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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 114










































































































































































































































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噉啊話說董荼那帶兵去到夾山峪,馬岱就出嚟迎戰啦。 So it is said that Dong Zhuo led his troops to Jia Shan Yu, and Ma Dai came out to meet him in battle.

有啲兵啊認得呢個蠻將就係董荼那喇,就講畀馬岱聽,話佢呀,係畀諸葛丞相捉過嘅,收尾釋放返如此如此噉。 Some soldiers recognized this barbarian general as Dong Zhuo and told Ma Dai that he was captured by Prime Minister Zhuge and was released after some time.

馬岱縱馬上前大聲噉鬧佢: Ma Dai rode forward and shouted at him loudly:

哼!董荼那,你呢個忘恩負義嘅傢伙! hum|Dong Tuo Na| Hmph! Dong Zhuo, you ungrateful scoundrel!

我哋丞相好心放生你一條命,今日你又試作反,你唔識醜㗎! Our Prime Minister kindly spared your life, and today you dare to rebel again, don't you have any shame!

董荼那畀馬岱鬧到滿面羞慚,冇說話好講,冇打到就撤退喇。 Dong Tu Na was scolded by Ma Dai until he was full of shame, and he had nothing to say, so he retreated without fighting.

馬岱掩殺咗一陣呢亦都收兵回營。 After Ma Dai ambushed for a while, he also withdrew back to the camp.

董荼那返到去就回覆孟獲話:馬岱好厲害,唔夠佢打。 When Dong Tu Na returned, he reported to Meng Huo: Ma Dai is very powerful, I couldn't defeat him.

嘿!我知道,你,係受咗諸葛亮嘅恩,所以,今日,你唔打就退返嚟喇。 Hey! I know, you are favored by Zhuge Liang, so today, you retreated without fighting.

嗯!你呀,係賣陣之計啊! hmm|you| Hmm! You, are using a feigned retreat strategy!

孟獲嬲到火紅火綠,喝人啊拉董荼那出去殺頭。 Meng Huo was furious, shouting for someone to take Dong Tu Na out and behead him.

好彩得嗰班酋長苦苦勸諫求情,先至免咗一死啊。 Fortunately, that group of chieftains pleaded and begged for mercy, which saved him from death.

孟獲話喇死罪免去就活罪難饒,嗌啲武士將董荼那痛打一百大棍,打到囉柚開花先至放佢返去自己嘅營寨。 Meng Huo said that while the death penalty was lifted, the living punishment was hard to bear, and he ordered the warriors to beat Dong Tu Na with a hundred big sticks, only letting him return to his camp after he was beaten until he was bruised.

事後呢,好多個酋長啊都走嚟探望董荼那喎。 after the incident| Afterwards, many chieftains came to visit Dong Tu Na.

佢哋話喇:我哋一直都居住喺蠻荒,從來都未侵犯過中國,中國,亦冇侵犯過我哋。 |||China| They said: We have always lived in the wilderness and have never invaded China, and China has never invaded us.

而家,都係因為孟獲恃勢嚟威逼,我哋不得已先至跟埋佢作反嘅啫。 now|| Right now, it's because Meng Huo is using his power to threaten us, we have no choice but to follow him and rebel.

而家睇嚟,孔明神機莫測,曹操、孫權尚且都怕晒佢嘅,何況我哋啲蠻人吖。 ||Cao Cao|| It seems that Kong Ming is unpredictable, even Cao Cao and Sun Quan are afraid of him, let alone us barbarians.

仲有添噃,我哋都受過佢活命之恩嘅,冇乜嘢好報答佢嘞。 there's more to add|| Moreover, we have also received his grace of life, there's not much we can do to repay him.

不如噉啦,至多拼咗呢條命,殺咗孟獲然後去投降孔明,免致百姓受苦都好吖。 how about this||| How about this, at most we risk our lives, kill Meng Huo and then surrender to Kong Ming, to spare the common people from suffering.

董荼那話喇:你哋係唔係個個都係噉諗㗎? Dong Tu Na said: Are you all thinking the same way?

嗰啲畀孔明釋放返嚟嘅酋長呀,一齊大聲話:係啊,去啦! ||yes|go The chieftains released by Kongming all shouted loudly: Yes, let's go!

好,跟我嚟! good| Alright, follow me!

董荼那都唔顧得棍傷咯,一手揦起把鋼刀,帶住百幾個人一直走去大本營。 Dongtuna didn't care about his injuries anymore, he raised his steel knife with one hand and led over a hundred people straight to the main camp.

當時孟獲正係飲醉酒,喺帳篷裏便瞓到噘噘聲。 At that time, Meng Huo was drunk and snoring in the tent.

董荼那帶住大家直衝入去。 Dongtuna led everyone straight in.

帳篷門口有兩個將官喺度守衛嘅,董荼那用把刀指住佢兩個話: At the entrance of the tent, there were two generals on guard, and Dong Tu Na pointed a knife at them and said:

你哋亦係受過諸葛丞相活命之恩嘅,而家係你哋報答嘅時候喇。 You have also received the life-saving grace of Prime Minister Zhuge, and now is the time for you to repay it.

係,係,唔使將軍你逳手啊,等我哋生擒孟獲,去獻畀丞相啦。 yes|||| Yes, yes, no need for the general to act, let us capture Meng Huo alive and present him to the Prime Minister.

於是乎大家一齊湧入帳篷,將孟獲呀好似扎粽咁紮啊扎到實一實,拉咗佢去瀘水邊,然後就坐船過咗去北岸。 So everyone rushed into the tent together, tied up Meng Huo tightly like wrapping zongzi, and dragged him to the riverside, then took a boat across to the north bank.

先不先就派個人去報告孔明,話捉到孟獲嚟喇噉。 First, let's send someone to report to Kongming that we have captured Meng Huo.

孔明呢,早就得到間諜嘅報告知道咗呢件事嘞。 Kongming had already received reports from spies about this matter.

就秘密噉傳令落去,吩咐各個營寨嘅將士啊,整頓好啲軍器物資。 He secretly issued orders to instruct the soldiers in each camp to prepare their weapons and supplies.

然後呢先至叫人請為首嘅酋長,押孟獲入嚟。 Then he called for the chief to bring Meng Huo in.

其餘嘅人呢,都叫佢哋返去本寨聽候命令。 The others were told to return to their own camps and await further orders.

董荼那最先入去中軍帳拜見孔明,噉啊將生擒孟獲嘅經過報告咗。 Dong Tu Na was the first to enter the central tent to meet Kongming, and he reported the process of capturing Meng Huo.

孔明重重噉獎賞佢,同佢講咗好多好說話慰問咗佢一番,又叫董荼那帶嗰班酋長返扯。 Kong Ming heavily rewarded him, spoke many kind words to comfort him, and also asked Dong Tu Na to bring that group of chieftains back for a discussion.

然後呢,就叫刀斧手拉孟獲入嚟嘞。 and then| Then, he called the executioners to bring Meng Huo in.

孔明一見到孟獲就笑喇:哈哈哈哈哈,你以前講過,話再畀我捉到就服輸投降㗎喇,今日點啊,啊?哈哈哈哈哈哈。 |hahahahaha||||ah|hahahahahaha As soon as Kong Ming saw Meng Huo, he laughed: Hahaha, you said before that if I caught you again, you would surrender, so what about today, huh? Hahahahahaha.

呢啲,又唔係你嘅本事,不過,係我手下嘅人,自傷殘害,搞成噉咋嘛。 these||but||| This is not your ability, but rather, it was done by my subordinates, self-harming and causing this situation.

我,一啲都唔服啊! I| I am not at all convinced!

唔服呀?噉而家我再放你返去好唔好啊? don't accept it| Not convinced? How about I let you go back now?

好啊!我,雖然係個蠻人,我亦都頗知兵法。 Sure! Although I am a barbarian, I also know a bit about military strategy.

若果,丞相真係肯放我返去呀,我就帶兵,嚟同丞相你,再決勝負! if|||| If the Prime Minister is really willing to let me go back, I will bring my troops to compete with you again!

若果,丞相下次,再捉到我呢,我就真心實意投降,點都唔變喇! if||||no matter what I won't change If the Prime Minister catches me again next time, I will sincerely surrender, no matter what!

嗱,下次再捉到你,如果你又唔服呢,我就唔寬恕你㗎喇。 well||| Well, if I catch you again next time and you still refuse to surrender, I will not forgive you.

人嚟!同佢鬆綁。 Someone is coming! Untie him.

孔明叫人同孟獲解開啲繩,仍然學似上次噉攞酒菜嚟款待佢,就叫佢喺中軍帳裏便坐。 Kongming instructed someone to untie Meng Huo, and still pretended to treat him with food and drink like last time, asking him to sit in the central army tent.

孔明話喇:我自從一出茅廬,戰無不勝攻無不克。你呢啲蠻邦嘅人點解唔服啊?嗯? ||||hmm Kongming said: Since I came out of the thatched cottage, I have been undefeated in battle and have conquered all. Why don't you people from the barbarian lands submit? Hmm?

孟獲粒聲唔出噃。 Meng Huo did not make a sound.

好啦噉就,飲完酒嘞,孔明就叫孟獲騎上馬,同埋佢出去四圍噉行,畀佢睇下各個營寨所儲備嘅糧草軍器。 alright then|after finishing drinking||| Alright then, after finishing the drink, Kongming asked Meng Huo to ride a horse and took him around to see the supplies of grain and weapons stored in each camp.

孔明指住嗰啲軍用物資對孟獲話喇: Kong Ming pointed to the military supplies and said to Meng Huo:

你唔投降我呀真係個蠢人啊你。 If you don't surrender, you really are a fool.

我有咁多精兵猛將,咁多糧草兵器,你點打得贏我嘅呢? I have so many elite soldiers and generals, so much food and weapons, how can you possibly defeat me?

你如果投降呢,我一定稟奏天子,使你保持個王位,子子孫孫,永遠鎮守蠻邦,你意下如何吖? |||descendants|| If you surrender, I will definitely report to the Emperor and ensure you keep your throne, so that your descendants will forever guard the barbarian lands. What do you think?

我,就算肯投降,洞裏便啲人,都未曾心服㗎。 I||| Even if I were willing to surrender, the people in the cave have not yet accepted it.

若果,丞相肯放我返去,噉,我就去招安本部人馬,講到佢哋同心共意,噉先至投降得㗎。 if||then||| If the Prime Minister is willing to let me go back, then I will go to persuade the troops to surrender, saying that they must be united in their decision before they can surrender.

噉就好極嘞。孔明好高興,同孟獲一齊再返去中軍帳,又試嚟飲過酒,一直飲到晚頭黑,噉孟獲先至告辭返去。 then it's really good||||| That would be great. Kongming was very happy and returned to the central army tent with Meng Huo, and they tried drinking together until it was dark in the evening, and then Meng Huo finally took his leave to go back.

孔明親自送佢去到瀘水邊,用船送佢回營。 Kongming personally sent him to the banks of the Lu River and used a boat to send him back to the camp.

孟獲一返到營寨呢,先不先就搵一班刀斧手,喺帳篷附近埋伏好喎。 As soon as Meng Huo returned to the camp, he immediately gathered a group of axe and sword men to ambush near the tent.

跟住又派個心腹人去董塗那、阿會喃嘅營寨,話孔明派咗使者嚟,就將佢兩個氹咗嚟,殺咗佢哋,將佢哋嘅屍首掉咗落隻山坑裏便。 Then he sent a trusted person to the camps of Dong Tu and A Hui, saying that Kongming had sent a messenger, and to lure them over, kill them, and throw their bodies into a mountain pit.

噉孟獲就隨即派自己嘅親信將官啊,把守隘口,自己帶領一支人馬,直出夾山峪要同馬岱打過。 So Meng Huo immediately sent his trusted officers to guard the pass, while he led a group of soldiers straight to the Jia Mountain Valley to confront Ma Dai.

點知去到嘅時候呢,哈,人影都唔見一個。 |ha (laughing sound)| But when they arrived, there wasn't a single person in sight.

問下附近啲土人都話馬岱嘅軍隊呀,喺尋晚黑,搬晒啲糧草返咗過去瀘水嗰便,走咗喇噉。 When they asked the local villagers, they said that Ma Dai's army had moved all the supplies back to Lushui last night and had already left.

於是孟獲就帶兵返去洞,同佢嘅親細佬孟優商量話喇: So Meng Huo took his troops back to the cave and discussed with his younger brother Meng You, saying:

而家,諸葛亮嘅虛實,我完全知道晒喇,嗱,你去噉噉噉噉噉啦。 now|||well| Now, I completely understand the strengths and weaknesses of Zhuge Liang, so you go and do this and that.

孟優依照佢大佬嘅計策,就率領百幾個蠻兵,帶住好多金珠、寶貝、象牙、犀角之類嘅禮物,渡過瀘水,直奔孔明嘅大本營。 |||treasures|ivory||| Meng You, following his brother's strategy, led over a hundred barbarian soldiers, bringing many gifts such as gold, jewels, ivory, and rhinoceros horn, crossing the Lu River and heading straight for Kongming's main camp.

佢哋啱啱過咗河,忽然間前面鼓角齊鳴,一彪人馬衝出嚟擺開陣勢。 Just as they crossed the river, suddenly the sound of drums and horns echoed, and a group of cavalry charged out to form a formation.

為首嘅大將係馬岱啊,嘿嚇到孟優呀驚晒。 The leading general was Ma Dai, which startled Meng You.

馬岱問清楚佢嚟嘅原因,就叫佢喺外便等住先,跟住呢就派人去報告孔明。 Ma Dai asked for the reason of their visit and told them to wait outside first, then sent someone to report to Kongming.

當時啊,孔明正喺中軍帳,同馬謖、呂凱、蔣琬、費禕等等,喺度議論緊平定南蠻嘅事情。 at that time|||Lue Kai|Jiang Wan|| At that time, Kongming was in the central army tent, discussing the pacification of the southern barbarians with Ma Shu, Lu Kai, Jiang Wan, Fei Yi, and others.

有人嚟報告話孟獲派咗佢嘅細佬孟優,嚟到進貢寶貝啊噉。 Someone came to report that Meng Huo sent his younger brother Meng You to offer tribute.

孔明就問馬謖嘞:你知唔知佢嘅來意係為咗咩嘢嘅呢? Kong Ming then asked Ma Shu: Do you know what his intention is?

末將唔敢明講,不如等末將寫張紙處交畀丞相,睇下合唔合丞相嘅意思啦。 I dare not say it clearly, so it would be better for me to write a note to give to the Prime Minister and see if it aligns with the Prime Minister's thoughts.

好吖。孔明同意喇。 okay| Alright. Kong Ming agreed.

馬謖就用張紙寫好畀孔明睇。 Ma Shu wrote a note for Kong Ming to see.

孔明睇完就不禁拍起手哈哈大笑話:哈哈哈哈哈哈,捉孟獲嘅計謀我已經安排好㗎喇,你嘅意見同我完全一樣啊,哈哈哈哈。 |hahahahaha|||hahahaha Kong Ming couldn't help but clap his hands and laugh out loud, saying: Hahaha, I have already arranged the plan to capture Meng Huo, your opinion is exactly the same as mine, hahaha.

跟住孔明就叫趙雲入嚟,喺佢嘅耳仔邊,吩咐話如此如此噉。 Then Kong Ming called Zhao Yun in and whispered in his ear, instructing him to do this and that.

又叫魏延入嚟,亦都係細細聲噉吩咐一番。 He also called Wei Yan in and similarly whispered some instructions.

接住又叫咗王平、馬忠、關索入嚟,同樣秘秘密密噉向佢哋交帶任務。 |Ma Zhong|| Next, he called Wang Ping, Ma Zhong, and Guan Suo in, and secretly assigned them tasks in the same manner.

噉各人接受咗命令呢就分頭去做嘞。 So everyone accepted their orders and went off to carry them out.

安排妥當喇,噉先叫孟優入嚟。 the arrangements are done| Everything is arranged, now call Meng You in.

孟優一入到中軍帳就跪低叩頭行禮佢話: As soon as Meng You entered the central tent, he knelt down and bowed, saying:

家兄孟獲,好感激丞相活命之恩,無可奉獻啊,只係準備咗一啲金珠寶貝,求其作為慰勞軍隊之用啊。 "Elder brother Meng Huo, I am very grateful to the Prime Minister for the grace of life, and I have nothing to offer, only some gold and jewels prepared as a token of appreciation for the army."

以後,另外仲有啲禮物進貢畀天子嘅。 in the future| In the future, there will also be some gifts to present to the Emperor.

孔明話:你阿哥而家喺邊處啊? Kong Ming asked: "Where is your brother now?"

佢為咗感謝丞相嘅大恩大德,去咗銀坑山準備啲珠寶禮物啊,等陣就嚟㗎嘞。 He went to Silver Pit Mountain to prepare some jewelry gifts to thank the Prime Minister for his great kindness and virtue, and he will be here soon.

你帶咗幾多人嚟啊? How many people did you bring?

唔敢帶咁多,只係百零人唧,都係搬運貨物嘅。 I didn't dare to bring too many, just over a hundred, all of them are cargo carriers.

孔明叫佢哋都入嚟睇下,嘩嗨!個個都係青眼珠,黑面皮,黃頭髮,紫鬍鬚。 |wow||black skin|yellow hair|purple mustache Kongming asked them to come in and take a look, wow! Everyone has blue eyes, black skin, yellow hair, and purple beards.

戴住大金耳環,披頭散髮除大赤腳,手瓜起展身長九尺,嗬好厲害㗎! Wearing big gold earrings, with hair down and bare feet, standing tall at nine feet, wow, that's impressive!

孔明叫佢哋埋席坐低,又叫啲將官向佢哋敬酒,款待得呀十分殷勤。 Kong Ming asked them to gather around and sit down, and also asked the generals to toast to them, treating them with great hospitality.

孟獲啊邊度係去咗銀坑山吖,佢喺營寨裏便等住消息就真。 Where did Meng Huo go to Silver Pit Mountain| Meng Huo, where did you go? You should be waiting for news in the camp.

呢,有兩個人返嚟喇,佢哋向佢報告話: this|| Well, two people have returned, and they reported to him saying:

稟告大王,諸葛亮受咗禮物好高興啊。 Report to the king, Zhuge Liang is very happy to receive the gifts.

將隨行嘅人員,請晒入去中軍帳,殺牛劏羊,擺酒款待啊。 Please invite all the accompanying personnel into the central army tent, kill the cattle and butcher the sheep, and prepare a feast to entertain them.

二大王吩咐我返嚟報告大王,今晚二更,裏應外合,一舉打敗諸葛亮喎! ||inside and outside working together| The Second King instructed me to return and report to the King that tonight at the second watch, we will work together to defeat Zhuge Liang in one go!

孟獲一聽講就歡喜到舞手舞腳,立即下令點起三萬蠻兵,分為三隊。 Meng Huo was so happy to hear this that he danced with joy and immediately ordered the mobilization of thirty thousand barbarian soldiers, dividing them into three teams.

又召集各洞酋長嚟吩咐佢哋話: He also summoned the chieftains of each cave to instruct them that:

個個士兵,都要帶齊火種,今晚,去到蜀軍營寨就放火為號。 every soldier||tonight| Every soldier must bring firebrands, and tonight, when we reach the Shu army camp, we will set fire as a signal.

我,親自攻打中軍,生擒諸葛亮啊! I|| I will personally attack the central army and capture Zhuge Liang alive!

噉嗰班酋長蠻將接受咗命令,分頭去準備。 So that group of chieftains and generals accepted the orders and went to prepare.

到咗黃昏時候,就帶兵出發,渡過瀘水去襲擊蜀軍嘞。 By dusk, they set out with their troops, crossing the river to attack the Shu army.

孟獲啊親自率領百幾個心腹將士,直撲孔明嘅大本營。 Meng Huo personally led over a hundred trusted soldiers straight to Kongming's main camp.

一路上,都冇遇見過蜀軍嘅阻擋喎。 all the way| Along the way, they did not encounter any obstacles from the Shu army.

去到喇,孟獲帶頭縱馬衝入去,咦?係一座空寨,一個人都唔見。 arrived||huh|| When they arrived, Meng Huo led the charge on horseback, and what? It was an empty stockade, not a single person in sight.

孟獲直撞入到去中軍,只見中軍帳內燈火輝煌,孟優同一班蠻兵飲醉晒酒,碌晒喺地嚟。 Meng Huo charged straight into the central army, and saw that the central army's tent was brightly lit, with Meng You and a group of barbarian soldiers completely drunk and sprawled on the ground.

點解呢喂?原來啊,孟優佢哋中計喇。 Why is that? It turns out that Meng You and his men fell into a trap.

孔明吩咐馬謖同呂凱兩個款待孟優佢哋,仲搵咗一班人嚟奏音樂做戲添喎,都唔知幾熱鬧,又猛咁同佢哋敬酒。 Kong Ming instructed Ma Shu and Lü Kai to entertain Meng You and his men, and even found a group of people to play music and perform, making it quite lively, while they toasted them vigorously.

啲酒裏頭呀都放咗藥嘅,飲到個個都暈倒晒,醉到呀好似死蛇爛鱔噉。 The wine was laced with drugs, and everyone drank until they were all fainted, drunk like dead snakes and rotten eels.

孟獲衝到入去逐個咁摮,終歸就摮醒咗一個問佢: Meng Huo rushed in and shook each one, and eventually woke one up and asked him:

點知嗰個嘢雖然係醒咗啊,之唔會講說話喇,一味指下指下把口。 Who would have thought that thing, although it woke up, wouldn't speak, just kept pointing with its mouth.

弊傢伙,孟獲知道中計喇,急忙救起孟優佢哋呢班人,噉啊正話想撤退返去中路啦。 this guy||| Damn it, Meng Huo realized he was tricked, and hurriedly went to rescue Meng You and his group, saying they wanted to retreat back to the central route.

遲咯!只聽見前便吶喊連天,火光沖天而起。 late|| Too late! All of a sudden, there were shouts from the front, and flames shot up into the sky.

嘩!走咯啲蠻兵冇理咁多,紛紛各自逃跑嘞。 wow|| Wow! The barbarian soldiers didn't care about anything and started to flee in all directions.

呢個時候,一彪軍馬殺到,為首大將乃係王平啊。 At this moment, a cavalry unit charged in, led by General Wang Ping.

孟獲驚嘞,急急趯去左路。 Meng Huo was startled and hurriedly ran to the left.

咦呀!火光熊熊,又一彪軍馬殺到,為首大將乃係魏延! oh no||| Oh no! The fire blazed, and another group of cavalry arrived, led by the general Wei Yan!

嚇到孟獲急忙掉頭就趯去右路。 Frightened, Meng Huo quickly turned around and ran to the right.

喎嗬殺啊噉只見火光一起,迎面又有一彪軍馬殺嚟嘞,為首大將係趙雲喇! Oh no suddenly we saw a flash of fire|and then a group of cavalry charged at us|the leading general is Zhao Yun Oh no, it's a massacre! Suddenly, fire flared up, and another group of cavalry charged in, led by the general Zhao Yun!

三路大軍夾攻過嚟,打到孟獲冇路好走,就唯有撇低啲蠻兵,單人匹馬就向住瀘水逃跑。 With three armies attacking from all sides, Meng Huo found no way to escape, so he had no choice but to abandon some of his barbarian soldiers and flee alone towards the Lu River.

跑到去河邊,咁啱啊見到喺河上有幾十個蠻兵撐住隻船噃。 ran to the riverbank| Ran to the riverbank, and coincidentally saw dozens of barbarian soldiers holding up a boat on the river.

孟獲啊大聲嗌隻船撐埋岸搭佢。 Meng Huo shouted loudly for the boat to come ashore.

點知道佢牽住匹馬,啱啱落咗船唧,一聲號令,㗾噉,孟獲就畀船上啲人捉住嘞。 how did I know he was leading a horse||at the sound of a command|like that|Meng Huo was captured by the people on the boat Little did he know that he was leading a horse, just disembarked from the boat, and with a single command, Meng Huo was captured by the people on the boat.

咦,咩嘢一回事啊? eh| Hey, what’s going on?

哈哈,原來係馬岱佢依照孔明定落嘅計謀啊,帶住一班兵士,扮成蠻兵噉樣喺呢度撐住隻船,睺住孟獲,氹佢上船就將佢捉住嘞。 haha||||| Haha, it turns out that Ma Dai followed the strategy set by Kong Ming, bringing a group of soldiers disguised as barbarian soldiers to hold up the boat here, watching Meng Huo, luring him onto the boat and then capturing him.

噉當晚打輸咗嘅蠻兵,絕大部分都投降喇。 That night, the barbarian soldiers who were defeated mostly surrendered.

孔明就傳令落去一個都唔準殺害,而且要好好地招呼佢哋添。 Kongming issued an order that not a single one should be killed, and they should be treated well.

同時呢,就吩咐啲人快啲去救熄啲火。 At the same time, he instructed people to quickly put out the fires.

過咗一陣,馬岱捉住孟獲嚟喇; after a while| After a while, Ma Dai captured Meng Huo.

趙雲捉住孟優嚟喇; Zhao Yun captured Meng You.

魏延、馬忠、王平、關索呀捉住各洞酋長嚟喇。 Wei Yan|Ma Zhong|Wang Ping| Wei Yan, Ma Zhong, Wang Ping, and Guan Suo have captured the chieftains of each cave.

孔明指住孟獲話:你叫你嘅細佬帶啲禮物嚟詐降,點瞞得過我㗎? Kong Ming pointed at Meng Huo and said: You tell your little brother to bring some gifts to feign surrender, how can you hide that from me?

哈哈哈哈,你呢次又畀我捉住嘞噃,你服啦嘛? Hahaha|| Hahaha, you got caught by me again this time, are you going to admit defeat?

呢啲,都係皆因我細佬為食之故啫,一時中咗你嘅毒,所以,誤咗大事咋嘛。 these|||so| This is all because my little brother was hungry, and for a moment fell for your trick, so it messed up the big plan.

如果,係我自己嚟,我細佬呢,喺外便,帶兵嚟接應,就必定成功嘅。 if||||| If it were me coming, my little brother would be outside, leading troops to support, and it would definitely have succeeded.

呢啲,係個天使我失敗,唔係我,冇本事啊!我真係唔服啊! these|||| These are the angels I failed, not me, I have no ability! I really can't accept it!

唔服?計埋呢次係三次咯喎,點解仲唔服啊?嗯? not convinced|||hmm Can't accept it? Including this time, it's three times, why still can't accept it? Hmm?

哼!孟獲耷低頭唔出聲。 hum| Hmph! Meng Huo lowered his head and remained silent.

噉呀,哈哈哈哈,我再放你返去啦。 oh yeah|hahaha| Well, haha, I will let you go back again.

係唔係啊?好!丞相,如果肯放我兩兄弟返去,我就出齊人馬,同丞相你,大戰一場。 right or not|good|Prime Minister|||| Is that so? Good! Prime Minister, if you are willing to let my two brothers go back, I will gather all my troops and have a great battle with you.

嗰陣時,丞相如果再捉到我,我,就死心塌地,噉投降喇! at that time||me|| At that time, if the Prime Minister caught me again, I would wholeheartedly surrender!

如果再畀我捉到你呢,就唔會輕易饒恕你㗎喇,你要小心在意至好啊。 If I catch you again, I won't easily forgive you, so you better be careful.

你返去好好地讀下啲兵書,整頓好你嘅親信將士,諗定好計策,免致將來後悔啊。 You should go back and study the military books well, organize your trusted soldiers, and think of a good strategy to avoid future regrets.

人嚟!同佢鬆綁。 Someone! Untie him.

孔明叫人解開孟獲嗰啲繩索,就放佢起身。 Kong Ming ordered someone to untie Meng Huo's ropes and let him get up.

同時呢,連孟優以及各洞酋長啊一齊都放晒。 At the same time, Meng You and all the chieftains were also released.

孟獲佢哋叩幾個頭,多謝過孔明就返去嘞。 Meng Huo bowed a few times, thanked Kong Ming, and then returned.

呢個時候呢,蜀兵已經渡過咗瀘水㗎喇。 At this time, the Shu soldiers had already crossed the Lu River.

孟獲佢哋一過咗瀘水,只見蜀兵喺岸邊擺開隊伍,陳兵列將旗幟招展。 As soon as Meng Huo and the others crossed the Lu River, they saw the Shu soldiers lining up on the shore, displaying their banners.

孟獲行到軍營前便,馬岱高高在上噉坐響處,用把劍指住孟獲話: When Meng Huo arrived in front of the military camp, Ma Dai was sitting high up, pointing his sword at Meng Huo and saying:

下次再捉到你,就冇咁易放你走㗎喇! Next time I catch you, it won't be so easy to let you go!

係,係! yes|yes Yes, yes!

孟獲佢哋返到自己嘅營寨嘅時候啊,衰喇!原來趙雲早就攻佔咗呢個營寨嘞,人馬都擺齊喺處,都唔知幾威武啊。 |too bad||| When Meng Huo and his men returned to their camp, it was bad! It turns out Zhao Yun had already taken over this camp, and his troops were all in place, looking very impressive.

趙雲坐喺大旗下便按住把劍話: Zhao Yun sat under the big flag and said while holding his sword:

孟獲,丞相噉樣嚟對待你,你唔好忘記丞相嘅大恩大德啊。 Meng Huo|| Meng Huo, the Prime Minister treats you this way, don't forget the great kindness and virtue of the Prime Minister.

係,係,係! yes|yes|yes Yes, yes, yes!

等到孟獲佢哋行到界口山坡嗰度,魏延率領住一千名精兵,喺山坡上面排開陣勢。 When Meng Huo and his men reached the slope of the border mountain, Wei Yan led a thousand elite soldiers and arranged them on the slope.

魏延騎住匹高頭大馬企定喺處大聲噉話: Wei Yan, riding a tall horse, stood firm and shouted loudly:

我今日已經深入你嘅巢穴,奪取咗你啲險要地方。 I have already penetrated deep into your lair and seized your strategic locations.

而你呢,竟然仲愚蠢不堪,要抗拒大軍。 And you, surprisingly, are still foolish enough to resist the great army.

你聽住,下次捉到你,就碎尸萬段決不輕饒! Listen, if I catch you next time, I will dismember you without mercy!

係喇!孟獲佢哋抱頭鼠竄,趯返去蠻洞啊。 yes|| That's right! Meng Huo and his men fled in panic back to their cave.

呢,有詩為證啊: this| Here, I have a poem as evidence:

五月驅兵入不毛,月明瀘水瘴煙高。誓將雄略酬三顧,豈憚征蠻七縱勞。 In May, the troops march into the desolate land, under the bright moon, the Lu River's miasma rises high. I vow to repay the great efforts with three visits, why fear the labor of seven campaigns against the barbarians.

而家講下孔明,佢率領軍隊渡過咗瀘水,安好營寨之後呢就大賞三軍。 Now let's talk about Kong Ming, he led the army across the Lu River, and after securing the camp, he rewarded the three armies.

佢召集所有個將官嚟到中軍帳,對佢哋講: He summoned all the generals to the central tent and said to them:

第二次捉到孟獲嘅時候呢,我呀特登帶佢去各個營寨參觀,我就係想佢嚟劫營啊。 The second time we captured Meng Huo, I specifically took him to visit various camps because I wanted him to raid the camps.

我知道孟獲此人,都懂啲兵法嘅。 I know that Meng Huo is someone who understands military strategy.

我喺佢面前炫耀我軍有咁多糧草物資,就係要等佢睇出我哋嘅破綻,噉佢必定會用火攻嘅。 I flaunted the abundance of supplies we had in front of him, just to let him see our weaknesses, and he would definitely use fire attacks.

佢叫個細佬嚟投降,係想嚟做內應嘅啫,噉果然係啦。 He called for his younger brother to surrender, intending to use him as an insider, and indeed that was the case.

哈哈哈,我三次捉到佢都唔殺,主要嘅,係想使到佢個心服,而唔係想消滅佢嘅種族啊。 hahaha|||| Hahaha, I caught him three times but didn't kill him, mainly because I wanted to win his heart, not to eliminate his race.

今日我要講明畀各位聽,各位要不辭勞苦,全心報國啊。 Today I want to make it clear to everyone that you all must work tirelessly and wholeheartedly for the country.

眾將官聽咗都一齊下拜:丞相智仁勇三樣齊全,即使係姜子牙同張良都及唔上啊。 All the generals listened and bowed together: The Prime Minister possesses wisdom, benevolence, and courage all in one, even Jiang Ziya and Zhang Liang cannot compare.

哈哈哈哈哈,唔能夠噉講。 Hahaha| Hahahahaha, you can't say that.

我點能夠話同古人相比吖,都係全靠各位嘅力量先至取得成功嘅啫。 How can I say that I compare to the ancients? It is all thanks to your strength that we have achieved success.

哎呀孔明噉樣一講呀,眾位將官個心真係好似大暑天時就飲咗杯冰凍蜜糖水噉又甜又爽啊。 Oh, when Kongming speaks like that, the hearts of the generals really feel as sweet and refreshing as drinking a cup of iced honey water on a hot summer day.

而家講下孟獲,佢受咗三次被擒嗰啖氣呀,嬲爆爆噉返到去銀坑洞。 Now let's talk about Meng Huo, he has been captured three times and returned to Yin Keng Cave in a furious rage.

立即派出心腹人,帶咗好多金銀珠寶,去八番九十三甸等等地方,與及蠻荒部落借兵呀。 He immediately sent trusted men, bringing a lot of gold, silver, and jewels, to places like the Eight Banners and the Nine Three Dens, as well as borrowing troops from the barbarian tribes.

借咩嘢兵呢?係使藤牌單刀嘅凶神惡煞兵啊,總共借咗幾十萬。 What kind of soldiers are you borrowing|| What kind of troops did he borrow? They were fierce and ruthless soldiers wielding rattan shields and single swords, totaling several hundred thousand.

噉啊過咗一段時候呢,各隊人馬嘻嘻冚冚就雲堆霧湧,嚟到報到,聽候孟獲指揮調用嘞。 After a while, various groups of people arrived in a flurry, ready to report and await Meng Huo's command.

呢件事呢,自然有偵察兵呀探聽到就去報告孔明啦。 this matter| This matter, naturally, some scouts heard about it and reported it to Kongming.

孔明高興喇佢話:我正係想蠻兵有咁多嚟咁多,等佢哋見識下我嘅本事啊。 Kongming was happy and said: I actually want the barbarian troops to come in large numbers, so they can see my abilities.

噉孔明就坐住架車,帶住幾百個馬軍親自去探路視察地形嘞喎。 So Kongming sat in the carriage, bringing along several hundred cavalry to personally scout the road and inspect the terrain.

呢一日,孔明佢哋嚟到一笪地方,前便有一條河,叫做西洱河。 this day||| On this day, Kongming and his group arrived at a place where there was a river ahead, called the West Er River.

呢條河呢,佢嘅源頭係出於雲南省,劍村縣北便嘅羅谷山,就一直向南就流入洱海,再流入去漾濞江。 This river originates from the Luogu Mountain in Jian Village County, Yunnan Province, and flows south into Erhai Lake, then into the Yangbi River.

而家呢,係喺雲南省大理,白族自治州嘅境內嚟嘅。 Right now, I am in Dali, Yunnan Province, within the Bai Autonomous Prefecture.

噉當時孔明見到呢條河嘅水勢啊,雖然係比較緩慢,但係一隻船都唔見喎。 At that time, Kongming saw that the water flow of this river was relatively slow, but there wasn't a single boat in sight.

就命令士兵斬樹,扎木排嚟渡河,哈哈,點知道啲木一放落水呀,你估點吖嗱,唔係浮嘅係沉底嘅。 ||haha||| So he ordered the soldiers to cut down trees and make a wooden raft to cross the river. Haha, little did he know that when the wood was placed in the water, guess what? It sank instead of floating.

孔明就問呂凱喇,呂凱話:聽聞西洱河上游有座山,山上好多竹。 Kongming then asked Lu Kai, and Lu Kai said: I heard there is a mountain upstream of the Xier River, and there are many bamboo on the mountain.

啲竹呀好粗大,請丞相派人上山斬竹,搭一道竹橋畀軍馬過啦。 The bamboo is quite thick, so please have the Prime Minister send someone to the mountain to cut bamboo and build a bamboo bridge for the army and horses to cross.

孔明立即調三萬人入山,斬咗幾十萬支竹,順水流放落嚟。 Kong Ming immediately mobilized thirty thousand men into the mountains, cutting down hundreds of thousands of bamboo shoots and letting them flow down the river.

就選擇咗一處河面比較窄嘅地點,搭起一座啊十幾丈長嘅竹橋,跟住呢就將大軍調到嚟河嘅北岸。 He chose a narrower spot on the river to build a bamboo bridge about ten zhang long, and then moved the army to the north bank of the river.

沿岸安營扎寨,就以河作為壕塹喇,浮橋作為門戶。 They set up camp along the bank, using the river as a trench and the floating bridge as a gateway.

舂實啲泥做城牆,然後就過橋去到南岸,一排噉建立咗三個大兵營就等住啲蠻兵嚟。 pound the mud to build the city wall|| They pounded some mud to make a city wall, and then crossed the bridge to the south bank, where they established three large military camps waiting for the barbarian troops to arrive.

好喇,孟獲佢率領住幾十萬蠻兵,唂住成肚怒氣嚟到咯喎。 alright|| Alright, Meng Huo led hundreds of thousands of barbarian troops, coming with a belly full of anger.

呢日,就嚟到西洱河喇。 today| Today, we have arrived at the Xier River.

孟獲帶住前鋒部隊一萬兵凶神惡煞嘅藤牌兵,直逼前寨挑戰。 Meng Huo led a vanguard of ten thousand fierce and intimidating shield soldiers, directly challenging the front camp.

只見孔明頭戴綸巾,身披鶴氅,搖住把鵝毛扇,坐住架四匹馬拉嘅車。 I saw Kong Ming wearing a silk cap, draped in a crane cloak, waving a goose feather fan, sitting in a carriage pulled by four horses.

由一群將官簇擁住出到陣前,孔明一眼望過去咦,今日孟獲嘅打扮亦十分威風啊。 Surrounded by a group of generals, Kong Ming looked over and noticed that Meng Huo's outfit today was also quite impressive.

只見佢身穿犀皮甲,頭戴朱紅盔,左手挽住個藤牌右手執住把鋼刀,騎匹赤牦牛,個口呀嘰裡呱啦噉猛咁鬧。 He was dressed in rhinoceros skin armor, wearing a red helmet, holding a shield in his left hand and a steel knife in his right, riding a red yak, shouting loudly.

佢手下嗰一萬名蠻兵,舞住藤牌刀啊跑來衝去。 His ten thousand barbarian soldiers rushed in with their shields and swords.

孔明急忙下令啊退返入營寨,四面閂實營門唔準出去迎戰。 Kongming hurriedly ordered to retreat back into the camp, locking the gates tightly and not allowing anyone to go out to fight.

當時嗰啲蠻兵都係赤身露體嘅,光捋捋噉啊一直衝到寨門前面大叫大罵。 At that time, those barbarian soldiers were all bare-skinned, charging forward to the camp gate, shouting and cursing.

蜀軍嘅將官都憤怒到不得了,紛紛去見孔明請求出戰。 The officers of the Shu army were extremely angry and went to see Kongming to request to go into battle.

孔明又唔畀,大家再三再四噉要求,孔明就話喇: Kongming still did not allow it, and when everyone repeatedly requested, Kongming said:

呢啲蠻荒嘅人呀都係未開化嘅,今日佢哋剛剛嚟到,正係又狂又惡,唔好去同佢哋打住啊。 These barbaric people are still uncivilized. They just arrived today, and they are wild and fierce. Don't go and fight with them.

我哋堅守幾日先,等啲蠻兵冇咁猖狂喇,我自然有妙計破佢㗎喇。於是蜀兵就堅守咗幾日。 Let's hold our ground for a few days first, until the barbarian soldiers are less rampant. I naturally have a clever plan to defeat them. So the Shu soldiers held their ground for a few days.

呢一日呢,孔明行上個山坡上面觀察下,見到啲蠻兵已經疲沓咗好多喇,就返落嚟召集啲將官話: on this day||| One day, Kongming went up the hillside to observe and saw that the barbarian soldiers were already quite exhausted, so he returned to gather the generals and said:

你哋係唔係想出去打啊? Do you all want to go out and fight?

大家梗係話想啦。 Everyone certainly said they wanted to.

孔明首先叫趙雲同魏延過嚟,喺佢哋耳仔邊細細聲,吩咐話如此如此噉,兩個接受咗命令就先行出發喇。 Kongming first called Zhao Yun and Wei Yan over, and quietly instructed them in their ears, saying this and that. The two accepted the orders and set off.

接住又叫王平、馬忠嚟,如此這般噉細細聲交帶一番,佢兩個又去咗喇。 Next, he called Wang Ping and Ma Zhong, and quietly conveyed the instructions to them as well, and they also went.

又叫馬岱嚟吩咐佢話:我而家要放棄南岸呢三個寨,退過去河北。 He then called Ma Dai and instructed him: I need to abandon the three strongholds on the south bank and retreat to Hebei.

部隊一撤退完呢,你就拆咗浮橋,移去下游嗰便,接趙雲、魏延嘅兵馬過河嚟接應啦。馬岱接受咗命令就出發。 Once the troops have retreated, you will dismantle the floating bridge and move it downstream to bring Zhao Yun and Wei Yan's troops across the river for support. Ma Dai accepted the orders and set off.

最後,又叫張奕嚟話:軍隊撤退之後啊,營寨裏便要點多啲燈火,等孟獲知道咗之後呢佢必定會嚟追嘅,你呀截斷佢嘅後路啦。 finally||||| Finally, he called Zhang Yi and said: After the army retreats, there must be more lights in the camp, so that Meng Huo will know and definitely come to pursue. You need to cut off his escape route.

得令!張翼去咗喇。 received order| Got it! Zhang Yi has left.

佈置妥當之後,孔明只係留返關索嚟保護佢,上咗車,帶住軍隊撤退。 after the arrangements were made||| After everything was arranged, Kongming only left Guan Suo to protect him, got on the vehicle, and led the army to retreat.

蜀兵撤走晒就留返三個空寨,裏便點着晒燈火。 Once the Shu soldiers had retreated, they left three empty camps, which were all lit up.

哈果然喎,啲蠻兵望見呢當晚就唔敢嚟打。 Ha it really is| Sure enough, the barbarian soldiers saw this and dared not attack that night.

到咗第日天光之後,孟獲帶住大隊蠻兵直衝到蜀兵營寨嘅時候呢,噉先至發現原來係空嘅冇到人馬,只係掉落幾百架糧車唧。 By the next morning, when Meng Huo led a large group of barbarian soldiers charging towards the Shu soldiers' camp, they discovered that it was actually empty with no troops, only a few hundred grain carts left behind.

孟優就話喇:諸葛亮放棄營寨趯走咗,莫非佢有咩嘢詭計? Meng You said: Zhuge Liang abandoned the camp and ran away, could it be that he has some kind of scheme?

孟獲話喇:哼!我諗啊,諸葛亮,掉低輜重走咗,實係呀,佢國內有緊急嘅事啊。 |humph||Zhuge Liang||| Meng Huo said: Hmph! I think, Zhuge Liang, dropped his supplies and left, indeed, he must have urgent matters back home.

唔係東吳嚟打佢哋,就係魏兵嚟侵犯喇。 If it's not Eastern Wu coming to attack them, then it's the Wei army invading.

所以,佢就點多啲燈火,虛張聲勢,作為疑兵,放棄晒糧草物資返扯啊。 so||bluffed|| So, he lit more fires, creating a false impression, as a diversion, abandoning all the supplies to retreat.

我哋,快啲去追!大好機會唔好錯過啊。 we|| We should hurry and chase! Don't miss this great opportunity.

於是孟獲親自率領前鋒,一直追到去西洱河邊。 So Meng Huo personally led the vanguard and chased all the way to the banks of the Xi'er River.

咦,望見北岸嗰便,蜀軍嘅營寨裏頭旗幟齊整,刀槍鮮明,沿住河岸一帶呀都築起城牆嘅。 eh|||| Oh, looking at the northern bank, the Shu army's camp was well-organized, with flags neatly arranged and weapons gleaming, and they had built a city wall along the riverbank.

啲蠻兵見到噉樣就唔敢前進嘞。 The barbarian soldiers, seeing this, did not dare to advance.

孟獲就同佢個細佬話:哼哼,我知喇,實係,諸葛亮,怕我追佢,故此,就喺北岸逗留一下,唔使三兩日呀,佢實走人㗎喇。 |hum hum||really|Zhuge Liang||therefore||| Meng Huo then said to his younger brother: Hmph, I know, it is indeed Zhuge Liang who is afraid of me chasing him, so he is lingering on the northern bank; it won't be long before he leaves.

噉孟獲就命令啲蠻兵,喺岸邊駐扎,又派人上山去斬竹做竹排,準備渡河。 So Meng Huo ordered the barbarian soldiers to camp by the riverbank and sent people up the mountain to cut bamboo to make rafts, preparing to cross the river.

同時呢,將啲精兵啊部署喺營寨嘅前便。 At the same time, deploy the elite troops in front of the camp.

哈哈哈,佢都唔知道呀,原來蜀兵早就入咗佢孟獲嘅境界喇。 hahaha|| Hahaha, he doesn't even know that the Shu soldiers have already entered Meng Huo's territory.

各位想知道後事如何啊,且聽下回分解。 If everyone wants to know what happens next, stay tuned for the next episode.

SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=6.11 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=3.16 openai.2024-10-31