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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 086

而家 講下 劉備 嘅 軍隊 誒 駐 扎 喺 雒 城 吖 。 呢 一日 , 同法 正 送信 去 畀 劉 璋 嘅 使者 就 返 嚟 話 : 鄭度 啊 勸 劉璋 , 將 各地 嘅 糧倉 , 同埋 田地 上面 嘅 稻谷 啊 , 全部 放火燒 清光 ; 又 話 要將 巴西 地區 嘅 百姓 ,冚𠾴唥 遷 去 涪 水 以西 ; 準備 建築 好多好多 防禦工事 , 實行 死守 , 唔 同漢 軍 交戰 啊 噉 。 劉備 、 孔明聽 咗 都 吃 咗 一驚話 : 啊 , 如果 劉璋 照 噉 樣辦 , 我們 就 危險 嘞 噃。 法 正話 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 , 主公 唔 使 擔心 嘅 , 呢 條計 雖然 夠晒 毒辣 喇 , 之 劉璋 必定 唔 會 採用 嘅 。 果然 喎 , 過 咗 幾日 , 就 接到 消息 話 劉璋 呢 冇 聽 鄭 度 嘅 說話 , 唔 肯 逳 動 啲 百姓 呀 。 吖 , 噉 劉備 個心 呢 就 定 返 嘞 。 嗯 , 夜長夢多 。 孔明 就 話 : 我 哋 要 盡快 進兵 去 奪取 綿竹 , 一 得到 綿竹 , 成都 就 容易 攞 佢 嘞 。 於是 下令 派 黃忠 、 魏延 帶兵 出發 。 噉 當時 守衛 綿竹 城 嘅 , 係 劉 璋 嘅 舅 仔 費 觀 啦 。 佢 知道 劉備兵 到 , 就 派 李嚴 帶 三千 人馬 出去 迎戰 。 噉 雙方 都 各自 佈 好 陣勢 嘞 。 黃忠 出馬 同 李嚴 大戰 咗 四五十個 回合 , 不 分 勝敗 。 孔明 見到 噉 樣 , 就 吩咐 打鑼 收兵 。 黃忠 返到 嚟 就問 嘞 : 軍師 , 我 正 係 要 生擒 李嚴 , 點解 要 收兵 呢 ? 孔明 話 : 剛才 我 睇 到 李 嚴 嘅 武藝 , 同 佢 硬打 硬 唔 係 辦法 。 聽日 , 再 打 嘅 時候 呢 , 黃 將軍 你 就 詐敗 , 引 佢 追 去 山谷 , 喺 嗰 度 , 我出 奇兵 嚟 打贏 佢 。 黃忠 就 遵命 嘞 。 第 日 , 李嚴 又 帶兵 嚟 , 黃忠 啊 再次 出戰 。 打 咗 十個 回合 左右 , 黃忠 虛晃 一刀 就 詐 諦 唔 夠打 , 撥轉 馬頭 帶兵 就 走 。 李嚴 追殺 過去 啦 , 一路 追 啊 追 啊 , 追到 入 去 山谷 。 哎呀 ! 唔 得 ! 李嚴 突然 醒水 , 正話 想返 轉頭 , 點知 魏延 已經 喺 前面 擺開 兵馬 。 嘿 噉 都 仲 唔 止 噃, 原來 孔明 啊 佔據 住 山頭 , 喺 上 便 大聲 噉 嗌 李嚴 話 : 李將軍 , 我話 你 聽 , 喺 呢 度 兩 便 , 我 已經 埋伏 好 弓箭手 㗎 喇 。 你 如果 仲 唔 投降 , 我 就要 同 龐士元 軍師 報仇 㗎 喇 ! 嘩 , 誒 噉 不得了 , 李嚴 慌忙 落馬 , 解開 護身 鐵甲 , 一 於 投降 。 噉 就 好彩 喇 , 佢 手下 嘅 兵卒 啊 , 一個 都 冇 傷害 到 。 收 咗 兵 之後 , 孔明 帶 李嚴 去 見 劉備 。 劉備 啊 待 佢 非常 之好 咯 。 李嚴 話 : 費觀 雖然 係 劉 璋 嘅 親戚 , 之 佢 同 我 嘅 交情 , 非常 密切 , 等 小將 去 說服 佢 嚟 投降 啦 。 劉備 好 信任 李嚴 , 即刻 就 叫 佢 返 去 綿竹 城 , 招降 費觀 。 李嚴入 咗 城 見到 費觀 , 主要 同 佢 講 咗 兩點 : 一 , 就 係 大 讚 劉備 啊 , 講 劉備 點樣 點樣 仁德 ; 第二 , 就 反 復 講明 利害 , 今日 唔 投降 呀 後果 就 不堪設想 喇 噉 。 嘿 , 真 係 講掂晒 費觀 , 大開 城門 實行 投降 喇 , 噉 就 妥 晒 啦 。 劉備 得 咗 綿竹 城 之後 , 立即 就 商量 組織 兵力 去 攻打 成都 。 點 知道 流星 馬 送 嚟 緊急 報告 , 話 東川 張魯 就 派 咗 馬超 同 楊柏 、 馬岱 , 帶兵 去 攻打 葭 萌關 。 孟達 、 霍峻 頂 唔 住 , 如果 仲 唔 快 啲 派兵 去 救 呢 , 葭 萌關 就 冇 㗎 喇 噉 。 哦 嘿 , 嚇驚 劉備 啦 ! 孔明 話 : 要 同 馬超 交鋒 , 必須 翼德 同子 龍 兩位 將軍 去 至 得 啊 。 係 啊 , 子龍 而家 帶兵 喺 外 便 未曾 返 嚟 。 翼 德 喺 處 , 噉 軍師 快 啲 派 佢 去 先 啦 。 主公 , 等陣 你 乜嘢 都 唔 使講 , 等 我 嚟 激 佢 去 啦 。 話口 未 完 , 張飛 張三爺 到 嘞 。 佢 亦 聽 講話 馬超 正在 攻打 葭 萌關 , 佢 周身 都 㷫 晒 , 噔 噔 聲行 到 入 嚟 話 : 大哥 , 快 啲 派 我 去 打 馬超 啦 ! 孔明 詐 諦聽 唔 見 , 佢 同 劉備 話 : 而家 馬超 侵犯 葭 萌關 , 唉 , 冇 人 打 得 佢 過 㗎 。 除非 返去 荊州 叫 關雲長 嚟 啦 , 噉 就 可以 同 佢 打 過 喇 。 軍師 , 你 點解 咁 睇 小 我 ? 你 唔 記得 喇 ? 我 單槍匹馬 , 就 頂住 曹操 百萬 大軍 啦 嘛 , 馬超 都 使 愁 嘅 咩 ! 翼德 , 你 當時 守住 河邊 拆斷 道橋 , 嚇 窒 咗 曹操 。 嘿嘿嘿 , 呢 啲 都 係 因為 曹操 唔 知 你 嘅 虛實 啫 。 如果 佢 知道 咗 虛實 呀 , 你 就 冇 咁 容易 喇 。 馬超 嘅 英勇 天下 皆知 , 渭橋 六戰 啊 殺 到 曹操 割 鬚 棄 袍 幾乎 冇 命 。 馬超 絕非 等閒之輩 啊 , 就算 雲長 嚟 都 未必 一定 贏 㗎 。 嘿 ! 軍師 , 你 咪 一味 長 他人 志氣 滅 自己 威風 ! 我而家 就 去 , 如果 打 唔 贏 馬超 , 我 甘受 軍法 處分 ! 噉 就 請 張將軍 你立 一張 軍令狀 啦 。 得到 極啦 ! 張飛 即刻 立 咗 一張 軍令狀 。 孔明 話 : 好好 好 , 你 既然 立 咗 狀 , 我 就 派 你 做 先鋒 啦 ! 跟 住 孔明 又 對 劉備 話 喇 : 主公 , 要 請 你 親自 去行 一趟 至 得 。 我 呢 就 留 喺 呢 度 守衛 綿竹 嘞 , 等子 龍返 嚟 之後 再作 安排 啦 。 魏延 就 話 : 我 都 想 去 啊 軍師 。 好 啦 。 於是 孔明 命令 魏延帶 五百名 哨 馬行 先 , 張飛 行 第二 , 劉備 押後 就 出發 去 葭 萌關 嘞 。 好 喇 , 呢 一日 , 魏 延 嘅 先頭部隊 就 嚟 到 葭 萌關 下 , 正好 遇着 楊柏 , 噉 兩個 就 打起 上 嚟 。 未到 十個 回合 , 楊柏 就 輸 咗 走 人 。 魏延要 搶 張飛 嘅 頭功 喎 冇 理 咁 多 就 乘勝追擊 啦 。 但 係 前 便 有 一彪 軍馬 , 擺開陣勢 , 當前 一員 勇將 乃 係 馬岱 。 魏延 就 唔 識 佢 嘅 噃, 仲 估 佢 就 係 馬超 添 , 於是 舞馬躍刀 就 迎上去 就 打 啦 。 打 咗 唔 到 十個 回合 , 馬岱 唔 係 手腳 , 走人 嘞 喎 。 哈哈 魏延以 為 呢 次 呀 立功 機會 到 喇 , 拍馬 追上去 。 點知 畀 馬岱 回身 一箭 , 射中 隻 左手 , 哎呀 ! 魏延 急急 回馬 就 走 。 呢 趟 就 輪 到 馬岱 追喇 , 一直 追到 葭 萌關 前 , 嘿 冇 事 , 張飛 嚟 到 喇 。 佢 打雷 噉 大喝一聲 : 文長 唔 使 驚 ! 我 嚟 救 你 ! 張飛 等 魏延快 馬 跑過 之後 , 就 將支 長矛 打橫 一攔 , 喝 馬岱 話 : 你 係 邊個 啊 ? 報上 姓名 , 然後 再 嚟 殺過 ! 我 就 係 西涼 馬岱 啊 ! 嗯 ? 你 原來 唔 係 馬超 , 快快 返去 , 你 唔 係 我 對手 , 你 返 去 嗌 馬超 自己 嚟 ! 你 話 , 燕人 張飛 喺 度 ! 呸 ! 你 敢 睇 小 我 ? 看槍 ! 馬岱 嬲 起 嚟 , 躍馬 上前 對住 張飛 一槍 就 㨃 過去 。 張飛 用 丈八蛇矛 一撥 , 噉 兩個 就 打起 上 嚟 。 又 打 咗 唔 夠 十個 回合 , 馬岱 打輸 就 逃走 嘞 。 張飛 正話 想 追住 去 嘅 時候 , 劉備 就 已經 由 關上 跑馬 落 嚟 , 大聲 噉 嗌: 三弟 唔 好 追 喇 , 唔 好 追 喇 ! 噉 張飛 就 唔 追 , 收 咗 兵 , 同 劉備 一齊 上 關 。 劉備 話 : 我怕 你 性急 , 所以 我 跟 住 尾 嚟 。 先頭 你 既然 贏 咗 馬岱 咯 , 就 休息 一晚 先 , 聽日 出戰 馬超 。 好 ! 第朝 早 , 啱 啱 天光 唧 , 只 聽見 關外 嘅 戰 鼓聲 呀 , 震天動地 , 馬超 帶兵 到 嘞 。 劉備 喺 關上 望落 去 , 只見 門旗 一開 , 馬超 手執 長槍 縱馬 而 出 。 佢 着 住 白袍 銀甲 , 獅盔 獸 帶 , 嘩 嗨 ! 一來 呢 , 佢 個 裝束 非凡 啊 ; 二來 就 確係 人才 出眾 。 劉備 忍 唔 住 讚 佢 話 : 啊 , 人人 都 話 錦 馬超 , 真 係 名不虛傳 啊 ! 張飛 亦 忍 唔 住 嘞 , 即刻 就要 出去 打 過 。 劉備 啊 阻止 佢 : 三弟 , 唔 好 出去 打住 , 應該 避一避 佢 嘅 銳氣 先喇 。 張飛 就 唯有 忍住 氣 係 啦 。 噉 馬超 喺 關 下 就 指名道姓 , 單單 係 嘍 張飛 出馬 。 張飛 喺 關上 摩拳擦掌 , 恨不得 呀 一 啖 就 吞 咗 馬超 落肚 。 但 係 三番五次 都 畀 劉備 撳住 。 好 喇 , 過 咗 中午 嘞 , 劉備 望見 馬超 陣 上 嘅 人馬 都 疲倦 喇 , 就 挑選 咗 五百名 馬 軍 , 跟 住 張飛 。 沊沊沊 一聲 鼓響 , 打開 城門 。 喎 嗬 衝呀 ! 噉 啊 衝落關 嚟 咯 喎 。 馬超 見到 張飛 兵馬 衝 到 , 用 支槍 向後便 一招 , 指揮 軍隊 退後 一百 幾廿步 。 張飛 亦將 人馬 閘住 , 噉 關上 嘅 人馬 陸陸續續 噉 落 嚟 。 張飛 威風凜凜 , 挺起 長矛 縱 馬上 前 大聲 噉 話 : 認 唔 認得 我燕人 張翼德 啊 ! 馬超 話 : 呸 ! 我家 屢世 公侯 , 唔 識 你 啲 鄉下佬 啊 ! 激到 張飛 爆火 喇 噉 就 兩馬 齊出 , 雙槍 並舉 , 一來一去 啊 大概 打 咗 百 幾個 回合 , 不分勝負 。 劉備 話 喇 : 吓 ! 真 係 虎將 啊 ! 佢 怕 張飛 吃虧 , 就 命令 打鑼 收兵 。 噉 張飛 、 馬超 呢 就 各自 回陣 嘞 。 張飛 返到 本陣 , 主要 呢 , 係 等 隻 馬 休息 下 。 然後 就 除 咗 頂 頭盔 , 淨 係 包住 條頭 巾 啊 就 上馬 衝出去 嘍 馬超 再 嚟 打過 。 兩個 人 於是 又 惡戰 一場 。 劉備 啊 怕 張飛 唔 夠打 , 着 齊 盔甲 , 全副武裝 啊 親自 下關 嚟 到 陣前 睇 到實 。 只見 張飛 同 馬超 又 試 打 咗 百 幾個 回合 啊 , 越 打越 精神 喎 。 劉備 又 叫 人 打鑼 收兵 , 噉 又 各回 本陣 啦 。 當時 就 已經 好 晏 嘞 , 個天 亦 開始 黑 。 劉備 就 對 張飛 話 : 馬超 非常 英勇 , 唔 好 輕敵 啊 。 誒 我 哋 返去 關先 , 聽日 再 嚟 打過 啦 。 唔 得 ! 我 死 都 唔 返 上去 ! 都 天黑 喇三弟 , 唔 能夠 再 打 喇 ! 叫 人點 多 啲 火把 , 安排 夜戰 ! 呢 個 時候 , 馬超 換過 匹馬 跑 到 嚟 陣前 大聲 噉 嗌: 張飛 , 你 敢 唔 敢 夜戰 啊 ! 張飛 發起 威 嚟 , 同 劉備 換 咗 匹馬 ,𡃈𡃈 聲飆 出去 陣前 : 我 捉 你 唔 到 誓 不 上關 ! 我贏 你 唔 到 呀 誓 不 回寨 啊 ! 嗬 ! 兩 便 嘅 軍隊 大聲 吶喊 , 點起 無數 咁 多 火把 就 照到 好似 日頭 咁 光猛 。 張飛 、 馬超 , 第三次 又 嚟 打過 。 打到 廿 零個 回合 , 馬超 突然 撥轉 馬頭 就 走 噃。 你 想走去 邊 ? 張飛 就 追住 過去 。 係 唔 係 馬超 唔 夠打 呢 ? 唔 係 啊 。 原來 馬超 啊 見贏 唔 到 張飛 , 噉 啊 心生 一計 , 詐諦 打輸 就 氹 張飛 嚟 追 佢 。 然後 暗中 攞 出 個 銅錘 喺 手 嚟 , 啪 噉 打 過去 。 張飛 個人 雖然 魯莽 啊 , 但 係 打起 仗 嚟 仲 係 好 醒定 㗎 吓 。 佢 見到 馬超 走 呢 個 心 已經 因住 㗎 喇 。 所以 等到 馬超 個 銅錘 打 嚟 嘅 時候 , 張飛 一閃 , 個 銅錘 拂 聲 喺 耳 仔 旁邊 飛 咗 過去 。 張飛 趁勢 勒馬 跑 返 轉頭 , 嘿 , 馬超 又 嚟 追 佢 嘞 喎 。 張飛 亦 有 計 嘅 , 佢 跑 咗 幾步 , 一帶 住 馬 , 拈弓 搭 箭 ,𠻘 聲一箭 , 就 對 住 馬超 射過去 。 馬超 一扭個 身 , 閃開 咗 , 噉 兩員 勇將 就 各自 回陣 。 劉備 大聲 噉 嗌: 我以 仁義 待人 , 唔 用 陰謀詭計 嘅 。 馬 將軍 , 你 即管 收兵 休息 啦 , 我 唔 會 趁勢 追 你 嘅 ! 馬超 聽 劉備 噉 講 , 就 親自 押後 收兵 回寨 。 劉備 呢 亦 都 收兵 上關 嘞 。 到 咗 第日 , 張飛 正 係 想 下關 去 再戰 馬超 。 孔明 嚟 到 , 彼此 見過面 行過禮 , 就 喺 大堂 坐落 。 孔明 話 : 馬超 係 當代 嘅 虎將 , 如果 同翼德 死戰 就 必有一傷 。 我 故此 叫 趙雲 、 黃忠 守住 綿竹 , 自己 就 趕 嚟 呢 處 喇 。 等 我 用 條計 仔 , 包 馬超 要 投降 主公 嘅 。 啊 噉 就 好 極喇好 極喇 ! 我 見到 馬超 咁 英勇 , 個心 非常 之 喜歡 佢 啊 。 係 咯 軍師 , 點先 至 得 佢 投降 過 嚟 呢 ? 我 聽講 張魯 早就 想 做 漢寧王 嘞 , 我 哋 就 利用 佢 呢 一點 。 張魯 手下 有個 謀士 叫做 楊松 , 係 極之 貪財 嘅 。 主公 你 就 派 個 使者 , 由 小路 趕 去 漢中 , 首先 啊 送 啲 金銀珠寶 畀 楊松 買通 佢 先 , 然後 再 去 見 張魯 。 話 我 哋 同 劉璋 爭奪 西川 , 係 同 你 報仇 嘅 啫 。 唔 好 信人 哋 講 嗰 啲 離間 嘅 說話 。 事情 成功 之後 , 一定 向 皇上 保奏 你 做 漢寧王 嘅 噉 。 噉 啊 請 張魯 撤回 馬超 嘅 兵馬 。 等到 佢 撤兵 嘅 時候 , 我 就 可以 用計 使 到 馬超 投降 主公 㗎 喇 。 劉備 就 高興 到極 , 即時 寫 好 封信 , 派 孫乾帶 住 啲 金銀珠寶 , 由 小路 趕 去 漢中 。 孫乾 一去 到 , 首先 就 去 見 楊松 , 送 咗 禮物 就 說明 來意 。 楊松 見錢眼開 , 乜 都 話 得 啊 , 即刻 就 帶 孫乾去 見 張魯 嘞 噃。 孫乾 呈 上 劉備 嘅 書信 。 張魯睇 完信 就 話 嘞 : 玄德 不過 係 左 將軍 唧 , 佢 點 有 資格 保 我 做 漢寧王 啊 ? 楊松話 喇 : 佢 係 大漢 皇叔 嚟 噃, 佢 向 皇上 保奏 係 最 啱 㗎 啦 。 哈哈 , 劉備 送 嗰 啲 金銀珠寶 真 係 起 作用 。 楊松 呢 句 說話 講到 張魯 滿心歡喜 , 答應 咗 劉備 嘅 要求 , 派 人 去 通知 馬超 撤兵 。 孫乾 呢 , 就 留 喺 楊 松 屋企 等候 消息 。 過 咗 幾日 , 張魯派 去 嘅 使者 返 嚟 回報 話 : 馬超 講 , 未 打敗 劉備 唔 好 退兵 喎 噉 。 張魯 啊 再次 派 人 去 叫 佢 返 嚟 , 又 唔 肯返 。 連氣 去 咗 三次 , 馬超 都 唔 撤兵 返 嚟 。 楊松 諗 嘞 此人 素來 唔 講信用 喎 , 連叫 三次 都 唔 肯 收兵 返 嚟 , 哼 , 實 係 想作 反定 喇 。 於是 楊松 暗中 派 人 啊 四圍 去 散佈 謠言 , 話 馬超 啊 , 佢 想 去 奪取 咗 西川 ,攞 到 個 地盤 , 自己 嚟 做 西 蜀 之主 。 然後 同 佢 父親 報仇 , 佢 唔 肯 服 張 魯 管 㗎 。 呢 啲 謠言 就 好 快 傳 咗 入 張魯耳仔 。 張魯 就 搵 楊松 嚟 商量 , 問有 咩 辦法 搞掂 馬超 呢 。 楊松話 嘞 : 有 辦法 有 辦法 嘅 。 一方面 , 主公 你 又 派 人 去講 畀 馬超 聽 , 話 畀 佢 一個月 期限 , 要 佢 做 妥 三件 事 , 做 妥 喇 就 有賞 , 否則 就 殺頭 。 一 , 要 奪取 到 西川 ; 二 , 要 攞 劉 璋 個人 頭 ; 三 就要 打退 荊州 兵 。 三件 事 做 唔 成 , 就 叫 佢 獻 自己 嘅 人頭 嚟 啦 噉 。 另 方面 呢 , 主公 你 就 命令 張衛點 齊 人馬 , 嚴守 關隘 , 提防 馬超 兵變 就 係 喇 。 張魯聽 晒 佢 嘅 , 派 人 去 馬超 嗰 度 將 嗰 三件 事 講 佢 聽 。 啊 , 馬超 佢 就 驚起 上 嚟 話 喇 : 哎 , 點解 一下 會 變得 噉 樣 嘅 呢 ? 冇 辦法 啦 , 就 同 馬岱 商量 就 不如 收兵 返去 啦 噉 。 點知 楊松 又 散播謠言 話 喇 : 馬超 收兵 返 嚟 呀 個 心實 係 想 圖謀不軌 㗎 。 於是 張衛 分兵 七路 , 堅守 關隘 , 唔 肯放 馬超 一兵一卒 入 嚟 。 唉 , 馬超 真 係 搞 到 進退兩難 就 無計可施 咯 。 孔明 了解 到 情況 , 見到 係 時候 喇 , 就 同 劉備 話 喇 : 而家 , 馬超 正在 進退兩難 , 等 我 親自 去 馬超 嗰 度 , 用 我 三寸不爛之舌 , 說 馬超 嚟 投降 啦 。 啊 , 噉 點得 啊 點得 啊 , 先生 你 係 我 股肱 心腹 嚟 , 我 靠 晒 你 㗎 喇 軍師 。 萬一 有 啲 三長兩短 如之奈何 啊 ? 唔 去 得 㗎 ! 孔明 堅決 要 去 , 之 劉備 啊點 都 唔 同意 。 正 喺 度 躊躇 緊 , 衛士 入 嚟 報告 話 趙雲 寫 咗 封信 , 介紹 西川 一個 人 嚟 投降 噉 。 劉備 啊 請 佢 入 嚟 見面 。 呢 個人 啊 叫做 李恢 。 劉備 又 問 佢 : 往日 , 聽講 先生 你 苦苦 噉 勸諫 劉璋 唔 好 畀 我入 西川 。 而家 , 因乜事 又 要 嚟 歸降 我 呢 ? 劉將軍 , 古語 有話 : 良禽擇木 而棲 , 賢臣 擇主而事 。 往日 , 我 之所以 勸諫 劉益州 , 乃 係 盡人臣 之心 啊 。 既然 唔 聽 我 勸 , 我 知道 佢 必定 要 失敗 㗎 喇 。 而家 劉將軍 你 嘅 德政 遍佈 於 西 蜀 , 你 必定 成功 嘅 , 故此 我 就 嚟 歸降 將軍 你 。 哦 , 歡迎 歡迎 啊 ! 誒 先生 你 呢 次 嚟 , 必定 能夠 幫助 我 嘅 。 我 聽講 馬超 , 目前 正 係 進退兩難 , 我 以前 喺 隴西 嘅 時候 , 同 佢 有 一面之交 。 我 呀 想 去 說服 馬超 嚟 投降 , 劉將軍 你 意下如何 呢 ? 孔明 一聽 就 非常高興 , 佢 話 : 好極 喇 ! 我 正 係 想 搵 個人 代替 我 去一趟 。 誒 , 我 想 知道 一下 , 先生 打算 點樣 同 馬超 講呢 ? 李恢 啊 就 喺 孔明 嘅 耳 仔 邊 , 細細 聲話 , 如此 如此這般 這般 噉 。 孔明 好 歡喜 一味 岌頭 , 立即 就 派 李恢去 。 李恢去 到 馬超 嘅 營寨 , 當然 係 請 守門 嘅 衛士 通報 姓名 入去 啦 。 馬超 一聽 就 話 喇 : 哼哼 , 李恢 此人 能言善辯 , 今日 嚟 實 係 想 嚟 說 我 嘅 ! 於是 叫 咗 二十名 刀斧手 入 嚟 , 要 佢 哋 隱蔽 喺 中軍帳 裏 便 , 吩咐 佢 哋 話 : 等陣 叫 你 哋 斬 , 你 哋 就 將李 恢斬成 肉醬 啦 ! 嘩 , 嘿 厲害 啊 。 佈置 好 喇 , 馬超 就 叫 人 請 李恢入 嚟 。 冇 幾耐 , 李恢昂 昂然 噉 行入 嚟 。 馬超 就 好 威嚴 噉 坐響 處 逳 都 唔 逳, 佢 喝 李 超 話 : 你 嚟 做 咩 嘢 ! 我 特意 嚟 做 說客 㗎 。 啱 嘞 , 我 把 寶劍 新新磨 好 , 有 咩 說話 你 即 管講 嚟 聽 下 , 講得 有 道理 就 由 自可 ; 講得 冇 道理 , 就 請 你 試下 把 劍 啦 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 馬 將軍 呀 , 你 就 快 有場 大禍 喇 。 我怕 你 新 磨 嗰 把 劍 , 都 未 嚟 得 及試 我 個頭 , 你 自己 就要 試先 咯 。 我 有 咩 嘢 大禍 啊 ? 噉 請 將軍 你 聽 我 慢慢 講 : 越國 嘅 西施 , 即使 係 一個 好會講 壞話 嘅 人 亦 冇 辦法 抹殺 佢 嘅 美貌 ; 齊國 嘅 鐘 無 艷 就算 係 一個 極會 讚美 嘅 人 啊 , 亦 冇 辦法 掩飾 佢 嘅 醜樣 。 太陽升 到 中天 , 就 開始 偏西 嘞 。 月光 到 咗 最圓 嘅 時候 呢 就 開始 損缺 嘞 噃, 呢 個 乃 係 天下 間 嘅 常理 嚟 。 今日 , 將軍 你 同 曹操 有 殺 父之仇 , 同 隴西 又 有 切齒 之恨 。 前 不能 救 劉璋 而 退 荊州 之兵 , 後 又 不能 制服 楊松 而 見 張魯之 面 啊 。 目前 將軍 你 四海 難容 一身 無 主 , 若果 再有 一次 渭橋 或者 冀城 噉 嘅 失敗 , 仲有 乜嘢 面目 見 天下 之人 啊 ! 馬 將軍 , 呢 個 道理 亦 係 好 顯淺 㗎 咋 。 一番 說話 , 講到 馬超 驚心動魄 , 即刻 起身 對住 李恢 叩頭 行禮 多謝 佢 話 : 啊 , 先生 嘅 說話 講得 好 啱 , 但 係 , 但 係 我 冇 路 好行 啊 。 將軍 既然 肯 聽 我 講 嘅 說話 , 點解 中軍帳 內 又 要 埋伏 刀斧手 呢 ? 誒 呀 , 搞 到 馬超 呀 面 都 紅晒 , 即刻 喝 走 佢 哋 。 李恢 又 話 : 劉皇叔 禮賢下士 , 極之 重視 人才 , 我 睇 佢 必定會 成功 , 故此 我 就 離開 劉璋 而 歸降 佢 。 將軍 嘅 令尊 , 往年 曾經 同 劉皇叔 約 好 一齊 討伐 逆賊 嘅 。 將軍 今日 為 咩 嘢 唔 棄暗投明 , 搵 個 機會 上 報父仇 , 下 立功 名 呢 ? 多謝 先生 指教 ! 馬超 立即 叫 楊柏入 嚟 , 楊柏 就 係 張魯派 嚟 做 監軍 嗰 個 嘞 。 一劍 就 殺 咗 佢 , 噉 啊 帶 住 佢 嘅 首級 , 跟 李恢 一齊 上關 嚟 投降 劉備 。 劉備 真 係 高興 到 極咯 , 親自 迎接 佢 入 嚟 大堂 , 當作 係 上賓 噉 接待 。 馬超 呢 確係 真心 歸順 , 佢 叩頭 行禮 話 : 今日 遇着 明主 , 就 好似 撥開 雲霧 得 見 青天 啊 ! 呢 個 時候 , 孫乾 就 已經 喺 漢中 返到 嚟 。 劉備 仍然 任命 霍峻 、 孟達 兩個 守衛 葭 萌關 , 安排 好 之後 呢 , 就 率領 兵馬 , 準備 去 奪取 成都 。 劉備 佢 哋 首先 返去 綿竹 , 同 趙雲 、 黃忠 會合 。 呢 一日 , 西蜀嘅劉晙 同 馬 漢 兩個 將軍 帶兵 嚟 到 。 趙雲 話 嘞 : 等 我 去 捉 呢 兩個 人 。 講完 就 上馬 帶兵 出 城 。 劉備 啊 吩咐 喺 城樓 上 便 擺酒 嚟 款待 馬超 。 嘿 , 啱 啱 開好 枱 都 未曾 入席 唔 , 趙雲 已經 斬 咗 劉晙 、 馬 漢 兩個 人頭 獻上 嚟 。 馬超 雖則 係 英勇 啊 , 見到 趙雲 咁 本事 亦 都 好 驚奇 , 就 更加 敬重 趙雲 。 馬超 同 劉備 話 嘞 : 唔 使 主公 你 興師 動眾 去 廝殺 , 等 我 去 叫 劉璋 出 嚟 投降 啦 。 如果 佢 唔 肯 投降 , 噉 我 就 同細 佬 馬岱 去 攞 成都 , 雙手 奉獻 畀 主公 你 。 好 啊 好 啊 ! 劉備 啊 歡喜 到 眉開眼笑 。 噉 呢 餐酒 呢 就 飲得 格外 高興 喇 。 而家 講下 劉璋 , 佢 聽到 嗰 啲 逃跑 返 嚟 益州 嘅 敗兵 講 嘅 情形 呀 嚇 到 佢 失魂 。 唯一 嘅 辦法 , 就 係 緊閉 城門 唔 出去 嘞 。 及至 聽到 報告 話 馬超 嘅 救兵 嚟 到 城北 嘞 噉 , 佢 先 至 敢 行 上 城樓 望下 。 當時 馬超 、 馬岱 喺 城下 大聲 噉 嗌: 請 劉季玉 出 嚟 答話 ! 劉璋 就 企 喺 城樓 上 便 , 問 佢 有 咩 嘢 事 啊 講 啦 噉 。 馬超 用條 馬鞭 嚟 指住 劉璋 話 : 我 本來 率領 張 魯 嘅 軍隊 嚟 救 益州 嘅 , 誰知 道 張魯聽 咗 楊 松 嘅 壞話 , 反而 要害 我 ! 而家 , 我 已經 歸降 劉皇叔 喇 ! 將軍 你 快 啲 獻 地 投降 , 免致 生靈 受苦 。 如果 你 執迷不悟 , 我 就 攻城 㗎 喇 ! 哎呀 ! 哎 哎 , 哎呀 ! 當堂 嚇到 劉璋 面如土色 , 條氣 一下 頂住 噼啪 噉 成個 暈倒 𢴈 喺 地 嚟 。 噉 啊 要 知道 劉璋 肯 唔 肯 投降 啊 , 劉備 係 點樣 嚟 攞 到 成都 呢 ? 就 且 聽 下回分解 。

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而家 講下 劉備 嘅 軍隊 誒 駐 扎 喺 雒 城 吖 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei|possessive particle|army|ah|stationed|set up|at|Luo|city|particle Now let's talk about Liu Bei's army, which is stationed in Luo City. 呢 一日 , 同法 正 送信 去 畀 劉 璋 嘅 使者 就 返 嚟 話 : this|one day||Zheng|deliver letter|to|give|Liu|Zhang|possessive particle|messenger|then|||said One day, a messenger sent by Fa Zheng to Liu Zhang returned and said: 鄭度 啊 勸 劉璋 , 將 各地 嘅 糧倉 , 同埋 田地 上面 嘅 稻谷 啊 , 全部 放火燒 清光 ; Zheng Du|ah|advised|Liu Zhang|to|all regions|possessive particle|granaries|and|fields|on|possessive particle|rice|ah|all|set fire to|burn completely Zheng Du advised Liu Zhang to burn all the granaries in various places and the rice in the fields completely. 又 話 要將 巴西 地區 嘅 百姓 ,冚𠾴唥 遷 去 涪 水 以西 ; again|said||Brazil|region|possessive particle|people|all|to relocate|to|Fu|Shui|west of He also said to relocate the people in the Bashu region to the west of the Fu River. 準備 建築 好多好多 防禦工事 , 實行 死守 , 唔 同漢 軍 交戰 啊 噉 。 prepare|construction|many many|defensive works|implement|hold firmly|not||army|engage in battle|ah|like this Prepare to build many defensive structures and implement a strategy of holding out, avoiding battles with the Han army. 劉備 、 孔明聽 咗 都 吃 咗 一驚話 : 啊 , 如果 劉璋 照 噉 樣辦 , 我們 就 危險 嘞 噃。 Liu Bei||past tense marker|all|eat|past tense marker||ah|if|Liu Zhang|according to|this||we|then|dangerous|past action marker| Liu Bei and Kong Ming were shocked and said: Ah, if Liu Zhang continues like this, we will be in danger. 法 正話 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 , 主公 唔 使 擔心 嘅 , 呢 條計 雖然 夠晒 毒辣 喇 , 之 劉璋 必定 唔 會 採用 嘅 。 law|really|particle indicating completed action|hahaha|lord|not|need|worry|particle indicating possession|this||although|very|cunning|particle indicating completed action|possessive particle|Liu Zhang|definitely|not|will|adopt|particle indicating possession Fa Zheng said: Hahaha, my lord, you don't need to worry, although this plan is quite ruthless, Liu Zhang will definitely not adopt it. 果然 喎 , 過 咗 幾日 , 就 接到 消息 話 劉璋 呢 冇 聽 鄭 度 嘅 說話 , 唔 肯 逳 動 啲 百姓 呀 。 as expected|particle indicating realization|past|completed action particle|several days|then|received|news|saying|Liu Zhang|particle indicating emphasis|did not|listen|Zheng|from|possessive particle|words|not|willing|move|to|particle indicating plural|common people|particle indicating exclamation Sure enough, after a few days, news came that Liu Zhang did not listen to Zheng's words and was unwilling to disturb the common people. 吖 , 噉 劉備 個心 呢 就 定 返 嘞 。 ah|then|Liu Bei||question particle|then|settled|return|past tense particle Ah, then Liu Bei's heart was set at ease. 嗯 , 夜長夢多 。 孔明 就 話 : 我 哋 要 盡快 進兵 去 奪取 綿竹 , 一 得到 綿竹 , 成都 就 容易 攞 佢 嘞 。 hmm|long nights bring many dreams|Kongming|then|said|||must|as soon as possible|advance troops|to|capture|Mianzhu|once|obtain|Mianzhu|Chengdu|then|easily|take|it|particle indicating completed action Hmm, the night is long and dreams are many. Kong Ming said: We need to quickly advance our troops to seize Mianzhu, once we obtain Mianzhu, it will be easy to take Chengdu. 於是 下令 派 黃忠 、 魏延 帶兵 出發 。 then|ordered|to send|Huang Zhong|Wei Yan|to lead troops|to depart So he ordered Huang Zhong and Wei Yan to lead the troops out. 噉 當時 守衛 綿竹 城 嘅 , 係 劉 璋 嘅 舅 仔 費 觀 啦 。 then|at that time|guard|Mianzhu|city|possessive particle|was|Liu|Zhang|possessive particle|maternal uncle|cousin|Fei|Guan|final particle At that time, the one guarding the city of Mianzhu was Liu Zhang's cousin, Fei Guan. 佢 知道 劉備兵 到 , 就 派 李嚴 帶 三千 人馬 出去 迎戰 。 He|knows|Liu Bei's army|arrives|then|sends|Li Yan|to lead|three thousand|troops|out|to engage in battle He knew that Liu Bei's troops had arrived, so he sent Li Yan with three thousand men to meet the enemy. 噉 雙方 都 各自 佈 好 陣勢 嘞 。 then|both sides|all|each|set up|good|formation|past tense particle Thus, both sides arranged their formations. 黃忠 出馬 同 李嚴 大戰 咗 四五十個 回合 , 不 分 勝敗 。 Huang Zhong|came out|with|Li Yan|fought fiercely|past tense marker|forty to fifty|rounds|||victory or defeat Huang Zhong engaged in a fierce battle with Li Yan for about forty to fifty rounds, with no clear winner. 孔明 見到 噉 樣 , 就 吩咐 打鑼 收兵 。 Zhuge Liang|saw|like that|appearance|then|ordered|to beat the drum|retreat Kongming saw this and ordered to beat the drum to retreat. 黃忠 返到 嚟 就問 嘞 : 軍師 , 我 正 係 要 生擒 李嚴 , 點解 要 收兵 呢 ? Huang Zhong|return|here||particle|military advisor|I|currently|am|want|capture alive|Li Yan|why|should|withdraw troops|particle Huang Zhong returned and asked: "Military advisor, I was just about to capture Li Yan alive, why are we retreating?" 孔明 話 : 剛才 我 睇 到 李 嚴 嘅 武藝 , 同 佢 硬打 硬 唔 係 辦法 。 Kongming|said|just now|I|saw|to|Li|Yan|possessive particle|martial arts|with|he|fight head-on|head-on|not|is|a way Kongming said: "Just now I saw Li Yan's martial skills, it's not feasible to fight him head-on." 聽日 , 再 打 嘅 時候 呢 , 黃 將軍 你 就 詐敗 , 引 佢 追 去 山谷 , 喺 嗰 度 , 我出 奇兵 嚟 打贏 佢 。 tomorrow|again|fight|possessive particle|time|question particle|Huang|general|you|then|feign defeat|lure|him|chase|to|valley|at|that|place||surprise troops|come|defeat|him Tomorrow, when we fight again, General Huang, you will feign defeat and lure him into the valley, where I will send out surprise troops to defeat him. 黃忠 就 遵命 嘞 。 Huang Zhong|then|as you command|past tense particle Huang Zhong complied. 第 日 , 李嚴 又 帶兵 嚟 , 黃忠 啊 再次 出戰 。 the|day|Li Yan|again|brought troops|here|Huang Zhong|ah|once again|went into battle On that day, Li Yan brought his troops again, and Huang Zhong went out to battle once more. 打 咗 十個 回合 左右 , 黃忠 虛晃 一刀 就 詐 諦 唔 夠打 , 撥轉 馬頭 帶兵 就 走 。 fight|past tense marker|ten|rounds|approximately|Huang Zhong|feint|one strike|then|feigned|realized|not|enough to fight|turned|horse's head|led the troops|then|left After about ten rounds of fighting, Huang Zhong feigned a strike and pretended he was not strong enough to fight, then turned his horse around and led his troops to retreat. 李嚴 追殺 過去 啦 , 一路 追 啊 追 啊 , 追到 入 去 山谷 。 Li Yan|chase|past|particle|all the way|chasing|particle|||chased until|enter|into|valley Li Yan chased after them, following them all the way until they entered the valley. 哎呀 ! 唔 得 ! 李嚴 突然 醒水 , 正話 想返 轉頭 , 點知 魏延 已經 喺 前面 擺開 兵馬 。 oh no|||Li Yan|suddenly|realized|just about|wanted to return|turn around|but|Wei Yan|already|at|in front|set up|troops Oh no! Li Yan suddenly came to his senses, just as he was thinking of turning back, he realized Wei Yan had already set up his troops in front. 嘿 噉 都 仲 唔 止 噃, 原來 孔明 啊 佔據 住 山頭 , 喺 上 便 大聲 噉 嗌 李嚴 話 : hey|like that|all|still|not|stop|particle|originally|Kongming|ah|occupies|particle indicating continuous action|hilltop|at|up|then|loudly|like that|shouted|Li Yan|said And it didn't stop there; it turned out that Kong Ming had occupied the hilltop, and from above, he shouted loudly at Li Yan saying: 李將軍 , 我話 你 聽 , 喺 呢 度 兩 便 , 我 已經 埋伏 好 弓箭手 㗎 喇 。 General Lee||you|hear|at|this|place|two|sides|I|already|ambushed|well|archers|particle|particle General Li, I tell you, here on both sides, I have already ambushed archers. 你 如果 仲 唔 投降 , 我 就要 同 龐士元 軍師 報仇 㗎 喇 ! you|if|still|not|surrender|I|will have to|with|Pang Shiyuan|military strategist|take revenge|sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action If you still do not surrender, I will have to take revenge on General Pang Shiyuan! 嘩 , 誒 噉 不得了 , 李嚴 慌忙 落馬 , 解開 護身 鐵甲 , 一 於 投降 。 wow|eh|like this|terrible|Li Yan|hurriedly|dismounted|untied|protective|armor|||surrendered Wow, this is serious, Li Yan hurriedly dismounted, took off his protective armor, and surrendered. 噉 就 好彩 喇 , 佢 手下 嘅 兵卒 啊 , 一個 都 冇 傷害 到 。 then|just|fortunately|particle indicating completed action|he|underlings|possessive particle|soldiers|particle for emphasis|one|all|not|harm|to That's fortunate, none of his soldiers were harmed. 收 咗 兵 之後 , 孔明 帶 李嚴 去 見 劉備 。 receive|past tense marker|troops|after|Zhuge Liang|took|Li Yan|to|meet|Liu Bei After collecting the troops, Kongming took Li Yan to meet Liu Bei. 劉備 啊 待 佢 非常 之好 咯 。 Liu Bei|ah|treat|him|very||sentence-final particle Liu Bei treated him very well. 李嚴 話 : 費觀 雖然 係 劉 璋 嘅 親戚 , 之 佢 同 我 嘅 交情 , 非常 密切 , 等 小將 去 說服 佢 嚟 投降 啦 。 Li Yan|said|Fei Guan|although|is|Liu|Zhang|possessive particle|relative|but|he|with|I|possessive particle|friendship|very|close|let|young general|go|persuade|him|come|surrender|sentence-final particle Li Yan said: Although Fei Guan is a relative of Liu Zhang, his relationship with me is very close, so let the young general go persuade him to surrender. 劉備 好 信任 李嚴 , 即刻 就 叫 佢 返 去 綿竹 城 , 招降 費觀 。 Liu Bei|very|trusted|Li Yan|immediately|then|ordered|him|return|to|Mianzhu|city|surrender|Fei Guan Liu Bei trusted Li Yan very much, and immediately asked him to return to Mianzhu City to persuade Fei Guan to surrender. 李嚴入 咗 城 見到 費觀 , 主要 同 佢 講 咗 兩點 : |past tense marker|city|saw|Fei Kwan|mainly|with|him|talked|past tense marker|two points When Li Yan entered the city and met Fei Guan, he mainly talked about two points: 一 , 就 係 大 讚 劉備 啊 , 講 劉備 點樣 點樣 仁德 ; one|||||Liu Bei|ah|speaks|Liu Bei|how|how|benevolence First, he praised Liu Bei greatly, saying how benevolent Liu Bei is. 第二 , 就 反 復 講明 利害 , 今日 唔 投降 呀 後果 就 不堪設想 喇 噉 。 second|then|||clarify|pros and cons|today|not|surrender|particle|consequences|then|unimaginable|particle|like this Secondly, repeatedly clarify the pros and cons, if we don't surrender today, the consequences will be unimaginable. 嘿 , 真 係 講掂晒 費觀 , 大開 城門 實行 投降 喇 , 噉 就 妥 晒 啦 。 hey|||settled everything|cost perspective|wide open|city gate|implement|surrender|particle indicating completed action|like this|then|||particle indicating completed action Hey, it's really settled, we will open the city gates and implement the surrender, then everything will be fine. 劉備 得 咗 綿竹 城 之後 , 立即 就 商量 組織 兵力 去 攻打 成都 。 Liu Bei|obtained|past tense marker|Mianzhu|city|after|immediately|then|discussed|organizing|troops|to|attack|Chengdu After Liu Bei took the city of Mianzhu, he immediately discussed organizing troops to attack Chengdu. 點 知道 流星 馬 送 嚟 緊急 報告 , 話 東川 張魯 就 派 咗 馬超 同 楊柏 、 馬岱 , 帶兵 去 攻打 葭 萌關 。 how|to know|Liu Xing|horse|deliver|come|urgent|report|said|Dongchuan|Zhang Lu|then|sent|past tense marker|Ma Chao|and|Yang Bai|Ma Dai|lead troops|to|attack|Jia|Meng Pass Little did he know that the Meteor Horse brought an urgent report, saying that Zhang Lu from Dongchuan had sent Ma Chao, Yang Bai, and Ma Dai to lead troops to attack Jiameng Pass. 孟達 、 霍峻 頂 唔 住 , 如果 仲 唔 快 啲 派兵 去 救 呢 , 葭 萌關 就 冇 㗎 喇 噉 。 Meng Da|Huo Jun|can|||if|still||||send troops|to|rescue|this|||then|won't have|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion|like this Meng Da and Huo Jun can't hold on any longer, if we don't quickly send troops to rescue, Jiameng Pass will be lost. 哦 嘿 , 嚇驚 劉備 啦 ! oh|hey|scared|Liu Bei|particle Oh hey, scare Liu Bei! 孔明 話 : 要 同 馬超 交鋒 , 必須 翼德 同子 龍 兩位 將軍 去 至 得 啊 。 Kongming|said|to|with|Ma Chao|duel|must|Yide||Long|two|generals|go|to|win|ah Kongming said: To confront Ma Chao, we must have Generals Yide and Zilong go. 係 啊 , 子龍 而家 帶兵 喺 外 便 未曾 返 嚟 。 ||Zilong|now|leads troops|at|outside|then|not yet|return|come Yes, Zilong is currently leading troops outside and hasn't returned yet. 翼 德 喺 處 , 噉 軍師 快 啲 派 佢 去 先 啦 。 Wing|Tak|at|place|then|strategist|quickly|more|send|him|go|first|particle Yide is here, so military advisor, hurry and send him out first. 主公 , 等陣 你 乜嘢 都 唔 使講 , 等 我 嚟 激 佢 去 啦 。 lord|wait a moment|you|anything|all|not||wait|I|come|provoke|him|go|particle indicating suggestion My lord, you don't need to say anything, let me provoke him. 話口 未 完 , 張飛 張三爺 到 嘞 。 speaking|not yet|finished|Zhang Fei|Zhang San Ye|arrived|past tense marker Before I finish speaking, Zhang Fei Zhang San-ye has arrived. 佢 亦 聽 講話 馬超 正在 攻打 葭 萌關 , 佢 周身 都 㷫 晒 , 噔 噔 聲行 到 入 嚟 話 : 大哥 , 快 啲 派 我 去 打 馬超 啦 ! he|also|heard|talking|Ma Chao|currently|attacking|Jia|Meng Pass|he|whole body|all|covered|completely||||to|enter|here|said|big brother|quickly|particle for comparison|send|me|to|fight|Ma Chao|particle for urging He also heard that Ma Chao is currently attacking the Yamen Pass, and he rushed in, all fired up, saying: Big brother, hurry up and send me to fight Ma Chao! 孔明 詐 諦聽 唔 見 , 佢 同 劉備 話 : 而家 馬超 侵犯 葭 萌關 , 唉 , 冇 人 打 得 佢 過 㗎 。 Zhuge Liang|to deceive|to listen carefully|not|see|he|with|Liu Bei|said|now|Ma Chao|invade|Yashu|Mengguan|sigh|no|one|||him|surpass|particle indicating certainty Kongming pretended not to hear, and he said to Liu Bei: Right now, Ma Chao is invading the Yamen Pass, sigh, no one can fight him. 除非 返去 荊州 叫 關雲長 嚟 啦 , 噉 就 可以 同 佢 打 過 喇 。 unless|return to|Jingzhou|call|Guan Yu|come|particle|then|just|can|with|him|||particle Unless we go back to Jingzhou and call Guan Yunchang to come, then we can fight him. 軍師 , 你 點解 咁 睇 小 我 ? military strategist|you|why|so|||me Military advisor, why do you look down on me like this? 你 唔 記得 喇 ? 我 單槍匹馬 , 就 頂住 曹操 百萬 大軍 啦 嘛 , 馬超 都 使 愁 嘅 咩 ! you|not|remember|particle indicating completed action|I|all alone|then|withstand|Cao Cao|million|army|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating obviousness|Ma Chao|also|cause|worry|possessive particle|question particle Don't you remember? I single-handedly held off Cao Cao's million-strong army! Even Ma Chao was worried! 翼德 , 你 當時 守住 河邊 拆斷 道橋 , 嚇 窒 咗 曹操 。 Yide|you|at that time|guarded|riverside|cut off|bridge|scared|choked|past tense marker|Cao Cao Yide, you were the one who guarded the riverside and cut off the bridge, scaring Cao Cao to death. 嘿嘿嘿 , 呢 啲 都 係 因為 曹操 唔 知 你 嘅 虛實 啫 。 hehehe|||all|are|because|Cao Cao|not|knows|you|possessive particle|true intentions|only Hehehe, all of this was because Cao Cao didn't know your true strength. 如果 佢 知道 咗 虛實 呀 , 你 就 冇 咁 容易 喇 。 if|he|knows|past tense marker|reality and illusion|sentence-final particle|you|then|not have|so|easy|sentence-final particle If he had known your true strength, it wouldn't have been so easy for you. 馬超 嘅 英勇 天下 皆知 , 渭橋 六戰 啊 殺 到 曹操 割 鬚 棄 袍 幾乎 冇 命 。 Ma Chao|possessive particle|bravery|the world|all know|Weiqiao|six battles|exclamatory particle|kill|to|Cao Cao|cut|beard|abandon|robe|almost|have not|life Ma Chao's bravery is known throughout the world; at Weiqiao, he fought six battles and nearly killed Cao Cao, who had to shave his beard and abandon his robe to escape. 馬超 絕非 等閒之輩 啊 , 就算 雲長 嚟 都 未必 一定 贏 㗎 。 Ma Chao|definitely not|ordinary person|ah|even if|Yun Chang|comes|also|not necessarily|definitely|win|question particle Ma Chao is definitely not an ordinary person. Even if Yun Chang comes, he may not necessarily win. 嘿 ! 軍師 , 你 咪 一味 長 他人 志氣 滅 自己 威風 ! hey|strategist|you|don't|always|boost|others|morale|diminish|your own|prestige Hey! Strategist, you are just boosting others' morale while diminishing your own! 我而家 就 去 , 如果 打 唔 贏 馬超 , 我 甘受 軍法 處分 ! I now|immediately|go|if|fight|not|win|Ma Chao|I|will receive|military law|punishment I will go right now. If I can't defeat Ma Chao, I will accept military punishment! 噉 就 請 張將軍 你立 一張 軍令狀 啦 。 then|just|please|General Cheung||a|military order|particle indicating suggestion or request Then please, General Zhang, draw up a military order. 得到 極啦 ! get|extremely That's great! 張飛 即刻 立 咗 一張 軍令狀 。 Zhang Fei|immediately|wrote|past tense marker|a|military order Zhang Fei immediately set up a military order. 孔明 話 : 好好 好 , 你 既然 立 咗 狀 , 我 就 派 你 做 先鋒 啦 ! Kongming|said|||you|since|set|past tense marker|situation|I|then|assign|you|be|vanguard|sentence-final particle Kongming said: "Alright, since you have set up the order, I will appoint you as the vanguard!" 跟 住 孔明 又 對 劉備 話 喇 : 主公 , 要 請 你 親自 去行 一趟 至 得 。 ||Kongming|again|to|Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|lord|must|request|you|personally|go|one trip|until|successful Then Kongming said to Liu Bei: "My lord, I need you to personally go on a trip." 我 呢 就 留 喺 呢 度 守衛 綿竹 嘞 , 等子 龍返 嚟 之後 再作 安排 啦 。 I|question particle|then|stay|at|this|place|guard|Mianzhu|past action particle|wait||come|after||arrangements|final particle I will stay here to guard Mianzhu, and we will make further arrangements after Zilong returns. 魏延 就 話 : 我 都 想 去 啊 軍師 。 Wei Yan|then|said|I|also|want|go|ah|strategist Wei Yan said: "I also want to go, military advisor." 好 啦 。 good|particle indicating suggestion or agreement Alright. 於是 孔明 命令 魏延帶 五百名 哨 馬行 先 , 張飛 行 第二 , 劉備 押後 就 出發 去 葭 萌關 嘞 。 then|Kongming|ordered||500 men|scout|cavalry|first|Zhang Fei|to march|second|Liu Bei|to follow|then|depart|to|straw|Mengguan|past tense particle So, Kongming ordered Wei Yan to lead five hundred cavalry to go ahead, with Zhang Fei following second, and Liu Bei bringing up the rear, and they set off to Jiameng Pass. 好 喇 , 呢 一日 , 魏 延 嘅 先頭部隊 就 嚟 到 葭 萌關 下 , 正好 遇着 楊柏 , 噉 兩個 就 打起 上 嚟 。 ||this|one day|||possessive particle|vanguard|then|||||below|just in time|encountered|Yang Bai|then|the two of them|then||| Alright, on that day, Wei Yan's advance troops arrived at the foot of Jiameng Pass and happened to encounter Yang Bai, so the two of them started fighting. 未到 十個 回合 , 楊柏 就 輸 咗 走 人 。 not yet reached|ten|rounds|Yang Pak|then|lost|past tense marker|| In less than ten exchanges, Yang Bai was defeated and fled. 魏延要 搶 張飛 嘅 頭功 喎 冇 理 咁 多 就 乘勝追擊 啦 。 |to seize|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|first achievement|sentence-final particle|not|to pay attention to|so|much|then|to pursue the victory|sentence-final particle Wei Yan wanted to seize the credit from Zhang Fei, so he didn't care about much and pursued the victory. 但 係 前 便 有 一彪 軍馬 , 擺開陣勢 , 當前 一員 勇將 乃 係 馬岱 。 ||front|then|has|a group of|cavalry||currently|a member|brave general|||Ma Dai But in front, there was a group of cavalry, forming a formation, and the brave general at the front was Ma Dai. 魏延 就 唔 識 佢 嘅 噃, 仲 估 佢 就 係 馬超 添 , 於是 舞馬躍刀 就 迎上去 就 打 啦 。 Wei Yan|then|not|recognize|him|possessive particle|particle indicating surprise|still|guess|he|then|is|Ma Chao|also|so|dancing horse and leaping sword|then|rushed forward|then|fought|particle indicating completed action Wei Yan didn't recognize him, and even guessed that he was Ma Chao, so he brandished his horse and leaped with his knife to charge at him. 打 咗 唔 到 十個 回合 , 馬岱 唔 係 手腳 , 走人 嘞 喎 。 hit|past tense marker|not|reach|ten|rounds|Ma Dai|not|is|match|leave|past action marker|sentence final particle After less than ten exchanges, Ma Dai was not a match for him and ran away. 哈哈 魏延以 為 呢 次 呀 立功 機會 到 喇 , 拍馬 追上去 。 haha||for|this|time|particle|achieve merit|opportunity|arrived|particle|spur on|chase up Haha, Wei Yan thought this was his chance to achieve merit, so he spurred his horse to chase after him. 點知 畀 馬岱 回身 一箭 , 射中 隻 左手 , 哎呀 ! 魏延 急急 回馬 就 走 。 unexpectedly|by|Ma Dai|turning around|one arrow|hit|measure word for hands|left hand|oh no|Wei Yan|hurriedly|turning back|then|ran away Unexpectedly, Ma Dai turned around and shot an arrow, hitting his left hand. Oh no! Wei Yan hurriedly turned his horse and fled. 呢 趟 就 輪 到 馬岱 追喇 , 一直 追到 葭 萌關 前 , 嘿 冇 事 , 張飛 嚟 到 喇 。 this|trip|then|||Ma Dai|to chase|continuously|chased to|||in front|hey|no|problem|Zhang Fei|||particle indicating completed action This time it's Ma Dai's turn to chase, and he chased all the way to the front of the Jia Meng Pass. Hey, no problem, Zhang Fei is here. 佢 打雷 噉 大喝一聲 : 文長 唔 使 驚 ! 我 嚟 救 你 ! He|thunder|like that|shouted loudly|Wenchang|not|need|afraid|I|come|save|you He shouted loudly like thunder: "Wen Chang, don't be afraid! I'm here to save you!" 張飛 等 魏延快 馬 跑過 之後 , 就 將支 長矛 打橫 一攔 , 喝 馬岱 話 : 你 係 邊個 啊 ? 報上 姓名 , 然後 再 嚟 殺過 ! Zhang Fei|wait||horse|ran past|after|then||spear|horizontally|block|shout|Ma Dai|said|you|are|who|ah|report|name|then|again|come|kill After Zhang Fei waited for Wei Yan to ride past quickly, he horizontally blocked with his spear and shouted at Ma Dai: "Who are you? State your name, and then come back to fight!" 我 就 係 西涼 馬岱 啊 ! I|just|am|Xiliang|Ma Dai|ah I am Ma Dai from Xiliang! 嗯 ? 你 原來 唔 係 馬超 , 快快 返去 , 你 唔 係 我 對手 , 你 返 去 嗌 馬超 自己 嚟 ! hmm|you|originally|not|is|Ma Chao|quickly|go back|you|not|are|I|opponent|you|return|go|call|Ma Chao|yourself|come Hmm? So you're not Ma Chao. Quickly go back, you are not my opponent. Go back and call Ma Chao to come! 你 話 , 燕人 張飛 喺 度 ! you|said|the Yanzhou person|Zhang Fei|is|here You said that Yan Ren Zhang Fei is here! 呸 ! 你 敢 睇 小 我 ? 看槍 ! phew|you|dare|see|down|me|look at the gun Pah! Do you dare to underestimate me? Watch the spear! 馬岱 嬲 起 嚟 , 躍馬 上前 對住 張飛 一槍 就 㨃 過去 。 Ma Dai|angry|get|up|leaping horse|advance|facing|Zhang Fei|one spear|then|pierce|past Ma Dai got angry, leaped forward on his horse, and thrust his spear at Zhang Fei. 張飛 用 丈八蛇矛 一撥 , 噉 兩個 就 打起 上 嚟 。 Zhang Fei|used|8-foot spear|with a sweep|then|the two of them|then|fought|up|here Zhang Fei used his eight-foot-long spear to parry, and the two started fighting. 又 打 咗 唔 夠 十個 回合 , 馬岱 打輸 就 逃走 嘞 。 again|fight|past tense marker|not|enough|ten|rounds|Ma Dai|lose the fight|then|ran away|past action marker After less than ten exchanges, Ma Dai lost and fled. 張飛 正話 想 追住 去 嘅 時候 , 劉備 就 已經 由 關上 跑馬 落 嚟 , 大聲 噉 嗌: 三弟 唔 好 追 喇 , 唔 好 追 喇 ! Zhang Fei|just said|wanted|to chase|go|possessive particle|time|Liu Bei|then|already|from|Guan Shang|riding|down|come|loudly|like that|shouted|third brother|||chase|particle indicating completed action|||chase|particle indicating completed action Zhang Fei was just about to chase after him when Liu Bei had already come down from the top on horseback, shouting loudly: "Third brother, don't chase anymore, don't chase anymore!" 噉 張飛 就 唔 追 , 收 咗 兵 , 同 劉備 一齊 上 關 。 then|Zhang Fei|then|not|chase|put away|past tense marker|soldiers|together|Liu Bei|at the same time|go up|pass So Zhang Fei did not chase, put away his weapon, and went up with Liu Bei. 劉備 話 : 我怕 你 性急 , 所以 我 跟 住 尾 嚟 。 Liu Bei|said||you|impatient|so|I|follow|closely|tail|come Liu Bei said: "I was afraid you would be too impatient, so I followed behind you." 先頭 你 既然 贏 咗 馬岱 咯 , 就 休息 一晚 先 , 聽日 出戰 馬超 。 first|you|since|defeated|past tense marker|Ma Dai|sentence-final particle|then|rest|one night|first|tomorrow|battle|Ma Chao Since you have already defeated Ma Dai, let's rest for a night and fight Ma Chao tomorrow. 好 ! good Okay! 第朝 早 , 啱 啱 天光 唧 , 只 聽見 關外 嘅 戰 鼓聲 呀 , 震天動地 , 馬超 帶兵 到 嘞 。 the next morning|early|||daybreak|sound|only|heard|outside the pass|possessive particle|battle|drum sound|particle indicating exclamation|earth-shattering|Ma Chao|led the troops|arrived|past tense marker Early in the morning, just as dawn broke, the sound of war drums from outside the gate could be heard, shaking the heavens and the earth, as Ma Chao led his troops in. 劉備 喺 關上 望落 去 , 只見 門旗 一開 , 馬超 手執 長槍 縱馬 而 出 。 Liu Bei|at|Guan Shang|looking down|down|only saw|gate flag|opened|Ma Chao|holding|spear|riding|and|out Liu Bei looked down from the gate and saw the gate flag open, with Ma Chao holding a spear and galloping out. 佢 着 住 白袍 銀甲 , 獅盔 獸 帶 , 嘩 嗨 ! he|||white robe|silver armor|lion helmet|||wow|hi He was dressed in a white robe and silver armor, with a lion helmet and beastly decorations, wow! 一來 呢 , 佢 個 裝束 非凡 啊 ; 二來 就 確係 人才 出眾 。 first of all|question particle|he|possessive particle|attire|extraordinary|particle indicating admiration|second of all|then|definitely|talented person|outstanding Firstly, his attire was extraordinary; secondly, he truly was a remarkable talent. 劉備 忍 唔 住 讚 佢 話 : 啊 , 人人 都 話 錦 馬超 , 真 係 名不虛傳 啊 ! Liu Bei|couldn't||hold back|praise|him|said|ah|everyone|all|said|brilliant|Ma Chao|really|is|well-deserved reputation|ah Liu Bei couldn't help but praise him, saying: Ah, everyone says that Jin Ma Chao is indeed worthy of his reputation! 張飛 亦 忍 唔 住 嘞 , 即刻 就要 出去 打 過 。 Zhang Fei|also||||past tense marker|immediately|just about to|go out|| Zhang Fei couldn't hold back anymore and immediately wanted to go out and fight. 劉備 啊 阻止 佢 : 三弟 , 唔 好 出去 打住 , 應該 避一避 佢 嘅 銳氣 先喇 。 Liu Bei|ah|stop|him|third brother|||go out|fight|should|avoid|his||sharpness|first Liu Bei stopped him: "Third brother, don't go out to fight yet, you should avoid his sharpness for now." 張飛 就 唯有 忍住 氣 係 啦 。 Zhang Fei|then|only|suppress|anger|is|particle Zhang Fei had no choice but to hold back his anger. 噉 馬超 喺 關 下 就 指名道姓 , 單單 係 嘍 張飛 出馬 。 then|Ma Chao|at|Guan|under|then|named directly|only|is|then|Zhang Fei|takes action So Ma Chao specifically named Zhang Fei to challenge. 張飛 喺 關上 摩拳擦掌 , 恨不得 呀 一 啖 就 吞 咗 馬超 落肚 。 Zhang Fei|is|at the gate|cracking his knuckles|wishing he could|particle indicating exclamation|one|mouthful|then|swallow|past tense marker|Ma Chao|into his stomach Zhang Fei was itching to fight, wishing he could just swallow Ma Chao whole. 但 係 三番五次 都 畀 劉備 撳住 。 ||repeatedly|all|by|Liu Bei|pressed down But time and again, he was held back by Liu Bei. 好 喇 , 過 咗 中午 嘞 , 劉備 望見 馬超 陣 上 嘅 人馬 都 疲倦 喇 , 就 挑選 咗 五百名 馬 軍 , 跟 住 張飛 。 good|particle indicating completed action|past|particle indicating completed action|noon|particle indicating completed action|Liu Bei|saw|Ma Chao|army|on|possessive particle|cavalry|all|tired|particle indicating completed action|then|selected|particle indicating completed action||horse|soldiers|||Zhang Fei Alright, it has passed noon, and Liu Bei saw that the troops on Ma Chao's side were tired, so he selected five hundred cavalry to follow Zhang Fei. 沊沊沊 一聲 鼓響 , 打開 城門 。 sound of drums|one sound|drum|open|city gate With a loud drumbeat, the city gates opened. 喎 嗬 衝呀 ! 噉 啊 衝落關 嚟 咯 喎 。 oh|wow|go for it|like that|ah|rush down|come|particle indicating completed action|oh Hey, charge! Let's charge down! 馬超 見到 張飛 兵馬 衝 到 , 用 支槍 向後便 一招 , 指揮 軍隊 退後 一百 幾廿步 。 Ma Chao|saw|Zhang Fei|troops|charge|arrive|used|spear||one move|commanded|army|retreat|one hundred|several dozen steps When Ma Chao saw Zhang Fei's troops charging in, he used his spear to signal the army to retreat a hundred or so steps. 張飛 亦將 人馬 閘住 , 噉 關上 嘅 人馬 陸陸續續 噉 落 嚟 。 Zhang Fei||troops|block|like this|closed|possessive particle|troops|one after another|like this|| Zhang Fei also blocked the troops, and the troops that were closed off gradually came down. 張飛 威風凜凜 , 挺起 長矛 縱 馬上 前 大聲 噉 話 : 認 唔 認得 我燕人 張翼德 啊 ! Zhang Fei|imposing|raised|spear|galloping|on horseback|forward|loudly|like this|said|recognize|not|recognize||Zhang Yide|ah Zhang Fei, with a majestic presence, raised his spear and shouted loudly from horseback: Do you recognize me, Yan man Zhang Yide! 馬超 話 : 呸 ! 我家 屢世 公侯 , 唔 識 你 啲 鄉下佬 啊 ! Ma Chao|said|phew|my family|generations|nobility|not|know|you|plural marker|country bumpkins|ah Ma Chao said: Bah! My family has been noble for generations, I don't know your country bumpkins! 激到 張飛 爆火 喇 噉 就 兩馬 齊出 , 雙槍 並舉 , 一來一去 啊 大概 打 咗 百 幾個 回合 , 不分勝負 。 excited|Zhang Fei|furious|particle indicating completion|like this|then|two horses|came out together|dual guns|raised together|back and forth|ah|probably|fought|past tense marker|hundred|several|rounds|no clear winner This made Zhang Fei furious, and then both horses charged out, wielding their spears together, and they fought back and forth for about a hundred rounds, with no clear winner. 劉備 話 喇 : 吓 ! 真 係 虎將 啊 ! Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|huh|||tiger general|particle indicating exclamation Liu Bei said: Wow! Truly a fierce general! 佢 怕 張飛 吃虧 , 就 命令 打鑼 收兵 。 He|fears|Zhang Fei|suffer a loss|then|ordered|to beat the drum|to withdraw the troops He was afraid that Zhang Fei would suffer losses, so he ordered the drums to be beaten to retreat. 噉 張飛 、 馬超 呢 就 各自 回陣 嘞 。 then|Zhang Fei|Ma Chao|question particle|then|each|return to their formation|past action particle So Zhang Fei and Ma Chao each returned to their formations. 張飛 返到 本陣 , 主要 呢 , 係 等 隻 馬 休息 下 。 Zhang Fei|returned to|main camp|mainly|particle indicating a question|is|let|measure word for animals|horse|rest|a little When Zhang Fei returned to the main camp, the main reason was to let the horse rest for a while. 然後 就 除 咗 頂 頭盔 , 淨 係 包住 條頭 巾 啊 就 上馬 衝出去 嘍 馬超 再 嚟 打過 。 then|just|take off|past tense marker|top|helmet|only|is|wrapped around||scarf|particle|then|get on the horse|charge out|particle indicating completed action|Ma Chao|again|come|fight Then, except for taking off his helmet, he just wrapped his headscarf and charged out on horseback to fight Ma Chao again. 兩個 人 於是 又 惡戰 一場 。 two|people|so|again|fierce battle|one match The two then engaged in another fierce battle. 劉備 啊 怕 張飛 唔 夠打 , 着 齊 盔甲 , 全副武裝 啊 親自 下關 嚟 到 陣前 睇 到實 。 Liu Bei|ah|afraid|Zhang Fei|not||put on|complete|armor||ah|personally|Xiaguan|come|to|battlefield|see| Liu Bei was worried that Zhang Fei wouldn't be able to fight well, so he put on armor and personally went down to the front lines to see the situation. 只見 張飛 同 馬超 又 試 打 咗 百 幾個 回合 啊 , 越 打越 精神 喎 。 only saw|Zhang Fei|and|Ma Chao|again|tried|to fight|past tense marker|hundred|several|rounds|ah|the more||energetic|particle indicating affirmation He saw that Zhang Fei and Ma Chao had already fought over a hundred rounds, and the more they fought, the more spirited they became. 劉備 又 叫 人 打鑼 收兵 , 噉 又 各回 本陣 啦 。 Liu Bei|again|ordered|people|beat the drum|recall the troops|then|again||main camp|particle indicating completion or change of state Liu Bei then ordered the drums to signal the troops to return, so everyone went back to their respective camps. 當時 就 已經 好 晏 嘞 , 個天 亦 開始 黑 。 at that time|then|already|very|late|past tense particle|the sky|also|started|dark At that time, it was already quite late, and the sky was starting to darken. 劉備 就 對 張飛 話 : 馬超 非常 英勇 , 唔 好 輕敵 啊 。 Liu Bei|then|to|Zhang Fei|said|Ma Chao|very|brave|||underestimate the enemy|ah Liu Bei said to Zhang Fei: Ma Chao is very brave, so don't underestimate him. 誒 我 哋 返去 關先 , 聽日 再 嚟 打過 啦 。 hey|I|we|go back||tomorrow|again|come|play|particle Hey, let's go back first, we'll come back to fight again tomorrow. 唔 得 ! 我 死 都 唔 返 上去 ! not||||||return|up there No way! I would rather die than go back up there! 都 天黑 喇三弟 , 唔 能夠 再 打 喇 ! already|dark||not|able to|again|fight|past tense particle It's already dark, San Di, we can't fight anymore! 叫 人點 多 啲 火把 , 安排 夜戰 ! call||more|a little|torches|arrange|night battle Get more torches, arrange for a night battle! 呢 個 時候 , 馬超 換過 匹馬 跑 到 嚟 陣前 大聲 噉 嗌: 張飛 , 你 敢 唔 敢 夜戰 啊 ! this|measure word|time|Ma Chao|changed|horse|ran|to|arrive|in front of the camp|loudly|like that|shouted|Zhang Fei|you|dare|not|dare|night battle|particle At this time, Ma Chao changed horses and ran to the front of the line, shouting loudly: Zhang Fei, do you dare to fight at night? 張飛 發起 威 嚟 , 同 劉備 換 咗 匹馬 ,𡃈𡃈 聲飆 出去 陣前 : 我 捉 你 唔 到 誓 不 上關 ! Zhang Fei|initiated|intimidation|came|with|Liu Bei|exchanged|past tense marker|a horse|sound of galloping|sound of rushing|went out|in front of the battle formation|I|catch|you|||vowed|not|ascend the pass Zhang Fei initiated the attack, and exchanged a horse with Liu Bei, shouting loudly to the front lines: "I swear I won't leave until I catch you!" 我贏 你 唔 到 呀 誓 不 回寨 啊 ! |you|not|reach|particle|swear|not|return to camp|particle "I swear I won't return to the camp until I win against you!" 嗬 ! 兩 便 嘅 軍隊 大聲 吶喊 , 點起 無數 咁 多 火把 就 照到 好似 日頭 咁 光猛 。 hey|two|convenient|possessive particle|army|loudly|shouted|lit|countless|so|many|torches|then|illuminated|like|sun|so|bright Wow! Both armies shouted loudly, lighting countless torches that shone as brightly as the sun. 張飛 、 馬超 , 第三次 又 嚟 打過 。 Zhang Fei|Ma Chao|third time|again|come|fight Zhang Fei and Ma Chao came to fight for the third time. 打到 廿 零個 回合 , 馬超 突然 撥轉 馬頭 就 走 噃。 fought until|twenty||rounds|Ma Chao|suddenly|turned|horse's head|then|left| After fighting for about twenty rounds, Ma Chao suddenly turned his horse's head and ran away. 你 想走去 邊 ? you||where Where do you want to go? 張飛 就 追住 過去 。 Zhang Fei|then|chased|past Zhang Fei is chasing after. 係 唔 係 馬超 唔 夠打 呢 ? is|not|is|Ma Chao|not||question particle Isn't it that Ma Chao can't fight? 唔 係 啊 。 no|is|particle No. 原來 馬超 啊 見贏 唔 到 張飛 , 噉 啊 心生 一計 , 詐諦 打輸 就 氹 張飛 嚟 追 佢 。 it turns out|Ma Chao|ah|seeing winning|not|able to|Zhang Fei|then|ah|thought of|a plan|feigning retreat|losing|then|trick|Zhang Fei|to come|chase|him It turns out that Ma Chao couldn't win against Zhang Fei, so he came up with a plan to pretend to lose and lure Zhang Fei to chase him. 然後 暗中 攞 出 個 銅錘 喺 手 嚟 , 啪 噉 打 過去 。 then|secretly|take|out|the|hammer|in|hand|come|bang|like this|hit|over Then, secretly took out the copper hammer in his hand and struck it over. 張飛 個人 雖然 魯莽 啊 , 但 係 打起 仗 嚟 仲 係 好 醒定 㗎 吓 。 Zhang Fei|person|although|reckless|particle|||when fighting|battle|comes|||very|clear-headed|particle|particle Although Zhang Fei is reckless, he is still very alert in battle. 佢 見到 馬超 走 呢 個 心 已經 因住 㗎 喇 。 he|saw|Ma Chao|leave|this|measure word|heart|already|worried|particle|particle When he saw Ma Chao running, his heart was already affected. 所以 等到 馬超 個 銅錘 打 嚟 嘅 時候 , 張飛 一閃 , 個 銅錘 拂 聲 喺 耳 仔 旁邊 飛 咗 過去 。 so|when|Ma Chao|(measure word)|bronze hammer|strike|come|(possessive particle)|time|Zhang Fei|in a flash|(measure word)|bronze hammer|swish|sound|at|||next to|fly|(past tense marker)|past So when Ma Chao's copper hammer came swinging, Zhang Fei dodged, and the copper hammer flew past his ear with a whoosh. 張飛 趁勢 勒馬 跑 返 轉頭 , 嘿 , 馬超 又 嚟 追 佢 嘞 喎 。 Zhang Fei|take advantage of the situation|rein in the horse|run|back|turn around|hey|Ma Chao|again|come|chase|him|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Taking the opportunity, Zhang Fei turned his horse around and ran back, hey, Ma Chao came chasing after him again. 張飛 亦 有 計 嘅 , 佢 跑 咗 幾步 , 一帶 住 馬 , 拈弓 搭 箭 ,𠻘 聲一箭 , 就 對 住 馬超 射過去 。 Zhang Fei|also|has|strategy|possessive particle|he|ran|past tense marker|a few steps|one pull|to hold|horse|drew his bow|placed|arrow|with a twang||then|aimed|at|Ma Chao|shot over Zhang Fei also had a plan. He ran a few steps, took the reins of his horse, drew his bow, and with a loud twang, shot an arrow towards Ma Chao. 馬超 一扭個 身 , 閃開 咗 , 噉 兩員 勇將 就 各自 回陣 。 Ma Chao|turned his|body|dodged|past tense marker|then|two|brave generals|then|each|returned to their formation Ma Chao twisted his body and dodged it, so the two brave generals each returned to their formations. 劉備 大聲 噉 嗌: 我以 仁義 待人 , 唔 用 陰謀詭計 嘅 。 Liu Bei|loudly|like that|shouted||benevolence and righteousness|treat others|not|use|deceitful schemes|possessive particle Liu Bei shouted loudly: I treat people with benevolence and righteousness, and do not use cunning schemes. 馬 將軍 , 你 即管 收兵 休息 啦 , 我 唔 會 趁勢 追 你 嘅 ! Ma|General|you|right away|withdraw troops|rest|particle|I|not|will|take advantage of the situation|chase|you|possessive particle General Ma, you can rest your troops now, I will not take advantage and pursue you! 馬超 聽 劉備 噉 講 , 就 親自 押後 收兵 回寨 。 Ma Chao|heard|Liu Bei|like that|said|then|personally|lead back|retreating soldiers|return to camp Hearing Liu Bei's words, Ma Chao personally led his troops back to the camp. 劉備 呢 亦 都 收兵 上關 嘞 。 Liu Bei|this|also|all|withdraw troops|Shangguan|past tense marker Liu Bei has also gathered his troops to go to Guan. 到 咗 第日 , 張飛 正 係 想 下關 去 再戰 馬超 。 ||the next day|Zhang Fei|just|was|wanted|Xiaguan|to go|fight again|Ma Chao The next day, Zhang Fei was planning to go to Xiaoguan to fight Ma Chao again. 孔明 嚟 到 , 彼此 見過面 行過禮 , 就 喺 大堂 坐落 。 Kongming|||each other|have met|have exchanged greetings|then|at|lobby|sit down When Kongming arrived, they greeted each other and then sat down in the main hall. 孔明 話 : 馬超 係 當代 嘅 虎將 , 如果 同翼德 死戰 就 必有一傷 。 Kongming|said|Ma Chao|is|contemporary|possessive particle|tiger general|if||fight to the death|then| Kongming said: Ma Chao is a fierce general of our time, if he fights to the death with Yide, one of them will surely be injured. 我 故此 叫 趙雲 、 黃忠 守住 綿竹 , 自己 就 趕 嚟 呢 處 喇 。 I|therefore|called|Zhao Yun|Huang Zhong|to defend|Mianzhu|myself|then|||||particle indicating completed action Therefore, I called Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong to guard Mianzhu, and I came here myself. 等 我 用 條計 仔 , 包 馬超 要 投降 主公 嘅 。 wait|I|use||child|guarantee|Ma Chao|will|surrender|lord|possessive particle Wait for me to use a plan to make Ma Chao surrender to the lord. 啊 噉 就 好 極喇好 極喇 ! ah|like this|then|good||extremely Ah, that's great, that's great! 我 見到 馬超 咁 英勇 , 個心 非常 之 喜歡 佢 啊 。 I|saw|Ma Chao|so|brave|heart|very|particle indicating possession|likes|him|particle indicating exclamation I see Ma Chao is so brave, my heart really likes him. 係 咯 軍師 , 點先 至 得 佢 投降 過 嚟 呢 ? ||strategist|how|only|can|he|surrender|||question particle Yes, strategist, how can we get him to surrender? 我 聽講 張魯 早就 想 做 漢寧王 嘞 , 我 哋 就 利用 佢 呢 一點 。 I|heard|Zhang Lu|long ago|wanted|to be|King of Han Ning|past tense particle|||then|to use|he|this|little bit I heard that Zhang Lu has long wanted to be the King of Hanning, we can use this point. 張魯 手下 有個 謀士 叫做 楊松 , 係 極之 貪財 嘅 。 Zhang Lu|subordinate|has a|strategist|named|Yang Song|is|extremely|greedy for money|particle indicating possession Zhang Lu has a strategist named Yang Song, who is extremely greedy. 主公 你 就 派 個 使者 , 由 小路 趕 去 漢中 , 首先 啊 送 啲 金銀珠寶 畀 楊松 買通 佢 先 , 然後 再 去 見 張魯 。 Your Majesty|you|then|send|a|messenger|from|small road|hurry|to|Hanzhong|first|ah|deliver|some|gold silver and jewels|to|Yang Song|bribe|him|first|then|again|go|meet|Zhang Lu My lord, you should send a messenger to rush to Hanzhong via the back roads, first to deliver gold, silver, and jewels to Yang Song to bribe him, and then go to meet Zhang Lu. 話 我 哋 同 劉璋 爭奪 西川 , 係 同 你 報仇 嘅 啫 。 say|I|we|with|Liu Zhang|compete for|Western Sichuan|is|with|you|take revenge|possessive particle|only Tell him that our struggle with Liu Zhang for Xichuan is just to take revenge on you. 唔 好 信人 哋 講 嗰 啲 離間 嘅 說話 。 not|very||plural marker|say|that|plural marker|sow discord|possessive particle|words Do not believe the divisive words of others. 事情 成功 之後 , 一定 向 皇上 保奏 你 做 漢寧王 嘅 噉 。 matter|successful|after|definitely|to|emperor|report|you|make|King of Han Ning|possessive particle|like that Once the matter is successful, I will definitely report to the emperor to make you the King of Hanning. 噉 啊 請 張魯 撤回 馬超 嘅 兵馬 。 then|ah|please|Zhang Lu|withdraw|Ma Chao|possessive particle|troops Then, please ask Zhang Lu to withdraw Ma Chao's troops. 等到 佢 撤兵 嘅 時候 , 我 就 可以 用計 使 到 馬超 投降 主公 㗎 喇 。 when|he|withdraws|possessive particle|time|I|then|can|use strategy|make|to|Ma Chao|surrender|lord|sentence-final particle|past action particle When he withdraws his troops, I can use a strategy to make Ma Chao surrender to the lord. 劉備 就 高興 到極 , 即時 寫 好 封信 , 派 孫乾帶 住 啲 金銀珠寶 , 由 小路 趕 去 漢中 。 Liu Bei|then|happy|to the extreme|immediately|||a letter|sent|||some|gold silver and jewels|from|a small road|rushed|to|Hanzhong Liu Bei was extremely happy, immediately wrote a letter, and sent Sun Qian with gold, silver, and jewels to rush to Hanzhong via a small road. 孫乾 一去 到 , 首先 就 去 見 楊松 , 送 咗 禮物 就 說明 來意 。 Sun Qian|once he arrived|at|first|then|went|to see|Yang Song|to give|past tense marker|gift|then|explained|purpose of visit When Sun Qian arrived, he first went to see Yang Song, presented gifts, and explained his purpose. 楊松 見錢眼開 , 乜 都 話 得 啊 , 即刻 就 帶 孫乾去 見 張魯 嘞 噃。 Yang Song|greedy for money|anything|all|say|okay|particle|immediately|then|take||meet|Zhang Lu|past action particle| Yang Song, seeing the money, was all ears and immediately took Sun Qian to meet Zhang Lu. 孫乾 呈 上 劉備 嘅 書信 。 Sun Qian|present|to|Liu Bei|possessive particle|letter Sun Qian presented Liu Bei's letter. 張魯睇 完信 就 話 嘞 : 玄德 不過 係 左 將軍 唧 , 佢 點 有 資格 保 我 做 漢寧王 啊 ? ||then|said|past tense marker|Xuande (Liu Bei)|but|is|left|general|a sound of disdain|he|how|has|qualification|protect|me|make|King of Hanning|question particle Zhang Lu read the letter and said: "Xuan De is just the Left General, how can he have the qualifications to protect me as the King of Han Ning?" 楊松話 喇 : 佢 係 大漢 皇叔 嚟 噃, 佢 向 皇上 保奏 係 最 啱 㗎 啦 。 Yang Song said|particle indicating certainty|he|is|Han Dynasty|imperial uncle|come|particle indicating affirmation|he|towards|emperor|report|is|most|correct|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating suggestion Yang Song said: "He is the uncle of the Great Han, his recommendation to the Emperor is the most appropriate." 哈哈 , 劉備 送 嗰 啲 金銀珠寶 真 係 起 作用 。 haha|Liu Bei|gave|those|plural marker|gold silver and jewels|really|is|have|effect Haha, Liu Bei's gifts of gold, silver, and jewels really had an effect. 楊松 呢 句 說話 講到 張魯 滿心歡喜 , 答應 咗 劉備 嘅 要求 , 派 人 去 通知 馬超 撤兵 。 Yang Song|this|sentence|speech|mentioned|Zhang Lu||agreed|past tense marker|Liu Bei|possessive particle|request|sent|person|to|inform|Ma Chao|withdraw troops Yang Song's words made Zhang Lu very happy, and he agreed to Liu Bei's request, sending someone to inform Ma Chao to withdraw his troops. 孫乾 呢 , 就 留 喺 楊 松 屋企 等候 消息 。 Sun Kwan|question particle|then|stay|at|Yang|Song|home|waiting|news Sun Qian stayed at Yang Song's house waiting for news. 過 咗 幾日 , 張魯派 去 嘅 使者 返 嚟 回報 話 : 馬超 講 , 未 打敗 劉備 唔 好 退兵 喎 噉 。 passed|past tense marker|several days||to|possessive particle|messenger|return|come|report|said|Ma Chao|said|not yet|defeated|Liu Bei|not|should|withdraw troops|sentence-final particle|like that After a few days, the messenger sent by Zhang Lu returned with the report that Ma Chao said, 'Don't retreat the troops until Liu Bei is defeated.' 張魯 啊 再次 派 人 去 叫 佢 返 嚟 , 又 唔 肯返 。 Zhang Lu|ah|again|send|person|to|call|him|return|here|again|not| Zhang Lu sent someone again to call him back, but he still refused to return. 連氣 去 咗 三次 , 馬超 都 唔 撤兵 返 嚟 。 in one breath|go|past tense marker|three times|Ma Chao|also|not|withdraw troops|return|here After three attempts, Ma Chao still did not withdraw his troops. 楊松 諗 嘞 此人 素來 唔 講信用 喎 , 連叫 三次 都 唔 肯 收兵 返 嚟 , 哼 , 實 係 想作 反定 喇 。 Yang Song|think|past tense marker|this person|always|not|keep promises|sentence-final particle|||all|not|willing|retreat|return|here|humph|really|is||rebellion|sentence-final particle Yang Song thought, this person has never been trustworthy, even after three calls he still refuses to withdraw his troops, hm, he really wants to rebel. 於是 楊松 暗中 派 人 啊 四圍 去 散佈 謠言 , 話 馬超 啊 , 佢 想 去 奪取 咗 西川 ,攞 到 個 地盤 , 自己 嚟 做 西 蜀 之主 。 then|Yang Song|secretly|sent|people|particle|all around|to|spread|rumors|saying|Ma Chao|particle|he|wanted|to|seize|past tense marker|Western Shu|take|to|particle|territory|himself|come|be|Western|Shu| So, Yang Song secretly sent people to spread rumors everywhere, saying that Ma Chao wanted to seize Xichuan, take over the territory, and become the lord of Western Shu himself. 然後 同 佢 父親 報仇 , 佢 唔 肯 服 張 魯 管 㗎 。 then|with|he|father|take revenge|he|not|willing|submit|Zhang|Lu|Guan|question particle Then he would take revenge on his father, as he was unwilling to submit to Zhang Lu. 呢 啲 謠言 就 好 快 傳 咗 入 張魯耳仔 。 ||rumors|then|||spread|past tense marker|into|Zhang Lu's ear These rumors quickly reached Zhang Lu's ears. 張魯 就 搵 楊松 嚟 商量 , 問有 咩 辦法 搞掂 馬超 呢 。 Zhang Lu|then|find|Yang Song|to|discuss||what|solution|deal with|Ma Chao|question particle Zhang Lu then sought out Yang Song to discuss and asked what methods could be used to deal with Ma Chao. 楊松話 嘞 : 有 辦法 有 辦法 嘅 。 Yang Song said|past tense marker|have|solution|have|solution|possessive particle Yang Song replied: There are ways, there are ways. 一方面 , 主公 你 又 派 人 去講 畀 馬超 聽 , 話 畀 佢 一個月 期限 , 要 佢 做 妥 三件 事 , 做 妥 喇 就 有賞 , 否則 就 殺頭 。 on one hand|lord|you|again|send|person||to|Ma Chao|hear|tell|to|him|one month|deadline|must|he|complete|properly|three|tasks|complete|properly|already|then|will be rewarded|otherwise|then|beheaded On one hand, my lord, you have sent someone to tell Ma Chao that he has a one-month deadline to accomplish three tasks. If he completes them, he will be rewarded; otherwise, he will be executed. 一 , 要 奪取 到 西川 ; one|must|capture|to|Xichuan First, he must seize control of Xichuan; 二 , 要 攞 劉 璋 個人 頭 ; two|want|take|Liu|Zhang|personal|head Second, he must take Liu Zhang's head; 三 就要 打退 荊州 兵 。 three|will soon|repel|Jingzhou|soldiers Third, he must repel the troops from Jingzhou. 三件 事 做 唔 成 , 就 叫 佢 獻 自己 嘅 人頭 嚟 啦 噉 。 three things|matters|do|not|succeed|then|tell|him|offer|his own|possessive particle|head|come|particle indicating suggestion|like this If he fails to accomplish these three tasks, he will be asked to present his own head. 另 方面 呢 , 主公 你 就 命令 張衛點 齊 人馬 , 嚴守 關隘 , 提防 馬超 兵變 就 係 喇 。 other|aspect|question particle|lord|you|then|order||gather|troops|strictly guard|pass|guard against|Ma Chao|mutiny|just|is|particle indicating completed action On the other hand, my lord, you should order Zhang Wei to gather his troops and strictly guard the pass, to be on guard against Ma Chao's rebellion. 張魯聽 晒 佢 嘅 , 派 人 去 馬超 嗰 度 將 嗰 三件 事 講 佢 聽 。 Zhang Lu heard|to expose|him|possessive particle|send|people|to|Ma Chao|that|place|to take|that|three|matters|tell|him|heard Zhang Lu has heard everything he said, and he sent someone to Ma Chao to inform him of those three matters. 啊 , 馬超 佢 就 驚起 上 嚟 話 喇 : 哎 , 點解 一下 會 變得 噉 樣 嘅 呢 ? ah|Ma Chao|he|then|startled|||said|particle indicating completed action|sigh|why|suddenly|would|become|like this|appearance|particle indicating possession|question particle Ah, Ma Chao was startled and said: 'Hey, why has it suddenly changed like this?' 冇 辦法 啦 , 就 同 馬岱 商量 就 不如 收兵 返去 啦 噉 。 no|solution|sentence-final particle|then|with|Ma Dai|discuss|then|might as well|retreat|go back|sentence-final particle|like this There’s no way around it, so I discussed with Ma Dai that it would be better to withdraw the troops. 點知 楊松 又 散播謠言 話 喇 : 馬超 收兵 返 嚟 呀 個 心實 係 想 圖謀不軌 㗎 。 who would have thought|Yang Song|again|spreading rumors|saying|particle indicating completed action|Ma Chao|withdraw troops|return|here|particle indicating exclamation|the|heart|is|wanting|plotting something sinister|particle indicating certainty Unexpectedly, Yang Song spread rumors saying: 'Ma Chao's intention to withdraw his troops is actually to plot something sinister.' 於是 張衛 分兵 七路 , 堅守 關隘 , 唔 肯放 馬超 一兵一卒 入 嚟 。 then|Zhang Wei|divided his troops|into seven routes|firmly defended|passes|not||Ma Chao|a single soldier|enter|come So, Zhang Wei divided his troops into seven routes, firmly defending the passes, and refused to let Ma Chao have even a single soldier enter. 唉 , 馬超 真 係 搞 到 進退兩難 就 無計可施 咯 。 sigh|Ma Chao|really|is|||a dilemma|then|no solution|particle indicating finality Alas, Ma Chao is really in a dilemma and has no way out. 孔明 了解 到 情況 , 見到 係 時候 喇 , 就 同 劉備 話 喇 : Zhuge Liang|understood|the|situation|seeing|is|time|particle indicating action completion|then|with|Liu Bei|said|particle indicating action completion Kong Ming understood the situation and saw that it was time, so he said to Liu Bei: 而家 , 馬超 正在 進退兩難 , 等 我 親自 去 馬超 嗰 度 , 用 我 三寸不爛之舌 , 說 馬超 嚟 投降 啦 。 right now|Ma Chao|is|in a dilemma|wait|I|personally|go|Ma Chao|that|place|use|my|three-inch tongue (referring to eloquence)|persuade|Ma Chao|to|surrender|particle indicating suggestion or command Right now, Ma Chao is in a dilemma, let me personally go to Ma Chao and use my silver tongue to persuade him to surrender. 啊 , 噉 點得 啊 點得 啊 , 先生 你 係 我 股肱 心腹 嚟 , 我 靠 晒 你 㗎 喇 軍師 。 ah|like that|how can it be|ah|how can it be|ah|sir|you|are|I|right-hand man|trusted aide|come|I|rely|completely|you|particle|particle|strategist Ah, how can that be, how can that be, sir, you are my trusted advisor, I rely entirely on you, strategist. 萬一 有 啲 三長兩短 如之奈何 啊 ? 唔 去 得 㗎 ! in case|has|a little|unforeseen circumstances|what to do|ah|not|go|able|particle What if something unexpected happens? We can't not go! 孔明 堅決 要 去 , 之 劉備 啊點 都 唔 同意 。 Zhuge Liang|firmly|wants|to go|possessive particle|Liu Bei|how|at all|not|agree Kong Ming is determined to go, but Liu Bei absolutely disagrees. 正 喺 度 躊躇 緊 , 衛士 入 嚟 報告 話 趙雲 寫 咗 封信 , 介紹 西川 一個 人 嚟 投降 噉 。 just|at|here|hesitating|continuous tense marker|guard|enter|come|report|said|Zhao Yun|write|past tense marker|a letter|introduce|Xichuan||person|come|surrender|like that Just as they were hesitating, a guard came in to report that Zhao Yun had written a letter introducing someone from Xichuan to surrender. 劉備 啊 請 佢 入 嚟 見面 。 Liu Bei|ah|please|he|come in|here|meet Liu Bei asked him to come in for a meeting. 呢 個人 啊 叫做 李恢 。 this|person|particle|is called|Li Hui This person is called Li Hui. 劉備 又 問 佢 : 往日 , 聽講 先生 你 苦苦 噉 勸諫 劉璋 唔 好 畀 我入 西川 。 Liu Bei|again|asked|him|in the past|I heard|sir|you|desperately|like that|advised|Liu Zhang|||let||Xichuan Liu Bei asked him again: In the past, I heard that you earnestly advised Liu Zhang not to let me enter Xichuan. 而家 , 因乜事 又 要 嚟 歸降 我 呢 ? now|for what reason|again|need|come|surrender|me|question particle Now, what is the reason for you to come and surrender to me? 劉將軍 , 古語 有話 : 良禽擇木 而棲 , 賢臣 擇主而事 。 General Liu|ancient saying|has a saying|||wise minister| General Liu, there is an ancient saying: A good bird chooses the tree it perches on, and a wise minister chooses the lord he serves. 往日 , 我 之所以 勸諫 劉益州 , 乃 係 盡人臣 之心 啊 。 in the past|I|the reason why|advised|Liu Yizhou|||to fulfill the duties of a subject|heart|ah In the past, the reason I advised Liu Yizhou was to fulfill my duty as a subject. 既然 唔 聽 我 勸 , 我 知道 佢 必定 要 失敗 㗎 喇 。 since|not|listen|I|advice|I|know|he|definitely|will|fail|particle|particle Since he did not listen to my advice, I knew he would definitely fail. 而家 劉將軍 你 嘅 德政 遍佈 於 西 蜀 , 你 必定 成功 嘅 , 故此 我 就 嚟 歸降 將軍 你 。 now|General Liu|you|possessive particle|benevolent rule|spread|in|||you|definitely|succeed|particle indicating certainty|therefore|I|then|come|surrender|general|you Now, General Liu, your virtuous governance is widespread in the West Shu, you will definitely succeed, so I have come to surrender to you. 哦 , 歡迎 歡迎 啊 ! 誒 先生 你 呢 次 嚟 , 必定 能夠 幫助 我 嘅 。 oh|welcome|welcome|ah|hey|sir|you|question particle|time|come|definitely|able to|help|I|possessive particle Oh, welcome, welcome! Sir, this time you are here, you will definitely be able to help me. 我 聽講 馬超 , 目前 正 係 進退兩難 , 我 以前 喺 隴西 嘅 時候 , 同 佢 有 一面之交 。 I|heard|Ma Chao|currently|right now|is|in a dilemma|I|before|at|Longxi|possessive particle|time|with|he|have|a brief acquaintance I heard that Ma Chao is currently in a dilemma, I had a brief acquaintance with him when I was in Longxi. 我 呀 想 去 說服 馬超 嚟 投降 , 劉將軍 你 意下如何 呢 ? I|particle indicating exclamation|want|to|persuade|Ma Chao|to|surrender|General Liu|you||question particle I want to persuade Ma Chao to surrender, what do you think, General Liu? 孔明 一聽 就 非常高興 , 佢 話 : 好極 喇 ! 我 正 係 想 搵 個人 代替 我 去一趟 。 Kongming|upon hearing|immediately|very happy|he|said|extremely good|particle indicating completed action|I|just|am|want|to find|someone|to replace|me|to go once Kongming was very happy to hear this, he said: That's great! I was just looking for someone to go in my place. 誒 , 我 想 知道 一下 , 先生 打算 點樣 同 馬超 講呢 ? hey|I|want|to know|a little|sir|plans|how|with|Ma Chao| Hey, I want to know, how does the gentleman plan to talk to Ma Chao? 李恢 啊 就 喺 孔明 嘅 耳 仔 邊 , 細細 聲話 , 如此 如此這般 這般 噉 。 Li Huo|ah|just|at|Kong Ming|possessive particle|ear|child|side|softly||like this|in this manner|this way|like that Li Hui was whispering in Kong Ming's ear, saying this and that. 孔明 好 歡喜 一味 岌頭 , 立即 就 派 李恢去 。 Zhuge Liang|very|happy|persistently|in a difficult situation|immediately|then|sent| Kong Ming was very pleased and immediately sent Li Hui. 李恢去 到 馬超 嘅 營寨 , 當然 係 請 守門 嘅 衛士 通報 姓名 入去 啦 。 |arrive|Ma Chao|possessive particle|camp|of course|is|request|gatekeeper|possessive particle|guard|report|name|enter|final particle When Li Hui arrived at Ma Chao's camp, of course he had to ask the guard at the gate to announce his name. 馬超 一聽 就 話 喇 : 哼哼 , 李恢 此人 能言善辯 , 今日 嚟 實 係 想 嚟 說 我 嘅 ! Ma Chao|upon hearing|immediately|said|particle indicating completion|hmm|Li Hui|this person|eloquent and persuasive|today|come|really|is|wants|come|to talk|me|possessive particle As soon as Ma Chao heard, he said: Hmph, Li Hui is a good speaker, he must have come today to talk about me! 於是 叫 咗 二十名 刀斧手 入 嚟 , 要 佢 哋 隱蔽 喺 中軍帳 裏 便 , 吩咐 佢 哋 話 : then|called|past tense marker|twenty|swordsmen|come|in|required|they|plural marker|hide|in|main army tent||immediately|instructed|them|plural marker|to say So, he called in twenty swordsmen, asking them to hide in the central army tent and instructed them to say: 等陣 叫 你 哋 斬 , 你 哋 就 將李 恢斬成 肉醬 啦 ! wait a moment|tell|||chop|||then|||minced meat|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation "When I call you to strike, you will chop Li Hui into minced meat!" 嘩 , 嘿 厲害 啊 。 wow|hey|awesome|particle indicating surprise or admiration Wow, that's impressive. 佈置 好 喇 , 馬超 就 叫 人 請 李恢入 嚟 。 arrangement|good|particle indicating completion|Ma Chao|then|called|people|invite||in The arrangements were ready, and Ma Chao called someone to invite Li Hui in. 冇 幾耐 , 李恢昂 昂然 噉 行入 嚟 。 not|long|Li Huaiang|confidently|like that|walked in|here Before long, Li Hui walked in proudly. 馬超 就 好 威嚴 噉 坐響 處 逳 都 唔 逳, 佢 喝 李 超 話 : Ma Chao|then|very|imposing|like that|sitting|place|run|all|not|run|he|drank|Li|Chao|said Ma Chao sat there with great authority, not moving at all, and he said to Li Chao: 你 嚟 做 咩 嘢 ! you|come|do|what|thing What are you here for! 我 特意 嚟 做 說客 㗎 。 I|specially|come|be|speaker|sentence-final particle I specially came to be a spokesperson. 啱 嘞 , 我 把 寶劍 新新磨 好 , 有 咩 說話 你 即 管講 嚟 聽 下 , 講得 有 道理 就 由 自可 ; ||I|(measure word for tools)|sword|||have|what|words|you|||come|||if (you) speak|have|reason|then|| That's right, I have just sharpened my sword, so feel free to say anything; if it makes sense, then it's fine; 講得 冇 道理 , 就 請 你 試下 把 劍 啦 ! speaking|no|sense|then|please|you|try|measure word for tools|sword|sentence-final particle if it doesn't make sense, then please try the sword! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 hahaha|hahaha Hahaha hahaha. 馬 將軍 呀 , 你 就 快 有場 大禍 喇 。 Ma|General|particle|you|will|soon|have a|great disaster|particle General Ma, you are about to face a big disaster. 我怕 你 新 磨 嗰 把 劍 , 都 未 嚟 得 及試 我 個頭 , 你 自己 就要 試先 咯 。 |you|new|sharpen|that|measure word for weapons|sword|already|not yet|come|able|to test|my||you|yourself|||particle indicating finality I'm afraid that your newly sharpened sword won't even have the chance to test my head, you'll have to test it yourself first. 我 有 咩 嘢 大禍 啊 ? I|have|what|thing|disaster|question particle What big disaster do I have? 噉 請 將軍 你 聽 我 慢慢 講 : then|please|general|you|listen|I|slowly|speak Then please, General, let me explain slowly: 越國 嘅 西施 , 即使 係 一個 好會講 壞話 嘅 人 亦 冇 辦法 抹殺 佢 嘅 美貌 ; Yue State|possessive particle|Xi Shi|even if|is|a|very good at speaking|bad things|possessive particle|person|also|has no|way|to erase|her|possessive particle|beauty The Xi Shi of the Yue Kingdom, even if someone is very good at speaking ill of others, cannot erase her beauty; 齊國 嘅 鐘 無 艷 就算 係 一個 極會 讚美 嘅 人 啊 , 亦 冇 辦法 掩飾 佢 嘅 醜樣 。 Qi State|possessive particle|Zhong|no|Yan|even if|is|a|extremely|praise|possessive particle|person|ah|also|no|way|to hide|his|possessive particle|ugly appearance The Zhong Wuyan of the Qi Kingdom, even if someone is extremely good at praising, cannot hide his ugliness. 太陽升 到 中天 , 就 開始 偏西 嘞 。 |to|zenith|then|starts|to set in the west|particle indicating completed action When the sun rises to its zenith, it begins to lean towards the west. 月光 到 咗 最圓 嘅 時候 呢 就 開始 損缺 嘞 噃, 呢 個 乃 係 天下 間 嘅 常理 嚟 。 moonlight|arrive|past tense marker|fullest|possessive particle|time|this|then|start|wane|past action marker||this|measure word|only|is|world|among|possessive particle|common sense|come When the moon reaches its fullest, it begins to wane; this is a common principle in the world. 今日 , 將軍 你 同 曹操 有 殺 父之仇 , 同 隴西 又 有 切齒 之恨 。 today|general|you|with|Cao Cao|have|killing||also|Longxi|again|have|gritting teeth| Today, General, you have a vendetta against Cao Cao for the murder of your father, and you also have a deep-seated hatred towards Longxi. 前 不能 救 劉璋 而 退 荊州 之兵 , 後 又 不能 制服 楊松 而 見 張魯之 面 啊 。 before|could not|save|Liu Zhang|and|withdraw|Jingzhou||later|again|could not|subdue|Yang Song|and|meet||face|ah In the front, I couldn't save Liu Zhang and retreated the troops from Jingzhou, and later I couldn't subdue Yang Song and see Zhang Lu. 目前 將軍 你 四海 難容 一身 無 主 , 若果 再有 一次 渭橋 或者 冀城 噉 嘅 失敗 , 仲有 乜嘢 面目 見 天下 之人 啊 ! currently|general|you|all corners of the world|hard to accept|in one person|without|master|if|there is again|one time|Weiqiao|or|Jicheng|like|possessive particle|failure|still have|what|face|to see|the world||exclamatory particle Currently, General, you are difficult to accommodate in the four seas and have no master. If there is another failure like at Weiqiao or Jicheng, what face will you have to see the people of the world! 馬 將軍 , 呢 個 道理 亦 係 好 顯淺 㗎 咋 。 Ma|General|this|measure word|principle|also|is|very|obvious|particle|only General Ma, this reasoning is also very obvious. 一番 說話 , 講到 馬超 驚心動魄 , 即刻 起身 對住 李恢 叩頭 行禮 多謝 佢 話 : a round of|conversation|when it comes to|Ma Chao|thrilling|immediately|stood up|facing|Li Huo|bowed|saluted|thank you|he|said After a round of words, when it came to Ma Chao's heart-pounding moment, he immediately stood up and bowed to Li Hui, thanking him and saying: 啊 , 先生 嘅 說話 講得 好 啱 , 但 係 , 但 係 我 冇 路 好行 啊 。 ah|sir|possessive particle|speech|speaks|very|right|||||I|have not|road||ah Ah, what you said, sir, is very correct, but, but I have no good way to go. 將軍 既然 肯 聽 我 講 嘅 說話 , 點解 中軍帳 內 又 要 埋伏 刀斧手 呢 ? General|since|willing|to listen|I|to speak|possessive particle|words|why|the central army tent|inside|also|need|to ambush|assassins|question particle General, since you are willing to listen to what I have to say, why do you need to ambush assassins in the central army's tent? 誒 呀 , 搞 到 馬超 呀 面 都 紅晒 , 即刻 喝 走 佢 哋 。 |ah|||||face|all|completely red|immediately|||| Ah, it made Ma Chao's face turn completely red, and he immediately drove them away. 李恢 又 話 : Li Hui|again|said Li Hui also said: 劉皇叔 禮賢下士 , 極之 重視 人才 , 我 睇 佢 必定會 成功 , 故此 我 就 離開 劉璋 而 歸降 佢 。 Liu Huangshu|treat the worthy with respect|extremely|values|talent|I|see|he|will definitely|succeed|therefore|I|then|leave|Liu Zhang|and|surrender to|him Emperor Liu, who values talent and treats the worthy with respect, I believe he will definitely succeed, so I left Liu Zhang and surrendered to him. 將軍 嘅 令尊 , 往年 曾經 同 劉皇叔 約 好 一齊 討伐 逆賊 嘅 。 the general|possessive particle|your esteemed father|in previous years|once|with|Liu the Emperor's uncle|||together|to attack|rebel|possessive particle Your father's lord once made an agreement with Emperor Liu to jointly attack the rebels. 將軍 今日 為 咩 嘢 唔 棄暗投明 , 搵 個 機會 上 報父仇 , 下 立功 名 呢 ? General|today|for|what|thing|not|abandon darkness for light|find|a|opportunity|to||then|achieve merit|fame|question particle General, why today do you not abandon the dark and seek the light, to find an opportunity to avenge your father and establish your own reputation? 多謝 先生 指教 ! thank you|sir|guidance Thank you for your guidance, sir! 馬超 立即 叫 楊柏入 嚟 , 楊柏 就 係 張魯派 嚟 做 監軍 嗰 個 嘞 。 Ma Chao|immediately|call||in|Yang Bai|then|is||here|to be|military supervisor|that|classifier|particle Ma Chao immediately called Yang Bai in, Yang Bai is the one sent by Zhang Lu to be the military supervisor. 一劍 就 殺 咗 佢 , 噉 啊 帶 住 佢 嘅 首級 , 跟 李恢 一齊 上關 嚟 投降 劉備 。 one sword|then|kill|past tense marker|him|then|ah|||him|possessive particle|head|with|Li Huo|together|the pass|come|surrender|Liu Bei With one sword, he killed him, and then brought his head along to surrender to Liu Bei with Li Hui. 劉備 真 係 高興 到 極咯 , 親自 迎接 佢 入 嚟 大堂 , 當作 係 上賓 噉 接待 。 Liu Bei|really|is|happy|to|extremely|personally|welcome|him|enter|come|hall|treat as|is|honored guest|like|receive Liu Bei was extremely happy, personally welcoming him into the hall and treating him as a distinguished guest. 馬超 呢 確係 真心 歸順 , 佢 叩頭 行禮 話 : 今日 遇着 明主 , 就 好似 撥開 雲霧 得 見 青天 啊 ! Ma Chao|this|really|sincerely|submit|he|bow|pay respects|said|today|encountered|wise ruler|then|just like|clearing|clouds and mist|finally|seeing|blue sky|ah Ma Chao truly submitted with sincerity, bowing and saying: Today, encountering a wise ruler is like parting the clouds to see the blue sky! 呢 個 時候 , 孫乾 就 已經 喺 漢中 返到 嚟 。 this|measure word|time|Sun Qian|then|already|at|Hanzhong|returned|here At this time, Sun Qian had already returned from Hanzhong. 劉備 仍然 任命 霍峻 、 孟達 兩個 守衛 葭 萌關 , 安排 好 之後 呢 , 就 率領 兵馬 , 準備 去 奪取 成都 。 Liu Bei|still|appointed|Huo Jun|Meng Da|two|guards|||arranged|well|after|question particle|then|led|troops|prepared|to|seize|Chengdu Liu Bei continued to appoint Huo Jun and Meng Da to guard the Jiameng Pass. After making the arrangements, he led his troops to prepare to seize Chengdu. 劉備 佢 哋 首先 返去 綿竹 , 同 趙雲 、 黃忠 會合 。 Liu Bei|he|plural marker|first|return to|Mianzhu|with|Zhao Yun|Huang Zhong|meet Liu Bei and his group first returned to Mianzhu to meet with Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong. 呢 一日 , 西蜀嘅劉晙 同 馬 漢 兩個 將軍 帶兵 嚟 到 。 this|day||and|||two|generals|led troops|| On this day, the generals Liu Shan and Ma Han from Western Shu brought their troops. 趙雲 話 嘞 : 等 我 去 捉 呢 兩個 人 。 Zhao Yun|said|past tense marker|wait|I|go|catch|these|two|people Zhao Yun said: Let me go catch these two people. 講完 就 上馬 帶兵 出 城 。 finish speaking|then|mount the horse|lead the troops|out|city After saying that, he mounted his horse and led his troops out of the city. 劉備 啊 吩咐 喺 城樓 上 便 擺酒 嚟 款待 馬超 。 Liu Bei|ah|instructed|at|city tower|on|then|set up a banquet|to|entertain|Ma Chao Liu Bei instructed to set up a banquet on the city tower to entertain Ma Chao. 嘿 , 啱 啱 開好 枱 都 未曾 入席 唔 , 趙雲 已經 斬 咗 劉晙 、 馬 漢 兩個 人頭 獻上 嚟 。 hey|||finished setting up|table|already|not yet|seated|no|Zhao Yun|already|killed|past tense marker|Liu Shan|||two|heads|presented|here Hey, just as the table was set and they hadn't even taken their seats, Zhao Yun had already beheaded Liu Shan and Ma Han and presented their heads. 馬超 雖則 係 英勇 啊 , 見到 趙雲 咁 本事 亦 都 好 驚奇 , 就 更加 敬重 趙雲 。 Ma Chao|although|is|brave|particle|seeing|Zhao Yun|so|ability|also|very|quite|surprised|then|even more|respect|Zhao Yun Although Ma Chao was brave, seeing Zhao Yun's skills surprised him, and he respected Zhao Yun even more. 馬超 同 劉備 話 嘞 : 唔 使 主公 你 興師 動眾 去 廝殺 , 等 我 去 叫 劉璋 出 嚟 投降 啦 。 Ma Chao|with|Liu Bei|said|past tense marker|not|need|lord|you|||to|fight|wait|I|to|call|Liu Zhang|out|come|surrender|sentence-final particle Ma Chao said to Liu Bei: "There’s no need for you, my lord, to mobilize the troops to fight. Let me go and persuade Liu Zhang to surrender." 如果 佢 唔 肯 投降 , 噉 我 就 同細 佬 馬岱 去 攞 成都 , 雙手 奉獻 畀 主公 你 。 if|he|not|willing|surrender|then|I|will||brother|Ma Dai|go|take|Chengdu|both hands|dedicate|to|lord|you If he refuses to surrender, then I will go with my younger brother Ma Dai to take Chengdu and present it to you with both hands. 好 啊 好 啊 ! 劉備 啊 歡喜 到 眉開眼笑 。 ||||Liu Bei||happy|to|smile broadly Alright, alright! Liu Bei was so happy that he beamed with joy. 噉 呢 餐酒 呢 就 飲得 格外 高興 喇 。 then|this|meal and wine|this|then|drink|especially|happy|particle indicating completed action So this meal was especially enjoyable. 而家 講下 劉璋 , 佢 聽到 嗰 啲 逃跑 返 嚟 益州 嘅 敗兵 講 嘅 情形 呀 嚇 到 佢 失魂 。 now|let's talk about|Liu Zhang|he|heard|those|plural marker|escape|return|to|Yizhou|possessive particle|defeated soldiers|talking|possessive particle|situation|sentence-final particle|||he|lost his mind Now, speaking of Liu Zhang, he was so frightened by the news from the fleeing soldiers returning to Yizhou that he lost his composure. 唯一 嘅 辦法 , 就 係 緊閉 城門 唔 出去 嘞 。 only|possessive particle|method|then|is|tightly closing|city gate|not|go out|past tense particle The only way is to close the city gates and not go out. 及至 聽到 報告 話 馬超 嘅 救兵 嚟 到 城北 嘞 噉 , 佢 先 至 敢 行 上 城樓 望下 。 until|heard|report|said|Ma Chao|possessive particle|reinforcements|come|arrive|north of the city|past tense particle|like that|he|||dare|walk|up|city tower|take a look Only when he heard the report that Ma Chao's reinforcements had arrived at the north of the city did he dare to go up to the city tower to take a look. 當時 馬超 、 馬岱 喺 城下 大聲 噉 嗌: 請 劉季玉 出 嚟 答話 ! at that time|Ma Chao|Ma Dai|at|outside the city|loudly|like that|shouted|please|Liu Qiyu|come|out|answer At that time, Ma Chao and Ma Dai were shouting loudly at the foot of the city: 'Please Liu Jiyu come out and answer!' 劉璋 就 企 喺 城樓 上 便 , 問 佢 有 咩 嘢 事 啊 講 啦 噉 。 Liu Zhang|then|stood|at|city tower|on|immediately|asked|he|has|what|thing|matter|ah|to say|particle|like that Liu Zhang stood on the city tower and asked what was the matter. 馬超 用條 馬鞭 嚟 指住 劉璋 話 : Ma Chao||whip|to|point at|Liu Zhang|said Ma Chao pointed at Liu Zhang with a whip and said: 我 本來 率領 張 魯 嘅 軍隊 嚟 救 益州 嘅 , 誰知 道 張魯聽 咗 楊 松 嘅 壞話 , 反而 要害 我 ! I|originally|led|Zhang|Lu|possessive particle|army|to come|save|Yizhou|possessive particle|unexpectedly|that||past tense marker|Yang|Song|possessive particle|slander|instead|harm|me I originally led Zhang Lu's army to rescue Yizhou, but unexpectedly, Zhang Lu listened to Yang Song's slander and instead wanted to harm me! 而家 , 我 已經 歸降 劉皇叔 喇 ! now|I|already|surrendered to|Liu the Emperor's uncle|particle indicating completed action Now, I have already surrendered to Liu Huangshu! 將軍 你 快 啲 獻 地 投降 , 免致 生靈 受苦 。 General|you|quickly|particle indicating degree|offer|to|surrender|so as not to|innocent lives|suffer General, you should quickly surrender and offer the land to avoid suffering for the common people. 如果 你 執迷不悟 , 我 就 攻城 㗎 喇 ! if|you|are obstinate|I|then|attack the city|sentence-final particle|past action particle If you remain stubborn, I will attack the city! 哎呀 ! 哎 哎 , 哎呀 ! oh no|sigh||oh no Oh no! Oh, oh, oh no! 當堂 嚇到 劉璋 面如土色 , 條氣 一下 頂住 噼啪 噉 成個 暈倒 𢴈 喺 地 嚟 。 on the spot|frightened|Liu Zhang|pale as a ghost|breath|suddenly|withstood|crackling|like that|completely|fainted|fell|at|ground|came At that moment, Liu Zhang was so scared that his face turned pale, and he suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed to the ground. 噉 啊 要 知道 劉璋 肯 唔 肯 投降 啊 , 劉備 係 點樣 嚟 攞 到 成都 呢 ? 就 且 聽 下回分解 。 like this|particle|need|to know|Liu Zhang|willing|not|willing|surrender|particle|Liu Bei|is|how|come|take|to|Chengdu|question particle|then|and|listen| Now, to find out whether Liu Zhang is willing to surrender, how did Liu Bei manage to take Chengdu? Let's wait for the next part to explain.

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