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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 103

嗰 班 大臣 就 喺 度 商量 , 因為 曹丕 點樣 先至 能夠 名正言順 噉 繼承 魏王 呢 個 爵位 。 兵部 尚書 陳 矯 就 話 喇 : 魏王 一 逝世 , 若果 佢 嘅 愛子 自立 為 王 , 彼此 爭奪 , 發生 變故 , 噉 國家 社稷 就 危險 喇 。 陳 矯 拔出 把 劍 ,𠻘 噉 將 自己 嘅 衫袖 割 咗 落 嚟 大聲 噉 話 : 就 喺 今日 , 請 世子 繼承 王位 ! 眾 官員 有 異議 嘅 以 衫袖 為例 ! 嘩 嗨 , 文武百官 啊 就 當堂 震晒 。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 門官 嚟 報告 講華歆 由 許昌 飛馬 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 大家 都 好 奇怪 啦 。 冇 幾耐 華歆入 到 嚟 , 大家 問 佢 有 咩 緊要 事 。 華歆 先問 大家 : 而家 魏王 逝世 , 天下 震動 , 點解 唔 早日 請 世子 繼位 呢 ? 大家 就 話 啦 : 正因 為 等 唔 切 皇帝 嘅 聖旨 , 啱 啱 喺 度 議論 緊 啊 , 就 想 根據 王後卞 氏 嘅 旨意 , 立世子 為 王 啊 。 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 下官 已經 喺 皇帝 處 攞 到 聖旨 喇 。 嗨 呀 , 噉 就 妥當 到極 喇 ! 嗰 班 文武 官員 當堂 歡喜 晒 。 華歆 立即 喺 身邊 攞 出 聖旨 嚟 宣讀 。 呢 道 聖旨 點 嚟 嘅 呢 ? 因為 華歆 啊 歷來 都 係 效 忠於 曹操 嘅 , 故此 就 起草 咗 一道 聖旨 逼住 漢獻帝 同意 發出 。 皇帝 就 唔 敢 唔 聽話 , 所以 呢 就 下 呢 道 聖旨 , 封 曹丕 做 魏王 、 丞相 、 冀州 牧 。 曹丕 即日 就 登位 嘞 , 接受 大小官員 朝拜 祝賀 。 呢 一日 , 正 係 舉行 緊 盛大宴會 嚟 慶賀 曹丕 登位 。 突然 接到 消息 話 鄢陵侯 曹彰 啊 , 由 長安 率領 十萬 大軍 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 嘩 ! 曹丕 大吃一驚 , 佢 同班 大臣 話 喇 : 我 呢 個 黃鬚 細佬 性格 剛強 , 精通 武藝 。 而 家 喺 咁 遠 帶兵 嚟 到 , 必定 係 嚟 同 我爭 王位 嘅 。 如之奈何 呢 ? 諫議 大夫 賈逵 就 行出 嚟 話 : 請 王上 派 微臣 去 見 鄢陵侯 啦 , 微臣 一句 說話 就 可以 講 服 佢 。 曹丕 好 高興 , 立即 啊 叫 賈逵 去講 掂 曹彰 。 噉 曹彰 見到 賈逵 出城 嚟 迎接 喇就問 : 先王 的 璽 綬 喺 邊 個度 ? 咦 ? 一 見面 就 問個 大印 呢 嚱。 賈逵 就 好 嚴肅 噉 回答 佢 話 喇 : 家有 長子 , 國有 儲君 。 先王 嘅 璽 綬 , 唔 係 君侯 你 所 應該 問 㗎 。 哦 ! 曹彰 當堂 冇 聲出 喇 , 就 乖乖 噉 跟 住 賈逵 入城 嘞 。 行到 宮殿 門前 , 賈逵 就 問曹彰 : 君侯 呢 次 嚟 , 係 嚟 奔喪 呢 , 定 係 嚟 爭 王位 㗎 ? 我 係 嚟 奔喪 , 並 冇 其他 意思 。 既然 係 噉 , 點解 要 帶兵 入城 啊 ? 曹彰 即時 喝退 跟 佢 嚟 嗰 啲 將士 , 單身 入去 宮殿 拜見 曹丕 。 兩 兄弟 就 抱頭痛哭 啦 。 曹彰將 本部 軍馬 全部 交返 畀 曹丕 。 曹丕 依然 叫 佢 返 去 鄢陵 嚟 住 。 噉 於是 曹彰 就 返 扯 嘞 。 嗱, 喺 三個 細佬 當中 , 呢 個 係 帶兵 嘅 , 最 犀利 係 佢 。 而家 解決 咗 呢 一個 嘞 , 曹丕 安心 坐 正 王位 。 佢 唔 用 漢獻帝 嘅 年號 嘞 , 就將 建安 二十五年 啊 , 改為 延康 元年 。 封賈詡 做 太尉 , 華歆 做 相國 , 王朗 做 御史大夫 。 其他 大大小小 官員 啊 個個 都 有 升賞 啊 。 噉 啊 稱 父親 曹操 做 武王 , 將 佢 安葬 喺 鄴 郡 高陵 , 就 命令 于禁 去 監督 修建 陵墓 。 嗰 日 于 禁 啊 奉命 去 到 啦 , 噉 啊 先 四圍 睇 下 , 入到 陵園 間 大屋裏 便 , 吓 ? 只見 白粉牆 上畫 住 一幅 圖畫 。 咩 嘢 呢 ? 原來 係 畫 關雲長 水淹七軍 , 擒獲 于 禁 嘅 故事 啊 。 關雲長 呢 , 好威風 噉 坐 正 喺 處 , 龐德 呀 憤怒 不屈 , 于禁 就 跪 低 趴 喺 地 嚟 作 哀求 乞命 狀 。 原來 啊 , 曹丕 見到 于禁 此人 兵敗 被 擒 就 唔 肯以 死 嚟 表示 自己 嘅 節氣 , 投降 咗 敵人 之後 呢 又 再 返 嚟 , 個心 就 非常 之 睇 唔 起于 禁 。 故此 啊 預先 叫 人 喺 陵園 間 屋 嘅 牆上 啊 , 畫 定幅 噉 嘅 畫 。 然後 就 派 于 禁去 陵園 , 等 佢 見到 幅畫 喇 就 用 噉 嘅 辦法 嚟 到 羞辱 佢 。 唉 , 于禁 見到 幅畫 , 又 醜時 又 翳 氣 就 嬲 出病 嚟 , 冇 幾耐 呢 就 死 咗 喇 。 後 嚟 有人 寫 咗 首詩 啊 感 歎 呢 件 事 : 三十年 來說 舊交 , 可憐 臨難 不忠 曹 。 知人 未 向 心中 識 , 畫虎 今 從 骨里描 。 有 一日 , 華歆 啊 稟奏 曹丕 : 鄢陵侯 已經 交割 軍馬 返去 本國 喇 。 臨淄 侯 曹植 、 蕭懷侯 曹熊 , 佢 哋 兩個 都 唔 嚟 奔喪 , 理應 問罪 啊 。 曹丕聽 晒 佢 嘅 , 立即 分別 派 使者 去 問罪 。 過 咗 一段時間 , 有個 使者 返 嚟 報告 , 話 蕭懷侯 熊 畏罪自殺 死 咗 喇 噉 。 曹丕 啊 叫 人 隆重 噉 安葬 佢 , 追贈 佢 做 蕭 懷王 。 哈叻 ! 逼死 個 細佬 然後 升 佢 一級 吓 。 又過 咗 一日 , 另 一個 使者 返 嚟 報告 話 嘞 : 稟奏 大王 , 臨淄 侯 日日 都 同丁儀 、 丁廙 兩 兄弟 飲酒 , 非常 傲慢無禮 。 當 微臣 奉大 王之命 去 到 嘅 時候 , 臨淄 侯 坐響 處 都 唔 動 。 丁 儀 喺 度 鬧 , 佢 話 : 往日 , 先 王在世 嘅 時候 , 本來 係 要立 我 哋 主公 做 世子 嘅 , 點知 啊 畀 啲 播弄是非 嘅 奸臣 阻撓 咋 嘛 。 好 啊 , 而家 先王 逝世 冇 幾耐 , 就要 嚟 向 兄弟 骨肉 問罪 嘞 , 為 咩 嘢 事 吖 噉 。 嗰 個 丁 廙 又 話 : 我 哋 主公 聰明 蓋世 , 本應 繼承 王位 嘅 。 而家 反而 冇 得 繼承 , 你 哋 嗰 班 大臣 呀 , 一 啲 都 唔 識 人才 , 蠢到 噉 嘅 地步 嘅 。 臨淄王 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 喝 啲 武士 , 將 微臣 亂棍 打 出去 啊 。 可惱 嘢 咯 , 曹丕 啊 嬲 到極 啊 。 立即 命令 許褚 率領 虎衛 軍 三千名 , 火速 去 臨淄 捉拿 曹植 等等 一班人 嚟 。 許褚 呀 帶兵 趕 去 臨淄 城 啦 。 臨淄 城 喺 而 家 山東省 嘅 中部 偏北 嘅 地方 。 噉 啊 守城 嘅 將官 想 攔阻 許褚 唔 畀 佢 入 。 許褚 都 唔 理 你 咁 多 一劍 就 斬 咗 佢 , 帶兵 直 衝入 城 。 嘩 咁 犀利 㗎 , 冇 個人 敢 攔擋 佢 咯 。 許褚 直筆 去 到 府 堂 , 只見 曹植 同丁儀 、 丁 廙 佢 哋 都 飲 到 爛醉如泥 。 許褚 啊 一律 扎起 佢 哋 , 用 架車 嚟 裝 佢 哋 走 。 同時 呢 , 將 曹植 屬下 嘅 大小官員 全部 捉起 嚟 , 解去鄴 郡 聽候 曹丕 發落 。 曹丕 就 下令 , 首先 將丁儀 、 丁廙 一班人 殺 咗 。 丁氏 兩 兄弟 呢 , 本來 係 好 有名氣 嘅 文人 。 佢 哋 被 殺 啊 好多 人 都 覺得 好 可惜 。 不過 喺 啲 噉 嘅 爭權奪利 嘅 鬥爭 當中 啊 , 為 咗 排除異己 總 係 要 殺人 㗎 喇 , 可惜 又 點話 呢 ? 而家 講下 曹丕 嘅 母親 卞氏 , 佢 聽聞 曹熊 吊頸 自殺 , 個心 啊 好 悲傷 。 而家 又 聽聞 話 拉 咗 曹植 , 佢 個 親信 同黨 丁儀 等 人 呢 已經 被 殺 喇 , 就 好 驚 嘞 喎 。 急急 啊 出 嚟 大殿 , 召 曹丕 嚟 見 佢 。 曹丕 聽講 母親 出到 嚟 唄 , 就 急忙 去 拜見 啦 。 卞氏 喊住 對 曹丕 話 : 你 細佬阿植 , 平時 鍾 意 飲酒 , 狂放 , 皆 因 係 似恃住 有 啲 才學 , 故此 噉 樣 放縱 嘅 啫 。 你 要 乃念 同胞 骨肉之情 , 留 返 佢 條 命 至 好 啊 。 噉 我 死 咗 都 會 眼閉 咯 。 孩兒 亦 係 極之 愛惜 佢 嘅 才學 , 點會 害 佢 呢 , 而家淨 係 想 懲戒 下 佢 啫 , 母親 唔 使 擔憂 嘅 。 係 噉 就 好 啦 。 卞氏 喊 咗 一陣 交帶 幾句 就 返入 去 嘞 。 曹丕 跟 住 出 嚟 偏殿 , 召 曹植入 嚟 見 佢 。 華歆 啊問 曹丕 : 剛才 , 係 唔 係 太後勸 殿下 你 唔 好 殺子建 啊 ? 係 啊 。 子建才 高學 飽極 有 抱負 , 終歸 唔 係 池中之物 。 若果 唔 及早 剷除 , 必為 後患 㗎 。 嗯 , 母親 嘅 命令 , 唔 能夠 違背 嘅 。 人人 都 話子建 出口成章 , 微臣 就 唔 係 點信唧 。 不如 等 一陣子 建 嚟 到 嘅 時候 , 殿下 就試 下 佢 嘅 才學 。 若果 係 冇 料 嘅 , 即刻 就 殺 咗 佢 ; 若果 係 有 料 嘅 呢 , 就 貶低 佢 嘅 爵位 , 作為 懲罰 。 噉 樣 做 就 可以 塞住 天下 文人 把 口 啦 嘛 。 哈哈 , 曹丕 同意 嘞 。 過 咗 一陣 , 曹植 嚟 到 , 一入 嚟 就 跪 低 叩頭 請罪 。 曹丕 話 : 我同 你 雖然 係 兄弟 之親 , 但 係 君臣 地位 不同 。 你點 能夠 咁 大膽 , 恃 住 自己 嘅 才學 , 蔑視 君臣 之禮 呢 ? 父親 在世 嘅 時候 , 你 時時 都 攞 自己 嘅 文章 向 人 哋 誇耀 , 我 啊 好 懷疑 你 係 請 人 代筆 嘅 。 我而家限 你 行 七步 要作 一首 詩出 嚟 。 如果 得 , 就免 你 一死 。 若果 唔 得 , 就 從重 治罪 , 決不 姑息 。 請出 題目 。 呢 個 時候 , 間 殿 裏頭 又 掛住 一張 水墨畫 , 畫住 兩隻 牛 , 喺 一 埲 泥 墻 旁邊 啊 打緊 交 , 有 隻 牛 呢 跌 咗 落井 死 咗 。 曹丕 就 指住 幅 畫講 : 你 就 以 呢 張畫 做 題目 啦 。 不過 噉 , 詩 裏 便 , 唔 準用 咩 嘢 二 牛鬥牆 下 , 一牛 墜井死 等等 嘅 字眼 。 哈 曹植 就 係 噉 啊 , 從從容容 , 一步 、 兩步 、 三步 、 四步 、 五步 、 六步 、 七步 , 得 喇 , 詩 已經 作好 嘞 。 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : 兩肉齊 道行 , 頭上 帶 凹 骨 。 相遇 塊 山下 , 郯起 相 搪突 。 二敵 不俱剛 , 一肉 臥 土窟 。 非是 力 不如 , 盛氣 不泄 畢 。 嘩真 叻 啊 ! 曹丕 同 嗰 班 大臣 都 十分 驚奇 啊 。 曹丕 話 喇 : 嗯 , 七步成章 我 都 仲 覺得 遲 , 你 能 唔 能夠 應聲 而作 一首 詩呢 ? 請 賜 題目 。 我同 你 係 兄弟 , 就 用 呢 個 做 題目 啦 , 亦 唔 準用 兄弟 呢 啲 字眼 嘅 。 曹植 啊 真 係 諗 都 唔 使 諗 噉 , 衝口而出 就吟 咗 一首 詩 : 煮 豆燃 豆萁 , 豆 在 釜 中泣 , 本是 同根 生 , 相 煎 何太急 ! 曹丕 一聽 , 忍 唔 住 啲 眼淚 吧 吧 聲 咁 流 。 佢 母親 卞氏 突然 喺 大殿 後 便 行出 嚟 話 嘞 : 做 大佬 嘅 , 點解 要 將細 佬 逼成 噉 樣 吖 ! 曹丕 急忙 起身 對 母親 話 : 皆 因要 維護 國法 啫 。 於是 呢 , 就 貶 咗 曹植 做 安鄉侯 。 嘿 , 曹植 叩 個頭 , 辭別 咗 曹丕 就 走 咗 嘞 。 曹丕 自從 繼位 之後 啊 , 就 推行 一套 新 嘅 法令 , 對 漢獻帝 嘅 威逼 呢 就 仲 甚 過 佢 父親 。 呢 啲 情形 呢 , 自然 有 間諜 向 成都 報告 。 劉備 知道 咗 就 好 大 震動 啊 。 呢 一日 , 佢 召集 文武 官員 嚟 商量 , 佢 話 : 曹操 死 咗 , 誒 曹丕 繼位 , 佢 威逼 天子 呀 更 甚 過 佢 父親 。 而家 東吳 孫權 又 對 曹丕 拱手 稱臣 。 嗯 , 孤王 想 先 去 討伐 東吳 , 為雲長 報仇 。 其次 就 去 討伐 中原 , 剷除 奸賊 啊 。 劉備 說話 未 完 , 廖化 就 行出 嚟 喊住 跪低 話 嘞 : 關公 父子 遇害 , 其實 , 係 劉封 、 孟達 之罪 啊 , 請 皇上 斬 咗 呢 兩個 奸賊 啦 。 劉備 即刻 就 想 派 人 去 捉 佢 哋 嚟 。 孔明 話 : 唔 好 住 , 要 慢慢 嚟 至 得 , 急則 生變 喇 。 請 王上 提升 佢 兩個 人 做 郡守 , 將 佢 兩個 分開 調 走 , 然 之後 先至 捉 得到 佢 哋 㗎 。 劉備 啊 聽 孔明 話 , 就 派 個 使者 去 通知 劉封 , 升 佢 去 鎮守 綿竹 。 原來 彭 羕 呢 , 就 同孟達 係 好 朋友 嚟 。 噉 佢 聽講 呢 件 事 嘩 得 了 嘅 , 急急 返 屋企 就 寫 咗 封信 , 派個 心腹 家人 去 通水 畀 孟達知 。 佢 個 家人 啱 啱 出 咗 成都 南門 , 就 畀 馬超 部下 嘅 巡邏隊 捉住 , 解 咗 嚟 見 馬超 。 馬超 審 明白 之後 呢 , 就 去 搵 彭 羕 嘞 。 彭 羕 迎接 咗 佢 入 去 大廳 坐落 就 擺酒 款待 佢 。 酒過三巡 , 馬超 就 用 說話 嚟 挑 下 佢 嘞 : 彭公 呀 , 往日 漢中 王待 你 極好 㗎 , 近日 , 點解 漸漸 差 咗 呢 吓 ? 嗯 , 嗰 個 老 兵痞 啊 , 越老越 荒唐 , 我 實有 啲 嘢 嚟 畀 佢 歎 下 嘅 。 我個 心 都 嬲 咗 佢 好 耐 㗎 喇 。 馬 將軍 ,嗱, 你 出動 本部 個 兵馬 , 聯合 孟達 做 外合 , 我 啊 率領 川兵 做 內應 , 噉 就 大事 成功 啦 嘛 。 彭公 你 講得 啱 , 聽日 我 哋 再 詳細 商量 下添 , 我 告辭 嘞 。 馬超 離開 咗 彭 羕 屋企 , 立 即將 送信人 同埋 封 密信 解去 見 劉備 。 同時 呢 就 將同 彭 羕 嘅 談話 講晒 畀 劉備 聽 。 嬲 到 劉備 不得了 啊 , 即刻 就 下令 捉 咗 彭 羕 韞 咗 入監 , 嚴刑拷打 審問 佢 。 彭 羕 喺 監獄 裏頭 受苦 就 悔之無及 喇 。 劉備 同 孔明 商量 話 喇 : 彭 羕 有 心想 謀反 噃, 點樣 處置 佢 好 呢 ? 孔明 話 : 彭 羕 雖則 係 個 狂士 , 不過 留得 耐 呢 必定會 惹出 禍 嚟 㗎 。 於是 劉備 就 喺 監獄 裏頭 啊 , 叫 彭 羕 自 殺死 。 噉 啊 有人 將彭 羕 死 嘅 消息 報告 畀 孟達知 , 孟達 就 好 驚 啊 真 係 手 揗 腳 震 喇 。 呢 一日 , 成都 使者 嚟 到 下令 調 劉封 返去 鎮守 綿竹 。 劉 封一 走 呢 , 孟達 啊 連忙 去 請 上 庸 、 房陵 、 都尉 申耽 、 申儀 兩 兄弟 嚟 商量 。 孟達話 喇 : 我 同法 正 一樣 係 有功 於 漢中 王 嘅 。 而 家法 正 啊 死 咗 啦 , 之 漢中 王 唔 單止 話 忘記 晒 我 以前 嘅 功勞 , 仲要 害死 我添 , 噉 點算 好 啊 ? 申 耽話 喇 : 我 有 一條 計 , 使到 漢中 王 唔 能夠 害 得到 你 嘅 。 點呢 點呢 ? 有 乜嘢 好計 啊 ? 我 哋 兩 兄弟 想 投靠 北魏 好耐 㗎 喇 。 你 寫封信 畀 漢中 王 , 講明 同 佢 分手 , 然後 去 投奔 魏 王曹丕 啦 , 曹丕 必定 重用 你 嘅 。 我 哋 兩 兄弟 隨後 亦 投降 過去 㗎 喇 。 孟達 一 諗 係 噃, 立即 寫 好 封信 , 叫 成都 嚟 嘅 使者 帶返 去 。 當晚 , 孟達 帶 住 五廿 幾個 人 , 真 係 趯 咗 去 投奔 曹丕 嘞 。 使者 返到 去 成都 見到 劉備 , 呈 上 孟 達 嘅 書信 , 話 佢 聽 孟 達 去 咗 投降 北魏 喇 噉 。 劉備 拆開 封信 睇 下 。 孟達 舞文弄墨 , 首先 表面 謙虛 一番 , 然後 呢 就 引經據典 , 講 古時 啲 功臣 啊 往往 畀 主子 借故 殺死 。 呢 次 荊州 失陷 , 如果 追究 自己 嘅 責任 就 弊 喇 , 所以 呢 只有 分手 好過 喇 噉 。 劉備 睇 完激 到 佢 乜嘢 噉 啊 , 即刻 就 想起 兵去 捉 佢 。 孔明 話 喇 : 不如 派 劉封 起兵 去 捉 佢 , 等 佢 哋 兩虎相爭 。 劉封 無論 打贏 或 打輸 , 都 必定 要 返 嚟 成都 嘅 , 到 時 再 剷除 埋 佢 , 噉 就 兩害 都 消滅 晒 喇 。 劉備 採納 咗 孔明 嘅 建議 , 就 派 使者 去 綿竹 , 傳令 劉封 進兵 去 攻打 孟達 。 噉 劉封接 咗 命令 就 帶兵 去 喇 。 而家 講下 曹丕 啊 , 嗰 日 佢 正在 召集 文武百官 就 喺 度 議論 事情 , 聽聞 話 孟達 嚟 到 投降 唄 , 就 召 佢 入 嚟 問 佢 嘞 : 你 係 唔 係 嚟 詐降 啊 ? 孟達話 喇 : 微臣 因為 冇 去 救 關公 , 所以 漢中 王要 殺死 微臣 , 因此 就 嚟 投降 , 並 冇 其他 意思 。 曹丕 唔 係 點信 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 佢 咁 啱 接到 報告 話 劉封 帶 咗 五萬 兵 嚟 打 襄陽 , 單單 去 孟達 挑戰 噉 。 曹丕 就 話 : 你 既然 係 真心 嘅 , 你 就 去 襄陽 ,攞 咗 劉 封 嘅 首級 嚟 , 孤王 噉 就 信 你 嘞 。 等 微臣 去 到 , 用 利害關係 嚟 說服 佢 , 都 不必 動兵 , 就 可以 使到 劉封 嚟 投降 殿下 喇 。 誒 噉 亦 好 吖 ! 曹丕 好 高興 , 就 加封 孟達 做 散 騎常侍 、 建武 將軍 、 平 陽亭侯 , 領 新城 太守 , 叫 佢 去 鎮守 襄陽 、 樊城 。 噉 啊 原來 夏侯尚 同 徐晃 啊 , 已經 喺 襄陽 嚟 嘞 , 正 係 準備 去 攻取 上庸 各個 郡 。 孟 達到 咗 襄陽 , 同 夏侯尚 以及 徐晃見 咗 面 , 探聽到 劉 封 嘅 人馬 , 就 喺 襄陽 城外 五十里 嗰 度 扎 落 營寨 。 孟達 啊 即刻 寫封信 , 派 人 送 去 蜀 軍營 寨 就 勸 劉封 投降 。 劉封 睇 咗 信 , 發起 火 嚟 話 : 孟達 奸賊 ! 你 破壞 我 哋 叔侄 嘅 情意 , 又 離間 我 父子 感情 , 害到 我 成為 個 不忠 不孝 之人 啊 ! 𠻘𠻘𠻘 咁 撕爛 咗 封信 , 下令 斬 咗 送信 嘅 使者 , 第日 就 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 嘞 。 孟 達見 劉封 咁 唔 畀 面 吓 , 又 撕爛 信 又 斬 使者 , 亦 係 嬲 到 火 紅火 綠 , 就 帶兵 嚟 迎戰 嘞 。 兩陣 對圓 , 劉封 出馬 , 用 把 刀 指住 孟達 鬧 佢 話 : 你 呢 個 背叛 國家 嘅 反賊 , 快 啲 落馬 受 綁 啊 ! 嘿 ! 你 自己 死到 臨頭 喇仲 執迷不悟 ! 劉 封一 發火 , 拍 馬舞刀 直取 孟達 。 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 孟達 打敗 走人 喎 。 劉封 趁勢 揮兵 追殺 啊 一路 追 咗 二十幾 里 。 喎 嗬 ! 一聲 吶喊 , 伏兵 就 衝出 嚟 嘞 。 左便 係 夏侯尚 , 右 便 係 徐晃 , 孟達 又 返 轉頭 嘩 ! 三路 夾攻 , 打到 劉封 呀 零兵 賴敗 就 搏命 逃跑 。 當 佢 跑 到 返 上 庸 嘅 時候 , 魏兵 一直 喺 佢 背後 追住 嚟 噃。 劉封 跑 到 城下 叫門 , 點 知道 城上 亂 咁 射箭 落 嚟 。 申 耽 喺 城樓 上 大聲 噉 話 : 我 已經 投降 北魏 喇 ! 嘿 豈有此理 吖 劉封 想 話 攻城 啦 , 但 係 背後 嘅 追兵 就 到 嘞 。 劉封 立腳 唔 住 就 唯有 趯 去 房陵 啦 。 但 係 去 到 一 睇 , 城頭 上 已經 插滿 晒 北魏 嘅 旗幟 。 申儀 喺 城樓 上 便 將面 大旗 一舞 , 城後一彪 軍馬 衝出 嚟 , 軍旗 上面 幾個 大字 : 右 將軍 徐晃 ! 哎呀 ! 冇 得 頂 , 劉封 打 唔 過啊 急急 逃跑 去 西川 。 徐晃 趁勢 追殺 一番 , 殺到 劉封 剩返 百零人 , 丟盔棄甲 趯 返 嚟 成都 。 佢 見到 劉備 , 喊住 跪 喺 地 嚟 將 打敗 嘅 經過 一五一十 噉 報告 。 劉備 啊 鬧 佢 : 你 呢 個 衰仔 仲有 乜嘢 面目 返 嚟 見 我 ! 二叔 遇難 , 並非 孩兒 唔 去 救 , 皆 因孟達 勸住 唔 畀 孩兒 去 咋 ! 哼 ! 你 係 個人 嚟 㗎 嘛 , 食人飯 着 人 衣服 , 唔 通 你 係 個 木偶 嚟 咩 ! 乜個 奸賊 講 幾句 說話 , 就 阻得 住 你 嘅 咩 ? 劉備 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 喝人拉 劉封 出去 殺 咗 佢 。 殺 咗 劉封 之後 , 劉備 又 聽聞 話 孟達 曾經 勸 劉封 投降 , 劉封 啊 撕爛 信 斬 使者 拒絕 投降 , 唉 劉備 個心 呢 又 都 後悔 起 嚟 。 同時 又 哀痛 關公 , 所以 啊 得 咗 病 因此 呢 就 按兵不動 嘞 。 而家 講下 魏 王曹丕 , 佢 繼承 王位 之後 啊 大賞 文武百官 。 然後 呢 , 統率 鐵甲兵 三十萬 , 南巡 家鄉 沛國 譙 縣 嘞 , 拜祭 先人 嘅 墳墓 。 哦 熱鬧 咯 ! 不得了 咯 ! 佢 嚟 到 嗰 日 呀 , 家鄉 啲 父老 出齊 嚟 , 沿路 咁 敬酒 啊 。 呢 呢 啲 就 係 仿效 當年 漢高祖 劉邦 , 做 咗 皇帝 之後 回鄉 嘅 事 嘞 。 冇 幾耐 , 曹丕 收到 報告 話 大將軍 夏侯惇 病危 。 噉 曹丕 立即 趕返 去鄴 郡 , 返到 去 呢 , 夏侯惇 已經 死 咗 嘞 。 曹丕 為 佢 掛孝 用 極其 隆重 嘅 葬禮 啊 , 嚟 安葬 咗 佢 。 到 咗 呢 一年 嘅 八月 , 陸續 收到 報告 話 , 石邑縣 見到 鳳凰 , 臨淄 城有 麒麟 出現 , 鄴 郡 又 發現 黃龍 , 嘩 嗨 ! 都 係 好 兆頭 嚟 噃。 於是 中郎將 李伏 、 太史 丞許 芝 就 商量 咗 一番 , 認為 種種 嘅 好 兆頭 啊 , 都 係 , 魏 應該 取代 漢 嘅 預兆 嚟 。 係 時候 喇 ! 可以 安排 受 禪 嘅 大禮 喇 ! 叫 漢獻帝 呀將 天下 讓 畀 魏王 喇 噉 。 呢 一日 , 佢 哋 串 好 晒 , 同埋 華歆 、 王朗 、 辛 毗 、 賈詡 、 劉廙 、 劉曄 、 陳 矯 、 陳 群 、 桓階 等等 一班 文武 官僚 啊 總共 四廿幾人 , 直情 入 去 皇宮 裏 便 , 稟奏 漢獻帝 , 請 佢 禪位 畀 魏 王曹丕 。 正是 魏家 社稷 今將建 , 漢代 江山 忽 已移 。 要 知道 獻帝 點樣 回答 啊 , 且 聽 下回分解 。

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嗰 班 大臣 就 喺 度 商量 , 因為 曹丕 點樣 先至 能夠 名正言順 噉 繼承 魏王 呢 個 爵位 。 that|group|ministers|then|at|place|discuss|because|Cao Pi|how|only then|able to|legitimate|like this|inherit|King of Wei|this|measure word|title The ministers were discussing how Cao Pi could rightfully inherit the title of King of Wei. 兵部 尚書 陳 矯 就 話 喇 : 魏王 一 逝世 , 若果 佢 嘅 愛子 自立 為 王 , 彼此 爭奪 , 發生 變故 , 噉 國家 社稷 就 危險 喇 。 Ministry of War|Secretary|Chen|Jiao|then|said|particle indicating completed action|King Wei|one|died|if|he|possessive particle|beloved son|self-proclaim|as|king|each other|fight for power|happen|unforeseen events|then|country|state|then|in danger|particle indicating completed action The Minister of War, Chen Jiao, said: If the King of Wei passes away and his beloved son declares himself king, there will be a struggle for power, leading to chaos, and the state will be in danger. 陳 矯 拔出 把 劍 ,𠻘 噉 將 自己 嘅 衫袖 割 咗 落 嚟 大聲 噉 話 : Chan|Kiu|drew|measure word for weapons|sword|then|like that|to take|himself|possessive particle|sleeve|cut|past tense marker|down|come|loudly|like that|said Chen Jiao drew his sword, cut off his own sleeve, and loudly declared: 就 喺 今日 , 請 世子 繼承 王位 ! 眾 官員 有 異議 嘅 以 衫袖 為例 ! just|at|today|request|crown prince|to inherit|throne|all|officials|have|objections|possessive particle|by|sleeve| Today, I ask the heir to inherit the throne! Those officials who have objections, use their sleeves as an example! 嘩 嗨 , 文武百官 啊 就 當堂 震晒 。 wow|hi|all civil and military officials|ah|then|on the spot|were all shocked Wow, the civil and military officials were all shocked. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 門官 嚟 報告 講華歆 由 許昌 飛馬 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 just|at|this|measure word for events|time|gatekeeper|come|report|Kong Wah Hin|from|Xuchang|Feima|come|arrive|particle indicating completion|like this At this moment, the gatekeeper came to report that Hua Xin had arrived from Xuchang. 大家 都 好 奇怪 啦 。 everyone|all|very|strange|sentence-final particle Everyone was very curious. 冇 幾耐 華歆入 到 嚟 , 大家 問 佢 有 咩 緊要 事 。 not|long||||everyone|asked|he|has|what|important|matter Not long after, Hua Xin entered, and everyone asked him what was so important. 華歆 先問 大家 : 而家 魏王 逝世 , 天下 震動 , 點解 唔 早日 請 世子 繼位 呢 ? Hua Xin|first ask|everyone|now|King Wei|passed away|the world|shaken|why|not|sooner|invite|crown prince|ascend the throne|question particle Hua Xin first asked everyone: Now that the King of Wei has passed away, the world is in turmoil, why haven't we invited the Crown Prince to ascend the throne? 大家 就 話 啦 : 正因 為 等 唔 切 皇帝 嘅 聖旨 , 啱 啱 喺 度 議論 緊 啊 , 就 想 根據 王後卞 氏 嘅 旨意 , 立世子 為 王 啊 。 everyone|then|said|particle indicating completed action|precisely because|for|us|not|wait|emperor|possessive particle|imperial decree|||at|place|discussing|ongoing|particle indicating exclamation|then|want|according to|Queen Bian|surname|possessive particle|will||as|king|particle indicating exclamation Everyone replied: It is precisely because we are waiting for the Emperor's decree, we are currently discussing this, and we want to establish the Crown Prince as the King according to the wishes of the Queen Dowager Bian. 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 下官 已經 喺 皇帝 處 攞 到 聖旨 喇 。 hehe||this official|already|at|emperor|place|received|from|imperial decree|particle indicating completed action Hehe, hehe, the official has already obtained the imperial decree from the emperor. 嗨 呀 , 噉 就 妥當 到極 喇 ! 嗰 班 文武 官員 當堂 歡喜 晒 。 hi|particle|then|just|settled|to the extreme|particle|that|group|civil and military|officials|on the spot|happy|very Hi, that's just perfect! Those civil and military officials are all very happy. 華歆 立即 喺 身邊 攞 出 聖旨 嚟 宣讀 。 Hua Xin|immediately|at|side|||imperial edict|to|read aloud Hua Xin immediately took out the imperial decree to read it. 呢 道 聖旨 點 嚟 嘅 呢 ? question particle|||||| How did this imperial decree come about? 因為 華歆 啊 歷來 都 係 效 忠於 曹操 嘅 , 故此 就 起草 咗 一道 聖旨 逼住 漢獻帝 同意 發出 。 because|Hua Xin|ah|always|all|is|||Cao Cao|possessive particle|therefore|then|drafted|past tense marker|one|imperial edict|forced|Emperor Xian of Han|to agree|to issue Because Hua Xin has always been loyal to Cao Cao, he drafted an imperial decree to force Emperor Xian of Han to agree to issue it. 皇帝 就 唔 敢 唔 聽話 , 所以 呢 就 下 呢 道 聖旨 , 封 曹丕 做 魏王 、 丞相 、 冀州 牧 。 emperor|then|not|dare|not|obey|so|this|then|issue|this|measure word for orders|imperial edict|appoint|Cao Pi|as|King of Wei|Chancellor|Jizhou|Governor The emperor dared not disobey, so he issued this holy decree, appointing Cao Pi as the King of Wei, Chancellor, and Governor of Jizhou. 曹丕 即日 就 登位 嘞 , 接受 大小官員 朝拜 祝賀 。 Cao Pi|on the same day|then|ascended the throne|past tense marker|accepted||court visit|congratulations Cao Pi ascended the throne that very day, receiving the homage and congratulations of officials large and small. 呢 一日 , 正 係 舉行 緊 盛大宴會 嚟 慶賀 曹丕 登位 。 this|day|just|is|holding|ongoing||to|celebrate|Cao Pi|ascension to the throne On this day, a grand banquet was being held to celebrate Cao Pi's ascension. 突然 接到 消息 話 鄢陵侯 曹彰 啊 , 由 長安 率領 十萬 大軍 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 suddenly|received|news|that|Marquis of Yanling|Cao Zhang|ah|from|Chang'an|leading|100000|army|come|to|here|like this Suddenly, news came that the Marquis of Yanling, Cao Zhang, was leading a hundred thousand troops from Chang'an. 嘩 ! 曹丕 大吃一驚 , 佢 同班 大臣 話 喇 : wow|Cao Pi|was greatly shocked|he|same group|ministers|said|particle indicating completed action Wow! Cao Pi was taken aback, and he said to his ministers: 我 呢 個 黃鬚 細佬 性格 剛強 , 精通 武藝 。 I|this|measure word|yellow mustache|little brother|personality|strong|proficient in|martial arts This young man with a yellow beard has a strong character and is skilled in martial arts. 而 家 喺 咁 遠 帶兵 嚟 到 , 必定 係 嚟 同 我爭 王位 嘅 。 and|family|at|so|far|bring troops|come|||||with||throne|possessive particle Now that he has brought troops so far, he must be here to contest the throne with me. 如之奈何 呢 ? what to do|question particle What should we do about this? 諫議 大夫 賈逵 就 行出 嚟 話 : 請 王上 派 微臣 去 見 鄢陵侯 啦 , 微臣 一句 說話 就 可以 講 服 佢 。 admonition|minister|Jia Kui|then|walked out|here|said|please|Your Majesty|send|humble servant|to|meet|Lord Yanling|particle|humble servant|one sentence|statement|just|can|convince|persuade|him The advisor Jia Kui stepped forward and said: Please, Your Majesty, send a humble servant to meet the Marquis of Yanling; with just one word, I can persuade him. 曹丕 好 高興 , 立即 啊 叫 賈逵 去講 掂 曹彰 。 Cao Pi|very|happy|immediately|ah|called|Jia Kui||deal with|Cao Zhang Cao Pi was very pleased and immediately called for Jia Kui to talk to Cao Zhang. 噉 曹彰 見到 賈逵 出城 嚟 迎接 喇就問 : 先王 的 璽 綬 喺 邊 個度 ? then|Cao Zhang|saw|Jia Kui|leave the city|come|to welcome||previous king|possessive particle|royal seal|royal ribbon|at|where| So, when Cao Zhang saw Jia Kui coming out of the city to greet him, he asked: Where is the seal of the late king? 咦 ? 一 見面 就 問個 大印 呢 嚱。 eh|one|meet|immediately|ask a|big stamp|particle|sound of surprise Huh? Asking about the great seal right when they meet. 賈逵 就 好 嚴肅 噉 回答 佢 話 喇 : 家有 長子 , 國有 儲君 。 先王 嘅 璽 綬 , 唔 係 君侯 你 所 應該 問 㗎 。 Jia Kui|then|very|seriously|like that|replied|he|said|particle||eldest son||crown prince|late king|possessive particle|royal seal|sash|not|is|lord|you|particle indicating action|should|ask|particle indicating a question Jia Kui replied very seriously, saying: In a family, there is an eldest son; in a country, there is a crown prince. The seal of the late king is not something you, Lord, should be asking about. 哦 ! 曹彰 當堂 冇 聲出 喇 , 就 乖乖 噉 跟 住 賈逵 入城 嘞 。 oh|Cao Zhang|on the spot|no|sound coming out|particle indicating completed action|then|obediently|like that|||Jia Kui|entering the city|particle indicating completed action Oh! Cao Zhang fell silent on the spot and obediently followed Jia Kui into the city. 行到 宮殿 門前 , 賈逵 就 問曹彰 : 君侯 呢 次 嚟 , 係 嚟 奔喪 呢 , 定 係 嚟 爭 王位 㗎 ? walk to|palace|in front of the gate|Jia Kui|then||Your Highness|this|time|come|is|come|mourning|this|or|is|come||throne|question particle When they reached the front of the palace gate, Jia Kui asked Cao Zhang: Lord, did you come this time to mourn, or to fight for the throne? 我 係 嚟 奔喪 , 並 冇 其他 意思 。 I|am|come|funeral|and|have not|other|meaning I came here for the funeral, and I have no other intentions. 既然 係 噉 , 點解 要 帶兵 入城 啊 ? since|is|like this|why|need to|bring troops|into the city|question particle Since that's the case, why bring troops into the city? 曹彰 即時 喝退 跟 佢 嚟 嗰 啲 將士 , 單身 入去 宮殿 拜見 曹丕 。 Cao Zhang|immediately|drive away|with|him|come|that|plural marker|soldiers|alone|enter|palace|pay respects to|Cao Pi Cao Zhang immediately ordered the soldiers who followed him to retreat, and he entered the palace alone to meet Cao Pi. 兩 兄弟 就 抱頭痛哭 啦 。 two|brothers|then|hugged each other and cried|sentence-final particle The two brothers then embraced and cried. 曹彰將 本部 軍馬 全部 交返 畀 曹丕 。 |this unit|horses|all|return|to|Cao Pi Cao Zhang returned all the horses of his main army to Cao Pi. 曹丕 依然 叫 佢 返 去 鄢陵 嚟 住 。 Cao Pi|still|told|him|return|to|Yanling|come|live Cao Pi still told him to go back to Yanling to live. 噉 於是 曹彰 就 返 扯 嘞 。 then|so|Cao Zhang|then|return|pull|past tense marker So, Cao Zhang went back. 嗱, 喺 三個 細佬 當中 , 呢 個 係 帶兵 嘅 , 最 犀利 係 佢 。 well|at|three|younger brothers|among|this|measure word|is|leading troops|possessive particle|most|capable|is|he Now, among the three younger brothers, this one is the one who leads the troops, he is the strongest. 而家 解決 咗 呢 一個 嘞 , 曹丕 安心 坐 正 王位 。 now|solved|past tense marker|this|one|sentence-final particle|Cao Pi|at ease|sit|properly|throne Now that this issue is resolved, Cao Pi can sit securely on the throne. 佢 唔 用 漢獻帝 嘅 年號 嘞 , 就將 建安 二十五年 啊 , 改為 延康 元年 。 he|not|use|Emperor Xian of Han|possessive particle|era name|past action particle||Jian'an|25th year|exclamation particle|changed to|Yankang|first year He no longer uses the era name of Emperor Xian of Han, but changes the 25th year of Jian'an to the first year of Yankang. 封賈詡 做 太尉 , 華歆 做 相國 , 王朗 做 御史大夫 。 |serve as|Grand Commandant|Hua Xin||Chancellor|Wang Lang||Chief Inspector Feng Jiaxu became the Grand Commandant, Hua Xin became the Prime Minister, and Wang Lang became the Minister of Justice. 其他 大大小小 官員 啊 個個 都 有 升賞 啊 。 others|all kinds of|officials|particle|everyone|all|has|promotion|particle Other officials, both big and small, all received promotions. 噉 啊 稱 父親 曹操 做 武王 , 將 佢 安葬 喺 鄴 郡 高陵 , 就 命令 于禁 去 監督 修建 陵墓 。 then|ah|called|father|Cao Cao|to be|King Wu|to take|him|buried|in|Ye|county|Gaoling|then|ordered|Yu Jin|to go|supervise|construction|tomb Thus, they referred to father Cao Cao as the Martial King, and buried him in Gaoling, Ye County, and ordered Yu Jin to supervise the construction of the tomb. 嗰 日 于 禁 啊 奉命 去 到 啦 , 噉 啊 先 四圍 睇 下 , 入到 陵園 間 大屋裏 便 , 吓 ? 只見 白粉牆 上畫 住 一幅 圖畫 。 that|day|at|forbidden|particle|under orders|go|arrive|particle|then|particle|first|around|look|down|enter|cemetery|measure word for buildings||then|huh|only saw|white plaster wall||with|a|picture On that day, Yu Jin was ordered to go there, and first looked around. Upon entering the large house in the tomb area, he was surprised to see a painting on the white plaster wall. 咩 嘢 呢 ? 原來 係 畫 關雲長 水淹七軍 , 擒獲 于 禁 嘅 故事 啊 。 what|thing|question particle|originally|is|painting|Guan Yu|flooding of the seven armies|capturing|||possessive particle|story|exclamation particle What was it? It turned out to be a painting of Guan Yu flooding the seven armies, capturing Yu Jin. 關雲長 呢 , 好威風 噉 坐 正 喺 處 , 龐德 呀 憤怒 不屈 , 于禁 就 跪 低 趴 喺 地 嚟 作 哀求 乞命 狀 。 Guan Yu|particle indicating a question|very impressive|like that|sitting|just|at|place|Pang De|particle indicating exclamation|angry|unyielding|Yu Jin|then|kneel|down|lie down|at|ground|come|make|pleading|begging for life|appearance Guan Yu is sitting majestically in place, while Pang De is angrily defiant, and Yu Jin is kneeling on the ground, begging for his life. 原來 啊 , 曹丕 見到 于禁 此人 兵敗 被 擒 就 唔 肯以 死 嚟 表示 自己 嘅 節氣 , 投降 咗 敵人 之後 呢 又 再 返 嚟 , 個心 就 非常 之 睇 唔 起于 禁 。 it turns out|ah|Cao Pi|saw|Yu Jin|this person|defeat in battle|was|captured|then|not||death|to|show|himself|possessive particle|integrity|surrender|past tense marker|enemy||question particle|again|return|return|to||then|very|possessive particle|||| It turns out that Cao Pi, upon seeing Yu Jin defeated and captured, refused to acknowledge his own integrity by dying, and after surrendering to the enemy, he returned, looking down on Yu Jin. 故此 啊 預先 叫 人 喺 陵園 間 屋 嘅 牆上 啊 , 畫 定幅 噉 嘅 畫 。 therefore|particle|in advance|to ask|people|at|cemetery|measure word for buildings|house|possessive particle|on the wall|particle|to draw|a specific|like that|possessive particle|drawing Therefore, he preemptively instructed someone to paint a certain picture on the wall of the tomb. 然後 就 派 于 禁去 陵園 , 等 佢 見到 幅畫 喇 就 用 噉 嘅 辦法 嚟 到 羞辱 佢 。 then|just|sent|to|forbidden to go|cemetery|wait|he|sees|painting|particle indicating completion|then|use|like that|possessive particle|method|||humiliate|him Then he sent Yu Jin to the tomb, so that when he saw the painting, it would serve to humiliate him. 唉 , 于禁 見到 幅畫 , 又 醜時 又 翳 氣 就 嬲 出病 嚟 , 冇 幾耐 呢 就 死 咗 喇 。 sigh|Yu Jin|saw|painting|both|ugly|also|||then|angry|fell ill|come|not|long|this|then|die|past tense marker|final particle Alas, when Yu Jin saw the painting, which was both ugly and oppressive, he became so angry that he fell ill, and not long after, he died. 後 嚟 有人 寫 咗 首詩 啊 感 歎 呢 件 事 : ||someone|wrote|past tense marker|a poem|ah|||this|classifier for events|matter Later, someone wrote a poem lamenting this matter: 三十年 來說 舊交 , 可憐 臨難 不忠 曹 。 thirty years|in terms of|old friend|pitiful|in times of difficulty|disloyalty|Cao In thirty years, old friends, it's pitiful that in times of difficulty, there is disloyalty. 知人 未 向 心中 識 , 畫虎 今 從 骨里描 。 knowing people|not|towards|in the heart|recognizing|drawing a tiger|today|from| Knowing people is not about recognizing them in the heart; drawing a tiger now comes from the bones. 有 一日 , 華歆 啊 稟奏 曹丕 : 鄢陵侯 已經 交割 軍馬 返去 本國 喇 。 there is|one day|Hua Xin|ah|reported to|Cao Pi|Marquis of Yanling|already|delivered|war horses|returned|home country|particle indicating completion One day, Hua Xin reported to Cao Pi: The Marquis of Yanling has already returned the military horses to his home country. 臨淄 侯 曹植 、 蕭懷侯 曹熊 , 佢 哋 兩個 都 唔 嚟 奔喪 , 理應 問罪 啊 。 Linzi|Marquis|Cao Zhi|Xiao Huai|Cao Xiong|he|plural marker|both|all|not|come|funeral|should|be held accountable|sentence-final particle The Marquis of Linzi, Cao Zhi, and the Marquis of Xiao Huai, Cao Xiong, both did not come to mourn; they should be held accountable. 曹丕聽 晒 佢 嘅 , 立即 分別 派 使者 去 問罪 。 |all|he|possessive particle|immediately|separately|sent|messenger|to|question punishment Cao Pi heard about it and immediately sent messengers to question him. 過 咗 一段時間 , 有個 使者 返 嚟 報告 , 話 蕭懷侯 熊 畏罪自殺 死 咗 喇 噉 。 past|completed action marker|||messenger|return|come|report|said|Lord Hsiao Huai|Hsiung|committed suicide out of guilt|die|completed action marker|final particle|like that After a while, a messenger returned with a report saying that Xiao Huaihou Xiong had committed suicide out of fear of punishment. 曹丕 啊 叫 人 隆重 噉 安葬 佢 , 追贈 佢 做 蕭 懷王 。 Cao Pi|ah|ordered|people|solemnly|like that|to bury|him|posthumously bestowed|him|made|Xiao|Prince Huai Cao Pi ordered a grand burial for him and posthumously granted him the title of Xiao Huaiwang. 哈叻 ! 逼死 個 細佬 然後 升 佢 一級 吓 。 well done|to force|the|younger brother|then|promote|him|one level|surprised Wow! They forced the little brother to death and then promoted him a rank. 又過 咗 一日 , 另 一個 使者 返 嚟 報告 話 嘞 : another day|past tense marker|one day|another|one|messenger|return|come|report|said|past tense marker Another day passed, and another messenger returned with a report saying: 稟奏 大王 , 臨淄 侯 日日 都 同丁儀 、 丁廙 兩 兄弟 飲酒 , 非常 傲慢無禮 。 report|Your Majesty|Linzi|marquis|every day|all||Ding Yi's|two|brothers|drink alcohol|very|arrogant and disrespectful Report to the King, the Marquis of Linzi drinks with the two brothers Ding Yi and Ding Xie every day, extremely arrogant and disrespectful. 當 微臣 奉大 王之命 去 到 嘅 時候 , 臨淄 侯 坐響 處 都 唔 動 。 when|this humble minister|||go|arrive|past tense marker|time|Linzi|marquis|sitting in a place|place|all|not|move When I, a humble servant, went there at the command of the King, the Marquis of Linzi did not move from his seat. 丁 儀 喺 度 鬧 , 佢 話 : Ding|Yi|at|here|scolded|he|said Ding Yi was scolding, he said: 往日 , 先 王在世 嘅 時候 , 本來 係 要立 我 哋 主公 做 世子 嘅 , 點知 啊 畀 啲 播弄是非 嘅 奸臣 阻撓 咋 嘛 。 in the past|||possessive particle|time|originally|was|to establish|||lord|to be|heir|possessive particle|unexpectedly|ah|by|some|sowing discord|possessive particle|treacherous minister|obstructed|exclamation particle|question particle In the past, when the late King was alive, it was originally intended for our lord to be established as the heir, but unfortunately, he was obstructed by some slanderous treacherous ministers. 好 啊 , 而家 先王 逝世 冇 幾耐 , 就要 嚟 向 兄弟 骨肉 問罪 嘞 , 為 咩 嘢 事 吖 噉 。 ||now||passed away|not|long||come|towards|brothers|family|ask for punishment|particle indicating completed action|||thing|matter|particle indicating question|like this Well, now that the late King has passed away not long ago, why must he come to question his brothers and kin? 嗰 個 丁 廙 又 話 : 我 哋 主公 聰明 蓋世 , 本應 繼承 王位 嘅 。 that|measure word|Ding|servant|again|said|I|plural marker|lord|intelligent|unparalleled|should|inherit|throne|possessive particle That Ding Yi said: Our lord is exceptionally intelligent and should have inherited the throne. 而家 反而 冇 得 繼承 , 你 哋 嗰 班 大臣 呀 , 一 啲 都 唔 識 人才 , 蠢到 噉 嘅 地步 嘅 。 now|instead|not|able|inherit|you|plural marker|that|measure word for groups|ministers|sentence-final particle|one|a little|all|not|recognize|talented people||such|possessive particle|extent|possessive particle Now, instead, he cannot inherit it. You ministers, you don't recognize talent at all, to the point of being this foolish. 臨淄王 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 喝 啲 武士 , 將 微臣 亂棍 打 出去 啊 。 King of Linzi|angry|get up|on|here|drink|some|warriors|will|humble subject|random stick|hit|out|ah King of Linzi got angry and ordered the warriors to beat the ministers out with sticks. 可惱 嘢 咯 , 曹丕 啊 嬲 到極 啊 。 annoying|thing|particle|Cao Pi|particle|angry||particle It's infuriating, Cao Pi is extremely angry. 立即 命令 許褚 率領 虎衛 軍 三千名 , 火速 去 臨淄 捉拿 曹植 等等 一班人 嚟 。 immediately|order|Xu Chu|lead|Tiger Guard|troops|three thousand|quickly|go|Linzi|capture|Cao Zhi|etc|a group of people|come He immediately ordered Xu Chu to lead three thousand Tiger Guards to quickly go to Linzi to capture Cao Zhi and the others. 許褚 呀 帶兵 趕 去 臨淄 城 啦 。 Xu Chu|particle|lead troops|hurry|to|Linzi|city|particle Xu Chu is leading the troops to rush to Linzi City. 臨淄 城 喺 而 家 山東省 嘅 中部 偏北 嘅 地方 。 Linzi|city|at|||Shandong Province|possessive particle|central|slightly north|possessive particle|area Linzi City is located in the northern part of the central area of Shandong Province. 噉 啊 守城 嘅 將官 想 攔阻 許褚 唔 畀 佢 入 。 like this|ah|defending the city|possessive particle|general|wants|to stop|Xu Chu|not|let|him|enter The defending officer wanted to stop Xu Chu from entering. 許褚 都 唔 理 你 咁 多 一劍 就 斬 咗 佢 , 帶兵 直 衝入 城 。 Xu Chu|all|not|care about|you|so|many|one sword|then|killed|past tense marker|him|led the troops|straight|charged into|city Xu Chu didn't care about that and with one sword strike, he cut him down and charged straight into the city. 嘩 咁 犀利 㗎 , 冇 個人 敢 攔擋 佢 咯 。 wow|so|impressive|particle|no|one|dare|block|him|particle Wow, that's so impressive, no one dared to block him. 許褚 直筆 去 到 府 堂 , 只見 曹植 同丁儀 、 丁 廙 佢 哋 都 飲 到 爛醉如泥 。 Xu Chu|in person|go|arrive|||only saw|Cao Zhi||||they|plural marker|all|drink|to|dead drunk Xu Chu personally went to the government office and saw Cao Zhi, Ding Yi, and Ding Xie all drunk and inebriated. 許褚 啊 一律 扎起 佢 哋 , 用 架車 嚟 裝 佢 哋 走 。 Xu Zhu|ah|all|tie up|he|plural marker|use|the car|to|load|them|plural marker|leave Xu Chu then arrested them all and used a cart to take them away. 同時 呢 , 將 曹植 屬下 嘅 大小官員 全部 捉起 嚟 , 解去鄴 郡 聽候 曹丕 發落 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|to take|Cao Zhi|subordinates|possessive particle|all officials|all|to arrest|particle indicating direction||county|to await|Cao Pi|orders At the same time, he captured all the officials under Cao Zhi, big and small, and sent them to Ye County to await Cao Pi's orders. 曹丕 就 下令 , 首先 將丁儀 、 丁廙 一班人 殺 咗 。 Cao Pi|then|gave the order|first||Ding Xie|a group of people|kill|past tense marker Cao Pi then ordered that Ding Yi and Ding Xie and their group be killed first. 丁氏 兩 兄弟 呢 , 本來 係 好 有名氣 嘅 文人 。 Ding family|two|brothers|question particle|originally|are|very|famous|possessive particle|literati The Ding brothers were originally well-known literati. 佢 哋 被 殺 啊 好多 人 都 覺得 好 可惜 。 They|plural marker|by|killed|particle|many|people|all|feel|very|unfortunate They were killed, and many people feel it's a great pity. 不過 喺 啲 噉 嘅 爭權奪利 嘅 鬥爭 當中 啊 , 為 咗 排除異己 總 係 要 殺人 㗎 喇 , 可惜 又 點話 呢 ? but|in|plural marker|like this|possessive particle|struggle for power and profit|possessive particle|struggle|among|particle|for|past tense marker||always|is|have to|kill|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|unfortunately|again|how to say|this However, in such power struggles, to eliminate rivals, killing is always necessary. What can we say about that? 而家 講下 曹丕 嘅 母親 卞氏 , 佢 聽聞 曹熊 吊頸 自殺 , 個心 啊 好 悲傷 。 now|talk about|Cao Pi|possessive particle|mother|Bian family|he|heard|Cao Xiong|hanging|suicide|his heart|ah|very|sad Now let's talk about Cao Pi's mother, Lady Bian. She heard that Cao Xiong hanged himself, and her heart is very sad. 而家 又 聽聞 話 拉 咗 曹植 , 佢 個 親信 同黨 丁儀 等 人 呢 已經 被 殺 喇 , 就 好 驚 嘞 喎 。 now|again|heard|saying|arrest|past tense marker|Cao Zhi|he|possessive particle|trusted aide|party|Ding Yi|etc|people|plural marker|already|passive marker|killed|completed action marker|then|very|scared|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Now she also hears that Cao Zhi has been implicated, and his confidants and allies, Ding Yi and others, have already been killed. It's really frightening. 急急 啊 出 嚟 大殿 , 召 曹丕 嚟 見 佢 。 urgently|ah|come out|here|main hall|summon|Cao Pi|here|see|him Quickly go out to the main hall and summon Cao Pi to see her. 曹丕 聽講 母親 出到 嚟 唄 , 就 急忙 去 拜見 啦 。 Cao Pi|heard|mother|came out|here|particle indicating suggestion|then|hurriedly|went|to pay respects|particle indicating completion Cao Pi heard that his mother had come out, so he hurried to pay his respects. 卞氏 喊住 對 曹丕 話 : Bian family|shouting|to|Cao Pi|said Bian Shi cried out to Cao Pi saying: 你 細佬阿植 , 平時 鍾 意 飲酒 , 狂放 , 皆 因 係 似恃住 有 啲 才學 , 故此 噉 樣 放縱 嘅 啫 。 you||usually|||drinking|wild|all|because|is|seems to rely on|having|some|talent|therefore|like this|way|indulgent|possessive particle|only Your younger brother, A Zhi, usually loves to drink and is reckless, all because he seems to rely on some talent, so he behaves so indulgently. 你 要 乃念 同胞 骨肉之情 , 留 返 佢 條 命 至 好 啊 。 you|should|remember|fellow countryman|kinship|spare|return|his|measure word for long objects|life|to|good|particle You need to remember the bond of brotherhood and keep his life safe. 噉 我 死 咗 都 會 眼閉 咯 。 like this|I|die|past tense marker|also|will|eyes close|sentence-final particle Otherwise, even if I die, I will die with my eyes closed. 孩兒 亦 係 極之 愛惜 佢 嘅 才學 , 點會 害 佢 呢 , 而家淨 係 想 懲戒 下 佢 啫 , 母親 唔 使 擔憂 嘅 。 child|also|is|extremely|cherish|him|possessive particle|talent|how could|harm|him|question particle|||want|discipline|a little|him|only|mother|not|need|worry|possessive particle The child is also extremely cherished for his talents, how could I harm him? Right now, I just want to discipline him a bit, there's no need for the mother to worry. 係 噉 就 好 啦 。 is|like this|then|good|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation That's good then. 卞氏 喊 咗 一陣 交帶 幾句 就 返入 去 嘞 。 Bian family|shout|past tense marker|a moment|exchange of greetings|a few words|then|return inside|to|completed action particle Bian Shi cried for a while, said a few words, and then went back in. 曹丕 跟 住 出 嚟 偏殿 , 召 曹植入 嚟 見 佢 。 Cao Pi|||||side hall|summon|||see|him Cao Pi then went out to the side hall and summoned Cao Zhi to come in to see him. 華歆 啊問 曹丕 : 剛才 , 係 唔 係 太後勸 殿下 你 唔 好 殺子建 啊 ? Hua Xin|asked|Cao Pi|just now|was|not|was|advised too late|Your Highness|you|||kill Zi Jian|particle Hua Xin asked Cao Pi: Just now, didn't I advise Your Highness not to kill Zi Jian? 係 啊 。 Yes. 子建才 高學 飽極 有 抱負 , 終歸 唔 係 池中之物 。 Zi Jian Cai|high learning|extremely full|has|ambition|ultimately|not|is|creature in the pond Zi Jian is highly educated and ambitious, after all, he is not a creature of the pond. 若果 唔 及早 剷除 , 必為 後患 㗎 。 if|not|early|eliminate|will be|future troubles|particle indicating certainty If he is not eliminated early, it will definitely lead to future troubles. 嗯 , 母親 嘅 命令 , 唔 能夠 違背 嘅 。 hmm|mother|possessive particle|order|not|able to|disobey|particle indicating action completion Hmm, I cannot disobey my mother's orders. 人人 都 話子建 出口成章 , 微臣 就 唔 係 點信唧 。 everyone|all||eloquent|I your humble servant|then|not|is| Everyone says Zi Jian is eloquent, but I don't really believe it. 不如 等 一陣子 建 嚟 到 嘅 時候 , 殿下 就試 下 佢 嘅 才學 。 why not|wait|a moment|to build|come|arrive|possessive particle|time|Your Highness||particle indicating action|he|possessive particle|talent How about we wait a moment, and when he arrives, Your Highness can test his talents. 若果 係 冇 料 嘅 , 即刻 就 殺 咗 佢 ; 若果 係 有 料 嘅 呢 , 就 貶低 佢 嘅 爵位 , 作為 懲罰 。 if|is|no|evidence|possessive particle|immediately|then|kill|past tense marker|him|if|is|has|evidence|possessive particle|question particle|then|degrade|his|possessive particle|rank|as|punishment If he is not capable, we will kill him immediately; if he is capable, we will lower his title as punishment. 噉 樣 做 就 可以 塞住 天下 文人 把 口 啦 嘛 。 like this|way|do|then|can|shut up|all under heaven|literati|particle indicating disposal|mouth|final particle|question particle Doing this will silence all the scholars in the world. 哈哈 , 曹丕 同意 嘞 。 haha|Cao Pi|agrees|past tense marker Haha, Cao Pi agrees. 過 咗 一陣 , 曹植 嚟 到 , 一入 嚟 就 跪 低 叩頭 請罪 。 after|past tense marker|a while|Cao Zhi|come|arrived||come|immediately|kneel|down|knock head|apologize After a while, Cao Zhi arrived, and as soon as he entered, he knelt down and bowed his head to apologize. 曹丕 話 : 我同 你 雖然 係 兄弟 之親 , 但 係 君臣 地位 不同 。 Cao Pi|said||you|although|are|brothers||but|are|ruler and subject|status|different Cao Pi said: Although you and I are brothers by blood, our positions as ruler and subject are different. 你點 能夠 咁 大膽 , 恃 住 自己 嘅 才學 , 蔑視 君臣 之禮 呢 ? |able to|so|bold|||oneself|possessive particle|talent and learning|despising|ruler and subject||question particle How can you be so bold, relying on your own talents, to disdain the rites between ruler and subject? 父親 在世 嘅 時候 , 你 時時 都 攞 自己 嘅 文章 向 人 哋 誇耀 , 我 啊 好 懷疑 你 係 請 人 代筆 嘅 。 father|alive|possessive particle|time|you|always|all|took|own|past tense particle||||||||||||||| When our father was alive, you often boasted about your writings to others, and I really suspect that you had someone else write them for you. 我而家限 你 行 七步 要作 一首 詩出 嚟 。 |you|walk|seven steps||a|poem|come I now limit you to take seven steps and compose a poem. 如果 得 , 就免 你 一死 。 if|can||you| If you succeed, I will spare your life. 若果 唔 得 , 就 從重 治罪 , 決不 姑息 。 if|not|possible|then|severely|punish|absolutely not|be lenient If it doesn't work, then we will impose a heavier punishment, and we will not show any leniency. 請出 題目 。 |question Please present the topic. 呢 個 時候 , 間 殿 裏頭 又 掛住 一張 水墨畫 , 畫住 兩隻 牛 , 喺 一 埲 泥 墻 旁邊 啊 打緊 交 , 有 隻 牛 呢 跌 咗 落井 死 咗 。 this|measure word for time|time|measure word for buildings|shop|inside|again|hanging|one|ink wash painting|painted|two|cows|at|||mud|wall|next to|particle|fighting|battle|there is|measure word for animals|cow|this|fell|past tense marker|into the well|died|past tense marker At this time, there was also a hanging ink painting in the hall, depicting two cows fighting next to a mud wall, and one of the cows had fallen into a well and died. 曹丕 就 指住 幅 畫講 : 你 就 以 呢 張畫 做 題目 啦 。 Cao Pi|then|pointing at|measure word for paintings||you|just|use|this|painting|make|topic|sentence-final particle Cao Pi pointed to the painting and said: You can use this painting as the topic. 不過 噉 , 詩 裏 便 , 唔 準用 咩 嘢 二 牛鬥牆 下 , 一牛 墜井死 等等 嘅 字眼 。 but|like this|poem|inside|then|not|allowed to use|what|thing|two|bullfight wall|under|one bull|fell into a well and died|etc|possessive particle|words However, in the poem, you are not allowed to use any words like 'two cows fighting under the wall' or 'one cow fell into the well and died', etc. 哈 曹植 就 係 噉 啊 , 從從容容 , 一步 、 兩步 、 三步 、 四步 、 五步 、 六步 、 七步 , 得 喇 , 詩 已經 作好 嘞 。 ha|Cao Zhi|just|is|like that|ah|leisurely|one step|two steps|three steps|four steps|five steps|six steps|seven steps|okay|particle indicating completion|poem|already|finished writing|particle indicating completed action Ha, Cao Zhi is like this, leisurely taking one step, two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps, six steps, seven steps, done, the poem is already finished. 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : first poem|is|like this|particle indicating possession or description The first poem is like this: 兩肉齊 道行 , 頭上 帶 凹 骨 。 相遇 塊 山下 , 郯起 相 搪突 。 二敵 不俱剛 , 一肉 臥 土窟 。 非是 力 不如 , 盛氣 不泄 畢 。 two meats together|road walking|on the head|wearing|concave|bone|meeting|a piece|under the mountain|Tanshi|each other|to clash|two enemies|not equally strong|one meat|lying|in the dirt|not|strength|inferior|arrogance|not letting out|completely Two meats walk together, with a concave bone on the head. Meeting at the foot of the mountain, Tang Qi is in a tussle. Two enemies are not equally strong, one meat lies in the earth cave. It's not that the strength is lacking, the pride does not leak out. 嘩真 叻 啊 ! 曹丕 同 嗰 班 大臣 都 十分 驚奇 啊 。 wow|smart|particle|Cao Pi|and|that|group|ministers|all|very|surprised|particle Wow, really impressive! Cao Pi and those ministers are all very surprised. 曹丕 話 喇 : 嗯 , 七步成章 我 都 仲 覺得 遲 , 你 能 唔 能夠 應聲 而作 一首 詩呢 ? Cao Pi|said|particle|hmm|seven steps to complete a poem|I|also|still|feel|late|you|can|not|able|in response|to compose|a| Cao Pi said: Hmm, I still think seven steps to compose is slow, can you respond and create a poem on the spot? 請 賜 題目 。 please|grant|question Please give a topic. 我同 你 係 兄弟 , 就 用 呢 個 做 題目 啦 , 亦 唔 準用 兄弟 呢 啲 字眼 嘅 。 |you|am|brothers|then|use|this|measure word|make|topic|particle|also|not||brothers|this|plural marker|words|possessive particle Since you and I are brothers, let's use this as the topic, and we are not allowed to use words like 'brother'. 曹植 啊 真 係 諗 都 唔 使 諗 噉 , 衝口而出 就吟 咗 一首 詩 : Cao Zhi|ah|really|is|think|at all|not|need|think|like that|blurted out||past tense marker|a|poem Cao Zhi really didn't even think about it, he just blurted out a poem: 煮 豆燃 豆萁 , 豆 在 釜 中泣 , 本是 同根 生 , 相 煎 何太急 ! boil|the burning bean|the bean stalk|bean|in|pot||originally|same root|born|each other|fry| Boiling beans burn the bean stalks, the beans weep in the pot, they were born from the same root, why must they harm each other so urgently! 曹丕 一聽 , 忍 唔 住 啲 眼淚 吧 吧 聲 咁 流 。 Cao Pi|upon hearing||||particle indicating small amount|tears||||so|flow When Cao Pi heard this, he couldn't help but let the tears flow down. 佢 母親 卞氏 突然 喺 大殿 後 便 行出 嚟 話 嘞 : he|mother|Bian family|suddenly|at|main hall|behind|then|walked out|here|said|past tense marker His mother, Lady Bian, suddenly came out from behind the main hall and said: 做 大佬 嘅 , 點解 要 將細 佬 逼成 噉 樣 吖 ! be|older brother|possessive particle|why|must||brother|force into|like this|appearance|sentence-final particle As the elder brother, why do you have to force the younger brother into such a state?! 曹丕 急忙 起身 對 母親 話 : 皆 因要 維護 國法 啫 。 Cao Pi|hurriedly|stood up|to|mother|said|all|because (they) wanted|to uphold|national law|only Cao Pi hurriedly stood up and said to his mother: It's all to uphold the national law. 於是 呢 , 就 貶 咗 曹植 做 安鄉侯 。 then|particle|then|demote|past tense marker|Cao Zhi|made|Marquis of Anxiang So, he demoted Cao Zhi to the title of Anxiang Marquis. 嘿 , 曹植 叩 個頭 , 辭別 咗 曹丕 就 走 咗 嘞 。 hey|Cao Zhi|knock||bid farewell|past tense marker|Cao Pi|then|leave|past tense marker|sentence final particle Hey, Cao Zhi bowed his head, bid farewell to Cao Pi, and left. 曹丕 自從 繼位 之後 啊 , 就 推行 一套 新 嘅 法令 , 對 漢獻帝 嘅 威逼 呢 就 仲 甚 過 佢 父親 。 Cao Pi|since|ascension to the throne|after|ah|then|implemented|a set of|new|possessive particle|laws|towards|Emperor Xian of Han|possessive particle|intimidation|particle indicating a question|then|even|much|more than|his|father Cao Pi, since ascending to the throne, has implemented a new set of laws, and his intimidation of Emperor Xian of Han is even greater than that of his father. 呢 啲 情形 呢 , 自然 有 間諜 向 成都 報告 。 particle||||naturally|there is|spy|to|Chengdu|report Naturally, there were spies reporting this situation to Chengdu. 劉備 知道 咗 就 好 大 震動 啊 。 Liu Bei|knew|past tense marker|then|very|big|shock|sentence-final particle Liu Bei was greatly shocked upon learning this. 呢 一日 , 佢 召集 文武 官員 嚟 商量 , 佢 話 : this|one day|he|summoned|civil and military|officials|to|discuss|he|said One day, he summoned civil and military officials to discuss, and he said: 曹操 死 咗 , 誒 曹丕 繼位 , 佢 威逼 天子 呀 更 甚 過 佢 父親 。 Cao Cao|died|past tense marker|ah|Cao Pi|ascended the throne|he|threatened|emperor|sentence-final particle|even|more|than|he|father Cao Cao is dead, and Cao Pi has ascended to the throne; his intimidation of the emperor is even greater than that of his father. 而家 東吳 孫權 又 對 曹丕 拱手 稱臣 。 now|Eastern Wu|Sun Quan|again|to|Cao Pi|with cupped hands|pay homage as a vassal Now, Sun Quan of Eastern Wu is again bowing and paying tribute to Cao Pi. 嗯 , 孤王 想 先 去 討伐 東吳 , 為雲長 報仇 。 hmm|the lonely king|wants|first|to go|attack|Eastern Wu||take revenge Hmm, the lonely king wants to first go and attack Eastern Wu to avenge Yun Chang. 其次 就 去 討伐 中原 , 剷除 奸賊 啊 。 next|then|go|conquer|Central Plains|eliminate|traitors|ah Next, he will go to attack the Central Plains to eliminate the traitors. 劉備 說話 未 完 , 廖化 就 行出 嚟 喊住 跪低 話 嘞 : Liu Bei|speaking|not|finished|Liao Hua|then|walked out|here|crying|knelt down|said|past tense marker Before Liu Bei finished speaking, Liao Hua stepped out and shouted while kneeling, saying: 關公 父子 遇害 , 其實 , 係 劉封 、 孟達 之罪 啊 , 請 皇上 斬 咗 呢 兩個 奸賊 啦 。 Guan Gong|father and son|were killed|actually|is|Liu Feng|Meng Da||ah|please|Your Majesty|behead|past tense marker|these|two|traitors|sentence-final particle The father and son of Guan Gong were harmed; actually, it is Liu Feng and Meng Da's fault. I ask the Emperor to execute these two traitors. 劉備 即刻 就 想 派 人 去 捉 佢 哋 嚟 。 Liu Bei|immediately|then|wants|to send|people|to|catch|them|plural marker|come Liu Bei immediately wanted to send someone to capture them. 孔明 話 : 唔 好 住 , 要 慢慢 嚟 至 得 , 急則 生變 喇 。 Kongming|said|not|good|stay|must|slowly|come|only|succeed|if rushed|changes|particle indicating completed action Kong Ming said: "Don't rush, we need to take it slow; haste makes waste." 請 王上 提升 佢 兩個 人 做 郡守 , 將 佢 兩個 分開 調 走 , 然 之後 先至 捉 得到 佢 哋 㗎 。 please|King|promote|he|two|people|as|county magistrate|will|he|two|separately|transfer|away|then|after|only then|catch|get|them|plural marker|sentence final particle Please, Your Majesty, promote those two to be county governors, separate them and transfer them away, then we can capture them. 劉備 啊 聽 孔明 話 , 就 派 個 使者 去 通知 劉封 , 升 佢 去 鎮守 綿竹 。 Liu Bei|ah|heard|Kongming|words|then|sent|a|messenger|to|inform|Liu Feng|promote|him|to|garrison|Mianzhu Hearing Kong Ming's words, Liu Bei sent a messenger to inform Liu Feng, promoting him to guard Mianzhu. 原來 彭 羕 呢 , 就 同孟達 係 好 朋友 嚟 。 it turns out|Pang|Yang|question particle|then||is|good|friend|come It turns out that Peng Yang is a good friend of Meng Da. 噉 佢 聽講 呢 件 事 嘩 得 了 嘅 , 急急 返 屋企 就 寫 咗 封信 , 派個 心腹 家人 去 通水 畀 孟達知 。 then|he|heard|this|measure word for events|matter|wow|able|past tense marker|possessive particle|hurriedly|return|home|then|write|past tense marker|||trusted aide|family member|go|inform|to| So he heard about this matter and was excited, hurried home to write a letter, and sent a trusted family member to inform Meng Da. 佢 個 家人 啱 啱 出 咗 成都 南門 , 就 畀 馬超 部下 嘅 巡邏隊 捉住 , 解 咗 嚟 見 馬超 。 He|measure word for people|family|||leave|past tense marker|Chengdu|South Gate|then|by|Ma Chao|subordinates|possessive particle|patrol team|caught|taken||come|see|Ma Chao His family member had just left Chengdu South Gate when they were caught by the patrol team under Ma Chao and brought to see Ma Chao. 馬超 審 明白 之後 呢 , 就 去 搵 彭 羕 嘞 。 Ma Chao|to examine|understood|after|question particle|then|go|to find|Peng|Yang|past action particle After Ma Chao understood the situation, he went to find Peng Yang. 彭 羕 迎接 咗 佢 入 去 大廳 坐落 就 擺酒 款待 佢 。 Pang|Yang|welcomed|past tense marker|he|enter|to|hall|located|then|set up a banquet|entertained|him Peng Yang welcomed him into the hall and offered him drinks. 酒過三巡 , 馬超 就 用 說話 嚟 挑 下 佢 嘞 : |Ma Chao|then|use|words|to|provoke|down|him|past action particle After a few rounds of drinks, Ma Chao started to provoke him with words: 彭公 呀 , 往日 漢中 王待 你 極好 㗎 , 近日 , 點解 漸漸 差 咗 呢 吓 ? Mr Pang|particle|in the past|Hanzhong||you|very well|particle|recently|why|gradually|worse|past tense marker|particle|particle Lord Peng, in the past, the King of Han treated you very well, why has it gradually changed recently? 嗯 , 嗰 個 老 兵痞 啊 , 越老越 荒唐 , 我 實有 啲 嘢 嚟 畀 佢 歎 下 嘅 。 hmm|that|measure word|old|soldier|ah||ridiculous|I|really have|a little|thing|come|give|him|enjoy|a little|past tense particle Hmm, that old soldier is getting more and more ridiculous as he ages, I actually have something to share with him. 我個 心 都 嬲 咗 佢 好 耐 㗎 喇 。 ||already|angry|past tense marker|he|very|long||past action marker I have been angry with him for a long time. 馬 將軍 ,嗱, 你 出動 本部 個 兵馬 , 聯合 孟達 做 外合 , 我 啊 率領 川兵 做 內應 , 噉 就 大事 成功 啦 嘛 。 horse|general|hey|you|deploy|headquarters|measure word|troops|unite|Meng Da|do|external cooperation|I|ah|lead|troops from Sichuan|do|internal support|then|then|major event|successful|particle|particle General Ma, listen, you mobilize the troops from our base to join forces with Meng Da for an external alliance, and I will lead the Sichuan troops as internal support, then we will succeed in this major task. 彭公 你 講得 啱 , 聽日 我 哋 再 詳細 商量 下添 , 我 告辭 嘞 。 Mr Pang|you|speak|correctly|tomorrow|I|we|again|in detail|discuss|later|I|take my leave|past tense particle You are right, Lord Peng, let's discuss this in detail again tomorrow, I will take my leave now. 馬超 離開 咗 彭 羕 屋企 , 立 即將 送信人 同埋 封 密信 解去 見 劉備 。 Ma Chao|left|past tense marker|Peng|Yang|home|||messenger|and|envelope|confidential letter|take away|see|Liu Bei Ma Chao left Peng Yang's house and immediately sent the messenger and the sealed letter to meet Liu Bei. 同時 呢 就 將同 彭 羕 嘅 談話 講晒 畀 劉備 聽 。 at the same time|this|then||Peng|Yang|possessive particle|conversation|finish talking|to|Liu Bei|hear At the same time, he reported the conversation with Peng Yang to Liu Bei. 嬲 到 劉備 不得了 啊 , 即刻 就 下令 捉 咗 彭 羕 韞 咗 入監 , 嚴刑拷打 審問 佢 。 angry|at|Liu Bei|terrible|ah|immediately|then|ordered|to capture|past tense marker|Peng|Yang|Yun|past tense marker||severe torture|interrogated|him Liu Bei was extremely angry and immediately ordered the capture of Peng Yang, locking him up in prison and subjecting him to severe torture for interrogation. 彭 羕 喺 監獄 裏頭 受苦 就 悔之無及 喇 。 Pang|Yang|at|prison|inside|suffering|then|regretted it too late|particle indicating completed action Peng Yang suffered in prison and regretted it too late. 劉備 同 孔明 商量 話 喇 : 彭 羕 有 心想 謀反 噃, 點樣 處置 佢 好 呢 ? Liu Bei|with|Kongming|discuss|said|particle indicating completed action|Peng|Yang|has||rebellion|particle indicating suggestion|how|deal with|he|well|question particle Liu Bei discussed with Kong Ming, saying: 'Peng Yang seems to have the intention to rebel, how should we deal with him?' 孔明 話 : 彭 羕 雖則 係 個 狂士 , 不過 留得 耐 呢 必定會 惹出 禍 嚟 㗎 。 Kongming|said|Peng|Yang|although|is|a|madman|but|staying|long|this||cause|trouble|to come|particle indicating certainty Kong Ming said: Although Peng Yang is a madman, if he is allowed to stay, he will definitely cause trouble. 於是 劉備 就 喺 監獄 裏頭 啊 , 叫 彭 羕 自 殺死 。 then|Liu Bei|then|at|prison|inside|ah|ordered|Peng|Yong|himself|to commit suicide So Liu Bei called for Peng Yang to commit suicide while in prison. 噉 啊 有人 將彭 羕 死 嘅 消息 報告 畀 孟達知 , 孟達 就 好 驚 啊 真 係 手 揗 腳 震 喇 。 like this|ah|someone||Yang|die|possessive particle|news|report|to||Mengda|then|very|scared|ah|really|is|hands|trembling|feet|shaking|particle indicating completed action Then someone reported the news of Peng Yang's death to Meng Da, and Meng Da was very scared, truly trembling in fear. 呢 一日 , 成都 使者 嚟 到 下令 調 劉封 返去 鎮守 綿竹 。 this|day|Chengdu|messenger|came|to|ordered|transfer|Liu Feng|return|garrison|Mianzhu On that day, a messenger from Chengdu arrived with orders to recall Liu Feng to guard Mianzhu. 劉 封一 走 呢 , 孟達 啊 連忙 去 請 上 庸 、 房陵 、 都尉 申耽 、 申儀 兩 兄弟 嚟 商量 。 Liu|Fengyi|leave|question particle|Mengda|ah|hurriedly|go|invite|Shang|Yong|Fangling|Colonel|Shen Dan|Shen Yi|two|brothers|come|discuss As soon as Liu Feng left, Meng Da hurriedly went to invite Shang Yong, Fang Ling, and the two brothers Shen Dan and Shen Yi to discuss. 孟達話 喇 : 我 同法 正 一樣 係 有功 於 漢中 王 嘅 。 |particle indicating completed action|I||Zheng|the same|am|have merit|to|Hanzhong|Wang|possessive particle Meng Da said: I, like Fa Zheng, have contributed to the Han Zhong King. 而 家法 正 啊 死 咗 啦 , 之 漢中 王 唔 單止 話 忘記 晒 我 以前 嘅 功勞 , 仲要 害死 我添 , 噉 點算 好 啊 ? and|family law|just|ah|die|past tense marker|sentence final particle|possessive particle|Han Zhong|Wang|not|only|said|forget|completely|I|previously|possessive particle|contributions|also|harm||then|how to deal with|well|ah Now that Fa Zheng is dead, the Han Zhong King not only forgets all my past contributions, but also wants to harm me. What should I do? 申 耽話 喇 : 我 有 一條 計 , 使到 漢中 王 唔 能夠 害 得到 你 嘅 。 Shen|to talk|particle|I|have|one|plan|to make|||not|able to|harm|get|you|possessive particle Shen Dan said: I have a plan that will prevent the Han Zhong King from being able to harm you. 點呢 點呢 ? 有 乜嘢 好計 啊 ? how about this||have|what|good plan|particle How? What good plan do you have? 我 哋 兩 兄弟 想 投靠 北魏 好耐 㗎 喇 。 I|plural marker|two|brothers|want|seek refuge|Northern Wei|a long time|sentence-final particle|past action particle We two brothers have wanted to defect to Northern Wei for a long time. 你 寫封信 畀 漢中 王 , 講明 同 佢 分手 , 然後 去 投奔 魏 王曹丕 啦 , 曹丕 必定 重用 你 嘅 。 you||to|Hanzhong|Wang|make clear|with|him|break up|then|go|seek refuge|Wei||particle indicating suggestion|Cao Pi|definitely|reuse|you|possessive particle You write a letter to Wang of Hanzhong, clearly stating to break up with him, and then go to seek refuge with King Cao Pi of Wei. Cao Pi will definitely reuse you. 我 哋 兩 兄弟 隨後 亦 投降 過去 㗎 喇 。 I|we|two|brothers|later|also|surrendered|in the past|particle|particle We two brothers also surrendered afterwards. 孟達 一 諗 係 噃, 立即 寫 好 封信 , 叫 成都 嚟 嘅 使者 帶返 去 。 Meng Da|one|thought|is|ah|immediately|write|good|letter|call|Chengdu|come|possessive particle|messenger|bring back|to Meng Da thought about it, and immediately wrote a letter, asking the messenger from Chengdu to take it back. 當晚 , 孟達 帶 住 五廿 幾個 人 , 真 係 趯 咗 去 投奔 曹丕 嘞 。 that night|Meng Da|brought|with|50|several|people|||hurried|past tense marker|to|defect to|Cao Pi|past action marker That night, Meng Da brought along more than twenty people and really rushed to seek refuge with Cao Pi. 使者 返到 去 成都 見到 劉備 , 呈 上 孟 達 嘅 書信 , 話 佢 聽 孟 達 去 咗 投降 北魏 喇 噉 。 messenger|returned|to|Chengdu|saw|Liu Bei|||||possessive particle|letter|said|he|heard|||went|past tense marker|surrender|Northern Wei|particle indicating completed action|like that The messenger returned to Chengdu to see Liu Bei, presenting Meng Da's letter, saying that he heard Meng Da had surrendered to Northern Wei. 劉備 拆開 封信 睇 下 。 Liu Bei|open|sealed letter|read|down Liu Bei opened the letter to take a look. 孟達 舞文弄墨 , 首先 表面 謙虛 一番 , 然後 呢 就 引經據典 , 講 古時 啲 功臣 啊 往往 畀 主子 借故 殺死 。 Meng Da|to use literary skills to show off|first|on the surface|humble|a bit|then|question particle|then|to quote classics|to talk|ancient times|plural marker|meritorious officials|particle|often|to be|master|under pretext|killed Meng Da, being eloquent, first pretended to be humble, and then quoted ancient texts, talking about how in ancient times, loyal ministers were often killed by their masters under various pretexts. 呢 次 荊州 失陷 , 如果 追究 自己 嘅 責任 就 弊 喇 , 所以 呢 只有 分手 好過 喇 噉 。 this|time|Jingzhou|fell|if|pursue|oneself|possessive particle|responsibility|then|bad|particle indicating completed action|so|this|only|break up|better than|particle indicating completed action|like this This time, with Jingzhou lost, if he were to reflect on his own responsibilities, it would be detrimental, so it is better to part ways. 劉備 睇 完激 到 佢 乜嘢 噉 啊 , 即刻 就 想起 兵去 捉 佢 。 Liu Bei|read||to|him|what|like that|ah|immediately|then|remembered||capture|him After Liu Bei read it, he was furious and immediately thought of sending troops to capture him. 孔明 話 喇 : 不如 派 劉封 起兵 去 捉 佢 , 等 佢 哋 兩虎相爭 。 Zhuge Liang|said|particle indicating past action|might as well|send|Liu Feng|raise troops|to|capture|him|let|them|plural particle|two tigers fight each other Kong Ming said: Why not send Liu Feng to raise troops to capture him, so that the two tigers can fight each other. 劉封 無論 打贏 或 打輸 , 都 必定 要 返 嚟 成都 嘅 , 到 時 再 剷除 埋 佢 , 噉 就 兩害 都 消滅 晒 喇 。 Liu Feng|no matter|win|or|lose|all|definitely|must|return|to|Chengdu|possessive particle|when|time|again|eliminate|also|him|then|then|both harms|all|eliminate|completely|particle indicating completed action Liu Feng, regardless of whether he wins or loses, must return to Chengdu. At that time, we can eliminate him as well, thus eliminating both threats. 劉備 採納 咗 孔明 嘅 建議 , 就 派 使者 去 綿竹 , 傳令 劉封 進兵 去 攻打 孟達 。 Liu Bei|adopted|past tense marker|Kongming|possessive particle|suggestion|then|sent|messenger|to|Mianzhu|to convey orders|Liu Feng|advance troops|to|attack|Meng Da Liu Bei adopted Kong Ming's suggestion and sent envoys to Mianzhu, ordering Liu Feng to advance and attack Meng Da. 噉 劉封接 咗 命令 就 帶兵 去 喇 。 then||past tense marker|order|then|led the troops|to|sentence-final particle So Liu Feng received the order and led his troops. 而家 講下 曹丕 啊 , 嗰 日 佢 正在 召集 文武百官 就 喺 度 議論 事情 , 聽聞 話 孟達 嚟 到 投降 唄 , 就 召 佢 入 嚟 問 佢 嘞 : 你 係 唔 係 嚟 詐降 啊 ? now|let's talk about|Cao Pi|ah|||he|was|gathering|civil and military officials|then|at|there|discussing|matters|hearing|that|Meng Da|to||||||him||coming|||||||||false surrender|ah Now let's talk about Cao Pi. That day, he was gathering civil and military officials to discuss matters. Upon hearing that Meng Da had come to surrender, he summoned him in and asked: Are you here to feign surrender? 孟達話 喇 : 微臣 因為 冇 去 救 關公 , 所以 漢中 王要 殺死 微臣 , 因此 就 嚟 投降 , 並 冇 其他 意思 。 |particle indicating past action|humble minister|because|did not|go|rescue|Guan Gong|so|Han Zhong||to kill|humble minister|therefore|then|come|surrender|and|did not|other|intentions Meng Da replied: I, your humble servant, did not go to rescue Guan Gong, so the King of Hanzhong wants to kill me. Therefore, I have come to surrender, and I have no other intentions. 曹丕 唔 係 點信 。 Cao Pi|not|is|trustworthy Cao Pi is not to be trusted. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 佢 咁 啱 接到 報告 話 劉封 帶 咗 五萬 兵 嚟 打 襄陽 , 單單 去 孟達 挑戰 噉 。 at|this|measure word for events|time|he|so|just|received|report|saying|Liu Feng|bringing|past tense marker|fifty thousand|soldiers|to|attack|Xiangyang|only|to|Meng Da|challenge|like that At this time, he just received a report that Liu Feng brought 50,000 troops to attack Xiangyang, specifically to challenge Meng Da. 曹丕 就 話 : 你 既然 係 真心 嘅 , 你 就 去 襄陽 ,攞 咗 劉 封 嘅 首級 嚟 , 孤王 噉 就 信 你 嘞 。 Cao Pi|then|said|you|since|are|sincere|possessive particle|you|then|go|Xiangyang|take|past tense marker|Liu|Feng|possessive particle|head|come|the lonely king|like this|then|trust|you|past action particle Cao Pi said: Since you are sincere, go to Xiangyang and bring back Liu Feng's head, then I will believe you. 等 微臣 去 到 , 用 利害關係 嚟 說服 佢 , 都 不必 動兵 , 就 可以 使到 劉封 嚟 投降 殿下 喇 。 wait|your humble servant|go|arrive|use|interests|to|persuade|him|all|no need to|resort to arms|then|can|make|Liu Feng|to|surrender|your highness|particle indicating completion Let me go there and persuade him with the stakes involved, and there will be no need to use troops; Liu Feng will come to surrender to you. 誒 噉 亦 好 吖 ! 曹丕 好 高興 , 就 加封 孟達 做 散 騎常侍 、 建武 將軍 、 平 陽亭侯 , 領 新城 太守 , 叫 佢 去 鎮守 襄陽 、 樊城 。 eh|like this|also|very|particle|Cao Pi|very|happy|then|promoted|Meng Da|to be|scatter|cavalry attendant|Jianwu|general|Ping|Yangting Marquis|to lead|Xincheng|governor|to call|him|to go|garrison|Xiangyang|Fancheng Ah, that sounds good! Cao Pi was very pleased and promoted Meng Da to the position of Sanqi Changshi, Jianwu General, Pingyang Tinghou, and appointed him as the governor of Xincheng, telling him to guard Xiangyang and Fancheng. 噉 啊 原來 夏侯尚 同 徐晃 啊 , 已經 喺 襄陽 嚟 嘞 , 正 係 準備 去 攻取 上庸 各個 郡 。 so|ah|originally|Xiahou Shang|and|Xu Huang|ah|already|at|Xiangyang|come|past tense marker|just|is|preparing|to|attack and capture|Shangyong|each|county So, it turns out that Xiahou Shang and Xu Huang are already in Xiangyang, preparing to attack the various counties of Shangyong. 孟 達到 咗 襄陽 , 同 夏侯尚 以及 徐晃見 咗 面 , 探聽到 劉 封 嘅 人馬 , 就 喺 襄陽 城外 五十里 嗰 度 扎 落 營寨 。 Meng|arrived|past tense marker|Xiangyang|with|Xiahou Shang|and||past tense marker|face|learned about|Liu|Feng|possessive particle|troops|then|at|Xiangyang|outside the city|fifty li|that|at|set up|down|camp Meng Da arrived in Xiangyang and met with Xiahou Shang and Xu Huang. He learned that Liu Feng's troops were camped about fifty miles outside Xiangyang. 孟達 啊 即刻 寫封信 , 派 人 送 去 蜀 軍營 寨 就 勸 劉封 投降 。 Meng Da|ah|immediately|write a letter|send|someone|deliver|to|Shu|military camp|fort|then|persuade|Liu Feng|surrender Meng Da immediately wrote a letter and sent someone to the Shu army camp to persuade Liu Feng to surrender. 劉封 睇 咗 信 , 發起 火 嚟 話 : Liu Feng|read|past tense marker|letter|raised|anger|came|said When Liu Feng read the letter, he became furious and said: 孟達 奸賊 ! 你 破壞 我 哋 叔侄 嘅 情意 , 又 離間 我 父子 感情 , 害到 我 成為 個 不忠 不孝 之人 啊 ! Meng Da|scoundrel|you|destroy|I|our|uncle and nephew|possessive particle|bond|also|sow discord|I|father and son|relationship|caused|I|to become|a|disloyal|unfilial|person|ah Meng Da, you traitor! You are destroying the bond between us uncle and nephew, and sowing discord between my father and me, making me become a disloyal and unfilial person! 𠻘𠻘𠻘 咁 撕爛 咗 封信 , 下令 斬 咗 送信 嘅 使者 , 第日 就 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 嘞 。 |then|tore up|past tense marker|letter|ordered|killed|past tense marker|delivering|possessive particle|messenger|next day|then|bring troops|come|challenge|past tense marker He tore up the letter and ordered the messenger to be executed, saying he would bring troops to challenge him the next day. 孟 達見 劉封 咁 唔 畀 面 吓 , 又 撕爛 信 又 斬 使者 , 亦 係 嬲 到 火 紅火 綠 , 就 帶兵 嚟 迎戰 嘞 。 Meng|||so|not|give|face|exclamation particle|again|tore up|letter|again|killed|messenger|also|was|angry|to|fire|red|green|then||come|to fight|past tense particle Meng Da saw Liu Feng being so disrespectful, tearing up the letter and executing the messenger, and he was furious, so he brought troops to confront him. 兩陣 對圓 , 劉封 出馬 , 用 把 刀 指住 孟達 鬧 佢 話 : two armies|face to face|Liu Feng|came out|using|a|knife|pointing at|Meng Da|scolded|him|said The two sides faced off, and Liu Feng stepped forward, pointing his knife at Meng Da and scolding him, saying: 你 呢 個 背叛 國家 嘅 反賊 , 快 啲 落馬 受 綁 啊 ! you|question particle|measure word|betray|country|possessive particle|traitor|quickly|comparative particle|dismount|receive|bound|exclamatory particle You traitor who betrays the country, quickly dismount and surrender! 嘿 ! 你 自己 死到 臨頭 喇仲 執迷不悟 ! hey|you|yourself|die|imminent||stubbornly unrepentant Hey! You are about to die and still refuse to see the truth! 劉 封一 發火 , 拍 馬舞刀 直取 孟達 。 Liu|Fengyi|got angry|slapped||directly attacked|Meng Da Liu Feng got angry and charged at Meng Da with his sword. 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 孟達 打敗 走人 喎 。 hit|past tense marker|not|reach|three|rounds|Meng Da|defeated|left|sentence-final particle After not even three rounds of fighting, Meng Da defeated him and ran away. 劉封 趁勢 揮兵 追殺 啊 一路 追 咗 二十幾 里 。 Liu Feng|taking advantage of the situation|wielding his troops|pursuing and killing|ah|all the way|chasing|past tense marker|over twenty|miles Taking advantage of the situation, Liu Feng led his troops in pursuit, chasing for over twenty miles. 喎 嗬 ! 一聲 吶喊 , 伏兵 就 衝出 嚟 嘞 。 oh|wow|one sound|shout|ambush troops|then|rushed out|here|particle indicating completed action Suddenly, with a shout, the ambush troops charged out. 左便 係 夏侯尚 , 右 便 係 徐晃 , 孟達 又 返 轉頭 嘩 ! 三路 夾攻 , 打到 劉封 呀 零兵 賴敗 就 搏命 逃跑 。 left side|is|Xiahou Shang|||is|Xu Huang|Meng Da|again|turn|around|wow|three routes|encirclement|fought until|Liu Feng|ah|no soldiers|relying on defeat|then|risking his life|escape On the left was Xiahou Shang, on the right was Xu Huang, and Meng Da turned back. Wow! They attacked from three directions, forcing Liu Feng to lose all his troops and flee for his life. 當 佢 跑 到 返 上 庸 嘅 時候 , 魏兵 一直 喺 佢 背後 追住 嚟 噃。 when|he|ran|to|return|上庸 (a place)||possessive particle|time|Wei soldiers|continuously|at|him|behind|chasing|coming|sentence-final particle When he ran back to the camp, Wei Bing was chasing him from behind. 劉封 跑 到 城下 叫門 , 點 知道 城上 亂 咁 射箭 落 嚟 。 Liu Feng|ran|to|the city gate|called out to the gatekeeper|how|knew|from the city|wildly|so|shooting arrows|down|coming Liu Feng ran to the city gate and called out, but arrows were raining down chaotically from above. 申 耽 喺 城樓 上 大聲 噉 話 : 我 已經 投降 北魏 喇 ! Shen|Tan|at|city tower|on|loudly|like that|said|I|already|surrender|Northern Wei|particle indicating completed action Shen Dan shouted loudly from the city tower: I have already surrendered to Northern Wei! 嘿 豈有此理 吖 劉封 想 話 攻城 啦 , 但 係 背後 嘅 追兵 就 到 嘞 。 hey|how could this be|particle|Liu Feng|wants|to say|attack the city|particle|||behind|possessive particle|pursuing soldiers|then|arrive|particle Hey, this is unreasonable! Liu Feng wanted to attack the city, but the pursuing soldiers were already here. 劉封 立腳 唔 住 就 唯有 趯 去 房陵 啦 。 Liu Feng|stop|not|able to|then|only|hurry|go|Fangling|particle indicating suggestion or realization Liu Feng couldn't hold his ground and had no choice but to flee to Fangling. 但 係 去 到 一 睇 , 城頭 上 已經 插滿 晒 北魏 嘅 旗幟 。 ||||one|looked|city wall|on|already|filled with|completely|Northern Wei|possessive particle|flags But when they arrived, the city was already filled with the flags of Northern Wei. 申儀 喺 城樓 上 便 將面 大旗 一舞 , 城後一彪 軍馬 衝出 嚟 , 軍旗 上面 幾個 大字 : 右 將軍 徐晃 ! Shen Yi|at|city tower|on|then|facing|large flag|a dance||cavalry|charged out|here|military flag|on it|several|large characters|right|general|Xu Huang Shen Yi waved the large flag on the city tower, and a cavalry unit charged out from behind the city, with the large characters on the military flag: Right General Xu Huang! 哎呀 ! 冇 得 頂 , 劉封 打 唔 過啊 急急 逃跑 去 西川 。 oh no|not|able|withstand|Liu Feng|fight|not||urgently|escape|go|Xichuan Oh no! There's no way to hold on, Liu Feng can't fight back and hurriedly fled to Xichuan. 徐晃 趁勢 追殺 一番 , 殺到 劉封 剩返 百零人 , 丟盔棄甲 趯 返 嚟 成都 。 Xu Huang|take advantage of the situation|pursue and kill|thoroughly|killed until|Liu Feng|remaining|over a hundred men|abandon their armor and flee|hurriedly|return|to|Chengdu Xu Huang took the opportunity to pursue and killed until only about a hundred of Liu Feng's men were left, discarding their armor and fleeing back to Chengdu. 佢 見到 劉備 , 喊住 跪 喺 地 嚟 將 打敗 嘅 經過 一五一十 噉 報告 。 He|saw|Liu Bei|crying|knelt|at|ground|came|general|defeated|past|events|in detail|like that|reported He saw Liu Bei and cried as he knelt on the ground, reporting the defeat in detail. 劉備 啊 鬧 佢 : 你 呢 個 衰仔 仲有 乜嘢 面目 返 嚟 見 我 ! Liu Bei|ah|scold|him|you|this|measure word|bad kid|still have|what|face|return|come|see|me Liu Bei scolded him: "What face do you have to come back and see me!" 二叔 遇難 , 並非 孩兒 唔 去 救 , 皆 因孟達 勸住 唔 畀 孩兒 去 咋 ! second uncle|encountered disaster|not|child|not|go|save|all||advised|not|let|child|go|there Uncle Er's misfortune was not because the child didn't go to save him, but because Meng Da advised against letting the child go! 哼 ! 你 係 個人 嚟 㗎 嘛 , 食人飯 着 人 衣服 , 唔 通 你 係 個 木偶 嚟 咩 ! hum|you|are|human|come|question particle||eat human food|wear|human|clothes|||you|are|a|puppet|come|question particle Hmph! You are a person, right? Eating human food and wearing human clothes, are you a puppet or something! 乜個 奸賊 講 幾句 說話 , 就 阻得 住 你 嘅 咩 ? what|scoundrel|say|a few|words|then|||you|possessive particle|what What, just a few words from that traitor can stop you? 劉備 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 喝人拉 劉封 出去 殺 咗 佢 。 Liu Bei|angry|get|up|here||Liu Feng|outside|kill|past tense marker|him Liu Bei got angry and ordered someone to drag Liu Feng out and kill him. 殺 咗 劉封 之後 , 劉備 又 聽聞 話 孟達 曾經 勸 劉封 投降 , 劉封 啊 撕爛 信 斬 使者 拒絕 投降 , 唉 劉備 個心 呢 又 都 後悔 起 嚟 。 kill|past tense marker|Liu Feng|after|Liu Bei|again|heard|that|Meng Da|once|advised|Liu Feng|surrender|Liu Feng|ah|tore up|letter|killed|messenger|refused|surrender|sigh|Liu Bei||question particle|again|also|regretted|rise|come After killing Liu Feng, Liu Bei heard that Meng Da had once advised Liu Feng to surrender. Liu Feng tore up the letter and executed the messenger to refuse surrender. Alas, Liu Bei felt regret in his heart. 同時 又 哀痛 關公 , 所以 啊 得 咗 病 因此 呢 就 按兵不動 嘞 。 at the same time|again|mourning|Guan Gong|so|ah|contracted|past tense marker|illness|therefore|this|then|hold back troops|past action marker At the same time, he mourned for Guan Gong, so he fell ill and thus did not take any military action. 而家 講下 魏 王曹丕 , 佢 繼承 王位 之後 啊 大賞 文武百官 。 now|let's talk about|Wei|Wang Cao Pi|he|inherited|throne|after|ah|greatly rewarded|civil and military officials Now let's talk about Wei Wang Cao Pi. After he ascended to the throne, he greatly rewarded the civil and military officials. 然後 呢 , 統率 鐵甲兵 三十萬 , 南巡 家鄉 沛國 譙 縣 嘞 , 拜祭 先人 嘅 墳墓 。 then|question particle|to command|armored troops|three hundred thousand|southern tour|hometown|state of Pei|Qiao|county|past action particle|to pay respects|ancestors|possessive particle|grave Then, he led 300,000 armored soldiers on a southern tour to his hometown, Pei Guo, Qiao County, to pay respects at the graves of his ancestors. 哦 熱鬧 咯 ! 不得了 咯 ! oh|lively|particle indicating realization or emphasis|incredible|particle indicating realization or emphasis Oh, what a lively scene! It's incredible! 佢 嚟 到 嗰 日 呀 , 家鄉 啲 父老 出齊 嚟 , 沿路 咁 敬酒 啊 。 He|come|arrive|that|day|particle|hometown|plural marker|elders|all come out|to|along the way|so|toast|particle When he arrived that day, the elders from his hometown came out and toasted him along the way. 呢 呢 啲 就 係 仿效 當年 漢高祖 劉邦 , 做 咗 皇帝 之後 回鄉 嘅 事 嘞 。 this|||||imitating|in those years|Emperor Gaozu of Han|Liu Bang|||emperor|after|returning home|possessive particle|event|past tense particle This is imitating the event when Liu Bang, the Emperor Gaozu of Han, returned to his hometown after becoming emperor. 冇 幾耐 , 曹丕 收到 報告 話 大將軍 夏侯惇 病危 。 not|long|Cao Pi|received|report|saying|General|Xiahou Dun|critically ill Not long after, Cao Pi received a report that the General Xiahou Dun was critically ill. 噉 曹丕 立即 趕返 去鄴 郡 , 返到 去 呢 , 夏侯惇 已經 死 咗 嘞 。 then|Cao Pi|immediately|hurry back|to Ye|county|arrived|at|this|Xiahou Dun|already|died|past tense marker|completed action particle So Cao Pi immediately rushed back to Ye County, and by the time he returned, Xiahou Dun had already passed away. 曹丕 為 佢 掛孝 用 極其 隆重 嘅 葬禮 啊 , 嚟 安葬 咗 佢 。 Cao Pi|for|him|mourning|used|extremely|grand|possessive particle|funeral|sentence-final particle|came|bury|past tense marker|him Cao Pi held an extremely grand funeral for him to mourn and bury him. 到 咗 呢 一年 嘅 八月 , 陸續 收到 報告 話 , 石邑縣 見到 鳳凰 , 臨淄 城有 麒麟 出現 , 鄴 郡 又 發現 黃龍 , 嘩 嗨 ! 都 係 好 兆頭 嚟 噃。 arrive|past tense marker|this|year|possessive particle|August|successively|received|reports|saying|Shiyixian|saw|phoenix|Linzi||qilin|appearance|Ye|county|again|discovered|yellow dragon|wow|hi|all|are|good|omens|coming|particle indicating surprise By August of this year, reports began to come in saying that in Shiy County, a phoenix was seen, in Linzi City, a qilin appeared, and in Ye County, a yellow dragon was discovered. Wow! These are all good omens. 於是 中郎將 李伏 、 太史 丞許 芝 就 商量 咗 一番 , 認為 種種 嘅 好 兆頭 啊 , 都 係 , 魏 應該 取代 漢 嘅 預兆 嚟 。 then|the middle-ranking general|Li Fu|the Grand Historian||Zhi|then|discussed|past tense marker|a round|believed|various|possessive particle|good|omens|ah|all|are|Wei|should|replace|Han|possessive particle|signs|coming So, the General Li Fu and the Grand Historian Xu Zhi discussed and believed that these various good omens were indeed a sign that Wei should replace Han. 係 時候 喇 ! 可以 安排 受 禪 嘅 大禮 喇 ! 叫 漢獻帝 呀將 天下 讓 畀 魏王 喇 噉 。 is|time|particle indicating completed action|can|arrange|receiving|surrender|possessive particle|great gift|particle indicating completed action|call|Emperor Xian of Han||the world|yield|to|King of Wei|particle indicating completed action|like this It's time! We can arrange the grand ceremony for the abdication! Ask Emperor Xian of Han to hand over the world to King Cao Pi of Wei. 呢 一日 , 佢 哋 串 好 晒 , 同埋 華歆 、 王朗 、 辛 毗 、 賈詡 、 劉廙 、 劉曄 、 陳 矯 、 陳 群 、 桓階 等等 一班 文武 官僚 啊 總共 四廿幾人 , 直情 入 去 皇宮 裏 便 , 稟奏 漢獻帝 , 請 佢 禪位 畀 魏 王曹丕 。 this|day|they|plural marker|gather|very|completely|and|Hua Xin|Wang Lang|||Jia Xu|Liu Ye|Liu Ye|||||Huan Jie|etc|a group of|civil and military|officials|particle|altogether||directly|enter|to|imperial palace|inside|then|report|Emperor Xian of Han|request|he|abdicate|to|| On this day, they were all well-prepared, along with Hua Xin, Wang Lang, Xin Pi, Jia Xu, Liu Ye, Liu Ye, Chen Jiao, Chen Qun, Huan Jie, and a group of over forty civil and military officials, they directly entered the palace to report to Emperor Xian of Han, requesting him to abdicate the throne to King Cao Pi of Wei. 正是 魏家 社稷 今將建 , 漢代 江山 忽 已移 。 indeed|Wei family|state||Han dynasty|territory|suddenly| Indeed, the Wei family's state is about to be established, while the Han dynasty's territory has suddenly shifted. 要 知道 獻帝 點樣 回答 啊 , 且 聽 下回分解 。 want|to know|Emperor Xian|how|to answer|particle|and|to listen| To know how Emperor Xian responded, stay tuned for the next explanation.

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