , 偵察 人員 嚟 報告 話 : 馬超 又 增加 咗 兩萬名 生力軍 嚟 助戰 , 都 係 羌 人 部落 。 哦 ? 好極 喇 ! 曹操 好 歡喜 噃。 奇怪 啦 嗰 班 將領 都問 嘞 : 馬超 增加 咗 兵力 , 丞相 反而 覺得 高興 啊 , 點解 呢 丞相 ?

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而家 講馬騰 啊 , 佢 就 啱 啱 行 到 許昌 城下 , 突然 間 一聲 炮響 , 紅旗 散開 , 萬箭 齊發 。 now|talking about Ma Teng|ah|he|just|||||Xuchang|outside the city|suddenly|in||cannon fire|red flag|scattered|ten thousand arrows|shot together Right now, talking about Ma Teng, he has just arrived at the foot of Xuchang city, and suddenly there was a cannon shot, the red flags unfurled, and thousands of arrows were fired. 只見 一名 大將 當先 衝過 嚟 , 係 曹洪 啊 , 上當 喇 ! just saw|one|general|leading|charged over|here|is|Cao Hong|ah|deceived|already I saw a general rushing forward, it was Cao Hong, oh no! 馬騰 急急 撥轉 馬頭 返轉 , 點知 兩 便 嘅 吶喊聲 又 起 嘞 , 哦 殺 啊 ! 噉 。 horse galloping|hurriedly|turned|horse's head|turned back|unexpectedly|two|then|possessive particle|shouting|again|rise|past tense particle|oh|kill|exclamation particle|like that Ma Teng quickly turned his horse around, but unexpectedly, the shouts from both sides rose again, oh, kill! 左便 許褚殺 嚟 , 右 便 夏侯淵 殺 嚟 , 後 便 徐晃 帶兵 殺到 。 left side||come||then||||||Xu Huang|lead troops|arrive to kill On the left, Xu Chu was charging in, on the right, Xiahou Yuan was coming in, and behind, Xu Huang was leading his troops to attack. 截斷 晒 西涼兵 馬 , 將馬騰 父子 三人 啊 困 喺 戰陣 中心 , 弊 晒 喇 ! cut off|all|Xiliang soldiers|Ma||father and son|three people|ah|trapped|in|battle formation|center|bad|all|particle indicating completion They completely cut off the cavalry of the Xiliang army, trapping Ma Teng and his two sons in the center of the battle formation, it's all over! 馬騰見 唔 係 頭路 咯 , 拼命 咁 衝殺 啊 想 衝出重圍 。 |not|is|the main road|particle indicating realization|desperately|so|charging|particle indicating exclamation|wanted| Ma Teng saw that it wasn't the way out, he desperately charged to break through the encirclement. 呢 個 時候 , 馬 鐵 早就 畀 亂箭 射死 嘞 。 this|measure word|time|horse|iron|already|by|stray arrows|shot dead|past tense marker At this time, Ma Tie had already been shot dead by a rain of arrows. 馬 休 跟 住馬騰 左衝右 突 , 硬 係 衝唔 出去 。 horse|rest|follow|||attack|hard|is|charge not|out Ma Xiu followed Ma Teng, charging left and right, but couldn't break through. 兩個 人 呀 打 到 身負重傷 , 騎 嘅 馬 呢 , 又 畀 箭 射 到 咗 噃。 two|people|particle|fight|to|severely injured|riding|possessive particle|horse|particle|also|by|arrow|shot|to|past tense marker|particle Both of them were heavily injured, and their horses were also shot by arrows. 終於 兩 父子 都 畀 曹 軍 捉住 。 finally|two|father and son|both|by|||caught In the end, both father and son were captured by Cao's army. 曹操 叫 人 將黃奎 同馬騰 父子 , 一齊 綁 嚟 見 佢 。 Cao Cao|ordered|people|||father and son|together|to bind|to come|to see|him Cao Cao ordered people to bring Huang Kui and Ma Teng's father and son together to see him. 黃 奎 大叫 話 : 我 冇 罪 , 冇 罪 啊 ! Wong|Kwei|shouted|said|I|have no|guilt|have no|guilt|ah Huang Kui shouted: I am innocent, innocent! 曹操 即時 嗌 苗澤 嚟 對證 , 噉 啊 黃 奎 冇 聲出 嘞 。 Cao Cao|immediately|call|Miao Ze|come|verify|then|ah|Huang|Kui|no|sound out|past tense particle Cao Cao immediately called Miao Ze to testify, and at that moment, Huang Kui had no voice left. 哎呀 ! 激死馬騰 嚟 啊 , 佢 大聲 噉 鬧 啊 : 你 啲 壞 鬼 書生 誤我 大事 ! 啊 ! 我 唔 能夠 為國 殺 賊 , 係 天意 啊 ! oh no|Ma Teng is so angry|coming|ah|he|loudly|like that|scold|ah|you|plural marker|bad|ghost|scholar||important matter|ah|I|not|able to|for the country|kill|thief|is|heaven's will|ah Oh no! This made Ma Teng furious, and he shouted loudly: You bad scholar misled me on important matters! Ah! I cannot kill the traitors for the country, it is fate! 曹操 喝 刀斧手 , 拉 佢 出去 。 Cao Cao|shout|axe and swordman|pull|him|outside Cao Cao commanded the executioners to take him out. 馬騰 一路 罵不絕口 , 就 噉 樣 , 佢 同 個 仔 馬 休 啊 與 及 黃 奎 一同 遇害 。 Ma Teng|all the way|scolding without stopping|just|like that|appearance|he|with|the|son|Ma|Xiu|ah|and|and|Huang|Kui|together|killed Ma Teng kept cursing non-stop, just like that, he and his son Ma You, along with Huang Kui, met with misfortune. 呢 , 有 首詩 仲 讚 馬 騰 : this|has|poem|also|praises|horse|soaring Here, there is a poem that praises Ma Teng: 父子 齊芳烈 , 忠貞 著 一門 , 捐生 圖 國難 , 誓死 答君恩 。 father and son|both are heroic and virtuous|loyalty and fidelity|wearing|a family|sacrifice their lives|plan|national crisis|vow to die| Father and son together in glory, loyal and steadfast in one family, sacrificing their lives for the nation's plight, swearing to repay the king's grace. 嚼 血盟言 在 , 誅 奸義狀存 。 chew|blood oath|at|punish| Chewing on the blood oath, the treacherous and righteous remain. 西涼 推世胄 , 不愧 伏波孫 ! Western Liang|pushing the world forward|worthy of|Fubo Sun Western Liang promotes the world’s descendants, truly worthy of the title of Fubo Sun! 噉 啊 睇 住 馬 騰 佢 哋 遇害 之後 , 苗澤 就 懇求 曹操 話 : like this|ah|||horse|teng|he|they|murdered|after|Miao Ze|then|pleaded|Cao Cao|said So, after watching Ma Teng and his family meet their demise, Miao Ze earnestly requested Cao Cao, saying: 稟告 丞相 , 小人 唔 願 封賞 喇 , 但求 賜 李春香 為妻 , 就 感恩 不淺 。 report|Prime Minister|humble person|not|willing|reward|particle indicating completion|only求|grant|Li Chunxiang||then|grateful|not shallow "Reporting to the Prime Minister, I do not wish for any rewards, but I only ask for the hand of Li Chunxiang in marriage, and I will be deeply grateful." 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 hahaha|hahaha Hahahaha. 你 為 咗 一個 女人 , 竟然 害死 你 姐夫 全家 , 留 你 呢 個 不義之人仲有 乜嘢 用處 ! you|for|past tense marker|one|woman|unexpectedly|killed|your|brother-in-law|whole family|leave|you|this|measure word||what|use For a woman, you actually caused the death of your brother-in-law's entire family. What use is there for you, this unjust person! 於是 曹操 命令 將苗澤 、 李春香 同黃奎 一家老小 啊 ,冚𠾴唥 拉 去 街市 斬頭 。 then|Cao Cao|ordered||Li Chunxiang||whole family|ah|to cover up|to pull|to|market|beheaded Thus, Cao Cao ordered that Miao Ze, Li Chunxiang, and the entire Huang Kui family be taken to the market and beheaded. 呢 , 苗澤 呢 啲 就 叫做 枉作 小人 , 就 惡有惡報 喇 。 this|Miao Ze|||then|are called|futilely acting as|petty person|then||particle indicating completed action These, Miao Ze, are called the actions of a petty person, and evil will be repaid. 曹操 斬 咗 馬 騰 父子 , 就 命令 招安 西涼 嘅 人馬 , 話馬騰 父子 謀反 , 唔 關 大家 事 嘅 噉 。 Cao Cao|executed|past tense marker|Ma|Teng|father and son|then|ordered|pacification|Xiliang|possessive particle|troops||father and son|rebellion|not|related|everyone|matter|possessive particle|like that Cao Cao executed Ma Teng and his son, and then ordered the recruitment of the Xiliang troops, claiming that Ma Teng and his son were plotting rebellion, which had nothing to do with everyone else. 同時 傳令 落去 啊 , 要 嚴守 各路 關口 , 唔 準走 甩 馬岱 。 at the same time|issue orders|down|ah|must|strictly guard|all routes|checkpoints|not|||Ma Dai At the same time, orders were sent down to strictly guard all the passes, and Ma Dai was not allowed to escape. 馬岱 係 押後 接應 嘅 , 佢 係 帶 住 一千 人馬 喺 後頭 嚟 。 Ma Dai|is|delayed|reinforcements|possessive particle|he|is|||one thousand|troops|at|behind|coming Ma Dai was the one who was to provide support from behind, and he was bringing a thousand troops with him. 噉 馬 騰 父子 遇害 嘅 消息 呢 , 佢 係 聽 許昌 城外 逃跑 返 嚟 嘅 兵士 講 嘅 。 then|Ma|Teng|father and son|murdered|possessive particle|news|question particle|he|is|heard|Xuchang|outside the city|escape|return|come|past tense particle|soldier|said| So, the news of Ma Teng and his son's demise was heard from soldiers fleeing outside Xuchang. 馬岱 聽 咗 就 大吃一驚 , 唯有 掉 低 人馬 , 自己 扮成 個 客商 噉 樣 啊 漏夜 趯 路 嘞 。 Ma Dai|heard|past tense marker|then|greatly surprised|only|drop|down|entourage|himself|disguised as|classifier|merchant|like|appearance|ah|in the dead of night|hurriedly|road|past tense marker Ma Dai was shocked to hear this, so he had no choice but to drop his men and disguise himself as a merchant to sneak away at night. 噉 曹操 殺 咗 馬 騰等 人 啊 , 就 決意 南征 嘞 噃。 then|Cao Cao|killed|past tense marker|Ma||people|sentence-final particle|then|determined|southern expedition|past action marker| So Cao Cao killed Ma Teng and others, and then decided to launch a southern expedition. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 佢 得到 報告 話 劉備 正在 訓練 軍隊 , 準備 兵器 就 快要 奪取 西川 喇 噉 。 just|at|this|measure word|time|he|received|report|that|Liu Bei|was|training|army|preparing|weapons|then|soon|capture|Xichuan|particle|like this Just at this moment, he received a report that Liu Bei was training his army and preparing weapons to soon seize Xichuan. 嘩 嗨 得 了 , 曹操 吃 咗 一驚 , 佢 話 嘞 : wow|hi|can|past tense marker|Cao Cao|eat|past tense marker|a fright|he|said|past tense marker Wow, Cao Cao was startled and said: 如果 劉備 攞 到 西川 , 噉 佢 嘅 羽翼 就 成 嘅 嘞 噃, 到 時 , 仲有 乜嘢 辦法 消滅 佢 啊 。 if|Liu Bei|take|to|Xichuan|then|he|possessive particle|wings|then|complete|possessive particle|past action particle||at that time|time|still have|what|method|eliminate|him|particle indicating question or exclamation If Liu Bei takes Xichuan, then his wings will be fully formed, and at that time, what method will there be to eliminate him? 曹操 說話 未 完 , 有 個人 行出 嚟 獻計 嘞 , 佢 話 : Cao Cao|speaking|not|finished|there is|a person|walked out|here|offering advice|past tense marker|he|said Cao Cao was speaking when someone stepped forward to offer a suggestion. 我 有 一條 計策 , 可以 使到 劉備 、 孫權 唔 能夠 互相 照應 , 江南 、 西川 都 歸於 丞相 嘅 。 I|have|one|strategy|can|make|Liu Bei|Sun Quan|not|able to|mutually|support|Jiangnan|Xichuan|all|belong to|Prime Minister|possessive particle I have a strategy that can prevent Liu Bei and Sun Quan from supporting each other, allowing both Jiangnan and Xichuan to fall under the Prime Minister's control. 呢 個 出 嚟 獻策 嘅 人 係 邊個 呢 ? 佢 乃 係 治 書 侍御史 陳 群 啊 。 this|measure word|||to offer advice|possessive particle|person|is|who|question particle|he|is|is|||a title of an official|Chen|Qun|final particle Who is this person offering the strategy? It is Chen Qun, the Secretary and Imperial Attendant. 曹操 就 問 佢 有 咩 嘢 好 嘅 計策 呢 噉 。 Cao Cao|then|asked|he|has|what|thing|good|possessive particle|strategy|question particle|like this Cao Cao then asked him what good strategy he had. 陳 群 就 話 嘞 : 當前 , 劉備 同 孫權 啊 結成 同盟 , 唇齒 相依 吖 。 Chan|Qun|then|said|past tense marker|currently|Liu Bei|and|Sun Quan|particle|formed|alliance|lips and teeth|mutually dependent|particle Chen Qun replied: Currently, Liu Bei and Sun Quan have formed an alliance, relying on each other. 若果 劉備 要 去 打 西川 嘅 時候 , 丞相 你 就 派 一員 上將 統率 兵馬 , 會合 埋 合肥 方面 嘅 兵力 , 直取 江南 。 if|Liu Bei|wants|to go|fight|Western Shu|possessive particle|time|Prime Minister|you|then|send|a|general|command|troops|rendezvous|also|Hefei|side|possessive particle|military strength|directly attack|Jiangnan If Liu Bei wants to attack the West River, then Prime Minister, you should send a general to lead the troops and combine forces with the troops from Hefei to directly take Jiangnan. 噉 樣 一 嚟 呢 , 孫權 就 必定 要 向 劉備 求救 嘅 。 like this|situation|once|come|question particle|Sun Quan|then|definitely|will|towards|Liu Bei|ask for help|particle indicating possession or emphasis In this way, Sun Quan will definitely have to seek help from Liu Bei. 但 係 劉備 一心 諗 住 要 奪取 西川 咯 , 一定 係 冇 心去 救 孫權 㗎 嘛 。 |is|||||||||||not|intention to|save|Sun Quan|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating obviousness However, Liu Bei is solely focused on seizing the West River, so he definitely won't have the heart to rescue Sun Quan. 而 孫權 得 唔 到 劉備 嘅 援助 , 就 力乏 兵衰 , 噉 樣 江東 之地 呀 , 必定 為 丞相 所得 咯 。 and|Sun Quan|obtain|not|arrive|Liu Bei|possessive particle|assistance|then|weak|soldiers few|like this|situation|Jiangdong||particle|definitely|by|Prime Minister|obtained|particle And without Liu Bei's assistance, Sun Quan will be weak and outnumbered, so the land of Jiangdong will definitely fall to the Prime Minister. 而 丞相 得到 江東 之後 , 荊州 呀 , 一打 就 可以 平定 佢 喇 。 and|Prime Minister|obtain|Jiangdong|after|Jingzhou|particle indicating exclamation||then|can|pacify|it|particle indicating completed action Once the Prime Minister obtains Jiangdong, he can easily pacify Jingzhou. 荊州 平定 咗 喇 , 然後 慢慢 去 奪取 西川 , 噉 天下 就定 矣 咯 。 Jingzhou|pacified|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|then|slowly|go|capture|Xichuan|then|the world||past action marker|sentence-final particle Jingzhou has been pacified, and then we will slowly take over Xichuan, and the world will be settled. 哦 你 講 嘅 , 合晒 我 嘅 心意 啊 ! oh|you|said|possessive particle|completely matches|my|possessive particle|intention|exclamatory particle Oh, what you said is exactly what I want! 曹操 接納 咗 陳 群 嘅 計策 , 即 時點 起 三十萬 大軍 , 直 下 江南 , 又 命令 駐 扎 喺 合肥 嘅 張 遼 啊 , 準備 糧草 嚟 供應 。 Cao Cao|accepted|past tense marker|Chen|Qun|possessive particle|strategy|immediately||raise|300000|army|directly|march down|Jiangnan|also|ordered|stationed|stationed|at|Hefei|possessive particle|Zhang|Liao|sentence-final particle|prepare|supplies|to|supply Cao Cao accepted Chen Qun's strategy, immediately mobilizing an army of 300,000 to march south to Jiangnan, and ordered Zhang Liao, stationed in Hefei, to prepare supplies. 而家 講下 孫權 , 佢 得到 曹操 帶兵 嚟 侵犯 嘅 消息 , 就 召集 啲 謀士 同 將領 嚟 商量對策 。 now|talk about|Sun Quan|he|received|Cao Cao|leading troops|here|invasion|possessive particle|news|then|gathered|plural marker|strategists|and|generals|here| Now let's talk about Sun Quan. He received news that Cao Cao was invading with troops, so he summoned his strategists and generals to discuss countermeasures. 張昭 就 建議 話 : 請 主公 派 人 去 魯子敬 處 , 叫 佢 立即 寫信 去 荊州 , 要 劉玄德 出兵 合力 破 曹 。 Zhang Zhao|then|suggested|saying|please|lord|send|person|to|Lu Zijing|place|tell|him|immediately|write a letter|to|Jingzhou|require|Liu Xuande|send troops|together|defeat|Cao Zhang Zhao suggested: Please, my lord, send someone to Lu Zijing to ask him to immediately write a letter to Jingzhou, requesting Liu Xuande to send troops to jointly defeat Cao. 子敬 有 恩 於玄德 , 佢 實 聽 子 敬 話 嘅 。 Zijiang|has|kindness||he|really|listens|||words|possessive particle Zijing has grace towards Xuande, he really listens to what Zijing says. 而且 玄德既 然 係 我 哋 東吳 嘅 女婿 嘞 , 亦 都 義不容辭 吖 。 moreover||indeed|is|we|plural marker|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|son-in-law|sentence-final particle|||duty-bound|sentence-final particle Moreover, since Xuande is our son-in-law in Eastern Wu, it is also our duty to help. 若果 玄德 出兵 嚟 相助 嘅 話 , 江南 就 冇 危險 喇 。 if|Xuande|sends troops|to|assist|possessive particle|statement|Jiangnan|then|has no|danger|final particle If Xuande sends troops to assist, then Jiangnan will be safe. 孫權 聽 佢 嘅 話 , 立即 派 人 去 通知 魯肅 , 叫 佢 向 劉備 求救 。 Sun Quan|heard|he|possessive particle|words|immediately|sent|person|to|inform|Lu Su|told|him|to|Liu Bei|ask for help Sun Quan listened to him and immediately sent someone to inform Lu Su, asking him to seek help from Liu Bei. 魯肅 得到 命令 啊 當然 照辦 啦 。 Lu Su|received|order|ah|of course|will follow|particle indicating completion Of course, Lu Su followed the orders as soon as he received them. 劉備 收到 魯肅 嘅 信 , 就 招待 送信 嚟 嘅 使者 喺 賓館 住落 , 叫 佢 等候 消息 。 Liu Bei|received|Lu Su|possessive particle|letter|then|entertained|messenger|coming|possessive particle|envoy|at|hotel|stay|ordered|him|to wait|news Liu Bei received a letter from Lu Su, and then hosted the messenger who delivered the letter at an inn, asking him to wait for news. 然後 就 派 人 去 南郡 啊 請 孔明 快 啲 返 嚟 商量 。 then|just|send|people|to|Nanjun|ah|please|Kongming|quickly|more|return|here|discuss Then he sent someone to Nan Jun to invite Kong Ming to return quickly for a discussion. 孔明 返到 嚟 荊州 , 劉備 就 攞 魯肅 送 嚟 求救信 畀 佢 睇 。 Zhuge Liang|returned|to|Jingzhou|Liu Bei|then|took|Lu Su|sent|to|distress signal|for|him|to see When Kong Ming returned to Jing Zhou, Liu Bei showed him the letter for help sent by Lu Su. 睇 完信 , 孔明 微微一笑 就 話 喇 : read|the letter|Kongming||then|said|particle indicating completed action After reading the letter, Kong Ming smiled slightly and said: 唔 使動 江南 嘅 一兵一卒 , 亦 唔 使動 荊州 嘅 一兵一卒 , 我 自然 就 使 到 曹操 唔 敢 正 眼望 一下 東南 㗎 喇 。 not|move|Jiangnan|possessive particle|a single soldier|also|not|move|Jingzhou|possessive particle|a single soldier|I|naturally|then|make|arrive|Cao Cao|not|dare|straight|look|once|Southeast|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle "There is no need to mobilize a single soldier from Jiangnan, nor a single soldier from Jing Zhou; I will naturally make Cao Cao not dare to even look towards the southeast." 於是 就 回信 畀 魯肅 , 請 佢 高枕無憂 , 話 佢 聽 但凡 有 曹 軍 嚟 侵犯 , 皇叔 自有 退兵 之 策 嘅 噉 。 then|immediately|reply|to|Lu Su|to request|he|to rest easy|to say|he|to hear|whenever|there is|Cao|army|comes|invasion|Uncle Huang|has his own|retreat|possessive particle|strategy|particle indicating possession|like that So, he wrote back to Lu Su, asking him to rest easy, saying that if the Cao army came to invade, the Emperor's uncle would have a strategy to retreat. 噉 啊 使者 帶住 信返 去 東吳 啦 。 like this|ah|messenger|bring||to|Eastern Wu|particle Then the messenger took the letter back to Eastern Wu. 劉備 就 唔 明白 噃, 佢 問 孔明 話 嘞 : 而家 曹操 點起 三十萬 大軍 , 加上 合肥 嘅 人馬 , 一擁 而 嚟 , 誒 先生 究竟 有何 妙計 可以 打退 佢 啊 ? Liu Bei|just|not|understand|particle|he|asked|Kongming|said|particle|now|Cao Cao|raised|300000|army|plus|Hefei|possessive particle|troops||||eh|sir|exactly||brilliant plan|can|repel|him|particle Liu Bei did not understand, so he asked Kongming: "Now that Cao Cao has raised an army of three hundred thousand, plus the troops from Hefei, how can we possibly fend him off, sir?" 孔明 話 : 曹操 生平 最 憂慮 嘅 , 乃 係 西涼 嘅 兵馬 。 Zhuge Liang|said|Cao Cao|lifetime|most|worried|possessive particle|only|is|Xiliang|possessive particle|troops Kongming replied: "Cao Cao's greatest worry throughout his life has been the troops of Xiliang." 而家 曹操 殺 咗 馬 騰 , 西涼 嘅 兵馬 呢 , 現時 係 由 佢 嘅 仔 馬超 率領 , 馬超 啊 痛恨 曹操 到 咗 極點 㗎 喇 。 now|Cao Cao|killed|past tense marker|horse|Teng|Xiliang|possessive particle|troops|question particle|currently|is|by|he|possessive particle|son|Ma Chao|leading|Ma Chao|ah|hates|Cao Cao|to|past tense marker|extreme|sentence final particle|sentence final particle Now that Cao Cao has killed Ma Teng, the troops of Xiliang are currently led by his son, Ma Chao, who harbors an extreme hatred for Cao Cao. 主公 你 寫封信 , 去 聯合 馬超 , 請 佢 興兵 入關 , 噉 樣 一 嚟 , 曹操 仲 邊度 得閒 下 江南 呢 ? lord|you|write a letter|to|unite|Ma Chao|request|he|raise troops|enter the pass|like this|way|one|come|Cao Cao|still|where|free|in|Jiangnan|question particle My lord, write a letter to unite with Ma Chao, asking him to raise troops to enter the pass. If that happens, where will Cao Cao find the time to go down to Jiangnan? 冇 錯 啊 ! 劉備 即刻 開心 晒 , 馬上 寫 咗 封信 派個 心腹 人送 去 西涼 嘞 。 not|wrong|particle|Liu Bei|immediately|happy|very|right away|write|past tense marker|||trusted subordinate||to|Xiliang|particle indicating completed action That's right! Liu Bei immediately became very happy and quickly wrote a letter, sending a trusted person to deliver it to Xiliang. 噉 而家 講下 馬超 , 佢 喺 西涼州 嚟 。 then|now|let's talk about|Ma Chao|he|is|Xiliangzhou|from Now let's talk about Ma Chao, who is from Xiliang. 呢 一 晚 佢 發 咗 個 夢 , 夢見 自己 啊 瞓 喺 雪地 上 便 , 成班 老虎 撲 嚟 咬 佢 喎 , 一驚 就 驚醒 咗 , 個心 就 好 疑惑 喇 。 this|one|night|he|had|past tense marker|a|dream|dreamed|himself|particle|sleeping|in|snow|on|urinating|a group of|tigers|pounced|at him|biting|him|particle|suddenly|then|woke up|past tense marker||then|very|confused|particle That night, he had a dream where he saw himself lying in the snow, and a group of tigers pounced on him to bite him. He woke up startled, feeling very confused. 第朝 早 , 就 叫 齊 啲 部下 嘅 軍官 嚟 , 將尋晚 發 嘅 夢 講 畀 佢 哋 聽 , 問下 呢 個 夢 啊 係 咩 嘢 兆頭 呢 噉 ? the next morning|early|then|called|together|plural marker|subordinates|possessive particle|officers|come||had|possessive particle|dream|tell|to|them|plural marker|hear|ask|this|classifier|dream|particle|is|what|thing|omen|this|like that The next morning, he called his subordinate officers together to tell them about the dream he had last night and asked what this dream could signify. 有個 軍官 話 : 呢 個 夢 乃 係 不祥之兆 噃。 there is a|officer|said|this|measure word|dream|is|is|ominous sign|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation A military officer said: This dream is an ominous sign. 馬超 一睇 , 原來 係 佢 帳 前 心腹 校尉 , 姓 龐名 德 , 字令明 啊 。 Ma Chao|at a glance|originally|is|his|account|before|trusted aide|cavalry officer|surname||De||ah Ma Chao looked and realized it was his trusted lieutenant in front of the tent, named Pang De, with the courtesy name Lingming. 噉 馬超 就 問 佢 : 哦 ? 你 又 話點 解釋 呢 ? then|Ma Chao|then|asked|him|oh|you|again||explain|question particle So Ma Chao asked him: Oh? How do you explain this? 喺 雪地 遇着 老虎 , 呢 個 兆頭 極其 險惡 啊 , 莫非 老 將軍 喺 許昌 , 出 咗 事 ? in|snow|encountered|tiger|this|measure word|omen|extremely|dangerous|ah|could it be that|old|general|in|Xuchang|happened|past tense marker|incident Encountering a tiger in the snow, this sign is extremely dangerous. Could it be that the old general has encountered trouble in Xuchang? 龐德 話口 未 完 , 有 個人 喺 外 便 一下 舂 咗 入 嚟 , 喊住 跪 喺 馬超 面前 話 : Pang De|speaking|not|finished|there is|a person|at|outside|then|suddenly|rushed|past tense marker|in|come|crying|kneeling|at|Ma Chao|in front of|said Before Pang De could finish speaking, someone suddenly rushed in from outside, crying and kneeling in front of Ma Chao, saying: 阿哥 ! 叔父 同細 佬 , 都 死 咗 喇 ! elder brother|uncle||brother|all|died|past tense marker|sentence final particle Brother! Uncle and the younger brother have both died! 馬超 一睇 , 係 馬岱 返 嚟 嘞 , 即刻 就 問 佢 究竟 咩 嘢 事 啦 。 Ma Chao|at a glance|is|Ma Dai|return|here|past action particle|immediately|then|asked|he|exactly|what|thing|matter|sentence-final particle When Ma Chao saw this, he realized that Ma Dai had returned, and immediately asked him what was going on. 馬岱 就 話 喇 : Ma Dai|then|said|particle indicating completed action Ma Dai then said: 叔父 同 侍郎 黃 奎 一齊 計劃 暗殺 曹操 , 不幸 事情 洩露 咗 出去 , 都 畀 曹操 殺 咗 喇 。 uncle|with|assistant minister|Huang|Kui|together|planned|assassination|Cao Cao|unfortunately|matter|leaked|past tense marker|outside|all|by||killed|past tense marker|final particle Uncle and the Minister Huang Kui were planning to assassinate Cao Cao, but unfortunately, the plan was leaked, and they were all killed by Cao Cao. 兩個 細佬 亦 都 同時 遇害 。 two|younger brothers|also|both|simultaneously|were murdered The two younger brothers also met with misfortune at the same time. 就 係 得 我 扮 咗 個 客商 , 漏夜 走 甩 咋 。 It was just that I disguised myself as a merchant and slipped away in the night. 吓 ? 爹爹 啊 ! huh|daddy|ah Huh? Father! 馬超 一聽 , 喊 到 跌 咗 喺 地 嚟 , 大家 扶 返 佢 起身 。 Ma Chao|upon hearing|cried|until|fell|past tense marker|at|ground|came|everyone|helped|back|him|get up When Ma Chao heard this, he cried out and fell to the ground, and everyone helped him up. 馬超 就 嬲 到 咬牙切齒 , 恨不得 當時 一劍 就 斬 咗 曹操 啊 。 Ma Chao|then|angry|to the point of|gritting his teeth|wished he could|at that time|one sword|immediately|kill|past tense marker|Cao Cao|ah Ma Chao was so angry that he gritted his teeth, wishing he could have just killed Cao Cao with a sword at that moment. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 劉備 嘅 使者 帶信 嚟 到 嘞 。 just|at|this|measure word|time|Liu Bei|possessive particle|messenger||come|arrive|past action particle Just at that moment, a messenger from Liu Bei arrived with a letter. 馬超 打開 封信 睇 下 , 封信 大意 就 係 話 : Ma Chao|open|envelope|read|down|envelope|main idea|just|is|saying Ma Chao opened the letter to read it, and the gist of the letter was: 當年 我 劉備 同令 先君 一齊 接受 皇上 嘅 密詔 , 發誓 要 殺 曹操 奸賊 。 that year|I|Liu Bei||late father|together|received|the Emperor|possessive particle|secret edict|swore|to|kill|Cao Cao|treacherous villain Back then, I Liu Bei and your late sovereign together received the emperor's secret edict, vowing to kill the treacherous Cao Cao. 而家 , 令 先君 被 曹賊 所害 , 乃 係 將軍 你 不共戴天 之仇 啊 。 now|make|late emperor|by|Cao thief|harmed|actually|is|general|you|irreconcilable||ah Now, your late sovereign has been harmed by the treacherous Cao, which is a deep-seated enmity that you cannot share the heavens with. 若果 將軍 能夠 統率 西涼 嘅 兵馬 , 進攻 曹操 嘅 右側 ; if|general|is able to|command|Xiliang|possessive particle|troops|attack|Cao Cao|possessive particle|right flank If you, General, can lead the troops of Xiliang to attack Cao Cao's right flank; 噉 我 劉備 必定 出動 荊襄 全部 兵力 , 由 正前方 向 曹操 進攻 。 then|I|Liu Bei|definitely|deploy|Jingxiang|all|troops|from|directly from the front|towards|Cao Cao|attack then I, Liu Bei, will definitely mobilize all the forces of Jingxiang to attack Cao Cao from the front. 噉 樣 , 操賊 可 擒 , 奸黨 可滅 , 仇辱 可報 , 漢室 可興 啊 ! like this|manner|traitor|can|be captured|treasonous faction|can be destroyed|enmity and humiliation|can be avenged|Han dynasty||ah In this way, the bandits can be captured, the traitors can be eliminated, the grievances can be avenged, and the Han dynasty can be revived! 馬超 睇 完信 , 抹 乾 眼淚 , 即時 回信 同意 啊 。 Ma Chao|read|the letter|wipe|dry|tears|immediately|reply|agreed|ah After reading the letter, Ma Chao wiped his tears and immediately replied in agreement. 打發 使者 返去 荊州 , 跟 住 就 準備 起兵 嘞 。 send away|messenger|return|Jingzhou|||immediately|prepare|raise troops|past tense marker He sent a messenger back to Jingzhou, and then prepared to raise troops. 呢 一日 , 西涼 太守 韓遂 就 派 人 嚟 請 馬超 去 見 佢 。 this|one day|Xiliang|governor|Han Sui|then|sent|someone|here|invite|Ma Chao|to|see|him On that day, the governor of Xiliang, Han Sui, sent someone to invite Ma Chao to meet him. 馬超 就 去 到 韓府 啦 。 Ma Chao|then|go|arrive|Han residence|particle indicating completed action Ma Chao then went to Han's residence. 韓 遂 攞 咗 封 曹操 寫 畀 佢 嘅 信 , 交 畀 馬超 睇 。 Han|then|took|past tense marker|measure word for letters|Cao Cao|wrote|to|him|possessive particle|letter|handed|to|Ma Chao|read Han received a letter from Cao Cao addressed to him and handed it to Ma Chao to read. 封信裏 頭點 話 呢 ? 如果 將 馬超 捉住 解去 許都 , 就 封 你 做 西涼侯 噉 。 in the letter|first point|said|question particle|if|to capture|Ma Chao|caught|taken away|Xu Du|then|appoint|you|to be|Western Liang Marquis|like that What does the letter say at the beginning? If you capture Ma Chao and send him to Xudu, I will appoint you as the Marquis of Xiliang. 馬超 睇 咗 , 啪 聲 跪 低 , 伏 喺 地下 嚟 。 Ma Chao|saw|past tense marker|crack|sound|kneel|down|lie|at|ground|come After reading it, Ma Chao immediately knelt down and prostrated himself on the ground. 請 叔父 就 噉 綁 我 哋 兩 兄弟 解去 許昌 , 免得 勞煩 叔父 動 起 刀槍 。 please|uncle|then|like this|tie|I|plural marker|two|brothers|take|Xuchang|so as not to|trouble|uncle|use|raise|weapons Please, uncle, just bind us both and take us to Xuchang, so that you won't have to trouble yourself to use weapons. 賢侄 起身 。 virtuous nephew|get up Nephew, get up. 我同 你 父親 結為 兄弟 , 我點 會害 你 呢 ? |you|father|become|sworn brothers|||you|question particle I have become brothers with your father, how could I harm you? 賢侄 , 你 如果 要 起兵 , 我 一定 幫 你 ! virtuous nephew|you|if|want|raise an army|I|definitely|help|you Noble nephew, if you want to raise an army, I will definitely help you! 多謝 叔父 ! thank you|uncle Thank you, uncle! 於是 韓遂 就 叫 人將 曹操 派 嚟 嘅 使者 , 拉出去 斬 咗 佢 。 then|Han Sui|then|ordered||Cao Cao|sent|here|possessive particle|messenger||to behead|past tense marker|him Then Han Sui ordered someone to take the messenger sent by Cao Cao and execute him. 跟 住 , 就點 起 手下 八部 軍馬 , 一同 出發 。 ||then|lift|subordinate|eight|warhorses|together|depart After that, he gathered his eight divisions of cavalry and set off together. 邊 八部 呢 ? which|bus|question particle Which eight troops are these? 就 係 侯選 、 程銀 、 李堪 、 張橫 、 梁興 、 成宜 、 馬 玩 、 楊秋 。 just|is|candidate|Cheng Yin|Li Kam|Cheung Hang|Leung Hing|Cheng Yi|||Yeung Chiu They are Hou Xuan, Cheng Yin, Li Kan, Zhang Heng, Liang Xing, Cheng Yi, Ma Wan, and Yang Qiu. 噉 呢 八員 將領 跟隨 住 韓遂 , 匯合 埋 馬超 手下 嘅 龐德 、 馬岱 , 總共 點起 二十萬 大軍 就 殺 奔 長安 而 去 。 then|this|eight|generals|followed|continuously|Han Sui|joined|together|Ma Chao|subordinates|possessive particle|Pang De|Ma Dai|in total|gathered|two hundred thousand|army|then|marched|hurried|Chang'an|and|went So these eight generals followed Han Sui and joined forces with Ma Chao's subordinates, Pang De and Ma Dai, totaling around two hundred thousand troops to march towards Chang'an. 當時 呢 , 係 鍾繇 負責 鎮守 長安 。 at that time|particle indicating a question|was|Zhong Yao|responsible for|defending|Chang'an At that time, Zhong Yao was responsible for defending Chang'an. 噉 佢 一方面 派 人 飛報 曹操 , 一 方便 就 率領 軍隊 出 城 , 喺 郊外 就 佈 好 陣勢 準備 迎敵 。 then|he|on one hand|sent|people|urgent report|Cao Cao|one|on the other hand|then|led|army|out|city|at|outskirts|then|arranged|good|formation|prepared|to face the enemy So on one hand, he sent someone to report to Cao Cao, and on the other hand, he led his troops out of the city to set up a formation in the outskirts to prepare for the enemy. 噉 啊 上次 馬 騰去 許都 嘅 時候 啊 , 馬岱 係 押後 接應 。 then|particle|last time|Ma||Xudu|possessive particle|time|particle|Ma Dai|was|delayed|support So, last time when Ma Teng went to Xu Du, Ma Dai was behind to provide support. 呢 次 進軍 呢 , 馬岱 係 前部 先鋒 。 this|time|offensive|this|Ma Dai|is|front|vanguard This time in the campaign, Ma Dai is the vanguard. 佢 帶 住 一萬五千名 軍馬 , 浩浩蕩蕩 就 漫山遍野 而來 。 He|bring|carrying|15000|cavalry horses|in great numbers|then|all over the mountains and fields|came He brought along fifteen thousand cavalry, marching grandly across the mountains and fields. 兩 軍 相遇 嘞 , 喺 陣前 照例 答過 話 , 無非 係 來 將何 名 呀 快快 下馬 受 綁 之類 。 two|armies|meet|past tense marker|at|battlefield|as usual|answered|question|nothing more than|is|coming||name|question particle|quickly|dismount|receive|bound|and so on When the two armies met, as usual, they exchanged words in front of the formation, asking who would come down quickly to be tied up and so on. 馬岱 使 一口 寶刀 , 同 鍾繇 就 交戰 。 Ma Dai|used|one|precious sword|with|Zhong Yao|then|engaged in battle Ma Dai wielded a precious sword and engaged in battle with Zhong Yao. 鍾繇 個人 啊 寫字 就 確係 叻 咯 , 上陣 交鋒 就 吖 吖 嗚 啦 。 Zhong Yao|person|particle|writing|then|definitely|smart|particle|in battle|confrontation|then|particle|particle|sound|particle Zhong Yao is indeed skilled at writing, but when it comes to battle, he just can't handle it. 打 咗 都 唔 到 一個 回合 唧就頂 唔 住 嘞 , 大敗 而 逃 。 hit|past tense marker|even|not|reach|one|round||||past action marker|great defeat|and|escape He couldn't even last a round and was overwhelmed, resulting in a great defeat. 馬岱 就 提住 刀 猛追 。 Ma Dai|then|holding|knife|fiercely chased Ma Dai was fiercely pursuing him with a knife. 馬超 、 韓遂 就 指揮 大軍 , 跟 住 嚟 到 嘞 , 即刻 就 圍住 長安城 。 Ma Chao|Han Sui|then|commanded|large army|||||past tense marker|immediately|then|surrounded|Chang'an city Ma Chao and Han Sui commanded the large army, and immediately surrounded Chang'an City. 鍾繇 趯 返入 城 高高 扯起 吊橋 , 緊閉 城門 就 一 於 堅守 。 Zhong Yao|to kick|return into|city|high|pull up|suspension bridge|tightly closed|city gate|then|one|in|steadfast defense Zhong Yao rushed back into the city, raised the drawbridge high, and firmly closed the city gates to hold his ground. 各位 聽眾 你 需知 呀 , 長安 乃 係 西漢 建都 嘅 地方 。 everyone|audience|you|should know|particle|Chang'an|is|is|Western Han|established capital|possessive particle|place Ladies and gentlemen, you should know that Chang'an is the place where the Western Han established its capital. 城牆 就 異常 堅固 嘅 , 啲 壕塹 又闊 又 深 , 急切 之間 嘞 , 係 攻 佢 唔 落 㗎 。 city wall|is|exceptionally|strong|possessive particle|plural marker|moat||both|deep|urgent|in between|past action particle|is|attack|it|not|fall|question particle The city walls are exceptionally strong, and the moats are wide and deep, making it impossible to attack in a hurry. 噉 西涼州 嘅 大軍 , 連氣 攻城 攻 咗 佢 十日 , 都 攻 佢 唔 破 。 then|Xiliangzhou|possessive particle|army|relentlessly|attacking the city|attack|past tense marker|it|ten days|still|attack|it|not|break through Thus, the large army from Xiliang attacked the city for ten days straight but could not break through. 嚱, 龐德 就 諗 到 條計 嘞 , 佢 對 馬超 話 : ah|Pang De|then|thought|of|plan|particle|he|to|Ma Chao|said Then, Pang De thought of a plan and said to Ma Chao: 長安城 裏 便 啲 水好 鹹 嘅 , 唔 食 得 嘅 , 更 兼 裏 便 又 冇 柴草 燒 。 Chang'an city|inside|then|a little||salty|particle|not|eat|able|particle|even|also|inside|then|again|have not|firewood|burn The water in Chang'an city is very salty and undrinkable, and there is also no firewood to burn. 而家 , 我 哋 已經 圍 咗 佢 十日 嘞 , 佢 哋 嘅 軍民 都 饑 寒 㗎 喇 。 now|I|we|already|besieged|past tense marker|he|ten days|completed action marker|they|their|possessive particle|military and civilians|all|hungry|cold|sentence-final particle|completed action marker Right now, we have surrounded them for ten days, and their military and civilians are already suffering from hunger and cold. 我 哋 不如 暫時 收兵 後退 , 只要 , 如此 如此 如此 , 嘿 , 長安 就 不費吹灰之力 就 攞 到 佢 嘞 。 I|we|might as well|temporarily|withdraw|retreat|as long as|like this|||hey|Chang'an|then|without any effort|then|||him|past tense particle Why don't we temporarily withdraw our troops? As long as we do this, this, and this, hey, Chang'an will easily take them. 你 呢 條計 妙極 嘞 ! 就 係 噉 做 啦 ! you|question particle||extremely clever|past action particle|then|is|like this|do|sentence-final particle Your plan is brilliant! Let's do it this way! 馬超 即刻 傳令 各支部 隊 , 叫 佢 哋 全部 撤退 , 由 馬超 自己 斷後 。 Ma Chao|immediately|issue orders|all divisions|troops|tell|them|plural marker|all|retreat|by|Ma Chao|himself|cover the retreat Ma Chao immediately issued orders to all units, telling them to retreat completely, while Ma Chao himself would cover the rear. 命令 一到 就 各部 兵馬 漸漸 退走 。 order|upon arrival|then|all units|troops|gradually|retreated As soon as the order was given, the troops gradually began to retreat. 到 咗 第日 朝頭 早 , 鍾繇 上 城樓 巡視 嘅 時候 , 咦 ? 乜 西涼州 兵馬 撤走 晒 嘞 喎 , 點解 呢 喂 ? arrive|past tense marker|next day|||Zhong Yao|go up|city tower|patrol|possessive particle|time|eh|what|Xiliangzhou|troops|withdraw|completely|past tense marker|particle indicating realization|why|this|particle indicating surprise On the morning of the next day, when Zhong Yao was inspecting the city tower, he noticed, "Huh? The troops from Xiliang have all retreated, why is that?" 唔 通 馬超 啊 使 咩 嘢 詭計 ? ||Ma Chao|ah|use|what|thing|trick Could it be that Ma Chao is up to some trick? 即刻 派 人 出城 去 探聽 下 , 哈 , 果然 退 咗 好 遠 嘞 。 immediately|send|person|out of the city|to|inquire|further|ha|as expected|retreat|past tense marker|very|far|sentence-final particle He immediately sent someone out of the city to investigate, and indeed, they had retreated quite far. 鍾繇 噉 就 放心 喇 , 命令 大開 城門 , 放人 出入 , 等 啲 軍民 出城 去 打柴 擔水 。 Zhong Yao|then|just|rest assured|particle indicating completed action|order|fully open|city gate|let people|enter and exit|let|plural marker|soldiers and civilians|leave the city|go|chop wood|carry water Zhong Yao then felt relieved, ordered the city gates to be opened wide, allowing people to come and go, so that the soldiers and civilians could go out to gather firewood and fetch water. 到 咗 第五日 , 忽然 馬超 嘅 兵馬 又 嚟 喇 , 嘩 不得了 走 啊 走 啊 , 啲 兵卒 民眾 喇喇聲 趯 返入 城 。 arrive|past tense marker|fifth day|suddenly|Ma Chao|possessive particle|troops|again|come|completed action particle|wow|terrible|run|exclamation particle|||plural marker|soldiers|civilians|in a hurry|rush|return into|city On the fifth day, suddenly Ma Chao's troops came back, and it was chaos as everyone shouted to run back into the city. 鍾繇 照板 煮 碗 仍舊 係 閉城 堅守 。 Zhong Yao|according to the rules|cook|bowl|still|is|closed city|steadfastly defend Zhong Yao is still holding the fort at the city. 長安城 嘅 西門 啊 , 就 係 鍾繇 嘅 細 佬 鍾 進 把守 嘅 。 Chang'an city|possessive particle|West Gate|sentence-final particle|then|is|Zhong Yao|possessive particle|small|child|Zhong|Jin|guarding|possessive particle The west gate of Chang'an City is guarded by Zhong Yao's son, Zhong Jin. 喺 呢 晚 三 更 時分 , 突然 間 城門 裏 便 火燭 喎 。 at|this|evening|three|watch|time|suddenly|within|city gate|inside|then|fire|particle indicating realization At the third watch of the night, suddenly there was a fire in the city gate. 鐘進 就 急急 帶人 嚟 救火 啦 , 點 知 喺 城 邊 飆 出 一個 人 , 縱馬舉 刀 大喝一聲 : 龐德 在 此 啊 ! Zhong Jin|then|hurriedly|brought people|here|put out the fire|particle indicating urgency|||at|city|side|rushed|out||person||sword||Pang De|at|this place|particle indicating exclamation Zhong Jin hurriedly brought people to put out the fire, but unexpectedly, a person burst out from the edge of the city, riding a horse with a raised sword, shouting: 'Pang De is here!' 鍾 進 措手不及 , 畀 龐德 一刀 就 斬 死 跌 咗 落馬 。 Chung|Jin|caught off guard|by|Pang De|one knife|then|cut|dead|fell|past tense marker|off the horse Zhong Jin was caught off guard and was struck down by Pang De's sword, falling off his horse. 跟 住 龐德 啊 殺 散 啲 士兵 , 斬開 城門 把 大鎖 , 大開 城門 放落 吊橋 就 放 馬超 同韓 遂 嘅 兵 馬入城 喇 。 ||Pang De|ah|kill|disperse|particle indicating plural|soldiers|cut open|city gate|particle indicating disposal|big lock|fully open|city gate|lower|drawbridge|then|let|Ma Chao||Sui|possessive particle|troops||particle indicating completed action Then, following Pang De, they killed the scattered soldiers, cut open the city gate, unlocked the big lock, and opened the city gate to let Ma Chao and Han Sui's troops enter the city. 鍾繇 見 大勢已去 唄 , 只有 混 東門 嗰 便 棄 城 逃跑 。 Zhong Yao|saw||particle indicating suggestion|only|to mix|East Gate|that|then|abandon|city|escape Zhong Yao saw that the situation was lost, so he abandoned the city and fled through the East Gate. 馬超 、 韓遂 噉 就 奪得 咗 長安 。 Ma Chao|Han Sui|then|just|captured|past tense marker|Chang'an Ma Chao and Han Sui then captured Chang'an. 旗開得勝 唄 就 賞賜 慰勞 三軍 將士 呀 呢 啲 就 不在話下 嘞 。 flag raising victory|particle indicating suggestion|then|reward|consolation|three armies|soldiers|particle indicating exclamation|particle indicating question|plural marker|then|no need to mention|particle indicating completed action With the victory, rewards and commendations were given to the three armies' soldiers, and these were not to be mentioned. 而家 講下 鍾繇 佢 放棄 咗 長安 , 就 退守 潼關 , 立即 飛報 曹操 。 now|talk about|Zhong Yao|he|abandoned|past tense marker|Chang'an|then|retreated to|Tongguan|immediately|sent a report|Cao Cao Now let's talk about Zhong Yao; he abandoned Chang'an and retreated to Tongguan, and immediately reported to Cao Cao. 曹操 知道 長安 失守 , 嗨 , 就 唔 敢 再 諗 南征 喇 。 Cao Cao|knows|Chang'an|has fallen|sigh|then|not|dare|again|think|southern campaign|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao knew that Chang'an had fallen, and he didn't dare to think about the southern expedition anymore. 佢 叫 曹 洪 、 徐晃 嚟 吩咐 佢 哋 話 : He|called|Cao|Hong||to come|instructed|them|plural marker|to say He called Cao Hong and Xu Huang to instruct them saying: 你 兩個 , 先 帶 一萬 人馬 , 去 代替 鍾繇 , 緊守 潼關 。 you|two|first|bring|ten thousand|troops|go|replace|Zhong Yao|firmly guard|Tong Pass You two, first take ten thousand troops to replace Zhong Yao and firmly defend Tongguan. 如果 十日 之內 守 唔 住 , 失 咗 潼關 , 一律 斬首 ! if|ten days|within|defend|not|able to|lose|past tense marker|Tongguan|uniformly|beheaded If you can't hold it within ten days and lose Tongguan, you will be executed! 十日 之外 , 就 唔 關你 兩個 事 喇 。 ten days|after|then|not||two|matters|particle indicating completed action After ten days, it won't be your responsibility anymore. 我 統率 大軍 , 隨後就到 , 你 哋 出發 啦 ! I|lead|army||you|plural marker|depart|sentence-final particle I will lead the army, and then I will arrive, you all set off now! 遵命 ! at your command Understood! 兩個 得 咗 命令 漏夜 點起 人馬 就 出發 。 two|received|past tense marker|order|overnight|when to start|personnel and horses|then|depart The two of them received the order and set off at night to gather the troops. 曹仁 就 對 曹操 話 喇 : 丞相 , 曹 洪 嘅 脾性 好 急躁 , 怕 佢 會 誤事 噃。 Cao Ren|then|to|Cao Cao|said|particle indicating completed action|Prime Minister|Cao|Hong|possessive particle|temperament|very|irritable|afraid|he|will|make mistakes|particle indicating suggestion or reminder Cao Ren said to Cao Cao: "Prime Minister, Cao Hong's temperament is very impulsive, I'm afraid he might mess things up." 曹操 就 話 : 你 幫 我 押送 糧草 , 順便 隨後 接應 啦 。 Cao Cao|then|said|you|help|me|escort|supplies|by the way|later|provide support|particle Cao Cao replied: "You help me escort the supplies, and then you can come to support us." 曹仁 接受 咗 命令 亦 都 裝運 糧草 起程 嘞 。 Cao Ren|accepted|past tense marker|order|||transport|supplies|set off|past tense marker Cao Ren accepted the order and also set off with the supplies. 而家 講下 曹洪 、 徐晃 啊 嚟 到 潼關 , 代替 鍾繇 堅守 關隘 , 硬 係 唔 出去 打 。 now|let's talk about|Cao Hong|Xu Huang|particle|||Tongguan|to replace|Zhong Yao|to defend|pass|||not|go out|fight Now let's talk about Cao Hong and Xu Huang, who arrived at Tongguan to replace Zhong Yao and firmly defend the pass, refusing to go out and fight. 馬超 就 帶 住 人馬 嚟 到 關下 , 將 曹操 三代 嚟 鬧 。 Ma Chao|then|||cavalry|come|to|Guan's place|to bring|Cao Cao|three generations|come|scold Ma Chao brought his troops to the pass and scolded Cao Cao's three generations. 有 咁 衰時 就 鬧 到 咁 衰 , 有 咁 邋遢 就 鬧 到 咁 邋遢 。 there is|so|bad time|then|scold|to|so|bad|there is|so|messy|then|scold|to|so|messy When things are so bad, they get scolded so badly; when they are so messy, they get scolded so messily. 呢 一招 就 應棍 喇 , 果然 激到 曹洪 𨅝𨅝 跳 , 幾 大都 要 帶兵 出關 去 廝殺 。 this|move|then|counter with a stick|particle indicating completion|as expected|provoked|Cao Hong|very angry|jumped|several||must||out of the pass|to|fight This move is indeed a stick, and it really provoked Cao Hong to jump up, and he had to lead his troops out of the pass to fight. 徐晃 就 勸 佢 話 : 唔 好 啊 , 呢 個 不過 係 馬超 要激 將軍 你 去 廝殺 嘅 啫 , 千祈 唔 好 同 佢 交戰 啊 。 Xu Huang|then|advised|him|said|||particle||||||||||||||||||| Xu Huang advised him, saying: "Don't! This is just Ma Chao trying to provoke you into a fight. You must not engage with him." 等 丞相 嘅 大軍 嚟 到 嘅 時候 , 必定 有 主意 嘅 。 wait|Prime Minister|possessive particle|army|||possessive particle|time|definitely|have|idea|possessive particle When the Chancellor's army arrives, they will definitely have a plan. 噉 啊 監硬 撳住 曹洪 。 like this|ah|to supervise|pressing|Cao Hong So, he firmly held down Cao Hong. 馬超 啲 人馬 呢 , 日頭 喺 關 下 鬧 完 到 晚 頭 黑 , 又 換過 一批 人 嚟 鬧 。 Ma Chao|possessive particle|cavalry|question particle|daytime|at|Guan|under|scold|finish|until|evening|head|dark|again|changed|a group of|people|come|scold Ma Chao's troops, during the day, were causing a ruckus at the pass, and by night, they would switch to another group to continue the disturbance. 嘩 ! 激到 曹洪 呀 肚 都 爆 啊 , 一味 要 出去 同 馬超 打 過 , 好彩 徐晃 呢 苦苦 勸住 佢 。 wow|so angry|Cao Hong|particle|stomach|also|explode|particle|only|wants|to go out|with|Ma Chao|||fortunately|Xu Huang|particle|desperately|advised|him Wow! Cao Hong was so provoked that he was about to explode, wanting to rush out and fight Ma Chao. Fortunately, Xu Huang was there to desperately advise him. 到 咗 第九日 , 喺 關 上面 望落 去 睇 下 , 哈哈 ! 嗰 啲 西涼兵 呀 , 放開 晒 啲 馬 唔 騎 , 個個 都 喺 關 前 嘅 草地 上面 坐 。 arrive|past tense marker|ninth day|at|pass|on|looking down|to|see|down|haha|those|plural marker|Xiliang soldiers|particle|let go|all|plural marker|horses|not|ridden|everyone|all|at|pass|in front|possessive particle|grass|on|sitting On the ninth day, looking down from the pass, haha! Those Xiliang soldiers, they have all let their horses go and are sitting on the grass in front of the pass. 而且 仲有 好多 仲 攰 到 癱 喺 地下 瞓 大 覺 添 。 moreover|still have|a lot|still|tired|to the point of|collapse|at|ground|sleep|deep|sleep|also Moreover, there are many who are so exhausted that they are lying on the ground sleeping. 你 死 喇 你 , 曹洪 立即 吩咐 備馬 , 點起 三千 兵 啊 殺 落關 去 。 you|die|past tense particle|you|Cao Hong|immediately|ordered|prepare horses|gather|three thousand|soldiers|ah|attack||go You are dead, Cao Hong immediately ordered the horses to be prepared, and to gather three thousand soldiers to charge down the pass. 嗰 啲 西涼兵 呀 大 嗌 救命 啊 噉 啊 馬 又 唔 要 , 刀槍 又 唔 要 , 飛快 咁 逃跑 。 those|plural marker|Xiliang soldiers|sentence-final particle|very|shout|help|exclamatory particle|then|exclamatory particle|horse|also|not|want|weapons|also|not|want|very fast|like that|run away Those Xiliang soldiers are shouting for help, they don't want their horses, they don't want their weapons, and they are fleeing at full speed. 曹洪 啊 帶 住 兵 猛追 啦 , 出氣 咯 呢 趟 。 Cao Hong|ah|||troops|fiercely chasing|particle indicating action|venting anger|particle indicating realization|question particle|trip Cao Hong is leading the soldiers in a fierce pursuit, it's time to vent some anger. 當時 徐晃 啊 正 喺 關上 檢查 緊 啲 糧車 , 聽聞 曹洪 呀 已經 落關 廝殺 喇 。 at that time|Xu Huang|particle|just|at|the pass|checking|ongoing|plural marker|grain carts|hearing|Cao Hong|particle|already|at the pass|fighting|particle At that time, Xu Huang was checking the grain carts at the pass, and he heard that Cao Hong had already engaged in battle. 哎呀 ! 弊 喇 呢 趟 , 大吃一驚 , 急急 就 帶兵 隨後 追住 去 , 大聲 噉 嗌 曹洪 回馬返 轉頭 ! oh no|bad|particle indicating completed action|question particle|trip|greatly startled|hurriedly|then|lead the troops|immediately after|chase|go|loudly|like that|shout|Cao Hong|turn back|turn around Oh no! This is bad, I was taken by surprise, and quickly led my troops to chase after them, shouting loudly for Cao Hong to turn back! 忽然間 , 背後 吶喊 連天 , 原來 係 馬岱 帶兵 殺到 嘞 。 suddenly|from behind|shouting|endlessly|originally|is|Ma Dai|leading troops|attacking|past tense marker Suddenly, there were shouts from behind, it turned out to be Ma Dai leading his troops to attack. 曹洪 、 徐晃 啊 急急 退走 嘅 時候 , 一聲 鼓響 , 山 背後 兩彪 軍馬 撞出 嚟 截住 。 Cao Hong|Xu Huang|particle indicating exclamation|hurriedly|retreat|possessive particle|time|one sound|drum sound|mountain|behind|two groups|cavalry|burst out|particle indicating action|cut off As Cao Hong and Xu Huang were hastily retreating, a drum sounded, and two groups of cavalry charged out from behind the mountain to intercept them. 左便 馬超 , 右 便 龐德 就 混殺 咗 一陣 。 on the left|Ma Chao|||Pang De|then|fought fiercely|past tense marker|for a while On the left was Ma Chao, and on the right was Pang De, who mixed in to fight. 曹洪 抵擋 唔 住 啊 , 損失 咗 成 大半 兵卒 就 拼命 衝出重圍 , 趯 到 去 關上 。 Cao Hong|resist|not|able to|ah|lost|past tense marker|whole|more than half|soldiers|then|desperately||hurried|arrive|at|closing Cao Hong couldn't hold on, losing more than half of his troops, and desperately broke through the encirclement, rushing to the pass. 但 係 西涼兵 呢 咬住 尾追 到 緊 , 曹 洪 佢 哋 就 唯有 放棄 關隘 逃走 啦 。 ||Xiliang soldiers|particle indicating ongoing action|biting||until|particle indicating ongoing action|||they|plural particle|then|only|abandon|pass|escape|particle indicating completion or suggestion However, the Xiliang soldiers were closely pursuing them, so Cao Hong and his men had no choice but to abandon the pass and flee. 龐德 啊 一直 追住 去 , 追過 咗 潼關 。 Pang De|ah|continuously|chasing|going|overtook|past tense marker|Tongguan Pang De kept chasing after them and had already passed Tongguan. 呢 個 時候 , 曹 仁 嘅 兵馬 嚟 到 就 救 咗 曹洪 同 嗰 班 殘兵 敗 卒 。 this|measure word|time|Cao|Ren|possessive particle|troops|||then|saved|past tense marker|Cao Hong|and|that|group|remnants of soldiers|defeated|soldiers At this moment, Cao Ren's troops arrived and rescued Cao Hong and the remaining defeated soldiers. 馬超 呢 , 亦 帶兵 嚟 到 接應 龐德 上 關 。 Ma Chao|question particle|also|lead troops|come|to|support|Pang De|up|pass Ma Chao also brought troops to support Pang De at the pass. 噉 曹洪失 咗 潼關 就 趯 去 見 曹操 嘞 喎 , 曹操 就 責問 佢 : then||past tense marker|Tongguan|then|hurriedly|went|to see|Cao Cao|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|Cao Cao|then|questioned|him So, Cao Hong lost Tongguan and hurried to see Cao Cao. 我 畀 十日 期限 你 , 為 咩 嘢 事 九日 就 失 咗 潼關 , 哼 ? I|give|ten days|deadline|you||||matter|ninth|then|||Tongguan|hum Cao Cao then questioned him: 因為 西涼 啲 兵卒 , 百般 辱罵 , 當日 見到 佢 哋 好似 鬆 晒 噉 , 冇 到 防備 嘞 , 就 乘機 殺出去 , 估 唔 到 , 估 唔 到 中 咗 賊人 嘅 奸計 。 because|Xiliang|possessive particle|soldiers|all kinds of|insults|that day|saw|they|plural marker|seemed|relaxed|completely|like that|not|reach|guard|past action particle|then|took the opportunity|killed out|||||||hit|past action particle|bandits|possessive particle|scheme I gave you a ten-day deadline, why did you lose Tongguan on the ninth day, huh? 徐晃 , 阿洪 年輕 暴躁 唧 , 你 啊 應該 懂事 啊 ! Xu Huang|Ah Hong|young|irritable|to complain|you|particle|should|sensible|particle Because the soldiers from Xiliang insulted us in every way, and on that day, when I saw them, they seemed completely relaxed and had no defenses, so we took the opportunity to attack, but unexpectedly, we fell into the enemy's trap. 啟 稟 丞相 , 我 屢次 勸諫 過小 將軍 , 但 係 小 將軍 唔 聽 。 ||Prime Minister|I|repeatedly|advised|overly arrogant|general|but|is|young|general|not|listen Xu Huang, Cao Hong is young and impulsive, you should be more understanding! 當時 我 喺 關上 檢查 糧車 , 及至 知道 嘅 時候 , 小 將軍 已經 落 咗 關喇 。 at that time|I|was|closing|inspecting|supply truck|until|knowing|(possessive particle)|time|little|general|already|dropped|past tense marker| At that time, I was checking the grain truck, and by the time I found out, the young general had already closed the gate. 我 恐怕 小 將軍 有 危險 , 就 連忙 趕住 去 , 但 係 , 已經 中 咗 賊人 嘅 奸計 。 I|fear|little|general|has|danger|then|hurriedly|rushed|to go|||already|fell for|past tense marker|thief|possessive particle|trick I was afraid the young general was in danger, so I hurried over, but I had already fallen into the trap of the thieves. 曹操 聽 咗 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 喝 刀斧手 要 斬 曹洪 。 Cao Cao|heard|past tense marker|angry|rise|up|come|ordered|executioner|wants|to behead|Cao Hong Cao Cao became furious and ordered the executioners to behead Cao Hong. 好彩 得到 眾 官員 求情 先至免 死 。 fortunately|received|all|officials|plea for mercy||death Fortunately, the officials interceded, and he was spared from death. 噉 曹洪 呢 趟 呢 就 服罪 認錯 嘞 。 then|Cao Hong|this|trip|particle|then|confess to the crime|admit wrongdoing|particle So, Cao Hong admitted his guilt and took responsibility this time. 曹操 率領 大軍 嚟 到 之後 , 佢 直逼 潼關 。 Cao Cao|led|large army|||after|he|directly pressed|Tongguan Cao Cao led his army to the area and directly approached Tongguan. 曹仁 就 建議 話 : 不如 扎 好 營寨 先 , 然後 再 嚟 攻關 都 未 遲 吖 。 Cao Ren|then|suggested|saying|why not|set up|good|camp|first|then|again|come|attack|all|not yet|late|particle Cao Ren suggested, "Why don't we set up a camp first, and then attack the pass later?" 於是 曹操 就 下令 斬 啲 樹 , 立起 晒 一排排 嘅 柵欄 , 分成 三個 寨 。 then|Cao Cao|then|ordered|chop|plural marker|trees|set up|completely||possessive particle|fences|divided into|three|villages So Cao Cao ordered the cutting down of trees and set up rows of fences, dividing them into three camps. 左寨 係 曹仁 , 右寨 夏侯淵 , 噉 佢 曹操 自己 就 居中 。 left camp|is|Cao Ren|right camp|Xiahou Yuan|then|he|Cao Cao|himself|just|in the center The left camp was Cao Ren, the right camp was Xiahou Yuan, and Cao Cao himself was in the center. 第 日 , 曹操 帶齊 三個 寨 嘅 大小 將校 , 就 殺 奔 潼關 。 the|day|Cao Cao|brought along|three|camps|possessive particle|big and small|officers|then|attacked|rushed|Tongguan Pass The next day, Cao Cao gathered the officers from all three camps and rushed towards Tongguan. 咁 啱 西涼軍 馬 正 係 嚟 緊 喎 , 一 遇見 , 雙方 就 各自 排 好 陣勢 。 then|just right|Western Liang army|Ma|Zheng|is|coming|soon|particle indicating certainty|one|they meet|both sides|then|each|arrange|well|formation Just then, the Xiliang army, led by Ma Zheng, was approaching. Upon meeting, both sides quickly arranged their formations. 曹操 喺 門 旗 之下 勒馬 企定 。 Cao Cao|at|gate|flag|under|rein in the horse|stood firm Cao Cao reined in his horse and stood firm under the banner. 望下 西涼 嗰 啲 兵士 呀 , 嘿 呀 ! 個個 英雄 人人 健壯 。 take a look at|Xiliang|that|plural marker|soldiers|sentence-final particle|hey|sentence-final particle|everyone|hero|everyone|strong Looking at the soldiers from Xiliang, wow! Each one is a hero, strong and robust. 又 見 馬超 生得面 如 敷粉 , 唇 若 塗 朱 , 腰細 肩闊 , 聲雄力 猛 。 again|see|Ma Chao||like|powdered|lips|like|painted|vermilion||||fierce I also saw Ma Chao, whose face was as smooth as powder, lips like they were painted with vermilion, a slim waist and broad shoulders, with a powerful and fierce voice. 着 住 白袍 銀甲 , 手執 長槍 , 立馬 陣前 。 wearing|firmly|white robe|silver armor|holding|long spear|standing|in front of the formation Dressed in a white robe and silver armor, holding a long spear, he stood at the front of the formation. 上手 便 龐德 , 下手 便 馬岱 。 Shang Shou|then|Pang De|Xia Shou|then|Ma Dai If you go for Pang De, you will face Ma Dai. 哦 嗨 ! 曹操 見到 呀 個 心 都 暗暗 稱讚 啊 。 oh|hi|Cao Cao|saw|particle indicating surprise|measure word|heart|all|secretly|admired|particle indicating exclamation Oh hi! When Cao Cao saw this, he secretly praised it. 曹操 縱 馬上 前 對 馬超 話 喇 : Cao Cao|urged|immediately|in front of|to|Ma Chao|said|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao rode forward and said to Ma Chao: 馬超 , 你 乃 係 漢朝 名將 嘅 子孫 , 點解 要 背叛 朝廷 啊 ! Ma Chao|you|are|is|Han Dynasty|famous general|possessive particle|descendant|why|want to|betray|court|question particle Ma Chao, you are a descendant of the famous generals of the Han dynasty, why do you betray the court? 馬超 咬牙切齒 , 鬧返 轉頭 : Ma Chao|gritting his teeth|scolded back|turned around Ma Chao gritted his teeth and retorted: 曹操 奸賊 ! 你 欺君罔上 , 罪不容誅 ! Cao Cao|treacherous bandit|you|deceive your lord and act without shame|crime deserving of death Cao Cao, the treacherous villain! You deceive the emperor and the people, your crimes are unforgivable! 害死 我 父親 、 細佬 , 我同 你 有 不共戴天 之仇 ! killed|my|father|younger brother|I and|you|have|irreconcilable| You killed my father and younger brother, I have an irreconcilable hatred with you! 我 要將 你 生擒活捉 , 監生 食 你 嘅 肉 ! I||you|capture alive|the jailer|eat|you|possessive particle|flesh I want to capture you alive and feed you to the dogs! 講完 , 挺起 銀槍 直 殺過 嚟 。 finish talking|raise|silver gun|straight|kill|come After saying that, he raised his silver spear and charged forward. 喺 曹操 背後 嘅 于 禁 呢 就 拍馬 迎上去 。 at|Cao Cao|behind|possessive particle|Yu|Jin|this|then|flatter|approached Behind Cao Cao, Yu Jin hurriedly came forward to flatter him. 兩馬 相交 , 鬥 咗 七八個 回合 , 嘿嘿 , 于禁 唔 夠間 就 敗退 嘞 。 two horses|intersected|fought|past tense marker|seven or eight|rounds|hehe|Yu Jin|not||then|retreated|past action marker The two horses intersected, fighting for seven or eight rounds, hehe, Yu Jin couldn't hold on and retreated. 張 郃 接住 迎戰 , 打 咗 二十個 回合 , 亦 都 敗退 。 Zhang|He|received|challenge|fought|past tense marker|twenty|rounds|also|all|retreated Zhang He took over to face the battle, fought for twenty rounds, and also retreated. 李通 跟 住 上 嚟 打過 , 馬超 奮起 威風 , 越戰越勇 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 一槍 就 刺 咗 李通 落馬 當堂 冇 命 。 Li Tong|||up|come|fought|Ma Chao|rose up|with great momentum|the more he fought the braver he became|fought|past tense marker|several|rounds|one shot|then|stabbed|past tense marker|Li Tong|fell off his horse|on the spot|without|life Li Tong came up to fight, Ma Chao rose to power, becoming braver as the battle went on, fought for several rounds, and with one spear, he stabbed Li Tong off his horse, leaving him lifeless on the spot. 嘩 ! 真 犀利 啊 ! wow|really|impressive|particle Wow! Really impressive! 馬超 嚟 一個打 一個 , 連 打 曹操 三 員大將 。 Ma Chao|came||one|even|fought|Cao Cao|three| Ma Chao took on one after another, defeating three of Cao Cao's generals. 馬超 用 支槍 向後便 一 擪, 西涼兵 喎 嗬 噉 就 一齊 衝殺 過 嚟 , 就 殺 到 曹兵 大敗 。 Ma Chao|used|spear|immediately|one|thrust|Xiliang soldiers|oh|huh|like this|then|together|charged and killed|over|here|then|killed|to|Cao's soldiers|great defeat Ma Chao used his spear to strike backward, and the Xiliang soldiers charged forward together, defeating Cao's troops. 呢 一次 衝殺 , 西涼兵 啊 來勢 極猛 , 殺到 曹操 左右 嘅 護衛 軍官 都 抵擋 唔 住 。 this|time|charge|Xiliang soldiers|ah|momentum|extremely fierce|killing until|Cao Cao|around|possessive particle|bodyguard|military officer|all|resist|not|able to In this charge, the Xiliang soldiers came in with great momentum, overwhelming Cao Cao's guards on both sides. 馬超 、 龐德 、 馬岱 率領 住 百 幾個 馬 軍 , 直 撞入 嚟 中軍 想 捉 曹操 。 Ma Chao|Pang De|Ma Dai|led|with|hundred|more than|cavalry|troops|directly|charged into|here|central army|wanted|capture|Cao Cao Ma Chao, Pang De, and Ma Dai led over a hundred cavalry, crashing into the center to try to capture Cao Cao. 曹操 喺 亂軍 之中 , 只 聽見 西涼軍 大叫 : 着 紅袍 嗰 個 就 係 曹操 喇 ! Cao Cao|in|chaotic army|among|only|heard|Xiliang army|shouting|wearing|red robe|that|person|just|is|Cao Cao|particle indicating completed action Amidst the chaos, Cao Cao only heard the Xiliang army shouting: 'The one in the red robe is Cao Cao!' 咦 呀 ! 曹操 就 急急 除 咗 件 紅袍 捩 手 擗 咗 佢 。 eh|particle|Cao Cao|then|hurriedly|remove|past tense marker|measure word|red robe|twist|hand|hit|past tense marker|him Oh no! Cao Cao quickly took off his red robe and hid himself. 過 咗 一陣 , 又 聽見 大叫 話 : 嗰 個 長 鬚 佬 就 係 曹操 喇 ! past|completed action particle|a moment|again|heard|shouting|saying|that|classifier|long|beard|man|just|is|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle After a while, I heard someone shouting: That bearded man is Cao Cao! 嘩 , 弊 ! 曹操 驚起 上 嚟 , 即刻 拔出 把 刀 , 割短 啲 鬍鬚 , 啊 噉 又 逃跑 咗 一陣 。 wow|bad|Cao Cao|startled|up|here|immediately|drew out|measure word for knives|knife|cut short|a little|beard|ah|like this|again|ran away|past tense marker|a while Wow, that's bad! Cao Cao got startled, immediately pulled out a knife, cut his beard short, and then ran away for a while. 收尾 , 有 啲 軍士 將 曹操 割 鬚 個 事 講 畀 馬超 聽 。 finishing touches|there are|some|soldiers|to cut|Cao Cao|cut|beard|the|matter|to tell|to|Ma Chao|hear In the end, some soldiers told Ma Chao about Cao Cao's beard being cut. 於是 馬超 下令 嘞 , 叫 啲 兵士 大聲 叫 : 短鬚 嘅 就 係 曹操 , 去 捉 曹操 喇 ! then|Ma Chao|ordered|past tense marker|to call|plural marker|soldiers|loudly|to shout|short beard|possessive particle|just|is|Cao Cao|to go|to capture|Cao Cao|particle indicating completion So Ma Chao ordered, telling the soldiers to shout loudly: The one with the short beard is Cao Cao, go catch Cao Cao! 曹操 一聽 啊 , 嘿 呀 , 一手 撕爛 面旗 , 包住 條頸 伏 喺 馬背 飛跑 而 遁 啊 。 Cao Cao|upon hearing|ah|hey|ya|with one hand|tore apart|battle flag|wrapped around|his neck|lay|on|horse's back|ran away|and|escaped|ah As soon as Cao Cao heard this, he quickly tore the banner to cover his neck and lay down on the horse to escape. 呢 , 有 詩為證 添 噃: this|has||also| Well, there is a poem to prove it: 潼關 戰敗 望風 逃 , 孟德愴 惶脫 錦袍 。 劍 割 髭 髯 應 喪膽 , 馬超 聲價 蓋天 高 。 Tongguan|defeat|looking for an opportunity to escape|escape||panic-stricken|brocade robe|sword|cut|mustache|beard|should|lose courage|Ma Chao|reputation||high In Tongguan, defeated and fleeing, Meng De was terrified and shed his robe. The sword cut his beard, making him lose his courage, while Ma Chao's reputation soared high. 曹操 正在 狼狽 逃跑 , 聽見 後 便 馬蹄 𡃈𡃈 聲 , 佢 捩 轉頭 一望 , 原來 係 馬超 , 嘩 嚇死 嚟 咯 ! Cao Cao|is currently|in a sorry state|running away|heard|behind|then|horse hooves|clattering|sound|he|turned|his head|took a glance|it turned out|was|Ma Chao|wow|scared to death|came|particle indicating realization Cao Cao was in a desperate escape when he heard the sound of hooves behind him. He turned his head to look, and it turned out to be Ma Chao, which scared him to death! 嗰 啲 左右 護衛 將校 呢 見到 馬超 追 嚟 , 誒 呀 咪 搞 , 各顧 各 逃命 ,嚱! 竟然 擗 低 咗 曹操 喎 。 that|plural marker|around|bodyguards|military officers|this|saw|Ma Chao|chasing|coming|ah|ah|just|mess|each for himself|each|escape|wow|unexpectedly|knocked|down|past tense marker|Cao Cao|particle indicating realization The guards around him saw Ma Chao chasing after them, and they panicked, each running for their lives! They even knocked down Cao Cao. 馬超 大喝一聲 : 曹操 你 咪 走 ! Ma Chao|shouted loudly|Cao Cao|you|don't|run away Ma Chao shouted loudly: Cao Cao, don't run! 驚到 曹操 條 馬鞭 都 跌 咗 。 startled|Cao Cao|measure word for long objects|horsewhip|all|fell|past tense marker Startled, Cao Cao dropped his whip. 眼睇 住 追上 嘞 , 馬超 喺 後 便 , 舉起 支槍 就 㓤 過去 。 watching|continuously|catch up|past tense marker|Ma Chao|at|behind|then|raised|gun|then|shot|over As he watched it getting closer, Ma Chao raised his spear and charged forward. 曹操 呢 就 繞 住 樖 大樹 走 喎 , 馬超 一槍 就 㓤 咗 落 樖 樹 身處 。 Cao Cao|this|then|||big|tree|walked|particle indicating certainty|Ma Chao|one spear|then|pierced|past tense marker|down|big|tree|body Cao Cao circled around a big tree, and Ma Chao thrust his spear into the tree. 等 掹 返 支槍 出 嚟 呢 , 曹操 已經 趯 咗 好 遠 嘞 。 wait|pull|back|gun|out|here|question particle|Cao Cao|already|run|past tense marker|very|far|past action particle By the time he pulled the spear out, Cao Cao had already run quite far. 馬超 縱馬 追上去 , 只見 喺 山坡 背後 啊 有 個 將軍 衝出 嚟 , 大聲 話 : Ma Chao|riding fast|chased after|suddenly saw|at|hillside|behind|ah|there is|a|general|charged out|here|loudly|said Ma Chao rode his horse to catch up, and suddenly a general charged out from behind the hillside, shouting loudly: 咪 亂 嚟 啊 , 曹洪 在 此 啊 ! don't|mess|come|particle|Cao Hong|is|here|particle Don't mess around, Cao Hong is here! 佢 揮刀 縱馬 就 攔住 馬超 。 He|brandished his sword|rode swiftly|then|intercepted|Ma Chao He swung his sword and charged to intercept Ma Chao. 真 係 好 彩數 咯 , 曹操 執返 條命 噉 啊 畀 佢 走 甩 咗 。 ||||particle indicating realization|Cao Cao|take back|life|like that|particle indicating exclamation|let|him|||past tense particle It's really lucky, Cao Cao managed to escape with his life. 曹洪同 馬超 啊 打 到 四五十個 回合 , 啲 刀法 呢 漸漸 亂 嘞 , 而且 氣力 又 唔 夠 , 睇 白 冇 命 。 Cao Hongtong|Ma Chao|ah|fight|to|forty to fifty|rounds|the|swordsmanship|particle indicating a question|gradually|chaotic|past tense particle|and also|strength|again|not|enough|see|clearly|have not|life Cao Hong and Ma Chao fought for about forty to fifty rounds, but their swordplay gradually became chaotic, and he was running out of energy, clearly in danger. 咁 啱 夏侯淵 呢 , 就 帶 住 幾十個 馬 軍 趕到 嚟 。 then|just|Xiahouyuan|question particle|then|||dozens of|horses|soldiers|rushed to|here Just then, Xiahou Yuan arrived with dozens of cavalry. 馬超 睇 下 , 嗯 , 就 係 得 自己 一個 , 就怕領 嘢 喎 , 就 撥轉 馬頭 返扯 嘞 。 Ma Chao|look|down|hmm|then|is|only|by himself|one||things|particle|then|turning|horse's head|back to pull|particle Ma Chao looked around, hmm, it was just himself, afraid of being caught, so he turned the horse's head back. 夏侯淵 呢 亦 唔 去 追 。 Xiahou Yuan|this|also|not|go|chase Xiahou Yuan also did not pursue. 曹操 返到 營寨 。 Cao Cao|returned to|camp Cao Cao returned to the camp. 因為 有 曹 仁 喺 處死 死 噉 據守 住 大本營 , 因此 兵馬 個 損失 呢 都 唔 係 幾大 。 because|has|Cao|Ren|at|execution|death|like this|defending|continuously|base|therefore|troops|measure word|loss|this|also|not|is|very significant Because Cao Ren was stationed at the main camp, the losses in troops were not significant. 曹操 返到 入 去 中軍帳 啊 好 感慨 噉 話 喇 : Cao Cao|returned to|enter|go|central army tent|ah|very|emotional|like that|said|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao entered the central army tent and said with emotion: 啊 , 我 如果 殺 咗 曹洪 呢 , 今日 就 實死 無疑 㗎 喇 。 ah|I|if|||Cao Hong|question particle|today|then|certain death|without a doubt|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Ah, if I kill Cao Hong, then today I will undoubtedly die. 於是 就 叫 曹洪 嚟 , 重重 咁 賞賜 佢 。 then|immediately|called|Cao Hong|over|heavily|so|rewarded|him So I called Cao Hong over and heavily rewarded him. 從此 呢 , 曹操 啊 收拾 敗兵 , 堅守 營寨 , 加強 防禦 就 唔 準 出戰 。 from then on|particle indicating a question|Cao Cao|ah|to deal with|defeated soldiers|to firmly defend|camp|to strengthen|defense|then|not|allowed|to go into battle From then on, Cao Cao gathered the defeated soldiers, firmly held the camp, and strengthened the defenses, prohibiting any battles. 馬超 每日 都 帶兵 嚟 到 寨 前 辱罵 挑戰 , 曹操 傳令 落 去 , 叫 大家 一 於 堅守 , 亂動 嘅 斬 ! Ma Chao|every day|all|lead troops|||camp|in front of|insult|challenge|Cao Cao|send orders|||ordered|everyone|||to hold their ground|moving recklessly|(possessive particle)|be executed Every day, Ma Chao brought troops to the front of the camp to insult and challenge, and Cao Cao issued orders for everyone to hold their ground; anyone who moved recklessly would be executed! 有 一日 , 曹操 同一 班 將領 喺 度 議論 點樣 同 馬超 打 。 there is|one day|Cao Cao|||generals|at|place|discuss|how|with|Ma Chao|fight One day, Cao Cao and a group of generals were discussing how to fight against Ma Chao. 啲 將領 都 話 喇 : 西涼兵 都 係 使 長槍 , 我 哋 用 弓箭 嚟 對付 佢 哋 就 啱 嘞 。 plural marker|generals|all|said|sentence-final particle|Xiliang soldiers|all|are|use|spears|we|plural marker|use|bows and arrows|to|deal with|they|plural marker|then|right|sentence-final particle The generals all said: The Xiliang soldiers also use long spears, so it's just right for us to use bows and arrows to deal with them. 曹操 話 : 戰與 不戰 , 全 在於 我 , 唔 在於 賊兵 。 Cao Cao|said|fighting and|not fighting|completely|depends on|me|not|depends on|enemy soldiers Cao Cao said: Whether to fight or not depends entirely on me, not on the enemy soldiers. 賊兵 雖然 用 長槍 , 唔 通 佢 哋 要 刺 就 刺 嘞 咩 ? bandit soldiers|although|use|spear|not|able to|they|plural marker|want|stab|then|stab|past tense marker|question particle Although the enemy soldiers use long spears, does that mean they can just stab us? 各位 , 即管 緊守 營寨 睇 住 嚟 啦 , 賊兵 自然 會 退走 㗎 喇 。 everyone|right away|tightly guard|camp|||coming|particle indicating action|bandits|naturally|will|retreat|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Everyone, just keep guarding the camp and watch closely, the enemy soldiers will naturally retreat. 會議 完 咗 之後 , 嗰 啲 將領 都 喺 背後 靜靜 議論 嘞 : meeting|finished|past tense marker|after|that|plural marker|generals|all|at|behind|quietly|discussing|past action marker After the meeting was over, those generals quietly discussed behind the scenes: 啊 , 丞相 從來 征戰 , 都 係 一馬當先 嘅 。 ah|Prime Minister|always|in battle|all|is|the first to charge|particle indicating possession or description Ah, the Prime Minister has always led the charge in battle. 呢 次敗 於 馬超 手下 , 點解 一下 變得 咁 軟弱 嘅 呢 嚱? this||by|Ma Chao|subordinate|why|suddenly|became|so|weak|question particle|this|person Why has he suddenly become so weak after being defeated by Ma Chao? 過 咗 幾日 , 偵察 人員 嚟 報告 話 : 馬超 又 增加 咗 兩萬名 生力軍 嚟 助戰 , 都 係 羌 人 部落 。 passed|past tense marker|several days|reconnaissance|personnel|came|report|said|Ma Chao|again|increased|past tense marker|20000|fresh troops|came|to assist in battle|all|are|Qiang|people|tribe A few days later, the scouts reported that Ma Chao has added another 20,000 fresh troops to assist in the battle, all from the Qiang tribes. 哦 ? 好極 喇 ! oh|extremely good|particle indicating completed action Oh? That's great! 曹操 好 歡喜 噃。 Cao Cao|very|happy|particle indicating exclamation or affirmation Cao Cao is very pleased. 奇怪 啦 嗰 班 將領 都問 嘞 : 馬超 增加 咗 兵力 , 丞相 反而 覺得 高興 啊 , 點解 呢 丞相 ? strange|sentence-final particle|that|classifier for groups|generals||past tense marker|Ma Chao|increased|past tense marker|troop strength|prime minister|on the contrary|felt|happy|exclamatory particle|why|question particle|prime minister It's strange, those generals are all asking: Ma Chao has increased his troops, yet the Prime Minister is actually happy about it. Why is that, Prime Minister?

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